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The Arts
THE ARTS Fiber Artists meet to make hats
PROVIDED PHOTO In 2020 Lake Area Fiber Artists started making hats to donate to local schools and organizations. That year the members made 238 hats. In 2021, members made 300 hats to distribute.
The hats are for infants to adults, and are hand-knit or crocheted, sewn and some were purchased. These hats are given to the Homeless
Shelter, Citizens Against Domestic Violence and the, Camdenton and Osage schools.
Anyone interested in donating yarn, supplies, making hats or being involved with LAFA guild can call Lois at 573-374-6927.
Lake Area Fiber Artists is a non-profit organization that meets on the second Thursday of the month at the Community Christian Church in
Camdenton. Meeting and show & tell is from 12-1 p.m. with a program/speaker from 1-2 p.m. For more information, go to www.lakefiberarts.com.