Dec. 2, 2022-Jan. 19, 2023

Page 52

5831 Osage Beach Pkwy (next to the hospital) Osage Beach, MO 573.348.0606 v Gifts& HomeDecor Osage Beach, Missouri 573.348.0606 • DECEMBER EVENTS 12/3 - Live Carolers, 1:00 12/10 - Reindeer Games 12/17 - Photos with Santa, 1:00 Coordinating mats, flags, mailbox covers, door decor and address markers Made in MISSOURI Christmas Sale in Progress! OPEN DAILY YEAR ROUND ENTERTAINMENT Concerts • Lake Live VACATION NEWS VACATION NEWS EVENTS Eagle Days • Calendar DRINK & DINE Dining Guide • Restaurants December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 Vol. 73, No. 22 FREE Celebrate the season Lake Life Holiday events, gift guide
OPEN DAILY, YEAR ROUND • 10 AM - 5 PM 5831 Osage Beach Pkwy. (next to the hospital) 573.348.0606 v DECEMBER EVENTS 12/3 - Live Carolers, 1:00 12/10 - Reindeer Games 12/17 - Photos with Santa, 1:00 Sweet Gingerbread ornaments! Coordinating mats, flags, mailbox covers, door decor and address markers Handmade, mercury glass ornaments from Poland Benefiting Ukraine! Gifts & HomeDecor Osage Beach, Missouri 573.348.0606 • Major Christmas Sale in Progress! Made in MISSOURI
4 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 2 miles South of Bagnell Dam Business Route 54 (573) 365-5301 • OPEN 5PM • Monday - Saturday PRIME RIB SPECIAL SAVE $300 BEFORE 6:30PM VN 49 Years of Excellence! Entreés Starting at $15.95 BENTLEY’S RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED STEAKS • SEAFOOD • PRIME RIB Booking Holiday Parties! Did you Know? The world’s leading river cruise line is also rated the world’s best ocean cruiseline #TSL86093•#TSC05-8644302•#TSH8507-RAT•#TSAW405-993-306F yllerelkcipSK ruOmaeTnalPruoYmaerDL 5 6592-638-37 moc.snoitacaVmaerD2eraD.www moc.srennalpesiurc@relkcips.yllek truC.ylleK.PC@ snoitacaVD2D@ snoitacaVD2D@ Just a short drive to better health Serving our community since 2000 • Your complete Health Food store Family Owned & Operated 1205 S. Business Highway 54, Eldon, MO 65026 • (573) 392-1968 PLEASE SHOP LOCAL For Up-To-Minute News Coverage LakeNewsOnline .com LOCAL NEWS SPORTS BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT OPINION CLASSIFIEDS 573-348-6050 We’ve got your hometown covered!
5 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 PROGRESSIVE 50/50 RAFFLE JACKPOT STARTS AT $5K & GROWS WEEKLY! FIND THE QUEEN OF HEARTS AND WIN! THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF MARY –MOTHER OF THE CHURCH QUEEN OF HEARTS RAFFLE DRAWING EVERY TUESDAY @ 5P TO ENTER, SCAN THE QR CODE OR CALL 573-668-2401! ATHERE’S WINNER EVERYWEEK! 3797 Osage Beach Parkway G-2 (Behind Starbucks) 573-348-4788 Visit with Santa December 3 & 10 11am-2pm Best Selection of Fun & Educational Toys for Christmas! Holiday Books for All Ages! Christmas Games, Christmas Puzzles, Christmas Cards & Gifts Do your Christmas Shopping at Stonecrest Book & Toy
6 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

SNAIL MAIL 4427 Osage Beach Pkwy. North (Old School Commons) Osage Beach, MO 65065

PHONE 573.346.2132


Trevor Vernon,

EDITOR Charis Patires,


Candace Williams,



Barb Deitrick & Tracey Steinkraus


Lake Media Photo



Send events, news releases and questions to newsroom.

Copyright 2022 by Vacation News, a subsidiary of Vernon Pub lishing. All rights reserved. Vacation News is published byweekly for distribution in Missouri. Vacation News provides residents of and visitors to the Lake of the Ozarks with entertainment and recreation features about the greater Lake of the Ozarks area. While effort has been made to authenticate all claims and guarantees offered by advertisers in this publication, we cannot assume liability for any products or services advertised herein. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertis ing or editorial material. The publisher will assume no responsi bility for unsolicited manuscripts, transcripts or other materials. All advertisements created by the publisher are not considered a work made for hire and the publisher retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the publisher for the advertiser. The advertisement may not be reproduced without written per mission of the publisher.


22 Christmas Parades

The holidays are here and there’s no better way to celebrate that at one of the Lake’s Christmas parades.

18 Fly Like an Eagle

Eagle Days is one of the most popular events at the Lake dur ing the winter. There are several opportunities to see eagles across the state this month.


Top Events 8

Calendar of Events 9 The Landing 10 Day Trip 12 Boating 14 Event 15 Fishing 17 Event Advance 18 Cover 20 Attractions 21

Events 22 Things to Do 23 Gift Guide 24 Real Estate 29 Restaurant 44 Dining Guide 46 Charity 51 Concerts 52 The Arts 53 Lake Live 54

7 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
a call to advertise!

This Winter

The Lake of the Ozarks Mardi Gras Pub Crawl will be held February 24-26. Organizers are still working out the details, but plans are to bring back bus transportation this year. For more information, go to

Charity Event

The Forget-Me-Not Horse Rescue & Sanctuary will host ornament making and cookie decorating on Dec. 4 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Music, food, pictures with Santa and other entertainment is planned. Horse and pony rides are $5. Entry is $10/person, 3 and under are free (max $50/ household). The sanctuary is located at 1025 Heritage Road, Linn Creek.

Holiday Bazaar

If you need to finish some last-minute Christmas shopping, look no further than the School of the Osage Holiday Bazaar. Held Dec. 3 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., shoppers can stop by the more than 100 booths to find unique gifts, homemade items and lots of other fun gifts for everyone on your shopping list.

8 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023


Thru Jan. 1 • The city of Laurie hosts the Enchanted Village of Lights at the fairgrounds. Drive through and see hundreds of holiday lights lit up for the sea son. Free admission but dona tions accepted at the end of the display. Open every night at 5 p.m.

Dec. 1-Dec. 31 • The Osage Beach City Park is lit up for the holidays every night from 5-9 p.m. Drive through the light dis play set up this season.


2 & 3 • Christmas comes to Camdenton during a Tree Lighting Ceremony Friday from 5:30-7 p.m. and Christmas on the Square on Saturday from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Santa ar rives at 11:30 a.m. Both are free events happening on the Square in Camdenton. The Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Can Do Challenge, collecting canned food items for the LAMB House food pantry. For more information, go to

3 • Test your limits at the 4 Fore 30 Infinity race. See how far you can go by completing a 4.167-mile loop around the golf course at Lake Valley every hour until there is one person left. The last man standing will receive a prize. Registration is $90 through Oct. 31 and $100 after. Starts at 7 a.m. For more information and to register, go to

3 • Craft & Vendor Show will be held at the Sunrise Beach Com munity Center from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission free. Cost to reserve a booth is $20. Call 913-707-4580 for information or to reserve a table. Breakfast and lunch provided for vendors. Concessions available for at tendees at minimal cost.

3 • Christmas Around Versailles will be held from 4-6 p.m. Food trucks, local crafters, Santa and other entertainment will be held around the downtown area. A lighted Christmas parade begins at 5:30 p.m. For more in formation, call 573-378-4401 or go to www.versailleschamber. com/chamberevents/christ masaroundversailles.

3 • The 42nd annual School of the Osage Holiday Bazaar will be held at Osage Middle School from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. About 100 vendors are expected to have booths selling all kinds of products. The Osage Family Partnership High School Tribe organizes this event to raise funds for School of the Osage senior scholarships, impact grants and other student re sources. Admission is $2 for ages 12 and older. For more in formation, go to www.facebook. com/sotobazaar.

3 • Osage Beach Elks Lodge #2517 is once again holding its Christmas Charity Auction at the Elks Lodge, 5161 Osage Beach Parkway. The public is in vited. Silent auction will be from 1-2:30 p.m. with live auction at 3 p.m. Proceeds purchase Christ mas gifts for less fortunate area children and their families. For more information, call 573-3483798.

3 • The Greater Lake Area Chorale will perform a free con cert at the New Life Nazarene Church in Camdenton at 2 p.m. For more information, go to Lake Area Chorale on Facebook.

4 • The Lake Area Community Orchestra will host a free con cert at the Versailles Royal The atre. Concert begins at 7 p.m.

4 • The Iowa Reunion Club will host their annual holiday event “IRC’s Christmas on the Lake” for all current 2022 & 2023 Iowa Reunion Club members. This event includes a potluck dinner and Christmas activities from 12:30-3 p.m. and will take place at the United Methodist Ozark Chapel church dining facilities in Sunrise Beach/Laurie. The Iowa Reunion Club, celebrating their 28th year on the lake, is for former Iowans, and part time Iowans, that live at the Lake of the Ozarks. Membership is only $10 per year, per household to join. For more information, call Bil Cooper at 573-480-4601 to learn how to join the club and for information on this event, or go to the Iowa Reunion Club’s web site at www.iowareunion

more information, go to Lake Area Chorale on Facebook.

6, 13, 20 & 27 • Drop in knit ting/crochet event from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on Hwy. KK in Osage Beach. All skill levels are welcome. For more informa tion, call 573-374-6927.

6 • The Lake Area Community Orchestra will perform a free concert at the Hope Lutheran Chapel Sokoll Building in Osage Beach. Concert begins at 7 p.m. For more information, go to www.lakeareacommunityor

7 • The American Legion Post 624 in Sunrise Beach serves their famous chicken wing din ner from 5-6:30 p.m. Cost is $10 for a three-piece dinner served with mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables. Non-smoking bar and seating available. Call 573-374-6091 for information.

7, 14, 21 & 28 • TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly, meets every Wednesday at Central Bank, 101 Dogwood Lane, Laurie. Weigh-in at 9:30 a.m., meeting from 10-11 a.m. For more information, call Judy 573-374-8503.

8 • Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild meeting from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Community Chris tian Church, N Bus 5, Cam denton. Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level. For more information, go to www.lakefi or email lakefiber

8-11 • The “All is Calm” play will be held at the Versailles Royal Theater. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students/ children. For more information, go to

10 • The Lake Ozark Christmas Parade will be held along the Ba gnell Dam Strip at 1 p.m. Line-up starts at 11:30 a.m. at HH and Bagnell Dam Blvd. The route will run from HH to the Strip. This year’s parade is presented by Central Ozarks Medical Center (COMC) with a theme of Christ mas Through the Generations. First place winner will receive $150 in three categories: Busi ness, Civic Organization and Youth. Group. Overall Best Depiction of Theme winner will receive $250. For more infor mation, contact Rickie Smith at 573-434-3552 or Lagina Fitz patrick at 573-348-0111 or go to www.lakechristmasparade. com.

10 • Great Stone Coffeehouse’s Reader’s Theatre will be held at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. This event is held ever month in the style of Old-time Radio. For more information, call Beth at 913-909-8623 or Will at 573462-6623.

10 • The Lake of the Ozarks Swing Dance Club hosts monthly dances at the Elks Lodge in Osage Beach. Free les son at 7 p.m. followed by danc ing until 10 p.m. Go to the Lake of the Ozarks Swing Dance Club on Facebook for more informa tion.

10 • The Jingle Bell 5K will be held at Bob Shore Stadium at 10 a.m. Check in is at 9 a.m. Register by Nov. 29 and cost is $25/person, or $30 after. The event raises money for the Camdenton marching band. For more information, go to www.

11 • The Lake Area Community Orchestra will perform a free concert at the West Lake Chris tian Church in Laurie. Concert begins at 7 p.m. For more infor mation, go to www.lakearea


• The Greater Lake Area Chorale will perform a free con cert at the West Lake Christian Church in Laurie at 2 p.m. For

9 & 10 • The Sunrise Beach Little Theatre will be presenting a Young People’s theatre pro duction of the Italian comedy “Princess and The Pea.” The play will be held at the Sunrise Beach Community Center at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for 12 and under. Res ervations are not required. For more information, call Beth at 913-909-8603 or Cheryl at 573932-1023.

11 • Celebrate the Holiday Sea son with the magic of “The Nut cracker” presented by Steps Dance Studio. This full-length production will be presented at the Camdenton Little Theater at 2 p.m. Call 573-694-2861 or go to www.stepsdancestudiolake

9 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
SHOP MAIN STREET b Nichols Exit a shoppiNg, DiNiNg & ENtErtaiNmENt Blair & Co Confectionery and Lake Living Blair’s Landing Clothing Store Chestnut Ridge Shabby Chic Boutique The Front Porch at Shabby Chic Peacock Lane American Elm Osage Beach Original Yankee Peddler Village Antiques Yankee Peddler Tea Room The Back Road Traveler Mercantile A Vintage Boutique Sylvia’s Pet Grooming That 70s Store Truly Bridal Bella Donna Salon Therapeutic Massage & Wellness Center Thrivent Financial 10 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 An Exquisite Shop filled with Vintage Furniture, Farmhouse Decor, Candles, Soaps, Jewelry, Specialty Clothing, Baby, Bridal, Florals and More! Located at The Landing on Main Street Osage Beach Parkway 573.348.1333 • Visit Us on
11 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 UNIQUE FASHION & HOME DECOR WITH A TOUCH OF VINTAGE 573-348-1507 Located at the Landing on Main Street (next to Main Street Music Hall) A quaint shop filled with Apparel, Jewelry, Fragrance, Luxury Skin Care, Home Decor, Vintage & More It’s the Most Wonderful time of The Year

Holiday whiskey and bourbon fests

West Plains, Missouri Community Endow ment Foundation puts on an evening featuring a distillery from Japan alongside other local Missouri distilleries the third weekend in November. Weston, Missouri has one the first weekend of No vember, hosted by the Weston Tobacco Company. Weston has a rich foundation embedded in bourbon with the McCormick Dis tilling Company.

The distillery was sold to Isadore Singer in 1936 and was renamed the Old Weston Distill ery. Singer then purchased the McCormick brand name from a neighboring plant at Waldron, Missouri, and renamed the dis tillery McCormick Distilling Com pany in 1942. *Wikipedia This is where things get confusing, because Ben Holladay also had holdings in Holladay Distillery, which ended up with his brothers.

Ben Holladay had already moved west by 1856, his business ventu res were far-flung and recognizing the po tential profit of the natural limestone springs of the Weston a rea, he built the McCormick Distilling Company in 1856. The distillery, still in existence today, is the oldest c ontinuously operating distilleries in the United States. *legendsofamerica.

It was just announced that McCormick is rolling out the Hollada y Distillery Ben Holladay Bourbon, a small batch, 100 % grown, mashed, and distilled in Missouri blend, by Missouri’s oldest distillery.

With Weston’s Whiskey and Bourbon fest already past, let us loo k to the other side of the state for some liquid winter warmth.

St. Louis plays host to Whiskey in the Winter on Friday, Decemb er 2nd, 2022. Over 17 distilleries will descend on the Hyatt Regency at the Arch for a vast array of over 400 v arieties of bourbon and whiskey. The Annual St. Louis Whiskey Festival is in its 9th year with locals like Spir its St. Louis, and heavy hitters such as Crown Royal. Visitors will be treated to unlimited tastings.

Bourbon, Scotch, Rye, Irish, American, Canadian, and Japanese s pirits will be featured, with some more popu lar distilleries seeing a shortage at years past. So, get in li ne for your favorite early in the event. Whiskey inspired food stations will keep stomachs full for what promises to be a full day of tasting. The Irish Blend Whiskeys are paired with Irish Soda Bread and Leg of Lamb. Japanese Bourbon is celebrated with a station of Soba Noodle Salad, Miso Glazed Salmon, and Sesame Rolls. Our good old Ameri can bourbons get paired with sharp cheddar Mac and Cheese, and whiskey glazed strip steak. Our neighbors t o the north bring a food stand serving Canadian Bacon laden brussel sprouts, salads dredged in maple syrup vina igrettes, and Brined Turkey.

Forty-minute seminars immerse fans of bourbon and whiskey in sh ort discussions during the evening in three different seminar rooms. There are nine talks in all to attend or rotate through from Master Distillers from across the United States. Especially exciting is the Bourbon Blending Seminar of Lux Row Distillers where attendees will receive a blending book and kit with tools. All the seminars wi ll involve some specific tasting of the company presenting the talk. Wet your whistle this winter with a beauti ful view of the St. Louis Arch and be sure to book a room for the night.

12 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 DAY TRIP

Tickets range from $40 to $245.00 Contact www.synergystl. com for tickets. Guests must be 21 years of age or older to at tend.

The Missouri Whiskey Society is for the aficionados out there. 1300 members strong, the soci ety based in St. Louis lists some fabulously spirited celebrations in the region throughout the holidays. The society was founded by Derek and Lucas Gamlin of Gamlin Whis key House. Master members include Jim Beam’s great grandson Fred Noe, and other notable Master Distillers.

Whiskeys and Wisdom is to be held on December 1st in Affton, Mi s souri at Barrell Craft Spirits, one of St. Louis’ fine local di stilleries.

A night of whiskey, bourbon, and jazz rings in the New Year at the Slauterhouse Speakeasy on New Year’s Eve, with a 1920’s theme.

A distillery tour makes a good gift giving opportunity. Groupon online has a Columbia distillery tour package available at a discount.

More info, Missouri

13 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 Enchanted Village of Lights Laurie, MO Fairground 269 N Fairgrounds Rd Gravois Mills, MO 65037 November 18 to January 1, 2023 free admission Donation Appreciated 5-9 PM Sunday thru Thursday 5-10pm Friday, Saturday & Holidays DAY TRIP


Changes made to Lake Race

LOTO Powerfest.

That’s the new name of Lake Race, according to an an nouncement by Lake Race/Powerfest officials Wednesday. And, the popular offshore race will be moving from Bagnell Dam to a different — but not new — location at the 7-mile marker.

LOTO Powerfest/Lake Race will continue to be sanctioned by the Offshore Powerboating Association (OPA) and will be held June 1-3 in the area of Camden on the Lake and Shady Gators. An awards ceremony will be held the evening of Satur day, June 3, at The Encore in Lake Ozark.

The popular boat race, featuring some of the fastest off shore boats in the world, was originally held at the 7-mile marker in the early 2000s. It was known as the Offshore Super Series from 2007-2009 in front of Shady Gators and what was then known as The Horny Toad. The competition left the Lake for several years before returning in 2013 at Bagnell Dam in Lake Ozark. The name was changed then to Lake Race. It re turned to the 7-mile mark again in 2019 but fell victim to the fear of COVID in 2020 but came back to Bagnell Dam in 2021.

The City of Lake Ozark will be a loser in the new location as it has hosted a Meet and Greet each time the race has been at Bagnell Dam. Organizers now say the Meet and Greet will be held Friday, June 2 at Shady Gators on Horseshoe Bend Parkway.

“It was hard for the [businesses] on the Strip because they wanted that thru-traffic on Saturday,” Powerfest Executive Director Christy Janssen said. She said the move also doubled race sponsorship dollars by bringing in two sponsors in Cam den on the Lake and Shady Gators.

Name change

Janssen says the name is intended to let racers and race fans know that the event will be held at a freshwater location that is considered one of the best and accessible recreational Lakes in the country. When racers, vacationers and boat en thusiasts are looking at what races they want to attend it’s hoped they will come to the LOTO Powerfest because of the popularity of the Lake of the Ozarks.

14 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
George Denny photo

Candyland toy drive

A step back in time

Built in the early 1930’s, our recently restored rooms will take you back to simple times. The early days of bus & railway rest stops, road-trips in the family car, and the quintessential motor court -the era of the Great American Motel. Located in downtown Eldon Missouri. “

The Gateway to the Lake”

The Lake Ozark Daybreak Rotary Club is hosting the annual Candy land toy drive. Help bring Christmas to underprivileged children in the area.

Candyland headquarters is at Nick’s True Value Hardware on KK and Osage Beach Parkway. Stop by and select a cane off of the Christmas tree. Each candy cane has a wants/needs list of a child who has been iden tified by local schools as in-need. More than 320 kids were helped by the Rotary last year.

You can also pick up a candy cane at the Tri-County YMCA in Osage Beach until December 16.

The Lake Ozark Rotary Club is an International Service Organization, serving the Lake community since 1982.

For more information, contact Kevin at 636-262-8051 or email kevin@

407 E. 4th Street, Eldon, MO Book online at

15 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

The Fishing Report

Your guide to catching fish at LOZ!

The lake level was 657.2, generation of 1,100 cubic feet per second (CFS) throughout the week for a level of 657.2 by the weekend. Surface temperature at Bagnell Dam was 57 degrees. Truman Lake was at the 704.7 level.

To Note: The Lower Lake is from the dam to the 22mile mark; Mid-Lake is from the 22- to 38-mile mark, the Upper Osage is from the 38-mile mark to the Route 65 Bridge.

Tournament Results

Joe Wieberg and Payden Hibdon won the Anglers Choice tournament last Sunday with five bass weighing 19.27 pounds.

Bagnell Dam spillway/Osage River

Water clarity: Stained. Fishing is slow for all species.

Lower Lake Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Slow on topwater lures, jigs and crankbaits along secondary points. Crappie: Good shooting jigs under docks halfway back in coves. White bass: Fair on Alabama rigs and topwater poppers with jig trailers along main and secondary points.


Water clarity. Clear. Black bass: Fair on jerkbaits, spinnerbaits, jigs, topwater lures and crankbaits around shad schools and backs of creeks. Crappie: Good shoot ing jigs under docks. White bass: Good on hair jigs and Roostertails in coves.

Mid-Lake Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on jigs, crankbaits and Choppos along secondary points, channel banks, bluffs and backs of coves. Crappie: Good shooting jigs under main lake docks 12 feet deep and casting jigs to bluff end points.

Grand Glaize

Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on jigs and crank baits along secondary points. Crappie: Good shooting jigs under main lake docks.


Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on jigs, suspend ing stickbaits, spinnerbaits and crankbaits around docks and sloping banks 7 to 8 feet deep. Crappie: Fair shoot ing jigs under docks.

Upper Osage

Water clarity: Clear. Black bass: Fair on topwater lures and jerkbaits along main and secondary points. Crappie: Fair on minnows and jigs 5 to 8 feet deep around docks. White bass: Fair on Roostertails along windy points. Walleye: Slow trolling crankbaits along main lake points and bluffs. Catfish: Fair on nightcrawlers.

Truman Dam spillway Water clarity: Stained. Crappie: Fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish: Fair on cut shad or bluegill.


Guide Alfred Chapman (573-465-3810), www.lakeo; Big Ed’s Guide Service (573-692-6710); Guide Jack Uxa (573-434-2570) www.lakeoftheozarksfishingguide. com; Guide John Blankenbeker (573-280-1455); Guide Terry Blankenship (573-480-2835); Guide Jim Dill (573204-9005); Fitz Fishing (573-693-9299); Bryants Osage Outdoors (573-374-2278); Casey Scanlon (913-449-3176) and Cody’s Bait & Tackle (660-723-5115). Tournament Results—Thanks to www.

17 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

Eagle watching around the state

From December through February, Missouri’s winter eagle watching is spectacular. Discover nature with the Mis souri Department of Conservation (MDC) through Eagle Days events around the state or enjoy watching bald eagles on your own.

• Audubon Center at Riverlands St. Louis -- 11, 2023, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Preregistration is required for live-eagle program

For more informa tion, visit MDC online at and search Eagle Days.

Eagle Watching on Your Own

Can’t make an MDC Eagle Days event?

Other local events and hot spots for winter eagle viewing include:

• Duck Creek Con servation Area north of Puxico on Highway 51 in Stoddard,


Because of Missouri’s big rivers, many lakes, and abundant wetlands, the Show-Me state is one of the leading lower 48 states for bald eagle viewing. Each fall, thou sands of these great birds migrate south from their nesting range in Canada and the Great Lakes states to hunt in Missouri. Eagles take up residence wherever they find open water and plentiful food. More than 2,000 bald eagles are typically reported in Missouri during winter.

Watch for eagles perched in large trees along the water’s edge. Early in the morning you can see them flying and fishing. Be sure to dress for winter weather and don’t forget cameras and binoculars.

MDC Eagle Days Events

MDC is again offering Eagle Days events around the state. Some events will include live eagle programs, exhibits, activi ties, videos, and guides with spotting scopes. Some events require registration. Locations include:

• Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge near Mound City -3, 2022, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 4, 2022, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

• Smithville Lake at Paradise Pointe Golf Course Clubhouse in Smithville -- 7, 2023, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Jan. 8, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

• Springfield Conservation Nature Center in Springfield -- 21, 2023, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Jan. 22, 2023, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.

• Runge Conservation Nature Center in Jefferson City -- 28, 2023, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Live eagle programs are at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. Registration is not required.

• MINGO (Puxico School’s FEMA building, viewing stations at Mingo and Duck Creek)-- 4, 2023, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

• Lock & Dam 20 in Canton,

• Lock & Dam 24 at Clarksville,

• Lock & Dam 25 east of Winfield,

• Eagle Bluffs Con servation Area on Route K southwest of Colum bia,

• Lake of the Ozarks at Bagnell Dam Access east of Bagnell,

• Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge south of Mound City,

• Mingo National Wildlife Refuge northwest of Puxico,

• Moses Eagle Park in Stella,

• Old Chain of Rocks Bridge south of I-270 off of Riverview Drive in St. Louis,

• Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area east of West Alton,

• Schell-Osage Conservation Area north of El Dorado Springs,

• Smithville Lake north of Kansas City,

• Stockton Lake near Stockton,

• Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge south of Sumner,

• Table Rock Lake and Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery southwest of Branson,

• Truman Reservoir west of Warsaw, and

• Wappapello Lake’s Eagle Point in southeast Missouri.

Learn more at

For more information on bald eagles, visit the MDC online Field Guide at

18 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 EVENT ADVANCE
is one of the leading lower 48 states for bald eagle viewing during winter. Discover nature with MDC through Eagle Days events around the state or enjoy watching bald eagles on your own.

LOZ Eagle Days

See Eagles and other birds of prey during pro grams presented during Eagle Days on January 7 at venues in Lake Ozark. The popular show is held each year. Participants will be able to stop at four par ticipating venues to take part in vari ous programs and activities.

The Encore Lake side Grill & Sky Bar will be hosting the Dickerson park Zoo presentation on the Bald Eagle at 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. A Hawk Talk presentation will also be presented by the zoo at 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

The World Bird Sanctuary will be featuring Eagle pre sentations every hour from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

At Willmore Lodge visitors can use scopes set up to view Eagles in the wild. They will also be set up at the Bagnell Dam River Access where there will be free hot chocolate and a bonfire.

A coloring contest and photography contest will be held with entries and rules available online at www.lake


Christmas on the Square

Christmas on the Square will be held in Camdenton of fering a free and festive way to spend the hol idays with family this season. Each year Christmas on the Square is held on the first Saturday in December. Free activities, food, music and a visit with Santa and his help ers is a part of the day. It will be held Dec. 3 from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Santa arrives at 11:30 a.m. The theme this year is “Reindeer.”

On Friday, Dec. 2, a Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on the courthouse lawn from 5:30-7 p.m.

The season of giving is alive and well with the Can Do Challenge. It’s time to “Rein” in and be a “Deer” for the challenge that col lects non-perishable items for the Lamb House. Get your business, church or group together and col lect items up until the day of Christmas on the Square. A tally of donations is done for those participating in the contest with the winners in each category taking home a

traveling trophy to display until next year. The Can Do Challenge is open to anyone that would like to participate in the following categories: Business, Church or Group/ Organization.

In 2021 winners were: Save A Lot in Camdenton, Business category; St. An thony’s Church in Camden ton, Church category; and Kiwanis Club of Camdenton, Group/Organization cat egory.

A booth will be set up during Christmas on the Square to take collections.

The Lamb House is lo cated in Camdenton and offers a thrift store, food pantry and emergency aid for families in need in the Lake area. They provide food for up words of 450 families each month.

For more information about the Can-Do Chal lenge, call Rhonda Wilkening at 573-286-7945, the Camdenton Chamber of Commerce at 573-346-2227 or Gary Mitchell at the Lamb House at 573-346-2168.

20 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
Lake Media file photos

Celebrate the holidays at Old Kinderhook ATTRACTIONS

Old Kinderhook turns into a winter wonderland for the season with the Christmas Village and the opening of The Ice.

Every weekend from Thanksgiving to Christ mas, the Christmas Village is open offering hay rides, gingerbread house decorating, Elf story telling with milk and cookies, s’mores by the fire pit, adult cocktails available in the Cabana, spa specials, games, visits with Santa, hot chocolate and other fun events.

Lace up your skates and head to The Ice for a day of skating. Hours are Wednesday 5-10 p.m., Thursday 5-8 p.m., Friday 5-10 p.m., Sat urday 1-10 p.m. and Sunday 1-8 p.m. Various tournaments and weather may impact hours the rink is open to the public. It always helps to call ahead.

Skate session is $15 with skates for the gen eral public and season passes are available.

For more information, go to www.oldkinder 573.348.3300 573.303.4844
Photo provided

Lake area Christmas parades

Lake Ozark Christmas Parade

The 38th annual Lake of the Ozarks Christ mas Parade will be held Dec. 10 at 1 p.m. along the Bagnell Dam Strip.

The theme is year is “Christmas through the Generations” (1940s, 50s, 60s, etc.). Anyone is welcome to enter into the parade. Entry forms are available online.

Lineup starts at 11:30 a.m. at the intersec tion of HH and Bagnell Dam Blvd. The parade kicks off at 1 p.m. Awards will be handed out to first place winners in the business, civic organi zations, youth groups and church entries.

After the parade, the Santa will greet kids on Luby’s Stage with gifts for each.

For more information, go to www.lakechrist

Eldon Christmas Parade

The Eldon Christmas Parade and Celebra tion will be Dec. 3 at the Rock Island Park. The parade starts at dark with a tree lighting cer emony following.

22 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
Lake Media file photos


Holiday light parks

Looking for something to do this holiday season with family? Take a drive through the free holiday light parks set up around the Lake area.

Versailles Unity of Lights

Several hundred light displays make up the Ver sailles Unity of Lights. Open nightly until Jan. 1 at the city park off of Hwy. 54.

Enchanted Village of Lights

The largest holiday light display in the area, the Laurie Fairgrounds are lit up for the season until Jan. 1. Open at 5 p.m. each night. There are 27 acres of lights set up along the park. Donations are welcome.

Holiday Lights

The city of Osage Beach hosts the annual holiday light park from Dec. 1-31. Open each night from 5-9 p.m.

23 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

Gift Guide

We carry a wide variety of leather purses, bags and wallets, including concealed carry bags with security features in an array of styles and colors.

The Leather Man 1446 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark 573-365-5477

Browse our full line of Brighton purses, handbags, shoes, belts and accessories.

Chestnut Ridge

The Landing on Main Street Osage Beach 573-302-1868

Candy towers are a hit with clients and family! We ship corporate orders, and have candy gifts in a wide variety and price range!

Blair & Co. Confectionery 5857 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach 573-348-2202

24 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

Blair’s Landing Clothing Store 5845 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach 573-348-5101

49 years of excellence! Steaks, seafood and prime rib. Gift Certificates Available.

Bentley’s 2 miles south of Bagnell Dam Business route 54 Lake Ozark 573-356-5301

Black Metal Art Sign

Retail is $109 Size is 24”

Powder coated for outdoor use. Custom orders welcome.

Available in 12 colors and 3 sizes12”, 18”, 24”.

Lake Vibes 100 Brooke Lane - Suite A Laurie 816-668-2326

Country Crossroads 5831 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach 573-348-0606 Open Daily - Year Round

25 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
Mariana handcrafts every piece in Israel from a colorful array of genuine Swarovski Crystals and semi precious stones. A great gift for the special woman in your life! Country Crossroads offers doormats, garden flags, and made in Missouri door decor and mailbox covers. Beautifully displayed perfect gifts and on-trend home decor items await as does many more hand-picked goodies including apparel.

Gift Guide

Large selection of LV Upcycled Hats & Jewelry! Hat 64.00

Shabby Chic Boutique

The Landing on Main Street Osage Beach 573-348-1507


The Front Porch

The Landing on Main Street Osage Beach 573-348-1333 TheFrontPorchOfShabbyChic

An awesome local restaurant / music venue with incredible food, great drink. Gift Certificates Available Off the Cliff 66 North Shore Drive Lake Ozark (573) 693-1655

Miner mikes indoor family fun center and Buster’s Garage-route 66 indoor elevated electric go karting!

Miner Mikes Indoor Family Fun Center 4515 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach 573-348-2126

26 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
Flannels $38 - $58
GIFT CertiFIcates

Be a holiday-decorating and giftgiving pro this year with a trip to Evergreen.

Evergreen 6711 US-54 Osage Beach 573-346-2286

All your natural bulk food, supplements, essential oils and health & beauty products. Family owned with local & Missouri products.

Nature’s Source 1205 S. Business Hwy 54 Eldon 573-392-1968

Lake of the Ozarks’ #1 Year Round Attraction!

Bridal Cave remains a constant 60° inside, so it’s a great activity, no matter what the weather!

Bridal Cave 526 Bridal Cave Road Camdenton 573-346-2676

Give the Gift that keeps on giving... Lake Lifestyles is the Lake of the Ozarks premier magazine focusing on food and wine, entertainment, beautiful homes, health, people, recreation and more! Get a years subscription for $24 (6 issues).

Lake Media - Lake Lifestyles 4427 Osage Beach Pkwy. Ste. A-300 Osage Beach, MO 65065 573-346-2132

27 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 SHOP LOCAL SHOP LOCAL SHOP LOCAL
Hidden Gems CHIEFS KINGDOM Fan club parties 744 70 9760 11 NOV/DEC 2022 $4.95 LAKENEWSONLINE.COM ON THE WATER Winter tips for boaters ART QUEST Winning Images Holiday BAZAAR MORE THAN 100 VENDORS SEASONAL IDEAS Gifts for golfers Where to shop, eat and play at the Lake this winter

Gift Guide

Panoramic Views & Fine Dining Legendary Steaks, Seafood, and Views Live Music, Creative Cocktails & Fine Wine Selections Gift Cards Available

JB Hooks 2260 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark Top:


Spa 54 at Old Kinderhook located at Old Kinderhook Resort, is a center of well-being that nurtures the mind, body and spirit, based around our heartfelt connection with nature. The Spa offers a number of wellness treatments for the body, facials and massages as well as Salon Treatments. Spa 54 at Old Kinderhook 56 Club Place Camdenton 573-317-3519

The star from afar is a family tradition that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas. This item comes with a hardcover book, a 14 piece colorful wooden nativity set, and wooden star. This fun hide-n-seek game encourages children to go on a hunt for their star, similar to that of the wise men.

Stonecrest Book & Toy 3797 Osage Beach Pkwy G2 Osage Beach 573-348-4788

28 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
is by Bill
Carving by Doug Bibles Bills Art Center & Gallery
Manion. Leftt: Santa
94 N. Business 5 Camdenton 573 317-1010
DEVELOPERS, INVESTORS & DREAMERS Campground, Retreat, Estate, Spec Homes, Rare-1100 +/- of Beautiful Shoreline, Great Fishing, 20+ Acres, Electric, Water, 30x50 Red Iron Metal Shop Bldg, 2 Bay Drs, Insulated Walls, Concrete Floors $585,000 MLS#3549296 573-365-2622 Bobbi Bash TEAM LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated
30 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 Seven (7) lakefront lots starting at $250K 13 secondary lots starting at $150K Entire Subdivision $1,199,000 Two (2) lakefront lots have sold and are under construction. Water, Electrical and Sewers are Operational. Excellent Opportunity for Builders, Investors & Future Homeowners Realtors Welcome FOR SALE AMAZING 11.7 ACRE DEVELOPMENT AT THE 5-MILE MARKER 31300 Red Arrow Road, Rocky Mount, MO 65072 For more information, contact us today! 913.638.7310
31 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 at the Lake Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated at the Lake Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated at the Lake Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated 147 S. Main, Laurie, MO 65037 | P.O. Box 1111 Laurie, MO 65038 Email: Licensed Broker-Salesperson State of Missouri HAPPY SELLER + HAPPY BUYER = WIN-WIN DEAL FOR ALL! Call Phyllis Flinn today and lets start the search! Office: 573-374-3222 Cell: 573-280-4631 CALL PHYLLIS FLINN AT 573-280-4631 3543828 Laurie City Limit Hwy O 55+ Manuf. Home Park, 700 ft. O rd frontage, city water/sewer, BT road, Central Postal Unit, Storm Shelter, 5 homes w/carports pay lot rent, 3 park owned rentals all on full concrete slabs w/footings. Total 23.24 acres Area K ............................................................................................................................................... $650,000 3547627 Unique Wkend/Full Time 1 bdrm, 1 bath, sleeping room, family rm; logliving rm w/fireplace. Lg. open deck, back cov. porch off bdrm, extra parking across road, Plus owned 30ft. LF lot w/martini deck & sgl. Well cov. dock in nice cove short distance from house! Area L ............................................................................................................................................... $214,900 3543397 3 acres Laurie Location w/Hwy. 5 Vis ibility on BlueBird Ave across from Lake Liquor nicely cleared; gentle terrain; city water/sewer. Will sell less at $45,000 per acre. Area K ....................... $135,00 3549616 Corner Gentle Lg. Dbl. Lot w/poured concrete crawl space w/wood top foundation, septic, subd. water, and lg. storage building. Area K ......................................................... $90,000 3548858 4 bdrm, 2 bath one level 1766 s.f. home w /2 det. Garages 24x24 and 2x38 on near level lot on Hwy O, Laurie city water/sewer, plenty of parking, fireplace, nice covered back deck and front covered patio. Area K ............................................................................................................................................... $247,000 3544013 Corner lot on Old 8 at Cherokee Ave at In dian Rock Golf Course w/one side bordering fairway. Great Location close to restaurants, churches, Conv. Store & Laurie. Area K ............................... $15,000
573-365-2622 Menda Gilbert 573-434-0355 Bobbi Bash 573-434-1782 Jeff Hedberg 573-819-4446 Autumn Gilbert 573-789-5993 Dalton Gilbert 573-789-9342 Aspynn McMillin 928-243-1712 BEAUTIFUL HOME-PORTO CIMA 4bd/3ba, 3806 sq ft, Main Lvl Lvg Granite Countertops, Oversized Master Huge Family Room, Theater Room Custom Bar, Custom Walk in Tiled Shower MANY RECENT IMPROVEMENTS $599,000 MLS#3549106 DEVELOPERS, INVESTORS & DREAMERS Campground, Retreat, Estate, Spec Homes Rare-1100 +/- of Beautiful Shoreline Great Fishing, 20+ Acres, Electric, Water, 30x50 Red Iron Metal Shop Bldg, 2 Bay Drs, Insulated Walls, Concrete Floors $585,000 MLS#3549296 VRBO ME OR DEVELOP ME-219’ OF LF Tons of Potential-Open a Waterfront Bar Vac. Rental-2bd apt, 4bd Apt.-Updates 2bd Home (Ready to be Remodeled) All Structures-New Metal Roofs Amazing View-Paved Rd. to Property $799,000 MLS#3549229 THIS HOME CHECKS ALL THE BOXES 3bd/3.5ba, 3488 sq ft, Main Level Living Beautiful Hardwood, Formal Dining Coffered/Vaulted Ceilings, Storage Enormous Master Suite, Great Loc. 12x28 Slip in Community Dock $549,000 MLS#3545964 Selling the Lake Since 1988 Bobbi Bash TEAM OUR TEAM = YOUR DREAM LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated LAKE OF THE OZARKS Each O ce Independently Owned and Operated Happy Holidays & Happy New Year from the Bobbi Bash Team

Protect landscapes from wildlife and more over the winter

Landscapes are vulnerable to the elements during the cold weather months. Everything from de-icing products to hun gry animals to the weight of snow can affect trees, shrubs and other plants. Just because certain greenery will go dormant during the winter doesn’t mean landscape maintenance ends when the mercury dips. Homeowners can take certain actions to winterproof their properties and safeguard land scapes so they recover more readily when spring arrives.

Utilize barriers and deterrents

When resources are scarce, ani mals will be on the hunt for anything that’s edible, and that includes whatever greenery is growing on a landscape. Physical barriers in garden beds and around trees can help prevent damage caused by moles, voles and deer. Line the bottom and sides of garden beds with garden cloth to prevent ground-burrowing animals from getting in from beneath, suggests the gardening resource I Must Garden.

Wrapping shrubs in burlap or covering them in temporary netting can deter deer, who will seek acces sible food sources over the winter. Erect fencing around new trees to keep deer away from the bark and lower branches.

Make the yard less attractive to deer and burrowers by opting for fat-based suet cakes to feed birds rather than loose seeds and berries in feeders, which herbivores will enjoy. Also, don’t overwater or mulch landscapes too early. The loose soil and warmth of the mulch may entice moles and voles and other ro dents to stick around in those areas and feed on plants.

Use a safer melting product

Investigate options in snowmelt products, as traditional rock salt can injure buds and branches and kill lawns. In addition, avoid piling salted snow in one area of the landscape, as it will concentrate the salt in that spot. Spread out snow piles to help minimize the damage to delicate plants.

Secure saplings and juvenile plants

Harsh winds and battering snow can damage young plants. Use stakes and lattices to secure them so they’ll be better able to withstand the weather, suggests Total Landscape Management, a commercial and residential landscaping company.

Promptly remove snow from branches to help trees and shrubs; otherwise, the weight of ice and snow can break off branches and cause irreparable damage.

Erect a snow barrier

Prior observation tends to educate homeowners about which areas of the landscape are most vulnera ble to snow drifts and blustery winds. During the winter, winds often blow in from a northeasterly direction, but each homeowner can make his or her own assessment. Put up a tarp between two stakes to serve as a “snow fence” that protects vulnerable areas of the landscape from blowing snow.

Keep plants cozy

Wrap plants in burlap, garden blankets and plant domes to insulate them from cold weather and some animals. Move container plants into a garage or shielded area for the winter.

Winter can place landscapes in peril. A few strategies can provide protection.

33 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

A m a z i n g s t o r e f r o n t w i t h 5 0 0 0 s q u a r e f e e t r i g h t o n B u s i n e s s 5 4 ( B a g n e l l D a m B l v d ) a n d a d d i t i o n a l c o n t i g u o u s 4 . 1 a c r e p a r c e l b e h i n d w i t h a 4 0 4 0 s q u a r e f o o t , c l i m a t e c o n t r o l l e d , s t e e l f r a m e m e t a l b u i l d i n g w i t h c o n c r e t e f l o o r P l e n t y o f r o o m f o r g r o w t h h e r e ! E x c e l l e n t v i s i b i l i t y S p a c i o u s a n d w e l l c a r e d f o r b u i l d i n g w i t h f l a t p a r k i n g a n d e a s y a c c e s s P e r f e c t l o c a t i o n t o c o n t i n u e f l o o r i n g c o m p a n y o r s t a r t y o u r n e w L a k e o f t h e O z a r k s b u s i n e s s v e n t u r e h e r e ! R a r e f i n d i n d e e d ! D o n ' t m i s s o u t o n t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y t o m a k e y o u r d r e a m a r e a l i t y ! O w n e r w a n t i n g t o r e t i r e a n d s p e n d m o r e t i m e w i t h g r a n d c h i l d r e n . F a n t a s t i c l o c a t i o n i n t h e h e a r t o f L a k e O z a r k j u s t b l o c k s f r o m t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f H H 2 4 2 e x t e n s i o n a n d B a g n e l l D a m B l v d .

6 2 B U O Y A N T P L A C E , O S A G E B E A C H , M O M

W h e t h e r y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r a p e r f e c t L a k e g e t a w a y o r i n v e s t m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y , t h i s o n e i s t h e p e r f e c t f i t f o r b o t h O n e l e v e l o p e n c o n c e p t l i v i n g S p a c i o u s s c r e e n e d a n d o p e n d e c k a r e a s w i t h a n I n c r e d i b l e L a k e v i e w E n j o y y o u r m o r n i n g c o f f e e f r o m t h e c o v e r e d f r o n t p o r c h . C o n v e n i e n t l e v e l p a r k i n g w i t h n o s t e p s . A d d i t i o n a l s t o r a g e i n t h e o v e r s i z e d p a n t r y a n d b e l o w c o v e r e d d e c k . O w n e r h a s l a s t 8 M o n t h s o f R e n t a l i n c o m e d o c u m e n t e d ( $ 4 0 , 5 1 9 ) Y o u ' l l e n j o y a l l o f T a n T a r A ' s a m e n i t i e s , a s w e l l a s b e i n g m i n u t e s a w a y f r o m M a r g a r i t a v i l l e ' s r e s t a u r a n t s , i n d o o r w a t e r p a r k , a n d h o r s e b a c k r i d i n g ! * * P l e a s e d o n o t g o o n p r o p e r t y w i t h o u t a n a p p o i n t m e n t d u e t o n i g h t l y r e n t a l s

34 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
M a r y A l b e r s W W W . M A R Y A L B E R S . C O M
4 9
$ 2 , 4
T e a m : ( 5 7 3
3 4 0 5 1
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P e r c h e d o n P r i m e W a t e r f r o n t a t t h e b e a u t i f u l L a k e o f t h e O z a r k s i n I m p e r i a l P o i n t C o v e a t t h e 6 M M . T h e m o m e n t y o u a r r i v e a t t h i s e x e c u t i v e h o m e , t a k e n o t e o f t h e c u r b a p p e a l w i t h l u s h l a n d s c a p i n g a n d m a s s i v e c o l u m n s w e l c o m i n g y o u i n s i d e . U p o n e n t r y t h e v a u l t e d c e i l i n g s , g r a n i t e c o u n t e r t o p s , t o w e r i n g f i r e p l a c e , & f l o o r t o c e i l i n g w i n d o w s o v e r l o o k i n g t h e L a k e , w i l l c a p t i v a t e y o u T h i s t u r n k e y t h r e e l e v e l h o m e p r e s e n t s 7 8 2 0 s q f t , w a s h e r / d r y e r o n e a c h f l o o r , & 7 b e d r o o m s ( 5 E n S u i t e s f a c i n g t h e L a k e ) . T h e M a i n L e v e l M a s t e r E n S u i t e i s c o m p l e t e w i t h a l o v e l y f i r e p l a c e , j e t t e d s o a k i n g t u b , a n d a g o r g e o u s w a l k i n c l o s e t & s h o w e r . T h i s g e n t l e l o t b e g s t o h o s t l a v i s h p a r t i e s w i t h a h e a t e d p o o l , h o t t u b , a n d 2 1 0 ' o f l a k e f r o n t , t a k i n g y o u t o t h e 1 3 ' x 4 0 ' & 1 1 ' x 2 8 ' B o a t S l i p s , 3 P W C S l i p s , & S l i d e . L a k e o f t h e O z a r k s i s o n e o f t h e h o t t e s t l o c a t i o n s i n t h e n a t i o n . C o m e c h e c k t h i s o n e o f a k i n d h o m e o u t y o u r s e l f o r f e e l f r e e t o d o a 3 D v i r t u a l w a l k t h r u . 7 t h b e d r o o m i s a n o n c o n f o r m i n g b u

k r o o m .

35 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
C e l l : ( 5 7 3 ) 5 6 9 - 8 7 9 2 W W W . P E G G Y A L B E R S . C O M P e g g y A l b e r s 4 5 C R O C K E R C O U R T , L A K E O Z A R K , M O 6 5 0 6 5 M L S 3 5 4 8 6 4 8 | $ 2 , 9 5 0 , 0 0 0 C e l l : ( 5 7 3 ) 5 6 9 8 7 9 2 | O f f i c e : ( 5 7 3 ) 3 4 8 9 8 9 8 1 0 9 H o r s e s h o e B e n d P k w y , L a k e O z a r k , M O 6 5 0 4 9 List, Sell, Sleep. . . Repeat

How to manage preparing large meals in small kitchens

Cooking for a crowd is a great way for people with a passion for food to share that en thusiasm with others. Every dinner party host faces unique challenges, which can range from choosing a guest-friendly menu to timing the meal to seating guests. Lack of ample kitchen space is another po tential challenge, par ticularly for people unaccustomed to preparing large meals in close quarters.

It’s not uncom mon to feel a little stress when cooking for a crowd, and a small kitchen can compound such anxi ety. But a few helpful hints can help hosts navigate their way through small kitchens en route to serving an unforgettable meal.

• Do as much prep work as possible in advance. Whether you’re mincing garlic, chopping onions and/or peeling potatoes, prep work can be time-consuming. That time crunch can be even more challenging when you don’t have much space to work with. Dishes like cutting boards and cutlery can quickly pile up in the sink, and they might need to be washed and reused to prepare the main course. Do as much prep work as possible in the days leading up to the dinner party. Chop vegetables and other items the night before, leav ing valuable counter space for items that can only be prepared on the day of the event.

• Clean out the refrigerator. Another way to simplify meal preparation in a small kitchen is to clear out the refrigerator in advance of the dinner party. Doing so creates ample storage space to keep items pre pared in advance and any fresh items purchased the day of the party. Extra storage space in the refrigerator also leaves ample room to store leftovers.

• Measure ingredients all at once and store them together on a small cookie sheet. When preparing a meal with many ingredients, cooks often find it’s best to measure all of the ingredients out first before mov ing on and preparing the dish. As you measure ingredients for the main course or even the sides, place them in small bowls and then move the bowls onto a small cookie sheet. This makes it easy to move the in gredients around as the need arises and can be a convenient way to make use of limited counter space.

• Make it a team effort. Small kitchens tend to have small sinks and small dishwashers. That means the dishes can pile up even before the meal is served. Adopt an all-hands-on-deck mentality during meal prep, enlisting a spouse, significant other and even your children to help wash, dry and put away dishes. This en sures valuable real estate in a small kitchen is not being taken up by dirty or drying dishes. And if the dishes used during prep are cleaned and put away before the meal is served, those used during the meal can sim ply go in the dishwasher at the end of the night, leaving one less task to tackle after eating.

Preparing large meals in small kitchens poses some unique challenges. But those challenges are easily overcome with a few simple strategies.

36 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
REAL ESTATE SECTION ©2021 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. 101 Crossings West Dr. Suite 202, Lake Ozark, MO 65049 | | 573-365-7333 573-365-7333 Schrimpf REAL ESTATE GROUP Lake Ozark Realty Let Us Guide You Home 3547852.................................................................................... $170,000 Cute, Affordable Condo • 1 bed, 1 bath condo, with slip • Waterfront and conveniently located • Great starter or perfect rental! • Many great features to be found • Comes furnished, slip has hoist • Complex has wonderful amenities 3546260.................................................................................... $669,900 Spectacular Villa Available WATERFORD CIRCLE 3549259.................................................................................... $389,900 Lovely Osage Beach Condo • 3 bed, 3 bath unit in a small complex • Top floor, vaulted ceilings, great views • Wonderful floor plan, comes furnished • Huge loft space with full bath • Numerous updates including kitchen • Perfect location by land and water SUMMERSET CIRCLE INDIAN POINTE 3549603.................................................................................... $375,000 Commercial Opportunity Available CAROL ROAD • Main building has 6,600 sq. ft. to use • Flat lot with well and newer septic • Great location with many possible uses • Red Iron building with detached office • Zoned B-2, just off of Horseshoe Bend • Office has central air, kitchen, and bath • Beautifully kept 4 bed, 4 bath home • Great floor plan, 2 screened porches • Lovely Main Channel views • Amenities include private pool • Flat driveway with 2 car garage • Comes with 12’x40’ slip, 2 PWC slips
573-365-6868 • 800-787-1614 101 Crossings West Ste 202 • Lake Ozark, MO 65049 ©2022 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. 3549693 ........................ $1,900,000 The Exquisite Design is Striking and Unparralled. In this gated community drive down the cobblestone street to this customdesigned architectural masterpiece. This home includes 8 bedrooms, 8 baths with almost 7,500 sq ft. Centrally located in Osage Beach. 3548071 ......................$4,200,000 One-of-a-kind lot measuring an acre of ground & 354 ft of shoreline. With 7 bed rooms, office, dining room, 2 kitchens, sev eral bars, 6 baths and spectacular outside gathering areas, this home has it all. text TOUR15588 to 878787 3549038 ......................$1,999,000 Established Storage Business with one of the best locations at the Lake. Designed with easy accessibility, dual entrances for trailers/ trucks, and engineered plans to expand. text LBR785918 to 878787 3548534 ......................$1,500,000 8 lots in a first-class community all put to gether with nearly 2.5 acres and 500 ft of beautiful shoreline. Mission Bay has water, sewer, an amazing clubhouse and both in door and outdoor pools. text TOUR15963 to 878787 3549363 ......................$1,050,000 Come relax with 5 BDRMs, 4 BA, a screenedin porch, 2 car garage, and main level large deck overlooking a quiet cove. This turn-key home comes with a dock that has 2 boat slips and PWC slip. text TOUR885 to 878787 Deb Grant 573-559-3983 101 Crossings West Dr., Suite 202 Lake Ozark, MO 65049 Text LBR61247 to 878787 Only 3 easy steps take you to the door of this 3 BDRM / 1 BA lake home. Superb location on the 3 MM with a private dock in a wonderful cove. Home comes turnkey and short-term rentals are allowed. 3549623 .......................................................................................... $210,000 Cindi Forsythe636-692-1781 354373 ............................. $585,000 Stunning lakefront home with 130 feet of shoreline located on the 3 MM. This 4 bedroom, 3 bath home is in a cove protected location with 2 boat slips on the dock. Beautiful Kitchen with custom cabinetry. Rosa Powell 573-480-3768 text LBR106332 to 878787
See All Listings On 3549517 .........................$189,900 This 2 BDRM/1BA home has been recently updated with real hardwood floors, new ef ficient mini splits, low maintenance exterior and plenty of parking. Amazing lake views and close to the dam. text HOME31839 to 878787 3549186 .........................$185,000 This condo has so many windows, an excel lent layout and NO STEPS! 10x24 slip w/ boat lift and close to the pool. You’ll enjoy the kitchen with stainless steel appliances and quartz countertops. text TOUR16230 to 878787 3548843 .........................$749,000 Elevating the experience of condominium living through resort-style aesthetics & first-class amenities. With 3 BDRMS/3 BAs the luxury experience is unparalleled to any complex at The Lake of the Ozarks. 3549512 .........................$315,000 This home has 5 BDRMs/2 Full Baths and sits on an oversized lot in a great subdivi sion. The home’s floor plan is very open and spacious including two fireplaces and lots of windows to enjoy the lake views & sunsets. text HOME25059 to 878787 3543848 .........................$287,000 This 4 bedroom 3 full bath home is designed with a bright Kitchen opening to a breakfast bar, dining area & living room with high ceil ings & beautiful woodwork. Within 10 min utes to the Lake! text HOME25054 to 878787 3549216 .........................$589,000 4 BDRM/3BA and 3850+ sq ft. Features in clude 220 ft of lakefront, 4 car garage, 2 decks with additional screened in gazebo, fireplace, and main level living. This home is priced to sell fast! text LBR123684 to 878787 3549592 ...........................$19,900 This second tier building lot is in a wellappointed log cabin community. There is a beautiful tree-lined blacktop drive all the way to your lot. Community water and sew er. Community dock too! text TOUR6024 to 878787 3548256 .........................$176,900 This oversized condo is perfect to entertain family/friends. Over 2,000 sq. ft. and a huge screened patio. This complex has 6 pools, tennis courts, playgrounds, and more. Four Season Amenities included too! text HOME28347 to 878787 3548929 .........................$365,000 This home offers 3 BDRM & 2.5 BAs. Has a private Master Suite on top level, Open Liv ing Room, 2 Gas Fireplaces, Eat in Kitchen & Breakfast Nook. Both levels have spacious decks with views of the 19MM cove. text VIEW12046 to 878787 3548681 .........................$539,900 This 4 BDRM/3BA home has been updated with new flooring, paint, windows, siding, appliances, decks, HVAC, roofing, new deck ing on the dock and much more. A great cove location and in Four Seasons! text MOVE985 to 878787 3549142 .........................$675,000 Opportunities like these are rare, 12 Ac in The Villages. Gentle topography, great building spots, wonderful views of Lake of the Ozarks, and a shared lake with the im mediate neighbor. text TOUR16222 to 878787 3549262 .........................$195,000 Gorgeous main channel at the 24 mm. Ador able 1 bedroom condo that actually feels pretty spacious! Sold turn key. This would make a great short-term rental unit. Beauti ful lake views! text HOME31649 to 878787 3548798 .........................$246,000 This 2 BDRM condo at Tara Condominiums has unbelievable views with community pool and dock. Located at the 3 MM with a stunning screened deck, updated flooring, and most furniture stays. text VIEW822 to 878787 3543844 .........................$291,000 This beautiful second tier home has amazing lake views all year round and over 2,000 sg ft. Great open floor plan on both levels with 4 BDRM/ 2 BA. In the heart of Osage Beach so close to shopping and entertainment. text HOME25056 to 878787 text TOUR16078 to 878787 3549691 .........................$195,000 Wonderful Condo in Lake Ozark with 2 BDRM/2BA and over 1,500 sq ft. Turn Key unit with Fireplace and newer furniture/ap pliances. Just a few steps into unit and close to Hotel and entertainment. text LBR125107 to 878787 3549211 .........................$275,000 This 3 BDRM/2 BA cabin style lake view home. Sits in a private setting but close to all the entertainment in the area. Property can be a great rental/VRBO. 2 Car Ports, plenty of parking. text VIEW12410 to 878787
LAKE OF THE OZARKS REALTY Keller Williams Lake of the Ozarks Realty, 109 Horseshoe Bend Parkway, Lake Ozark, MO 65049 Office: 573-348-9898 | Cell: 573-216-8599 • E-mail: @mylakerealestate Each office independently owned and operated The Perfect Condo Package w/ Slip 2BD/2BA, 1100SF, 12x30 Dock Slip w/ Hoist, Furniture, New Apps, HVAC, & Water Heater. MLS#3549207 $299,900 Great Investment or Full-Time Living! 3BD/2.5BA, 2023SF, Extra Parking, Fireplace, Deck, & Plenty of Privacy. MLS#3549487 $299,000 Commercial Property that is Conveniently Located. 1.75 Acres, Zoned B2, Plenty of Hwy Visibility, Close to Harley, Mexicali Blues, Evergreen, & MORE MLS#3543577 $125,000 A True Walk-In Condo w/ NO Steps! 2BD/2BA, 1105SF, Screened-In Deck, Laundry Room, Gated & No Rental. MLS#3549286 $310,000 Cute As A Button & Remodeled Townhome! 3BD/2.5BA, 1344SF, New Appliances, 2 Car Attached Garage, & Long Term Rentability. MLS#3549210 $179,900 LAZYDAYS LAKEOZARK OSAGEBEACH STONELEDGE MONTREAL The 3 Most Important Things in Real Estate... Location, Location, Sherry Stevens Happy Holidays from the Sherry Stevens Team

How to furnish your dining area

Modern homes look a bit different than those of gen erations past. Rather than several small rooms divided by walls, modern homes offer open-concept floor plans. That means the boundar ies between spaces are not so defined, allowing rooms and activities to blend into one another.

Formal dining rooms may or may not be part of the current home layout with regard to new construction. Many homeowners now gravitate toward kitchens with adja cent breakfast nooks that utilize large islands with stool seating that open up to family rooms. These layouts can make it more challenging for homeowners to figure out how to furnish their dining areas — however casual or formal they may be. Individuals can use these tips as a springboard for selecting the right pieces in their homes, no matter where they enjoy their meals.

Consider the scope of the room

Is it a dining room or a dining area? This will help determine decor and the formality of the pieces of furniture needed to outfit the room, according to The Spruce, a home renovation re source. If the room is a multi-purpose space, con sider furniture that can serve different purposes, such as a table that has fold-down portions to change its size depending on the number of peo ple dining at a particular time. You may want to include an armoire to store linens and stash away pens and note pads for making shopping lists.

Dining table

The dining table is the foundation of a dining area. After all, people need to have somewhere to sit and eat. Remember to measure the dimen

sions of the room carefully, as furni ture can look much smaller in warehouse stores or furniture showrooms than in a home.

Consider a round or square dining table, which tend fit into rooms more eas ily than rectangular tables. Plus, these shapes are more conducive to conver sation. Rectangular tables often leave people at the ends out of the chat.


Seating can affect the ability to move around the room. If space is at a pre mium, some narrowprofile chairs are a better option than larger, upholstered wingbacks. Home owners may consider a wooden or upholstered bench on one side of the dining table to maxi mize seating during family events.


Pottery Barn suggests using a mix of lighting sources to create the right lighting needs in the space. Floor lamps, an overhead chandelier, wall fixtures, and natural light need to blend and be adjusted as needed. Also, choose an overhead chandelier that complements the shape of the dining table. For example, a round fixture will look best above a round table.


An area rug can help define the dining space and set it apart from other areas in an open-con cept home. An area rug also adds warmth and color when a wood table meets a wood floor; otherwise, it may look too stark.

Homeowners must take various factors into consideration when decorating a dining room. Size, purpose and style are just some of the things that merit ample consideration before fur nishing a dining space.

41 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
SECTION 4824 Osage Beach Parkway, Suite 1 Osage Beach, MO 65065 Nicholas Sutterer Tami Sutterer NMLS #283150 & 306049 Cole McFarland NMLS #1890924 Rose Wright NMLS #1170057 MORTGAGE HEADQUARTERS MORTGAGE HEADQUARTERS TEAM SUTTERER Mortgage Headquarters of Missouri Inc NMLS #1229111 Serving the Lake for over 24 years! P: 573-302-9990 F: 573-552-8655 MORTGAGE? STILL OFFERING 10% DOWN ON SECOND HOMES YOUR LAKE LENDER Fastest Closings at the Lake! Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season!
For group sales and reservations contact Melissa via email at, or call 573-365-3255 | 2260 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Lake Ozark, MO 65049 JOIN US FOR EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR IN THE BAR Open Everyday at 11 am Daily Lunch Specials! Appetizer Specials Drink Features • Live Music Book Your Dinner Party or Event Here! Number 1 TripAdvisor restaurant at the Lake of the Ozarks! 12/2
ENTERTAINMENT 5:30pm - 8:30pm Gift Cards Available Visit Our Website for January Entertainment
Shawn C
Drew Stevens
Adam Powell
Al Jolly
Joe Farrell 12/8 Joe Farrell 12/9 Shawn C 12/10 Drew Stevens 12/12 Adam Powell 12/13 Adam Powell 12/14 Joe Farrell 12/15 Joe Farrell 12/16 John Allen
Shawn C 12/19 Adam Powell 12/20 Drew Stevens 12/21 Joe Farrell 12/22 Joe Farrell 12/23 Shawn C 12/24 Adam Powell 12/26 Adam Powell 12/27 Drew Stevens 12/28 Joe Farrell 12/29 Joe Farrell 12/30 Al Jolly 12/31 Drew Stevens


Food, football fans & family

In a cute spot just off 5 Highway on P Road in Gravois Mills sits a de lightful gathering place where locals and visitors to the Lake come to savor amazing food, meet new friends, listen to talented local musicians, and watch the Kansas City Chiefs on gameday.

Brad Wilson and Laura Caniglia are the proprietors of this hidden gem called the Lil’ Bass Hole. They opened in April 2021 after Laura retired as manager for the Douglas County Treasurer’s office in Omaha, Neb. She and Brad owned a house at the Lake for about five years before buying the building that would become Lil’ Bass Hole.

“I have never been able to sit around very long so after I retired, we came across the building that is now Lil’ Bass Hole. It used to be a convenience store that had gone out of business and was in very poor shape,” she noted. “I had done some research and found that the area was growing and re ally did not have anything around here like what Brad and I were planning. I was able to get the building at a really good price, so we were able to remodel the build ing.”

Brad is a custom home builder and owns A-1 Home Restoration and Roofing LLC, so he was able to design the building and frame it for the additional room they built on. He made the custom bar out of live edge which Laura loves.

Brad loves his sports, and the Chiefs, so they decided to make it into a sports bar and grill. He came up with the name Lil’ Bass Hole and the two clicked on it. It is truly a Chiefs headquarters. They hold Chiefs Kingdom fan club

parties during every game.

“Brad came up with the Flag poker game and the whole place has a blast with it! We also raffle off original NFL Chiefs jerseys at the end of each game. It truly is something you need to experience,” she confirmed. “Everybody gets involved on game day and strangers become friends. Of course, since we are from Omaha, I had to have a touch of Ne braska in the place. I love that everyone who is from Nebraska, even Iowa, come into my place because they heard someone from Ne braska owned it. This makes me honored and happy.”

The Lil’ Bass Hole has live music on Wednesday for Wino Wednesday and either on Friday or Saturday they also have live music. The other weekend night they have karaoke and a DJ.

“I love the area where we decided to open and all the people who live in this area are wonderful and very supportive. They truly make the Lil’ Bass Hole a special place to be,” she reiterated. “I love big families and feel that Lil’ Bass Hole is one big family. My staff is truly spe cial and deserves kudos and all manner of credit for I could not have made it this far without them! I have never known so many people go out of their way to help others as I have seen in my restaurant. My restaurant is only good because of those people who I have come to care deeply for.”

Laura comes from a long line of wonderful cooks and saw cooking as therapy as a child. Her parents and grand parents are both 100 percent Italian, and she learned to cook from her mother, Pat Caniglia (Miloni) and grand mothers and Nanas. Her skill of rolling out pizza dough and pie crust began with a sanded cut broom stick! Lil’

44 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

Bass Hole pizzas are truly legendary, as is every dish they prepare.

“My meatballs and sauce are seven generations old with just a little touch of my own in them. My mother taught me how to make pie crust and things like breaded meat, chicken parmesan and more. I guess you can say I have combined all my teachings into one. I really have a hard time using recipes because I don’t measure any thing…I go with feel and taste,” she shared.

Her family on the Caniglia side had restaurants in Omaha, and her grandfather Miloni on her mother’s side started the Sons of Italy and owned a dry cleaner. Her des tiny, it seems, was set years ago. Her immediate family was on the law side, and her grandfather, Sam Caniglia was a prominent judge as was her father, Joseph Caniglia.

Laura and Brad have a love story for the ages, as when she met him it was not love at first sight. He knew her first cousin, Sam Caniglia, which opened the door. He also knew her good friend, Azita, who agreed to a plan.

“I had plans with her to spend the day with her and go to lunch. Brad found out about it and decided to call Azita and tell her to cancel her plans with me one hour before we were to meet. He told her he was going to call me and ask me out for the afternoon. Azita agreed because she always felt we would be good with each other. So Azita cancelled and Brad called me for a date. I decided to go ahead and go because I had already planned for a baby sitter for my kids, and I wanted to go do something. Brad had me meet him at the Home Show. When I got there, he was waiting for me outside to walk me in. Brad had a booth all set up with wine and appetizers for us. After that he took me to a pizza joint where we talked and laughed. I never had such a good time and felt so comfortable with someone like I did with Brad that day!” she laughed. “And still do!”

As a custom home builder in Omaha, he built homes with detail and then went into the roofing and remodeling business. As a young child he lived in Shawnee, Kan., and spent summers and weekends at the Lake. He dreamed of buying a place and brought Laura to see if she would like the Lake. She was smitten. The two found a house they fell in love with, large enough for family to visit. Laura sold her home, moved lock, stock and barrel, and Brad turned their Lake home into a dream for them. Now, they are running a dream restaurant together.

This fun-loving, devoted couple is the reason custom ers feel a welcoming ambience and presence here. Lil’ Bass Hole is very special to them and has become a warm haven for all who visit.

MoRE info:

14160 P Hwy., Gravois Mills

Open Monday-Wednesday 3 p.m.-close, Thursday-Sunday 11 a.m.-close 573-207-3994

45 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 MORE THAN 30 HD TV’S TO CATCH ALL THE BEST SPORTS ACTION! It’s Wicked GOOD! HAPPY HOUR Experience the best virtual golf with the best Trackman technology available. Enjoy world class golf courses right here at the Lake of the Ozarks. TUESDAY - FRIDAY 3-6PM MONDAY 4-6PM 75¢ OFF domestic bottled beers, house wine, well & call drinks Book Your Holiday Parties Now! OPEN Monday 4pm - 11pm Tuesday through Sunday 11am - 11pm 573.693.1777 5384 Osage Beach Pkwy., Osage Beach RESTAURANT


4 Seasons Cafe/JJ Lafata’s 4312 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Lake Ozark; 365-6989

5 Diner (The) 25718 Hwy. 5 Gravois Mills; 372-8146

Applebee’s 4040 Highway 54 Osage Beach; 348-9595

Bee’s Knees 106 W. Jasper St. Versailles; 539-2525

Bend Bourbon Bar (The)

1622 Horseshoe Bend Lake Ozark; 693-1553

Bonnies Cafe 4196 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-2468

Buffalo Wild Wings

200 Kestrel Ln. Lake Ozark; 693-1060

Chili’s Grill & Bar 3820 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-1116

Chuckwagon Cafe 888 N. Business Rt. 5 Camdenton; 346-5050

Eagle View Sports Bar & Grille at osage national 400 Osage Hills Rd. Lake Ozark; 365-1950

fire Station Bar & Grill 146 Illinois St. Camdenton; 873-2222

first Watch

4325 Osage Beach Pkwy. N Osage Beach; 258-4971

Golden Corral 3734 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-9156

Greenside Bar & Grill at Lake Valley Country Club

367 C.C. Blair Dr. Camdenton; 346-7213

J.D. Waddles at the inn at Grand Glaize 5142 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-4731

JJ Twig’s

1815 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-9911

Just A Little Diner

53 South Business Hwy. 5 Camdenton; 873-2243

Lake Time Cafe 107 Hwy. O Laurie; 207-2429

Malted Monkey 1345 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9792

off the Cliff 66 North Shore Dr. Lake Ozark; 365-1655

outback Steakhouse

3930 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-4670

Panera Bread 4840 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0024

Phat Sal’s West 401 N. Main Street Laurie; 207-2655

Pioneer Restaurant 801 W. Newton St. Versailles; 378-5886

RJ’s family Restaurant 275 W. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-6133

46 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 OF THE LAKE 2022 Th Officia C y ChoiceAwards WINNER BEST BEST 573.348.2277 WOBBLYBOOTSBBQ.COM Online Ordering & Catering Available! BEST RIBS! BEST BBQ! BEST WINGS! Enjoy great BBQ and COLD drinks! #1 Chicken Wings at the Lake of Trees GALA November 16-27, 2022 DINING

Rock Bar & Grill (The) at indian Rock Golf Club

100 Indian Lake Ave. Laurie; 372-3023, ext. 15

Roxie’s Roadhouse 1289 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-9960

Royal Catch Bar & Grill at the Regalia Hotel & Conference Center

250 Racquet Club Rd. Lake Ozark; 723-3000

Taboo ice Cream and Deli 200 N. Main Laurie; 207-5202

Tonka Hills Restaurant 2598 US-54 Linn Creek; 873-2140 zarks

T-Rays Uglys Bar 2545 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9974

Tuckers Shuckers oysters & Tap 1339 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Lake Ozark; 365-9769

Twisted Tony’s 5175 Osage Beach Pkwy Unit C Osage Beach; 693-1013

Val’s Country Cookin’ and Sassy Servers 601 N. Main St. Laurie; 374-0922

Wahlburgers @ Hy-Vee 929 Hwy. D Osage Beach; 302-7977

Yankee Peddlers Tea Room 1011 Main St. Osage Beach; 348-5045


10-42 Bar and Que 432 Valley Rd. Gravois Mills; 372-5141

Bandana’s Bar-B-Q 4315 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-4500

Barn-B-Que Smokehouse 14 Ravenwood Dr. Lake Ozark; 693-9959

Dierbergs Bob’s BBQ 4655 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 552-0200

HalfSauced Barbeque

4185 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-3200

Sublime BBQ

217 South Main Street Laurie; 816-589-3967

Wobbly Boots Roadhouse

4705 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-2277


Bear Creek Valley Golf Club 910 MO-42 Osage Beach; 302-1000

Breezes at the Lodge of four Seasons 315 Four Seasons Dr. Lake Ozark; 365-3000

Cozy Café (The)

1018 Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 348-3324

Hook Cafe (The) at old Kinder hook

58 Club Pl. #2 Camdenton; 317-3573

on the Rise Bakery & Bistro

5439 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-4224

Pancake House

5980 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-6400

Rusty Rooster Cafe (The) 3247 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1778

Stewart’s Restaurant

1151 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-2400

98 E. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 873-2900

8779 N. Hwy. 5 Greenview; 873-3000

47 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 Visit for menu or reserve your table at 573-317-3560 or 12MM on the Big Niangua by water 5 minutes from the Camdenton Square 678 Old Kinderhook Drive • Camdenton, MO 65020 • 12MM on Big Niangua • 888-346-4949 • • OldKinderhook Old Kinderhook is a Family Resort. • Ice Skating Rink opens Thanksgiving, November 24th • Christmas Village and Hay Rides every weekend Thanksgiving to Christmas • Breakfast with Santa Claus • Elf Storytelling • S’Mores around the Fire Pits • Fun Games for the Family • Unique meeting space for Christmas parties & Holiday events s’mores & hot cocoa Bonfire DINING GUIDE



Brick House Cajun Cuisine 1333 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 573-693-9775

Shrimp Daddy’s 16218 N. Hwy. 5 Sunrise Beach; 374-7800


China Town Chinese Restau rant 465 W. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-4962

Touch of Asia 3715 Osage Beach Pkwy., Suite 1 Osage Beach; 302-7733

Wok-n-Roll 1359 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-2090

Zen Asian Restaurant 5203 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0088


Domenico’s italian Restaurant 4737 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-5335

Li’L Rizzo’s 2196 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Lake Ozark; 365-3003

929 Premium Outlets Dr. Osage Beach; 302-1500

Shell’s Pasta Emporium 3924 Jr. Prewitt Pkwy., Suite C Osage Beach; 693-9171


El Caporal

323 Hwy. 54, Suite 101 Camdenton; 317-1500

El Patron

126 Illinois St. SW Camdenton; 873-2876

La Costenita 1030 State Hwy KK Osage Beach; 552-8674

MaMa CiTa’s Mexican Cantina 939 Chef Street Osage Beach; 693-9946

Pablito’s Taqueria 5896 Osage Beach Pkwy. #1

Osage Beach; 552-8450

PC Tacos 207 E. 3rd St. Eldon; 557-2206

Sergio’s Taqueria 4824 Osage Beach Pkwy. #4 Osage Beach; 302-7337

2107 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1771

Sunrise Cantina 264 Sunset Hills Dr. Sunrise Beach; 374-8185

Taqueria La Tapatia 5838 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-1161

Tres Hombres 8779 N. Highway 5 Camdenton; 873-5822

Vera Cruz 309 MO-5 Versailles; 378-5757

Vista Grande Mexican Res taurant 4579 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-1231 vistagrandemexicanrestaurant. com

finE DininG

1932 Reserve 1202 Procter Dr. Osage Beach; 693-9197

Baxter’s Lakeside Grille 2124 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-2669

Bentley’s Restaurant & Pub 3100 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-5301

The Encore Lakeside Grill & Sky Bar 3076 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9973

HK’s Steakhouse 315 Four Seasons Dr. Lake Ozark; 365-3000

JB Hook’s 2260 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-3255

Jeffrey’s Prime Rib & Lobster 1252 Hwy. KK

Osage Beach; 348-DINE

Michael’s Steak Chalet 1440 Swiss Village Rd. Osage Beach; 348-3611

The Tavern at Trails End 258 Trails End Rd. Sunrise Beach; 374-2895

Trophy Room in old Kinder hook 56 Club Place Camdenton; 317-3560

Windrose Marker 26 at Mar garitaville Resort 26 MM of the Lake 494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-3131 MargaritavilleResortLake


Andy’s Pizza 108 Cecil St. Camdenton; 346-8300

Al’s Chevy’s Pizza & Pub 5151 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0027

Alley Cats Pizza & Pub 1263 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-5559

Big Ry’s Pizzeria 27574 Hwy. Y Rocky Mount; 392-5271

Casagrotto Pizza 1312 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-5224

Godfathers Pizza Express at CG’s Mini Mart 11947 N Hwy. 5 Sunrise Beach; 374-4433

PaPPo’s Pizzeria & Pub 4705 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1092

Pepperoni Bill’s 35 Camden Ct. Camdenton; 873-2365

Tony G’s Pizzeria 14160 Twin Bays Rd. Gravois Mills; 372-3600


Casablanca 1312 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-5224

Chances ‘R’ 310 S. Main St. Laurie; 374-8770

City Limits Restaurant and Spirits 664 Hwy. Y Eldon; 392-3105

EC’s Bar & Grill

4344 Osage Beach Pkwy., Suite C-1 Osage Beach; 693-9168

foxxy Roxy Sports Bar at the Regalia Hotel and Conference Center

250 Racquet Club Rd. Lake Ozark; 723-3000

Hero’s Junction 27560 Hwy. Y Rocky Mount; 392-5850

Lucky’s 1140 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-6550

Lucy’s at the Lake 1311 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1711

Marty Byrde’s 1286 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 240-2274

The nauti Pirate 1165 N. Bus. Rte. 5 Camdenton; 317-9565

oh Tommy’s irish Pub 6285 N. State Hwy. 7 Roach; 347-3133

The office neighborhood Pub 4460 Horseshoe Bend Pkwy. Lake Ozark; 693-1555

Scuttlebutt Bar & Grill 91 East Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-4994

S.n.A.f.U. 1275 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-1693

Tirebiters Peanut Pub 4704 Jayhawk St. Osage Beach; 552-8842

48 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

Viking Post 306

2097 State Rd. Y Linn Creek; 317-1109


944 West Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 346-6100

Whittle’s Pub & Grub 108 S. Maple St. Eldon; 392-5900

Wicked Willie’s Sports Grill

5384 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1777


2010 State Rd. A Montreal; 346-6197

Woody’s Tavern 5834 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-0545


Backwater Jacks

18 MM of the Main Channel 4341 Beach Dr. Osage Beach; 348-6639

Bear Bottom Resort

38 MM of the Main Channel Lake Road 5-36 Sunrise Beach; 374-6905

Boathouse Lakeside Bar & Grill

3 MM of the Main Channel 107 Village Marina Rd./W-20 Eldon; 552-9496

Bobber’s Restaurant at Al honna Resort

8 MM of the Main Channel 677 Outer Drive Lake Ozark; 365-2634

Boondockz at Lazy Dayz Re sort

45 MM of the Main Channel 267 Runaway Dr. Climax Springs, 345-4590

Bulldog’s Beach House

33 MM of the Main Channel 121 Teton Ln. Camdenton; 873-3311

Captain Ron’s Bar & Grill

34.5 MM of the Main Channel 82 Aloha Ln. Sunrise Beach; 374-5852

Coconuts Caribbean Beach Bar & Grill

7 MM of the Gravois Arm 15208 Red Hollow Rd. Gravois Mills; 372-6500


4 MM of the Main Channel 245 Wheelhouse Ct. Lake Ozark; 693-1633

Dog Days Bar & Grill

19 MM of the Main Channel 1232 Jeffries Rd. Osage Beach; 348-9797

fish & Company (The)

31 MM of the Main Channel 268 Wego Fish Ln. Camdenton; 873-0022

franky and Louie’s

10 MM of the Main Channel 1028 Deer Valley Rd. Sunrise Beach; 374-5750

H. Toad’s Bar and Grill at Cam den on the Lake

7 MM of the Lake 2359 Bittersweet Rd. Lake Ozark; 365-5500

Halfway inn

47 MM of the Main Channel Lake Road 135-3 (1038 Cup Tree Rd.) Gravois Mills; 374-1919

High Tide

21 MM of the Main Channel

1700 Yacht Club Dr. Osage Beach; 693-1525

JB’s Boathouse Grill at Mar garitaville Resort

26 MM of the Lake 494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-8619 MargaritavilleResortLake

Jolly Roger’s Grub & Grog/ Kraken Shack Seafood and oyster Bar

4.5 MM of the Gravois Arm 28443 Polk Dr. Rocky Mount; 392-0700

49 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 689 N. State Hwy. 7, Greenview At the intersection of Hwy. 7 and EE We are open 6 days a week! Mon-Sat 10 am-4 pm/Tues 10-7 (573) 873-5855 Share the Harvest Thrift Store The cleanest, most organized resell boutique at the Lake! New Items Daily! Gently loved men, women and children’s clothing Collectibles • Toys Home Decor • Housewares Furniture & more! Winter & Holiday Clothing and Seasonal Decor Items Stocked Daily! Bill’s Art Center & GAllery CUSTOM FRAMING • SUPPLIES • LESSONS 94 N Business, MO-5 Camdenton, MO 6520 573-317-1010 EXPERIENCE LOCAL ART AND GET THE SUPPLIES TO CREATE YOUR OWN ART SUPPLY STORE, GALLERY AND PICTURE FRAMING SHOP Proudly Supporting the Lake of the Ozarks art communities. 10% OFF Custom Made Frames Expires 1/20/23


Lake Burger

29475 Mill Creek Marina Rd. Gravois Mills; 207-4422

Lake House 13 13 MM of the Main Channel 98 Oasis Cir. Sunrise Beach; 372-8339

Landshark Bar & Grill at Mar garitaville Resort

26 MM of the Lake 494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-8593 MargaritavilleResortLake

Larry’s on the Lake 31 MM of the Main Channel 364 Galley Rd. Camdenton; 873-5227

Lazy Gator’s

7 MM of the Main Channel 132 Sweet William Rd. Lake Ozark; 660-441-0574

Maggie’s on the Lake 8MM Gravois Arm 15251 Fleener Dr. Gravois Mills; 207-3693

Miller’s Landing 28.5 MM of the Main Channel 1431 Runabout Dr. Osage Beach; 348-5268

nautifish Rum Bar 3 MM of the Niangua Arm 1022 Nautica Rd. Camdenton; 286-2226

neon Taco 0MM 1076 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-6064

Papa Chubby’s food & Booze 26 MM of the Main Channel 820 Serene Valley Dr. Sunrise Beach; 374-8000

Paradise Tropical Restaurant & Bar

24 MM of the Main Channel 430 Tropical Trail Dr. Sunrise Beach; 374-4777

RedHead Lakeside Grill

21MM of the Main Channel 1700 Yacht Club Dr. Osage Beach; 693-1525

Shady Gator’s

7 MM of the Main Channel 132 Sweet William Rd. Lake Ozark; 365-6464

Shorty Pants Lounge

21 MM of the Main Channel 1680 Autumn Ln. Osage Beach; 302-1745

Tap and Grill Lake Side Brew Haus

6.5 MM of the Main Channel 31959 Dunwandrin Rd. Gravois Mills; 207-0029

The Wet Spot Bar & Grill

59.5 MM of the Main Channel 33880 Ivy Bend Rd. Stover; 372-9903


Lake of the ozarks Brewing Company 6192 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1993

ozark Distillery & ozark Brewery 1684 Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 348-2449

Seven Springs Winery 846 Winery Hills Estates Linn Creek; 317-0100

Shawnee Bluff Vineyard 8 Tolwood Rd. Eldon; 365-1100

Shawnee Bluff Winery 2430 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-9935

Shortleaf Brewing Co. 311 South Business Rt. 5 Camdenton; 873-2081


Andy’s frozen Custard 4820 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0020

Brew Brothers Coffee 404 East 4th St. Eldon; 280-6430

Celebration Cruises

0 MM of the Main Channel 1009 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 480-3212

Coral Reef Seafood 5370 Osage Beach Parkway Osage Beach; 348-4000

Courthouse Cafe 100 E. Jasper Versailles; 434-3456

The Donut Den 2545 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Ste 211 Lake Ozark; 542-8041

Great Stone Coffee 1375 State Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 693-9273

Harmy’s Cheese Store & More 6378 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1243

Higher Grounds Coffee House

498 W US 54 Camdenton; 873-2696

The Plant Base & Kava Bar 1036 Stonecrest Cir. Osage Beach; 552-8388

icehole 1371 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9594

Randy’s frozen Custard 4681 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1423

Sip Coffee House

932 U.S. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 873-2565

fAST fooD

Cree Mee Drive-in 801 S. Aurora St. Eldon; 392-5418

Culver’s 5785 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0244 osage-beach

Dairy Queen

619 N. Bus. Hwy. 5 Camdenton; 346-5855

Eldon Drive-in 607 S. Aurora St. Eldon; 392-3490

Jimmy John’s 4082 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-7323

Steak & Shake 3920 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-0090

How to submit

To have your restaurant in cluded in the Drink & Dine res taurant listing, send restaurant name, address, phone number, website and your contact in formation to charis.lakesun@

50 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
Pizza from PaPPo’s Pizzeria & Pub. Alan Wohlgemut photo

Christmas is Sharing program helps families

Merry Christmas

The Camden County Child Advocacy Council has begun their “Christmas Is Sharing” program for 2022. The Council is expecting the number of families that will apply for help this year to be greater than in 2021 due to earlier than usual job losses, greater household expenses and the fact that there are not as many peo ple able to help others this year. Already this year they have been asked to add more school-aged children to their list due to loss of funding in the fringe areas of the county. Last year 681 children were helped through “The Christmas Is Sharing” program.

Efforts are being made to get “adoption” forms into the hands of those who need help with Christmas at the earliest possible time. The Council is asking for forms to be returned no later than December 1st.

In the past they have been able to be more flexible with the date, however, this year the Council must stick firmly to that date. Forms for help with gifts for chil dren will be available at the Child Advocacy Thrift Store, Head Start, Camden County Disabilities, Chil dren’s Services and through the schools in Camden County.

Child Advocacy has a new distribution location for Christmas 2022. For “2022 Christmas Is Sharing” they will be working out of Com munity Christian Church.

Those wishing to adopt a family, make donations or, if you have questions about the “Christmas Is Sharing” program, call Monica Long at 573-346-0003 (the Child Advocacy Thrift Store), or Inez Killam at 480-4239, or you may email Inez at ikil

• Wrapping parents gifts is appreciated and leaving the children gifts unwrapped allows the parent to wrap themselves

• Please deliver the presents to the shelter (45 5TH STREET, CAMDENTON) by December 14 to allow time for us to notify families to pick up their gifts and prepare for their family Christmas


‘Tis the season: Holiday concerts

Get into the holiday spirit this year with Christmas music performed by local groups.

Lake Area Chorale

The Greater Lake Area Chorale will be performing some of your fa vorite Christmas music this season.

Free concerts will be offered: Dec. 3, New Life Nazarene Church in Camdenton; Dec. 4, West Lake Christian Church in Laurie; Dec. 11, Morgan County Performing Arts Center in Versailles; Dec. 13, Lake Ozark Christian Church; Dec. 18, Christ the King Lutheran Church.

The concert Dec. 13 will include performances from the Lake Area Community Orchestra and the Lake Strings & Symphony of the Magic Dragon.

For more information, go to Lake Area Chorale on Facebook.

Lake Area Community Orchestra

There is music in the air! The Lake Area Community Orchestra has begun their series of winter concerts at Lake area venues.

Some great seasonal Christmas music will be played and sung.The concert will close with all of the groups joining together with sev eral selections from Handel’s Mes siah, closing with The Hallelujah Chorus. There is music for every one to enjoy.

Concerts are free and start at 7 p.m. Upcoming concerts include: Dec. 4, Versailles Royal Theatre; Dec. 6, Hope Lutheran Chapel Sokoll Bldg.; Dec. 11, West Lake Christian Church; Dec. 13, Lake Ozark Christian Church.

For more information, go to www.lakeareacommunityorchestra. org.

52 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023

Steps Dance Studio performs ‘The Nutcraker’ on Dec. 11.

This full-length production will be presented by Steps Dance Studio at the Camdenton Little Theater at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11.

The beloved story by E.T. Hoffman is performed all over the world during the Christmas Season and has be come a “Magical Holiday Tradition” at the Lake. Audience members enjoy inspiring artistry as they watch the story of a little girl’s magical dreams come to life.

53 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 Dial 911 in case of Emergency This is Lake West Ambulance SERVING THE WEST SIDE OF LAKE OF THE OZARKS Lake West Ambulance is an ALS (Advanced Life Support) Ambulance Service. Our service to the community is the heart of who we are. LAKE WEST AMBULANCE DISTRICT 573-374-8429 (816) 668-2326 • East Side of Hwy 5 100 Brooke Lane – Suite A • Laurie, MO 65037 Lake Vibes Veteran Owned and Operated Open 7 days a week Sunglasses, hats, apparel & more! Bring this coupon in for 15% OFF your total purchase Expiration date1/20/23 VN Family Swimwear Year Round! A holiday tradition C elebrate
with the
the holiday season
magic of “The Nutcracker.” Steps Dance Studio continues a “Magical Holiday Tradition” for the Lake area, celebrating their 21st annual production of “The Nutcracker.”
Steps Dance Studio has been offering quality dance education at the Lake for 28 years. Please call 573-6942861 for more information, or visit our website at www. THE ARTS Stock photos


Friday, December 2

Brick House, Ross Steiner, 7 p.m. Casablanca, Cheryl Lynn, 7 p.m.

Saturday, December 3

Brick House, Bryan Copeland, 8 p.m. Casablanca, Duoly Noted, 7 p.m.; Don Akers, 8 p.m. Shawnee Bluff Winery, live music, 5 p.m.

Thursday, December 8

Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7:15 p.m.

Friday, December 9

Brick House, Sam Swanson, 7 p.m. Casablanca, Bryan Copeland, 8 p.m. off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 5-8 p.m.

Saturday, December 10

Brick House, Lake Collective, 7 p.m. Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7 p.m. Shawnee Bluff Winery, Steve Moore, 5 p.m.

Wednesday, December 14

Casablanca, Christmas sing a long with Cheryl Lynn, 5 p.m.

Thursday, December 15

Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7:15 p.m.

Friday, December 16

Brick House, Adam Powell, 7 p.m. Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7 p.m.

Saturday, December 17

Brick House, Duoly Noted, 7 p.m. Casablanca, Sam Swanson, 7 p.m. Shawnee Bluff Winery, Grayson Woods, 5 p.m.

Thursday, December 22 Casablanca, Tim Newell, 7:15 p.m.

Friday, December 23

Casablanca, Adam Powell, 7 p.m. off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 5-8 p.m.

get listed

Attention musicians, bands, bars and restaurants: Send us live entertainment schedules to be included in our live music listing. Event information must in clude name of venue, name of entertainer, time, date and contact information for verification. Send information to or call 573346-2132. The following list has been updated as of press time.

54 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023
If quality family fun is what you are looking for, you will find it all under one roof at Miner Mike’s and Buster’s. The Maze Runaway Mine Train the Chuck Wagon Ferris Wheel and more! Route 66 Indoor Elevated roller coaster style electric go karting and Busters garage Arcades air hockey Nascar Games HarleyDavidson Games Bring the Family to Miner Mike’s Indoor Fun Center at Lake of the Ozarks! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Normal Weekend Hours until Dec 19th CLOSED: December 24th – December 26th Tues, Dec 27th – FrI, Dec 30th: OPEN 11am to 7pm CLOSED: Saturday, December 31 & Sunday, Jan 1 Open Weekends during remainder of January 11am-8pm Saturdays & 11am-5pm Sundays 573-348-2126 4515 Osage Beach Pkwy., Osage Beach, MO Across From Osage Beach Outlet Marketplace
56 VACATION NEWS December 2, 2022 - January 19, 2023 DECEMBER 1 5pm TRAVELIN KIND 7pm GRAYSON PROJECT 2 5pm MARCUS WORDS 7pm PHAT MIKE 3 5pm REBEL WALKER 7pm PHAT MIKE 5 6pm LEVI - KARAOKE 6 5pm TRAVELIN KIND 7pm LEVI - KARAOKE 7 5pm STEVE MOORE 7pm TURNSTYLES 8 5pm TRAVELIN KIND 7pm GRAYSON PROJECT 9 5pm CINDY LAWHORN 10 5pm REBEL WALKER 7pm ALTER K SHON 11 4pm TRAVELIN KIND 12 6pm LEVI - KARAOKE 13 5pm TRAVELIN KIND 7pm LEVI - KARAOKE 14 4pm CHUCK BRISENO 7pm PRESLEY BAND 15 5pm TRAVELIN KIND 7pm GRAYSON PROJECT 16 5pm MARCUS WORDS 7pm PURE DRIVE 17 5pm REVEL WALKER 19 6pm LEVI - KARAOKE 20 5pm TRAVELIN KIND 7pm LEVI - KARAOKE 21 5pm STEVE MOORE 7pm GRAYSON PROJECT 22 5pm TRAVELIN KIND 7pm GRAYSON PROJECT 31 8pm DAMIEN GUNN Check out our Facebook page for upcoming 2023 Entertainment BOOZE, FOOD & TUNES OFF THE CLIFF | 66 North Shore Dr., Lake Ozark, MO 573.693.1655 | offtheclifflakeozark OPENs at 11 Tuesday thru Saturday located in the lower level of OFF THE CLIFF opens at 4 Monday thru Saturday Subject to change due to inclement weather or last minute cancellations. MONDAY & TUESDAY NIGHTS Karaoke ALL DAY LONG Margarita Specials! Taco Tuesday Wingfest Wednesday EVERY DAY 4-7 PM ALL WEEK HAPPY HOUR $1 Off Beer $1 Off Liquor $1 Off Wine $1 Off Buckets Appetizers Fried Pickles $7 Mini Corn Dogs $7 Fried Green Beans $7 Jalapeno Poppers $7 Fried Mushrooms $7 Onion Rings $8 Loaded Fries $8 Tater Kegs $8 6 Cliff Wings $9 10 Cliff Wings $15 BROASTED CHICKEN FRIDAYS

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