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CALENDAR OF EVENTS JULY 24 • An Ice Cream Social & Classic Car Cruise-In will be held from 6-8:30 p.m. For more information call the museum, 573-346-7191 or go to www.camdencountymuseum.org. 24 • Great Stone Coffeehouse has their monthly Old-Time Radio Theatre. Enjoy entertaining Old-Time Radio-type shows by talented Great Stone Players, including the popular adventures of “Blast Burton: Radar Rocket Ranger from the 26th Century.” Doors open at 6 p.m. for the show at 7 p.m. For info, Beth at 913-9098603 or Will at 573-462-6623, or go to www.GreatStoneCoffee.com. 24 • The 4th annual Christmas in July 5K will be held at the Tri-County YMCA of the Ozarks in Osage Beach. Race starts at 7 a.m. Cost is $35 and includes a T-shirt, medal, swag bag and Christmas Brunch. Proceeds benefit the Y’s Gymnastics Team. To register or for more information, call 573-348-9230. 25 • Bingo on Sundays at the Elks Lodge in Osage Beach (5161 Osage Beach Parkway). Doors open at 2 p.m Bingo at 3 p.m. For more information call 573-348-3798. 26 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday. Doors open at 11 a.m., with play at 12:30 p.m. No concessions. Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are optional. No smoking in the building. For more information, call 573-374-4781. 27 • Drop in knitting/crochet from 10-3 at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on3 Hwy KK in Osage Beach. All skill levels welcome. For more information call 573-374-6927. 29 • Bingo is held on Thursdays at the Rocky Mount Lions Club (20337 Dell Drive). Doors open at 5 p.m. with bingo starting at 6:30 p.m. Food and beverages available. For more information call 573-280-6441. 29 • Sit-N-Knit group will meet from 12-4 p.m. at Flocks Yarn and Fabric (1161 North Business Route 5, Camdenton). For more information, call 573-873-2233. 31 • The Best Dam Car Show will be held at Seven Springs Winery. Cars, trucks and motorcycles of all types will be on display. Live music, speciality vendors and food will be a part of the day. The event is a part of many being held to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Bagnell Dam. For more information, go to www.bestdambirthdaybash.com.
AUGUST 1 • Lake Valley Golf Club presents the 13th annual Shootout Benefit Golf Tournament. Shotgun start at 9 a.m. Cost is $125/player and includes 18 holes of golf with cart, lunch and awards. Hole-in-one prizes, proxies and on-course events held. Money raised goes to Lake area firefighters and many other local charitable organizations. For more information or to register, go to www.lakeoftheozarksshootout.com. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 • Bingo is held on Sundays at the Elks Lodge in Osage Beach (5161 Osage Beach Parkway). Doors open at 2 p.m., Bingo at 3 p.m. For more information call 573-348-3798. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 • Bingo is played at the Elks Lodge in Laurie (174 Elks Lane) every Monday. Doors open at 11 a.m., with play at 12:30 p.m. No concessions. Lots of space for social distancing, and masks are optional. No smoking in the building. For more information, call 573-374-4781. 3 • The City of Osage Beach hosts National Night Out at the Osage Beach City Park. This free event is held to enhance the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement. There will be vendor booths, city officials and entertainment held. For more information, www.osagebeach-mo.gov. 3,10,17,24 & 31 • Drop in knitting/ crochet from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Paint Box Cafe in Palisades Village on Hwy KK in Osage Beach. All skill levels welcome. For more information call 573-374-6927. 6 • An audience participation mystery theater presentation of “murder in Bloom” will be held at 6 p.m. Cost is $20 per person. Call 573-346-7191 ext. 8 for reservations or go to www.camdencountymuseum.org. 6 • The Lake Ozark Christian Church will have a huge Rummage Sale from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday, August 7 from 8 a.m.-noon. The church is located at 5160 Bagnell Dam Blvd. in Lake Ozark on The Strip next to Dogpatch. Clothing, furniture, and all types of items will be available at reasonable prices.
information, call 573-374-5267. 6 & 7 • The 13th annual Great Bagnell Dam Duck Drop will be held Saturday at the Lake Ozark Campground & RV Park below Bagnell Dam. The Family Fun Zone opens at 10 a.m. with games, a dunk booth, bounce houses, food and lots of prizes. Ducks are released into the Osage River at noon. Sales of Duck Drop tickets end at 11 a.m. the day of the event. Tickets are $5/each or six for $20. A golf tournament is being held Friday, August 6 at The Golf Club at Deer Chase starting at 1:30 p.m. All money raised goes to the Ozark Coast Kiwanis Club to be distributed to Lake area charities including Kids’ Harbor, Citizens Against Domestic Violence, the food pantry, Lake Area Big Brothers Big Sisters, Wonderland Camp and many others. To purchase Duck Drop tickets and to register a golf team, go to www.greatdamduckdrop.com. 7 • An audience participation mystery presentation “Murder in Bloom” will be held at the Camden County Museum. Cost is $20 per person. All the action and excitement begins at 6 p.m. Seating is limited and reservations are strongly advised. Call 573346-7191 ext 8. 7 • The Best Dam 5K Fun Run/Walk will be held at Old Kinderhook starting at 7:30 a.m. Cost is $25 to enter with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. For more information, call Jasen at 314-401-5518 or email jasenjones17@icloud.com. 7 • The Best Dam Motorcycle Ride will be held at 9 a.m. starting at the Zack Wheat Post 624 in Sunrise Beach. This is a free bike ride. 7 • The annual Duck Drop will be held at 10 a.m. at the Lake Ozark Campground and RV Park below Bagnell Dam. Kids games, a dunk booth, bounce houses, food and other games will be held at the family fun zone. Ducks will be released into the Osage River at noon (ticket sales end at 11 am.). The first duck to cross the finish line will win $5,000 with lots of other prizes awarded. For more information, go to www.greatdamduckdrop.com.
6 & 7 • The 28th annual Laurie Hillbilly BBQ Cook-off will be held at the Laurie Fairgrounds. Competitors from all over will be entering their awardwinning barbecue for cash prizes. For more information, go to www.cityoflaurie.com.
9-14 • The Best Dam En Plein Air Art Festival will be held around the Lake. Artists will be spread out over 20 different venues painting in the competition. A gala/art show and sale/awards ceremony will be held. For more information, go to www.lakefineart.net.
6 & 7 • Kent Memorial Lutheran Church in Sunrise Beach is hosting its annual rummage sale. Hours are Friday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m.-noon. Large rooms of household items will be for sale at great prices. For more
10 • The Best Dam Fireworks Display will be held on the Lake with fireworks being shot off on barges from the 0 to 39-mile markers. The shows will be synchronized. For more information, go to www.bestdambirthdaybash.com.
12 • Lake Area Fiber Artists Guild meeting from 11-2 at OakStar Bank, 1335 E. US-54, Camdenton. Guild open to anyone with a fiber interest regardless of experience level, www.lakefiberarts.com; lakefiberarts@gmail.com 13 • The Hot Summer Nights Car Show will be held on the Bagnell Dam Strip from 5-10 p.m. This is a free car show for spectators and car show participants. The theme this month is “Missouri Bicentennial 200th Birthday Party.” For more information, go to Hot Summer Nights - Lake of the Ozarks on Facebook. 14-27 • The annual Photo Quest Contest entries are being displayed at the Stone Crest Mall. The winning entries will be on display from Sept.7Oct. 27. Amateur photographers will be displaying their work in a variety of categories. The awards ceremony takes place Aug. 14 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the mall. For more information, go to www.artsatthelake.com. 18 • The West Lake Newcomers will meet at the Westside Senior Center, .1501 O Raod, Laurie, at 11 a.m. Meeting at 11:15 a.m. with lunch to follow. A program on “What’s Happening at the Senior Center” will be held. Bring school supplies. Reservations required. Call Judy at 573-789-7240. 22 • The Float Your Boat competition will be held at Captain Ron’s to benefit the Lake of the Ozarks Food Bank. Cost to enter is $100 per team. Starts at 1 p.m. The winner will receive a prize and bragging rights. To register, contact JJones@OldKinderhook.com or call 573-317-4440. 20-22 • The Crossover Music Festival will be held at Ozarks Amphitheater featuring a variety of musicians in the Christian music industry. 23 • The Great Shootout Treasure Hunt will be held at Captain Ron’s at 5 p.m. Lots of treasure will be buried on the beach. Tickets are $20 online at www.lakeoftheozarksshootout.com. 25 • The Shootout on the Strip Meet & Greet will be held in Lake Ozark starting at 5 p.m. Race boats will be parked along the Strip for spectators to look at and meet the racing teams. For more information, go to www.lakeoftheozarksshootout.com. 28 & 29 • The Lake of the Ozarks Shootout will be held at Captain Ron’s at the 34.5-mile marker. The races are held on the weekend where teams will compete for the Top Gun Trophy Several events are held in the days prior including a golf tournament, treasure hunt, street party, mini Shootout, poker run and many other events. For a full schedule, go to www.lakeoftheozarksshootout.com. m
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 11
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People fish at Lake of the Ozarks. CHARIS PATIRES
REEL IT IN John Neporadny Jr. Special to Vacation News | USA TODAY NETWORK
Fishing is about as American as apple pie and baseball and there’s no better place in the midwest to cast a line than Lake of the Ozarks. Spend a day fishing from the dock or throw out a line while out boating with the family and you’ll discover why the fishing industry is booming. Heading out for a day on the water, a stash of fishing gear is essential as sunscreen. Fishing is a great experience to share with the kids whether you are an occasional or a more serious angler. For those in the latter group, here are a few tips for finding the perfect guide to share their fishing wisdom. Lake of the Ozarks is a haven for anglers. A good
guide can make the a guided fishing trip an adventure. For some expert advice we went to John Neporadny Jr., a local freelance writer, author and fisherman with over 40 years fishing the Lake of the Ozarks and whose work has been published innational and regional outdoor publications and websites over the last 40 years and counting.
Tips for booking guided fishing trip There are no guarantees in fishing even if you hire a guide. Although novices perceive guides as omnipotent fishcatchers, more experienced anglers know that even the best of these professional fishermen are only human and have no control over certain variables
that can turn your dream trip at Lake of the Ozarks into an expensive day on the water. However a good guide can find fish and help his clients catch fish most of the time. Through my years of outdoor writing, I’ve fished with plenty of guides — some very good and some mediocre. I even dabbled in guiding for five years at the Lake of the Ozarks until my writing endeavors drastically cut into my time on the water. Spending time on both sides of the guide/client relationship has given me some insight on how clients can find a good guide and what questions they should ask while setting up their guided fishing trip. Searching for the right guide requires some homework. The Internet is full of websites listing Lake of the Ozarks guides. A guided trip can be expensive in some areas, so you need to do some homework to make sure you get your money’s worth. The following tips provide some guidelines on picking the right guide and setting up your trip.
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 17
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OUTDOORS “Mountain biking is an exciting way to experience the outdoors, and MDC and our partners have trails for cyclists of all skill levels,” said MDC Recreational Use Specialist A.J. Campbell. Mountain bikes offer trail users the ability to cover more distance than hiking, and experience more of Missouri’s diverse geography and ecological communities. Mountain biking also presents unique challenges and requires some preparation and planning to stay safe. Always bike safely on Missouri trails: • Make a plan and tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to return. • Wear a helmet. • Stay on the trail. • Use caution, manage speed, and anticipate trail obstructions. • Share the trail, announce when passing hikers, horse riders, and other trail users. • Prepare for bike repairs and other emergencies; pack food, water, sanitizer, lights, and anything else you may need if your trip takes longer than planned. • Maintain physical distancing, wear a mask when appropriate, protect yourself and others from disease by following health guidelines while on the trail, and while traveling to- and from your destination. MDC allows bicycles on conservation area roads and trails open to vehicle traffic, and on designated trails, except where posted. Conservation areas offer plenty of mountain biking opportunities across central Missouri, just a short drive from home. Learn more about these, and other mountain biking opportunities at nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/places, and download the MO Outdoors App for mobile devices.
Little Dixie Lake Conservation Area • Uses: Hike and mountain bike • Length: Approximately 6-miles; loop around lake • Surface: Dirt and gravel • Difficulty: Easy • Unique features: Views of Little Dixie Lake Located in Callaway County, about halfway between Columbia and Fulton. This trail system, blazed in red markers, can be accessed from each of the area’s five parking lots. This mostly wide, gentle trail is great for beginners and fam-
ilies. The north side features some sharp turns and gully crossings better suited for experienced cyclists. The area also offers fishing accesses and disabled-accessible privies. COMO Trail Association helps MDC maintain this trail.
Three Creeks Conservation Area • Uses: Hike, mountain bike, and horseback • Length: Approximately 5-miles total; multiple loops • Surface: Dirt, rock, and gravel • Difficulty: Easy to difficult • Unique features: Rocky creek crossings and views of bluffs Located south of Columbia in Boone County, accessible from several points off of US Highway 63. Approximately 5miles of multi-use trails travel through grassy fields, wooded hills and ridgetops, and the bottomlands along Bass, Turkey, and Bonne Femme creeks. Access trailheads from each of three parking lots on the area. Trails are open yearround, but users should exercise caution and wear hunter orange during firearms hunting seasons. The area also offers primitive camping at several trailside locations. COMO Trail Association helps MDC maintain this trail.
Rudolf Bennitt Conservation Area • Uses: Hike, mountain bike, and horseback • Length: Approximately 12-miles total; multiple loops • Surface: Chat • Difficulty: Easy to moderate • Unique features: Bennitt Lake, restored woodlands and savannas Located northwest of Columbia in Boone, Howard, and Randolph counties. Approximately 12-miles of multi-use trails travel through woodlands and savannas. This gently sloped, chat surface trail system is great for beginners. Cyclists can access various trail loops of different lengths from several locations on the area. A portion of the trail travels near the area’s 48-acre lake. Trails are closed to bikes and horses during firearms deer hunting seasons, and before 1 p.m. during spring turkey hunting season. The area also offers fishing access, primitive camping, a shooting range, and disabled-accessible privies. The
Heartland Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of Missouri helps MDC maintain these trails.
Hart Creek Conservation Area • Uses: Hike and mountain bike • Length: 2.25 miles; one way • Surface: Dirt • Difficulty: Moderate to difficult • Unique features: Long, steep hills and a viewing platform above the Missouri River Located northwest of Hartsburg in southwestern Boone County. A 2.25mile trail begins at a bridge across Hart Creek, travelling through a field and up a long, steep hill into the woods. After climbing the hill, users will travel along a ridge that offers excellent views of the Missouri River valley. A 0.25-mile trail spur leads to a viewing platform overlooking the river. From this junction, the main trail travels down a steep hill and ends at a primitive camping area along the Katy Trail. The area also features a 2-acre fishing lake. COMO Trail Association helps MDC maintain this trail.
Binder Park • Uses: Hike and mountain bike • Length: Approximately 15-miles total; multiple loops • Surface: Dirt, rock • Difficulty: Easy to difficult • Unique features: Views of Binder Lake This 644-acre park, located near Jefferson City, has four mountain biking loops that weave through the woods surrounding Binder Lake. The 15 total trail miles consist of loops ranging in length from 1.6- to 4.3-miles. The park, owned and managed by Jefferson City Parks, features many amenities for visitors, including a 155-acre lake, which is owned and managed by MDC. The park offers playgrounds, RV camping, pavilions, picnic shelters and tables, disabled-accessible restrooms and fishing accesses. Visit JC Parks for more detailed info about mountain biking at Binder Park. The Osage Trail Association helps JC Parks maintain these trails. Find other excellent mountain biking opportunities in central Missouri at Finger Lakes State Park, Rock Bridge State Park, and Columbia’s Cosmo Park. m
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 23
Daytrippin’ The waterways of Mammoth Spring, Arkansas Vicki Wood Special to Vacation News | USA TODAY NETWORK
Mammoth Spring is Arkansas’s largest spring and the second largest spring in the Ozark Mountains. It forms a 10-acre lake thanks to the dam in the middle of the park that once powered a grist mill. Hydroelectrics continue to take advantage of the waterflow at a rate of 9 million gallons of 58 degree water per hour. 24 | JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS
Mammoth Spring State Park is about a three hour drive from the Lake. VICKI WOOD
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DAY TRIP Native Americans inhabited the area and had a connection to the site long before European settlers arrived. Local legend says the spring emerged when a Native American chief was digging a grave for his son, who had died searching for water during a drought. According to folklore, the spring will gush forever in honor of the young man (Arkansasliving magazine.com). The spring cannot be viewed as it sits 80 feet below the ground, but there is plenty to view above ground at Mammoth Spring State Park, with a walking trail traversing the entire lake. Beavers, otters, ducks, and unusual birds abound in and around the waterways. Cool off in the air conditioned visitors center, where helpful staff can explain the park system, and direct guests to the town’s most popular shopping and restaurant locations. The Fish Hatchery at Mammoth Spring State Park is currently closed to visitors due to COVID. Wood’s River Bend Restaurant, which sits directly across Highway 63 from Mammoth Spring State Park, and Fred’s Fish House are two eating establishments that have quite a following in Mammoth Spring. Fred’s Fish House has been featured on the Food Network. Located at 215 Main Street in the historic downtown district, the affordable menu has a daily special, with crab legs on the weekends. Catfish and trout are also on the menu, but Fred’s is most well known for the peanut butter pie. Wood’s River Bend Restaurant is perched on the Spring River in a log cabin building with incredible views from the back deck, and its menu features barbecue, catfish, burgers and breakfast.
1886 Frisco Train Depot Incorporated in 1889, Mammoth Spring became an important rail road stop. Stroll through the oldest railroad station in Arkansas, the 1886 Frisco Depot at Mammoth Spring State Park. The Victorian depot displays sculpted life-like figures that portray the train and depot crew, and passengers in the 1900s era. Video displays share the history of Mammoth Spring. Exhibits of railroad artifacts are on display in the baggage room. The Frisco caboose outside is open to exploration, perfect for the little ones. Trains continue to zoom past the old depot, adding to the authenticity of the experience.
Historic Downtown Venture a few blocks east from the state park to the historic downtown district of Mammoth Spring. Check out the Main Street Boutique for the latest fashions, and St. Andrews Episcopal Church, a wooden building from 1888. Palace Drug is known to locals and visitors. It’s an old time drug store with a small sandwich counter eating area for fountain sodas and ice cream.
Trout Fishing the Spring River In the Mammoth Spring State Park trout fishing is allowed, but one must purchase a daily trout tag and the use of only one pole is permitted. Out on the Spring River, the water is crystal clear and cool, and brown trout abound. There are areas to the river with gravel bars and streams perfect for floating or canoeing. Endless cabin rentals sit along the Spring River, as well as canoe and kayak rentals.
The headwater of the Spring River provides power for the city of Mammoth Spring. More than 9.7 million gallons of water flows over the dam every hour. VICKI WOOD
Grand Gulf State Park Formed from a collapsed karst system, Grand Gulf State Park is located 10 minutes from downtown Mammoth Spring back over the Missouri State line near Thayer. It’s worth the detour from your day trip to Mammoth Spring. Breathtaking vista views above the “gulf ” make for some fantastic photo opportunities. Sometimes referred to as “the little Grand Canyon,” Grand Gulf was formed in a similar nature to Ha Ha Tonka State Park from a collapsed karst system. The “Grand Gulf ” stretches for about three-quarters of a mile between 130 foot high walls. Visitors can view the gulf from trails on top or from the floor where they can walk under the natural bridge, which spans 250 feet with a 75-foot-high opening (mostateparks.com).
Gateway Gap Rock N Roll Highway The sign says “Where Abbey Road Meets the Rock N Roll Highway.” US 67 earned its nickname as the Rock ’N’ Roll Highway in recognition of the numerous entertainers of eventual fame who came to the area. Musicians like Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Bill Rice, Booker T and various big bands and others played at the venues up and down this section of the highway. US 63 running from Mammoth Spring south through Hardy and 412 to Ravenden is a gradual, very scenic descent from the Ozarks to the Delta area west of Crowley’s Ridge. Notably, it goes through Evening Shade, namesake of the ’90s Burt Reynolds TV sitcom “Evening Shade.” m JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 27
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DAM TO DAM Connye Griffin Special to Vacation News | USA TODAY NETWORK
From Warsaw to Lake Ozark and Gravois Mills to Roach, boat ramps around Lake of the Ozarks provide free or modestly-priced public access to beautiful waters and great fishing. Most of these access ramps have restroom facilities on site and docks for drivers to tie up their boats. All have been permitted by Ameren, responsible for
private and public access permits. Lake marinas and some resorts also provide access ramps. Charges and public access by way of these ramps vary. The Missouri Department of Conservation provides details about these facilities by site name. In addition, two online sites provide printable maps for anyone interested in exploring many of the possible access points. These are: h MissouriGreatOutdoors.com/ lake_of_the_ozarks_boat_ramps.php
30 | JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS
(with longitude and latitude data on each individual boat ramp map) and h FunLake.com/public-access -boat-ramps. Drake Harbor in the heart of downtown Warsaw on West Harrison Street is an expanse of green space giving way to asphalt trails and drives, boat ramps, and marinas. It’s a good place to launch for a dam to dam tour of the lake’s beautiful coves and curves. (Not located on either printable map cited above)
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Bagnell Dam turns 90 this year, and a number of events are being held this summer to celebrate. The Best Dam Birthday Bash is taking place with these fun events scheduled across the Lake area. The events coincide with the Missouri 2021 Bicentennial celebration. For more information go to www.bestdambirthdaybash. com or Best Dam Birthday Bash on Facebook.
Best Dam Car Show July 31, Seven Springs Winery Cars, trucks and motorcycles of all
types will be on display. Live music, speciality vendors and food will be a part of the day. Register on the website to participate.
Best Dam Blood Drive August 3, Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce & August 4, Lake Area Chamber of Commerce The American Red Cross will host a blood drive from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Each donor will receive a free, one-of-a-kind Tshirt.
Best BBQ Birthday Bash August 6 & 7, Laurie Fairgrounds The 28th annual Laurie Hillbilly BBQ Cook-off will bring competitors from all over featuring their award-winning barbecue for cash prizes. Anyone can enter to compete.
Best Dam Motorcycle Ride August 7, Zack Wheat Post 624 American Legion in Sunrise Beach A free bike ride will take off at 9 a.m. at the Post. Breakfast and T-shirts will be
available for a small fee.
Best Dam 5K Fun Run/Walk August 7, Old Kinderhook Walk or run through the scenic grounds at Old Kinderhook. Cost is $25 to enter with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. For more information, call Jasen at 314-401-5518 or email jasenjones17@icloud.com.
Best Dam En Plein Air Art Festival August 9-14, Lake Fine Art Academy & Galleria Artists will be spread out over 20 different venues painting in the competition. A gala/art show and sale/awards ceremony will be held. For more information, go to www.lakefineart.net.
Best Dam Fireworks Display August 10 Enjoy an amazing fireworks show no matter where you are located at the Lake. The plan is to place barges from the 0 to 39-mile markers where fireworks will be synchronized to go off at the same time. m
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 33
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DINING GUIDE Halfway Inn 47 MM of the Main Channel Lake Road 135-3 (1038 Cup Tree Rd.) Gravois Mills; 374-1919 halfway-inn.com High Tide 21 MM of the Main Channel 1700 Yacht Club Dr. Osage Beach; 693-1525 hightidepool.com JB’s Boathouse Grill at Margaritaville Resort 26 MM of the Lake 494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-8619 MargaritavilleResort LakeoftheOzarks.com Jolly Roger’s Grub & Grog/Kraken Shack Seafood and Oyster Bar 4.5 MM of the Gravois Arm 28443 Polk Dr. Rocky Mount; 392-0700 grubngrog.com Lake Burger 29475 Mill Creek Marina Rd. Gravois Mills; 207-4422 lakeburger.com Lake House 13 13 MM of the Main Channel 98 Oasis Cir. Sunrise Beach; 372-8339 lakehouse13.com LakeSide Cafe at Ozark Yacht Club 1 MM of the Main Channel 500 Yacht Club Landing Dr. Lake Ozark; 552-8401 ozarkyachtclub.com Landshark Bar & Grill at Margaritaville Resort 26 MM of the Lake 494 Tan Tar A Dr. Osage Beach; 348-8593 MargaritavilleResort LakeoftheOzarks.com Larry’s on the Lake 31 MM of the Main Channel 364 Galley Rd. Camdenton; 873-5227 larrysonthelake.com Lazy Gator’s 7 MM of the Main Channel 132 Sweet William Rd. Lake Ozark; 660-441-0574 lazygators.com Maggie’s on the Lake 8MM Gravois Arm 15251 Fleener Dr. Gravois Mills; 207-3693
Miller’s Landing 28.5 MM of the Main Channel 1431 Runabout Dr. Osage Beach; 348-5268 themillerslanding.com NautiFish Rum Bar 3 MM of the Niangua Arm 1022 Nautica Rd. Camdenton; 286-2226 nautifishrumbar.com Neon Taco 0MM 1076 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 964-6064 Papa Chubby’sFood & Booze 26 MM of the Main Channel 820 Serene Valley Dr. Sunrise Beach; 374-8000 papachubbys.com Paradise Tropical Restaurant & Bar 24 MM of the Main Channel 430 Tropical Trail Dr. Sunrise Beach; 374-4777 paradiseatthelake.com Red Fox Bar & Grill 50 MM of the Main Channel 1433 Red Fox Rd. Climax Springs; 345-4596 RedHead Lakeside Grill 21MM of the Main Channel 1700 Yacht Club Dr. Osage Beach; 693-1525 redheadyachtclub.com Shady Gator’s 7 MM of the Main Channel 132 Sweet William Rd. Lake Ozark; 365-6464 shadygators.com Shorty Pants Lounge 21 MM of the Main Channel 1680 Autumn Ln. Osage Beach; 302-1745 shortypantslounge.com Tap and Grill Lake Side Brew Haus 6.5 MM of the Main Channel 31959 Dunwandrin Rd. Gravois Mills; 207-0029 tapandgrillatthelake.com The Wet Spot Bar & Grill 59.5 MM of the Main Channel 33880 Ivy Bend Rd. Stover; 372-9903
WINERIES/BREW Ozark Distillery & Ozark Brewery 1684 Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 348-2449 ozarkdistillery.com
Seven Springs Winery 846 Winery Hills Estates Linn Creek; 317-0100 sevenspringswinery.com Shawnee Bluff Vineyard 8 Tolwood Rd. Eldon; 365-1100 shawneebluffwinery.com Shawnee Bluff Winery 2430 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 365-9935 shawneebluffwinery.com
SPECIALTY Andy’s Frozen Custard 4820 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0020 eatandys.com Brew Brothers Coffee 404 East 4th St. Eldon; 280-6430 brewbrotherscoffee.net Celebration Cruises 0 MM of the Main Channel 1009 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 480-3212 cruiselakeoftheozarks.com Coral Reef Seafood 5370 Osage Beach Parkway Osage Beach; 348-4000 coralreefseafood.net Great Stone Coffee 1375 State Hwy. KK Osage Beach; 693-9273 greatstonecoffee.com Harmy’s CheeseStore & More 6378 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1243 harmys.com Higher Grounds Coffee House 498 W US 54 Camdenton; 873-2696 highergroundsloz.com Icehole 1371 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark; 693-9594 LOTO Lounge 5180 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 552-8179 Ozark Shave Ice & Creamery 1508 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Lake Ozark Randy’s Frozen Custard 4681 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1423 randysfrozencustard.com
Sailor’s Brew 4681 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 693-1225 Sip Coffee House 932 U.S. Hwy. 54 Camdenton; 873-2565 Shady Gables Tea Room 300 E. Newton St. Versailles; 378-2740 shadygables.com SQeZ Juice & Health 3869 Osage Beach Pkwy. N. Osage Beach; 552-8790 sqezjuicehealth.com Yankee Peddlers Tea Room 1011 Main St. Osage Beach; 348-5045 yankeepeddlerstearoom.com
FAST FOOD Cree Mee Drive-in 801 S. Aurora St. Eldon; 392-5418 Culver’s 5785 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-0244 culvers.com/restaurants/ osage-beach Dairy Queen 619 N. Bus. Hwy. 5 Camdenton; 346-5855 dairyqueen.com Eldon Drive-In 607 S. Aurora St. Eldon; 392-3490 Jimmy John’s 4082 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 302-7323 jimmyjohns.com Steak & Shake 3920 Osage Beach Pkwy. Osage Beach; 348-0090 steaknshake.com
How to submit To have your restaurant included in the Drink & Dine restaurant listing, send restaurant name, address, phone number, website and your contact information to cpatires@gannett.com. Some restaurants have seasonal hours. Please check with venue to confirm they are open. All phone numbers are in the 573 area code. m
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 41
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Marketa Marikova-Thompson shares her grandma’s recipes and Bohemian heritage with Lake of the Ozarks. MITCH PRENTICE
Bohemian baking B RO U G H T TO T H E L A K E Czechoslovakian native brings authentic Bohemian baking to Osage Beach Mitch Prentice Special to Vacation News | USA TODAY NETWORK
The thought of travelling half-way around the world to live in the middle of Missouri might seem a long shot for many European residents. For Marketa
Marikova-Thompson, that long shot became reality. Fast forward to 2021, Marketa decided to open a farmers market booth alongside her partner William selling authentic Bohemian pastries and baked goods. The route she took to get to this point is anything but ordinary, but the shoppers who have tasted her treats are glad it happened the way it did. Marketa grew up in Czechoslovakia, which is now the Czech Republic. She says she began baking at a young age with her grandmother and cousins. She says her grandma would work the fields around their town then come back to their home to cook and bake.
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 43
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A selection of baked goods that can be found at the Osage Beach Farmers Market on Saturdays. MITCH PRENTICE
“We would bake every Saturday. It wasn’t really a weekend until we had cake,” Marketa said. Working in the kitchen with her family led her to want to become a baker fulltime, but she says her mother convinced her to become a cook instead. “My mom said that if I were to become a baker, I would only bake. But if I decided to cook, I could bake as well. So I became a cook and never ended up baking again until I started again during this farmers market,” Marketa said. Marketa says that, after years of cooking, she went on to become a geriatric nurse. This would be the profession she stuck with until she made her first trip to the United States. She made the journey and met up with friends in New York. She says that the ease of travel in the US kept her coming back on a yearly basis. She says she ended up traveling to over 25 states. On many of her trips, she says she
travelled the country alone. During a trip in Virginia, she met William who she would eventually move to Missouri with at the end of 2019. She says that one morning she decided to try baking some old recipes again and was successful. She says that William talked with her about starting to bake again and the idea came together to sell at the Osage Beach Farmers Market. Now, halfway through the market’s 2021 season, the baked goods Marketa is producing have been a hit. The vendor stand she and William manage is constantly flooded with new and returning customers, no matter the weather. She says she will prep the baked goods four days out of the week and will start baking them around 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning before the market that starts at 9 a.m. “It makes me so happy. People come up and say ‘Oh, it smells so good’ and ‘Oh, these are so delicious’,” Marketa
said. Through all the long hours and early mornings, she says the customers make all the work worth it. Marketa partially credits the authenticity of the recipes and heritage behind the baking for the success she’s had. She noticed that, in the United States, residents tend to appreciate authentic cooking and baking. She’s considered opening a local bakery, but admitted that she would need help to launch it full-time. On top of that, the high-quality ingredients she uses to bake would be a costly endeavor. Even so, it’s certainly a possibility. At the end of the day, the joy of sharing her grandma’s recipes and the Bohemian heritage with Lake of the Ozarks market shoppers is worth all the effort. Marketa and William’s baked goods stand can be found at the Osage Beach Farmers Market most Saturdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. m
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 45
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Crossover coming to the Lake The Crossover Christian Music Festival will be held August 20-22 at Ozarks Amphitheater in Camdenton. Artists on Friday include Skillet, Ledger, We Are Vessel. Saturday’s lineup is Matthew West, Josh Wilson, We Are Vessel and Ben Fuller. On Sunday a service will be held. Tickets are available at Bridal Cave and Split Arrow Boutique. Tickets are $37+ on Friday and $22+ on Saturday. Former Hollywood actress Tina Griffin will be speaking on Friday and Saturday. She has built a reputation as a leading media expert, having traveled globally for the past 20 years revealing how pop culture and the entertainment industry is glamorizing harmful behaviors. For more information on the festival, and to purchase tickets, go to www.crossovermusicfestival.com. Skillet will be performing at the Crossover Christian Music Festival. SKILLET MUSIC ON FACEBOOK
ABOUT THE ARTISTS • Skillet Their last album “Awake” became one of three rock albums to be certified platinum in 2012, forming an improbable triumvirate with the Black Keys’ El Camino and Mumford & Suns’ Babel. • Ledger After a decade as the drummer for multiplatinum rockers Skillet, the talented Brit has toured the world and is now ready to unleash her own musical vision with her debut EP, LEDGER.
• We Are Vessel Formed in 2014 and began touring after their first radio single hit number 17 on Christian Rock Billboards. • Matthew West Five-time Grammy nominee, a multiple ASCAP Christian Music Songwriter/Artist of the Year winner, and a 2018 GMA Dove Award Songwriter of the Year (Artist) recipient and has two RIAA®Goldcertified and a RIAA Platinum-certified singles.
• Josh Wilson Black River Christian singer/songwriter is releasing his upcoming single “OK” in August. As a multi-instrumentalist and live-looping enthusiast, he’s been known to play and record as many as 20 instruments on stage at any given time. • Ben Fuller After breaking free from a secret addiction to drugs and alcohol, in 2018 he moved to Nashville to pursue a country music career, and he longs to help individuals who struggle with addiction. m
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 49
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July Friday, July 23
Sunday, July 25
Backwater Jack’s, Chuck Briseno Bear Bottom Resort, Kricket Alley Captain Ron’s, DJ Kyle, 6-10 p.m. Casablanca, Nate Michaels, 7 p.m. Coconuts, Retro Nerds, 6 p.m. Dog Days, Rock Candy, 9 p.m. Fish & Co., ChristiAna Franky & Louie’s, DJ Bawklay, 2-6 p.m.; Switch, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Jolly Rogers, Lake Collective Lake Burger, Second String, 6 p.m. Lazy Gators, David Lee Murphy Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 5-8 p.m. Paradise, Art Bentley, 6-10 p.m. Shady Gators, Dr. Zhivegas Shawnee Bluff Winery, Mick Byrd, 5-8 p.m. Shorty Pants, Dave Dunklee Tap & Grill, Hudson Drive, 7 p.m.
Backwater Jack’s, Johnny G & the Allstars Brick House, Nate Michaels, 1-5 p.m. Dog Days, Noe Palma, 2 p.m. Fish & Company, 1-5 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, Nash Vegas, 12-4 p.m.; Shawn Campanini, 5-9 p.m. Lake Burger, Steven Tyler Moore, 12 p.m. Paradise, DJ Bawklay, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; The Adam Johnston Band, 5-9 p.m. Shady Gators, Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band Shawnee Bluff Winery, Marcus Words, 2-5 p.m.
Saturday, July 24 Backwater Jack’s, Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band Bear Bottom Resort, Kricket Alley Captain Ron’s, Whiskey Trio, 1-5 p.m.; Machine Gun Symphony, 7-11 p.m. Casablanca, Don Akers, 7 p.m. Coconuts, Retro Nerds, 6 p.m. Dog Days, Noe Palma, 9 p.m. Fish & Co., ChristiAna Franky & Louie’s, DJ Bawklay, 1-5 p.m.; Switch, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Jolly Rogers, Notorious Lake Burger, Faded Youth, 12 p.m.; Acoustic Chris, 6 p.m. Paradise, DJ Bawklay, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; Jordan Heckemeyer, 12-4 p.m.; Slick Nickel, 6-10 p.m. Seven Springs Winery, Dave Dunklee, 2-6 p.m. Shawnee Bluff Winery, Mick Byrd, 1-4 p.m.; Rebel, 5-8 p.m. Shorty Pants, Art Bentley Tap & Grill, Hudson Drive, 7 p.m.
Monday, July 26 Backwater Jack’s, James Clay Franky & Louie’s, Clay Hughes, 5-9 p.m.
Tuesday, July 27
Coconuts, Loaded Dice, 6 p.m. Dog Days, Brock Wade Duo, 6 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, DJ Chris Brown, 2-6 p.m.; Hudson Drive, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Jolly Rogers, Steven Woolley Lake Burger, Usual Suspects, 6 p.m. Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 5-8 p.m. Ozarks Amphitheater, The Beach Boys Paradise, Dan Conklin, 6-10 p.m. Shady Gators, Well Hungarians Shorty Pants, Grayson Wood Tap & Grill, Chill Bone, 7 p.m.
Saturday, July 31 Backwater Jack’s, Machine Gun Symphony Brick House, Jason Buttom, 7-11 p.m. Captain Ron’s, Art Bentley, 1-5 p.m.; Five Turn Knot, 7-11 p.m. Casablanca, Don Akers, 7 p.m. Coconuts, Loaded Dice, 6 p.m. Dog Days, The Juice, 9 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, Hudson Drive, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Jolly Rogers, Steven Woolley Paradise, DJ Chris Brown, 9 a.m.12 p.m.; Dan Conklin, 12-4 p.m.; Dan Conklin Band, 6-10 p.m. Shady Gators, Well Hungarians Shawnee Bluff Winery, Shawn C, 1-4 p.m.; Tim Gaines, 5-8 p.m. Shorty Pants, Dave Dunklee Tap & Grill, Chill Bone, 7 p.m.
Franky & Louie’s, Lucas Beebe, 5-9 p.m.
Wednesday, July 28 Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words Dog Days, Brock Wade Duo, 6 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, DJ Kyle, 5-9 p.m. Jolly Rogers, Aaron Blumer Paradise, Faded Youth, 5-9 p.m.
Thursday, July 29 Backwater Jack’s, ChristiAna Franky & Louie’s, Money for Nothin’, 5-9 p.m. Jolly Rogers, Art Bentley Paradise, Lucas Beebe, 5-9 p.m.
Friday, July 30 Backwater Jack’s, Griffin & the Gargoyles Brick House, Jason Button, 7 p.m. Captain Ron’s, Wonderfuzz, 6-10 p.m. Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7 p.m.
JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 53
August Sunday, August 1 Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words Dog Days, The Juice from Concentrate, 2 p.m. Lake Burger, The Seconds Duo, 12 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, Lake Collective, 1:30-5 p.m.; Clay Hughes, 6-10 p.m. Paradise, DJ Chris Brown, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Shady Gators, Well Hungarians
Monday, August 2 Backwater Jack’s, James Clay Frankie & Louie’s, Dave Dunklee, 5-9 p.m.
Tuesday, August 3 Franky & Louie’s, DJ Mike Watts, 1-5 p.m.; Money for Nothin’, 5-9 p.m. Shorty Pants, Justin Larkin
Wednesday, August 4 Backwater Jack’s, Phillip Twitchell Dog Days, Big in Japan, 6 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, Dj Kyle, 5-9 p.m. Jolly Rogers, Arron Blumer Paradise, Steven Tyler Moore, 5-9 p.m.
Thursday, August 5 Backwater Jack’s, Chuck Briseno Casablanca, Dustin Clark, 7-11 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, Clay Hughes, 5-9 p.m. Jolly Rogers, Marcus Word Paradise, Good Vibes, 5-9 p.m.
Friday, August 6 Backwater Jack’s, Beyond Nobility Bear Bottom Resort, Retro Active, 7 p.m. Brick House, Jake Baumgartner, 7-11 p.m. Captain Ron’s, Loaded Dice, 6-10 p.m. Casablanca, Steven Scott, 7 p.m. Coconuts, Chill Bone, 6 p.m. Dog Days, Every Little Thing, 9 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, DJ Allen, 2-6 p.m.; The Juice, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Jolly Rogers, Rich Whalen Lake Burger, Outer Road Band, 7 p.m. Lazy Gators, Dylan Scott Off the Cliff, ChristiAna Ozarks Amphitheater, ZZ Top Paradise, Good Vibes, 6-10 p.m. Shady Gators, Dr. Zhivegas Shorty Pants, Dustin Clark Tap & Grill, Norm Ruebling Band, 7 p.m.
Saturday, August 7
Thursday, August 12
Backwater Jack’s, Trixie Delight Bear Bottom Resort, Retro Active, 7 p.m. Captain Ron’s, Cherry Pistols, 6-10 p.m. Casablanca, Don Akers, 7-11 p.m. Coconuts, Chill Bone, 6 p.m. Dog Days, Red Light Runner, 9 p.m. Brick House, Bryan Copeland, 7-11 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, DJ Allen, 1-5 p.m. Jolly Rogers, Outlaw Jim & the Whiskey Benders Lake Burger, Dave Dunklee, 12-4 p.m.; Shawn Campinini, 5 p.m. Lake House 13, ChristiAna Paradise, DJ Allen, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; Lenny Frisch, 12-4 p.m.; Slick Nickel, 6-10 p.m. Shady Gators, Dr. Zhivegas Shorty Pants, Dustin Clark Tap & Grill, Five Turn Knot, 7 p.m.
Backwater Jack’s, Phat Mike & the Bartenders Dog Days, Molly Lovette, 6 p.m. Jolly Rogers, Art Bentley Franky & Louie’s, Money for Nothin’, 5-9 p.m. Larry’s on the Lake, ChristiAna acoustic Paradise, Faded Youth, 5-9 p.m.
Sunday, August 8 Brick House, Zach Simpson, 1-5 p.m. Casablanca, Dustin Clark, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Dog Days, Skin and Bones, 2 p.m. Fish & Co, Dave Dunklee, 1-5 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, Double Down, 12-4 p.m.; Shawn Campanini, 5-9 p.m. Lake Burger, Sarah and Mark, 4 p.m. Paradise, DJ Allen, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; Steven Tyler Moore, 5-9 p.m. Shady Gators, Nace Brothers
Monday, August 9 Backwater Jack’s, James Clay Franky & Louie’s, Blake Gardner, 5-9 p.m.
Tuesday, August 10 Franky & Louie’s, Rich Whaley Band, 5-9 p.m. Shorty Pants, Phillip Twitchell
Wednesday, August 11 Backwater Jack’s, Marcus Words Dog Days, Molly Lovette, 6 p.m. Jolly Rogers, Rich Whalen Franky & Louie’s, DJ Kylen, 5-9 p.m. Ozarks Amphitheater, Shinedown, 8 p.m.
Friday, August 13 Backwater Jack’s, The Mixtapes Bear Bottom Resort, Shakey Ground, 7 p.m. Brick House, Jake Baumgartner, 7 p.m. Captain Ron’s, Staffard, 6-10 p.m. Casablanca, Cheryl Lynn, 7-11 p.m. Coconuts, I-70 Overdrive, 6 p.m. Dog Days, Wildfire, 9 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, Dirt Road Addiction, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Jolly Rogers, Steven Woolley Lake Burger, Usual Suspects, 6 p.m. Off the Cliff, Cindy Lawhorn, 5-8 p.m. Paradise, Carly Rogers, 6-10 p.m. Shady Gators, Well Hungarians Shawnee Bluff Vineyard, Foghat, 8 p.m. Shorty Pants, Art Bentley Tap & Grill, Burning Down the House, 7 p.m.
Saturday, August 14 Backwater Jack’s, Machine Gun Symphony Bear Bottom Resort, Shakey Ground, 7 p.m. Brick House, Shawn C, 7 p.m. Captain Ron’s, Five Turn Knot, 6-10 p.m. Casablanca, Don Akers, 7-11 p.m. Coconuts, I-70 Overdrive, 6 p.m. Dog Days, Superjam, 9 p.m. Franky & Louie’s, DJ Micro, 1-5 p.m.; Dirt Road Addiction, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Jolly Rogers, Steven Soolley Lake Burger, Disengaged, 6 p.m. Paradise, DJ Micro, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; The Adam Johnston Band, 12-4 p.m. & 6-10 p.m. Shady Gators, Well Hungarians Shorty Pants, Art Bentley Tap & Grill, Burning Down the House, 7 p.m.
get listed Attention musicians, bands, bars and restaurants: Send us live entertainment schedules to be included in our live music listing. Event information must include name of venue, name of entertainer, time, date and contact information for verification. Send information to cpatires@gannett.com or call 573-346-2132. The following list has been updated as of press time.
54 | JULY 23 - AUGUST 5, 2021 | VACATION NEWS
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