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New children’s by Frank Johns book helps paci-fy common parenting struggle

New book helps paci-fy common parenting struggle Knows Best
BY » Holly Becker PHOTOGRAPHY courtesy of » Frank Johns
ike most grandparents, Frank Johns likes to help his children when it comes to solving common parenting struggles. The Mooresville grandfather found a creative yet unusual approach to tackle the paci- fier battle—he wrote a book about it!
Known as Pappy to his five grandsons, Johns is the author of Paci Boy and the Ooey-Goey Slime Monster. Charlotte-based Warren Pub- lishing published the book.
Paci Boy is the imaginative tale of a little boy named J.J. who struggles to give up his paci habit until he must use his superpowers to con- front the Ooey-Gooey Slime Monster. J.J.’s initials stand for Jasper and Jack, two of his grandsons who were particu- larly fond of the paci. From beach idea to book
Johns thought of the idea for the children’s book during a family beach vacation. He watched his own children engaged in paci wars with his grandchildren.
“I thought, I have a better idea,” he says. “I see the book as a way to help parents weaning children off of the paci in a more positive way.”
Once he shared his idea with his family, the book proj- ect became a group effort. His children and grandchildren started brainstorming ideas.
Writing a children’s book is a drastic departure from daily work as a clerk of court for the federal courts in Charlotte, Asheville and Statesville. Johns admits his book probably would have been a retirement project had he not been diagnosed with cancer. Now cancer free, he was quarantined to his house for four weeks during his cancer treatments.
“It (the book) was kind of like therapy for me during radiation treatments,” he says.
Johns dedicated the book to his grandsons, who range in age from 10 to 2. He affectionately references his grandsons in the book as “The Furious Five.”
“It’s fulfilling to leave a legacy like this book behind. My grandsons will be able to show their kids one day when I’m gone and have some fun with it,” he says.
Paci Boyand the Ooey-Goey Slime Monster is available at paciboy.com, Main Street Books and Amazon.

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