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Helping Hands
helping HANDS Becoming Whole
A search for purpose leads woman to start camp for military families
BY » Jean Spangler PHOTOGRAPHY courtesy of » Eagle Rock Camp
As each of us adapt to a “new normal,” nonprofits are stepping up to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The nonprofit world has always been an important part of the social fabric of our lives to help with affordable housing, food insecurity and mental health issues. And, there is one population that needs our attention and our help, now more than ever—our post-combat veterans and their families.
Eagle Rock Camp seeks to serve that population. Founded by Lynn Marilla in 2011, the program plays a critical role in preserving military families as they struggle with a range of issues such as marital difficulties, communication issues, financial stability, loss of connection between family and community. Children in military families also deal with feelings of fear and abandonment that result from parents who have returned with the adjustment issues that occur before, during and after deployment. Reconnecting families
Based in Newton, Eagle Rock Camp reconnects families at therapeutic
Top: Eagle Rock Camp plays a critical role in preserving military families. Left: The programs reconnect post-combat veterans and their families at therapeutic retreats.

retreats that build healthy, resilient families. Programs use evidence-based therapy models to develop a range of interactive workshops and therapeutic recreation to teach life skills that break the cycle of what’s going on at home, show families how to have fun again and most importantly, start them on a solid pathway of healing.
All retreats are held in beautiful natural settings that help soothe and inspire families dealing with difficult issues. Currently, camps are held at church retreat locations and YMCA camps.
“Our goal is to raise enough money to have one retreat site in a setting that allows families to heal in a place of nature,” says Marilla.
Finding her purpose
Marilla’s founding of Eagle Rock Camp came out of her own pain when she experienced a series of losses. Her husband died at age 38, leaving her to raise two teenaged boys. Then she became involved in caring for her aging parents as well as her brother who became quadriplegic after a tragic accident.
A successful entrepreneur at the time, she became to realize the importance of having “purpose” in your life after the subsequent death of her brother and parents.
“I knew I wanted to find a calling or purpose for my life,” she says. “I kept contemplating several options
until one night, I like to say, ‘God winked at me,’” she adds. It was through a conversation with a veteran that she realized it isn’t just the veterans who need help becoming whole again after combat deployment, but entire families.
It’s been Marilla’s calling ever since.
Since the beginning, Eagle Rock Camp’s programs have served more than 150 military families and has more than 800 on the wait list. Once families complete the program, they are connected with a sponsor in the towns and cities in which they live to further enhance their healing. Witnessing miracles
“Our team witness miracles every day, “says Marilla. “I never say I ‘cry’ but that my eyes leak a lot,” she adds. “I worked with a 10-year old boy on the brink of suicide and today he is thriving. Our focus is on the family and being with other families in similar situations. We see husbands and wives remember why they fell in love in the first place and kids who meet other kids who understand what it’s like being in a military family.”
Marilla says the program and counselors have averted some 15 known attempted suicides. Most of the volunteers are former participants themselves.
Today, Camp Eagle Rock is growing thanks to the support of donors and sponsors, but the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of several fundraising events. Marilla explains much is needed to help them continue to serve the veterans and their families who have sacrificed

so much for our country.
According to Marilla, the organization needs chaplains, camp counselors, grant writers as well as those who have skills producing newsletters and other who can speak to civic groups.
To learn more about Eagle Rock Camp, donate or learn more about volunteer opportunities visit www. eaglerockcamp.org or contact Lynn Marilla at 704.650.5353 and by email at lmarilla@ eaglerockcamp.org.
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