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For the Long Run American Legion Cornelius Post 86
A Long History Supporting Veterans
AmericAn Legion corneLius Post 86 ceLebrAtes 100 YeArs of service
by Tony Ricciardelli | photography courtesy of Cornelius Post 86/Facebook One hundred years is a long time: four generations, ten decades, 36,525 days. The cumulative changes experienced in the span of 100 years are astounding and unstoppable as we continually learn about and adapt to the transforming realities of our lives. As change is constant, so are the altruistic endeavors of the American Legion North Mecklenburg Post 86 in Cornelius, an organization that assists its community and the military men and women it’s supported since 1922. On June 27, American Legion Post 86 in Cornelius will celebrate its centennial anniversary with the American Legion State Commander in-house, and several guest speakers.
American Legion North Mecklenburg Post 86 chartered in June 1922 with a roster of fifteen. Today, the membership has grown to more than 120 members. During the 1920s, membership met at the Maxwell Chambers Hotel in Davidson, then from 1932 to 1961, the organization made its home in the Caldwell Station Schoolhouse, south of Cornelius. The post now resides on Legion Street in Cornelius.
Early accomplishments included organizing a volunteer fire department in 1925 and, in 1929, the post sponsored the Boy Scout program in Davidson, Cornelius, and Huntersville. In 1932, it started the once-famous Legion Baseball Team of North Mecklenburg. Additionally, the Legion can boast Huntersville-born, World War II veteran and Hall of Fame ‘knuckleballer’ Hoyt Wilhelm as a former Post 86 member and champion of its Youth Baseball program. us to curtail social and community activities, but we’re getting back to normal operations. This year we’re sending two boys to the American Legion Boys State program, where participants learn about good citizenship and the workings of city, county, and state government.”
As part of the legion family, Post 86 sponsors the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 86 and the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 86. These organizations work independently from American Legion Post 86; however, the organizations collaborate on projects supporting Veteran’s Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children and Youth.
Some of the projects falling under the American Legion Post 86 umbrella include providing semi-annual dinners for Veterans at VA Hospital in Salisbury; presenting Blue Star Banners to families of military personnel who are serving active duty; sponsoring the American Legion Junior Baseball Teams; paying tribute at Military Funerals with military Honor Guards providing a twenty-one gun salute, playing of Taps, and presenting the American Flag to the families.
“We’re proud of our legacy,” says Knox. “We’ve served our veterans and their families for one hundred years, and we’ll continue to do so for years to come.”
For more information on American Legion Cornelius Post 86, go to www.corneliuslegion.org, or visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CorneliusLegion.
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