You’re not imagining things. This is a new look for this page, as my col league Tony Ricciardelli and I have assumed editorial responsibility from the capable hands of former editor Renee Roberson. She is now navigating her way through new writing and podcasting pursuits, and we’re certain there will be great things to read and hear from her as she excels. We thank her and the fantastic staff at CURRENTS for turning over to us such a care fully curated and beautifully designed product, and it will be our mission to carry on that strong tradition as the currents of change carry us through this shift in editorial leadership.
Tony and I are long-time residents of the Lake Norman area, and have met so many folks along the way in all walks of the lake’s business, school, non-profit, municipal and other communities who believe the region is as special as we do. But putting together this month’s edition has shown as there are still so many more interesting characters, movers and shakers for us to cross paths with, and we look forward to sharing that journey with you.
Let us know what you think — what we’re getting right and what you think we might be missing. New stories and faces are always out there, and we’re not foolish enough to think that we know exactly what and who they are. Our readers are an integral part of what we produce, and even the most random thought from you could open exciting new doors to more hidden Lake Norman gems. We look forward to your thoughts on this issue, and the many more to come.
Here we are in November, rolling toward the end of 2022, planning for the upcoming holidays. It’s the time of year I look forward to, especial ly since the birth of my first grandchild six years ago. I tend to become nostalgic during these festive weeks, recounting my boyhood during cold New England winters, when I wished for holiday snow and a blizzard to extend school vacation. I can remember clearly, one Christmas Eve (I must have been eight or nine years old), when Grandma and Grandpa looked upon us grandchildren with moist eyes as we gathered around my cousin Stephen at the piano and sang carols. We numbered a dozen or more, singing forcefully and unabashed, but that was alright, however, because a child’s choir—be it off key or without tempo—always warms a heart. I suspect we reminded Grandma and Grandpa of their own past hopes and dreams, and we represented the miracles of their lineage. They were moved by their lively progeny; I read it in their beaming faces. They had done well. They were fulfilled.
Although that was decades ago and my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents have since passed, I realize there are rewarding memories to come, and I do my best to remain grateful and grounded during this time of the year, despite the angst, chaos and confusion permeating today’s societies.
I volunteer at a local soup kitchen two days per week, where I interact with people who need more than they have while enduring hardships I can’t fathom; however, every day they manage to smile. Children, parents, veterans, people of all ages and color. Uncertainty is their constant. They may be cold, hungry, without permanent shelter, yet, somehow, they remain hopeful, keep their faith. These are my heroes—the ones who lift me, help me keep things in perspective when I want to complain over grievances that hardly warrant a second thought.
I’m going to keep these wonderful people in mind during this special time of the year. I’m going to pray for them and recall their faces and the conversations we’ve had, knowing that the inspiration I receive from them will humble me, influence me, allow me to live generously into the new year.
This is what life is supposed to feel like. When you aren’t held back. When you have a health partner that doesn’t just treat part of you – they care for all of you. That’s why more people prefer Atrium Health, with the most complete care that lets you get back to the moments that matter. That’s what it’s like to live fully. live fully
It’s been said that rain on a wedding day portends good luck for a marriage. Although most brides may vehemently disagree that anything good can come from rained-out nuptials, you can’t argue with the symbolism behind the old adage – when a knot (like the one tied between a bride and groom) becomes soaked, it is virtually impossible to unravel.
Does the same superstition hold true when rain pours on an annual event held to benefit children in need? If you ask Tracy Pray Bradshaw, it certainly does. In fact, based on the frequency with which it’s happened over the years to her yearly holiday fundraiser, it may be a required key to success.
Top: Pop Up Holiday House guests in the past have been greeted out front and inside (below) with festive, distinctive decorations.
Above top and bottom: Local decorators descend on individual rooms in each Pop Up Holiday House to put their own touches on the season.
Pray Bradshaw is the founder behind the Pop Up Holiday House, a 501(c)(3) non-profit she established in 2018 to bring awareness and financial support to Children’s Homes of Iredell County — also a non-profit, providing foster care services to children from infancy to 19 years old who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and dysfunction.
In 2018, it was a spontaneous idea sketched out on a bakery shop napkin with her neighbor Sandy James. The two women decided to, as Pray Bradshaw puts it, “lean into their skill sets” in real estate and fundraising as well as their contacts in interior design circles, to create a place where they all can work to create a holiday season “show house” for which admission is charged for a tour. All proceeds collected from the tours, in addition to any donated new toys, would be given to Children’s Homes of Iredell County.
“That’s where it began,” she says. And an inauspicious beginning it was, for an event that over time likely transformed countless young lives. From bakery napkin to their first Pop Up Holiday House tour in late 2018 through Pray Bradshaw’s home at The Point in Mooresville, it was only about seven weeks or so. The concept was that each of the nine vendors the two women recruited would be assigned a room to festively decorate. It was a reciprocal relationship, as the vendors created an attractive tour while also using their individual rooms as a pop-up shopping opportunity for their unique offerings.
However, when the day of the tour arrived, so did the rain. “But the people kept coming anyway,” Pray Bradshaw says. And show up they did. Soaking rain and all, she says that first year they collected tons of new toys and raised $3,700 through tour tickets. “We knew that we were on to something when we had money in our pocket and tons and tons of toys.”
They forged ahead for a second year of Pop Up Holiday House, this time at a lakefront home built by Simonini in The Point. That year’s event blossomed to include 21 vendors thanks to its reach on social
media. Because many of the kids at Children’s Homes of Iredell County fall in the age range of about nine years old to their mid-teens (not necessarily a toy-focused demographic), Pray Bradshaw and James decided it would be more beneficial for the children if they focused on raising cash only, rather than collecting toys. The cash could be used by the non-profit to fill each child’s individual holiday wish list more effectively.
And again, on the day of the tour, it absolutely poured.
“We couldn’t believe the cars that kept coming, and people waiting in line in the rain,” she says. They raised $10,200 in cash that year. And then it happened — hello, COVID-19.
“I had so many people telling me it’s okay if you don’t hold it this year,” she says about the Pop Up Holiday House 2020 tour. But it’s not in Pray Bradshaw’s DNA to say something can’t be done, so she and her fundraising partners had to get creative. The result was a virtual holiday tour through a 20,000-square foot manor, for which tickets could be purchased for a special invitation to view it.
“It was kind of like a virtual home tour on steroids,” she says. With the addition of new partnerships with Cozy Boutique in Mooresville and Michelle McKoy’s interior design firm, the tour that year raised the most funds yet — nearly $19,000 in a year when the rest of the world had come to a screeching halt.
Oh yeah, and it rained the day they shot the video for the tour. Pray Bradshaw and her fundraising and vendor partners regrouped for 2021, but the three home options they had secured for the event all quickly sold in a hot real estate market. As a backup, she relied on a repeat of the “Get Cozy at Cozy Boutique” benefit from 2020 and the raffle for a fully decorated tree by Michelle McKoy, as well as a new partnership with Lilly & Grace Boutique at Langtree to “Get Home for the Holidays” for another record-breaking year. More than $20,000 was raised last year — enough to meet not only each child’s
A few sprinkles of red punctuate the beauty of all the seasonal shades of greens.wish list but to have money left over for academic incentives as well.
This year, 2022 presents a new wrinkle, as Pray Bradshaw will embark on her next adventure with her family when they relocate to Carolina Beach. She says it’s a dream long in the making, but it doesn’t mean an end to her desire to help her community. She feels like she’s leaving the local fundraising help in capable hands. This year’s event will be modified to a shopping extravaganza at Cozy Boutique on November 12, where she won’t necessarily say goodbye — rather more of a “see you soon” somewhere else.
“These kids are gonna be more than okay,” she says of the Children’s Home of Iredell County’s charges. “And I will find new kids to be able to help.”
Zootastic Christmas Wonderland of Lights (Nov. 18 – Jan. 1) Drive through more than 4 million Christmas lights. Add-ons for additional $ include giraffe feeding, carousal ride and more. Event typically runs Sun-Thurs, 6-9 p.m., Fri – Sat, 6-10 p.m. Visit website for dates and times. 385 Ostwalt Amity Road, Troutman, www.ZootasticPark.com
Langtree Annual Tree Lighting (Nov. 15 or 22) Tree lighting, North Pole Post Office, Santa, train rides and more. Parking begins at 5:30 p.m. Free. Event runs until 9 p.m., 401 Langtree Road, Mooresville, www.langtreelkn.com
The Lighting of Birkdale Village (Nov. 19) Get in the holiday spirit with festive music, holiday performances and activities for the whole family. From Santa’s arrival to the magical tree lighting, there’s something fun for everyone. Free. 2-7:30 p.m. Birkdale Village, 8712 Lindholm Drive, Huntersville, www.birkdalevillage.net
Mooresville Christmas Parade (Nov. 22) The 78th Annual Mooresville Christmas Parade will kick off at 3 p.m. with area First Responders in the lead. The parade will also feature fantas tic floats, marching bands, dance and tumbling troupes, vintage cars and the Grinch and Santa. Free. Runs along Main St., www. mooresvillechristmasparade.com
Light Up Cornelius (Nov. 26) Festivities include holiday songs by local performers, kids’ activities, and a visit from Santa. 4-7 p.m. Free. Lawn of Cornelius Town Hall, www.cornelius.org
Huntersville Holiday Market (Nov. 26 - 27) Artisan vendors, food, beverages and Santa will be onsite, too. Veteran’s Park. More details are available at www.huntersville.org
Christmas in Davidson (Dec. 1-3) Celebrate on the town green with food vendors and locally-made Christmas crafts, roving entertainment and more. 6- 9 p.m. Main Street, Davidson, www. christmasindavidson.com
Downtown Mooresville Mistletoe Sip & Shop (Dec. 2 & 16) Bring your favorite people and enjoy shopping small this holiday season in the heart of Mooresville. Shop unique businesses who host special open houses, sumptuous sips and yummy appetizers, gifts, treats and more. 6-8 p.m. along Main & Broad Streets.
Christmas in Huntersville Tree Lighting (Dec. 2), Kids rides, local food and craft vendors, and Santa will be on-hand for the annual tradition. Veteran’s Park. 6-9 p.m. Find more details at www.huntersville.org
40th Annual North Mecklenburg Holiday Parade (Dec. 3), 1:00 p.m. The parade starts in Davidson at the intersection of Griffith Street and Highway 115 and ends in Cornelius at the intersection of Highway 115 and Catawba Avenue. Free. www. ci.davidson.nc.us
Christmas in Huntersville (Dec. 3) Free activities include children’s rides, Artisan Ice Sculptures, holiday performances on stage from a variety of local groups, Carolers of Christmas Past, glitter tattoos, face painting, balloon twisters, roaming holiday characters, letters and pictures with Santa and more. Veteran’s Park. 2-8 p.m. More details available at www.hunt ersville.org
Cocoa With Santa (Dec 3 – 4) Kids will enjoy an exciting morning filled with photo opportunities with Santa, holiday arts & crafts, cookies and cocoa. Don’t forget to bring your camera! 10 a.m. – noon. Cain Center for the Arts, Main Street, Cornelius. Check website for where to check-in and park. www.cainarts.org/ programs-2/events-schedule/
Santa’s Mailbox (Nov. 29 – Dec. 10) Bring your letter for Santa to the Cain Center for the Arts and send it on an express journey to the North Pole. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope and Santa will write you back! You can even drop off after regular business hours at the outdoor mail intake.
Huntersville Half Marathon & Holiday 5k (Dec. 9-10) The popular race starts at Birkdale Village and this year is a 2-day event with more options for locals to run the roads they love. 5k is Dec 9, 7 p.m.; half marathon/10k is Dec. 10, 8 a.m. www. huntersvillehalf.com
The Northern Lights of Lake Norman Boat Parade (Dec. 10), 5-7 p.m. Registration is now open to participate and make a donation to Tunnel to Towers and Home Hope of Mooresville. Register to participate or find more details at northernlightso flkn@gmail.com
It’s no secret that running a restaurant is a demanding endeavor. Restaurant ownership and management require sharp vision, determination, perseverance, a time-proven menu and so much more. Think about the restaurants in the Lake Norman region that have come and gone during the past decade — small mom and pop eateries and larger chain establishments. Beating the odds, Mama Mia Too restaurant has been in business for 29 years, first opening in Cornelius in 1993 and then moving to its current location in Huntersville in 1997.
Owner Ralph Hanna started his culinary journey at an early age, emigrating to Italy from his native Egypt at the age of 17. Settling in the port town of Santa Margherita, a municipality of Genoa, Hanna cultivated his passion for creating regional Italian cuisine.
“I was a line cook learning everything I could about cooking Italian,” says Hanna. “I had a plan to gain as much experience as possible in the Italian kitchen with the hope of someday opening my own restaurant.”
Hanna came to the United States in 1985, living with his brother in New Jersey while continuing his Italian culinary education. In 1993, he moved to North Carolina and opened Mama Mia Restaurant in Cornelius. Four years later, he opened Mama Mia Too, located in the historic Holbrook House in Huntersville. He ran both establishments for one year before deciding to focus exclusively on the Huntersville location. Mama Mia Too has been operating in Huntersville ever since.
Hanna is the chef and mastermind behind the menu, ensuring the selections are replete with enticing appetizers and entrees.
Customer-favorite main dishes include shrimp and scallops in vodka sauce, lobster ravioli stuffed with crab meat and steak au poivre made with peppercorns and brandy cream sauce. Desserts include homemade tiramisu, crème brulé, cannoli and limon cello cake. The menu offers a wide selection of traditional meat, poultry and pasta dishes as well including chicken marsala, veal parmesan and pappardelle bolognaise. He says the menu changes every eight to nine months. “We rotate the selections but, if a cus tomer asks for an old favorite — say, veal saltimbocca — I’ll make it if I have the ingredients on hand.”
Hanna and his wife, Amani, work in tandem making sure the food is exceptional and the guests are satisfied. “My husband is a talented chef,” she says. “Our long-time relationships with our customers are a testament to his abilities.”
Mama Mia Too is a family-friendly restaurant located in an histor ic location, where the Hannas treat patrons as family, and friend ship often extends beyond the restaurant’s walls. The Hannas have traveled to Europe and beyond with friends who were once first-time customers.
“We’ve been doing this for a long time,” Amani says. “That’s no coincidence.”
Whispering Willow brings a quiet, woodsy place to mind where worries float away on a gentle breeze. There are no woods here, but this Whispering Willow will transform you to a calming space through its soaps, body butters, bath salts, cuticle salves and more. As your holiday shopping begins, consider giving some thing handcrafted by this special company in Denver.
Although Julia Gold and Wayne Parker began their apothecary odyssey by founding Whispering Willow in 2010, they first met during their senior years at UNC-Greensboro. When they both graduated in 2002 with degrees in information technology, tech jobs were scarce. So, Wayne began working in retail grocery and Julia in healthcare. With schedules that allowed little time togeth er, they thought about starting a business. Wayne completed his MBA and Julia obtained her master’s in healthcare administration. Julia had always suffered from eczema and had a hard time finding skincare products. With few natural options available, they began curating recipes and making products. “We gave them to family and friends, and people asked to buy them,” she says. “Although we didn’t have experience in the apothecary realm, between the two of us we have lots of experience in business.”
They began crafting soaps and developing items that encourage “indulgent moments.” As Julia says, “even if you’re pausing to wash your hands and center yourself, those tiny moments can go far in helping you feel more balanced.”
Whispering Willow uses only high-quality, organic, cruelty-free certified ingredients with eco-aware packaging. They also use
only nature-scented essential oils. Customer favorites include their liquid hand soap in an attractive, frosted-glass bottle, and their popular seasonal whipped body butters. Both make great gifts.
“Personally, I love our neck wrap,” Julia adds. “It’s filled with organic flaxseed and lavender and goes across your shoulders or lower back. I’ll wear it whenever I’m sitting still.” And your Whispering Willow purchase will benefit others. Julia was diag nosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2013, and 10 percent of all sales goes to the National MS Society or other local charities.
Although they have 300-plus retail partners nationwide, their products are available in just a few local stores. They’re working to expand that. In the meantime, you can also order online or pick up outside their studio. Their company now includes “three fantastic employees, and we don’t know what we’d do without them.”
When Julia and Wayne are not making amazing apothecary prod ucts, they enjoy walking the Rail-Trail near their Lincolnton home with their lovable, 70-pound dog, Wilma, a.k.a., the Beast. True to the mantra on their website, “We invite you to slow down, if only for a moment, take a deep breath and remember that caring for others always begins with caring for yourself.”
The holiday season is upon us, and as it comes more clearly into focus, it also becomes clear for some of us that we need a bit of a respite from the holiday season chaos. Luckily, our Best of the Lake award winner Serenity Now Massage Therapy, is ready to provide that relief and a small escape from what can become a rather stressful time of year.
Since taking over ownership of the long-established Cornelius studio in early 2021, owners Amanda and Justin Taylor have offered the benefits of massage therapy to thousands of clients looking for everything from relaxation to pain relief to even a boost to their immune system. With 11 therapists on staff who hold a variety of certifications, clients at Serenity Now can expect completely customized care. Therapists spend time learning about each client to discuss what their massage goals are and the variety of methods that can be used to achieve them. Whether it’s Swedish or deep tissue massage, the ancient Chinese technique of “cupping” or neuromuscular therapy for outright pain relief, Amanda says their qualified staff can offer a wide range of services.
And coming soon, those options are set to increase. The Taylors are expanding Serenity Now to the floor above them that will effectively double their space by adding six therapy rooms. They hope to be open in their new space by the end of this year.
Want to learn more? Visit www.serenitynowcornelius.com or 18147 West Catawba Avenue, Cornelius.
Therapists at Serenity Now can provide relief for what troubles your muscles and mind. Book an appointment now to combat the incoming holiday stress.
In 2019, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) organization changed its Scouts BSA bylaws, allowing girls to take part in the organi zation for the first time in the group’s history. Now, just three years after that announcement, Anna Dula and Sophie Dellinger, both high school juniors from Davidson, are the first two young women to earn the Eagle Scout Award from Hornets Nest District in the Mecklenburg County Council.
“Since the inception of the Eagle Scout award in 1912, only 2.01 percent of eligible scouts have earned scouting’s highest honor,” says their Scout Master, Jennifer Roeder. “What Anna and Sophie accomplished is amazing. They both took advantage of the many opportunities that scouting has to offer in terms of leadership programs and have shown other young girls it is possible.”
Roeder says to earn the Eagle Scout Award, one must climb seven scouting ranks, earn 21 merit badges, complete a service project, become a leader within their troop and prepare a final Eagle Scout binder. Normally, this can take a new scout approximately four to six years to complete, but Anna and Sophie did it in just three years.
“My biggest challenge was identifying a project that could be accomplished during the pandemic,” says Dula. “I collected more than 1,300 books and held a book cleaning event where lots of other scouts helped out.” Dula built two bookcases that have been donated — along with the books — to area housing projects to encourage young children to read. She says that her brother
joined Cub Scouts in 2015 and it was during camping and hiking events that were open to the entire family when she began to develop an interest in joining, too. She says her grandfather has also been a motivating factor. He was a Boy Scout in the 1940s and has shared great memories and how much he grew personally by participating.
Dula and Dellinger are founding members of Girl Troop 58 (part of Scouts BSA) based in Davidson. The troop began in 2019 and has grown to 25 scouts ages 11–17. The group holds a weekly meeting and an outdoor experience once a month. There are nu merous leadership programs to get involved with, as well as high adventure camps and various outdoor activities.
“The girls had a big goal in front of them with smaller milestones along the way,” says Scout Master Roeder. “It’s exciting to have a front seat to watch the scouts turn into amazing confident women with a set of skills that will serve them for a lifetime.”
To learn more about Girl Troop 58 and how you can get involved, visit www.gt58davidson.com.
All in the Family: Left, Anna Dula with her brother James and family; below, Sophie and the Dellinger family.It’s all too easy to simply pass by them. In our rush as we move throughout our day, we catch a glimpse but we don’t make time to actually look.
We don’t slow down and we don’t stop.
We don’t think about the meaning of what stands in front of us, solid reminders built to honor those brave few who came from our communities.
In Huntersville, Cornelius, Mooresville and at Davidson College, the memorials, the monuments, the promenade, the flags and the pavers, are tributes to the veterans who chose to serve. Those brave few who raised their right hands and swore to serve, honor and protect.
Not everyone chooses to serve. But they did. And because they did, we have our freedoms.
The monuments and memorials have meaning. The tall pillars, the flag poles and the circular plaques represent the branches of service: a strong military in the air and on the land and sea. A military with a long history of fighting for freedom wherever, whenever and however necessary.
If you stop and look down at the pavers you will see the foun dation upon which our freedom was built. Personalized bricks that share so much.
The conflicts, battles and wars. World War I. Korea. Vietnam. World War II. Iraq. Afghanistan. Europe and the Pacific. Lebanon.
Rates and ranks. Private First Class. Corporal. Lieutenant. Commander. General. Captain. Staff Sergeant.
Personalized messages, too. Our Dad Papa & Hero.
The parks, the monuments, the memorials are right there, in our towns and in our communities. Not just on Veterans Day but every day.
Do we pay attention? Do we make time in our day to remem ber, to reflect, to appreciate? All too often we simply pass by.
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There are many benefits to enrolling your child in a private school--from small class sizes to stimulating and personalized academic environments. Read on to learn how some of our area’s private schools are changing the face of education and how you can get involved.
Woodlawn School is on a mission to produce independent, lifelong learners who are responsible, contributing members of a diverse, global society. To help achieve this goal, they are now offering a Pre-K Explorers program, as the school believes even the youngest students need the time and space to tap into their natural desires to play, explore, and pursue their interests.
The school has an 8:1 student to teacher ratio and currently enrolls about 205 students while they continue to grow. Their Project-Based
Learning model is the leading experiential, inquiry-based, hands-on-learning community in the Lake Norman area. The teaching of essential life skills are designed into every element of the curriculum, while also fostering social and emotional intelligence as well as team-building and student leadership skills. Woodlawn School is intentionally small so that every student is known and valued, believing that high achievement and joyful learning go hand-in-hand.
All Woodlawn School classes are taught at the Honors level, with an array of AP classes offered as well.
In addition, service learning is an integral part of the school’s curriculum, helping students connect, engage and understand the world around them.
Interested families first come in and take a tour of the sprawling 61-acre campus while also getting the chance to experience the inside of a Woodlawn classroom. Next, applicants are invited to complete an online application and spend the day shadowing with their current grade level. Administrators also take the time to assess each prospective student’s strengths and compare them
with Woodlawn’s curriculum.
Tuition rates are $15,600 for the Early Childhood Program; $19,280 for grades K-8, and $20,890 for grades 9-12.
135 Woodlawn School Loop Mooresville, NC 28115
704.895.8653 www.woodlawnschool.org
Cannon School takes their mission statement to heart—they truly nurture relationships at the heart of learning so every child can grow. Their environment is one of trust and support, with faculty and staff who are deeply committed to each child’s journey of growth— academically and personally. The school believes the relationships students forge during their time at Cannon is what sets them apart from others—and what sets up their students for both immediate and future success. The school
serves approximately 1,040 students in Junior Kindergarten through 12th grade, and the student to teacher ratio is 9:1.
Cannon offers 47 athletic teams at the Middle and Upper School levels, 14 musical ensembles, three annual Upper School theater productions, one annual Middle School theatre production, and more than 30 Beyond the Bell after-school enrichment offerings, such as chess and ceramics. Students also take Spanish starting in Kindergarten, can participate in award-winning robotics teams,
and can choose from 12 Advanced Placement Courses and seven Advanced Topics courses. Annual tuition ranges from $18,790 - $26,075.
5801 Poplar Tent Road, Concord 704.786.8171 www.cannonschool.org
Davidson Day School’s mission is to foster academic excellence through collaboration, creativity and character development, and we are dedicated to our core values:
• Meaningful connections. Our faculty, staff and coaches build genuine relationships with students in their care, seeking to understand how they think, feel and learn.
• A secure, supportive learning environment. We prioritize physical, emotional and intellectual safety in every academic and social environment.
• Enriching experiences. We cultivate curious, well-rounded students. Our academic and extracurricular programs help
students discover and explore their interests.
• Integrity. We have high standards for honorable and respectful behavior. We expect our community members to be compassionate and contribute to the well-being of others.
With an 8:1 student-to-faculty ratio and laser-focus on its mission and values, Davidson Day ensures an exceptional student experience for children from two years old through grade 12.
When students enroll at Davidson Day, they join a community that values a wellrounded approach to learning and invests resources into cultivating a supportive and challenging experience for each student. Beyond preparing
our students for college and careers, a Davidson Day education inspires, supports and empowers our students to succeed by teaching real-world skills, connecting them to our global world and guiding them to discover and pursue strengths and talents.
We are proud to offer AFAR, the only pre-collegiate archaeological field school in the world. Davidson Day middle and upper school students have taken part in full-scale archaeological research projects over the summer; in Belize since 2009, in Spain since 2014, in Greece since 2017 and in Portugal in 2018.
Our admission process includes an application, a virtual interview, a current transcript,
teacher recommendations and an admission assessment. Families are also encouraged to attend an on-campus information session or arrange a personal tour.
Tuition ranges from $18,500 for the toddler program to $22,040 for students in the Upper School.
750 Jetton Street, Davidson, NC 28036 704.237.5229 davidsonday.org Facebook@ www.Facebook. com/DavidsonDaySchool Instagram@DavidsonDaySchool Twitter@DavidsonDay
A popular Lake Norman area tennis, swim and fitness club has become one of the latest local venues to capitalize on the popu larity of a racquet sport that has taken the country’s recreational sporting circles by storm. It’s called Pickleball, and to hear the Westport Swim & Tennis Club’s owner tell it, it’s more than just a sport — it’s a total social experience.
Willie Dann, an accomplished and nationally ranked tennis play er in his own right and a recent Pickleball convert, says the club’s five new courts have been a hub of social and family activity with a variety of demonstration days, lessons and open play since they brought the courts on line in late September. He says the game is well suited for a variety of ability levels and age ranges, and that’s really the broad attraction of Pickleball — anyone can play it, regardless of fitness level, age or skill. And everyone who tries it, he says, is almost immediately hooked.
“The key to the sport is that the learning curve is about 20 min utes,” says Dann, only half-joking at the simplicity of it. Pickleball resembles tennis in that it is played across a net, with racquet-like equipment and a ball. But that’s about where the similarities end. The “racquet” is more like an oversized ping-pong paddle (no strings attached), the large plastic ball will take you back to your days of playing wiffle ball with friends in the backyard and the scoring is more like a volleyball game than the numerical gym nastics required to score a tennis match.
Dann says it’s also the brevity of the game that makes it attractive. A tennis match has to be arranged in advance, can take a couple of hours (especially in a particularly heated contest) and can be far more physically grueling. But a Pickleball game is played only to 11 points and is usually finished in about 20 minutes. In open play, there will likely be music playing while folks socialize offcourt as they wait their turn to rotate on to any court, regardless of individual abilities or level of play.
To understand the name behind the game, one has to go back to its origins in 1965 at the Bainbridge Island summer home of Washington State congressman Joel Pritchard. Looking to enter
tain his guests and their families, he put an old badminton court into use, handing out a collection of ping-pong paddles to knock around a plastic ball with holes in it. Soon after, Pritchard and his friends developed actual rules for the game based on badminton scoring, keeping in mind all the while that it was important to focus on something families could do together.
“The key to the sport is that the learning curve is about 20 minutes.”
It was Pritchard’s wife, Joan, who gave the game its name. As an activity that didn’t require an advanced skill or athletic ability, she equated it to the crew team members who weren’t picked to row in the main races but instead ran as alternate crews in what were called the “pickle boats.” How better to describe a game that anyone can play, regardless of ability and training? So Pickleball was born.
Flash forward several decades, and the game is now enjoyed by millions of players across the country, at every age and skill level. As recently as 2021, more than 2,300 players participated in the Margaritaville USA Pickleball National Championships in the largest tournament in the world at the time.
While Pickleball gained its initial popularity among the “senior” set, it has truly transcended both age and ability concerns. “My kids love it,” Dann says. “Think how much easier it is to hit than a tennis ball.”
Want to find out just how easy it is? Pickleball is available at Westport Swim & Tennis Club in Denver as part of its pool and fitness center membership. Learn more at www.westportswimandtennis.com. Membership fees apply.
After a long day of physically demanding work at their recently opened thrift store, it’s a question Kevin and Gini Popko find themselves asking each other a lot lately. And for good reason. The Popkos are not just the brainpower behind a new Lake Norman-area nonprofit to benefit veterans in need. They are also the brawn. Those hundreds upon hundreds of donated pieces of furniture, electronics, rugs, artwork, dishes and knick-knacks are not going to clean, repair, price and merchandise themselves. They talk about the hard work with a smile, however. After all, it truly is a labor of love.
L.O.V. (Love Our Veterans) Home Décor & More Thrift Store opened near the intersection of NC Highways 150 and 16 in the northern stretch of Denver at the end of July, where the Popkos are on a mission to turn sales into support to meet the needs of individual veterans, one former service member at a time, in any way they can.
The mission is a personal one. Not only is Kevin a former Marine, military service runs through both his and Gini’s bloodlines. A massive collage of family photographs going back to both of their grandfathers’ time in the service hangs behind the store’s cash reg ister — a vivid reflection of their family’s military service legacy,
as well as a reminder that not all veterans are as fortunate as their relatives who had a network of emotional and financial support following their time in uniform.
Relying on donations from the public as well as free items they have found on the Facebook and Nextdoor social media plat forms, the Popkos have already moved enough merchandise to net several thousand dollars for the cause. And this is where it gets tricky — where will that money go?
“That’s the hard part,” Kevin says. “The easy part is getting the money in. After two months we’ve brought in almost $40,000.” He says they are building relationships with local groups such as Welcome Home Veterans Living Military Museum at Richard’s Coffee Shop in Mooresville to help identify individual local veter ans in need, rather than just turning over a lump sum of cash to a larger, more nationally-recognized veterans’ organization.
The Popkos already have a few of those veterans in their pipeline, and are working to connect with more. Based on the items they have for sale spread across about 4,000 square feet of store front (with more stuff in the back waiting its turn to rotate in), they
have no doubt that their donation coffers will continue to grow. To survive that growth and cut down on their Aleve intake, the Popkos say they could definitely use some additions to their small volunteer workforce that includes both of their mothers as well as a few who are veterans themselves. All abilities are welcome, whether it’s help with customers, at the cash register, making small item repairs or just keeping the place clean and straightened up.
Kevin and Gini recognize it’s still early in their venture, but it’s a time they will use to build the story of their mission as they hope to ultimately reach out for corporate support and partnerships as well.
“Year one is to get our feet wet, figure it all out, build it,” says Kevin. “And then — bam, the sky’s the limit.”
Brazil-sourced marble is the in spiration behind the backsplash for this kitchen range and hood.
BeforeHome remodeling is never a simple — or quick — endeavor. Likewise, it is never a painless investment either, both for the homeowner and the interior designer. One is pouring a lot of money into the project, while the other is pouring their talent, time and tolerance into making the homeowner happy and the end result a thing of beauty. So what happens when the investor and interior designer are one and the same?
Well, as Laura Anderson of Craft and Trade Renovations LLC in Mooresville describes it, her kitchen remodeling process was a bit humbling. Not only did her project have to assume the lowest rung on her company’s priority ladder, the disruption to her home life gave her an entirely new perspective on what her clients endure. Anderson says a project that should have taken maybe three months took more like 18, and the time her family was totally displaced from their own kitchen was, well, less than a bonding experience.
“I had real empathy for my clients,” she says about having to wash any dishes they used in the laundry room sink upstairs for weeks. “I understand it, it is not fun.”
And it was also a test of the relationship with her husband, Trey Douglas. He’s her partner in Craft and Trade Renovations. While her “craft” is her innate interior design eye and skills, Douglas brings the
The kitchen’s breakfast area has a built-in bench along a row of windows, a beautiful gathering place around a table-top Laura and Trey fabricated for their family.
“trade” as a gifted carpenter and overall tradesman. They learned early on in their relationship that they could work together when they renovated their basement, but this time around, the project had a few new dimensions to it.
“There was a lot of me demanding things of my general contractor, who happens to be my husband,” she says. “And I also had to deal with his very slow timelines because he’s also working for actual (revenue-gener ating) clients, versus myself.”
It was a true labor of love — “labor” being the key word.
It started with actually deconstructing the existing Omega cabinetry to save the high-end boxes. The lowers had an uneven profile with some cabinet fronts bumped out further than others, so Douglas put his skills to work reconstructing them for a smooth er, continuous look and finish to the doors and drawers. They painted all the cabinetry as well as the base of the very large, very unusually shaped kitchen island a popular Hale Navy deep blue, and lightened the walls and coffered ceiling from their existing brown shades by matching other walls in the home in a soft, airy gray.
The countertops, including the massive is land with its multiple sides and so-not-sym metrical shape, are now covered in Brazilsourced Calacatta Matarazzo marble that features distinctive veining in its nearly white hue. In shopping for her countertops, Anderson says it was an instant connection. “One of the reasons I love it is that it has these little splashes of pink everywhere,” she says. “That’s one of my favorite things. It looks so dramatic, yet so soft.”
The backsplash above the cooktop is designed out of the same marble, creating a true focal point in a kitchen that already has so many stunning touches. From the delicate crystal light fixture over the island to the ceiling-height white subway tile to the walnut open shelving, everywhere you look there is something for the eyes to drink in –including Anderson’s favorite finish.
One of Laura’s favorite features are the solid walnut open shelves, complete with her obsession with polished nickle shown in the sconces and shelf brackets.
“I’m obsessed with polished nickel,” she says, and it shows in her sink fixtures, lighting, drawer pulls … right down to the brackets supporting the several-foot stretch of solid walnut shelving.
Much like she did for her own renovation, Anderson encourages her clients to make the most of their budget by investing in the items that are “emotional” to them. And for her, that tug included the vast span of wood shelf that replaced more conventional glass-fronted upper cabinetry.
“For me, it was that type of shelf,” she says. “Those shelves are my favorite things, I love them so much.”
Garnacha (Spanish) or Grenache (French) is one type of grape used to make wines on the Mediterranean coasts of Spain and France. Unlike most wines from these two countries named after their respective growing locations, Garnacha/Grenache are named for a particular grape. While the Garnacha/Grenache grape is combined with other grapes in the winemaking process, it tends to be the dominant ingredient in this wine, thus the label Garnacha/Grenache.
One of my favorite Garnacha blends is from the Priorat re gion, just outside Barcelona in northeastern Spain. Spain has a system that identifies wines by their regions of origin called “Denominación de Origen” or “DO”—designated origin. There are two Spanish regions that produce a higher designa tion — Priorat is one of them. It is, in the Catalán language, a “Denominació d’Origen Qualificada” (DOQ).
Priorat wines are proof that grapes could possibly grow on the moon. Priorat is defined by its soil, if it can be considered soil. The local Catalán name for the soil is “Llicorella,” or volcanic soil consisting of crumbled rock with no apparent nutrients, as well as red and black slate with small particles of mica. Here, life is hard for the grape vines, but not hard enough that they can’t sur vive. This soil is perfect for growing grapes. To create delicious wine, the vines must suffer. These vines surely do.
Priorat’s wines are concentrated and full of character, thanks to
An ideal couple, a Garnacha blend and a juicy steak
the very low yields produced by the region’s harsh conditions. They are vibrant wines with lots of complexity. They’re light and well balanced with a noticeable sensation of smooth tannins; they’re great served with spicy foods and perfect when paired with a juicy steak.
Surrounding the Priorat region is another wine region, Montsant. Wines of this region carry the designation DO. Montsant is a little different from Priorat, but conditions are close enough that it shares some of the same Priorat attributes. The benefit of pur chasing Montsant wine is that some great wines can be enjoyed without paying Priorat prices.
In general, Spanish wines live in the shadow of the famous wines of France and Italy. They’re not as well known, and that’s reflect ed in their cost. They’re terrific wines sold at terrific prices.
Steak and wine pair well, and I’m a regular patron at Epic Chophouse in Mooresville. My wife Mary Ellen and I dined there on its opening day. Since then, I’ve taken out-of-town visitors there on many occasions, and they’re always impressed that we have such a great local steakhouse. When dining there, I usu ally opt for a New York strip steak, a perfect companion for a Garnacha/Grenache blended wine. When ordering steak, ask for a Priorat wine. If Priorat is unavailable, ask for the Spanish blend that’s on the regular wine list. The pairing of Priorat or a Spanish blend wine with a perfectly cooked steak will not disappoint.
Serve yourself and sip to your heart’s content at Lake Norman’s first ever self-pour establishment. Located in Langtree, Overflow takes out the middle-man and allows you to have a personalized experience where you pay for what you pour by the ounce.
While there might not be a traditional bartender on site, there are knowledgeable “Ambassadors” who can guide each visitor through the plethora of beer, wine, cider and hard seltzer that are available on the wall. Education is definitely a large part of the brand mission at Overflow. Currently, the wall features 46 taps and, with a separate rooftop opening in the near future, 22 additional taps will soon be available as well. In addition to alcoholic beverages, a full-service coffee bar will also be part of the Overflow experience, perfect for early risers or the occasional afternoon pick-me-up.
While none of the featured beverages are brewed on site, the carefully curated selection is something owner Julee Herberth says was not taken lightly. Months of research, tedious tastings and a careful selection process helped the team land on its se lection of both local and nationally recognized beverage brands. Currently along the wall, you’ll find a mix of seasonal brews
(like a Pumpkin Latte Blonde, Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, and Pumpkin Pie Porter), a number of fruity seltzers and well-known favorites such as Two Harted Ale from Bell’s Brewery in Michigan and Alagash White out of Portland, Maine. From light and crisp to dark and flavorful, there is something for every taste. Wine drinkers can enjoy a select number of reds, whites and bub bles sourced from Italy, France, Oregon, California and beyond. There’s even a Sangria or a Margarita on tap for those in the mood for something special. Finger foods like charcuterie are available, in addition to snacks for easy munching like animal crackers, pretzels, Goldfish, Wheat Thins, popcorn, nuts and more. Food trucks are available often for heartier fare, and outside food and food deliveries are welcomed. The family-friendly establishment offers tons of games and has live music on a regular basis.
The space itself is clean, minimal and intentional. The design is brought to life with custom finishes and a focal branded wall. Overflow is a joint venture between three local Lake Norman families – The Herberths, the Foxes and the Jarretts, each bring ing a unique skillset to the mix. Expect to see growth in the en tertainment industry from these families within the Lake Norman area in the coming years.
With all the fall flavors, this soup is a mustmake. If you’re like me and the thought of skinning and slicing a butternut squash seems overwhelming, then you’ll love that this recipe uses canned butternut squash — a lifechanging short cut. It comes together quickly enough to make this special meal on a weeknight.
1 package lasagna noodles, broken up into pieces
1/2 yellow onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1 pound mild Italian sausage 4 cups chicken stock
2 cups of spinach, chopped 15 ounces canned, pureed butternut squash
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste Ricotta/parmesan cheese for garnish
Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions. In a large pot, add 2 tablespoons of butter and melt. Add onion and garlic and cook 4-5 minutes over medium heat. Add in Italian sausage and break up using the back of a spoon as it cooks. Once fully cooked, add flour and dried herbs.
Add in chicken stock and butternut squash along with spinach and stir to combine. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat, allowing the mix to simmer and thicken. Remove from heat and stir in heavy cream and drained lasagna.
Serve with a dollop of ricotta and sprinkle of Parmesan cheese on top.
The revitalization of downtown Mooresville is on a roll, and the latest small business to roll out the “Welcome” mat is Bae’s Burgers on North Main Street.
The new dine-in or take-out restaurant brings a very local touch to one of the nation’s favorite foods and may have found the answer to that eternal quest – the search for the perfect American smash burger. Married couple Fabian Elmes and Claire Connelly are convinced they’ve got it, and as the own ers of Bae’s Burgers, they say they have taken their passion for a great burger and made a leap of faith by selling their food truck and opening the small storefront in October.
They use nothing but dry-aged grass fed beef from Gibson Farms Market in Statesville, which Elmes and Connelly de scribe as a blend of chuck, short rib and brisket. The burg ers can be ordered as a single or double (the patties are 3.5 ounces each), and come with a variety of toppings including cheese, bacon, fried egg and their special “bae sauce.”
The menu is kept small and simple – burgers, fries, a variety of dipping sauces and a selection of sodas or water. All burg ers are served on a buttery brioche bun, with a gluten-free bun option available. There’s even a 100% plant-based burger on the menu.
What are folks already saying about Bae’s Burgers?
Stop in for a burger at 246 North Main Street, order online at www.baesburgers.com or call them at 704-664-7253.
Davidson College Concert Series (November) The November line-up has been released and has something for everyone includ ing Tomasz Robak on piano and performances by the Davidson College symphony orchestra. Most performances are free and held at Duke Family Performance Hall, Knobloch Campus Center, view full schedule at www.davidson.edu.
American Watercolor Society’s Annual Juried Exhibition (Debuts Nov. 1) Check out 40 works from the International Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society at this traveling show from NYC. Free. Tues. - Fri., noon - 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 2p.m. Mooresville Arts Depot, 103 W. Center Avenue, Mooresville, www.mooresvillearts.org.
Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (Nov. 18 - Dec. 4) Rodgers and Hammerstein’s timeless, magical fairy tale will enchant the hearts of adults and children alike with well-known songs including “In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible,” “Ten Minutes Ago” and “Stepsisters’ Lament.” Be part of the magic as dreams come true! Fri. and Sat. at 7:30 p.m.; Sun. at 3 p.m. Adults, $18; seniors, $16; students, $14; children, $8. Old Post Office Playhouse, 10 S. Main Avenue, Newton, www.thegreen roomtheatre.org.
Make a Crochet Basket (Nov. 19) Join Hearts on Fiber for a hands-on workshop. No experience is necessary and all supplies are included. 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tickets $35. Hearts on Fiber, 208 South Village Lane, Suite A, Davidson, www.heartsonfiber.com.
Carolina Brass Quintet (Nov. 20) The premiere brass ensemble of the Southeast honors trumpet player Bill Lawing’s retirement from Davidson College. 3 p.m. General admission is $20; seniors, $15; free for youth/students. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 301 Caldwell Lane, Davidson, www.musicatstalbansdavidson.org.
Davidson Cookie Crawl (Nov. 5) Visit over 20 Davidson businesses handing out freshly baked, pre-packaged cookies to passport holders. This program will help participants learn more about the businesses in town. Tickets $20. 1 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Main Street, Davidson, www.townofdavidson.org.
Music at the Mill (Nov. 5 & 19) The Cain Center for the Arts is proud to bring top acts from around the country to perform in their welcoming “living room style” setting that gets you up close and personal with the performers. Arrive early to attend a compli mentary pre-show reception and art exhibit in the gallery. Free parking. Tickets $45. Pre-Show exhibit and reception, 6:30pm. Concert, 8 p.m., Cain Center for the Arts, 19725 Oak Street, Cornelius, www.cainarts.org.
compiled by Bek Mitchell-KiddOld Town Revival (Nov. 5) Lake Norman’s annual Vintage Motorcycle & Truck show is coming to Cornelius. Get ready for an exciting afternoon of live music, food trucks, craft beer, ven dors and one-of-a-kind custom builds from all across the south east region. Free. 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. Kenton Place, 17111 Kenton Drive, Cornelius, www.foundationmoto.com.
The Carolina Renaissance Festival (Weekends through Nov. 20) The festival returns and is a full-day of entertainment and pageantry as history comes alive with hundreds of costumed characters re-creating a 16th-century European marketplace. Enjoy music, comedy and theater, food and drink, fine handmade arts and crafts, artisan demonstrations, games and rides. No pets. Free parking. Tickets $20 - $32. 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 16445 Poplar Tent Road, Huntersville, www.carolina.renfestinfo.com.
Rural Hill Sheepdog Trials and Dog Festival (Nov. 12-13) National Border Collie Sheepherding championships and Carolina Dock Dogs competitions plus beer and wine, heritage breed livestock, hayrides, historic crafts and cooking demos. Tickets $8-$11. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Rural Hill, 4431 Neck Road, Huntersville, www.ruralhill.net.
Nature Detectives: Turkey Adventures (Nov. 21) Kids can uncover the mysteries of fall nature through stories, crafts and activities. Ages 4-6. $8. 1:30 – 3 p.m. Quest, 6345 Sample Road, Huntersville, www.mecknc.gov.
AmeriCarna LIVE (Nov. 26) Ray Evernham’s 10th annual AmeriCarna LIVE car show presented by Trane Technologies and MSC Industrial Supply Co. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Evernham Family - Racing for a Reason Foundation and go to support the IGNITE community center in Davidson for young adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s Syndrome. Spectator tickets $5, free for kids under 10. 9 a.m. 800 Beaty Street, Davidson, www.facebook.com/americarnatv.
LKN Cars and Coffee (Nov 26) Cruise through to see a wide va riety of cars from Mooresville automotive enthusiasts. Free. 8 - 11 a.m. Merino Mill, 500 S. Main Street, Mooresville, www.facebook. com/lkncarsandcoffee.
Mooresville Veterans Parade (Nov. 11) Whether you are a veteran, a business owner or a community member who wants to honor America’s veterans, join the Town of Mooresville for a Veterans Day Parade. 1 p.m., www.townofmooresvillenc. com/veterans.
Davidson Veterans Day Ceremony (Nov. 11) The ceremony includes color guard, laying of the wreath and a keynote speaker.
Free. 11 a.m. Davidson Town Hall, 216 S. Main Street, Davidson, www.townofdavidson.org.
Cornelius Veterans Day Program (Nov. 11) The Town of Cornelius and American Legion Post 86 hold a Veterans Day Program at the Cornelius Veterans Monument at Rotary Plaza and the Cornelius Town Hall lawn each year on Veterans Day at 11 a.m. Free, www.cornelius.org.
Huntersville Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony (Nov. 12) Line the streets to cheer on parade participants then meet back at Veterans Park for a ceremony to honor and remember those who serve and have served. Free. Parade begins at 10 a.m. Ceremony begins at 11 a.m. Veterans Park, 201 Huntersville-Concord Road, Huntersville, www. huntersville.org.
Veterans Day Breakfast (Nov. 12) The North Mecklenburg Exchange Club invites all veterans to a free breakfast to honor and thank them for their service. The breakfast will be held rain or shine at the Veterans Monument at Cornelius Town Hall, beginning at 7:30 a.m. Seated or drive-thru service is available. RSVP for you and a guest by calling Beth at 704.661.3953 or visit https://tinyurl.com/ yt438BXW by Nov. 5.
PHC – Lake Norman Ear, Nose & Throat
Megan Mathis-Webb, AuD
Susie Riggs, AuD
Del L. Hawk, Au.D
140 Gateway Blvd. Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-664-9638
PHC – Heart & Vascular
Jips Zachariah, MD
Naveed Rajper, MD
359 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-235-1829
PHC – Mooresville Dermatology Center
Naomi Simon, MD
Michael Redmond, MD
Sarah Carlock, MD - Summer 2022
Kristin Prochaska, PA-C
Gina Noble, PA-C
Heather Hollandsworth, FNP
Susan Stevens, RN, BSN
Michelle Caamano, RN, BSN
Laetitia Cloete, Licensed Aesthetician 128 Medical Park Road, Suite 201 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-235-1827
PHC – Wolfe Dermatology
Steven F. Wolfe, MD
Molly Small, PA-C
114 Gateway Blvd., Unit D Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-663-2085
“Imagine your skin at its Best!”
General Dermatology for the Family, Botox, Fillers, Laser/IPL & more
Kerry Shafran, MD, FAAD
Lindsay Jayson, MPAS, PA-C
Erin Dice, MPAS, PA-C
Ashley Noone, MPAP, PA-C
Nikki Leahy, MSBS, PA-C Mari Klos, CMA, LME 704-896-8837
Cornelius, Mooresville, Denver www.Rivaderm.com
PHC – Lake Norman Ear, Nose, & Throat Keith Meetze, MD
Thomas Warren, MD Herb Wettreich, MD
Fred New, Jr., ANP
140 Gateway Blvd. Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-664-9638
PHC- Endocrinology
Elaine Sunderlin, MD
170 Medical Park Road, Floor 3 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-664-9506
PHC – Nabors Family Medicine Emily Nabors, MD
142 Professional Park Drive Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-696-2083
PHC – Lake Norman Family Medicine Timothy A. Barker, MD Heather C. Kompanik, MD Bruce L. Seaton, DO Amanda H. Bailey, DO Sherard Spangler, PA Kyle Babinski, DO 357 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-664-7328
PHC – Sailview Family Medicine Tiana Losinski, MD
206 Joe V. Knox Ave. Suite J Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-360-4801
PHC – Fairview Family Medicine Golnar Lashgari, MD Jennifer Scharbius, MD 150 Fairview Road, Suite 210 Mooresville, NC 28117 •704-235-0300
PHC - Troutman Family Medicine Amrish C. Patel, MD Amanda Honeychuck, NP Janeal Bowers, FNP Kimberly Whiton, FNP 154 S Main Troutman, NC 28166 • 704-528-9903
Charlotte Gastroenterology and Hepatology
John H. Moore, III, M.D. Steven A. Josephson, M.D. Scott A. Brotze, M.D. Michael W. Ryan, M.D. Devi Thangavelu, M.D. Vinaya Maddukuri, M.D. Nicholas R. Crews, M.D. Lake Norman Offices: 13808 Professional Center Dr. Huntersville, NC 28078 115 Commerce Pointe Blvd. Mooresville, NC 28117 Appointment Line: 704-377-0246 www.charlottegastro.com
Locations also in Charlotte, Mint Hill, Matthews, and Ballantyne
Brandon Marion, MD
April Lockman, NP
359 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-878-2021
Vivek Trivedi, MD
Tiedre Palmer, FNP-C
359 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-878-2021
Laila Menon, MD
Gabrielle Miller, NP
170 Medical Park Road, Floor 3 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-664-9506
PHC – Fox Internal Medicine
Jessica Fox, DO Jacqueline Swope, FNP 435 East Statesville Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115 • 704-663-5056
PHC – Internal Medicine & Weight Management
Manish G. Patel, MD Julie Abney, PA Andrea Brock, PA-C 128 Medical Park Road, Suite 101 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-658-1001
PHC – Lake Norman Internal Medicine
John C. Gatlin, MD LuAnne V. Gatlin, MD 548 Williamson Road, Suite 6 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-660-5520
PHC-Mastor Mental Health Jason E. Mastor, MD Kristin C. Brown, PA-C Megan I. Flott, PA-C Diana J. Remenar, PA-C 206 Joe V. Knox Ave. Suite F Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-662-6500
PHC – Neurology & Sleep Medicine Dharmen S. Shah, MD 359 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-873-1100
PHC – Lake Norman Neurology Andrew J. Braunstein, DO Ryan Conrad, MD Craig D. DuBois, MD Douglas Jeffery, MD Roderick Elias, MD 124 Professional Park Dr, Ste A Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-662-3077
PHC – Lake Norman Neurology Andrew J. Braunstein, DO Ryan Conrad, MD Craig D. DuBois, MD Douglas Jeffery, MD Roderick Elias, MD 9735 Kincey Avenue, Ste 203 Huntersville, NC 28078 • 704-766-9050
PHC – Lake Norman OB/GYN James Al-Hussaini, MD Laura Arigo, MD Katie Collins, DO Grant Miller, MD James Wilson, MD Nicole S. Wellbaum, MD Coral Bruss, ANP-C Pam Monroe, WHNP-BC 131 Medical Park Road, Suite 102 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-663-1282
Southern Oncology Specialists William Mitchell, MD Poras Patel, MD 46 Medical Park Rd, Suite 212 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-659-7850
PHC – Piedmont Bone & Joint Scott Brandon, MD Brett L. Feldman, MD Alex Seldomridge III, MD Kim Lefreniere, PA-C 359 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-235-1829
PHC – Piedmont Bone & Joint Alex Seldomridge, III, MD 359 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-235-1838
PHC – Pain & Spine Center
Harsh Govil, MD, MPH James Murphy, MD April Hatfield, FNP-C 359 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-235-1829
PHC –Pulmonology
Enrique Ordaz MD Jose Perez MD Ahmed Elnaggar, MD 125 Days Inn Drive, Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-838-8240
PHC – Rheumatology
Sean M. Fahey, MD Dijana Christianson, DO 128 Medical Park Road, Suite 101 Mooresville, NC 28117 • 704-658-1001
Instrumental to the reopening of a unique furniture and home decor store in Davidson is a hard-working 82-year-old man, John Slusarick. He’s from the small coal mining community of Republic, Pennsylvania, where his father was a tough, hard-work ing (it’s in the genes!) coal miner until he died of black lung disease from the mines.
The reopening store, The Rumor Mill Market, is owned by John’s son and daughter-in-law, Scot and Janie Slusarick of Cornelius. It was back in 2020 when a building renovation by the then-land lord went awry. A failed ceiling spray cascaded down on The Rumor Mill Market merchandise with disastrous results, as much of the gallery-like retail displays featured one-of-a-kind merchandise.
“We wanted to reopen very quickly, but the process with the insurance company dragged on for the past two years,” Scot says. “Meanwhile, we had a mess to clean up and we wanted to do what we could to restore the store. My father jumped in to help us.”
With the tasks at hand, one would think that John Slusarick must have decades of experience as a handyman with well-honed skills in carpentry, drywalling and flooring. Far from that, John retired from years of experience in marketing and corporate man agement — the kind of work that tradespeo ple scathingly refer to as “pencil pushing.”
“You ask about my dad’s carpentry skills … uh, no,” Scot says. “His handyman skills … ah, we’ll check NO on that one, too. Although he’s managed and marketed for big tool and drill manufacturers, he’s never been known as ‘that handyman guy,’ but he’s always ready to help.
“When we originally opened The Rumor Mill Market, the Arbys at Exit 28 was being remodeled into the T-Mobile store and they were throwing out a huge pile of two-byfours,” Scot says. “I stopped and asked the superintendent at the worksite if he want ed to get rid of them and he was grateful that my Dad and I would take them off his hands. Then, my Dad spent two days filling up two 5-gallon buckets with the pulled nails from the boards. It doesn’t always take skill to be successful, just willingness and hard work.”
The Rumor Mill Market can credit its phoenix-like rebirth to the support and direct work of John Slusarick. It may be the so-called little things that John has done to help out, but they definitely add up to big results.
“It is funny that with my Dad recently turning 82, my mom says she’s the one who always paints at the house,” Scot says. “My mom likes to keep everything fresh in their home, so there’s a new paint color for the bathroom or bedroom or she’s repainted her kitchen cabi nets with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, but always says, ‘Never your father! He doesn’t paint!’” he says.
“She was amazed the day I brought her through the store and I said, ‘Yeah, Pop painted this and this and this!’ We joke now that his secret is out … he really can paint and paint quite well. She’s now planning his next paint project at the house. So, I’ll need to apologize that any well-deserved respite, after all his help in getting The Rumor Mill Market back up and running, is being usurped with paint projects under the su pervision of his toughest boss, my mom!”
A more light-hearted moment with father and son (Scot and John) during The Rumor Mill Market’s revitalization.On a recent visit, we met one of our granddaughters. It was on a Sunday and, at one point, she asked where we would be eating lunch. Our answer was simple, “at a train station cafeteria.” There was an instant look of dismay on her face as we headed off to the Gare de Lyon.
Once we entered the restaurant, she stopped and gazed. Dismay turned to wonderment as she said, “you really undersold this place.” Le Train Bleu is amazing. It could easily stand as a mu seum of the early 1900s. It retains its original wood, leather and brass furniture and furnishings. It has breath-taking sculptures, carvings, and 41 huge fresco and ceiling paintings depicting the destinations served by the PLM (Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée) rail road company, which built the restaurant many years ago.
What stands out are the domed ceilings and the restaurant’s gild ed, decorative beams. As well as serving an architectural function, the beams frame the 41 fresco paintings. It all comes together, as a magnificent museum of the early 1900s.
The food and wine are good too, and, since our previous visit, le Train Bleu had teamed up with Michel Rostang, one of the city’s most celebrated Michelin starred chefs. What was already a won
derful experience just got better.
Shamelessly, we let our server know that our granddaughter was with us, and it was her first time at the restaurant. We were enthusiastically doted upon, pampered would be a better word. My contribution to the coddling was to order a special Michel Rostang dish, a table-side carving of lamb served with potatoes gratin and a bottle of a favorite wine from the Rhône Valley — a perfect pairing for a perfect dining experience.
The reason for the Sunday lunch is a little bit whimsical. This place should be a tourist trap because it’s an iconic location with great food. But for a Sunday lunch, I got the feeling that it’s a restaurant where Parisians go out for a family meal — people at tables with kids of all ages. I didn’t notice any rude and loud tour ists, just Parisians, and that gave me a warm, comfortable feeling that I was in the right kind of place.
This was just one of many great experiences we’ve had at le Train Bleu. The setting is simply spectacular, as was the food and wine. Additionally, we got to spoil our granddaughter on her first trip to Paris. It turns out that we dined in the City of Delight. Nice. We’ll be back.
“The reason for the Sunday lunch is a little bit whimsical.”
I have wanted to write this Moment in Time column for a while now. But the time was never good. Things changed.
This past August, my wife, Sandy, and I took a two-week trip to Alabama to visit relatives and search out the old memories — some almost three-fourths of a century old. We looked for connections in the tiny southwest Alabama town of Wilmer where I grew up, in my birthplace of East Brewton some hundred miles to the northeast and in the cemetery in the country town of Tignal, Georgia.
I grew up in a shotgun house at the end of a sandy dirt road in Wilmer. My father was a mechanic at a car dealership 25 miles away on Saint Louis Street in Mobile. His yearly vacation was always spent doing one thing — fishing. He would rouse us at 3 a.m., the mornings of his vacation week. We would haul our wooden skiff with its seven-horsepower Johnson outboard on the back about half an hour to the Escatawpa River that formed the boundary of Alabama and Mississippi.
Before the sun had risen, the family would cast off and run down that beautiful old familiar river. It is unique to this day with its
deep, dark, tannin-stained drop-offs on its outer bends and sug ar-white sandbars on the inner bends created as it wound its way toward the Gulf of Mexico.
False dawn would find us already anchored and tightline fish ing each morning. My father’s rule was that if we weren’t fishing when the sun came up, we might as well have stayed in bed. We never stayed in bed. When the ice chest was full of bluegills and redbellies — usually about 2 p.m. — we would head back toward home and to the onerous task of cleaning our harvest. Mother would prepare supper, and we would be in bed early for a night of the mattress rolling and tossing to the waves of the Escatawpa. At 3 a.m., we would be at it again.
I wonder how many trips I have made on the Escatawpa River over the years, but I hope to make one more in a year or two. While the number of trips has faded into the recesses of my brain, I can tell you that we always had fish in our freezer.
Often in the fall, when we had enough fish in our freezer, we would hold a fishfry-family-reunion under the vast water oak tree
that shaded our house at the end of our sandy dirt road.
We lived in that little shotgun house until the summer of 1962, when we moved a bit closer to my father’s work in Mobile and my mother’s teaching job at the junior high in Semmes. That same fall, I enrolled at Semmes High School, where I was the archetypal wide-eyed sophomore in his first year in high school. Semmes was a country town, a little bigger than Wilmer. Semmes High was a public school that provided this country boy with three high school years as close to expectations as a teenager could anticipate. They were filled with church, hunting and fish ing, baseball and basketball, dating, homecoming dances, proms and working hard enough in class to be accepted at Auburn in the fall of 1965.
Soon after I graduated that spring, misfortune visited our family when my father contracted blood poisoning after routine gall bladder surgery and died after a month-long struggle.
I remember little of that month in the hospital or of his funeral. My friends and family kept me hopeful until hope was gone. I do
remember a packed Wilmer First Baptist Church for his funeral. I don’t recall a word said on his behalf. However, as I walked out of the church behind my father’s casket, I experienced a moment in time as if preserved in Kodachrome. A moment that would help define me.
In the far back of that church, on the right side, stood a tall, thin, dignified black man that I knew as Mr. Slim. I knew him because he had worked with my father at the same car dealership. Both men had about the same tall, thin body type that led to both being known as Slim in the South. To me, he was always Mr. Slim because he and my father were good friends at a time when such things just did not happen in Alabama.
I passed Mr. Slim, nodded an unspoken thank you, with a nod in return. In those few seconds, Mr. Slim’s sacred audacity to come to his friend’s funeral was stamped on my cerebral cortex as the only black person in the church.
I wish I could tell you Slim’s surname, but I can’t. However, his pres ence at that Moment in Time influenced me for the rest of my life.
This Harvest Vegetable Salad is bursting with the colors and flavors of the season, making it a perfect side dish for the holidays. In this dish, apple, dried cranberries and candied pecans provide a sweet contrast to the savory roasted butternut squash, Brussels sprouts and beets to create a brilliant and beautiful side dish for your grilled or roasted entrees. Assembly is a breeze — simply roast the veggies, reheat the beets and toss everything together with a simple balsamic glaze.
This recipe is so easy to customize, too. If you do not care for butternut squash, you can easily use roasted sweet potatoes instead. Same with beets — leave them out if you aren’t a fan. And if you don’t have candied pecans on hand, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds or pine nuts work great, too.
I love serving this dish on a platter and topping it with grilled or roasted meat. We served it with grilled bratwurst the other night, and everyone loved it. It would also make a lovely presentation served atop a bed of greens.
Harvest Vegetable Salad would be the perfect addition to your holiday meals — it’s healthy, delicious and a feast for the eyes.
Servings: 6-8
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
1.5 cups fresh Brussels sprouts (12 oz. bag), ends trimmed and halved
2 cups chopped butternut squash (uncooked, peeled, seeded and cubed into 1-inch cubes)
4 tablespoons olive oil, divided Salt/Pepper to taste
1 (8.8 oz) package of organic cooked beets, peeled/quartered
1 cup candied pecan halves
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1 apple, diced (such as Gala or Fuji apple)
Balsamic Glaze
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons honey
Save yourself time by buying your vegetables already washed and cut. I simply picked up a bag of trimmed and washed Brussel sprouts, a container of diced butternut squash and a package of preroasted beets at the grocery store.
This time of year candied pecans are widely available. If not, simply toast raw pecan halves on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet for about 10 minutes at 325 F. Keep in mind, pecans burn very fast, so make sure to check the nuts after five minutes and frequently afterward.
In a medium bowl or zip-top bag, combine halved Brussels sprouts, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt/ pepper (to taste) and toss to combine. Place Brussels sprouts cut side down on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Repeat the same process with butternut squash — combine squash, 2 tablespoons oil, salt/pepper in a zip-top bag and toss to combine. Place squash on a second baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Roast both pans of vegetables on the same rack in the oven for about 20 minutes. During the last 5-10 minutes of roasting, turn them over for even browning. Cooked beets can be reheated in the microwave for one minute.
While vegetables are roasting, combine 1/2 cup of balsamic vinegar and honey in a small saucepan over medium heat for about five minutes, or until thick enough to coat the back of the spoon. Stir mixture periodically. The mixture should reduce by about half.
Once all is finished cooking, gently toss together roasted Brussels sprouts, roasted butternut squash, diced cooked beets, pecans, apple and dried cranberries in a large bowl. Drizzle with the balsamic glaze and serve.
Kathy Dicken lives in Huntersville and is the author of the food blog, The Tasty Bits. For more meal ideas that are simple and delicious, you can follow her blog at www.thetastybits.com or on Instagram @thetastybits.
When a person dies in North Carolina without a Will, they are considered to have died “intestate.” This means that instead of a Will or Trust directing when and how to distribute the property and other assets, the state of North Carolina dictates where the Decedent’s assets will go. Thus, not having a Will in place when you die means you are leaving it up to North Carolina statute to tell your loved ones who is receiving what and when it will be received.
A common misconception is thinking that if you are married when you die, your assets will automatically go to your surviving spouse. Unfortunately, that is not always true. In fact, unless you do not have any children and you do not have any living parents, your assets do not all go to your spouse. Below are examples of how your property is distributed to a surviving spouse, depend
• If you are survived by a spouse and one child, your surviving spouse will receive only one-half of any real property and the first $60,000 worth of personal property. If there is any other personal property left over, then the surviving spouse will
• If you are survived by a spouse and two or more children, your surviving spouse will receive one-third of any real prop erty, the first $60,000 worth of personal property, and then
• If you are survived by a spouse, no children, but you still have parents living, then your spouse will receive one-half of the real property, $100,000 of personal property and then
• If you are only survived by a surviving spouse (no children and no parents), then your surviving spouse receives everything.
Overall, it is very important to speak with an experienced North Carolina estate planning attorney to make sure your wishes are carried out exactly how you intended them to be when you die. If you already have a Will, make sure to review
Danielle Feller is the lead estate planning attorney at Daly Mills Estate Planning. She is a native of Mooresville, an AV Preeminent Rated attorney in Estate Planning, a Rising Star Super Lawyer and is published in a chapter with Wealthcoun sel’s second edition of Estate Planning Strategies, Collective Wisdom, Proven Techniques. Give Feller a call today for a consultation at 704-878-2365. You can also visit www.Daly MillsEstatePlanning.com.
Give Danielle a call today for a consultation at 704-878-2365. You can also visit our website at www. DalyMillsEstatePlanning.com.
Although no one is required to have an estate plan, it’s risky business to delay this “adulting” responsibility. An estate plan goes much further than a will. It not only deals with the distribution of assets and legacy wishes, but it can provide direction should you become incapacitated. It may also help your heirs save money on taxes, fees and court costs.
An essential estate plan includes a Last Will and Testament, a Durable Power of Attorney, a Health Care Power of Attorney and an Advance Directive for a Natural Death. The Durable Power of Attorney identifies an individual to handle your financial and legal affairs and the Health Care Power of Attorney identifies an individual to make health care decisions if you become incapacitated. You may be asking, “Why are these documents important”?
Let’s say you experience a debilitating disease or injury, and you need access to an account. In the absence of a Durable Power of Attorney, there is no individual who has the authority to execute documents or make legal and financial decisions for you. In this un fortunate case, your loved ones, or Social Services, would be forced to file a court action to have you declared incompetent. A sheriff serves a summons demanding you appear at a public court hearing. The Court appoints a Guardian Ad Litem Attorney to make recom mendations about your best interest. Once adjudicated incompetent, a Guardian is appointed to handle your finances and represent your legal interests (possibly a court appointed lawyer and not a family member). The Court oversees the management of your estate and your person. Court costs and legal fees are charged to your estate.
Your Guardian is required to file annual accountings detailing all your finances which would be public record. Wow, what a mess! All of this can usually be avoided if you have executed a Durable Power of Attorney and Health Care Power of Attorney.
Now let’s say you die without a Will, (dying “intestate”). You may as sume that your property would pass to your spouse — that depends on how your property is titled. If you entered a marriage with any real property titled only in your name, your spouse would only receive it if you have no children. If you have children, they would share owner ship with your spouse — $60,000 of personal property passes to your surviving spouse, but other personal property not disposed by joint tenancy or beneficiary designation would be shared between your surviving spouse and children. Should you have a blended family, the stepchildren would be excluded as heirs. Again — a lot of hassle, aggravation and expense that could be avoided.
The McIntosh Law Firm, P.C. www.mcintoshlawfirm.com
704.228.1934 or text to 704.216.4844 E-mail: info@piedmontanimalrescue.com www.piedmontanimalrescue.com
The mission of Piedmont Animal Rescue, a non-profit organization helping lost animals find a true haven, is to aspire to save and rehome cats and dogs of all ages and breeds in our local area. They also assist other “little friends,” including hamsters and rabbits, to find them their worthy and loving humans.
Animals available for adoption or fostering — whether a dog, cat or other furry friend — can be viewed on Piedmont Animal Rescue’s website. Applications to adopt are available online at www.piedmontanimalrescue.com/adopt.
Copperfield is a 4-month-old male puppy who is up to date on his shots. Piedmont volunteers are not sure of his breed (Lab mix, maybe) but based on his current size at about 20 pounds, he will likely be a large or extra-large sized dog — best guess is 70 pounds as a full grown adult. Copperfield is more independent than his littermates. He likes to cuddle but doesn’t “need them.” He is very smart and is learning fast. The adoption fee for Copperfield is $500 and includes age-appropriate vaccinations (DA2PP and Bordetella), dewormer, spay/neuter, microchip and heartworm test, as well as the registration of his microchip information to you.
Gracie is a gorgeous, 60-pound, yellow Labrador Retriever who needed to be surrendered due to her family moving. Labs were made to run, swim and work, and when they do not or cannot receive ample exercise, they can display destructive behaviors like chewing on objects or escaping the yard. Piedmont volunteers have not seen any destructive behavior from her, but emphasize that she must have the right balance in her family and her environment. Ms. Gracie, who is coming up on her fifth birthday, is good with kids (not sure about cats, though), walks well on the leash and is house trained. While she does initially appear a little apprehensive of other dogs, she warms up quickly after her initial meet and greet.
Millie, an adult mixed breed Chihuahua weighing in at a whopping 10 pounds, is a very sweet and lively little girl who would love nothing more than someone to shower her with affection around the clock. She has endless energy and wants to please. Millie is sometimes affectionately called “Betty Davis,” as she has gorgeous round and soulful eyes that will melt your heart. She has learned to walk on a leash, and is crate trained and will sleep there at night. She’s great with other dogs (not sure about cats), and would make a great addition to any family. Her adoption fee is $400 and includes age-appropriate vaccinations (DA2PP and Bordetella), dewormer, spay/neuter, microchip and heartworm test, as well as the registration of her microchip information to you.
Dewey, a five-month-old brown and black Tabby, is described as a sweet boy who is a bit shy at first until he knows you will be nice to him. He loves attention and snuggles, and also loves having friends to play with. Dewey is housetrained, and good with kids as well as with other cats and dogs. His adoption fee is $200.
A sweet girl who was saved on the side of a road and bottle fed by her fosters, Nehi is about five months old and has no special needs – in spite of her rough start in life. She is house trained, spayed, up-to-date on her shots and is comfortable with other dogs or cats around. Nehi’s adoption fee is $200.
CURRENTS celebrated Women in Business at a special reception held on October 12. Professionals in a wide variety of areas got the opportunity to share their expertise with each other while enjoying great food and drink by our host for the evening, Epic Chophouse in Mooresville. Special guests TJ and Jodi Beams with the Ace & TJ radio show entertained the group by sharing fun facts about their relationship and lives outside of the show.