5 minute read
Lori VanPopering, Any Lab Test Now®
Zigging & Zagging
My career would be much less interesting and exciting if it were a straight line from starting up to owning three locations without any hiccups or challenges. Zigging and zagging through those obstacles is the exciting part of being a business owner, especially in the healthcare arena. Never-ending changes in the medical world probably cause me to zig and zag the most—they require constant research and training for myself and my staff. Speaking of my staff, I am fortunate they have not created a lot of twists and turns for me … I’ve had the same core group of employees for the last fi ve years!
NEXT IN OUR inspiring “Taking Care of Business” series, we are talking to the fabulous Lori Van Popering! Over the last 14 years, Lori has built a successful Any Lab Test Now franchise with three locations thriving and growing in the Greater Charlotte region.
Lori is a local gal, growing up in Huntersville. She began her career working for her father at his insurance agency (she still holds four licenses), but she made her rst “zig” (see below) when she began noticing that people seemed to be getting sicker and sicker even as they took more and more medications. Because of some health challenges of her own, combined with a determination to make a di erence in others’ lives, Lori went back to school to study holistic and integrative health. As they say, the rest is history. She opened her rst Any Lab Test Now in 2008 and has been traveling the road to success ever since. Of course, that road is never a straight one, and below, Lori shares how she has managed the twists and turns she has encountered along the way. w
The COVID Monkey Wrench
Nothing can cause a U-turn quicker than a monkey wrench, and COVID certainly threw one at us. We had to adapt to the COVID regulations and mandates, of course, as well as determine how to best serve our patients during a pandemic. The number of COVID tests we completed quickly grew into the thousands, however, would you believe we never missed a day during COVID?! My offi ces were always open and everyone on my staff remained healthy the entire time!
What Goes Up Must Come Down (& Vice Versa)
Change is the one thing we can count on with certainty, right? All businesses are going to experience ups and downs, and, here’s another newsfl ash, things don’t always go as planned! The current economic environment has slowed our business down a bit, for sure, however, people still must keep up with their health! We make doing that more affordable and convenient! Anyone can walk right in our offi ces without a doctor’s note and choose the test they need. Our prices are a fraction of the cost of what you would receive at other places. We allow people to take control of their own health situation with clinical lab testing, vitamin injections, health coaching, or a doctor visit. This is a big plus today! No waiting, no doctor's note required, and no appointment necessary! w
8318-708 Pineville Matthews Rd., Charlotte 704.541.8115 10106-103 Benfi eld Rd., Charlotte 704.665.5010 622 Indian Trail Rd. South, Indian Trail NC 704.318.4320