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5 Ways To Stay Motivated
beat procrastination Try the “15-Minute Rule”—just sit down and work on a project for 15 minutes; if it’s more, great; if not, you’ve at least made a small step in the right direction.
track your progress Remind yourself of your short- and long-term goals and give yourself credit for reaching them, no matter how small the steps. If you do something positive toward your goals each day, it will propel you forward.
MOTIVATED 5 ways to stay
take a break Even the most diligent can get burned out. Take time off—you need it! Recognize that you may be stuck and the best solution is to sit back and regroup.
PERHAPS ONE OF THE TOUGHEST THINGS IN LIFE is to stay motivated—and to keep a good attitude while pursuing our goals. Sometimes it’s the busy schedules, or sometimes it is just that we get off track and find it difficult to meander back to where we need to be. If you are having trouble keeping yourself moving in a positive direction, here are a few tips to consider:
read motivational materials Quotes, books, speeches—all these are important to study. Remember, words matter, and what you reiterate to your brain will have an outward effect, helping bring your goals to fruition.
reward yourself Every time you reach a significant goal, treat yourself to something … maybe it’s that new pair of shoes or a spa visit. Regardless, it is important to reward yourself for a job well done.