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APRIL 20, 2016
Predatory towing under fire By Kathy Steele
Pasco County commissioners want to put the brakes on predatory towing of vehicles. Pasco County Commissioner Mike Moore brought the matter up in February after receiving complaints from residents who chose to call a taxi or a friend for a ride home after an evening of drinks and dinner. “Someone is being responsible,” said Moore, who discussed the problem again at the April 12 Pasco County Commission meeting.“They take Uber, or they ride home with a friend.They are not putting our citizens at risk on the road.” But, Moore said some towing companies
sweep through parking lots in the wee hours of the morning, especially on weekends, and haul off any vehicles they find. Residents wind up paying hefty sums to get their cars back, even though they did the right thing by not driving, Moore said. On April 26 at 1:30 p.m., a public hearing will be held to consider an amendment to the county’s towing ordinance. The hearing will be in the boardroom of the West Pasco Government Center, at 8731 Citizens Drive, in New Port Richey. The City of Tampa and Hillsborough County have similar ordinances, and Pinellas County is considering one, county
officials said. The amendment would ban removal of a vehicle between 9 p.m. and noon when parked at an establishment licensed to sell beer, wine and alcohol for consumption on premises.The exception would be if the property owner signs an order permitting the removal of a particular vehicle. A towing company would be required to have such an order prior to hauling off a vehicle. “It sounds like a reasonable solution to predatory towing,” said Pasco County Commissioner Ted Schrader.
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Preventing substance abuse By B.C. Manion
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While there are no easy ways to stop substance abuse, there are steps that can be taken to reduce it. Those strategies will be the focus of discussion during the fifth annual Substance Abuse Prevention Conference planned for April 29 at Saddlebrook Resort. The event is being presented by BayCare Behavioral Health and Pasco ASAP.The conference is from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 5700 Saddlebrook Way in Wesley Chapel. “It’s a community conference, so it’s really our opportunity to get new people to take a stake in the coalition and the work of the coalition,” said Monica Rousseau, Pasco County ASAP Coordinator and conference co-chair. The conference theme is “Strengthening Our Community: Creating Healthy Solutions.” Throughout the day, speakers and presenters will share their expertise, solutions and tools. There also will be more than 20 vendors representing behavioral health providers and businesses. There will be panel discussions and breakout sessions, as well as keynote speakers. “From my perspective, the main goal is to get people pumped about tackling substance abuse disorders and substance misuse in Pasco County, and getting people to realize that everybody has a stake in this, and everybody can do something,” Rousseau said. Substance abuse is a problem that has wide-ranging impacts and can’t simply be left to “others” to resolve, she said. “These are not just issues that need to be solved by politicians.They’re not just issues that need to be solved by community leaders. Regular, everyday, community members — parents, teachers, people without kids. Everybody has a role,” Rousseau said. “It’s not just people that are abusing or misusing drugs that are affected. Everybody is affected,” she added.
Lt. Commander Michael Muni, who served on President Obama’s Task Force on Heroin, will address the need for local heroes to help reduce substance abuse.
Fifth annual Substance Abuse Conference Speakers will talk about strategies to reduce substance abuse WHEN: April 29, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE: Saddlebrook Resort, 5700 Saddlebrook Way in Wesley Chapel COST: $15 until April 20; $25 after that. Lunch is included. To learn more about the conference and to register, visit
Pasco County Tax Collector Mike Fasano, a former Florida lawmaker who spearheaded the state’s prescription drug monitoring program, will open the conference.
Other speakers include BayCare Healthcare System’s CEO Stephen R. Mason, who will talk about wellness and health care integration and Lt. Commander Michael Muni, who served on President Obama’s Task Force on Heroin. “The real takeaway from this conference is that people will learn strategies,” Rousseau said. “You will come and be inspired to take home solutions to apply to where you live, work and play,” she added. One panel will feature Kurt Browning, superintendent, Pasco County Schools; Doug Leonardo, executive director, BayCare Behavioral Health; Kelly Mothershead, owner, A Focus on Fitness Transformation Studio and Salon; Michael J. Napier, administrator, Florida Department of Health Pasco County; Chris Nocco, Pasco County Sheriff, See ABUSE, page 11A
Land O’ Lakes in line for bus service By Kathy Steele
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Land O’ Lakes is experiencing unprecedented growth as more residential and commercial ventures pop up, especially northward along U.S. 41. But, one item that isn’t seen in the area is public bus transit. Pasco County commissioners are preparing to change that by adding a circulator bus route to its list of capital improvement projects for fiscal year 2017. On April 12, commissioners directed staff members to craft a business plan for operating the route. Commissioners will review the proposal, along with other projects, when they begin discussions in summer for the 2017 budget. Estimated costs for the route include an annual operating budget of about $300,000, plus a one-time purchase of a bus at a cost of about $110,000. The circulator route currently is on the county’s unfunded capital improvement list. Funding for the circulator route could come from the county’s tax increment financing, which directs a portion of property tax revenues to community-based projects. “We are getting a lot of requests from
the detention center. Buses also would follow a loop east on State Road 54 to Collier Commons and the Land O’ Lakes library. Pasco County Commissioner Mike Moore suggested adding as many stops as possible at government buildings. “I think about how this is a major corridor, COURTESY OF PASCO COUNTY and we don’t have services there.The area A circulator public bus route on U.S. 41 in Land O’ Lakes will be is growing by leaps considered for funding in fiscal year 2017. and bounds. Now we have a chance to corLand O’ Lakes,” said Philip Pumphrey, the rect that and make something happen,” he county’s public transportation manager. said. The proposed route would have stops Pasco County Commissioner Ted on North Dale Mabry Highway at Target Schrader likes the concept, but he wants to and Walmart. see cost data on this and other proposed Moving north along U.S. 41, bus stops projects. would include the Central Pasco Chamber “Before I support this, I want to know of Commerce, the Florida Department of exactly what is going to be impacted,” he Health, Land O’ Lakes Community Center, said.“I just want to make it clear this comthe post office,Wilderness Commons Plaza, missioner has concerns about where the Land O’ Lakes High School, the Pasco See BUS, page 11A County school district headquarters, and