The Laker-Land O' Lakes/Lutz-July 15, 2015

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JULY 15, 2015

Growth spurs school construction By B.C. Manion

planned communities. “As superintendent, it concerns me, because I know moms and dads don’t want When Pasco County School Board memtheir kids in crowded classrooms. And I ber Alison Crumbley considers anticipated don’t want their kids in crowded classgrowth along the State Road 54/56 corridor, rooms. she said, she is “taken aback.” “Nor, do I want to build new schools She worries about the school district’s and, the next thing you know, you see portaability to provide schools for all of the stubles being pulled up on those school dents who will be moving into the new campuses,” Browning said. communities that are taking shape along The lack of revenue has prompted the that corridor. school district to launch an impact fee B.C. MANION/STAFF PHOTO Superintendent Kurt Browning shares study, which could lead to higher school imCrews at Sanders Memorial Elementary that sentiment. pact fees paid for new construction of School work to ensure that the county’s first “That 54 corridor concerns me greatly,” residential properties in Pasco County. magnet school opens on schedule in August. Browning said, during a recent school board Meanwhile, the district is engaged in nuworkshop on the district’s construction merous construction projects and have plans. Road to just beyond Wiregrass, that’s Curley others planned in the near future. “Our need certainly outpaces our re- Road — there is so much growth and proChris Williams, director of planning, outsources,” the superintendent said. “When jected growth. See SCHOOL, page 11A you look at the 54 corridor, from really, Little “Even up on Curley, there’s master-

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Jeff Kim, right, and his son, Yong Son, sell organic and fresh fruits and vegetables at Natural Market II.

Natural Market keeps it fresh and in the family By Kathy Steele



A thriving business in Carrollwood prompted the Kim family to open Natural Market II in Land O’ Lakes. Now nearing its first anniversary, the store is settling into its new community and giving customers another choice for locally grown fruits and vegetables. The store also stocks an eclectic mix of

Asian, Latin and American grocery staples. A recurring plea from Carrollwood customers who had moved to Pasco County prompted Jeff Kim to search for a second location for Natural Market. That, and the chance for a new beginning in a high-growth area like Pasco. “They’ve been asking us to open,” said Kim.“Finally, it’s time.” On a drive down Land O’ Lakes Boulevard, Kim spotted a vacant gas station

at 4204 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., at the Bell Lake Road intersection. It was not in the best of shape, he recalled.“Everything had to be cleaned out.” From the start, the grocery business has been a family affair. Kim and his family came to Tampa from Korea nearly 30 years ago when he was a teenager. See MARKET, page 11A

Local mom’s website highlights family friendly fun By Michael Murillo



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As a mother with two young children, Miriam Cook wanted to find inexpensive, family friendly things to do. The Land O’ Lakes resident would search the Internet for fun places to go, but was frustrated that it wasn’t as easy as it should have been. “I was watching online and couldn’t really find anything that was what I wanted, with events and stuff like that,” Cook said. “So I thought, I have to create my own.” Around eight months ago, she did just that. Now, is a destination for thousands of users each week, highlighting local freebies, cheap movies and other low-cost activities that everyone in the family can enjoy. Cook takes her job as event seeker seriously, with specific criteria in mind when she’s looking for places to go. She’s looking for places that appeal to all family members, so children of all ages can have fun. Alcohol can’t be the focus of the event, she said, and accommodations like restroom facilities are important. Price matters, too, of course. Cook uses her own family as a template. She has two sisters with children who are in the education field, and she wants to highPHOTO COURTESY OF MIRIAM COOK light events that families like theirs can A side benefit of running a website about family friendly events is that there are places to afford. See WEBSITE, page11A

visit. Daughters Hazel, left, and Jasmine approved of the outing to The Potter’s House Studio in south Tampa, which was running a special.

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