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FEBRUARY 4, 2015
Economic outlook: modest growth By Kathy Steele
But Wren cautioned: “Don’t get fooled into thinking we’re going to accelerate. They are truly in a dream world if they think they The economic outlook both nationally can get the economy to grow by 5 percent and locally is for modest, but steady growth, and consistently grow by 5 percent.” according to Scott Wren, an economics exAt least for the next couple of years, pert for Wells Fargo Advisers, based in St. Wren also expects inflation to remain low Louis, Missouri. and wages to climb only modestly. “People Wren, who spoke to a crowd of about Scott Wren aren’t gaining a lot of buying power,” he 125 people at a luncheon hosted by the said. “I don’t expect that to change anytime Pasco Economic Development Council, local level,Wren said. soon.” used two phrases to sum up the forecast for At home, Congress needs to be more Even so, consumer confidence is at an allthe near future: “good but not great” and business-friendly, he said. time high and that, he said, means people “modest growth.” “I want you to go away optimistic,” Wren are more willing to spend on discretionary The luncheon on Jan. 29 concluded told his audience. “I don’t want you to be items such as furniture and automobiles, or Business Development Week and was at the wildly optimistic.” take a cruise. Tampa Bay Golf & Country Club in San Among hopeful signs are modest but Business confidence also is increasing Antonio. steady economic growth of about 3 percent and companies are more willing to make Its theme was Equity Strategy Outlook for 2015 and probably for another two See ECONOMY, page7A for 2015. years, Wren said.
Wren is more bullish than bearish about the 2015 stock market, but global events including the financial outlooks in China and Europe will affect the United States economy broadly, as well as the
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Coach Keppel exhibits grace to the end By B.C. Manion
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The impact that Joel “Kris” Kristan Keppel’s life had on those who knew him was exhibited in all sorts of ways last week in Land O’ Lakes. Keppel, a revered cross-country coach at Land O’ Lakes High, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer on Jan. 25. Land O’Lakes High Principal Ric Mellin notified the school’s staff and students with this recorded message: “It is with a heavy heart that I am calling this evening to inform everyone of the passing of Kris Keppel. I was informed that he passed at 4:32 p.m., this afternoon, while in hospice care. Kris Keppel spent more than two decades as the coach of the Land O’ Lakes High cross-country team, as the school’s media specialist, and as a teacher. “Mr. Keppel was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer over a year ago. Despite the exhausting treatments, he continued to be a member of our staff and attend as many cross-country practices and meets as he could up until his retirement this past fall. He is survived by daughters Meredith and Morgan, and wife Dar.” Keppel’s coaching skills were widely known. He coached the boys’ cross-country team to Sunshine Athletic Conference championships in 1986, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014; and District and Regional championships in 2013. He also was nominated and became a finalist in the Brooks Running Most Inspirational Coaches of the Year competition. See KEPPEL, page7A
Coach Kris Keppel was known for motivating athletes to push for excellence, while also being a mentor to help them with other issues in life.
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Quinton Aaron introduced CensorOut, an app for cellphones that can be used with Instagram to block negative messages. Parents and guardians also can use the app to monitor what kind of messages are being sent to their children.
Saint Leo University hosts anti-bullying event Winner 2012, 2013, 2014
By Kathy Steele
And now, he’s determined that other students not suffer the way that he did. In 2012, the actor started the Quinton Quinton Aaron doesn’t look as if he Aaron Foundation to focus on anti-bullying could ever have been the target of bullies. and childhood obesity. After all, at 6-feet-8-inches, he is a sizeable Last week he took his anti-bullying propresence. gram to Saint Leo University where he These days, he also carries the added spoke to a standing room only crowd of aura of being a charismatic actor who land- nearly 300 people at the Student ed a breakthrough role in “The Blind Side.” Community Center. The movie depicted the story of Michael His foundation and the university’s Oher, the Baltimore Ravens offensive line- Office of Residence Life, as part of its Bully man who was adopted when he was a Prevention Lecture Series, sponsored the homeless teenager and went on to become event. a first-round draft choice in the National Aaron, who lives in Pasco County, plans Football League. to take his program into local schools. Life was different, though, Aaron said, He’s also promoting a free mobile appliwhen he was a skinny youth, with a big cation – CensorOut – that can block hateful forehead and “binocular” looking glasses. messages from being seen by students on At that point, the actor said, other stu- social media sites. It is available to Instagram dents often physically and verbally abused users, but within a month will also be usable him. with Facebook and Twitter.
“We want to blast this out to the country,” Aaron said. CensorOut monitors for pre-programmed and self-programmed words or phrases. If hateful messages are posted online, repeat messages can be blocked from being posted. Parents can receive email notification and the message also will be saved as proof of what was said and who sent it. “It allows kids to stop being bullied and parents to see what these kids are saying,” Aaron said. Aaron asked the crowd to load the app and many audience members took out their smartphones and did. “Anything with social media is a great way to get through to kids,” said Kayla Bryant, 19, who plans to become a public school teacher. “I think it is amazing that he is using his See ANTI-BULLYING, page7A