The Laker-Wesley Chapel/New Tampa-March 18, 2020

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Coronavirus causes big disruptions

By B.C. Manion

The ever-evolving threat posed by coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) has forced schools across Florida to shut down, blocked visitors from nursing homes, caused wide-ranging travel and event cancellations, and stripped grocery aisles — especially of toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Locally, parents of students in the Pasco and Hillsborough county school districts are bracing to prepare for an extended state-ordered spring break.


MARCH 18, 2020

The Diocese of St. Petersburg also closed schools and early childhood centers through March 20.The diocese already had scheduled March 16 and March 17 as days off for students.Virtual learning will be conducted March 16 through March 20, according to a Diocese news release. The additional school closures have left thousands of families scrambling to arrange child care, although the impact may be lessened to some degree as many companies are asking workers to work at home, if possible. The World Health Organization has de-

clared COVID-19 a pandemic; President Donald Trump has declared a national state of emergency. Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared a state emergency, and Hillsborough and Pasco counties have declared local states of emergency. As of the morning of March 16, there had been four deaths reported in Florida linked to COVID-19, according to the Florida Health Department, which is the lead agency responding to the threat. The health department also reported See CORONAVIRUS, page 11A Call Attorney

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The Roaring ’20s return Downtown Zephyrhills transformed back into the wild decade of gangsters, flappers, sparkles, feathers – and tin can tourists. The 110th Founder’s Day Parade & Heritage Festival, on March 7, was themed ‘The Roaring ’20s: Glitz, Glam and Tin Cans.’ This year’s event featured over 80 vendors, a kid-friendly zone, live music, storytelling presentations, a police K-9 demonstration and, of course, the iconic parade. Above, Jim Bliss, a bartender with Zephyrhills Elks Lodge 2731, portrays a bartender during the Prohibition era, as he rides in the Elk’s parade float during the 110th Founder’s Day Parade & Heritage Festival. This year’s festival theme was about the Roaring ’20s. Bliss is a snowbird from Michigan, who lives part-time in Zephyrhills. For more coverage on this story, turn to page 1B.

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Commissioners act on rezoning requests By B.C. Manion

Pasco County Commissioners approved a rezoning that will allow a 1.95-acre lot to be split, to allow two single-family homes — despite strenuous objections by neighbors. The property is on the north side of Country Club Road, about 550 feet west of Old Pasco Road, in Wesley Chapel. Attorney Barbara Wilhite, representing the applicant, told board members that her client merely wants to allow two dwellings, instead of one, on the property. Her client has agreed to a deed restriction that would limit the use of the property to two dwellings and also would prohibit access through the property, to Sienna Cove, the development behind it. Carl Stone, who lives on Country Club Road, asked the board to reject the request, noting that the subdivision’s zoning was set in 1986 by the County Commission. He also noted that some of the lots didn’t comply with the area’s zoning at the time and were grandfathered in. And, he said a similar request was rejected by the board in 2005. Other area residents raised concerns about drainage, and the potential precedent the rezoning could set. Cynthia Lunghofer put it like this:“We want to make sure that there isn’t a precedent being set that could lead to larger parcels being broken up, and potential for townhome or multifamily development. Neighbors also noted the character of the area, which they described as peaceful and beautiful, and urged commissioners to protect it. County planners and the Pasco County See REZONING, page 11A

Dressed appropriately for this year’s Founder’s Day Parade & Heritage Festival’s theme – ‘The Roaring ’20s: Glitz, Glam and Tin Cans,’ David Schall of Wesley Chapel, and his wife Nicole, share a moment on Fifth Avenue, as they make their way around the festival. Earlier, the Schalls were seen in the parade – in Nicole’s sublime green 1929 Ford Model A.

At her first Zephyrhills Founder’s Day Parade, Jacqueline Pruden, a snowbird from Michigan, who lives part-time in Zephyrhills, patiently awaits the arrival of the next parade float near the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Seventh Street. Pruden said she was happy to finally attend the event, and was enjoying collecting beads and candy that were being tossed around.

Therapy dog helps address mental illness By Kevin Weiss

The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office has added a therapy dog to expand its efforts to better serve the needs of people facing significant mental health and substance abuse issues. The therapy dog is the newest member of a Behavioral Health Intervention Team (BHIT) the law enforcement agency established last year. The team’s primary task is to keep tabs on individuals who have been held involuntarily in a mental health treatment facility for up to 72 hours, through a state law known as the Baker Act. They focus on approximately 500 people who are Baker Act repeats — through a proactive approach that includes frequent visitations, welfare checks, expedited behavioral health resources and criminal justice diversion programs. Now, K9 Charlie, a 1-year-old pitbull-mix, has joined the team, to aid and comfort those who are struggling. Charlie came to the local law enforcement agency by way of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office’s Paws and Stripes program. That program trains dogs from local animal shelters, preparing them to become


Pasco Sheriff’s Office Det. Pedro Leos with new animal assisted therapy dog K9 Charlie.

PTSD dogs, therapy dogs, and child victim advocate dogs. Charlie was rescued from the streets in October. The new animal assisted therapy dog program strives to better “build a connection” between law enforcement and the mental health community, said Cpt. Toni Roach, who oversees the 15-member BHIT,

which includes a captain, two sergeants and 12 detectives. Charlie helps “to comfort and ease some anxiety and build that stress relief,” when the sheriff’s office comes knocking on the door for visitations and welfare checks, Roach explained. “Law enforcement and people with mental illness, there’s that stigma that we’re there to take them into custody or arrest them for a crime,” Roach said. But, Charlie’s calming presence for someone facing a mental health crisis could break the ice, Roach said.And, that can help to open lines of communications, so responders can get to the root of the problems and identify ways to resolve them. An individual struggling with addiction may be referred to outpatient substance abuse treatment, for instance. Or, someone undergoing financial struggles may be referred to Pasco County Human Services and the county’s homeless coalition. Roach said the idea is to help bridge the gap for services and shorten the time it takes to receive them. A therapy dog can help in that process, she said. Charlie’s handler, Det. Pedro Leos, agrees. See THERAPY, page 11A

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