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Pasco schools adopt tentative budget By B.C. Manion
The Pasco County School Board has adopted a tentative budget for the 20182019 fiscal year, with a final public hearing set for Sept. 18. The proposed general fund budget for 2018-2019 is $630,860,337. That’s a $15.2 million increase over last year’s general fund, which represents roughly a 2.47 percent increase.
AUGUST 15, 2018
The capital projects funds in the budget for 2018-2019 total $244,516,610, which reflects an increase of $31.5 million or 14.78 percent above the 2017-2018 budget. Capital Projects Funds are used to account for expenditures on acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and improvements to existing facilities. The funds also are used for the maintenance of approximately 2,400 buildings across the district, to purchase land and to pay for equipment, technology equipment, buses
and vehicles. Under the proposed rate, the owner of a $125,000 home, after deducting the $25,000 homestead exemption, would pay $627.90 in school taxes — a decrease of $28.60 from last year. The state’s basic student allocation for the 2018-2019 school year is $4,204.42. That’s 47 cents more per student than last year. But, since the state applies a cost of livSee BUDGET, page 11A Call Attorney
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My Salon Suite, at 20707 Center Oak Dr., in Tampa, partnered with Dr. Bou Pediatrics and Young Chef’s Academy to give kids a chance to get their hair cut, just in time to head back to school. Those donating school supplies could get free haircuts. The event also featured face painting, frozen treats and a bouncy house. The donations collected will benefit Metropolitan Ministries and Quail Hollow Elementary. My Salon Suite franchise owner Heather Tomasello plans to make this an annual community event. Above, 8-year-old K.C. Jao, of Wesley Chapel, gets a new hairdo for back to school by stylist Wislynn Cosmay, of Hair By Wyss.
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After getting their faces painted, 8-year-old Ankhilan Munkherdene, of Tampa, left, and 6-year-old Lewis Lynn, of Brandon, beat the afternoon heat and sit inside the lobby of My Salon Suite to eat their frozen treats.
Linette Gonzalez-Fuentes, owner of Fuentes Fantabulous Fun, holds a mirror up so that 6-year-old Nicole Panepinto, of Land O’ Lakes, can see how the design turned out. The youngster’s smile communicates her approval.
Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Woodland Elementary plans to add more services School gets new look By B.C. Manion
By B.C. Manion
Students and staff arriving this week at Woodland Elementary School for a new academic year found a campus that has undergone a substantial renovation. The $12 million project included $9 million in construction costs and $3 million for other expenses, including furniture, architectural fees, materials testing, telecommunications, district staff and other costs, according to Mike Gude, director of construction services and code compliance for Pasco County Schools. The renovation of the school at 38203 Henry Drive included the addition of more than 100 paved parking spaces, a new and expanded administration suite, 12 additional classrooms, a new art room, two new music See WOODLAND, page 11A
Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel plans to expand the services it offers, as well as building additional parking and a new three-story medical office building. The hospital, at 2600 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., also plans to add a wound care center that’s COURTESY OF FLORIDA HOSPITAL WESLEY CHAPEL expected to open soon. Inspiration Place, opened last year at Florida Hospital Those initiatives are in addition to an offsite Emergency Wesley Chapel. Room the hospital has opened in Land O’ Lakes and the addition of one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals. It is Inspiration Place it opened last year. the only hospital in The Laker/Lutz News Inspiration Place is a 12,000-square-foot coverage area to receive this distinction. concierge health facility geared specifically The selection was based on a study confor women, complete with female physi- ducted by IBM Watson Health, which cians, women’s imaging services and other spotlights the top-performing hospitals services tailored to women’s needs. based on a balanced scorecard of publicly In addition to these new activities, the available clinical, operational and patient sathospital also has garnered national recogni- isfaction metrics and data. tion for its performance. Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel also was Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel recently See HOSPITAL, page 11A appeared in Modern Healthcare Magazine as