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JANUARY 4, 2017
Pasco wants more state funding By Kathy Steele
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Pasco County commissioners have approved a list of local priorities for the 2017 legislative session, seeking to add state funds to the county’s coffers. Commissioners want more state money for road construction, storm water improvements, efforts to fight blight and help the homeless population, and other projects. The list of county priorities is expected to be presented to the local legislative delegation before the next session begins on March 7. Members of the public also will have a chance to let the delegation know their priorities at a delegation meeting on Jan. 18 at
Sunlake High School in Land O’ Lakes. Members of Pasco County’s legislative delegation are Rep. Richard Corcoran, who will serve as speaker of the house; Rep. Amber Mariano; Rep. Danny Burgess; Sen. Wilton Simpson; Sen. Jack Latvala; and, Sen. Tom Lee. The local delegation meeting is held each year before the Florida Legislature convenes. Committee meetings in advance of the 2017 session began in early December. About 100 people attended last year’s delegation meeting, with individuals and organizations pitching for projects or legislative bills. The Pasco County Commission’s priority list includes:
Legislative delegation meeting WHEN: Jan. 18 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Sunlake High School, 3023 Sunlake Blvd., Land O’ Lakes INFO: Open to the public. If you want to speak at the meeting, complete an e-form by following the link – The deadline for submissions is Jan. 16.
• $15 million in state money for partial funding of a diverging diamond interchange at Interstate 75 and State Road 56 See FUNDING, page 11A
School board seeks higher impact fees By B.C. Manion
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Pasco County School Board members are asking the Pasco County Commission to significantly boost school impact fees charged against new residential construction. The board voted on Dec. 20 to seek impact fees of $9,174 for single-family detached residences; $3,693 for single-family attached residences; $5,382 for multi-family dwellings; and $5,634 for mobile homes. That compares to the current rates of $4,876.28 for single-family detached; $1,757.40 for single-family attached; $1,873.55 for multifamily; and, $2,871.43 for mobile homes. In Pasco County, a school impact fee is assessed on the builder for the construction of every new home with the exception of 55 and older communities. The theory behind impact fees is that new growth should pay for itself, instead of increasing the burden on existing residents. Pasco County’s school impact fees have not increased since 2005, but continued residential growth in the county is generating increased student enrollment. The county initially adopted impact fees in 2001. The new rates being proposed now are based on an impact fee study commissioned by the school board.The analysis was conducted by Tischler Bise, a consulting firm based in Bethesda, Maryland. “We have a new impact fee study that is recommending that we impose a larger fee on housing construction in Pasco County,” Ray Gadd, deputy superintendent said, dur-
New home construction in the Wiregrass Ranch area, and other communities, is causing enrollments to rise in Pasco schools.
ing the board’s Dec. 20 meeting. “We’re in a county that’s in a very highgrowth trend,” Gadd said. “As you well know, from Wesley Chapel to Trinity and up (U.S.) Highway 41, the building industry in Pasco County is exploding,” he added. Carson Bise, president of the Tischler Bise, who addressed the board also had held an impact fee workshop with board members before the evening meeting. At the evening session, Bise said,“We’ve made some, what we think are rather conservative projections of students over the next five- to 10 years, based on the most recent building permit trend. “However, I would argue that that building permit trend is likely to increase in the future.
There’s no such thing as ‘managing’ time
See IMPACT, page 11A
State college clears the air – of smoke By Kathy Steele
By B.C. Manion
Maybe you’ve decided that this is the year that you’re going to do a better job of ‘managing’ your time. But, if you listen to Richard Dutton, a retired professor of Managerial Behavior & Organization Studies from the University of South Florida, it is impossible to “manage” time. “Time cannot be managed. It is completely independent of us,” Dutton said. “We can use time.We can’t replace time,” said Dutton, formerly of the Muma College of Business at USF. It’s also impossible to “save time,” added Dutton, during remarks he delivered as part of a free lecture series offered through the university’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, also known as OLLI. When people — especially college students — think about their personal resources, they tend to consider money to be their scarcest resource, Dutton said. But, he said, that’s not true. “Time is your scarcest resource. Today will never ever happen again. So, how you use your time today is critical.You can make more money.You can work more hours.You can’t make more time,” he said. There are, however, ways to be more efficient and to make better use of your time, Dutton said, during his talk at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library. Here are some ways Dutton suggests to help you make better use of your time: • List your objectives • Rank the objectives based on importance
“Just with this conservative growth estimate, we estimate over 5,200 new students over the next five years and almost 10,500 students over the next 10 years,” he said. “To give you a better flavor, the average annual increase of students over the last four years has been about 1,400, and this year’s increase in new students was over 1,800. “We expect this growth trend to continue. “The district’s response to this growth, in addition to the two new schools that you have opening next year, which is Cypress Creek (Middle/High) and Bexley (Elementary), the district also has plans to open four additional schools over the next
• List actions that you need to take to achieve your objectives • Prioritize those actions • Schedule your time based on your priorities. It’s important to have a manageable list, Dutton said. He suggests a list averaging five items. Avoid making lists that have more than nine items, he said. It’s also important to know when you are most effective, Dutton said. Be aware of your personal productivity cycle. Some people wake up raring to go; others fare better
The campuses of Pasco-Hernando State College will become smoke-free and tobacco-free zones effective Aug. 14, 2017. The college’s District Board of Trustees voted unanimously on Nov. 15 to expand an existing policy that prohibits smoking in college buildings and “workplace” areas, but allows smoking in designated areas. That means smoking and other forms of tobacco will be banned entirely on the college’s campuses, said Courtney Boettcher, assistant director of marketing and communications at PHSC. The no-smoking, no-tobacco rule will apply to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, E-cigarettes and any vaporizing devices, such as hookah pipes. Snuff and chewing tobacco also will be prohibited.The rule applies to students, faculty, visitors, vendors and others who come on campus. Trustees approved the campus-wide ban “to promote the health and wellness of its students and employees, as well as a safe, comfortable environment for all who work, study, conduct business, or visit the college,” according to college documents. The coverage area includes all properties leased and owned by the college. The college’s fleet of vehicles also will be smoke-free and tobacco-free, whether on or off campus. The ban goes along with a national trend among colleges and universities to create smoke-free and tobacco-free campuses. Hillsborough Community College also has such a policy, and the University of
See TIME, page 11A
See SMOKE, page 11A
Richard E. Dutton, a retired professor of Managerial Behavior & Organization Studies in the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida, recently spent a little of his time talking about the value of time.
Tips for having effective meetings: • Have a time limit • Have a written agenda • Consider conducting the meeting in a room without chairs — that tends to speeds things up.