The Laker-East Pasco-April 13, 2016

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APRIL 13, 2016

Sparks flying over 911 center By Kathy Steele

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Controversy is swirling over the leadership of Pasco County’s 911 center, after a dispatcher mishandled an emergency call regarding a wrong-way driver on Interstate 75. Pasco County commissioners also say that residents have reported instances of dropped calls or unanswered calls to the center. “I think it’s gotten to the point we need to think outside the box,” Pasco County Commissioner Mike Moore said during the commissioners’ March 29 meeting.

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco

Pasco County Administrator Michele Baker

Despite additional staff members working at the center, Moore said, “There have been too many missteps.”

A solution could come at the commissioners’April 12 meeting in Dade City, when the issue is expected to be reviewed again. The center has been without a permanent director for about 18 months. On two occasions, candidates backed away. One cited family related reasons.The other gave no reason. The issue of who will lead the county’s emergency center has evolved into a tussle between Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco and Pasco County Administrator Michele Baker. Baker and Nocco disagree over who See 911, page 11A

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Jeffries House undergoing major restoration By Kevin Weiss


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Renovations are underway to the Historic Jeffries House in Zephyrhills. The Zephyrhills Community Redevelopment Agency’s (CRA) general contractor, Restoration Concepts, recently completed the leveling of the building, at 38533 Fifth Ave. The contractor replaced and added piers under the structure, replaced the latticework and replaced rotten wood on the building’s exterior. Windows were repaired, too. After the siding is scraped and sided, the historic house also will get a new paint job. “They’re really moving along,” said Gail Hamilton, CRA director for the City of PHOTOS COURTESY OF GAIL HAMILTON Zephyrhills.“They’ve raised the side of the building. It’s still a little off, but it’s a whole Laborers work on making repairs to the back of the Jeffries House. lot better than it was. “We’re getting there. It’s going to be gorgeous when it’s done,” Hamilton said. The porch floor was replaced, thanks to material and labor donations from Dwight Hopkins, a longtime city resident. Hopkins contacted the city’s building official Bill Burgess, to see if he could volunteer to replace the porch himself, Hamilton said. Once approved, Hopkins purchased highquality marine wood and constructed a new porch resembling the original. The porch replacement was needed, Hamilton said. “You couldn’t walk on it,” she said, referring to the prior condition of the floor. “The wood had rotted; the city had put up a ‘Do Not Enter’ sign. Dwight saw that... and he just thought the house deserved the The City of Zephyrhills purchased the Jeffries House for $111,000 in February 2014. The Zephyrhills best,” she said. The home’s porch was replaced by Dwight “I think that is something that is Community Redevelopment Agency received a Hopkins, a longtime Zephyrhills resident. so great about a small community,” $50,000 budget for restoring the historic landmark. she added, commenting on Hopkins’ efforts. from the city for the restoration of the build- office space, Hamilton said. The project’s final step will be to restore ing’s exterior. “It would be an excellent incubator projthe building’s interior. Hamilton expects everything to be com- ect,” she said. “I haven’t really created any With a shoestring budget, the CRA direc- pleted within the next three months, so the guidelines or what exactly that would look tor is currently soliciting bids to install a CRA and Main Street Zephyrhills Inc., can like. I kind of was waiting to see if someplumbing and electrical system. shift their daily operations into the build- body was interested. ...What a great “It wasn’t in my original budget, so I’m ing’s first floor. problem that would be if I had four or five trying to get the best deal that I can,” said The second floor will be open for any See JEFFRIES, page 11A Hamilton, who was given a $50,000 budget prospective Zephyrhills business in need of

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Land sale pending near Hercules Park By Kathy Steele

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A commercial corner by the entrance into Hercules Park is on its way to being sold. What happens with the remainder of the park’s land will depend on negotiations between officials from Pasco County Schools and the City of Zephyrhills. Zephyrhills officials remain eager to see the park reopened and refurbished, said Steve Spina, city manager. He anticipates meeting with school district officials in coming weeks. “We’re not sure of the acreage yet,” Spina said. That won’t be known until the land deal is completed, city and school officials said. Because of various stipulations in the agreement, a closing date is not expected until Dec. 9. The Pasco County School Board, on April 5, approved the sale of approximately 2.5 acres to GH &G Florida LLC for about $1.7 million.The property is at the south-


Pasco County school officials plan to discuss the future of Hercules Park with the city of Zephyrhills, possibly looking at shared parking for the district’s ball field and the park.

east corner of Gall Boulevard and County Road 54, near the entrance into Hercules Park. However, the buyer could opt to purchase two smaller, adjacent parcels for an

Pasco County Schools has agreed to sell commercial parcel at Gall Boulevard and County Road 54 to GH & G Florida LLC for about $1.7 million.

additional $600,000, according to the contract agreement. Pasco County closed the park about five See HERCULES, page 11A

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