The Laker-East Pasco-April 17, 2019

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APRIL 17, 2019

Cybercrimes on the rise, expert says

By Kevin Weiss

Cyber-related crimes don’t appear to be going away anytime soon. Pasco Sheriff Sgt. Sam Pepenella knows that better than most — as the unit supervisor of the agency’s cyber and computer forensic investigations. He shared some of his insights as the featured guest speaker at an East Pasco

Networking Group meeting in Dade City last month. The Sheriff’s Office processes about 9,000 digital devices — phones, tablets, computers — every year, a significant rise from when Pepenella helped form the special unit nearly a decade ago. “It’s getting busier,” the law enforcement officer said. In traditional crime, perpetrators use a pry bar and pop open a door, Pepenella

said. Cybercriminals, he said, run their fingers over a keyboard and find a way to break in. Much of Pepenella’s talk focused on common online scams his unit has been seeing lately. One, known as phishing, is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit See CYBERCRIMES, page 15A

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presented by




Fun F F For th he Whole Fam mily! EGG HUNTS BEGIN

at 10AM



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Spring fling and jelly beans Guests to the fourth annual Jelly Bean Fling at The Pioneer Florida Museum & Village, 15606 Pioneer Museum Road in Dade City, could enjoy an all-day Easter egg hunt, a bonnet parade, arts and crafts, a petting zoo, face painting, barrel train rides, the musical entertainment of Mr. Tommy, and photos with the Easter Bunny. For an additional fee, other options included a rock climbing experience, pony rides and a bounce house. Above, 6-year-old Harry Parker, right, shows off his plush bunny that he named ‘Alex,’ to Sara Oglesby, who is dressed up as the Easter Bunny. The Parker family was vacationing in the area from Hertfordshire, England.

Easter events offer religious observances and family fun By Brian Fernandes


Share your wildlife pho otos If you’ve captured a photograph of an interesting bird or wild creature, we’d love to share your image with our readers.

sider If you’d like us to consider graph, publishing your photograph, please email it to us att news@lakerlutzne ew ws.c com. Please be sure to include what kind of animal it is, and where you took the picture. Also include your ur contact information, so we can get in touch with you, if we need to.

faith &

Worship Easter Services and Activities


inside this week pages 10A & 11A

Whether they want to celebrate their faith, take the kids for an egg hunt, or just enjoy some fellowship with church friends — there are plenty of seasonal options throughout The Laker/Lutz News coverage area. Check out the listings below.


WHAT: Dade City Community Good Friday Service WHERE: Free Methodist Church, 37002 Howard Ave., Dade City WHEN: April 19 at noon COST: Free DETAILS: A Good Friday service will include music, a sermon and lunch afterwards. INFO: Contact Selena Semanco at (352) 5678424 or WHAT: Easter at the Zoo WHERE: Dade City’s Wild Things, 36909 Blanton Road, Dade City WHEN: April 19 at 1 p.m. and April 20 at 3 p.m. COST: Tickets are $20 for adults; $16 for ages 2 to 12; free for those age 2 and younger DETAILS: After an animal tour and lion encounter, kids can stay active with an Easter egg hunt around the zoo. INFO: Call (352) 567- 9453, or to purchase tickets, visit WHAT: Renovate Church’s Easter Eggstravaganza WHERE: Renovate Church, 11631 Old Lakeland Highway, Dade City WHEN: April 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. COST: Free DETAILS: This family friendly event will offer snow cones, egg hunting and face painting. INFO: Visit WHAT: Easter Morning Egg Hunt WHERE: First United Methodist Church of Dade

City, 37628 Church Ave., Dade City WHEN: April 21 from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. COST: Free DETAILS: This event is geared toward infants to fifth-graders. It entails music, fun lessons, an egg hunt and snacks. INFO: Call (352) 567-5604, or email



It’s that time for egg hunters to round up their baskets and get busy. Many local events give kids and adults, alike, a chance to search for eggs.

WHAT: Easter Eggstravaganza WHERE: Rising Star, 5026 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills WHEN: April 19 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. COST: $30 per ticket for those ages 5 to 12 (guardians get in free) DETAILS: Kids can celebrate Easter with an array of activities, such as taking snapshots at the photobooth, decorating eggs, coloring Easter pictures and creating an Easter basket. Pizza and cupcakes will be served. INFO: For tickets, visit For other inquiries, call (813) 618-0700.

INFO: Call (352) 567-6494, or email

WHAT: Egg Drop WHERE: New Walk Church, 35008 State Road 54, Zephyrhills WHEN: April 19 at 6 p.m.; April 20 and April 21 both at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. A wristband will be given to those who wish to participate, during the children’s ministry preceding the hunts. COST: Free DETAILS: A helicopter will drop more than 100,000 Easter eggs out on an open field for kids to run and grab. INFO: Call New Walk Church at (813) 469-9299, or visit NewWalk.Church/Easter.


WHAT: Easter Breakfast Service WHERE: Cornerstone Community Church, 8527 Old Lakeland Highway, Zephyrhills WHEN: April 21 from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. COST: Free DETAILS: After a morning Easter service, attendees can enjoy a potluck breakfast and coffee.

WHAT: Easter Sunrise Service WHERE: AdventHealth Zephyrhills, 7050 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills WHEN: April 21 from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. COST: Free DETAILS: The hospital invites guests to bring a lawn chair and join in for a morning sermon, song service and the release of doves. Free refreshments will be served. INFO: Email Jane Freeman at

WHAT: Easter Triduum WHERE: Saint Leo Abbey, 33601 State Road 52, St. Leo WHEN: April 18 at 7 p.m.; April 19 at 3 p.m.; April 20 at 8:30 p.m. COST: Free DETAILS: The three-day ceremony will conduct mass, while focusing on Jesus’ last supper to his day of resurrection. INFO: Call (352) 588-8181, or email

See EASTER, page 15A

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