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Permit granted for Raymond James By B.C. Manion
Raymond James is a step closer to building a campus in Wesley Chapel, according to J.D. Porter, whose family has a pending contract on a land sale to the financial services giant. Last week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved the permit needed for the project, Porter said.“It covers the entire Raymond James project,” he said. The project, which would be built near
State Road 56, and Wiregrass Ranch Boulevard, ultimately could have 1 million square feet in office space. “The process from here on out is that we’ve got to go back before the Board of County Commissioners and ratify the deal, update timelines, because it took a little while to get the permit in. And then, after that, per their contract, they have 30 days to close,” Porter said. Steve Hollister, a spokesman for Raymond James, offered no timetable for when the project will proceed.
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See PERMIT, page 11A
“Raymond James continues to evaluate occupancy needs as part of the firm’s longterm growth strategy. We believe the Wiregrass Ranch property is a good future development opportunity and expect to close on the property within the next three months, but cannot commit to a specific construction schedule at this time,” Hollister said, via email. Still, the Corps’ approval is a significant milestone for a project, which has been de-
Pasco County eyes $1.5 billion budget By Kathy Steele
7209 Green Slope Drive, Zephyrhills
J U LY 2 0 , 2 0 1 6
Pasco County commissioners are looking at a projected budget of about $1.5 billion for 2017. The proposed budget holds the line on new taxes, but allows some room for new services, programs, staff hires and capital improvements. As county staff was completing the budget, they received news that property tax revenues would be about $1.8 million more than expected. The additional cash helped avoid a repeat of last year’s scrappy debates over the budget request from the Pasco County FILE PHOTOS Sheriff’s office. Pasco County Commissioner Mike Moore is happy to see This year’s budget, if apfunding for a bus circulator route in Land O’ Lakes in the proved, provides an additional $6.3 million for county’s proposed $1.5 billion budget for 2017. the sheriff’s office. The Pasco County Sheriff money would go for salary raises, equipChris Nocco was able ment and new hires. to secure more fundOther expenditures in the proposed ing for raises in the budget include $331,000 for a bus circulacounty’s proposed tor route in Land O’ Lakes, and $60,000 to 2017 budget. The hire a federal lobbyist. sheriff said he needs Still, the budget overall reflects a “modto increase salaries est growth philosophy” amid an economy because he’s losing that is slowly recovering, Pasco County too many deputies to Administrator Michele Baker wrote in a letother area agencies ter to the commissioners. that pay more. The new fiscal year begins Oct. 1. Commissioners received a briefing on July 12 on the proposed budget. ample, is a significant addition to the comPublic hearings on the budget are sched- munity, he said. “It’s one of our major uled on Sept. 13 in Dade City and on Sept. corridors (U.S. 41) and the only one that 27 in New Port Richey. doesn’t have bus transit. Hopefully, it will reOverall, the 2017 budget reflects an in- lieve traffic congestion.” crease of less than 6 percent, or about $85 One item not included in the budget million, over last year’s budget. was a request for more weekend and The millage rate would remain un- evening operating hours at the county’s lichanged from its current rate of about braries. The request was to restore the $7.60 per $1,000 of property value for the hours to 2008 levels. general fund, and about $1.80 per $1,000 of County officials balked, saying the recurproperty value for the fire district. ring costs were too high. However, county officials said the typical “I would like to see us ease back into inhomeowner, with a homestead exemption, creasing library hours,” Moore said. But that could pay almost $7 more in property taxes seems unlikely for now, he added. in 2017, based on rising property values. The total tax roll increased from about “I’m pretty satisfied with the budget,” $20 billion in 2016 to $22.9 billion in 2017. said Pasco County Commissioner Mike The assessed value of new construction inMoore. See BUDGET, page 11A The bus route in Land O’ Lakes, for ex-
The Zephyrhills City Council hired architecture firm Harvard Jolly to help design a new City Hall. The new building is expected to be 16,000 square feet and cost about $6 million. Shown here is the current City Hall building.
Zephyrhills to get $6 million City Hall By Kevin Weiss
The Zephyrhills City Council has approved an agreement with an architectural firm based on plans for a new $6 million city hall. Council members voted unanimously on July 11 to approve a $590,900 contract with the architecture firm Harvard Jolly, to help design the two-story building. The city’s agreement with the St. Petersburg firm is based on a preliminary estimate of $6 million to construct the 16,000-square-foot building that would replace the existing City Hall at 5335 Eighth St. The new facility would be about 5,000 square feet larger than the current 11,000square-foot building. Under terms of the agreement, Harvard Jolly will oversee the design phase of the project, and also will be involved throughout the construction process — even after the city hires a construction manager. The new facility is expected to take about two years to complete, which incorporates about nine months of design and 12 months of construction. Over the next few months, the firm will work closely with the city to gather input on schematic designs and renderings for the facility. “It’s an interactive process,” said Ward Friszoloeski, Harvard Jolly’s executive vice president. Construction of the new structure likely will take place in the parking lot of the existing City Hall, following the approach used in the construction of the new Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St. “If we do (build) it in the parking lot, then we won’t have to move or relocate, See CITY HALL, page 11A
Protecting Northeast Pasco’s rural nature By Kathy Steele
More than a decade ago, Pasco County adopted a future land use goal of preserving the character of what is dubbed its “northeast rural area.” Bellamy Brothers Boulevard, the Green Swamp, State Road 52 and the Hernando County line define the area’s borders. While there’s a goal on the books, there’s currently no ordinance that puts regulations in place to accomplish it. But, that is about to change. On July 12, Pasco County commissioners had a public hearing on a rural protection ordinance that, if approved, would create an overlay district and govern residential development involving three houses, or more. The proposed ordinance also sets lighting standards and prohibits mining or development activities that would lop off the tops of hillsides or destroy vistas. A separate ordinance would deal with commercially zoned properties and the county’s designated areas for employment centers, which are generally found along U.S. 301.
Pasco County commissioners are considering a rural protection ordinance to preserve the rural character of northeast Pasco including homes on large land lots.
Richard Riley, who lives in the community of Trilby, gave a power point presentation during the public comment portion of the meeting. “Everything up here is photogenic,” said Riley, a freelance photographer who has
done work for various publications, including The Laker/Lutz News. “It’s wonderful to be here,” Riley added. Though the ordinance isn’t perfect, Riley See RURAL, page 11A