Lakeside ON Brochure Apr - Aug 15

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APR — AUG 15


2 Djanogly art gallery

Justin MortiMer saturday 7 March – sunday 31 May

Djanogly Art Gallery (Galleries 1&1A)

Admission free

Djanogly art gallery 3


Djanogly Art Gallery (Lecture theatre) Admission Free Friday 6 March 6.30 - 7.30pm Followed by preview Writer Martin Herbert introduces the themes and preoccupations in the work of Justin Mortimer.

gallery tours

Djanogly Art Gallery Admission Free thursday 26 March 6 - 7pm: Justin Mortimer thursday 21 May 1 - 2pm: Matt Price, independent curator and writer Please book in advance by calling the box office on 0115 846 7777.

Justin Mortimer’s canvases have been described as history painting for the present age, fragmented scenes hinting at social and political upheaval, and detailing unspecified acts of human cruelty and suffering. In his recent work, these scenes are typically enacted in an indeterminate space, often in scrub woodland at night illuminated by the flash of a camera or the sulphurous glow of a flare. His subjects are never literal or explicit but operate on a viscerally emotional and psychological level, creating a general aura of malaise and foreboding. Frequently this darkly sinister mood is given a sharper edge through the introduction of an incongruous detail such as a cluster of party balloons.

Academically trained, and for the early part of his career a successful portraitist, Mortimer is one of a growing number of international contemporary artists – especially from eastern Europe – who have reinvigorated the tradition of figurative painting.

see pages 11-12 for screen printing, drypoint printing, iPad and creative writing workshops linked to this exhibition and those on pages 4-11.

His imagery is gleaned from the internet and digitally collaged to create the starting point for his compositions. In this respect, the work has an affinity with that of Richard Hamilton (running concurrently in Gallery 2, p.4) who in his later years readily embraced digital media as a vital element of popular culture. This is the first solo exhibition of Justin Mortimer’s work to be held in a public gallery, and has been organised in collaboration with Ben Tufnell (Parafin, London

Images: left: Lilith above: Joker (detail) © justin Mortimer

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:


richArD hAMiLton WorD anD IMage: PrInts 1963-2007

Image right: Adonis in Y fronts 1963 screenprint from 12 stencils on cartridge paper © estate of richard Hamilton, 2014 courtesy alan cristea gallery Image above: The Citizen 1985 Dye-transfer, mounted on archivart board © estate of richard Hamilton, 2014 courtesy alan cristea gallery

4 Djanogly art gallery

saturday 7 March – sunday 31 May 2015

Djanogly Art Gallery (Gallery 2)

This exhibition focuses on Richard Hamilton’s career as a printmaker. Dubbed the forefather of Pop art, the themes and concerns of Hamilton’s paintings and drawings were also pursued in his graphic works on which he collaborated with some of the greatest master printers of the twentieth century. The selection of 43 works represents the full range of his technical accomplishments from traditional engraving, etching and aquatint, to screen print in the 1960s, and ending with the newly emergent digital media embraced by the artist in his later years. His appropriation of imagery from popular culture is reflected in such early prints as Adonis in Y fronts 1963. Wider contemporary and political issues provide the subjects of the Swingeing London suite and a number of works concerning the troubles in Ireland. An exhibition organised and toured by Barbican International Enterprises.

Admission free

gallery tours Djanogly Art Gallery Admission Free

thursdays 1 - 2pm 19 March: Ruth Lewis-Jones, Learning Officer (Galleries) 23 April: Neil Walker, Head of Visual Arts Programming 14 May: Ruth Lewis-Jones 28 May: Neil Walker


Djanogly Art Gallery (Lecture theatre) Admission Free From Pop Art to the Digital Age: richard hamilton in the Print studio Wednesday 29 April 6 - 7pm Fanny Singer traces the development of Hamilton’s printmaking practice from the early etchings to pioneering experiments with photo-mechanical processes such as screenprinting, and his adoption of the computer in the 1980s. Please book in advance by calling the box office on 0115 846 7777.

Djanogly art gallery 5

Fine Art DeGree shoW

thursday 11 – sunday 21 June

Djanogly Art Gallery

Admission free

The University of Nottingham’s School of Education presents the 2015 BA (Hons) Fine Art Degree Show. Throughout this dedicated part-time degree programme, students develop their own art practice through a contemporary response to a wide variety of fine art media including painting, sculpture, print, photography, video and installation. Image above: Maud Lannen

university suMMer exhibition The annual showcase for the talents of students, staff and alumni of The University of Nottingham and an ideal opportunity to buy modestly priced works of art. saturday 27 June – saturday 11 July

Djanogly Art Gallery

Admission free Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:

6 Djanogly art gallery


eMiLy ALLchurch In tHe FootstePs oF a Master saturday 18 July – Monday 31 August

Djanogly Art Gallery

Admission free

Emily Allchurch uses photography to recreate old master paintings and prints, creating contemporary narratives. She has reworked compositions by Peter Bruegel the Elder, Utagawa Hiroshige, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Adolphe Valette and James Abott McNeill Whistler. Her works are seamless digital collages, using hundreds of photographs, taken in urban environments today. The complex photographic images have a resonance with place, history and culture and deal with the passage of time and the changes to a landscape, fusing contemporary life with a sense of history. The exhibition will showcase Allchurch’s celebrated Tokyo Story and Tokaido Road series, which pay homage to the 19th-century Japanese printmaker Hiroshige. Produced as lightboxes, they reveal not only the changing nature of the topography but also the changes to Japanese society and customs. They will be shown alongside rarely seen original Hiroshige woodblock prints. Also on show is a selection of works with an urban European theme. This includes a recreation of Whistler’s Nocturne: Blue and Silver Cremorne Lights and works inspired by Piranesi’s 18th-century etchings of urban fantasies. Allchurch will also show her newly commissioned work for Manchester Art Gallery based on Albert Square, Manchester by French Impressionist Valette, creating a dialogue between the Edwardian and contemporary city. A new artwork inspired by Breugel’s The Tower of Babel will feature at the Djanogly. Depicting the architecture and buildings of London, this work will inspire a series of workshops for families and young people throughout the exhibition exploring the role of urban areas and architecture in our lives. Based on an exhibition on tour from Manchester Art Gallery with additional works produced by the Djanogly Gallery. Image right: Tokyo Story 3: Night Harbour (after Hiroshige) 2011


Djanogly Art Gallery (Lecture theatre) Admission Free emily Allchurch in conversation with gallerist Laura noble Friday 17 July 6 - 7pm Followed by preview

gallery tour

Djanogly Art Gallery Admission Free thursday 23 July 1 - 2pm Ruth Lewis-Jones, Learning Officer (Galleries) Please book in advance by calling the box office on 0115 846 7777

see page 12 for workshop linked to this exhibition

Djanogly art gallery 7

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:

8 angear VIsItor centre


GeoFF DieGo LitherLAnD Litherland draws upon traditional genres of abstraction and science fiction surrealism to create parallel worlds that seek to question our perception of, and relationship to, nature. saturday 21 February – sunday 10 May

Angear visitor centre

Admission free

Gallery Shop A selection of books, craft, jewellery, ceramics and gifts reflecting the gallery exhibitions and the museum collection are available in Lakeside's Gallery Shop.

angear VIsItor centre 9

Peter cArtWriGht Peter Cartwright paints large-scale abstract canvases and works on paper characterised by their energetic composition and sumptuous colour. saturday 16 May – sunday 9 August

Angear visitor centre

Admission free


Juliet Goodden Juliet Goodden was appointed artist-in-residence at Lakeside in November 2014. She is a Fine Art painting graduate of Central St Martin’s London and in 2013 completed an MA at Nottingham Trent University. Whilst at Lakeside Juliet will continue to explore ideas around cultural identity and the impact of changing demographics on city centres and suburbs. Her paintings focus particularly on the representation of different faith groups within the city. We welcome enquiries from schools/colleges and other groups interested in making a studio visit to meet the artist, and perhaps combining this with an arts-based activity at Lakeside. By appointment only, please book by contacting Ruth Lewis-Jones, Learning Officer (Galleries) on 0115 823 2218.

see page 12 for painting workshop run by Juliet Goodden. Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:

10 Wallner gallery


JonAthAn stALLArD Jonathan Stallard responds to an imperative that particular subjects demand to be photographed. He is the winner of the Photography Bursary Award supported by Nottingham Trent University, Djanogly Gallery and Genesis Imaging. saturday 11 April – sunday 17 May

Wallner Gallery

Admission free

stePhen butLer The minutiae of organic material such as seeds, roots and tendrils are seen afresh in Butler’s serial arrangements and hybrid forms.

see page 12 for photography workshop linked to this exhibition

saturday 1 August – sunday 13 september

Wallner Gallery

Admission free

Wallner gallery 11

GALLery Art GrouPs’ suMMer exhibition This spring, Gallery Art Group members have been responding to the In the Shadow of War exhibition, and also looking at the paintings of Emma Tooth and Geoff Diego Litherland for inspiration. Drawing and painting skills have been developed in the weekly sessions and those GAG members working towards their Silver Arts Award have developed their leadership skills during the planning and installation of the show. saturday 11 – saturday 26 July

Wallner Gallery

Admission free

tAke PArt AnD LeArn: exHIbItIons WorkshoPs For ADuLts 18+ yeArs PortraIt PHotograPHy thursdays, 16 April – 30 April 6.30 - 9pm £40/£30 During this three-week photography course with Jon Legge, we will explore how to get the most out of your own camera, and learn techniques and strategies to make top-notch portraits. Learn how to take both posed and ‘spontaneous’ portrait photographs, plus splendid selfies! With plenty of hands-on practice, this course is aimed at beginners or enthusiasts. Bring your own Digital Standard Lens Reflex/ bridge camera or let us know if you need to borrow one.

screenPrIntIng WItH stencIls sunday 19 April 10am - 4pm £60/£54 To book please contact Leicester Print Workshop on 0116 2553634 or email Nichola Hingley from Leicester Print Workshop will be using the Richard Hamilton exhibition as inspiration. Create simple one-off screenprints using stencils, working with colour and layers to build up your imagery.

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:


Workshops for Adults 18+ yeArs


Godley leads a day of demonstration, instruction, experimenting and making using some of the best industry standard art and design iPad apps now available. Please bring your own iPad if you can and contact Lakeside if you need to borrow one.

DigiTAL iNTERVENTioNs CRAfTiNg VERbAL imAgERy; sunday 19 July, 10am - 4pm ThE ART of CREATiVE WRiTiNg £40/£30 fridays, 24 April – 15 May 9.45am - 3pm £80.85, reduced fee £72.87

fee waived for those on income-related benefits or low income. enrol through the Workers educational Association: 0115 985 8203 or In this course with Nikki England, participants will be encouraged to explore the art of poetry, fiction and memoir writing through a range of creative writing ideas, techniques, styles and exercises. Lakeside and the Richard Hamilton and Justin Mortimer exhibitions will be the source of inspiration. See how imagery drawn from popular culture and the interplay between incongruous details can add extra elements to your writing.

iNTRoDuCTioN To usiNg CoLouR sunday 26 April, 10am - 4pm £40/£30

In this painting workshop with Artist-inResidence Juliet Goodden, participants will visit the artist’s studio, and take a guided tour of the Richard Hamilton and Justin Mortimer exhibitions, to observe the various ways that artists use colour. Juliet will demonstrate practical approaches to colour theory and then provide creative opportunities to apply new skills.

hoW To DRAW, PAiNT AND CoLLAgE WiTh youR iPAD sunday 17 May, 10am - 4pm £40/£30

Inspired by work in the current exhibitions, iPad artist and painter Mik

A photography workshop for adults with artist/photographer Emily Allchurch, whose exhibition In the Footsteps of a Master will be on show in the Djanogly Art Gallery. Take an in-depth tour of the exhibition with Emily and hear her working process and professional practice tips, before going on a photo shoot of the local area to create your own digital interventions. Please bring your own digital camera or contact us if you would like to borrow one.

Workshops for fAMilies PoP PRiNTs

Monday 13 April, 1.30 - 4pm £6.50 Families (children 7+ years) Look at the Richard Hamilton exhibition under the guidance of artist Claire Morris-Wright and then learn how to make drypoint prints with colour from tissue paper on the printing press. This is a chance for grandparents, parents or carers to enjoy re-connecting with their creative selves and indulge in some sixties nostalgia, alongside the children.


Wednesday 15 April, 1.30 - 4pm £6.50 Families (children 5+ years) Come along for a half-day of fun creative photography with Jon Legge. Using simple props and costumes, you will learn how to shoot exciting portraits (including selfies) – your profile pictures need never look dull again! Please bring a USB stick if you can.

Workshops for young people PoP goEs ThE PosTCARD!

Monday 13 April, 10am - 12.30pm £6.50 8 - 12 years Enjoy some colourful printmaking fun with artist Claire Morris-Wright who will be helping you make postcards using the drypoint process on a printing press. You will be taking Pop art ideas from the Richard Hamilton exhibition and learning how to include tissue paper in your designs for a splash of sixties colour.


Wednesday 15 April, 10am - 12.30pm £6.50 10 - 15 years Come along for a half-day of fun creative photography with Jon Legge. Using simple props and costumes, you will learn how to shoot exciting portraits (including selfies) – your profile pictures need never look dull again! Please bring a USB stick if you can.

PAiNTiNg oN PhoToCoPiEs Wednesday 27 May 9.30 - 10.30am 7 - 12 years 11am - 12noon 7 - 12 years 1 - 2pm 7 - 12 years 2.30 - 3.30pm 13 - 18 years £2

Inspired by the Richard Hamilton exhibition, participants will use digital photography to shoot self-portraits which will be turned into photocopies and then painted to produce unique artworks. Everyone gets a portrait to take home! With artist Jon Legge.

Weston gallery 13

luncHtIMe talKs Djanogly theatre Admission free

Pride of Place: theatre in rural communities Wednesday 25 March 1 - 2pm How many opportunities are presented to us if we make our work in the spaces that people already inhabit? This talk explores the relationships between place and the making of theatre for rural audiences throughout New Perspectives’ 40-year history. Is theatre made, and received, differently in rural settings where the stage is one end of the village hall or church nave? Local Acts: Performing communities Djanogly theatre Admission free thursday 30 April 1 - 2pm Guest curator Dr Jo Robinson will draw on objects and images from the exhibition, and from the larger archives of both companies, to examine the different ways in which New Perspectives and Roundabout have worked to build communities in the East Midlands through diverse performances and venues from village halls and classrooms, to gypsy caravans and car showrooms.

Last chance to see…

PLAyinG ArounD: taKIng tHeatre to coMMunItIes across tHe east MIDlanDs ‘Playing Around’ explores the history of two local theatre companies, New Perspectives Theatre and Nottingham Playhouse’s Theatre in Education company, Roundabout. Using theatre posters, teachers’ packs, programmes and photographs, together with

closes sunday 3 May

press reviews and recollections from company members, this exhibition celebrates both companies and their use of theatre to entertain, intrigue, teach and develop different communities over the last 40 years.

Manuscripts & special collections Weston Gallery

Admission free Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:


14 Weston gallery

chArGinG AGAinst nAPoLeon

WellIngton’s caMPaIgns In tHe PenInsular Wars anD at Waterloo

Image: napoleon bonaparte as first consul, from sloane, Life of Napoleon Bonaparte

The Napoleonic Wars, which were fought between Britain, France and their allies from 1803, came to an end with the Battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815. This exhibition, timed to coincide with the bicentenary of Waterloo, reflects on the conflict in its later stages, from the Peninsular Wars in Spain and Portugal in 1808 to the end of hostilities seven years later. Drawing on material from The University of Nottingham’s collections, the exhibition assesses the nature and impact of the war and its consequences. The displays describe key moments in the conflict, chart the rise to prominence of military commanders such as the Duke of Wellington and reveal Nottinghamshire’s contribution to the war effort. The exhibition also explores the wider legacy of the wars. In Spain, British forces fought alongside those seeking liberation from foreign conquest. In Britain, the return of peace was accompanied by new demands for political and social change. The exhibition has been jointly curated by Richard Gaunt (Associate Professor of History in the School of Humanities) and Manuscripts and Special Collections at The University of Nottingham.

luncHtIMe talKs Djanogly theatre Admission free 1 - 2pm

A series of talks will be held to accompany the exhibition. Places are limited so please book in advance with the box office on 0115 846 7777. From the ballroom to the battlefield: british women and Waterloo 18 June On the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo, Catriona Kennedy, senior lecturer in history at the University of York, considers the role which women played in the Battle of Waterloo, from the Duchess of Richmond’s famous ball on the eve of the battle, to the women who visited the battlefield in its aftermath.

Friday 22 May – sunday 6 september

Manuscripts & special collections Weston Gallery

Admission free

Weston gallery 15

‘hard pounding gentlemen!’ the tactics of Waterloo 8 July Professor Charles Esdaile from the University of Liverpool re-considers Wellington’s command of the Allied forces and the tactics which delivered his ‘immortal victory’. commemorating Waterloo 1815 - 2015 5 August For years Britons commemorated the Battle of Waterloo in a myriad of ways. However, after Wellington’s death in 1852, official acts of public commemoration declined as the legacy of Waterloo was both contested and politicised. In this talk, Dr Russ Foster, a specialist on Wellington, considers why this remains the case to this day.

LivinG history DAy Join the 5/60th Rifles re-enactment group at their Living History camp. Find out about line infantry, light infantry and rifle tactics used at Waterloo. There will be a Drill and firing display at 1pm. The Rifles will be giving informal talks throughout the day in the camp, and if you’re ready to take the King’s shilling, they will also be recruiting! saturday 25 July

highfields Park

Admission free

sPecIal concert

neW scorPion bAnD ‘the PLAins oF WAterLoo’ New Scorpion Band is one of the most original groups in British traditional music. Performing on over 20 traditional instruments and dressed in splendid costume, their concert to commemorate the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo will include folk songs and instrumental pieces from the period. Their concerts are always wonderfully entertaining with introductions from the stage, plenty of humour and opportunities for audience singing.

Image: The Battle of Waterloo, from the painting by H. chartier

We are commemorating the battle of Waterloo in the Pavilion café. Join us in costume – if you wish – for a Waterloo-themed meal. At 7.30pm the new scorpion band will escort us to the recital hall for an evening of great music. call us on 0115 846 7777 for further details.

thursday 18 June 8pm The concert finishes at approximately 10pm

Folk Djanogly recital hall

£16 (£14 concessions)

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



university oF nottinGhAM MuseuM At laKesIDe

ArchAeoLoGy noW a series of Free talks and handling sessions that focuses on current archaeological work. recent FInDs oF late MeDIeVal aMulets anD relIquarIes tHrougH tHe treasure act Wednesday 15 April

The mass destruction during the Reformation and later of devotional items made from precious metals, means that the material evidence for medieval piety in the British Isles is scant. Accidental losses found through the agency of metal detectors have brought to light some of the most intimate survivals of religious practice in the form of amuletic pendants and jewellery reliquaries. This talk will share a number of recent finds with the audience and reflect on their significance. James Robinson is Keeper of Art and Design at the National Museum of Scotland and previously curated the Treasures of Heaven: Saints, Relics and Devotion in Medieval Europe exhibition at the British Museum. There will be the opportunity to handle some of the medieval collections from the University Museum after the talk.

segelocuM: graIns oF HIstory Wednesday 13 May

The hamlet of Littleborough is all that is now left to mark the location of what was once the large bustling town of Segelocum. Situated at the junction of the road from Lincoln to Doncaster and the River Trent, Segelocum was possibly the most important Roman town in Nottinghamshire. Lorraine Horsley and Emily Gillott, Community Archaeologists from Nottinghamshire County Council, will present the results of previous excavations from this site, which is often overlooked in studies of the small towns of Roman Britain. Following the talk there will be the opportunity to see some of the material from Segelocum in the University Museum, courtesy of Sam Glasswell Curator of Bassetlaw Museum. All talks are at 1pm in the Djanogly theatre, please book your place in advance at the box office on 0115 846 7777.

Image top: A Hunt Cup. courtesy of bassetlaw Museum Image above: Hockley Pendant, english, 1520s. courtesy of the trustees of the british Museum.


the 2nD nottinGhAMshire LocAL history AnD ArchAeoLoGy DAy saturday 27 June Free event – Drop in or join us for the day Following on from the hugely successful event last year we will be displaying the wide and varied work taking place throughout Nottinghamshire by local history and archaeology societies, archaeological units, museums and other regional archaeological organisations. This event will include displays, handling of original material and talks. The day is suitable for everyone including those with a general interest, people taking part in historical and archaeological work and those wanting to get involved.

Images: the university of nottingham Museum 1st nottinghamshire local History and archaeology Day.

short talks on local archaeological projects 11am - 12.15pm recital hall

Portable Antiquities Database and the historic environment record for nottinghamshire 12noon - 4pm

The day begins with 5 short talks on local projects. Free, but tickets need to be booked through the box office.

Join the Finds Liaison Officer for Nottinghamshire and Nottinghamshire County Council to find out what has been found in your area and also bring along finds for identification.

stalls and exhibitions 12noon - 4pm Displays of regional historical and archaeological projects along with artefact handling and the opportunity to find out about how to volunteer.

hands on sessions with archaeological material from nottinghamshire 12noon - 4pm Handling sessions of material from Nottinghamshire including stone artefacts, coins, pottery and animal bones from the Palaeolithic to the medieval period. events taking place in the Museum, Angear visitor centre, Djanogly Gallery and rehearsal hall.

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



hAnDs on At the MuseuM beHInD tHe scenes oF tHe MuseuM tours – anglo saxon collectIons

saturday 25 April 11.30am - 1pm and 2 - 3.30pm tuesday 5 May 1.30 - 3pm £2 per person, under 16s free; 8 people per session; meet in the Museum

Come along and visit behind the scenes at the museum, handle artefacts and find out about the latest work being undertaken with the collection. This session will offer the opportunity to find out about the Anglo-Saxon collections which have been worked on as part of the Collections Development Project at the museum. With Anja Rohde, Museum Collections Access Officer.

Image: curating coins. university of nottingham Museum.

FestivALs, tours AnD WorkshoPs

HelP tHe MuseuM curate Its coIns

FestIVal oF arcHaeology – saturday 16 May and saturday 13 June tHe arcHaeology 11am - 3pm oF tHe traM £2 per person, under 16s free; Suitable for age 14+; 8 people per session; meet in the Museum

Are you interested in ancient coins? Do you want to discover how museums look after their collections? If so, come along and find out about our collection of coins, then have a go at some of the activities which museum curators undertake to care for, identify and research their objects! With Anja Rohde, Museum Collections Access Officer.

saturday 25 July 11am - 4pm Museum and Angear visitor centre Free Drop-In event The construction by NET2 of two new tram lines have created the opportunity for some of the largest archaeological interventions in Nottingham for years including the Bronze Age site at Clifton and the medieval priory at Lenton. Come along and find out about the work undertaken by Trent and Peak Archaeology including the opportunity to handle finds. Also participate in craft activities with the Nottinghamshire Council Community Archaeologists including medieval tile making and Bronze Age coil pot making. With Trent and Peak Archaeology, Community Archaeologists, Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Galleries and Museums.


re-creAtinG Ancient sPArtA in coMics re-creatIng ancIent sParta In coMIcs: tHe WrIter anD tHe HIstorIan

WorKsHoP: MaKe your oWn HIstorIcal coMIcs: storIes about tHe sPartans

The graphic novel Three, set in ancient Sparta, tells the story of three Helots (the Spartan slave-class) who run foul of their Spartan masters and go on the run. Its writer Kieron Gillen (Young Avengers, The Wicked + The Divine) was keen to explore historically authentic aspects of Spartan society usually ignored in popular representations of the Greek warriors, such as the recent graphic novel/film 300. Join Kieron and his historical consultant, Prof. Stephen Hodkinson, as they discuss their collaboration in order to create a dramatic story that exposes the soft underbelly of the oncemighty Spartans and provides the long-neglected Helots with a myth of their own.

Learning Studio Visitors can attend both events or just one.

saturday 13 June, 12.30 - 1.30pm Arts centre Lecture theatre next to the Museum Free lecture but booking essential through the Box Office

saturday 13 June, 2.15 - 4.15pm with the opportunity to continue until 4.45pm Adults ÂŁ8, Children under 16 and concessions ÂŁ4 This workshop is limited to 20 people so booking is essential. Ages 12+

With Kieron Gillen and Professor Stephen Hodkinson (Department of Classics, Nottingham University).

The ancient Greeks were fascinated by the culture of Sparta, the city that produced such ferocious warriors, and told many stories about their bizarre customs and witty sayings. In this workshop, comics-writer Kieron Gillen and poetry-comics creator Chrissy Williams, assisted by historian Stephen Hodkinson, will introduce you to some of these stories and help you re-tell them yourself in comic-strip form. No experience or drawing skills necessary: stickfigures and collage of existing images will be among the techniques covered.

Warning: Three contains scenes of graphic violence; parental guidance advised 14+

With Kieron Gillen, Chrissy Williams and Professor Stephen Hodkinson.

Image: artist ryan Kelly and colourist jordie bellaire

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:


MArius neset Quintet Marius neset Tenor saxophone Magnus hjorth Piano Petter eldh Bass Jim hart Vibes Josh blackmore Drums

‘Marius Neset is a marvel. He makes his instrument dance like a gazelle and soar like an eagle’ Daily Telegraph


In April 2011, Norwegian-born/ Copenhagen-based saxophonist Marius Neset released his debut album Golden Xplosion which led to the saxophonist and composer becoming one of the most talked about newcomers on the European jazz scene. Described by Terje Mosnes (Dagbladet) as ‘the most talented Norwegian saxophonist since Jan Garbarek,’ he has continued to dazzle audiences across Europe with his exemplary technique, energetic creativity, imagination and virtuosity on tenor and soprano saxophones, as well as his brilliance as a composer of intricate, compelling music.

Image: bob Meyrick

Wednesday 15 April 8pm the concert finishes at approximately 10pm

Jazz Djanogly theatre

£16 (£14 concessions)

chamber Djanogly recital hall

£16 (£14 concessions)

brentAno strinG QuArtet bach Fugues from The Art of Fugue MacMillan String Quartet No.3 schubert String Quartet in D minor, D.810 ‘Death & the Maiden’ Since its formation in 1992 the Brentano String Quartet has performed to critical acclaim throughout the USA, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia. We are delighted to welcome the Quartet back to Lakeside for a programme that includes James MacMillan’s Third String Quartet written in 2007 and Schubert’s sublime ‘Death and the Maiden’ Quartet.

'MacMillan’s String Quartet No.3 operates at the boundary between the physical and the ethereal, between sounds and silence.'

Image: christian steiner

San Francisco Chronicle

thursday 16 April 7.30pm the concert finishes at approximately 9.15pm


vADyM khoLoDenko Medtner 3 Fairy Tales Op. 9/2, Op. 14/2, Op. 20/2 balakirev Sonata in B flat minor, Op.5 brahms Capriccios, Op.116 Liszt Invocation Liszt Rhapsody 19 Winner of the coveted gold medal at the Fourteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2013, the 26year old Ukranian pianist Vadym Kholodenko captured the attention of jury, audience, and critics alike for powerful, exhilarating performances that ‘showed the guts of a true super artist’ (San Francisco Classical Voice). Since his win he has toured Europe and the USA extensively and continues to impress audiences with his artistry.

thursday 23 April 7.30pm The concert finishes at approximately 9pm

chamber Djanogly recital hall

£16 (£14 concessions)

DebADeMbA Abdoulaye traoré Guitars Mohamed Diaby Vocals bisou bass Bass Philippe Monange Keyboard yves William ombe Monkama Drums Debademba took Celtic Connections and WOMAD by storm in 2014. The band’s distinctive Malian sound is fused with music from across Africa: from Ethiopia to Arabic-Andalusian influences, Afro funk to salsa and blues. Guitarist Abdoulaye Traoré from Burkina Faso and vocalist Mohamed Diaby from Mali met in Paris in 2008.

'These guys were a revelation. Centred on the outstanding talents of guitarist Abdoulaye Traoré and vocalist Mohamed Diaby, they absolutely tore the roof off of the Old Fruitmarket, with an incredible mix of afrobeat, blues and funk that had the audience yelling for more.' Herald Scotland (Celtic Connections January 2014)

Wednesday 6 May 8pm the concert finishes at approximately 10pm

World Djanogly theatre

£16 (£14 concessions)

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:


GorDie MAckeeMAn & his rhythM boys


Hailing from Prince Edward Island, the award-winning Gordie MacKeeman & His Rhythm Boys serve up old-time roots music with an energy level that practically pulls you out of your seat by the collar. If ever someone deserved the nickname ‘Crazy Legs’, it is Gordie MacKeeman. His thrilling dance style mixed with great bluegrass vocals, Peter Cann’s blistering guitar solos, and the lively multiinstrumental talents of Thomas Webb and Mark Geddes make Gordie MacKeeman and his Rhythm Boys an unforgettable live experience.

Wednesday 20 May 8pm

World Djanogly theatre

£16 (£14 concessions)

sunday 7 June 7.30pm the concert finishes at approximately 9.15pm

World Djanogly recital hall

£16 (£14 concessions)

MAhsA & MArJAn vAhDAt Sisters Mahsa and Marjan Vahdat are two brave and inspiring vocalists. Accompanying themselves on plucked setar and frame drum, their voices interweave in a magical web of sound which had the audience transfixed at last year’s WOMAD festival. What’s all the more remarkable given their international acclaim, is that under Iranian Islamic law they are prohibited from performing publicly at home. This concert is part of Songlines Encounters Festival On Tour 2015. Songlines Encounters Festival is cocurated by Songlines magazine and Ikon Arts Management.


treAcherous orchestrA

Treacherous Orchestra is a loud, inventive musical super group that plays with ferocity, verve and passion. The 11 musicians in the band are a who’s who of the newest generation of brilliant Scottish traditional players: Ross Ainslie, Éamonn Coyne, Ali Hutton, Duncan Lyall, Adam Sutherland, Innes Watson, John Somerville, Barry Reid, Martin O’Neill, Fraser Stone and Kevin O’Neill. Several have performed previously at Lakeside with Shooglenifty and Peatbog Faeries; Treacherous Orchestra promises an evening of high energy and brilliant Celtic music making.

'Treacherous Orchestra are a brave, loud 11-piece folk big band influenced by rock as well as traditional Celtic styles – rousing fusion from the vibrant Scottish scene’ The Guardian

Wednesday 10 June 8pm standing/dancing – limited seating please book in advance

Folk Djanogly theatre

£16 (£14 concessions)

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



university WinD orchestrA & MoonLiGhters biG bAnD Wind orchestra conductors Adam Whittaker Alex Rickells Moonlighters Musical Director James Bebbington The two Blowsoc flagship ensembles, Wind Orchestra and Moonlighters Big Band, descend on the Great Hall as part of this year’s Summer Festival with a fun-filled and action packed programme! Get set for a wide range of music from the loud and broad, to the calm and cool; a perfect way to spend a summer evening! sunday 14 June 7.30pm the concert will finish at approximately 9.30pm

GO TO wORk on an egg! book your business breakfasts at nottingham Lakeside Arts Meeting room for 4 – 15 people with a delicious and varied breakfast offer, suitable for all dietary requirements. available from 8am daily For information email andrew clarke on or tel: 0115 846 7179

university Great hall trent building

£9 (£6 concessions, £5 uon students)


unIVersIty oF nottIngHaM syMPHony orcHestra anD unIVersIty cHoIr

tri-cAMPus GALA concert

natalIe cleIn, cello conductors Jonathan Tilbrook Calum Fraser smetana Má vlast: Vlatava saint-saëns Cello Concerto No.1 stravinsky Firebird Suite (1945) Whitacre Water Night Parry Blest Pair of Sirens As a global institution, The University of Nottingham has campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia and, for the very first time, students from all three campuses will join forces to celebrate their shared passion for music in this gala concert. Former BBC Young Musician of the Year Natalie Clein is the guest artist performing Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto No.1 – a work that she recorded for Hyperion, receiving glowing reviews on its release in autumn 2014.

'This is as close as you'll ever get to musical champagne; I've a feeling Saint-Saëns would have approved…' BBC Music Magazine

This Tri-Campus Arts project has been supported by Cascade: funding transformative student projects thanks to donations from alumni and friends of the University of Nottingham together with the Impact Campaign

Wednesday 17 June 7.30pm the concert finishes at approximately 9.30pm

sPecIal concert

neW scorPion bAnD ‘the PLAins oF WAterLoo’ thursday 18 june 8pm Djanogly recital Hall

university Albert hall North Circus St, Nottingham

£13 (£10 concessions, £6 uon students)

Please see page 15 to find out more about a special concert being held as part of the Battle of Waterloo commemoration in the Weston Gallery. Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:

THEATRE tall storIes Present

the snAiL AnD the WhALe


Tall Stories (creators of the Gruffalo and Room on the Broom stage shows) are proud to present their latest exciting collaboration with Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. A tiny snail longs to see the world, so she hitches a lift on the tail of a humpback whale. But when the whale

gets beached, how will the snail save him? Follow the snail’s amazing journey, as seen through the eyes of an adventurous young girl and her seafaring father… Be prepared for great storytelling, live music and lots of laughs! Suitable for 4+ and their families.

saturday 4 April 12pm and 2pm (1 hour) best oF julIa Performing Arts studio suitable for families A special interactive £5 storytelling session where

we celebrate the very best of Julia Donaldson’s stories from the Gruffalo to Tiddler!

Image: © Axel Scheffler

Friday 3 – saturday 4 April 1pm and 3.30pm running time: 50 minutes

children/families Djanogly theatre

£7.50 all tickets

JAy rAyner My DInIng Hell

Award-winning journalist, writer and broadcaster, Jay Rayner has been a restaurant critic for over a decade, written reviews of well over 700 establishments, and if there is one thing he’s learnt it is that people like reviews of bad restaurants. No, scratch that. They adore them, feast upon them like starving vultures who have spotted fly-blown carrion out in the bush. In My Dining Hell, Jay examines our love affair with lousy reviews, reads from accounts of some of the most excruciating nights out he’s ever had and looks at the worst reviews his own work has ever received. A hugely entertaining show in the company of the man recently voted the best food and drink journalist in Britain. Suitable for 14+ (may include some strong language)

thursday 16 April 8pm running time: 100 minutes including interval

comedy/Literature Djanogly theatre

£16 (£14 concessions) £12 restricted view


tHe nottIngHaM neW tHeatre anD nottIngHaM laKesIDe arts Present

A MiDsuMMer niGht’s DreAM by WIllIaM sHaKesPeare

‘The course of true love never did run smooth…’ Step into a world of glittering illusion as Lakeside reinvents William Shakespeare’s timeless romantic comedy. One of the most beautifully lyrical of the playwright’s creations, join Puck and enter into the forest to explore the realms of mischief and magic. Following the stories of star-crossed lovers, impish fairies and clumsy thespians, the fusion of the earthly and the enchanted ultimately results in disastrous consequences. Lakeside’s hilarious and entrancing revival of this cherished play is accessible and entertaining for all audiences, making it a production not to be missed.

raIsIng attaInMent Ks4 & 5 – WrItIng about lIVe tHeatre School groups can take advantage of Lakeside's tailor-made learning programme led by Education Consultant Claire Grosvenor and Lakeside’s Learning Officer Rachel Feneley. A comprehensive package of follow up materials, pre-show introduction, and post-show interaction with the cast and director are available but must be booked in advance. to book telephone 0115 846 7180

Following two successful co-productions of Lysistrata and Dr Faustus, Lakeside is once again delighted to be working in partnership with The Nottingham New Theatre.

'highly adaptable and visually impressive’ Praise for Dr Faustus, 2014

'directed with flair’ Praise for Lysistrata, 2013

Monday 27 April – Friday 1 May 7.30pm saturday 2 May 2pm and 7.30pm running time approximately 2 hours

Drama Djanogly theatre

£12 (£10 concessions) Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:

THEATRE FlaMenco eDItIon ’15 Presents

Jesús FernánDez: cáDiz Jesús Fernádez Direction, choreography and dance Miguel rosendo Cante/vocals Jesús núñez Guitar israel Mera ‘katumba’ Percussion Anabel Moreno Palmas/clapping susana romero ’su-Guein’ Lighting Mark hunt Sound


Cadiz portrays Fernandez's personal reflections towards his Andalucian roots. This commissioned work is a nostalgic view of the past of his home town and its walls - a walk through Cádiz, its beaches, light, mystery and past. Jesús will be performing original choreography accompanied by four outstanding artists from Cádiz. An intensive and powerful performance, featuring original flamenco music and dance at its best. Suitable for all 'Jesús Fernández is one to watch… Instantly he started a love affair with the audience…' Bachtrack Image: eduardo loza

tuesday 5 May 8pm running time: approximately 70 minutes without interval

Dance/music Djanogly theatre

£16 (£14 concessions) £12 restricted view

thursday 7 May 8pm running time: 110 minutes including interval

Mask/drama Djanogly theatre

£15 (£13 concessions) £11 restricted view

VaMos tHeatre

nursinG Lives When Flo, a feisty seventy-something, learns that the hospital she trained at during the Second World War is being demolished, she decides to take one last look and stop the bulldozers in their tracks. Her illicit visit becomes a personal celebration of friendship, courage, adventure and romance. But is what Flo remembers really the truth, or is history ready to be re-written? Nursing Lives is a love story set in the early 1980s, and takes us back to the hard-working, heart-breaking, swing-dancing world of the UK’s wartime hospitals. Suitable for 12+



théâtre sAns Frontières Lorca: Amor en el Jardín (Love in the Garden) Performed in spanish with english surtitles Indulge in a luscious evening of theatre, poetry and music with Spain’s greatest writer of the 20th century, Federico García Lorca. Come into Lorca’s garden of love and hear the fantastical story of Don Perlimplín. A wealthy and studious man, he just wants to spend his days quietly reading books. Reluctantly, he marries the gorgeous and much younger Belisa, but what has he let himself in for?

Post-sHoW DIscussIon

Suitable for 15+

in the Performing arts Studio

thursday 14 May 8pm

theatre Djanogly theatre

£15 (£13 concessions) £11 restricted view

2MagPIes tHeatre

sPanIsH nIgHt

in the Café with music from 7.30 - 7.50pm

Whilst 2Magpies Theatre do not know who killed Alexander Litvinenko, they do know what he liked to eat, what he liked to drink, and how he liked to dance. Eating, drinking and dancing are precisely what they’re going to do.

the Litvinenko ProJect

Eight years after the Russian dissident was poisoned with a cup of tea in London, the public inquiry into his death has thrust Alexander Litvinenko back into the spotlight in 2015. Join 2Magpies Theatre as they piece together the day Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned in an aromatic blend of possibility, actuality, fact, fiction, documentary, theatricality and tea. They will even provide the tea. Suitable for 14+

'Barnes and Wilks are fantastic storytellers ' Nottingham Tab

tuesday 19 May 6pm and 8pm. running time: approximately 60 minutes

Drama/performance Pavilion cafe

£8 all tickets include a cup of tea

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



Wheee! is bAck!

our eagerly awaited festival of theatre and dance for children is the place to be over the half term holiday. With high quality shows in the theatre, a brand new, never seen before luminarium and our ever-popular Free Family Weekend in the park, you can rest assured that you and the little ones will be entertained, amazed and will love the truly international performances we have for you! book early to avoid disappointment as some of our shows have limited capacity. We look forward to seeing you all at Wheee! in May.

actIon transPort tHeatre


It’s Mikey’s first day at work in a factory where he prepares radios and tunes them in. But when a rogue signal – the voice of a child – is mysteriously picked up, the regimented routine and order starts to disappear and a hilarious descent into chaos begins… Expect lots of energetic clowning, visual comedy and vibrant soundtrack in this wordless story of a world where one person simply can’t and won’t fit in. Suitable for 5+ years and families An East Midlands Children’s Theatre and Dance Network tour

Monday 25 May 3pm running time: 60 minutes

comedy/slapstick/Mime Djanogly theatre



arcHItects oF aIr

ArboriA neW In 2015

It’s now possible to book and pay for specific timeslot tickets in advance online or at the box office. Limited numbers available.

Wheee! is proud to host the World Premiere of Arboria. Nottingham-based, but internationally renowned, Architects of Air produce monumental structures with interiors of extraordinary beauty, luminosity and iridescence which must be experienced to be believed. This is something which everyone can appreciate and enjoy, and which instils a sense of wonder in everyone who passes through the airlock. Wheelchair accessible, carers attend free. Parents/carers of visitors with autism please let us know at the ticket sales point.

'Suddenly the world outside seemed to be forgotten, we had all been transported into a whole other world of light … ' Visitor comment

*child free session thursday 28 May 5.30 - 7.30pm

visits at peak times: 15 minutes suitable for all but please note that under 16 year olds should be accompanied by an adult

Monday 25 – sunday 31 May 11am - 5.15pm (last admission)*

children/families highfields Park

£3.50 all tickets Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:




toDDLer's rooM This beautiful piece of mini dance theatre from Norway has been created by choreographer Siri Dybwik to appeal to our youngest audiences. Set inside a white dome the children and their carers will immediately become involved in a play without words where gorgeous sculptural objects, sounds, and beautiful costumes are the stimulus for a truly magical experience. Suitable for 0-3 years and their carers (up to 2 per child). Very limited availability – book early to avoid disappointment.

tuesday 26, Wednesday 27 May 10am, 10.30am, 11am, 1pm, 1.30pm, 2pm running time: 60 minutes

Dance/theatre Djanogly theatre

ÂŁ5 all tickets


Dragon breatH tHeatre & PaPPleWIcK MuseuM & HerItage centre

A crAck in tiMe

Meet a host of great Victorian characters, including Wilf the Boiler Boy, Jenny Sparrow from Broadmarsh, the mysterious Water Guardian, and others who bring this revolutionary pumping station to life. Discover the vital role Papplewick played in 19th-century England, transforming public health at a time when cholera was rife, and life expectancy in some parts of newly-industrialised Nottingham was just 24 years. This fabulous immersive family experience explores the boiler house, engine room, beautiful grounds, and a magnificent vaulted and empty underground reservoir, and asks us to think about the uses to which we put water around the world today. Suitable for 8+ years accompanied by an adult (please see note below) Supported by Spark Arts for Children

Please note: Some areas of site are not wheelchair accessible or suitable for those with walking difficulties. Clothing and footwear must be appropriate for uneven ground, different weather conditions, and access to the underground reservoir.

Wednesday 27, thursday 28 May 10am - 3.30pm running time: approximately 5 hours with lunch break

children/families Papplewick Museum & heritage centre

ÂŁ3.50 (bring own picnic lunch)

Photo credit: alastair cook

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



neVsKI ProsPeKt (belgIuM) In Mr Dedalus and his son Icarus are trapped on an island. They long for home, but there’s no way to get off. Luckily assocIatIon WItH Mr Dedalus is a clever inventor, and he creates an ingenious MoKo Dance plan to fly away, and hop high above the sea. Hop tells of a


dream of flying, of never giving up and above all, the special relationship between a father and a son. Suitable for 4+

Make sure you arrive 15 minutes before the show time, when your journey with the company will begin. #Hop

Friday 29 May 1pm and 4pm running time: 45mins (no interval)

children/families Djanogly theatre



WHeee! Free* FAMiLy WeekenD in the PArk Where the sun is shining and everything is perfect in the Park! We have a packed programme of things to do in the park including 'make and do' stations as well as performances in the amphitheatre on the Sunday. See our website for full details at the beginning of May. *luminarium charges apply.

saturday 30 & sunday 31 May 12noon - 5pm

highfields Park

Admission free*

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



aDrIano aDeWale:

cAtAPLuF’s MusicAL Journey Commissioned by the EFG London Jazz Festival, Catapluf’s Musical Journey is a fabulous new work by multi-instrumentalist Adriano Adewale. Catapluf is a fabulous character whose imagination travels to places where everything is music: saucepans; water; drums and even his body! This great round the world musical adventure features musicians Jenny Adejayan on cello, Marcelo Andrade and Giuliano Pereira both on saxophone, flute and guitar, Andres Ticino on percussion and Adriano Adewale on saucepans and everything else!

MusIc WorKsHoP WItH aDrIano aDeWale sunday 31 May 11am All tickets £4 A participatory workshop for children and their parents using wonderful percussion instruments from around the world and your kitchen!

Suitable for 5-7 years and their families

'One of the best shows for children I’ve ever seen' Umea Jazz Festival

sunday 31 May 3pm running time: approximately 50 minutes

Music Djanogly theatre

£8 all tickets


lIz locHHeaD

soMethinGs oLD, soMethinGs neW From the bittersweet to the rude and raunchy, Liz Lochhead, the National Poet of Scotland, weaves a spellbinding and beguiling show, mixing poems, monologues and music. Accompanied by the soulful sax of Steve Kettley she presents an intoxicating mix of some of her best work over the past 45 years. Suitable for 14+

'brilliant, raucous and scabrously funny' Sunday Times

thursday 4 June 8pm running time:100 minutes including interval

Learn. Try. Explore… The University’s Open Day for the community Free, interactive fun for all ages: come early to make the most of your day

Saturday 9 May 2015 11am – 5pm University Park, NG7 2RD t: +44 (0) 115 951 5559 e:

Poetry/spoken word Djanogly theatre

£15 (£13 concessions) £11 restricted view



neWbury ProDuctIons (uK) ltD Presents reDuceD sHaKesPeare coMPany® In

the coMPLete Works oF WiLLiAM shAkesPeAre (abrIDgeD) [reVIseD] tuesday 16 June 7.30pm running time: 120 minutes including interval

comedy/drama £16 Djanogly theatre (£14 concessions) £12 restricted view

tuttI FruttI anD yorK tHeatre royal Present

rAPunzeL by MIKe Kenny

sunday 7 June 1pm and 3.30pm running time: approximately 60 minutes children/families Djanogly theatre

£7 all tickets

This is a story about a girl. The story happened in a once upon a time, and in a once upon a place. The girl was called Rapunzel. Placed highup in a tower above the world and faced with the challenge of growingup, she is found alone, dreaming.... Told in an inventive, visual and physical style with live music and magical design, Rapunzel is a delightful production for children about the curiosity and joys of growing up, risk-taking and discovering who you are. Suitable for 3+ and their families

Dance WorKsHoPs 12noon and 2pm £5 running time: approximately 50 minutes A fun creative dance workshop for children aged 3+ and their grown-ups, exploring some of the images and themes from the story of Rapunzel.


Written by Adam Long, Daniel singer and Jess Winfield Directed by reed Martin and Austin tichenor All 37 Plays in 97 Minutes! An irreverent, fast-paced romp through the Bard’s plays, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) was London’s longest-running comedy having clocked a very palpable nine years in London’s West End at the Criterion Theatre! Join these madcap men in tights as they weave their wicked way through all of Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories and Tragedies in one wild ride that will leave you breathless and helpless with laughter. Suitable for 8+

'Pithier than Python. Irresistable' New York Times

story PocKet tHeatre In assocIatIon WItH guIlDForD’s yVonne arnauD tHeatre Presents

ArAbiAn niGhts

sunday 21 June 1pm and 3.30pm running time: approximately 60 minutes children/families Djanogly theatre

£7.50 all tickets

'highly entertaining... fast-paced action... enthralling retelling of time-hallowed tales'

Adapted by Adam Forde Directed by Julia black and Adam Forde Music by David Perkins WINNER of Edinburgh Festival Fringe Primary Times Children’s Choice Award 2014 Meet Sheherazade, the greatest storyteller of them all. She has a feast of adventures and fantasies to tell involving genies, villains, heroes and princesses. Come and enjoy Ali Baba’s encounter with the 40 thieves along with Aladdin and his lamp, the Little Beggar and the Fisherman and the Genie. Be transported to a wonderful world of mysterious marvels and tales retold with music, puppetry and theatrical magic in Story Pocket Theatre’s exciting new adaptation of Arabian Nights.

The Stage

PercussIon anD storytellIng 12noon and 2pm £5 (accompanying adult free) running time: approximately 50 minutes An interactive storytelling session for children aged 5+ and their grown-ups. Dave Stickman Higgins will use words, songs, poems and body percussion to bring to life the sounds of the desert.

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



aDrIan Hayes

k2 – the trAGeDy AnD the triuMPh Record-breaking British polar explorer and adventurer, keynote speaker and business coach Adrian Hayes presents his powerful story of his 2013 tragic failure and 2014 stunning success summiting the world’s second highest mountain, the notorious K2, located on the Pakistan/China border. Accompanied by stunning pictures and film, he will discuss the realities of attempting what is widely regarded as the hardest and most dangerous mountain in the world to climb – one that had been summited by just 330 climbers including only seven Britons, the first three of whom died on the descent, in the 60 years prior to 2014. Adrian, a professional leadership, team and executive coach, will also discuss some key lessons on risk, presence, gut instinct and real teamwork. Suitable for 16+ years

thursday 25 June 8pm running time: approximately 85 minutes (no interval)

Lecture/Film/ Photography Djanogly theatre

£13 (£11 concessions) £9 restricted view

Name a seat in our newly refurbished theatre and support the creation of great work for children and families. For a donation of £250, you can name a seat and we’ll attach a mini plaque which will remain for the life of the seat. To find out more, contact our Box Office on 0115 846 7777.


THEATRE New Street theatre aNd NottiNgham LakeSide artS preSeNt

The Wiz

Book by William F. Brown Music and Lyrics by Charlie Smalls Adapted from the story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum Directed by Martin Berry Musical Director Katherine Tye Designer Erin Fleming Lighting Designer Richard Statham

Ain’t no place like home Join us on our uniquely Nottingham yellow brick road to meet Scarecrow, Dorothy, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion in this musical sensation. Following the success of Sweeney Todd, Little Shop of Horrors, and last year’s Oh What A Lovely War, Director Martin Berry brings his trademark flair – and maybe some flares as well – to this thrilling musical, relocating the world famous story of Oz to downtown Nottingham in the early 70s, when Northern Soul was the greatest dance, music and style craze in the land. Grab your ruby sneakers, polish off those dance moves, click your heels three times and come and join us for The Wizard of Oz as you have never seen it before. An amateur production by arrangement with Samuel French Ltd

Monday 13 July 7.30pm public dress rehearsal Drama/Comedy Tuesday 14 – Saturday 18 July 7.30pm Djanogly Theatre Monday 20 – Friday 24 July 7.30pm Saturday 25 July 2pm & 7.30pm

£15 (£13 concessions) £10.50 restricted View/ public dress rehearsal


Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



one university three internAtionAL cAMPuses a WealtH oF excePtIonal talent... nottingham Lakeside Arts is the catalyst for a first project which brings together talented students from our campuses in the uk, Malaysia and china in a unique ten-day arts programme.


Working on an intensive schedule of theatre and music workshops, masterclasses and rehearsals, the groups will also share performance platforms in the Djanogly Theatre, the Djanogly Recital Hall, the Bridgwater Amphitheatre (weather permitting) and at Nottingham's Albert Hall; some are free events, and all performances are open to everyone.

Lunchtime concert Friday 12, 1.15pm

Watch our website for more information, but in the meantime, please put these dates in your diaries:

Lakeside is grateful to CASCADE for their funding support.

university of nottingham Malaysia campus Drama Group Performance Thursday 11, 7.30pm

university of nottingham ningbo china Drama club Performance Saturday 13, 7.30pm nottingham new theatre Performance Monday 15, 7.30pm university of nottingham symphony orchestra, university choir and natalie clein. See page 25. Wednesday 17, 7.30pm


FOOdIE TReaTS the Pavilion café themed menus have proved popular with audiences and this season will be no exception with a journey spanning three continents. FLAvOURS OF SOUTHERN SPAIN 5 May Andalucian flavours abound in a menu as extensive and varied as the region itself and complementing the performance by dancer Jesús Fernandez. Look out for Gazpacho Tapas and Huevos a la Flamenco. OUT OF AFRICA 6 May The Pavilion Café are fast garnering a reputation for their amazing Bunny Chow so make sure you book a table for our African themed menu. Now we realise that Africa is home to hundreds of different cultures and as our musicians – Debedemba are taking audiences on a tour of Africa we thought we’d do the same with the diversity of the continent reflected in the cuisine tonight. Anyone for Bobotie?... MIddLE EASTERN CELEbRATION 7 June Iran, home to the delicate flavours and subtle seasoning of middle eastern cuisine, is our destination tonight for a menu inspired by our musicians Mahsa and Marjan Vahdat. With a menu including Khoresh and Persian tas kebab prepare to have your tastebuds truly tingled with an eclectic mix of best bites from the region. wATERLOO & yOU… 18 June We are commemorating the Battle of Waterloo to the day in the Pavilion Café with a themed meal, to be enjoyed prior to the concert by The New Scorpion Band. Join us in costume if you wish to for a Waterloo themed meal before being escorted by the band to the Recital Hall for an evening of great music. Beef Wellington or a flavour of food from the period – we’ve yet to decide, but you can call the Box Office in February to get the full menu and to book this unique dining experience. Call us on 0115 846 7777 for further details. Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



Everybody is welcome to learn new skills, engage with the arts and have fun! For all enquiries and bookings contact Lakeside’s Learning team: emily Dawkes learning and access administrator 0115 846 7185 Rachel Feneley learning officer (Drama & Dance) 0115 846 7180 Ruth Lewis-Jones learning officer (galleries) 0115 823 2218 Clare Pickersgill Keeper, university Museum 0115 951 4815

suMMer schooLs buIlDIng FantasIes: VIsual art suMMer scHool Monday 27 – Friday 31 July 10am - 3.30pm 8 – 12 years £85

This is your chance to dream up the most fantastical buildings and then create a model city, using all kinds of 2D and 3D processes. The summer school has been inspired by the Djanogly Art Gallery exhibition of Emily Allchurch’s digital photographs and we are very excited that the artist will be leading some of the activities during the week.

busHcraFt suMMer scHool

Monday 3 – Friday 7 August 10am - 4pm 9 – 12 years £85 Our Bushcraft Camp gives you the unique opportunity to experience true outdoor skills and camp craft, with five days of activity and one over-night stay in Highfields Park. Participants can expect non-stop fun and discovery as the key skills of bushcraft are unlocked. No previous experience is needed as full tuition is given on the camp.

Play In a WeeK

Monday 10 August – Friday 14 August 10am - 4pm 10 – 15 years £85 Lakeside welcomes you back to its mega Summer School where a small group of technicians, designers and performers will create an amazing play in a week. This week will be jam packed with action, dramatic lighting and effects, music and much more. Working with professional artists you will get the chance to create a show for Lakeside’s main stage.


Workshops for Adults 18 years and over. Please bring refreshments from home or buy from our cafes.

Lake Enders

Arts group for adults with learning difficulties Wednesdays 29 April – 13 May, 1 June - 8 July 1.30 - 3.30pm £50 per term Suitable for adults with learning difficulties Meander Theatre Arts explores a range of theatre arts practices in Lake Enders sessions, inspired by Lakeside’s performance programme.

Workshops for Families

Workshops for Young People

Adults and children learning together: children must be accompanied by an adult.*

Make-up Taster Course

MAY FEST: CAMERA-FREE SELFIES Saturday 9 May 11am - 1.30pm 2 - 5pm Free, drop-in

Come and see the Richard Hamilton exhibition and then join us to make a ‘selfie’ with all kinds of art materials and processes.


Thursdays, 30 April, 7, 14 and 21 May, 4, 11, 18 and 25 June, 2 and 9 July 10 – 11am 18 – 36 months £4.50 (accompanying adult free) Crawl, walk, run, dance, sing, build, explore and discover through these fun creative play sessions: a safe space for your toddler to make sense of the world around them.

Wednesday 8 April 10am - 4pm 9 – 12 years £15

The course provides a glimpse of how professional artists work behind the scenes and covers several basic skills. It may leave you wanting to pursue a career in the make-up industry!

Glad Rag’s Costume Making Workshop Thursday 9 April 10am - 4pm 10 – 15 years £15

Be green for a day and recycle unwanted items into beautiful costumes. You will then devise a piece of theatre, inspired by your creation, to share with parents and friends at the end of the workshop.

We are always looking for new members – if you would like to join us contact the box office. Our next performance will be Wednesday 22 July 7.30pm in the Djanogly Theatre. Please come and support us. Tickets are £5.

EXPERIMENTAL LINOCUTS Sunday 14 June 10am - 4pm. £55/£50 concessions

To book please contact Leicester Print Workshop on 0116 2553634 or email Experiment with linocut on this one day course with artist Kate Da’Casto. Participants will learn how to cut and print a linocut before extending the learning experience to experiment with colour, collage, layers, registration, papers and background. * Children and adults each require tickets for family workshops, unless stated.

Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:



gallery art grouP The place to be if you love art and design! artists working with gallery art groups take their inspiration from Lakeside’s exciting exhibition programme. Join them for painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, printmaking, textiles, crafts and other multi-media art forms in an experimental, sociable environment, with an emphasis on imagination and creativity. Many members choose to take their Bronze, Silver and gold arts awards while attending gallery art group. Why not try a free taster session to see if you would like to join.

8 – 10 years

saturdays in term time 1.30 - 3.30pm £40 per school term

11 – 13 years

tuesdays in term time 6 - 8pm £50 per school term

14 – 18 years

saturdays in term time 10am - 12noon £50 per school term new members are always welcome and bookings for the three Gallery Art Groups in the summer term open on saturday 28 March. contact the box office on 0115 846 7777 to book.

www.lakesidear www

lyt 11 – 13 years

LAkesiDe youth theAtre lIttle laKesIDers 5 – 7 years

saturdays in term time 10 - 11am £40 per term Come and join our weekly Youth Theatre as we explore imaginary worlds through drama and creative play. Get ready to get messy, make some noise, and have fun!

lyt 8 – 10 years

saturdays in term time 11.30am - 12.30pm £40 per term These weekly sessions focus on having fun and developing new skills for the younger members of our LYT Company. It acts as an introduction and training for all aspects of theatre as well as offering performance opportunities throughout the year.

tuesdays in term time 6 - 8pm £50 per term

In these sessions we cover the broadest range of theatre skills including devising and improvising, text, mask, mime, dance and music. You will have opportunities to perform to an audience, go on theatre trips, register for the Arts Award and work in other areas of theatre.

lyt 14 – 18 years thursdays in term time 6 - 8.30pm £50 per term

We have a reputation for strong ensemble work and this weekly session offers a platform for members to create, develop and take risks using their own ideas in a safe environment. You will get to work with some exciting artists, performers and professionals, perform in some unusual spaces and devise new and exciting work. new members are always welcome and bookings for the Lakeside youth theatre Groups during the summer term commence on saturday 28 March. contact box office on 0115 846 7777.

Benjamin Grosvenor

International Concert Season 2014-2015

Featured artists include:

Benjamin Grosvenor Czech Philharmonic Orchestra Nicola Benedetti London Philharmonic Orchestra ChloĂŤ Hanslip The HallĂŠ Noriko Ogawa Warsaw Philharmonic

Box Office: 0115 989 5555 |


university Park nottingham, ng7 2rD box oFFIce

0115 846 7777 booK onlIne oPeninG hours box oFFice Performance nights Monday - Saturday: 10am until half an hour after start of the performance non-performance nights Monday - Saturday: 10am - 5pm Sunday: 12noon - 4pm. Payment can be made by cash, debit or credit card. The following cards are accepted: Visa, Visa Debit, Maestro, Mastercard. Djanogly Art Gallery & Gallery cafe Monday - Saturday: 11am - 5pm Sunday: 12noon - 4pm Weston Gallery Monday - Friday: 11am - 4pm Saturday & Sunday: 12noon - 4pm Pavilion café Monday - Saturday: 9am - 5pm (until 11pm on performance evenings) Sunday: 10am - 5pm university of nottingham Museum Monday - Saturday: 11am - 5pm Sunday: 12noon - 4pm Check website or call the Box Office for Bank Holiday opening times

FolloW us lakesidearts @lakesidearts lakesidearts


Access For ALL Lakeside aims to be fully accessible to people with a disability. There are level access toilets, designated car parking across all the venues and wheelchair spaces in both the Djanogly Recital Hall and Djanogly Theatre. Please book wheelchair spaces in advance. There is a Sennheiser Infrared enhanced hearing system in the Djanogly Theatre and Performing Arts Studio (where possible headsets should be booked in advance) and an induction loop in the Djanogly Recital Hall, Box Office, Djanogly Art Gallery Desk, Gallery Café and Pavilion Café. AssistAnce DoGs Assistance dogs are welcome in all areas of the building, and if you prefer, we will happily look after your dog while you enjoy the performance. concessions Available to full-time students, in possession of a valid NUS card with photo, state pensioners, registered disabled and their carers, unemployed and children under 16. Please bring proof of concessionary status when buying tickets. DonAte There are many ways in which you can donate and contribute towards the continuing success of Nottingham Lakeside Arts. If you would like to donate £1 at the end of your booking please inform your Box Office Assistant who will add the amount of your donation to the transaction. Every penny of your donation will go towards either programming or learning at Lakeside. We will not take any administration costs from the money you donate.

reservAtions Reservations will be held for a maximum of three days. On the day of a performance reservations are held until 30 minutes before the start of a show. stuDent tickets £5 tickets are available for all University of Nottingham students for most performances. Please present your University of Nottingham student card at the Box Office when purchasing tickets. GrouP Discounts School and college groups receive one free ticket for a teacher/carer for every nine tickets purchased. All other groups can buy nine tickets and get the tenth one free (applies to the cheapest ticket). To receive a group booking tickets MUST be booked in advance at the same time. Discounts do not apply to workshops. LAtecoMers Latecomers may only be admitted during a suitable break in the performance and at the Duty Manager’s discretion. returns Unfortunately no refunds are available for unused tickets. However if an event sells out we will endeavour to sell on spare tickets if received by Box Office prior to the event.

easter oPenIng tIMes Lakeside Box Office, Djanogly Art Gallery & Gallery Cafe, Weston Gallery and Museum of Archaeology will be closed on Easter Sunday and open from 12noon - 4pm on Good Friday and Easter Monday. The Pavilion Cafe will be open from 10am - 5pm throughout the Easter weekend, including Easter Sunday. Normal opening hours apply on Saturday 4 April.


HoW to get Here

Nottingham Lakeside Arts is located at the South Entrance of The University of Nottingham’s University Park campus, just off the A6005, University Boulevard, about 2.5 miles from the City Centre. rAiL The nearest railway station is Nottingham which is 2.5 miles away. bus From broadmarsh bus station: Trent Barton Indigo (to Long Eaton/Derby) every 5 minutes during the day and less frequently in the evening, these buses run 24/7. From city centre: 34 (City Centre/ University Park loop) 7 days a week, all year round. See NCT timetable for details. Further information is available from Traveline 0871 200 22 33. trAM The tram network across the city is expanding. The line from the city centre to Beeston will travel via Lakeside. Works are expected to be completed in summer 2015. Keep up to date with works via

cycLe The local area is well-served by cycle routes with covered parking spaces available, outside the Djanogly Art Gallery, subject to demand. More information on cycling is available from the University and from Nottingham City Council.

DisAbLeD PArkinG For the Djanogly Art Gallery and Recital Hall please use the spaces on East Drive (in front of those buildings). For the Djanogly Theatre or other venues located inside the D H Lawrence Pavilion there are two spaces in the free car park next to the Pavilion. An additional nine spaces are next to the lake (past the gatehouse, then first left off East Drive towards the D H Lawrence Pavilion).

cAr From the M1, take junction 25 and join the A52 to Nottingham. Turn right at the third roundabout (Priory), from there the University is signposted. Satnav: use postcode NG7 2RD. East Drive.

FInDIng your Way arounD laKesIDe

Tall white numbered monoliths indicate the entrances to the different facilities at Lakeside, and all carry a map of the local area. See the key below.

cAr PArkinG Parking at Lakeside during term time is very limited. There are two free car parks next to the D H Lawrence Pavilion. Pay & Display parking is available on campus subject to demand. Parking on campus is FREE in the evening and at weekends. Parking restrictions are enforced by University of Nottingham Security Monday to Friday 9.15am - 4.30pm. Please allow extra time in your journey in case you have to walk to Lakeside from the main University Pay & Display Car Park.

Nottingham Lakeside Arts is set in the beautiful surroundings of Highfields Park and University Park, the latter has Green Flag status. Take a walk around the Lake, or visit the recently refurbished play area. The Boating Lake opens for the season in May. More information is available on Highfields Park from Nottingham City Council's website and on the University's website:


Djanogly art gallery


Museum of archaeology


Djanogly Recital Hall


Box office


Djanogly Theatre


Pavilion Café

Angear Visitor Centre Gallery Café

Weston Gallery Wallner Gallery

Bridgwater Amphitheatre

city centre

ad y ro Derb a52

top M1

All information is correct at time of going to print. Nottingham Lakeside Arts reserves the right to make alterations to the programme as deemed necessary.

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Box office 0115 846 7777 Follow us:

cover image: Dybwikdans 'Toddler Room' back cover image: jay rayner 'My Dining Hell'

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