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Birthday Place: Hunt, TX Birthdate: March 18, 1919

Family History:

Parents: Otis Ennis & Lil Askew Ennis Siblings: - Mary Townsend, Jearlene Walker, Willie Faye Ennis, Preston Ennis, Billie Raye EnnisSpouse: Bishop John Wesley Madison (deceased) Spouse- the late Booker T. Wells, Sr. Children: Booker Wells, Vanessa Macklin, Mark Wells, Davene Laurent


Mother Wells Attended Elementary and High School in St. Louis, MO while being raised by her Aunt Margaret Lee. Later in life Mother Wells was awarded both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Bible Philosophy from The American Bible Institute in Kansas, MO. Mother Wells used her biblical knowledge and love for GOD to write and publish many books and articles. She received recognition and awards for her publications. Mother Wells was married to Booker Wells, Sr., and later he Pastored the Mt. Zion COGIC in Portland Oregon where she faithfully served as the First Lady. While raising her own children plus one adopted daughter, Mother Wells also was a foster parent to 73 children and provided a home for unwed mothers and their babies. might but my His spirit. Without God, I can do nothing amen! Mother Wells was saved during a summer revival in Amarillo, TX at the age of 12 and was later Baptized in the Holy Ghost at the Windsor Place Church of God In Christ in St. Louis, MO. Because of her commitment to Christ at such a young age, Mother Wells continued to serve in ministry for the remainder of her life. In the National Church Of God In Christ, Mother Wells served as a Sunday School, YPWW and Bible Teacher as well as President and Chairperson of many departments.

Favorite Scripture

“That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” Titus 2:1-5 need His anointing. Additional Comments Near the end of her life Mother Wells said “ The Lord blessed me with loving family members, a wonderful church family and lots of helpful people in my life. Just like Mother Rivers sang, I say, ALL THE GLORY, THE HONOR, THE PRAISES ALL DAY- THEY BELONG TO GOD!” Compiled by: Her Favorite Granddaughter named Mallori Date: April 2015 9

Birthday Place: September 24, 1932 Birthdate: November 3, 2012

Family History:

Spouse: Elder Earl P Walker Children: Carole Lynn Walker/ Karen Hanson Education/Occupation/Career: Contract Administrator/ Manager/ 1st Lady/ State Supervisor of Women

Favorite Scripture:

“ For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18 Advice to Younger Women: “Not only present Him, Re-present Him.” “Saints need to Represent Him in the way we look, act, the way we walk and talk”. Believe God. “I Believe God. I believe every word He said.” WE REMEMBER MOTHER BETTY J WALKER (DEAR/MOMMIE) Mother Betty J. Walker was a GREAT woman, as well as a GREAT woman of God. She was the epitome of the Proverbs 31 woman. Her husband, her children and her house exemplified her being a GREAT woman. She loved, loved, loved her family. Mother Walker left us to go home to be with our God two and a half years ago but her SPIRIT is very pervasive in every aspect of our lives. She permeates our very being. In accord with the scripture that reads “Be thou an example to the Believer...”, Mother Walker was truly an Example to the young and old saints; particularly to the women. We miss you, Mother. Thanks, GREAT WOMAN, for a job well done.


Birthday Place: Oak Grove, Louisiana Birthdate:: July 25, 1935

Family History:

Parents: Columbus and Virginia Brown Sibling: Corann Brown Spouse (of 52 years): Supt. Carl E. Howard, DD Children: Daughters: Patricia Howard-Raspberry & Cynthia Howard-Garrison Sons: Michael Raspberry & Xavier Garrison, Jr.


Education/Occupation/Career: Alameda High School Retired from Oakland Unified School District – Fremont High School First Lady for over 30 years – Oakland, CA & Indianapolis, IN

Salvation Experience

Mother Howard, grew up going to church but came to know Christ for herself in May 1952 at Good Samaritan COGIC (Oakland, CA also known as 8th & Grove). She received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost that same year.

Favorite Scriptures: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 “Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20 Advice to Younger Women: Always respect your husband, both in private and in public & assure him that next to God he is your best friend. oBe real with and to submit to God in complete obedience. oWe as women of the Lord should be an example of Godly holiness and to live above reproach. oHold to God’s unchanging Hand – NEVER LET GO! Additional Comments: Mother Wilma Howard, affectionately known as “Mom” or “Mama”, went home to be with her Lord and Savior March 6th, 2014. She praised God until her last breath. She left a legacy like none other & touched the hearts of so many people, men and women, young and old. She worked along-side her husband and labored in the ministry so others might be blessed. Many times she went without so others would have. Mother Howard was an example of how to be a wonderful wife, beautiful 1st Lady, live a saved life, and ALWAYS stayed humble &



Birthday Place: Henderson, Texas Birthdate: 11/17/1930

Family History:

Parents: Mack & Luvenia Clayton Siblings: Charles, Nathaniel (both deceased); Jemmie, Princella & Melrose Spouse: Rev. Albert C. Macklin, III (deceased) Children: Deborah, Jerry Wayne, Anthony, Renetha (deceased), Dwyann, Theressa, Melissa, Albert & Andre

Education/Occupation/Career Licensed Cosmetologist

Favorite Scripture “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91:1: Favorite Advice to Women

“Women, you’ll ‘always’ be respected, if you ‘always’ conduct yourself like a lady!’”


Birthday Place: Monroe, Louisiana Birthdate: April 24, 1938

Family History:

Parents: Alonzo & Zilpha Dixon Siblings: 5 brothers and 5 sisters Spouse: Charles T. Oglesby Children:4 daughters, 35 grand, great grand, great-great grandchildren (5 generations)


High school graduate/housekeeper & interior decorator/ working for the Lord

Salvation Experience

I accepted the Lord in my life in 1936 at the age of 16 years old at Blue Runn Baptist Church, Minden Louisiana where I served in numerous ministries. After marriage, I moved to Pine Bluff Arkansas where I united with the New Hope Baptist Church and served in different ministries there. I moved to California in 1943 and became a member of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church where I served faithfully in various ministries until joining Glad Tidings. I moved to Hayward in 1981. I became a member of Glad Tidings in 1982 and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in 1984. I was appointed leader of several ministries by my pastor in 1984. I am currently serving as church mother of Glad Tidings. I also serve with other auxiliaries and committees within the church also.

Favorite Scripture “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” II Corinthians 5:1 Advice to Younger Women Tell the Lord thank you! Be willing to serve. Keep your eyes on the Lord and he will direct your path. Additional Comments: Praise the Lord – I accepted Him in my heart when I was young. Thank the Lord for my family, my Bishop and First Lady and all the members of Glad Tidings. I will continue to say yes to the Lord and serve Him until I die. Amen


Birthday Place: Lexington, Mississippi Birthdate: 7/1/1926

Family History:

Parents: James Landfair Sr. & Maggie Landfair Siblings: 7 brothers, 7 sisters Boys - James Jr. (deceased), William Henry (deceased), Boas, Melvin, George, John Lynch (deceased), Roosevelt (deceased) Girls: Betty, Easter (deceased), Affie, Lillian (deceased), Curlene, Sarah, Evelyn


Saints Industrial Academy School, High School Diploma, Trade School and some college. Worked for Govt. 25+ years. Moved to California in 1946 after graduation, at age 19. Served as Bishop Perry’s secretary for many years.

Salvation Experience

Got saved & filled with Holy Ghost, and met and married husband at Perry Temple COGIC in Oakland CA.

Favorite Scripture: ”Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 Advice to Younger Women: Go to school & get your learning; but, keep your “burning”



Birthday Place: Birmingham Alabama Birthdate: December 2, 1944

Family History:

Parents: Edgar Allen & Susie Mae Allen Siblings: Edgar Jr., Jerusha, Patricia, & Lorrin Spouse: William Daniel Nunley Children: Kenyar, Timothy, Norris, Zaria, Dante, & Katrina


John Adams & Chabot College Nurse’s aide, home health aide in San Francisco, preschool teacher in Hayward and San Francisco, California

Salvation Experience

I was baptized on May 4, 1968 at St. Stephen’s Missionary Baptist Church in San Francisco, California. I was an usher and Sunday school teacher there. On August 14, 1983, I repented of my sins and received the Holy Ghost at the Alpha Omega Fellowship. I moved to the Eastbay in 1994. I joined Glad Tidings COGIC on August 19, 1995, where I enjoy the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with members and friends who live God and love people. I also served on the senior usher board from 1996-Present.

Favorite Scripture “The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid.” Psalms 27:1 Advice to Younger Women You need to trust in the Lord God almighty with your heart and mind. The Bible tells us how to live. It gives us direction on what to do and how to do it. Our body belongs to Him. He said let everyone pray for wisdom and knowledge and understanding. The book of Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything, a time to love and a time to hate, a time of war, a time of peace. Stay positive in your life. Jesus loves you. Jesus is our comforter, He helps us each day to come to Him and seek His wisdom for everything in our life. He is our deliverer and Savior. Additional Comments I just want to say thank you Lord. I am saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. Thank you Lord for saving me.


Birthday Place: Monroe, Louisiana Birthdate: April 24, 1938

Family History:

Parents: Christopher Knockum & Gilbertine Knockum Siblings: Hilda Mae, Olivia, Dianne, Lionel, Roland, Leroy, Nathan Spouse: Preston Bob Children: Charles, Eric, Penny, Irene Jr.

Education/Occupation/Career Castlemont High School Banking

Salvation Experience

I was saved at the age of 11 years old at St. Luke’s Baptist Church in Louisiana. As a young adult, I worshipped with the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church where I served a missionary. Currently, I’m an active member at the Glad Tidings COGIC where I serve as a missionary and on the deaconess board.

Favorite Scripture “Let not our heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.” John 14:1-4 Advice to Younger Women Trust in the Lord Additional Comments God has placed love in my heart for everyone. The most important thing in life is the LOVE!




Birthday Place: Waco Texas Birthdate: February 2, 1943

Family History:

Parents: Paul & Leola Brown Siblings: Doris Lee Spouse: Deceased Children: Tony, Tanisha, & Crystal


TSU University Kings County Hospital School of Anesthesia in Brooklyn, New York Retired from Kaiser Hospital Department of Anesthesia in 1995

Salvation Experience

Saved and baptized at an early age. Began singing at an early age and although not having any formal training, I have dedicated my God given gift to singing praises to my God. Salvation Experience Saved and baptized at an early age. Began singing at an early age and although not having any formal training, I have dedicated my God given gift to singing praises to my God. Favorite Scripture “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3 Advice to Younger Women God never will waste an experience on you, He will see you through it. He’ll use it for your good and His glory. Just trust Him and He will make all things work together for good. Additional Comments





Birthday Place: Birmingham, Alabama Birthdate:: June 26, 1936

Family History:

Parents: Pastor Frank & Beulah Ezell Siblings: Three Sister and Three Brother Spouse: Children: Four boys and one daughter


High School graduated – 6/14/57 10 years as a beautician providing the best hair care to my clients, 25 years working in the Collegiate and Public School Systems in various positions, while designing and sewing knit fashions for the Saints of God.

Salvation Experience

I accepted the Lord as a teenager, and lived my life according to the word of the Lord. As a young woman, I became the minister of music in various states: Birmingham, Alabama; Los Angeles and San Francisco, Ca. In 1985, I received my Evangelist License and District Missionary License from the late Sainted Mother, Dr. Mattie McGlothen serving the San Francisco district. In 2004, I was appointed by Bishop JW Macklin as the NorCal Metropolitan Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction State Evangelist Chairlady where I served for 10 years.

Favorite Scripture “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most HIGH shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91:1 Advice to Younger Women Never waste time trying to compete with anyone. You must know who you are in the Lord because the Lord has the final word. God’s word will satisfy you the more you read and understand it. Hiding God’s word in your heart will allow you to develop and maintain closer relationship with our Savior. Additional Comments


Birthday Place: New Orleans, Louisiana Birthdate: October 16, 1934

Family History:

Parents: Arthur A. and Willie B. Price Siblings:Arthur R. Price and Willie Joseph Price Spouse:Levell Thrower Children: Sharon Renee Thrower-Malone, & Janice Elaine Thrower (Deceased)


1 year San Francisco City College Group Leader in Foreign Mail United States Postal Service

Salvation Experience

One day I was in the kitchen and hurt myself, not bad but I called out “Oh God.” My husband told me to call on the one that I served. Well I didn’t serve God and I didn’t go to church. I started to want to know more about God, so I started going to a prayer group that an Elder and Missionary was over at the Post Office. It was wonderful and I wanted to learn more. They told me about Glad Tidings. It too was wonderful. I got saved there on 12/6/81. I got baptized the same night 12/6/81. I was filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost on 12/28/81.

Favorite Scripture “Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” Psalm 62:1-2. Advice to Younger Women Climb every mountain, search high and low, follow every byway, every path, you know; climb every mountain, follow every stream, follow every rainbow, till you find your dream. Additional Comments Have you ever been so thirsty you thought you couldn’t go another minute without a drink of water? Of course you have. That’s the way God wants you to feel about Him. Life is weary and dry without God to be with you and lead you.


Birthday Place: Magnolia Springs, Texas Birthdate: May 25

Family History:

Parents: Frank and Faye Wright Siblings: Laverne, Frank Jr. Evelyn, & Taft Spouse: Walter H. Freeman Children: Vincent F. Freeman & Duena J. Freeman-Taylor


Phyllis Wheatley High School, Houston Texas Houston College, Houston Texas Oakland Public School – School Secretary Church Secretary (Holy Temple COGIC) 47 years

Salvation Experience

Saved and the gift of the Holy Spirit in April 1953 at Holy Temple Water baptism in September 1954 at Perry Temple Received Deaconess License in June 1965 Called to evangelist and licensed in 1967

Favorite Scripture “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 34:1-4 Advice to Younger Women Love the Lord with your whole heart, mind, and soul, develop and maintain an active and fervent prayer life, cherish the wisdom of the elderly even as you grow, and find and cultivate your calling. Additional Comments In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths… If I know any one truth in all my experiences, it is God is a healer, a protector, a provider, and a comforter and as long as I put my trust in Him, He has Never failed!


Birthday Place: Greensburg, PA. Birthdate: June 18, 1942

Family History:

Parents: Helen Pierce and Edmund GilismSiblings: 3 sisters and 4 brothers Spouse: Howard Hartmon Children: none


Saltsburg High School (Pennsylvania) Swarton High School (Ohio) Herron’s Beauty School (Toledo, Ohio) Retired

Salvation Experience Breast Cancer- 2000 Stroke- 2006

Favorite Scripture: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 Advice to Younger Women: Always keep the word of God close to your heart; fast and pray. Look yourself in the mirror today and see God’s truth about you. Proverbs 30:5 Additional Comments What ever the devil throws in your way, remember God is able to take you through. God can do anything, but FAIL. He is a healer, deliverer and comforter, in the time of trouble, even if a loved one passes. He is able to comfort you; you just have to seek and believe in Him. What ever your need is, just ask Him; may not come when you want it, but it will come. God is always on time, never late. Just believe in Him and have faith. God knows best.



Birthday Place: Arkansas Birthdate: January 20, 1928

Family History:

Parents: Leither Rogers and Leathia Siblings: Leroy, Lewittei, Jonah, & Mary Spouse: Raymond Haymon Children Raymond, Calvin, Joseph, Philip, Verlinda, Florence, Sandra, Kichindi, James, & John


Wife of Raymond Haymon and mother of 10 children

Salvation Experience My born again experience is I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Favorite Scripture “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Advice to Younger Women Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Additional Comments We, God’s people should obey the word of God. II Cor. 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.


Birthday Place: Garrison, Texas Birthdate: February 16, 1930

Family History:

Parents: Arthur Thompson & Arnie Williams-Thompson Siblings: 6 brothers and 6 sisters Spouse: Children: Alice Smith, Pamela Lovett, Michelle Harvey


Finished High School in Garrison Texas Madame CJ Walker Beauty School Chabot College Business Administrator

Salvation Experience

I was saved at the age of 10 at Caldonia COGIC, Elder Mack of Henderson, Texas Sunday School Superintendent, YPWW President, Bible Band President, Minister of Music in Cincinnati Ohio at Shiloh Temple COGIC, Pastor Ernest Hodge

Favorite Scripture “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8:1 Advice to Younger Women Just be sure you’re saved living holy every day. One day at a time.

Additional Comments I am happy to be a part of The Glad Tidings Church family working together with the members. I was a former member of the Usher Board in the early 90’s and now I’m working on the Mother’s Board, Prayer Ministry, Senior Luncheon, and church administration.


Birthday Place: Fort Worth Texas Birthdate: December 22, 1942

Family History:

Parents:Elder Alton Jones Sr. and Sister Helen L. Newton-Jones Siblings:Dorothy J. Perry, Barbara J. Tillman, Helen M. Dickens, Patricia A. Jones, Sandra L. Ramsey, Alton Jones Jr., Janet L. Jones, Brenda D. Jones Spouse: Deceased Children: Jeffrey L. Sanders & Danielle A. Fluker


Attended college for 1½ and worked for 45 years as an accounting clerical at PG&E.

Salvation Experience

I was saved at the age of 22 years old and baptized at 10 years old.

Favorite Scripture “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. …” Psalms 34 Advice to Younger Women Be obedient in all that you do. Read your Bible, study it, and know your word. Stay faithful. Pay your tithes. Additional Comments Always have a positive outlook on life. Be positive and know God can do anything but fail. Love God with your heart and soul. Remember you came to serve not to be served. Honor the elderly, respect all people and love your neighbor as yourself.


Birthday Place: Tulsa, Oklahoma Birthdate: May 18, 1942

Family History:

Parents: Sam Harrison & Lessie Mae Jenkins Siblings: Ray Clifford, Arthur Lee, Rosa Faye, Eddie Alford, Johnnie Mae, Barbara Jean Spouse: Children: Yolanda (Tiny), Anthony, Sonja, Jermaine, (8) Grandchildren (5) Great Grandchildren


Booker T Washington High, Tulsa Oklahoma Some College with focus in the Medical Field Retired Civil Service Employee Oaknoll Navy Hospital Kaiser Permanente Phlebotomist in San Leandro Hospital

Salvation Experience

At the Age of 9, the Lord healed me of Rheumatic Fever. The Doctor’s told my mother to make funeral arrangements but GOD said not so! It was through the prayers of my mother, Bishop Mason, Elder Hawkins, and Bishop Young that allowed me to get out of my hospital bed and skip down the halls because our Lord had healed my body. I started my Christian journey at Paradise Baptist Church in Tulsa. Later my family moved our membership to the first COGIC in Tulsa. It was there that I received salvation and baptized in the Holy Ghost. My family and I would travel to Memphis to Holy Convocation where would stay in other Saints homes because no hotel accommodations were available to us. Favorite Scripture: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto Him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: now man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:1-6 Advice to Younger Women: No matter what it looks like always stay with God. He will never leave nor forsake you. He will be with you through thick and thin. Stay in God’s word. Be strong. Hold your head up high, walk tall, and know that God is working it out. This too shall pass.


Birthday Place: Louisiana Birthdate: February 22, 1932

Family History:

Parents: Lawrence & Octavia Davis Siblings:11 siblings - 3 deceased Spouse: Ivan L. Johnson – Superintendent and Pastor Children: 4 boys and 1 daughter


GED District Superintendent Wife for 10 years Pastor’s wife for 30½ years Evangelist/Missionary 25 years

Salvation Experience

I was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at 13 years old. In September 2015, I will be saved 70 years.

Favorite Scripture “For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.” Isaiah 54:5 Advice to Younger Women Stay humble before the Lord. Hold fast to Him and He will take care of you all of your life and keep Heaven ready for you at your coming. Additional Comments God bless our Pastor and wife and strengthen you all the family. I love you and Glad Tidings Church.


Birthday Place: Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada Birthdate: May 18, 1940

Family History:

Parents: Jack & Molly Bogdowov Siblings: Arnold “Aaron” Boyd & Edie Brown Spouse: John H. Johnson Children: Jackie & Kelly Aguilar


Evergreen Valley College - AA California State Teachers Certificate

Salvation Experience

My Lord has watched over me all my life. I was born in Canada to Jewish parents with 2 wonderful grandmothers who prayed constantly. Throughout my life, I knew God was watching over me. When I met Elder Johnson 1996 and was brought to Glad Tidings, we knew we had to marry and it is never too late for God to change your life and redirect it. God always had a plan for me and my blessing is in my “yes Lord.” I will be where He wants me to be, say what He wants me to say and do what He wants me to do. Thank God for Salvation!!!

Favorite Scripture “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice.” Philippians 4:6 Advice to Younger Women Always look for the good in what God has given you. Be thankful and always give God the glory and praise. He will take care of you if you honor the temple He blessed you with. Take good care of God’s Temple (your body). Additional Comments I love Glad Tidings and all the members who go here. My favorite commandment is to love your neighbor and on another at all times because that is how God loves us. I hope I can make a difference by just being here and loving each and every one



Birthday Place: New Orleans, Louisiana Birthdate: December 22, 1941

Family History:

Parents: Ear & Janette Ross (deceased) Siblings: 5 brothers and 4 sisters Spouse: Melvin Johnson Sr. Children: Rhonda, Roxanne, Dana, Melvin Jr. Lynnell, Michael, and Stephen


Registered nurse, retired a year and half ago Worked in profession for 33 years

Salvation Experience

Salvation and my relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life. He is my personal Savior. I have come to know Jesus as my Savior, counselor, way maker, healer, and friend. He is my all and all, Alpha and Omega, beginning to the end. I was saved at the age of 24

Favorite Scripture “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.“ Philippians 4:13: Advice to Younger Women You must know who you are in Jesus. “A Chosen Vessel”, so always trust Him, live for Him, and realize your importance as a woman of God. Additional Comments Living for God is a life journey not a limited sprint. Therefore life will not always be easy, but you will always have a helper, the Holy Spirit to lead you. You can also seek advice from mature godly saints. Trust God do not lean to your own understanding. He will direct your path. Proverb 3:5. I relied on God’s help for raising my children, the success of my marriage, and getting through nursing school at the age of 39. God is faithful. We must remain faithful to him.


Birthday Place: Little Rock, Arkansas Birthdate: February 2, 1940

Family History:

Parents: Johnny Johnson and Louisha Johnson (Deceased) Siblings: Two Brothers--Ruby George and Patrick and One Sister--Dorothy Ann (All Deceased) Spouse: Napoleon Kelly (Deceased) Children: Diane Kelly, Napoleon Kelly, Teresa Kelly, Cynthia Kelly, and Christopher Kelly


Education: National City University, Physiology Occupation: Counselor, Agency Foster Parent Career: Retired

Salvation Experience

As a very young girl, when I was carrying wood for a stove in the house, I started praying and felt the Holy Spirit, but did not know it was the presence of the Lord showering on me. My soul longed for more of God’s Spirit and I started going to Lonely Baptist Church, Reverend Deadmon, Founding Pastor. I would kneel to pray and felt the power of the Holy Ghost with an excitement and joy indescribable. This was God drawing me closer to know the difference of a realness in Him. The older people always wanted me to review the Sunday School Lesson; I taught under the power of the Holy Ghost. They would say, “God’s got His Hand on that Gal.” One afternoon when I was singing at Woods Temple Church of God In Christ, the Holy Ghost “got a hold of me” at 18 years old, and I received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost at noon day prayer. This was a life-changing experience and I sought to know the Lord more and to move in His Power and Anointing. Later, I became a member of East End Church of God In Christ, in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, under Pastor William Johnson. This was the beginning of my evangelist and missionary ministry working with outreach programs for Juvenile Agencies and tent revivals.

Favorite Scripture: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad, O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:1-3 Advice To Younger Women: As a young woman, began to have a relationship with God through prayer, fasting, and staying in the Word of God. Humble yourself, obey and follow leadership. Your destiny and purpose will manifest


Birth Place: Birth Date: Family History: Parents: Siblings: Spouse: Children: Education/Occupation/Career: Salvation Experience: Favorite Scripture: Advice to Younger Women:


Birthday Place: Monroe, Louisiana Birthdate: April 24, 1938

Family History:

Parents: Dora Louise & Leslie Scott Siblings: 4 brothers and 6 sisters Spouse: Bishop John Wesley Madison (deceased) Children: Baron, Sharon, & Louis Charles


High School graduated – 6/14/57 Data Processing - finished July 1960 Children Day Care – July 1995 CAN – Nightingale Nursing Honorary Doctor Degree – Women Work – Bell Grove College Louisiana

Salvation Experience

Favorite Scripture

At the age of 7, I was baptized in water for repentance and at 20 years baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire at Ephesian COGIC with Bishop E. E. Cleveland. I was raised by Mother Elnora, my grandmother. She dressed in white every 1st Sunday for communion. At 3 years old, God was talking to me and Mother Butler, as a mother in the church confirmed my calling. When the Lord saved and filled me with the Holy Ghost, He let me know I was no longer my own, I’m His handmaiden. I need His anointing. It is not by power or might but my His spirit. Without God, I can do nothing amen!

“What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.” Psalm 116:12-14

Advice to Younger Women Remember and know God - Ecclesiastes chapter 12 Listen to the saved (age) – 2 Timothy 2:15 Live Acts 2:40 & Hebrews 10:25 Obey those who rule over you – Ephesians 6:1-2 Additional Comments At the age of 19, I went to Child Evangelism School and later started teaching Sunshine Band. I began going to churches working with pastors building Bible Band, Prayer Band, and all night shut-ins. In March 1968, God called me to be full time in ministry for 10 years, Habakkah 2:4b, Psalms 37:25, Romans 12:1-2. Sometimes I stayed in a church for 1 year. My children, my mother’s children, nieces, and nephews and other people children stay with me in shut-ins. I taught my children how to pray through and fast 3 days and nights, while school was out. In 1989, I received an award for dedicate services from the House of God, (late) Pastor C. E. Howard. Much more signs and wonders by the grace of God. 38

Birthday Place: Mobile, Alabama Birthdate: April 24, 1938

Family History:

Siblings: Thelma Sexton, Virgie Evans, Ruby Thompson Spouse: Eddie Lee Maldon Sr. Children: Debra Winn, Van Williams, Eddie Maldon Jr. Education/Occupation/Career High School, housewife, retired engineering clerk for AT&T Salvation Experience Saved at the age of 9 and filled with the Holy Ghost. Evangelist missionary, mother in Zion, youth leader, choir director, pianist for Jr. Choirs, and district choir president, YWCC president, foreign missionary to Ghana, Monday night prayer clinic, new member’s class teacher and the list goes on. Favorite Scripture “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. So teach me to number my days that I may apply my heart to wisdom. “ Psalms 42:1: Advice to Younger Women If you walk with Him in the morning of your life, He’ll abide with you in the evening of your life.


Birthday Place: Grovehill, Alabama Birthdate: January 31, 1949

Family History:

Parents: Leona and Leroy Mitchell Siblings: 7 brothers and 6 sisters Spouse: Mallard Oliver - deceased Children: Andrew, Contina, Richard, Jeremiah, and Jennifer Education/Occupation/Career Completed the 11th grade, worked hard in the fields picking apples, and housewife and cook. Salvation Experience

Favorite Scripture St. John 3 – Nicodemus

At the age of 7, I was baptized in water for repentance and at 20 I was saved when I was 20 years old. I worked as an usher and sang in the choir at my church, Union Baptist Church. I received the gift of the Holy Ghost when I was in my 20’s. I was at church tarrying for the Holy Ghost and the mothers told me I didn’t have it yet, but when I went home, the Lord filled me with His Spirit. My uncle was an overseer of over 11 churches and I have a sister who is a pastor, Verta Chambie. My nephew, Derrick Fluker is also a pastor at International Faith Church. I joined Glad Tidings in 2008 with my son, Jeremiah. I used to visit all of the time but never joined. I just knew this is where the Lord wanted me, so I asked my son and he wanted to join as well.

Advice to Younger Women Repent “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:36-38 Power “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8 Additional Comments God brought me back from the dead. God healed me from cancer. I threw up the cancer. I was in the hospital and I saw a vision of an angel showing me my name written in the Lambs Book of Life but then the angel said, “It is not your time, get on up, and go home to your children.” I also was threatening a stroke and a heart attack at the same time but look at God I’m still here in the name of Jesus



Birth Place: Birth Date: Family History: Parents: Siblings: Spouse: Children: Education/Occupation/Career: Salvation Experience: Favorite Scripture: Advice to Younger Women:


Birth Place: Birth Date: Family History: Parents: Siblings: Spouse: Children: Education/Occupation/Career: Salvation Experience: Favorite Scripture: Advice to Younger Women:


Birthday Place: Sikeston, Missouri Birthdate: April 1, 1923 “She is 92 going on 120

Family History:

Parents Luella Cox, Grandmother: Josephine (Mattie) Cox Johnson Siblings: Judith Mae, Josephine and James Spouse: Thomas Page and JD Brown both deceased Child: Eleanor McGirt Campbell, deceased. She has no grandchildren Born with tuberculosis, the Lord healed her through the prayers of the saints. As a testimony, the Lord allowed her middle finger on the left hand to remain shorter than all of the others and she has scars on her lungs to this day.


Elementary school in Rochester, NY; Jr. High in Albany, NY; Graduated from Independence High School in San Jose, CA. Mayor Janet Hayes gave her a scholarship to San Jose State San Jose St. University, Masters in Educational Counseling Graduated from Biola Bible College, Missionary Medical Training

Salvation Experience

Pearl always loved the Lord, even as a young child. Her precious grand

mother, Josephine Brown-Cox, who was a Missionary in the COGIC kept her in church. When Mo Page was five years old she memorized the Beatitudes and recited them in church. She was very well aware of what she was doing and she gave her life to Christ in the basement of Kenarly Temple in St. Louis, MO. In 1950, during the April Call Meeting in Cincinnati, OH at Pastor MC Johnson’s Church she received the Holy Ghost. Later, during the ‘50’s Bishop Mason sent her to Haiti on her first mission trip. During her time in Haiti Mo Page was exposed to Haitian voodoo. Once when she had watch over 33 children a voodoo priest came to the building where she was. Mo stood in the doorway with her Bible, which she refers to as her pistol, and that stopped him from coming in the door; and he never came back while she was there! She taught the Haitians how to bind, resist, cast out spirits and keep yourself covered with the blood of Jesus. Nothing can penetrate the blood of Jesus! Mo Page spent 10 years in jungles of Liberia and built a medical clinic while there where she worked as a medical missionary. Mother has traveled to 27 countries and still travels whenever she can. She loves to do 3-day fasts and shut-ins for churches. Mother Page knew Bishop Mason, Bishop Charles Blake, Sr., Bishop Samuel Crouch and many other leaders of the Church of God in Christ personally. Bishop Blake introduced her to Morris Carrillo. Favorite Scripture: “I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies...” Psalms 18 and II Samuel 22 Advice to Younger Women • Beware of “Johnnie Mae” Johnnie Mae was the best friend of Pearl. When Pearl was only 15 years old, Johnnie Mae took Pearl and put her in a very dangerous and compromising position that changed young Pearl’s life. Thank God He can take our darkest nightmare and turn it into a beautiful story and testimony of His love. He takes our brokenness and makes us whole. But young mother’s, a strong warning to you: WATCH who you allow into your children’s lives. Some people don’t mean you or your children any good. Don’t let just anyone take your children places because they can use your children for money, drugs, vices and many other destructive weapons that can damage or even destroy them.


Birthday Place: : Memphis, TN Birthdate: : October 5, 1940

Family History:

Parents: Elder Joseph and Dixie Brown Siblings: Johnnie, Aaron, Cora, Ernestine, Dixie, Roosevelt and Alex Spouse: Lucious Owens (deceased) Children: 3 children (Darell, Ulysses, and Opal

Education/Occupation/Career High School Graduate – 12 CNA Medical Assistant GT Prayer Director

Salvation Experience

I was saved at the tender age of 11 years old, while attending the Darwin COGIC in Memphis, TN under the pastorship of Roosevelt Jackson. I grew up in the church being actively involved in multiple ministries which included the local and district choirs, YPWW, Bible Band, and Prayer Ministry. I was also a member of the Central Tennessee Jurisdiction Choir. After the death of Pastor Jackson, I continue to serve in ministry at the Memphis-Philadelphia COGIC under the pastorship of the late Alex Brown Sr. (my brother). Upon relocating to California in the late 90’s, I joined the Glad Tidings COGIC under the pastoral ship of Bishop JW Macklin. I served on the Deaconess Board, Mother’s Board, GT Sanctuary and Voices of Glory choirs, Pastoral Care Coordinator, and Prayer Ministry Leader. I also minister to the body of Christ as a National COGIC “Prayer Team Captain” representing the Nor Cal Metropolitan with Mother Frances Kelly (National COGIC Prayer Leader).ight but my His spirit. Without God, I can do nothing amen!

Favorite Scripture “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.” Philippians 4:13, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Provbers 3:5-6 Advice to Younger Women Keep the Lord first in your life, ask Him to lead and guide you in the way. He would have to go. Stay focus, stay in prayer and fasting, and there is nothing you can’t accomplish with the leading of the Lord. Additional Comments 45

Birth Place: Birth Date: Family History: Parents: Siblings: Spouse: Children: Education/Occupation/Career: Salvation Experience: Favorite Scripture: Advice to Younger Women:



Birthday Place: Crockett, Texas Birthdate: February 25

Family History:

Parents: Elder & Mrs. Daniel C. Hutcherson Siblings: Four Spouse: Deceased Children: Seven: Melsha Kelly, Melton Kelly, David Hutcherson, Barbara Hutcherson, Jennifer Hughes, Johnnie Hughes, And Darris Ella Hughes


College Graduate- Prairie View A&M University School Teacher, Care Taker, and Homemaker

Salvation Experience

Saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost at 14 years

Favorite Scripture: “I will lift up my eyes unto the hill from which cometh my help, my help comes from the Lord.� Psalms 121 Advice to Younger Women: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. I love the Lord with all my heart. The Lord has been good to me all of my life. And what He has done for me, He will do the same for you. Only trust Him


Birthday Place: Oakland California Birthdate: August 15, 1944

Family History:

Parents: Viola Bailey & Biddy Andrew Johnson Siblings: Patricia Scott, Leonard Scott, Constance Scott, Christopher Scott, Randolph Scott, Raymond Bell, Clamidy Bell, Earl Bell, Melody Bell, & Marvin Bell. Spouse: Tyrone Stamps Children: Trumaine Mitchell, Michelle Logan, & Tyrenda Pentecost


Castlemont High School Evergreen Valley College Test Coordinator for Evergreen Valley College Assembly for IBM Professional singer/entertainer

Salvation Experience

I received the Lord as my Savior at the age of 9. I was filled with the Holy Ghost just before my 12th birthday and baptized at 14 years old. I was also called to the ministry at 14 years old. I began evangelizing at the age of 16 years old. I received my missionary’s license under Bishop Macklin approximately

Favorite Scripture “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friend.” John 15:13 Advice to Younger Women Strive to be a Proverbs woman! Stay committed to your faith and don’t compromise, maintain your integrity and trust in God for ALL things. Additional Comments Prayer is the key and faith unlocks the door! I’m so thankful for the Lord coming into my life and blessing me as a single parent. I absolutely have no idea what I would have done or where I would have been without God being real in my life and experiencing His love for me on a daily basis. Raising three children alone was very difficult at times but I always knew and felt the Lord’s hand on me and my children’s lives and that continued to motivate and drive me to live holy and upright. I want to encourage women everywhere to stand for Jesus, no matter your circumstances or what comes up against you, God is able to bring you through victoriously. You may feel lonely 49

Birth Place: Birth Date: Family History: Parents: Siblings: Spouse: Children: Education/Occupation/Career: Salvation Experience: Favorite Scripture: Advice to Younger Women:


Birthday Place: Washington, DC Birthdate: May 23, 1945

Family History:

Parents: Rev. Daniel Orville & Naomi Sylvia Phifer Sr. Siblings:3 brothers and 4 sisters Spouse: Elder John Smoot Sr. Children: John Smoot Jr., Jerome Smoot, Naomi Wilkins, & Rose Laury


Frank W. Ballou Senior High & Cortez Peters Business College – Washington DC FBI – Fingerprint Tech, Antioch Law School – Washington DC Wayne State Community College, Guttenburg Mortgage Co. - Detroit, MI. Gladman Memorial Hospital, Equitec Financial Legal Clerk - Oakland, CA.

Salvation Experience

Bless with parents that taught us about Jesus, prayer, scripture, church was our joy. At the age of 12 in 1957, I realized my need to be born again, repenting, baptized for remission of sin, receiving the Holy Ghost and now on my path to holiness. Worshipping at the Bibleway Pentecostal Church, Bishop Smallwood Williams, Pastor in Washington, D.C. Ministries: Youth and adult Sunday school classes, church retreat, Vacation Bible School, prayer, fasting, choir singing, Usher Board, Missionary, and the Mother’s Board. Christ has opened the windows of heaven in my life praising Jesus in the Holy Ghost. I honor Bishop J.W. Macklin and First Lady Vanessa Macklin for their spiritual leadership.

Favorite Scripture “And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life.” I John 2:25 Advice to Younger Women Psalms 20:7 “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” The Lord Jesus saves his anointed; the scriptures give consolation, promises, and eternal life. Jesus empowers you to achieve in ministry, work, college, love, marriage, etc. Wait on the Lord for your husband, do not pursue him, and let him pursue you. Remember to date only in the Lord. Do bring praise to the name of Christ. Abstain from persons, places, and things that bring shame to salvation. Additional Comments Prayer is the key, faith unlocks the door. Stay full of the Holy Ghost. Do not turn away from Jesus whatever happens. Remember satan is a deceiver. “Jesus said, I am come that they might have life ,and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10.


Birth Place: Birth Date: Family History: Parents: Siblings: Spouse: Children: Education/Occupation/Career: Salvation Experience: Favorite Scripture: Advice to Younger Women:


Birthday Place: Marianna, Mississippi Birthdate: : March 31, 1933

Family History:

Parents: Ernest & Clara Jones Siblings: Spouse:J.B. Ross Children: James Maurice Jones, Walt K. Ross, & Phelicia E. Lang


I attended and graduated from the following schools; graduated from Rust High School, attended Rust College, Laney College, Chabot College, and Holy Names University. I was an assistant elementary school teacher and homemaker. I worked for Highland, Fairmount, and John George Hospitals. I retired in February 1996.

Salvation Experience

I became a Christian 70 years ago where I began my personal relationship with the Lord. I have learned that the closer you get, the more you experience real situations where your faith is tested. A deeper prayer life and scripture reading is required daily and a surrendered life is rewarding for all Christians.

Favorite Scripture “Lay not up for yourself treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasure treasures in heaven, where neither moth or rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break in and steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 6:19-21 Advice to Younger Women Proverbs 3:5-7, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.” Additional Comments



Birthday Place: Chicago, Illinois Birthdate: December 4, 1941

Family History:

Parents:Lela Virgil and R.T. Denton Siblings:Larry Austin, Fred Austin, and Steve Austin Spouse: Children:Marlea, Tina, and Tamara Williams (Tamara is deceased)


Lincoln High School - Bristow, OK Langston University – Langston, OK Analyst at IMB Retired

Salvation Experience

Received the Lord as my savior and baptized at 10 years old.

Favorite Scripture “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.’ Psalms 23:1 Advice to Younger Women Keep the faith…no matter what! Bad things do happen to good people. Love and obey the Lord. Additional Comments


Birthday Place: Baton Rouge, Louisiana Birthdate:

Family History:

Parents: Richard & Mary Lee Wright Siblings: Three Sister and Three Brothers Spouse: Children: Five daughters & Two Sons

Education/Occupation/Career Retired Day Care Provider

Salvation Experience

In 1964, I accepted the Lord as my personal savior and was baptized in Holy Ghost. As young lady, I began to work in and oversee various ministries such as Women’s Day President, Youth Sunday School Teacher, and a faithful choir member. In 1987, I received my Evangelist Missionary License under Bishop L. B. Johnson and State Supervisor E. M. Deavers. In 1992, I became a member of the Glad Tidings Church where I have been serving faithfully as a Sunday School Teacher, Foundation to Discipleship Teacher, Voice of Glory and Women’s Chorus Choir, Prayer Team Member.

Favorite Scripture “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalms 34:1 Advice to Younger Women Never waste time trying to compete with anyone. You must know who you are in the Lord because the Lord has the final word. God’s word will satisfy you the more you read and understand it. Hiding God’s word in your heart will allow you to develop and maintain closer relationship with our Savior. Additional Comments


Birthday Place: Jamaica West Indies Birthdate: 9/26/45

Family History:

Parents:Carmen and James Williams Siblings: Spouse:Henry Tully Children:Renee Jones and Steve Jones


School teacher (Retired) K-12 grade

Salvation Experience

I have been saved for over 60 years. My faith has been strengthened through witnessing and working in church and community for the Lord.

Favorite Scripture “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting live.” John 3:16 Advice to Younger Women “Unto the upright, there ariseth light in the darkness: He is gracious and full of compassion and righteousness.” Hold your head up high. Additional Comments


Birthday Place: Monroe, Louisiana Birthdate: April 24, 1938

Family History:

Parents: Dora Louise & Leslie Scott Siblings: 4 brothers and 6 sisters Spouse: Bishop John Wesley Madison (deceased) Children: Baron, Sharon, & Louis Charles


High School graduated – 6/14/57 Data Processing - finished July 1960 Children Day Care – July 1995 CAN – Nightingale Nursing Honorary Doctor Degree – Women Work – Bell Grove College Louisiana

Salvation Experience

At the age of 7, I was baptized in water for repentance and at 20 years baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire at Ephesian COGIC with Bishop E. E. Cleveland. I was raised by Mother Elnora, my grandmother. She dressed in white every 1st Sunday for communion. At 3 years old, God was talking to me and Mother Butler, as a mother in the church confirmed my calling. When the Lord saved and filled me with the Holy Ghost, He let me know I was no longer my own, I’m His handmaiden. I need His anointing. It is not by power or might but my His spirit. Without God, I can do nothing amen!


Birthday Place: : San Francisco California Birthdate: June 10, 1945

Family History:

Parents:Bernice & Williams Stringer Siblings:1 sister and 3 brothers Spouse: Children: 4 daughters and 1 son – 28 grand & great grandchildren


Finished school in San Francisco 2 years of nursing school to obtain training for LVN after passing the state board exam. I began my career in nursing, working at various hospitals then I then applied as a medical technician for the State of California until I retired. 2 years of college; 33 years of nursing with a total of 44 years of working Worked at the VA St. Luke’s in SF – Kaiser, prison, retired from the state in 2003

Salvation Experience

I have had many experiences, too many to list. I had a vision of Jesus in the garden, with His two disciples. I did not see Jesus’ face. I was home alone and I heard my names called. It was clearer than I ever heard it. I have had many dreams and visions. The best experience I have had was being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Saved in year 2000 in Sacramento and baptized with the Holy Ghost in 2003. The Lord moved me to Hayward California in 2010 in June Favorite Scripture “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.” Psalms 27:4 Advice to Younger Women Stay with God, when all else fails, God will still be there for you. He says I will never leave you nor forsake you. His word is true. Heaven and earth will pass away but God’s word will last forever. Additional Comments I am so grateful to God, how He is working in my life. He is a wonderful God. I am grateful to God for how he as blessed me as well as those who have helped me to get where God needed me to be. I also feel so blessed to be here at GT with such a loving family. I feel very blessed of God. I do give God all the glory


Birthday Place: : Pine Bluff, Arkansas Birthdate: February 8, 1938

Family History:

Parents:Odies & Geline Wilson Siblings:Bernice, Louise, Odies Jr., Henry, Roosevelt, Harold, Merritt, Gerri, Lee Anne, Mary, & Paul. Only 4 of us survives. Spouse: Willie R. Wilkerson Children: Gaye, Michael, & Marc Harris


Ark A&M now it is University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. My brother has a building named after him on campus now. I worked as a Heavy equipment operator for General Motors and Nummi.

Salvation Experience

Saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost in the south, “old school�. I remember Bishop Mason in our home in Pine Bluff Arkansas, Bishop Charles Blake in our home in Little Rock, Arkansas where we grew up together. I was 12 years old when I received the Holy Ghost.

Favorite Scripture Advice to Younger Women Always keep God first in your life. Additional Comments I grew up in the old south, when we shouted by oil lamps. My dad put in the first electric lights in our church. But I was a happy child. I was the 9th child, and the 3rd girl after 2 girls, the oldest, then 6 boys and then a little old spoiled girl.

















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