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I greet you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. On behalf of the Apostolic Presidium, we are excited, yet humbled at your interest in the Apostolic Covenant Fellowship of Churches & Ministries. As the Presiding Prelate of this great work, I want to assure you that this Apostolic body has standards and Biblical foundation. As an Apostle, I believe that we should be adamant about the importance of preaching the gospel message, the importance of repentance, the importance of water baptism, the importance of the Holy Ghost, about the importance of unity in the church and the importance of continuing steadfastly in the Apostles’ doctrine. In a dispensation where churches and/or senior leaders no longer wish to live and operate their lives by the standards and the principles of God’s Word, this church maintains the fundamental and innovative principles that builds and restores its covenant members. Acts 2:42,44, embodies the burden that the Lord has placed upon my heart therefore creating the need for this apostolic august of believers....it states that the early saints “continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship . . . and all that believed were together, and had all things common.” A spirit of unity and fellowship was widespread throughout the early church. The people of God understood the importance of unity and the need for commonness and fellowship. The Apostle Paul wrote in I Corinthians 1:10, “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” Satan has used the age- old tactic of “divide and conquer” in his fight against the church. Sadly, on many occasions, he has succeeded in robbing the church of the strength and the power that is derived through unity and fellowship. The apostles and the first saints recognized that they needed each other. When we fully realize that we must work together to fulfill God’s purpose, we will be an unstoppable force in the world (I Corinthians 12:12-26). The Apostolic Covenant Fellowship of Churches & Ministries is not your average network of churches. By the insight of the Holy Spirit ACFCM has a different structure and mission. We aren't a body that only have meetings where the various components or auxiliaries meet and give reports. ACFCM has been designed by God to creates a different experience. This apostolic faith family collaborations of churches, which offer opportunities for spiritual development and growth for the entire Kingdom of God. The learning experience is designed to provide tools for personal Christian enhancement. ACFCM has been developed to expose you to new ideas and fresh perspectives on how to do church differently, yet effectively! We focus on Engaging, Encountering and Embracing the mandate of the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are encouraged to Engage in Social Justice, Encounter the Holy Spirit and Embrace new ways to share the ancient story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century. To implement the goals of the ACFCM, God has entrusted us with some of the greatest minds in the Kingdom, together we seek God on how to minister to every church/ministry and its leaders so that they will Engage, Encounter and Embrace.

Who We Are

Apostolic Covenant Fellowship of Churches & Ministries is an Apostolic movement to facilitate a sense of unity amongst the entire body of Christ. We are a network of churches, specifically structured to empower local churches and their leadership tier to be active and involved in God’s general mission and to aid in implementing a church/ministry specific vision. We are an organism of Apostolic churches unified in making a collective effort to build up the Body of Christ through supporting, informing and training the churches in covenant with us. Each church is led by local leaders and as such, has the freedom to explore their own vision within their community context. This model creates diversity and flexibility; while still calling our Covenant member churches to promote scriptural basics for church life including biblical baptism, the celebration of communion (or the Lord’s supper) and the mutual ministry of all God’s people. This Apostolic movement exists to rebuild and restore the original mandate of preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide practical, yet innovative protocols in which stamp our churches with uniqueness and holiness within our communities. ACFCM promotes the growth of local churches and provides resources to impact its local congregants and the community at large. ACFCM is committed to assisting churches, which are in need of restoration, upon request. In addition to financial assistance, we may offer organizational advice and Christian education to rebuild congregations and a sound Christian foundation. This network of churches and pastors is a safe haven for wounded leaders and church/ministries in transition. In addition, we provide curriculums for theological, ecclesiastical and secular academics to enhance higher learning that will enrich our leadership. Ultimately, we seek to provide liturgy, protocol and biblical soundness that cultivates and promotes "oneness" in the body of Christ and restores the principles and focus of God. ACFCM is committed to ongoing evangelism and social ministry in our communities and around the world. We are an Apostolic family called to Unite, Equip, Educate, Impart and Plant. Our Apostle along with the Apostolic Presidium has put forth a plan of action, undergirded by the power and the provision of God to resigned and resolve fear, doubt, disenfranchisement and division among people of faith and our communities. ACFCM will partner with community based organizations, local businesses and corporate entities to affect positive change in communities, enabling us to give back to those who need help the most.

Our Mission

We are called to promote, protect and preserve our heritage of holiness and theological views. We are called to provide liturgical example and administrative assistance to ensure ACFCM churches and leaders operate in the spirit of excellence with integrity. We are called to break financial bondages by provide practical resources for economic change and vitality. We are called to create mentorship- based relationships for senior leaders that ensure Godly and confidential counsel. We are called to provide tools and resources to assist ACFCM churches with use of technology for the enhancement of ministry excellence and branding. We are called to restraighten family values, by promoting healthy lifestyles and communications. In addition, by intentionally be ambassadors of social justice and by expanding beyond denominational and cultural limits.

Spiritual Covering

There are ministries that need “Spiritual Covering” and desire to be connected to an organism. A living organism is not just a church organization. Apostolic Covenant Fellowship of Churches & Ministries provides a Spiritual Covering for Pastors, Churches and Outreach Ministries. Our assignment is to help ministries bring God given vision into full fruition. Working together with Pastors helping to Develop, Empower, and Mature responsible leadership. Provoking people to live with a sincere passion and understanding for Christ We are a gathering of churches submitting to one another in authority. We function as a fellowship of churches under an Episcopal leadership that has Apostolic oversight giving direction and guidance as we work together to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church or Ministry will keep their present name being more than welcome to add ACFCM to it. They will join the Apostolic Covenant Fellowship of Churches & Ministries Family and together we will work to fulfill the Vision that God has given that Church or Ministry. Apostolic Covenant Fellowship of Churches & Ministries under the Spiritual Covering will have priority concerning leadership development, training, and empowerment gatherings and sessions. Our Evangelism and Missions ministries operate on a local and international assignment. Our team’s will travel to locations as well as partnering with pastors to raise the visibility of their ministry, this will benefit their local work as well as the fulfillment of the Great Commission. BENEFITS • Relationships in Ministry • Spiritual Support, Oversight, Guidance, Development • Leadership Training Institute reflecting; Servanthood, Relationships, Responsibility of the Gifts, Media, Outreach, Missions, Administration, • The Presiders Roundtable; time of impartation, empowerment, and education. • License and Ordination • Yearly Conferences, Annual Convocation, Scheduled Fellowship Services. • Financial Support as the Lord Supplies and the Growth of the Fellowship. • Short Term Missions Trips.

Spiritual Covering

In I Thessalonians 2, the Apostle Paul said our coming to you was not in vain. Paul was saying their work was not void of content or power. Paul was saying we didn’t come to take something away from you but to bring you something. Covering is not for selfish gain. Not for what is received from the church but everything to do with what covering brings to the church. COVERING IS NOT: • Is not a means for personal Kingdom Building. The goal is not how many churches we have in our Fellowship? The goal is the quality of care for the Local Church and Love for the Saints. • Is not about money, it is not a pretext to greed. Covering is not a multi-marketing scheme where all resources benefit the top. • Is not about pride and carnal glory, Repudiating selfish ambition. Preaching to gain the praises and approval that men give. • Is not micro-managing the church. Having authority but never abusing the privileges extended. Never authoritarians or controlling. Authority is always to be used for the benefit of those under it, never for the personal benefit of those exercising it. COVERING IS: • Is foundational or helping to shore up a foundation. The foundation of a building is out of sight, but it is the key to stability and growth of the structure built on it. Jesus Christ himself is the Chief Cornerstone of the foundation. Everything the church is and does has to be rightly related to Christ, because the church belongs to Him. • Is a source providing wisdom and strength through an ongoing relationship. Developing trust between church and covering. Such a relationship takes time to establish. MORE COVERING BENEFITS Counsel – In Vision, helping to define, refine and articulate it. Doctrinal Issues. Help a Pastor with issues confronting a church or causing division in the church. Church discipline when requested by Pastor. Protection – Provide an atmosphere of safety and security for both the Pastor and people. To protect the Pastor, at times the Pastor needs someone to speak on his or her behalf. Protection from false accusations. A person who can navigate appeals. Restoration if a leader falls into error or sin. Accountability - Covering gives the Pastor someone to be accountable to, someone to talk to, relate to and sound off to. Confirmation – Covering can be used to confirm and ordain. Having someone else to interview and confirm candidates for ministry providing an objective view that is often missing in independent churches.

Encouragement – Visitations bring encouragement and Blessings to a local church. Commitment – Covering can only work when there is a level of commitment by a Pastor and congregation. Every Pastor knows the value and importance of commitment in the local church. A level of commitment is needed if you’re going to entrust someone with ministry responsibility in the local church. As a covering, we have come to realize that there are some basic commitments a Pastor and a local church need to make to fully benefit from covering. FIRST Set aside time to meet with the Presiding Prelate & delegated leadership and attend services that ACFCM may conduct throughout the year. This will provide and opportunity: To increase Vision Build Relationships Encourage Fellowship Receive teaching and ministry Connect with a global vision Congregation will be strengthened and refreshed. SECOND Participate financially. One of the signs that a church is committed to ACFCM is regular financial support. As a covering, we believe that every participating church and ministry should be giving consistently. We are cautious as a covering ministry regarding the subject of finances. We know there is much confusion and abuse in this area in the Body of Christ. We believe the laborer is worthy of his wages and that churches receiving ministry from the covering should financially support the ministry. (Matthew 10:5-14) (I Timothy 5:18) PRACTICAL STEPS FOR CONNECTING • Begin Building a relationship with the covering. • Talk to your leaders and the church about having a covering • Have the covering come and communicate covering • Pray and ask God for insight concerning covering • Complete and submit an application CODE OF ETHICS It is a requirement that every Pastor of ACFCM accepts and adheres to the following: • Every Church or ministry has the right to their own style and personality as they follow Christ. • Conduct one’s affairs in: morals, finances, and business relations with a high degree of Christian integrity. • Maintain a teachable spirit towards the other leaders of the Fellowship. • Speak in a respectful and edifying manner where other members of the Fellowship are concerned.

Abstain directly or indirectly, in any issue that would lead or cause a church split. • Do not sow seeds of discord among the body by gossip, rumors and opinionated criticism. • Abstain from the consumption or use of alcohol, tobacco and all illegal drugs. • Respect the rights of others and allow them to be different as long as their actions comply with the written Word of God. • Support and give your loyalty to any pastor under which you may serve. • Deal justly as the scriptures command concerning all areas of fellowship, relationships, unity and brotherly love. • Follow the procedure according to the scriptures when faced with a person who is in violation of ethics, Biblical moral standards. • Agree to adhere to ACFCM statement of Faith and Ministerial Ethics VISION Apostolic Covenant Fellowship of Churches & Ministries is a organism reaching beyond the boundaries of tradition and religion. A Covenant Fellowship with passion, purpose, and principle. We are helping to build and making a difference today for tomorrow, bridging the gap and building a legacy for generations to come, to bring about a change for growth. Vision Statement "Bridging the gap, building a legacy" • To Establish, Plant, and help develop ministries. • Provide ministry excellence with ecclesiastical order. • Work together with ministries serving as a bridge over chasms that exist between ministries who are searching for spiritual maturity, economic education and empowerment; bringing social change and commitment. Yearly Conferences,Conventions and Trainnings Holy Convocation +++ Women’s Convention*** Pastors Summit Men’s Convention Leadership Conference Auxiliary Convention*** Youth Conference Ecclesiastical Leadership Institute

Financial Stability Plan

Each church/ministry that is under the umbrella of ACFCM is responsible for a monthly seed offering $100. Implement a proper assessment and credential assessment scale. Each clergy member is responsible to submit an assessment according to their level to renew their credentials and remain in good standing. To increase the total income for services and conferences implement a $20 general offering per person. ***FINANCES*** All churches are definitely encouraged to tithe, but ultimately, it is the decision of the Pastor whether that course of action will be implemented. If the churches and/or Pastors of ACFCM do not tithe, it will be a difficult and more strenuous task for us to move forward with the vision of this fellowship. Tithing (10% of the church’s income) is the best means for ACFCM to operate at its optimum fiscal level. Tithing becomes equitable for everyone involved. The local church is maintained and able to function on a day to day basis through those that faithfully tithe into the ministry. The same would go for ACFCM. This type of sowing would supply a consistent means of income which would be effective in helping this fellowship to fulfill the divine mandate of Kingdom Building. Instituting the principle of tithing on this level would provide financial benefits for the present as well as the future. If you’re unable to Tithe, we ask that every ACFCM Church/Ministries participates in our monthly Covenant Offering of $100.

PRESIDING PRELATE OFFICIAL OFFERING Paul said, “Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) • Plan and prepare ahead for sowing. • All ACFCM Pastors and Leaders should be examples. • Encourage your congregation to sow seed on Official DAY during Holy Convocation. • Giving should be without pressure, but it may require sacrifice. • Official Offering Envelopes will be made available in programs. ***CREDENTIALING & ID CARDS*** This affords applicants to have their licenses renewed and their credentials certified. The red column indicates our Official Sunday Offering for our Chief Apostle. Annual Fees: • Laity Membership • Diaconate • Missionaries • Evangelist Missionaries • Ministers • Elders • Pastors • Department Heads • Superintendents • Overseers • College of Bishops • General Board Members • Assistant Presiding Prelates • Presiding Prelate • Annual Church Report $20/$20 $25/$25 $30/$30 $40/$40 $45/$45 $50/$50 $100/$100 $100/$100 $150/$150 $175/$175 $250/$200 $350/$250 Page 12 of 18 $400/$300 $500 $200


• Adjutancy • Diaconate • Security • Hospitality • Ushers • Music Ministry • Men’s Ministry • Women’s Ministry • Youth Ministry • Evangelism • Missions • Finance Ministry • Office of the General Secretary • Special Events Coordinator ADJUTANCY The Adjutancy was established to serve those significant areas, which would provide an “assistance” the Supreme Leaders of the Church. Within the Adjutancy is the need to exercise the greatest tact, piety, dignity, timeliness, confidentiality and non-familiarity. The primary role of the Adjutancy is to sanctify the leaders in the eyes of the people, create a positive atmosphere for the leader and the people, and to oversee the vestments of all Priests and Levites.

DIACONATE The term “deacon” is derived from the Greek word diakonos, which is usually translated “servant”. Diaconate supports the ministry of the Church by being the Aarons and Hurs of the ministry and upholding the arms of the leaders so the leaders can stay at the task of feeding God’s sheep. The Board of Deacons maintains a high standard, which is set by the Word of God. (I Timothy 3) SECURITY Some security measures may see extreme in a church environment, but they may be a factor in determining whether people feel safe enough to keep coming to your church. Some families, especially those with young children, will not come to a church that is not serious about safety issues. As churches expand their programs throughout the week, protection becomes increasingly important. No one wants to be in an environment in which they feel uneasy about safety. HOSPITALITY A person with the gift of hospitality provides a warm welcome for people that demonstrate God’s love by providing food, shelter or fellowship. The spiritual gift of hospitality has nothing to do with show and ostentation; rather it has everything to do with the way in which a guest is welcomed and made to feel comfortable and at home. USHERS The Usher Board is a God ordained ministry of helps, responsible for greeting, meeting and seating people as they enter the sanctuary. The Ushers help maintain order in the sanctuary during worship services.

Choir The ACFCM Choir is a vital part of the ministry. Not only are we looking to build the choir to at least 50 voices, but we are also excited about incorporating the various gifts of the musicians that are within the fellowship. YOUTH MINISTRY We are building today to leave an inheritance for the future generation, which is our youth. It is important that we teach them in the ways of holiness while making the learning process interactive and fun. Supporting them with prayer and our physical presence are two of the best ways to show our love and concern for their spiritual and natural well-being. EVANGELISM Witnessing...fulfilling...the Great Commission... What does it all mean? Simply put, Christian Evangelism is when we share our faith with others. Evangelism isn’t simply a job title. It’s a way of life. It means that the evangelist totally loves the product and sees it as a way to bring the “good news”. A love for the cause is the second most important determinant of the success of an evangelist, second only to the quality of the cause itself. No matter how great the person, if they do not love the cause, they cannot be a good evangelist for it. Evangelism is essential for continuous Kingdom Building. The growth of the church cannot fully be achieved without this ministry. The Word of God will reach beyond our grips because of evangelism. Hold your hand out flat, fingers together: You have the middle finger (The evangelist) which sticks out further than the other four. This is the office that reaches out into the community bringing in souls to the Kingdom of God. Take away evangelism and we have removed our middle finger.

FINANCE MINISTRY To serve in the area of finance is most certainly MINISTRY. It is not as simple as “Just Counting Money”. Service in this capacity is for those who operate in the spirit of excellence and integrity. GENERAL SECRETARY The General Secretary is one who works very closely to the Presiding Prelate as well as the presidium. He/She should possess the gift of administration along with being highly innovative and able to manage one’s time properly. Confidentiality is KEY in this area of ministry. The person holding this position should be efficient in the area of; correspondence and record keeping, as well as being computer savvy. Most importantly, the General Secretary should have the spirit of the Presiding Bishop. SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR (SEC) This person will be responsible for coordinating all events that take place under the ACFCM umbrella. Whether the event is held at ACFCM Headquarters or in another part of the country, the SEC should be present at each event while keeping tabs on all details surrounding the event.

The Covenant Pension Plan A unique benefit to all Covenant pastors, the Covenant Pension Plan provides a specific way to care for each other and protect those who may otherwise not be covered. All credentialed Covenant Pastors are welcome to participate in this program. As time progresses and we grow, we will be able to contribute. The above program is one which we desire to implement. ACFCM Benefits Health Insurance Plan ACFCM desires to care to its pastors through its own health insurance plan that provides care no matter what your physical condition. Those who may have to experience major hospitalization will indeed be grateful for the care and coverage received by this program. This is a service that we are making available to ACFCM Pastors. Feel free to contact the Headquarters office and we will gladly put you I contact with those who can help you pick a plan that would be most beneficial to you. The above program is one which we desire to implement. Life Insurance Term Life Insurance is available for Pastors of just about any age at a reasonable cost. Our ambition is to take out a life insurance policy on each pastor with ACFCM paying a premium. At death, a percentage of the benefits will go to the spouse and surviving family while the balance goes into the ACFCM treasury. Example: For a 20K policy, 40% will go to the surviving family while 60% will go back to the ACFCM treasury.

The Fellowship Churches 1. Tabernacle of Praise Philadelphia, PA Apostle J. Shawn Urquhart – Presiding Prelate 2. Freedom Fellowship Church Orange, NJ Overseer David L. Wyche, Sr. – 1 st Asst. Presiding Prelate 3. Sword of the Spirit Church Philadelphia, PA Apostle-Designate Sharron Wright – 2 nd Asst. Presiding Prelate 4. 5. Free to Worship Jacksonville, NC Apostle William Billups 6. New Mount Joy Baltimore, MD Apostle Darry Hamilton 7. The Kingdom Church Washington, DC Bishop Kevin Gibson 8. Agape Restoration Ministries Philadelphia, PA Bishop Marc Saunders 9. Five-Fold Ministries New Bern, NC Apostle DeMaurice Ward 10. Remnant of His Righteousness Philadelphia, PA Pastor Sheila Barge 11. Saved by His Grace Cathedral Newark, Delaware Pastor Corinthia Abbott 12. Christ Nation Norristown, PA Bishop Benjamin Spencer 13. Apostle Marquis Yearwood City of Deliverance Jersey City, NJ 14. Greater Worship Kingdom Church New Brunswick, New Jersey Pastor Ottis A. T. Blount 15. Destiny Kingdom Ministries Merchantville, New Jersey Overseer Niesha Pose

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