Gender bias in Public spaces | Architecture journalism

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GENDER BIAS IN PUBLIC SPACES Social and Culture magazine article / / L a k s h m i . B


Modern cities influenced by the western civilization gives out a persona of equality and freedom, suggesting an environment where women are free to move about and interact at will in secure streets and huge malls. But even in this so-called free and equal environment, a number of psychological and physical restrictions come into play that limit their freedom. Age old traditions influenced by patriarchy have driven in the notion that matters of the house are to be managed by the women, a notion that has followed us into the modern age concealed in dialogues between members of modern households. Women are burdened with the responsibilities of the household regardless of their status as a working or non-working member of the family. This puts an invisible restriction on the mobility of any modern urban working class woman. Not being able to circulate freely, women cannot fully enjoy the economic, social and cultural life of a city. Another psychological restriction that comes into play is the need to legitimize their appearance in a public area. The conduct of a typical Indian woman in public, carrying handbags, parcels or babies, is an outcome of a drilled in sentiment that needs them to showcase a purpose for their appearance, to maintain respect in the society; that somehow the absence of a purpose implies that they would be categorized as ‘bad’ public woman. Women without realizing has taken to ‘legitimate’ reasons to appearing in public places, such as playgrounds for their children, festivals (Ganeshotsav, navaratri etc) which allow them to be in public late at night. These acts were women had reasons to appear in public, at otherwise taboo times, indirectly reinforces the idea that purposeless women should not be appearing in public. The right to public space (rather than conditional access) can only come when all women can walk the streets without being compelled to demonstrate purpose or respectability, without being categorized into public or private women (D’Monte, 2002). This photograph (Sanjuktha Bhasu, ‘Where are the Women?’) would catch any Indian’s eye even if it was among a group of other images. It may not necessarily be because they have prejudiced sentiments towards independent free women, but merely because it is unusual for women to be seen relaxed in public without any apparent purpose. The mind is conditioned to pinpoint things out of the ordinary.

However, these two women having a casual chit chat at a tea shop made a strong stereotype-breaking image in the open space. Their body language said that they owned their surrounding, without any inhibitions. | Source: Bhasu, S., Gender And Public Space in India


Women shopping in the markets are often seen in big groups, who prefer to rest or stop once in a while to discuss their shopping and bargains. | Source : Quint, “How Do Men and Women Rest in Public Spaces? Gender Tells All”

This image (Quint, “How Do Men and Women Rest in Public Spaces? Gender Tells All”) on the other hand would be lost among many others since it showcases nothing exceptional or unusual. Both images showcase women having a happy conversation with their friends, our involuntary but varied reaction to them based on their surroundings speaks volumes. A relaxed woman in a domestic setting is accepted while the same woman in a public place, in the absence of a purpose, would raise questions.public space around them more closely and find the answers themselves.

A group of men at the market, casually accessing the public space. Women were there, too, but with the purpose of running errands. | Source: Bhasu, S., Gender And Public Space in India


In In general, general, in in any any given given space space whether whether public public or or private, private, itit can can be be observed observed that that women women have have aa constricted constricted body body language. language. || Source Source :: Quint, Quint, “How “How Do Do Men Men and and Women Women Rest Rest in in Public Public Spaces? Spaces? Gender Gender Tells Tells All” All”

Women Women are are allowed allowed access access to to public public space space only only for for legitimate legitimate purposes purposes and and are are expected expected to to walk walk the the straight straight line line between between homes homes to to their their place place of of purpose. purpose. Women Women do do not not have have the the right right to to loiter loiter purposelessly. purposelessly. The The urban urban women women seemingly seemingly have have better better access access to to public public space, space, with with millions millions of of women women participating participating in in the the workforce, workforce, commuting commuting daily daily using using public public transport transport or or going going about about their their economic economic activities activities etc. etc. Yet, Yet, ifif we we observe observe urban urban spaces spaces deeply, deeply, we we realize realize that that women women have have very very limited limited access access to to public public spaces. spaces. Areas Areas where where men men hang-out hang-out such such as as paan paan shops shops and and tea tea stalls stalls are are labelled labelled as as aa ‘no-go’ ‘no-go’ zone zone for for women women for for ‘obvious’ ‘obvious’ reasons. reasons. The The fear fear that, that, ifif they they were were to to come come to to harm harm in in such such aa place, place, would would only only result result in in them them taking taking more more blame blame (not (not to to mention mention the the danger danger of of her her status status as as aa respectful respectful woman) woman) prevents prevents women women from from approaching approaching such such places. places. The The absence absence of of public public toilets toilets for for women women stands stands as as aa black black mark mark in in our our democratic democratic society. society. This This lack lack of of aa necessity necessity for for women women in in public public areas areas indicates indicates how how the the idea idea of of free free women women in in public public isis not not yet yet recognized recognized as as aa qualification qualification for for aa healthy healthy society. society. The The need need to to make make all all public public areas, areas, other other than than only only those those where where they they are are ‘justified’ ‘justified’ to to come, come, psychologically psychologically comfortable comfortable to to women women isis ignored ignored and and not not even even discussed. discussed.

In case case of of both both alcohol alcohol and and paan paan shops, shops, gender gender and and class class intersect intersect with with each each other other to to give give aa complex complex picture. picture. A A In paan shop shop located located in in the the well-lit well-lit corridors corridors of of Connaught Connaught Place’s Place’s inner inner circle circle selling selling imported imported cigars, cigars, cigarettes, cigarettes, paan lighters, chewing chewing gums, gums, isis considered considered relatively relatively safe safe for for modern modern young young girls. girls. While While the the shops shops located located at at narrow narrow lighters, lanes or or under under the the trees trees or or pavements, pavements, selling selling local local tobacco tobacco products, products, including including bidis, bidis, remain remain aa complete complete no-go no-go lanes zone.| Source: Source: Bhasu, Bhasu, S., S., Gender Gender And And Public Public Space Space in in India India zone.|


Women Women are are conditioned conditioned to to not not occupy occupy too too much much space, space, while while men men spread spread out, out, stretch stretch their their arms arms and and legs, legs, lie lie down, down, whenever whenever and and wherever, wherever, with with absolute absolute comfort. comfort. || Source: Source: Bhasu, Bhasu, S., S., Gender Gender And And Public Public Space Space in in India India

Public Public freedom freedom of of women women isis further further contested contested by by the the notions notions that that ifif they they do do not not conform conform to to the the rules rules set set by by the the society society they they may may come come to to harm. harm. This This strengthens strengthens the the patriarchal patriarchal idea idea that that women women are are in in need need of of constant constant protection protection and and that that the the public public restrictions restrictions set set in in place place are are for for their their own own good. good. This This misled misled notion notion has has led led to to the the justification justification that that ‘Public ‘Public Women’ Women’ are are no no longer longer deemed deemed worthy worthy of of ‘protection’ ‘protection’ from from the the society. society. IfIf any any harm harm befalls befalls them, them, itit isis seen seen as as the the consequence consequence of of violating violating societal societal rules. rules. ‘The ‘The Public Public woman woman isis not not so so much much directly directly aa threat threat to to ‘good’ ‘good’ women women as as much much as as aa warning warning to to them’ them’ (Phadke (Phadke et et al. al. (2009). (2009). Hence Hence itit isis argued argued that that instead instead of of advocating advocating unsafe unsafe conditions conditions in in public public space space for for women women as as an an excuse excuse to to restrict restrict their their mobility, mobility, society society should should concentrate concentrate more more on on the the enhancement enhancement of of safety safety by by increasing increasing investment investment in in public public transport transport systems, systems, better better street street and and park park lighting lighting and and children children friendly friendly urban urban designs designs in in public public spaces. spaces. At At the the same same time time women women should should be be allowed allowed to to take take risks risks rather rather than than being being blamed blamed for for taking taking them, them, expressing expressing that that women women require require the the claim claim to to “right “right to to risk” risk” and and do do not not need need “greater “greater surveillance surveillance or or protectionism” protectionism” to to be be fully fully functioning functioning citizens citizens of of the the society. society. It’s It’s easy easy to to overlook overlook inequity inequity when when we we are are not not the the ones ones faced faced with with it. it. Sometimes Sometimes the the victims victims themselves themselves are are unaware unaware of of injustice injustice taking taking place place as as they they were were conditioned conditioned to to believe believe that that the the inequity inequity was was justified. justified. The The idea idea behind behind this this writing writing isis not not to to provide provide anecdotal anecdotal evidence evidence for for or or against against any any

Resources: Resources: Bhasu, Bhasu, S., S., 2017. 2017. Gender Gender And And Public Public Space Space in in India India –– A A Photo Photo Documentary Documentary on on 55 Indian Indian Metro Metro Cities. Cities. This This My My Truth. Truth. Desai, Desai, M. M. ed, ed, 2007. 2007. Gender Gender and and the the Built Built Environment Environment in in India.. India.. D’Monte, D’Monte, D., D., 2002. 2002. Ripping Ripping the the Fabric: Fabric: The The Decline Decline of of Mumbai Mumbai and and it’s it’s Mills, Mills, Oxford Oxford University University Press, Press, New New Delhi. Delhi. Parikh, Parikh, R.M., R.M., 2016. 2016. How How Do Do Men Men and and Women Women Rest Rest in in Public Public Spaces? Spaces? Gender Gender Tells Tells All. All. The The Quint. Quint. Paul, Paul, T., T., 2017. 2017. Mapping Mapping gendered gendered spatialities spatialities in in leisure: leisure: the the case case of of new new consumption consumption spaces spaces in in the the city city of of Kolkata. Kolkata. Contemp. Contemp. South South Asia Asia 25, 25, 380–398. 380–398. Phadke, Phadke, S., S., Khan, Khan, S., S., Ranade, Ranade, S., S., 2011. 2011. Why Why Loiter?: Loiter?: Women Women and and Risk Risk on on Mumbai Mumbai Streets. Streets. Penguin Penguin Books Books India. India.

GENDER BIAS IN PUBLIC SPACES Social and Culture magazine article / / L a k s h m i . B

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