PFG LauraHernándezRamos 2019 (English)

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Revealing The Uncharted A link between the village and the coast

LAURA HERNÁNDEZ RAMOS IE University - PFG 2019 Matan Mayer & Fernando Rodríguez


Territorial Strategy


Urban Strategy


The Starting Point | Multi-Purpose Tower


The Finish Line | Multi-Purpose Island


Construction Strategy | Multi-Purpose Island


The Kayak System


The Pool System


The Mussel Pair


Model Making


Territorial Strategy

Orellana Reservoir Located in the north of Badajoz province, this reservoir is one of the most important wetlands in Extremadura and an ideal place for bathing, water sports and bird watching. A network of villages are displayed around the lake offering access to the unique landscape. People from all places are attracted to the area due to its particular natural environment. However, the lagoon itself is not fully explored as there is almost no connection with it. Yet, the village of Orellana La Vieja is in the coast of the lake and its the only one in direct contact with the reservoir’s water. This relevant aspect makes the town ideal to bring tourism and new activities to the province of Badajoz.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Orellana Reservoir Map | Territorial Strategy


Orellana La Vieja The village of Orellana La Vieja is placed at the end of the reservoir, right before the dam. It ‘s peculiarity of being in the coast of the lake presents a lot of opportunities. The connections with the surroundings are diverse. The town offers a network of roads, cycling paths or even walking routes. However, there is a current disconnection inside the town, between the urban center and the coast. This gap is not only physical but also social. The area is in need of an intervention in order to take full advantage of the exclusive conditions.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Orellana La Vieja Plan | Territorial Strategy


Current Situation The gap between Orellana La Vieja and its coast is a current problem. People are not moving from one side to the other as there is no possible access to it. Tourists are not either able to explore the area due this physical disconnection. However, even tough it is not possbile to find artificial connections, there are natural ones. Water streams are formed in the area due to the rain that comes from the main streets in the village, creating a vertical union between both parts. At the same time the coast itself joins the two sides of the village in a horizontal way.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Area of intervention

Water streams


Site Diagrams | Territorial Strategy


Proposal The project is going to be based on an intervention in this area that will consist on making the place accessible to solve the current disconnection between the village of Orellana La Vieja and its coast. More specifically it is going to be about four pair of systems which are composed by a tower, as the starting point, the path as the connection element and an the island as the finish line. Each of this will hold different programs, providing a variety of activities not only for tourists but also for locals. The systems will follow the existing water streams as the main guide to take the user from the town to the shore.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Proposal Diagram | Territorial Strategy


Concept The intervention happens in Orellana La Vieja, a village located in the coast of the Orellana Reservoir, in Extremadura, Spain. The proposal seeks unexplored uses to reactivate the area between the town and the shore. The idea is essentially to allow easy access to the lake, giving locals and tourists the chance to establish relationships with the as-of-yet uncharted territory. The project has tremendous potential as a community generator which, with the water encouraging activity will bring life and atmosphere to the area, and thus link the coast with the village and the village with the water. The proposal represents a new type of public space, moveable, floating, and free for people to explore and conquer. The aim is to recover forgotten and unfulfilled citizen’s desires such as taking a bath in the lake, walking in the forest and experience - directlythe reservoir’s unique environment. More in depth, at the begining the tower introduces the people to a new and uncharted area of the village. The connections with the urban are clear and intuitive, as the exisiting streets are extended into the new paths. Next, the walkway goes into the forest providing different scenarios until it gets to the finish line, the island. Finally, it is there, in the island, where the main program is located. The spaces of each island respond to the necessities of the village, they are tought so people of all ages are allow to enjoy the special location. The four systems are: The Kayak, The Multi-Purpose, The Pool and The Mussel. However, this proposal explores more in depth the system of The Multi-Purpose.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

The Multi-Purpose

The Kayak

The Pool

The Mussel

Site Plan | Territorial Strategy



Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Site Plan 1:2000 | Territorial Strategy


Urban Strategy

Multi-Purpose System

Context The project aims to be in relationship with the context by being placed on specific locations. In this case the begining of the route lays at the end of an existing street. The idea is to continue the current circulation and activate it. Due to this action the proposal is directly connected to the village, integrating it into the project. Moreover, at some points of the path it is possible to walk along the ground, letting the user explore the site freely.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Urban Plan | Urban Strategy


The Path This element of the system is key to connect both sides of the proposal. It is thought to provide an experience throughout the forest, allowing acces to the site and to discover the uncharted territory.


The structure blends with the context. It adapts to the different slopes and situations of the terrain. The idea is that it goes along with the water streams to let the user perceive the arrival to the water.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Section AA’ 1/100


Section BB’ 1/100

Urban Section | Urban Strategy


Path Experience Made out of wood the path aims to blend with the natural environment. The light structure enters into the forest as a guest, following the water stream and adapting to the terrain. During this route the user will discover the real essence of the place. Surrounded by nature all time people will feel relax and comfortable and will be able to enjoy this special adventure. At the same time the walkway invites to practice sports such as running or even biking. It also allows tourists and locals to walk with pets, facilitating the integration of every type of activity.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Path Scenario | Urban Strategy


The Starting Point Multi-Purpose Tower

The Tower This element of the system has the intention to locate people and give them a sense of what they are going to find at the end of the path. The program of the tower is related to the one of the connected island. The idea is that they complement each other, making the experience fully possible. The starting point is also thought to be kind of a lighthouse that can be seen from far away and that will attract people to come and explore the current uncharted territory.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Multi-Purpose Tower Section AA’ 1:100 | The Starting Point


The Entrance The way the user encounters the system is crucial. The space is design to give a first impression of the island’s program. In this case the connected island is going to be dedicated to Multi-Purpose activities such as yoga, sunbathing or picnic. Therefore, the base of the tower will be responding to this specific activities. There can be found a rental space with yoga material such as mats, water bottles or towels. The idea is to prepare the people for the activity that will be developed in the island.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast



Tower Ground Floor Plan 1:100 | The Starting Point


The Viewpoint As this element is designed to be taller than the existing trees to allow visibility, the upper part is dedicated to a viewpoint. From here, the user will be able to see the connected island and the rest of systems. Having privileged views is one of the main concerns, as the area is currently not possible to observe. People are going to enjoy the landscape from different perspectives in each part of the system, which aim is to enrich the entire journey.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast



Tower Roof Plan 1:100 | The Starting Point


The Visual Connection The idea of visually connect the two main elements of the system is relevant in the project. As it is placed along a totally unexplored area people will need reference points in order to locate themselves. This elevated vision fulfill the objective. The lightweight wood structure allows visibility and blends with the surrounding trees. The use of rope in the facade brings vegetation and reactivates the current habitat.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Tower Scenario | The Starting Point


The Finish Line

Multi-Purpose Island

The Multi-Purpose Island The concept of the island comes from the idea of a floating structure that will allow activities related to the water, which is the main element in the site. The circular shape was thought to provide a 360ยบ view and to let the island be seen from all places. In this case, the object is enclosing the spaces inside but at the same time providing exterior areas.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Exterior Scenario | The Finish Line


Program This element is designed by a core in the middle with the main facilities and the rest of the program around, closer to the water. In the center we find the stairs, the bathrooms and the bar. Surrounding it the program is disributed taking into consideration solar orientation. Therefore, we find the picnic area located in an area with more shadow. The space for practicing yoga is looking to the east as in this practice being oriented towards that direction is relevant. Finally, the terrace is looking towards the south where it can be seen the reservoir and the mountains at the back. On the upper level a solarium appears providing the user with a space to rest while enjoying the spectacular views.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast







Program Diagrams | The Finish Line



Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast



Section AA’ - Plan - Roof Plan | The Finish Line


Materiality The use of brisoleils is implemented in order to allow flexibility in the spaces depending on the activity and the time of the year. At the same time there is a constant connection with the environment, people will be seeing the landscape from every space. The selection of wood is made to bring a warm and natural atmosphere and to keep the structure as light as possible.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Interior Scenario | The Finish Line


Construction Strategy Multi-Purpose Island

Structural Strategy The main structure is composed by a series of vertical elements (timber columns) and two horizontal ones (floor and roof). The facade of the building is formed by a set of timber brisoleils. Finally, the floating base consists on 200L drums that are held between timber posts. The idea is that the island is easy to build, and if necessary, easy to be removed.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast






A 6















1. Timber gluelam beam 40x12 2. Thermal Insulation 3. Douglas fir timber battens 4. Douglas fir timber boards 5. Douglas fir timber post 6. Timber gluelam beam 7. Timber columns 12x12 8. Timber brisoleil 9. Timber battens 10. Timber counterbattens 11. Vertical timber boards

12. Timber boards 200x20x3 13. Timber beam 14. 200L drum 16. Timber gluelam beam 10x15 17. Floor timber battens 18. Timber post 5x5 19. Galvanized Steel connector 8x8x0.6 20. Galvanized Steel plate 2x1x0.6 21. Timber panel 22. Thermal Insulation boards

Axonometric | The Finish Line


Connections The connections between the different elements of the structure vary. In the roof (Detail A) the use of an squared steel connector is necessary. The foundations (Detail B), work with small steel plates to join the different timber elements. The construction of the wall (Detail C) is made with with timber panels and battens.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast




Detail A





Detail B

11 9 22

10 21 12 13


Detail C

Axo Details 1:10 | The Finish Line


Flexibility As the island is located in the lake, the rise of the water is taken into consideration. Therefore, it has a flexible structure that allows movement. The connection between the path and the island allows separate alterations due to the waves. However, the circulation of people will never be interrupted.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Detail Section 1:50 | The Finish Line


Environmental Strategy The proposal considers climatic conditions to ensure the best possible means of providing thermal comfort and making the most of natural resources. The tilted roof provides shading on the south and allows a bigger amount of light on the north. The use of brisoleils guarantee the total control of light, adapting the spaces to the different activities and times of the day. Natural ventilation is provided along the entire building.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Environmental Diagram | The Finish Line


Construction Process The construction system of the proposal is hybrid, meaning that there are going to be various phases: the prefab and the in-situ.

During the first part, the base and the core are prefabricated. As it is going to be a lightweight structure the idea is that it is transported to the site (lake) to continue with the construction. Once the base is placed on the water the facade and the roof assembly will take place.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Construction Process | The Finish Line




The Kayak System

The Kayak Island Dedicated mainly for young people The Kayak Island aims to bring an atmoshpehere of enjoyment and learning. Even tough kayaking is common in the area, there are no places for taking courses or practice. At the same time, kids does not have the opportunity to learn as there are no spaces dedicated for them. The aim of this island is to bring families or groups to practice together this acquatic sport.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Exterior Scenario | The Kayak System


Program The way this island is designed comes from the fragmentation of a circle in different pieces. Depending on the program the divisons vary on size and orientation. The left part is more solid to protect the kayaking are from the wind that comes from that direction. Spaces for renting the lifevests, or storaging the kayak are necessary so they are integrated in the grandstands. Here parents and visitors will be able to sit and enjoy the views while other people are practicing. The circulation is thoguht for people get to the island, rent a lifevest, take the kayak and start practicing. After, they will get out of the water through the ramp and they will have the possibility of having lunch in the picnic tables or using the trampolines. Finally, they will be able to easily put back the kayaks in the storage room. As the island is thought to hold groups of people, the circular movement helps to mantain order in the activities.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Picnic Kayak Storage




Program Diagrams | The Kayak System



Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast



Section AA’ - Plan | The Kayak System


The Kayak Tower The tower follow the same geometrical concept as the island. The program is going to be dedicated to places where tourists will book the kayak lessons or organize routes. It also icludes a terrace to be in contact with the forest. The viewpoint on top have some platforms to allow different perspectives of the lanscape. The Kayak tower will be directly connected to a main road to allow easy acces from cars or buses.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Kayak Tower Section AA’ 1:100 | The Kayak System


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast






Tower Roof Plan1:100 - Tower Ground Floor Plan 1:100 | The Kayak System


The Pool System

The Pool Island The aim of this island is to provide a proper space for swimming in the lake. People of all ages will have easy acces to the water. A bar in the midde provides an area to relax or watch out the kids while enjoying this special situation. A reversible structure is implemented to allow its use during summer and winter. ETFE pillows will be placed in order to grant that possibility.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Exterior Scenario | The Pool System


Program The Pool island follows the concept of circularity in which the program is arranged in different “rings�. The closest to the water consists of a platform for walking around the pool and it contains in it the restrooms and some space for hammocks and sunbathing. The middle ring is the pool and the smallest one is conformed by a bar. It is provided with a roof of ETFE which will allow to have some shading in summer and protection from the cold in winter.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast





Program Diagrams | The Pool System



Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast



Section AA’ - Plan | The Pool System


The Pool Tower The tower will be acommodatig some showers, providing spaces for people to be prepared before getting to the finish line. The void in the middle allows the landscape to come in as a similarity with the island. The viewpoint provides a 360ยบ walkway where tourists will be able to have a vision of the entire village and the coast connected by the systems.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Tower Section AA’ | The Pool System




Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast




Tower Roof Plan1:100 - Tower Ground Floor Plan 1:100 | The Pool System


The Mussel System

The Mussel Island The Zebra Mussel is an invasive species that is harming the lake’s environment. Locals have tried to find solutions but they haven’t found one yet. This island aims to provide a space for locals to investigate the current problem with the zebra mussel but at the same time a center where tourists can come and learn about the fauna and flora of the area.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Exterior Scenario | The Mussel System


Program The geometry is divided in different stripes that according to circulation create spaces in between for the different labs. These spaces are arranged thinking on the route that tourists will take when visiting the center. A series of pools appear to make tests but also to guide the user through the different rooms. The boxes are arrange taking also into consideration the process of investigation, starting with the platns, followed by the fish and ending with the mussels. The roofs vary depending on the program they are hosting and the light they need.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Reception Plant Lab

Fish Lab

Mussel Lab

OfďŹ ce/Lab

Program Diagrams | The Mussel System



Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast



Section AA’ - Plan | The Mussel System


The Mussel Tower The last tower will be having spaces for conferences and exhibitions about the on going work. Here tourists will get an idea of the situation of the area, understanding better the aim of the island. The viewpoint contains a few benches for old people to rest at the same time as they enjoy the views. As all of them it will be connected to the path that leads to the island.


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

Tower Section AA’ | The Mussel System




Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast




Tower Roof Plan1:100 - Tower Ground Floor Plan 1:100 | The Mussel System


Model Making



Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

The Site

Process - Site | Model Making


The Tower


Revealing The Uncharted | A link between the village and the coast

The Island

The Tower - The Island | Model Making


“The four systems will allow easy access to the coast, giving locals and tourists the chance to establish relationships with the current uncharted territory”

Revealing The Uncharted A link between the village and the coast

LAURA HERNÁNDEZ RAMOS IE University - PFG 2019 Matan Mayer & Fernando Rodríguez

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