The Red Scare. The Red Scare is the widespread fear of communism rising in the U.S, many Americans have also feared communism destroying the American way of life. The public wants nothing more than to stop communism from growing in the U.S, to protect their way of life, to keep the American spirit alive, and also to protect the homes we know and love, the economy has been coming up with ways to fight back against the rising communism. While criminal trials, captured and fuels the public's imagination and are concerned about law and order issue as well, workers struck to protest law wages and the Boston police were particularly low paid. Communist are trying to bring down the government of Germany and Hungary and this will give many Americans more fear of communism. Getting rid of Communism U.S Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer received permission to set up an anti-radical division of the U.S Department of justice, and is beginning to rounding up suspected anarchists and other radicals. Many anarchists have been convicted of many murders throughout the U.S and they were sent to the electric chair or executed by other means in which these criminal are put to death. The government is also working to push back communism from the U.S by finding more ways to do it, even though the public is getting more and more impatient the government has its hands full after what happened during world war 1.
Depression in America There was a brief post-World war 1 recession immediately following the end of the war which lasted for 2 years, complicating the absorption of millions of veterans into the economy. The economy started to grow, though it had not yet completed all the adjustments in shifting from a wartime to a peacetime economy. Factors identified as contributing to the downturn include: returning troops which created a surge in the civilian labor force and problems in absorbing the veterans, a decline in labor union strife, changes in fiscal and monetary policy, and changes in price expectations.Adjusting from wartime to peacetime was an enormous shock for the U.S. economy. Factories focused on war time production had to shut down or retool their production. A short recession occurred in the United States following Armistice Day, but this was followed by a growth spurt. The recession that occurred in 1920, however, was also affected by the adjustments following the end of the war, particularly the demobilization of soldiers. One of the biggest adjustments was the re-entry of soldiers into the civilian labor force. In 1918, the Armed Forces employed 2.9 million people. This fell to 1.5 million in 1919 and 380,000 by 1920. The effects on the labor market was most striking in 1920, when the civilian labor force increased by 1.6 million people, or 4.1%, in a single year. (Though smaller than the numbers in post–World War II demobilization in 1946 and 1947, this is otherwise the largest documented one-year labor force increase)
Republican’s Deregulation Has deregulation under the Republican presidents benefitted America? By Tosh Klever In the last 8 years the unemployment rate has gone down, factory workers are getting paid up to twice as much, the man has become more productive and national income increases each year, but why? What was the path to the current benefits for not only companies, but for the average man too? The Harding and Coolidge presidencies have lead America to economic prosperity. Harding wasn’t interested in a strict presidency that would limit the economy, he needed to bring back the country to normalcy. In Harding’s Inaugural Speech he recognizes industry’s independence and the need for government to support it instead of holding it back with unruly laws and regulations, “...Industry has sensed the changed order and our own people are turning to resume their normal, onward way. The call is for productive America to go on...” He also recognized the awful unemployment rates ruining America. “... [America] out to be a country free from the great blotches of distressed poverty. We ought to find a way to guard against the perils and penalties of unemployment…” Harding’s policies of freeing business with a laissez-faire approach greatly benefitted the economy in more ways than not. Soon, the government had pulled out of business and Harding created the Free Enterprise System and the Fiscal Policy allowing business free reign. The free market had America rejoiced. After Harding’s death, Coolidge took office in ‘23. He continued Harding’s policies of laissez-faire, and furthered economic development even more. President Coolidge began to lower federal spending, work towards tax cuts, and remove antitrust laws. His main motive is that he supports business growth and favors the laissez-faire approach. The possible end to an era with the new election underway allows
us a time to reflect on the growth on the economy with these two presidents. Harding started office and created the Free Enterprise System, opening the free market. This meant businesses could advertise openly, meaning rapid growth to the companies who could utilize advertising. Coolidge’s decision to lower federal spending, remove antitrust laws, cut taxes against big business, and create higher tariffs on foreign goods meant all the better for most companies. The effects of these decisions was a balanced federal budget, improved products, a lower unemployment rate, and rapid economic growth. Soon came so called “get rich quick schemes”, bringing attention to banks and the stock market. By this time the economy had grown tremendously.
President Harding and his wife on a boat (1923) Business and the economy has gone from bust to boom since the end of the first world war. Presidents Harding and Coolidge lead our country to prosper with a laissez-faire policy. We can see the economic growth from the stable price structure, increased corporation earnings, a lower unemployment rate, increased productivity per man, and national income increases each year. From the short depression after the first world war, our country has prospered. 4
The republican presidents are cutting the chains for a free market - Tosh Klever
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“A drink to normalcy�
Share a coke
Republicans, Effective or Not?
The Republican Era presidents:
his “Return to Normalcy” speech
Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, caused a
on the campaign, on route to be the 29th
President of the United States of
deregulating parts of the economy.
America. He wanted a return to the
unregulated companies, thinking it would
normalcy” or a return to the less
economy. He was right and his cut back
Coolidge both had a laissez-faire, or let it
on American economies helped the great
be attitude, towards these sections of the
US economy.
economy. All three Presidents of the
1920s, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover
especially brought great economic changes to America through their laissez-faire policies.
put Distraught Americans needed an uplift from the
America first, focusing on issues in the homeland.
promise with his “return to normalcy” campaign
A great return to the unregulated 1900s.
distress of World War 1. Harding made a
leading the republican era into period for reconstruction. From tax regulation to
Warren G. Harding delivered 7
Republicans, Effective or Not? improving the productivity of man, America has improved, and not only for the better in the government
and big business. Families are taking
peace could almost never be fully
home up to twice of what they were.
accomplished and this had a great
effect on the American economy, not
nationally and per capita have brought
only did it affect people across the
America to a great economic position
entire U.S. it also had an effect on
and returned our country to normalcy.
almost everyone on the planet and
Even so, there were some things that
started a new age in economy.
could never be accomplished fully.
Great changes have been made in order to secure the safety and economic status of America. The republican presidents lead the change by repealing taxes, making changes in the government, a return to normalcy,
isolationism. Overall, the changes have been beneficial for the average man, government, and business corporations.
President Harding sits after giving a speech that highlighted the outlook on the entire decade
Have the Republican Presidents gone too far to combat the Red Scare? Dominic Clouthier
No they did not go to far the republican presidents tried to do whatever they could to fight the red scare. To fend off such attacks from the right—and to build domestic support for his Cold War foreign policy—President Truman in March 1947 issued an executive order creating a Federal Loyalty-Security Program. A greatly enlarged version of a program originally instituted in 1939, the program gave loyalty review boards the power to fire federal employees when “reasonable grounds” existed for belief that they were disloyal. Evidence of disloyalty included not only treasonous activities, but “sympathetic association” with a long list of organizations deemed by the Attorney General to be “Communist, fascist, or totalitarian.” These organizations ranged from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade to the National Negro Congress. In practice, people could lose their jobs for being on the wrong mailing list, owning suspect books or phonograph records, or associating with relatives or friends who were politically suspect. Those accused almost never learned the source of the allegations against them, and the criteria for dismissal were expanded in 1951 and again in 1953. Tens of thousands of federal employees—including disproportionate numbers of civil rights activists and gays—were fully investigated under the loyalty-security program, and some 2700 were dismissed between 1947 and 1956. Thousands more resigned “voluntarily” before the program’s demise in the early 1960s. By legitimizing the use of political litmus tests for employment, the federal loyalty-security program paved the way for the use of similar political tests by state and local governments and private employers. Between the late 1940s and the early 1960s, school systems, universities, movie studios, social welfare agencies, ports, companies with defense contracts, and many other employers used background checks, loyalty oaths, and other means to weed out employees deemed politically undesirable.
Isolationism’s Sad Truth
A Blast of the Past Kaushik Raghavan internationality, but sustainment in triumphant On
then nationality.” Harding wants to make America great
nominee again by thinking of American problems first and
Warren G. Harding gave a speech for international problems last. This America first policy the entire decade. In his Return to will solve many of our problems. As one preacher, Fred Normalcy speech candidate Harding Phelps Sr. says “We here at the Westboro Baptist promised for a return to the normal, Church think that a return to the good christian life is a traditional life from the early 1900s return to good America.” Phelps Sr. is a good example with
in of what a modern citizen thinks. They love everything
technology brought by the 1920s. that is brought by the industrial bloom of the 1920 but don’t like the fact that America is deviating from the In his speech, Harding called for path. America needs to work on the issues at home. “America’s present need is not heroics, but
normalcy; restoration;
not not
adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in 12
President Harding reassures people that he will focus on American issues first
What is Isolationism? Have the foreign policy goals of the Republican presidents made America safer, and is war over? Joshua Thoreson
What’s the definition of Isolationism you may ask? It’s okay if you don’t know, all of America is asking that same question. We are being told we are backing out of most foreign affairs, but that may truly be impossible. So, the big questions are is isolationism completable? Are the foreign policy goals a good thing? Well the foreign policy goals are very good idea and are important to try to accomplish but it’s a really hard feat to accomplish. We want world peace but america isn’t even in the league of nations! What effects of the foreign policy goals are actually happening? Well for one we have New naval arms control, and war is now a “instrument of national policy” We’re also trying not to intervene in other countries affairs, but that’s pretty hard due to the involvement we have now. They advertise everything as good and while most believe it, some don’t, personally, I’m on the side of full isolationism but it’s sadly not possible. Along with stuff like peace and “normalcy” are promised. With the thought of peace included everyone thought it has to be good but from past events we don’t even know if that’s possible any more, which means isolationism and peace may be completely impossible. And as a big thing, the Kellogg Briand pact also known as the pact of Paris, now outlaws war which seems even more impossible
Frank B. Kellogg sits with an unnamed business man as they discuss business
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