Qualitative Research Report

Page 31

OPPORTUNITY INDEX Characteristics of potential tourists. • The ones in lighter green to be considered as well. Educ: Educ: Educ: Educ: Educ: Educ: Age Age Age Age Age Age

graduated college plus attended college graduated high school did not graduate HS post graduate no college

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Occupation: Occupation: Occupation: Occupation: Occupation:



45 136 120 95 125 65 Professional and Related Occupation Management, Business and Financial Operations Sales and Office Occupation Natural Resources, Construction and Maintenance Occupation Other employed

HHI $150,000+ HHI: $75,000-$149,999 HHI: $60,000-$74,999 HHI: $50,000-$59,999 HHI: $40,000-$49,999 HHI: $30,000-$39,999 HHI: $20,000-$29,999 HHI: <$20,000 Respondent Respondent Respondent Respondent

102 42 23 279 36


Marital Marital Marital Marital

Status: Status: Status: Status:

246 163 124 41 61

208 155 105 103 47 24 21 38 Never Married Now Married Engaged Widowed* or Divorced* or Separated (legally)

94 119 21 53

Data obtained from MRI+ about tourists who visit Africa in general and match with our consumers.


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