Los Angeles Loyolan November 6 2019

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LMU basketball is underway. Check out pages 6,7,8 and 12 for full coverage. Page 12

November 6, 2019

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| ISSUE 11

Nationals suspends Lambda Chi Alpha Hazing investigation prompts limited operations for recruitment and events. Molly Jean Box and Haley LaHa Asst. News Editor and News Intern @LALoyolan

Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at LMU has been placed under limited operations by its national headquarters while the Department of Public Safety (DPS) investigates hazing allegations, according to members of the Greek community. The suspension restricts the chapter from taking any new pledges or holding any chapter events, according to Tommy Bennett, president of the InterFraternity Council (IFC) and a junior computer science major. The status of limited operations placed on the fraternity by the national headquarters is supported by LMU, according to Bennett. Bennett said that DPS is conducting an investigation into hazing allegations involving the fraternity. See Lambda Chi | Page 2

College students are voting at historic rates Most students vote for the Democratic Party. This could shape the upcoming election. Sofia Hathorn Asst. News Editor @LALoyolan

U.S. college students have more than doubled their rates of voting, according to a recent study by Tufts University. The study found that 40.3% of students voted in the 2018 midterm elections, compared to 19.3% in 2014. The 2018 midterms voter turnout was almost 14% higher than in 2014, according to the United States Election Project. But the turnout of college students was still significantly higher than that of the general voting population. This spike in young voters has the potential for a considerable impact on the upcoming 2020 presidential election, as young people tend to vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party. Voters ages 18-29 voted in favor of the Democrats 67% over 32%, according to the Harvard Institute of Politics. “Younger voters tend to not be as religious, they don’t score as high on racial resentment as older voters...

and they’re overwhelmingly pro-gay rights. Then they’re looking at the opposition, the Republican Party led by Donald Trump, which is none of those things,” said Richard Fox, professor of political science, regarding why young people tend to vote left. The Tufts study found that registration among college students also grew. Overall, the study estimated that 7.5 million students voted in 2018. Out of this population, black women voted at the highest rate of any gender or racial group, with 43% percent turning out to the polls, according to the same study. "I think [college students voting more] reflects a generation that is becoming more educated than any other previous generation and also has access to so much information right at their fingertips," said Jessica Flaum, a junior theatre arts major. However, even with this dramatic uptick, young voters still vote less than older voters do, according to the research center Circle. Fox said this is because young voters follow politics less and report lower levels of efficacy, because they feel that the government doesn’t speak to issues they care about. See Voting | Page 2

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Mayor comes to campus to discuss future of L.A. Mayor Garcetti spoke about his excitement for the future of L.A. Grace McCauley Asst. News Editor @LALoyolan

Mayor Garcetti came to LMU to speak about his Angeleno roots, the future of L.A. and his love for his job. Mayor Eric Garcetti visited campus to talk about his passions as mayor of Los Angeles and his hopes for the future of the city. Garcetti arrived on campus shortly after meeting with officials to discuss the nearby Getty Fire on Oct. 29. Fernando J. Guerra, a professor of political science and Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies, and founding director of the Center for the Study of Los Angeles at LMU, led a Q&A session with Garcetti afterward. Garcetti started off by thanking Mike Bonin, councilmember for the 11th district, for being in attendance. Both had visited the site of the Getty Fire shortly before arriving at LMU. Garcetti also took the time to thank the Los Angeles Fire Department and other departments for their role in helping to control the fire. Garcetti expressed how proud he is of the city and the firefighters that helped with the fires. “Our firefighters have just put a heck of a lot of muscle into the last two days aided by firefighters from all over Southern California,” he said. Garcetti, a fourth-generation Los Angeles native, spoke about his pride for the city, calling it the “western capital of the United States.” He also spoke about the innovation that has come out of Los Angeles and his hopes for the future. “More than any other big city I know, this is not a hierarchical city ... Los Angeles is one of these horizontal cities. It’s almost like our social opportunity almost mirrors the topography of our land. Wide-open, available and free,” said Garcetti. Earlier in the day, Garcetti celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first email ever sent

at UCLA. “The first email in the world was sent from Los Angeles, not up in Silicon Valley ... This is the kind of town where today multiple companies are designing equipment that will put human beings—the first human being—on Mars.” Garcetti said that he wants to keep improving the city and encouraged students to think that way as well. “Some people see the world as it is and ask why; others see the world as it may be and ask why not ... That defines Los Angeles,” said Garcetti, quoting Robert Kennedy. Garcetti challenged the audience to think about the future they will build for Los Angeles and how they will do that in a “just” way. Guerra led the Q&A session and started off by asking whether the wildfires are a new normal for Los Angeles. “What I would say is that it isn’t just an act of God, it was an act of human activity ... These swings of weather ... to me is one more [piece of] evidence of climate change,” said Garcetti. Garcetti emphasized that 2020 will be the year of action against climate change. He stressed that because there have been so many fires in the past two years, they have wreaked havoc and cost taxpayers more money. “Go to a firefighter if you’re one of those last flat-earthers left who think climate change isn’t real and ask a firefighter [about climate change] ... In the last two years in this country we’ve paid what we have in the previous 27 years out of FEMA,” said Garcetti. Guerro ended the Q&A with a discussion asking if Garcetti had considered running for president. “I decided that there was no way I could serve all of you ... If I were in Iowa when these fires broke out, it would tear me apart ... I want to finish this job,” said Garcetti. He left the session with advice to the next mayor, who he hopes will be a woman: work on the future of tomorrow, “even in the face of criticism.”


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Photo: JP Shannon | Loyolan

Mayor Garcetti spoke at LMU shortly after visiting the site of the Getty Fire on Oct. 29. He talked about climate change, the future of Los Angeles and why he decided against running for president in the 2020 election.

Lambda Chi Alpha under investigation Lambda Chi from Page 1

The limited operations status bans the fraternity from meeting as a group unless it seeks approval of the University a week in advance. Any such meetings must have a University official present. Additionally, Lambda Chi Alpha is prevented from hosting any philanthropic events. When asked to comment on his fraternity’s status, Lambda Chi Alpha President Matt Mackaness, a senior marketing major, said: “I do not feel comfortable making any statements about the allegations at this time.” When asked to confirm the investigation, DPS responded, “LMU DPS cannot confirm whether or not an investigation is underway. To protect individual privacy and the integrity of our investigations, the work of our investigators and the identities of all parties involved are kept confidential.” According to Bennett, Mackaness is working on a public statement to address the rumors surrounding Lambda Chi Alpha’s lack of a pledge class. However, to be able to release the statement, the chapter must receive

confirmation from their national headquarters, Bennett said. “As of right now, all we know is that it is an internal affair, and [Lambda Chi Alpha is] really not communicating with [IFC] in any way,” said Ian Ayres, head of public relations for IFC. “And that’s not a bad thing, at the end of the day. It does need to be handled internally first, and then they can deal with the public scope of whatever is going on.” Ayres also stated that he wanted to make it clear that IFC does not condone hazing in any way. Ayres believes that a fraternity’s main goals are brotherhood, accountability and having a shared set of values. “Hazing just isn’t a part of that, and should never be a part of that, even though it obviously does end up happening sometimes,” said Ayres. According to Bennett, IFC has programs in place to prevent hazing. All newly initiated men are required to participate in a program called First Year Reaching Excellence, or FYRE. The program discusses men’s mental health, hazing and sexual misconduct.

College voters may influence next election Voting from Page 1

The overall rise in voting during the 2018 midterms may be due to the increasingly divisive political climate, according to Fox. “Based on research, Donald Trump has made a lot of people realize that maybe politics [are] more important than they thought. He’s such a polarizing figure,” said Fox. “He’s provoked more negative reactions, more so than positive reactions, among young people. When people are upset or distressed, they tend to turn out more,” Fox said. Fox also emphasized that this trend will likely stick for

the presidential election. This raises the question of whether the high level of engaged voters will stick after Donald Trump is no longer president, whenever that may be. “If we go back to having a regular politician, like Joe Biden or Mike Pence, the level of engagement may drop. I don’t know if it will stick, but maybe politics will never be normal again, the way it used to be,” Fox said. More college students voting has also led to more voting suppression on campuses across the country, according to The New York Times.

Some schools in states such as Texas and New Hampshire have closed polling booths on campus and enforced stricter ID laws, due to new state laws. They have done so in order to prevent voting fraud, even though there is evidence that individual voting fraud is “almost nonexistent,” according to a 2014 study by the Scholars Strategy Network.

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Cancel culture is complicated


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LOYOLAN EDITORIAL POLICY The Los Angeles Loyolan, a student-run campus organization, publishes a weekly newspaper for the greater LMU community. The first copy is free of charge. Additional copies are $1 each. Paid, mailed subscriptions can be purchased through the Business department. The Loyolan accepts unsolicited letters from students, faculty, staff and alumni, and press releases from on-campus and offcampus organizations, but cannot guarantee publication. The Loyolan reserves the right to edit or reject all submissions, including advertisements, articles or other contributions it deems objectionable. The Loyolan does not print consecutive articles by the same author that repeat/refute the initial arguments. Opinions and ideas expressed in the Loyolan are those of individual authors, artists and student editors and are not those of Loyola Marymount University, its Board of Trustees, its student body or of newspaper advertisers. Board Editorials are unsigned and reflect the opinions of the Executive Editorial Board. Guest editorials are by invitation of the Executive Editorial Board and reflect the views of the author. All advertisements are subject to the current rates and policies in the most recent Advertising Rates and Information materials.

The Los Angeles Loyolan is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the California College Media Association.

ormer President Barack Obama, a figurehead of the Democratic party in the U.S. under the Trump administration, recently challenged the concept of being woke at a Chicago event for his foundation, according to The BBC. The BBC describes being woke as “being alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice, along with being aware of what’s going on in the community.” The term is often used in social justice movements and discussions. “This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re politically woke, and all that stuff — you should get over that quickly,” Obama said. “The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws.” Obama is correct in saying that people are not simply good or bad. However, wokeness is not intrinsically a bad thing. “I get a sense among certain young people on social media that the way of making change is to be as judgemental as possible about other people,” Obama said. The concept of canceling—or ending support for someone due to something they say or do— exemplifies what Obama said. Celebrities like Roseanne Barr (who tweeted racist comments) and R. Kelly (who has been indicted on child pornography allegations) have taken significant career hits due to cancel culture — and that is not a bad thing.

In fact, sometimes cancel culture can be used for good. It creates “a culture of accountability which is not centralized and is haphazard, but needed to come into being,” Lisa Nakamura, a University of Michigan professor, said to The New York Times. Obama is likely not critiquing instances like the reactions to Kelly or Barr, but rather ones where the person who did something controversial was not as serious. The New York Times showed how celebrities like Kanye West, Taylor Swift and Chris Evans have been canceled by one group or another, but the cancellation did not last due to the controversy not being universally offensive. Therefore, just canceling people is not a solution. As Obama said, “If all you’re doing is casting stones, you are probably not going to get that far.” When a public figure says something well-intentioned but uses improper phrasing or misses a point, they should not be punished. Instead, we should use that as a moment to educate our peers (and even that public figure) on how to be more appropriate. The world is not divided into one woke half versus another un-woke half. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. If we really want to make the world a better place, we need to do a better job of understanding that fact so that we can try and raise people up rather than put them down.

“If we really want to make the world a better place, we need to do a better job of understanding that fact so that we can try and raise people up rather than put them down.”

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Board Editorial Jacob Cornblatt Editor-in-Chief

Kayan Tara

Managing Editor

Shannon Tormey Managing Editor

Board Editorials represent the voice of the Loyolan. They are written in collaboration by the Executive Editorial Board.

Social media has publishing power V for Vendetta Veronica Backer-Peral


Opinion Intern @LALoyolan

here are few Americans in today’s world that are strangers to the powerful role of social media in our society. The extent of social media companies’ power has allowed them to dodge the political consequences of their recklessness, but no more. About seven in 10 Americans use some form of social media, and for 18 to 29-year-olds, the number is closer to nine in 10, according to the Pew Research Center. However, it is only in recent years that Americans have come to realize the role of social media in politics — and the implications are far greater than we might have expected. Ranging from the fear surrounding the Russian hacking of the 2016 elections, confirmed by the Mueller report, to the looming realization that Trump’s “celebrity-style” tweets were fundamental to his electoral victory in 2016, as reported by The Independent, Americans have been forced to reconsider whether and how social media should be regulated. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s recent decision to ban political ads on Twitter certainly brought attention to an issue that deserves international attention, but this decision is not necessarily a cure, or even a bandage, to the problem of fake news in mass media. See Political ads | Page 4


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Kanye’s new album embraces Christianity The Life of Riley Riley Hetherington Opinion Intern @LALoyolan


anye West, a rapper known for his egotistical personality, popular clothing brand and famous marriage, recently released his latest album, “Jesus is King.” A Christ-centered album in line with his recent use of religious messaging, the release followed a series of musical worship services hosted by West. These exclusive “Sunday Services” feature celebrities from Katy Perry to Brad Pitt, who come together to worship through West’s large gospel choir. As a Catholic and a Kanye West fan, I love this album for its music and its message. While I know West’s reputation and intentions may paint Christianity in a negative light, I can admire his songs for what they are — fusions of hip-hop and gospel that spread a positive message. Evangelism has been a foundational aspect of Christianity since the time of Jesus and, at its core, that’s truly the album’s message: to spread the word of God. Although the new album may have a good message, many fans have criticized West’s new sound as it differs from his past work. “I miss the old Kanye,” said freshman entrepreneurship major Nicholas Chang. “His music has evolved from what it used to be— and I like his new album—but it just doesn’t seem like the same Kanye.”

Even though some fans have been turned off by his new style, West does use his platform to spread positive messages of faith and hope, rather than ones of violence or drugs. He even addresses the toxic rap culture in his song “Jesus Walks,” alluding to the fact that his record label told him he could rap about guns, drugs and

the AMC TV show “Hip-Hop: The Songs That Shook America,” singer John Legend stated, “Kanye made it OK to talk about your faith in songs that weren’t Christian songs.” Many may argue that West’s spiritual awakening came out of thin air. However, his music has featured religious undertones since

Cartoon: Sarah Cheung | Loyolan

Kanye’s use of religious messaging, while controversial, has a positive impact on the Christian community by creating a positive popular example of Christian faith

objectifying women, but not Jesus. All cultures require pioneers in order to progress, and West has created a new way for rappers to express their faith in music rather than discuss the same themes. For example, in

2009’s “Jesus Walks.” The musical spirituality did not stop there, as West’s exclusive Sunday Services bring together Hollywood’s stars in a Christian worship celebration, as reported by Vox. Alongside his

large gospel choir in the vast fields of Calabasas, West performed a collection of covers, classic gospel songs and his own songs from throughout his career. “To me, it seems like it’s just a huge production,” said freshman health and human sciences major Tyler Johnson. “It’s more of a concert than a church.” His extreme profit is also called into question by critics, as his merchandise has reached incredibly high prices. The “Jesus is King” merchandise gets up to $250 for a crewneck, which seems quite ironic given that West claims it’s all for God. West is also famous for his marriage to Kim Kardashian West, a reality TV star popular for her large family and their materialistic lifestyle. The Kardashians have established a loyal fanbase, but the trend-obsessed culture they inspire begs the question, “is Christianity just the next Sugar Bear Hair?” Many may question West’s intentions, and while I also cannot validate his authenticity, I don’t think it’s fair to judge his beliefs. No one really knows what’s really going on inside his head, even though it might be pretty interesting to imagine. Regardless of all the perspectives on West’s personality, his latest album and Christ-centered message create a positive representation of spirituality in popular culture. West is in a unique position, as his vast fan base gives him the opportunity to influence culture and use his platform for good rather than promoting negativity. This is the opinion of Riley Hetherington, a freshman communications studies major from San Diego, California. Tweet comments @LALoyolan or email editor@theloyolan.com.

Where Facebook and Twitter miss the point Ban on political ads from Page 3

The timing of Dorsey’s announcement could not be more calculated. Earlier in the month, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, one of Twitter’s primary competitors, spoke at Georgetown University. Zuckerberg took time to discuss Facebook’s decision not to interfere in politics or censor material, whether or not the material may be factual. Within a week, Zuckerberg’s adviertising decision underwent national scrutiny when a video of Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez (D-NY) attacking Zuckerberg’s policies went viral. As such, we can only wonder whether Dorsey’s announcement of a policy that directly opposes Facebook’s widely-criticized position is not simply a form of self-advertisement. However, even if Dorsey has marketed himself as the alternative to Zuckerberg, it is not clear that the banning of political ads would solve the issues of fake news that Zuckerberg has been accused of allowing. Even if banning

political ads allows for “political message reach” to be “earned, not bought” like Dorsey said, this does not address the question of whether celebrity accounts that have “earned” their fame through pop culture should be allowed to dominate the stream of public information. The first example that comes to mind is the infamous Twitter feed of President Donald Trump, who is consistently criticized for using misinformation and hate messages to swing people’s votes, even if he does not directly pay for this form of advertisement. Furthermore, the issue of banning political content also brings up questions of what is labeled political in the first place. Dorsey explained in his announcement that Twitter would not only ban ads from political candidates, but also issue ads, in order to account for loopholes that candidates could use to circumvent the ban. However, the danger of this policy is that it is very hard to draw the line between issues and corporate ads.

Twitter’s Legal, Policy and Trust & Safety Lead Vijaya Gadde tweeted examples of what will be included in the list of banned political issues, such as climate change. This is problematic considering that large environmentally irresponsible corporations will still be able to market their products. Junior screenwriting major Francesco Staluppi expressed his concern with the Twitter ban by explaining that “it’s not so much the ads that are a problem [as] the fake stories and unchecked articles that seem to be most damaging.” Even though at first glance, Twitter’s announcement seemed to be opposing Facebook’s position not to censor fake news, the reality is that banning political ads has little to do with whether fake content will continue to be published. The true issue at play— and one that neither Twitter nor Facebook seem to be addressing— is whether it is positive for access to information to be localized within a few mega-corporations. While Twitter’s decision to ban

political ads does not seem to have immediate repercussions, it should open all of our eyes to the fact that Twitter is a private corporation and can do whatever it wants with the information it publishes, and that should be concerning to Democrats and Republicans alike. This is not to say that there are no safeguards against corporate domination of the information industry. The existence of competition and the importance of consumer voices have in many ways curbed the ability of social media corporations to limit public information. Furthermore, social media has innumerable benefits and has provided a voice to thousands of individuals across the globe.

Therefore, this is not a call for radical action, for the disbanding of corporations, nor for any specific policy reform — if I had the solution to mass misinformation and fake news I would be earning far more for my time and words. However, it is important for all people, and especially for young generations, to be aware of the fact that many of the institutions that we have grown up with have become far more powerful than we had ever expected them to be, and if we aren’t there to hold them accountable, no one will be. This is the opinion of Veronica Becker-Peral, a sophomore film and television production and history double major from Pasadena, CA. Tweet comments @LALoyolan or email editor@theloyolan.com.

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Page 5

LMUTube debuting in spring Getting a F.R.I.E.N.D.

By the students, for the students, with the students, around the students, in the students Gabi Jeakle

Lives in T. Law’s Basement

It seems nearly every media company is jumping on the streaming bandwagon: CrabApple, Notflix, EnBeSee, Dismay and more. Streaming is the new wave of Hollywood excellence, so it’s no surprise that LMU has decided to follow suit, producing ridiculous amounts of media for a cheap monthly fee. Beginning in the spring of 2020, the University will launch LMUTube, a subscription streaming service provider and production company headquartered in the basement of President Limothy Taw Glyder, Ph.D. The service will feature shows and movies “by and for students.” Some movies tackle difficult topics that college campuses face, such as student debt, assault and shared bathrooms. Junior Jacob Kenmore wrote and directed “Trapped,” a horror film about a group of students getting lost in U-Hall. A group of sophomore marketing majors conceptualized a “House Hunters”-style show where humanities majors are shown lavish penthouses and then confronted with

the price. The service also has a collection of game shows, such as “California Survivor.” The premise revolves around a Californian put in an IHOB in Ohio and asked to find their way home. Production was halted after a young man from Mission Viejo ate gluten, overheated from his long sleeve shirt and was rushed to the hospital. Of course, no streaming service would be complete without media featuring social commentary. “PolySci” follows the daily lives of wealthy, aspiring politicians. “It’s our take on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’ This is what the world could look like if we discourage the 1% from running for public office. Socialized medicine, free college, equality? It’s scary,” said freshman Marcus Windmere. The hope is that the service prepares students for their professional careers. “We want to foster and encourage creativity and collaboration. It gives theatre students a chance to act, production students a chance to create and business students a chance to profit from their classmate’s labor,” said Snyder. LMUTube will cost $25 a month, which may seem expensive—but— hey, it’s cheaper than therapy.

Cartoon: Ellen Na | Loyolan

LMUTube is streamable later this academic year. Give your arm and leg for marginally better content than you would find on television. At least you’ll know the actors.

The hairier they are, the more easily they pass. Bring your F.R.I.E.N.D. to every class. Andrew Dazé

A F.R.I.E.N.D. to an Older Wealthy Woman

There’s been an influx of service animals on campus. Service dogs, service bunnies and even service goats have made their appearances on the Bluff. But there’s an unexpected companion that may have found a loophole in the system. How would you feel about a service human? Anita Pal, a sophomore at LMU, noticed she had a service animal in almost every one of her classes. This got her thinking. “I too would like to bring a furry friend to class to help me with my anxiety,” she said. Pal suffers from anxiety from test taking, eye contact, public speaking, her past, her present and her future. “That’s just the short list,” Pal confided. “If the clock is ticking, I’m itching.” So Pal did her research and found that there was no explicit rule in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that states that humans cannot be service animals. Students were taken aback when there was a new student following Pal into the classroom. “I hadn’t seen him around campus before, and he was really cute,” said senior Bestia Lity. “I went up to touch him and Pal, who’s usually so sweet and cool, got all pissy and yelled, ‘Don’t talk to him when he’s wearing the vest!’ It was so rude.” Needless to say, Pal started a trend. She’s dubbing the program “Feeling Rather Irritable, Earnestly Need (a) Dawg” Initiative, or F.R.I.E.N.D. Almost every student—and some professors—are bringing their service humans to class, and, subsequently, classroom sizes have doubled. All service humans are required to wear service vests while they are on duty and live by the same standards as many of their animal counterparts. If they are loud and disruptive during class, everyone

sort of smiles and thinks they’re cute. If they have an accident in class, everyone giggles while the owner picks it up. They are even allowed to relieve themselves in public, outdoors. “This is the best gig I’ve ever had,” said Annie Mal, a service human to an LMU student, “I get to sit in on classes, get a proper education, not take the test and get room and board on my master’s dime.” We caught Mal while she was sitting in University Hall sipping a Starbucks coffee, waiting for her owner to come out of the restroom. Mal did a tell-all of her daily schedule. “I wake up on the floor with my owner’s roommates’ three other service humans and we all lick our owners’ faces, saying we have to go to the bathroom.” Mal also gives a detailed account of her restroom use, advising “don’t lay down on Sunken Garden.” She also provided details about her [owner’s] class schedule. “I’m taking these classes for free, and I’ll be able to graduate with a degree by the spring.” If you see a lot of new people with vests on, don’t be alarmed or think it’s a French protest. Besides, it’s cheaper than therapy!

Cartoon: Jacob Johanson | Loyolan

Service humans have the freedom to choose to walk bipedally or quadrapedally.

By Ellen Na, cartoonist

Darn Things Kids SAy

Check out more Loyolan cartoons online now! Isn’t it Ironic

By Sarah Cheung, cartoonist

Visit LALoyolan.com/ cartoons

and catch up on your favorites!

The Bluff is a humorous and satirical section published in the Loyolan. All quotes attributed to real figures are completely fabricated; persons otherwise mentioned are completely fictional.

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Hidden Heroes recognized through drama Seven LMU affiliates have been recognized for silently going above and beyond. Jordan Boaz

Social Justice Editor @LALoyolan

A Sister who supports those leaving prison, a woman who fundraises for young actresses’ education, a psychologist who aids the bisexual community, a family dedicated to families in Tijuana and a professor who advocates for fair compensation are all activists who made up this year’s Hidden Heroes — people who work tirelessly to address diverse social problems, yet often receive little to no recognition for their positive impacts. To address this lack of recognition, the CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice (CSJ Center) organizes the annual Hidden Heroes event in conjunction with the College of Communication and Fine Arts (CFA) and the Department of Theatre Arts (DTA). This year’s Hidden Heroes presentation took place on Nov. 2, when the CSJ Center, CFA and DTA awarded seven different inspiring and powerful individuals with the title of Hidden Hero. Hidden Heroes is an annual function aimed at recognizing LMU students, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners who “unassumingly exemplify justice and reconciliation in their lives and their work,” according to the CSJ center. It gives those connected with LMU who are in silent pursuit of a better world a special day of recognition. The unique part of the Hidden Heroes event is the manner in which nominees receive their awards. Prior to the event, recipients undergo an interview process, which is transcribed and converted into a short theatrical performance by writers. The scripts are then handed off to actors, and the work and lives of the heroes are brought to life on stage. During the event, multiple actors dramatized the lives and works of each of the recipients. The performances allowed the audience to learn about the heroes and the changes they

have accomplished—both at LMU and in the community at large—in an interesting and dynamic way. MaryAnne Huepper, the associate director for the CSJ Center, said that the goal of the awards is to find and uncover “people who are working under the radar, that are not necessarily getting all the praise for what they’re doing.” The event allows important but underappreciated work to be showcased through theatrical recognition. This year, seven different LMU affiliates received the award. Sister Teresa Groth, the executive director for The Francisco Homes, was awarded for the housing support she provides for those exiting prison. Stacy Barnes, the senior director of development for LMU’s School of Film and Television, was recognized for her fundraising work that has helped finance entertainment education for several young women at LMU. Mimi Hoang, a psychologist for Student Psychological Services, was named a Hidden Hero after years of clinical work and for co-founding multiple organizations that support the bisexual community, including the Los Angeles Bi Task Force and amBi. Three members of the North Family—Chris (‘85), Julianne (‘88) and Katie (‘17),—who began LMU’s De Colores program, were chosen as recipients for their creation of Build a Miracle, a nonprofit organization that serves children, adults and families who live in Tijuana by providing housing, education and more. Anna Harrison, an associate professor of theology at LMU, was recognized as a Hidden Hero for her push for fair compensation and her support for “the most vulnerable in our community,” according to the CSJ Center. Harrison believes that the Hidden Hero awards “provide an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful creativity in our midst,” and finds it “heartening” to be able to see how others are living out LMU’s mission. “It felt good to know that more students might come to learn about the working conditions of too many their faculty— precarious, underpaid, disregarded— and ask what this means for our shared commitment,” she said.

Photo: Annie Kapila | Loyolan Actors perform the opening scene of this fall’s Hidden Heroes performance. Hidden Heroes is put on by the Center for Reconciliation and Justice, the College of Communication and Fine Arts and the Department of Theatre Arts. It is meant to recognize LMU affiliates who do impactful work.

Photo: Annie Kapila | Loyolan Actress Elizabeth Ruscio dramatizes the activist work of Anna Harrison, a professor in LMU’s theology department. Harrison was recognized as a Hidden Hero for her advocacy of fair compensation and other work that has positively benefited the community.

According to Huepper, Hidden Heroes is one of the best events she helps to coordinate for her job. “One of the greatest joys I have as the director for the Center of Reconciliation and Justice is [that] around April, I make calls to five

people to say, ‘You have been nominated and the selection committee has selected you as one of our... Hidden Heroes,’” she said. “It is a great, great joy for me to make those calls. It’s the easiest, most fun thing I do all year.”

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Oreos at The Habit Sammi Side Up

Sammi Su


Life+Arts Editor @laloyolan

s we enter the 11th week of eating monotonously at the Lair and the few other dining options on campus, food burnout certainly feels real. But worry not: The Habit has now introduced a bombtastic new milkshake that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Their Oreo milkshake was featured on LMU Dining Services’ Instagram story earlier this week. Oreos and

a classic milkshake — what more could you want? As Dana Massimiani, the director of operations for Sodexo, mentioned in a previous interview with the Loyolan, Sodexo has been following through on an initiative to provide different options. This includes the new Kikka Sushi and the addition of Crimson Lion at Latitude 33, which has expanded the menu. Keep an eye out for more food updates through LMU Dining Services’ Instagram (@lmudining), or take a peek at the wall-sized calendar of Sodexo events at the Lair.

Instagram via @lmudining

The Habit is now offering Oreo milkshakes. Since last semester, LMU has increased the number of dining options for students living on campus.

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‘The Wolves’ will make you laugh and cry Theatre arts students recreate the story of nine girls in a soccer team. Francesca Bermudez Life+Arts Intern @LALoyolan


f you plan on attending “The Wolves” in the Virginia Barnelle Theatre this weekend, you can expect to take an intimate look into the lives of nine teenage girls as they warm up for their soccer matches. A play by Sarah DeLappe, “The Wolves” lets the audience in on the private conversations of an all-girls soccer team as they prepare for their games. The audience never sees the girls at school, at their homes or anywhere besides the soccer field. Instead, we can only piece together their lives by listening to the conversations they share as they prepare for their games. Their conversations range from trivial to serious: they talk about Walt Disney World and the Khmer Rouge. The girls can be heard gossiping about boys, as well as sharing their perspectives on heavy topics such as abortion and immigration. One unique aspect of the show is the set design. When you walk into the Barnelle Theatre, you are a spectator of the soccer field. The

via Jason Munoz

The goalie and player #46 are embracing each other. In the award-winning show “The Wolves,” nine soccer players experience the trials and tribulations of teenage life together.

stage is covered in turf, and there are scattered backpacks and water bottles sitting on an aluminum bench. Some audience members even sat on the floor in portable Coleman stadium seats. Director Dana Resnick especially enjoyed being part of this particular show. “In my eight years of directing

plays at LMU, this one might be the most relatable for students. Most people have been on some form of a team. The positions we play on that team: the leader, the follower, the outcast, the misunderstood, the clown … are all seen on the stage.” “The Wolves” is a highenergy show with fast-

paced dialogue. The girls often talk over each other and sometimes there are multiple conversations going on at once. This occurs while the team performs various drills, such as high knees and butt kicks. The acting style of the show will make you feel as though you are on the field

with the team. Although the girls engage in shenanigans throughout the show, the raw performances will leave you emotional. Senior theatre arts major Keiva Bradley, who played #25, said, “It’s a bunch of high school girls ... they’re navigating the world, they’re dealing with traumas, but … they have that space [on the field.]” Bradley hopes the audience will apply the message of the show to their own lives. “Find your space where you can be secure or have a safety net … and look out for each other.” Resnick believes that everyone can relate to the message of this show. “Shared experience is one of the great pleasures of being human, and the act of sharing experiences creates community. No matter who we are, we are connected through cheering in the stands, playing on the field, acting in a play or sitting in the audience. These connections save lives.” “The Wolves” played in the Virginia Barnelle Theatre in Foley Building on Nov. 1-3, with upcoming shows on Nov. 6-9 at 8 p.m. The play is sold out, but if you show up early, you might be able to get a ticket at the door on the day of the show.

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