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La Lumiere School 2014 Annual Alumni Golf Outing
Celebrate with the La Lumiere Reunion Classes
Bridget Van Eekeren ’88 and Andy Vanderboegh ’88
Class of 1974 – 40th Reunion Class of 1979 – 35th Reunion Class of 1984 – 30th Reunion
Re t u r n
Class of ’86 with Colleen Kennedy
Doc and Mark McNabola ’77
Class of 1989 – 25th Reunion Class of 1994 – 20th Reunion Class of 1999 – 15th Reunion
Class of 2004 – 10th Reunion Class of 2009 – 5th Reunion
Re c o n n e c t
Lodging information available at lalumni.org
Re k i n d l e
September 12, 2014
Long Beach Country Club, Long Beach, Indiana 12:00 CDT 20th Annual Golf Outing Registration 12:30 CDT
Shotgun Start - Lunch served on the course
6:00 CDT Cocktails & Music, Dinner Stations and Live Auction
August 29, 2014
Golfer package
includes greens fee, cart, on-course beverages and lunch, tee gift, cocktails and dinner
Cocktails and Dinner Only
Please consult the enclosed RSVP form for special pricing for our youngest alumni and for sponsorship opportunities.
September 13, 2014
Join your fellow alumni on campus to watch the next generation of Lakers compete in various athletic events. Barbecue lunch will be provided by the School. Visit lalumni.org for game times, etc. and to register for the lunch.
2013 Alumni Award - Class of 1983
Congratulations to the Class of 1983 for the best turnout at last year’s outing.
P.O. Box 5005 La Porte, Indiana 46352-5005 lalumiere.org
20th Annual Golf Outing Registration
RSVP by Friday, August 29, 2014
Golf Outing and Dinner Registration Fees:
Golf Outing and Dinner
____@ $225 = $ __________
Dinner Only
____@ $100 = $ __________
Faculty Golfer Sponsorship
____@ $225 = $__________
Faculty Dinner Sponsorship
____@ $100 = $ __________
Young Alum Outing and Dinner (’06 - ’10)
____@ $150 = $ __________
Young Alum Dinner Only (’06 - ’10)
____@ $75 = $ __________
Sponsorship Level ___________________________ Hole in One $10,000 golf & dinner for 8 custom signage
Eagle $5,000
golf & dinner for 6 custom signage
Birdie $2,500
golf & dinner for 4 custom signage
Par $1,000
golf & dinner for 2 custom signage
= $ __________ Hole Sponsorship $200 signage at the hole program listing
Name: Email: q
Please bill my credit card for $________________
q MasterCard
q American Express
Name on card: ___________________________________ Card No.: _____________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________________ q
I/We have enclosed a check made payable to La Lumiere School for