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B y S A R A L I M


Our club recently submitted a grant proposal for the YOF grant, or the Youth Opportunities Fund. The YOF grants are only given to Key Clubs. The grant amount can range between $250 to $2,000. We submitted an application for the second cycle that was due March 1st. Our application is now waiting to be approved and reviewed by a Key Club International Board committee. There are requirements to qualify for this grant. Firstly, we had to have Key Club member engagement. Then we had to fill a need within our community and determine that need by completing a community needs assessment. Thirdly, we had to support activities within at least one Kiwanis Children ’ s Fund cause area: health, education, or youth leadership development. Lastly, we have to spend the grant money within a year of when the grant was awarded.

After our president, Emily Wilson, informed us about this grant opportunity, each one of us officers brainstormed one to two ideas as to what met the grant’ s requirements and what could get us the most grant money. But out of all of these ideas, we chose to propose a literacy night event with elementary schools in AISD. We hope with this grant money we will be able to provide support to our local elementary schools through the donation of books and literacy encouragement for our students. We have set up certain dates for “literacy events ” where our members will read to the elementary kids at the schools.

Along with this, we are coordinating with the librarians to see what books would benefit them the most. The officers will purchase the books in-person at a local bookstore. On the days we go to read to the students, we will also donate books that we have purchased with the grant money. The majority of students entering our high school are reading at a lower level of comprehension than they should. Through our district’ s current system, many children are still struggling to get the reading skills necessary for a textbook. This project is needed to encourage our local youths to dive deeper into the realm of literature. In a society where we are increasingly engrossed in technology for entertainment and education, it is important to invest in traditional forms of learning in engaging and interactive methods for future success. Whether it be school projects, essays, college entrance exams, or admission applications, stronger literacy skills will benefit our students. This project serves as an investment to students, the ones who will lead our future.

Aligning with Key Club International’ s core objective for education, our project shows the support our elementary schools need in times like these where technology and social media can distract everyone from education. With our project, we hope to support our elementary students by donating books and reading to them in person. Additionally, our project also aligns with providing a practical means to form enduring bonds, render unselfish service, and build better communities in our local elementary schools. We achieve that core value of Key Club International by taking time out of our lives to serve the young and growing during these times. Our project will impact the young minds of Arlington ’ s elementary students through literature.

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