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Research from Intimate Wellness brand, Durex has found that only 6% of those surveyed (LGBTQ+ community) felt their sexual education helped their sexual confidence, with 64% turning to porn as an alternative educational resource

When the new school term started and a fresh wave of young people entered education, intimate wellness brand Durex has released the findings of its #MySexMyWay survey*. This first of its kind piece of research, sought to understand directly from the LGBTQ+ community their experiences of sex ed and how it affected their sexual confidence.

While 90% of respondents had formal sex education, unfortunately only 14% thought it was relevant to them. The research also found that less than a third felt that their tutor was knowledgeable.

This lack of effective education has seen the LGBTQ+ community turn to other mediums for help and advice, with 76% from experience with partners, followed by porn at 64%.

The survey, commissioned as part of Durex’s mission to help support sexual confidence, found that according to respondents, sex education isn’t relevant to them, with only 6% feeling that it helped their sexual confidence, and it gave less than 1 in 10 the confidence to be their true sexual self. Moreover, only a third felt that their sex education was delivered in a non-judgmental way.

Encouragingly though, 42% agreed that from conversations that were had with family and friends or teenagers, sex education is becoming more inclusive and generally improving, 78% of those surveyed said that from an emotional/ psychological perspective they felt free in their lives to explore their identity and orientation and 75% felt proud of who they are.

Lindsay Forbes, Wellness Category Manager at Durex, added; “At Durex, we want to help everyone achieve sexual satisfaction, physically and emotionally. We believe with even more inclusive and supportive sex ed, so many more people will feel free to explore their identity. If sex ed remains exclusive of LGBTQ+ issues, all pupils regardless of their sexual identity will be lacking in the knowledge and awareness needed for a wholly accepting society, full of individuals confident with their sexual selves.”

Respondents also shared with Durex their thoughts on how sex ed could be improved and to make the services more inclusive for all sexual identities. As part of the MySexMyWay campaign Durex has worked with a select group of influential LGBTQ+ voices to celebrate their sexual journeys and help encourage conversation including all the ways in which people identify sexually.

Lindsay Forbes continues, “As part of our continued ambition to become a better ally to the LGBTQ+ community and a champion for a sex positive society, Durex is committed to working alongside trusted partners including Her, Grindr and a team of LGBTQ+ educators, to provide and curate informative, inclusive and reliable educational resources to all those who need them. Durex has also partnered with The Proud Trust to support its teams in their efforts to educate through bespoke programmes delivered across the country to teachers, support workers and young people. A first step in helping to change the sex ed narrative.”

__ Marc Foley-Comer, Hill+Knowlton Strategies

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