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Well here we are Christmas 2024! What a year its been, we’ve been blessed with many amazing moments from Chappel Roan and Sabrina Carpenter to Brat Summer, the tunes have been next level, we’ve had major drama and conspiracies with P Diddy and his baby oil, Trump being shot, Olympic breakdancing and the release of WICKED!! It’s been a crazy year, it’s true, but it’s also been really unsettling. There have been so many scary developments with multiple wars continuing, and people’s basic human rights being under attack. All of which I condone, not just as a drag artist and performer but as a human.
I just feel that I need to say a little something before continuing, sometimes, with so much going on I feel a bit numb and don’t know what to say, but with a platform I do have a responsibility to say what I feel.
Looking back on this year personally, it has been tough, a few hard lessons and periods of reassessment and reflection and as a result I’ve started doing a bit of work on myself to understand myself more including journalling and holding myself accountable for my thought processes and my actions. I’m not going to lie, it’s hard work looking at yourself through a lens, but it is very necessary to grow as a person.
In saying this, it has not been a bad year, actually quite the opposite, for one, I have had the ability to leave my fulltime job and follow my dreams in being a creative artist, entertainer, host and performer. It took a long time, but I realised what my soul needs to be happy and content and that is being creative. I also recognise that a lot of people don’t get to follow their dreams, so I’m really blessed to have that.
T alking about blessings, year on year my drag career has been reaching new heights and I’m so grateful. This year I had the honour of hosting not 1 but 2 UK Tours with DFIU Events, 10 cities most of which I visited twice, performing alongside the amazing local talent and 2 drag icons Sasha Colby and Marina Summers. I even got invited into the house of Colby as one of only 2 UK Colby drag daughters. I remember having conversations about where I wanted my drag career to go when I started in 2020 and hosting a touring show was at the very top of the list. I put in the hard work, constantly pushed myself forward and here we are. I’ve done it, now to see what’s next…… and that is intentional, but that doesn’t mean I’ve gone anywhere or that I’m doing nothing. I have been working away on upskilling myself quietly. I am currently knee deep in sewing lessons and wig making/styling courses, both of which are going very well. I thought to myself when I left my job that I needed to use this time really wisely in order to upskill, so that’s what I’ve been doing, and I can’t wait to show you all of the results. So, STAY TUNED!!!
2025 has 2 more tours planned for the first half of the year and they are major, and they are not just UK tours, let’s just say that… EEK!
I just want to take this moment to thank everyone that has supported me and my journey in both life and drag. There’s ups and downs, setbacks and incredible opportunities but it’s all part of life. If anyone out there is feeling low, just remember everything in life is only temporary, learn from the past and try to do better going forward. Also remember Tailor loves you. Say hi if you see me or shoot me a message on Instagram if you want, I’m always up for a natter.
Wishing you all a very safe and bountiful festive period and a very happy new year! I have a feeling 2025 will be one of the very best yet! (even with everything going on)
Keep your eyes peeled on socials for gig announcements, you don’t want to miss what’s coming! www.dfiuevents.com Xoxox Tailor … and James
You can also find Tailor Maid on Instagram @totally.tailor or @just.jamesmua
Bookings on Instagram or via email jamesmcguigan@me.com.
Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.
Regarding local drag work and “James work”, I have been booked and busy, hosting brunches, events, private hosting gigs, teaching makeup classes and just generally doing my thing. It’s been great being able to choose what I am doing on my terms, taking my time, it’s very refreshing.
I have been a bit quieter on my social platforms recently