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Twixmas – a word you may or not be familiar with. It is a blending of two words, ‘betwixt’, an old timey word meaning ‘between’ and ‘Christmas’. More casually known as ‘The Christmas lull’ or, as we are calling it, that dodgy week in the middle.

You know Christmas, and you know New Year, but the 27th-30th of December is always a bit strange. Families have come from far and wide, some even hopping on planes , trains and boats just to be there, to be together. Now the festivities are over, and the New Year hasn’t started, this little nugget of time in between is a time to simply spend with loved ones, to eat far too much junk food and to relax. While relaxation is important, you don’t want to waste your time off and slip into a 4 day long lazy day – so what do you do in the middle?


Twixmas doesn’t officially start until the 27th, but we can’t just pretend Boxing Day doesn’t exist. Perhaps it is not part of Twixmas as most people already have plans and traditions that are longstanding and that they look forward to every year. A massive favourite plan across our little island is sports – whether that be rugby, Football or our famous Belfast Giants, everybody loves a Boxing Day match. Now, for some it may be the only match they attend all year, but it is worth it. The vibe is high, the energy is electric, and it doesn’t necessarily matter who wins and who loses because nothing is counted in the leagues – which is definitely for the best as most of the players are too stuffed with turkey, mulled wine and paracetamol (because of the mulled wine) to be on their A game. Following the games, you leave and head straight for the camaraderie at the pub (if you weren’t watching it there already) where you sit, have too many bevvies and discuss the presents that Santa brought the day before, and the drama that Uncle Earl brought too! For others, Boxing Day is just Christmas Day part 2. Lots of families do Christmas day with one set of in-laws, and Boxing Day with the other set. This may be a whole other sit-down Christmas dinner, or it may be picky bits, prawn rings and turkey sandwiches. Lots of the same chatter, lots of the same games, lots more love and hugs and really just an extra Christmas day. Some people’s tradition is to just relax after the chaos of the run up to and the day of Christmas with a lazy day in their matching pyjamas that they haven’t gotten out of and don’t intend to. Forget a shower, forget sorting out the house and kick up your feet. Grab some of the abundance of chocolates, crisps and leftovers and watch every single Christmas special going – we’re talking Gavin & Stacey, Strictly, Call the Midwife, Corrie – the list goes on and on. It’s a big catch up and wind down day.

Twixmas – it’s the 27th and it has officially started. Now what?

Well for those that do second Christmas or attend the Boxing Day matches, it is now their turn to nurse a hangover, pig-out on the junk in the house and catch-up on the Christmas specials. For others? It’s go time. The shops are back open and everything is on sale – the January sales don’t start in January you know! Spending days traipsing around Castle Court and Victoria Square and the big Primark, fighting over the last item in your size and finishing it all off with a bite to eat and a cocktail, before running to catch the last bus because that cocktail turned into more than one.

Now we have gone over the obvious, we get into the really tricky bit – what on earth do you do from now until New years eve? Everyone’s home, everyone’s here and your brain is a question mark – is it Tuesday or Wednesday? When do the bins go out? What time is it; you haven’t looked at a clock since you were rudely awoken on Christmas morning – time moves differently this week. So, what do you do?

Firstly – a good old fashion cleaning and clear out day. If you are having people over for New Years Eve, get the Christmas tree down, it will take a fair bashing on the night if you don’t. Clear out the cupboard, clear out the toys, clear out the wardrobes – you have to make space for all the new stuff that Santa and the sales brought after all.

Have a games day – Santa has definitely brought some so make a day out of it! Get some picky bits and leftovers out on a big tray and line up several games to play – invite over the friends and their kids that have nothing to do as well – and because you have just cleaned everything in your clear out day, your friends will be very impressed your house doesn’t look like a bomb has just hit it.

Head out for the day – go and play minigolf or bowling. Wrap up warm and climb whatever hill or mountain is closest to you or head to an ice-rink, attempt to stay upright and work off some of that chocolate, get the family away from the screen and go out for some good old fashioned bonding.

Get stuck into a really good book. You know that one you have been meaning to read but never really had the time, or the one you read half of on holiday in July and never actually got around to finishing it? There is nothing like curling up under a blanket, in front of the fire when its all chilly outside, grabbing an extra-large mug of hot chocolate and diving into a page-turning-read. You have the time now, enjoy it.

Have a pamper day. Girls and guys alike – who doesn’t love a good relaxing pamper? Odds are you have received several bodywash sets, Epsom salts, bath bombs – a lot of great smelling goo basically. Now is a perfect time to use it because the kids (if you have them) will be busy with their new toys and gadgets so you will have the peace and quiet, and most importantly, the time to spend relaxing and unwinding after the chaos of the last few days and come out of it feeling refreshed and ready to take on the new year.

Speaking of taking on the new year – before we do, take some time to reflect on this year. What did you accomplish? What did you learn? Maybe here we take a leaf from Thanksgiving – grab the nearest and dearest that have come for the celebrations, grab a bottle of wine someone got gifted and go round in a circle and discuss the highs and lows of the last year – see how far you have come. Then think about what is next.

After thinking about what is next, put it into action and plan ahead for your New Years resolution. Why don’t you make sticking to your resolution just that little bit easier by planning ahead and getting ready for it? If your goal is to lose weight or get in shape try googling gyms in your area, get a day pass at a few of the potentials and go in when it is quiet. You can figure out which one gels with you the best, and where everything is so when you go on the 1st of January (or the 2nd lets be honest) you don’t look like a deer in headlights, and you are just that little bit more confident to get going. If you are looking to quit smoking, research the best methods, nicotine pouches and patches, gum substitutions and any other way you think might help.

Figure out what you think will work best for you and buy whatever necessary so when you wake up, instead of grabbing a cigarette first thing, you already have what you need to stop. If your resolution is to take more pictures, get out and get a camera in the sales, or sign up to a photo printing subscription so you remember to take them. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail – so use the extra time to set yourself up for success.

Now we have reached New Years, and we have relaxed, partied, ate too much and drank too much and soaked up all of the merry vibes and love – we are ready to take 2025 on with clean houses, strong resolutions and lots of great memories.

By Megane Herrick

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