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Jason Cancino...
I’m from the Philippines, I first arrived in Northern Ireland when I was about 8 years old. I am a gay man who is a local artist in Northern Ireland.
I recently won my first ever Pageant and the title Mr Shining Light 2024 back in April, where it took place in Londonderry/Derry. I was fundraising for Mental Health and raising awareness for mental health. Sadly back in August Shining Light Pageant ended. I was hoping to do the Internationals in 2026 but that wasn’t to be, I’m forever grateful for the amazing opportunities that I had. If you would still like to hear about my Pageant journey please visit GNI Magazine Pride issue 62 for more.
Outside of pageantry I’m also a model and have been doing modelling for 4 years now. My journey started in 2020, where I have worked with some of the most amazing photographers within Northern Ireland during covid time when restrictions were lifted and it was safe to go out and meet others. My style of modelling has changed throughout the years starting from being a fashion model in 2020 to being a versatile model discovering new things and challenging myself in the modelling industry and being creative in my own unique way.
Being a versatile model really helped me to gain more confidence and showing everyone what it takes to be a versatile model within Northern Ireland and not afraid to take the risk. I’ve always loved a good challenge. It makes me feel good about myself and it feels like I have accomplished something and would do it all over again. It didn’t matter what it was or if I had makeup on my face as long as I got to do what I love and made it worthwhile.
I really think this is what makes me different from others, I just go out there and do my own thing, not caring what others have to say. At the end of the day it’s only you who can put yourself out there. I thought that fashion was the only thing that I really loved but there was so much more you can be and so much more you can discover in creatively in the modelling industry than just fashion which really opened my eyes and I wanted to be the person that breaks boundaries to show that it’s ok to be different and work on different genres.
At first I was so scared to try new things because I wasn’t sure how the industry would take it or if they would judge me as it’s very risky and people may not like my way of directions with work.
Every year I would do a different style of modelling, I would observe everyone’s reaction on how they would react. The only thing I was judged on was that my work was too gay but I didn’t let that affect me because I have inspired and made a difference in people’s lives and I will always show dedication towards the people that support me in my journey.
Being a gay man in the modelling industry, I believe people should be more open to working with more queer people. It should open more career opportunities for them to achieve their goals and aspirations being on a runway as you don’t see much queer people and also having more casting jobs.
Doing these type of modelling cosplay, fashion, wearing women’s clothes and fine art really opened so many opportunities where I got to do a lot of workshops and even work with more people in the industry and where I traveled down south for my first ever runway walk wearing a unique design by two designers Rose Cloak and Emily Dawson.
During my time as a model I also took part in Stripped Bare, it took place in Derry/Londonderry. As the name suggests you have to be naked in front of the camera. This was liberating and made me feel vulnerable, displaying my body while sharing my personal mental health issues. Stripped Bare also held an exhibition in GuildHall for the public to see the images.
To this day I’m still being called one of the most talented male models in Ireland and having so much experience already I’m just so grateful for all the opportunities that came my way and that is something I will always take with me.
Being on social media helps me promote my modelling platform, gaining more followers and also helps me get more jobs. It can be toxic sometimes when you get unfollowed or someone leaves unwanted comments which brings your mood down and it’s unhealthy for your mental health.That’s why it’s important to take some time out but for me that means people start to notice me and why would it bother me when my focus is to inspire new and old generations.
What’s exciting about modelling is that you never know who you’ll work with next and what creative ideas they have in mind for you, which is exciting and to look forward to. My inspiration as a model is Raphael Say, I feel like he breaks so many boundaries and his content is out of this world. I just love what he puts out there and how creative he can be. I see myself just like him because we almost do similar stuff. My biggest achievements are, being nominated for GNI Award in 2023, travelling all around Ireland, working with some of the most talented people within the industry, being called a top model and inspiring many generations.
One thing I can take away from my modelling is that I was always motivated and the genres were always different every time I was shooting. Which brings out the best of me. My friends and family has been so supportive in my journey in my modelling career they have said as long you love what you do then go for it and live your dream
For people interested in modelling I’d say do your research and explore the different types, it is a vast and varied industry that can bring opportunities, however it doesn’t come easy especially in Northern Ireland.
There is too much negativity in the world, if you are passionate, driven and happy in your own creative way then the world is your oyster.
My plans for the future is to be able to travel the world and work with famous designers andcreators and show the world what it takes to be a unique model that breaks boundaries acrossthe globe.
My final words just do the things what’s right for you as it will pay off in the end.
You can follow on contact me via instagram www.instagram.com/j.cancinomodeling