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BEN Cohen

Over 11 years have passed since we last caught up with Rugby champion and longtime LGBTQ+ ally Ben Cohen, and there is no time like the present as he will make his acting debut in a new LGBTQ+ series. Patterns is a British camp comedy where each episode tells its own humorous and heartfelt story, but all episodes take place in the same queer universe so that a minor character in one episode may reappear as the lead in another and vice-versa.

People, companies and charities across the world are struggling more so now than ever with the cost of living and the after effects of the pandemic - I read you were considering closing your charity ‘Stand Up Foundation’what is the situation atm?

We’re closing the Foundation because of the cost of living crisis and COVID. Donations began drying up during the pandemic and then the cost of living crisis came along and people are rightly concentrating on their ability to put food on their tables or heat their homes. Disposable income is what charities depend on and unfortunately there is little of that going around these days. This is a real pity because charities are more needed now more than ever.

I noticed a few posts on your instagram for NOMO - No Missing Out , Vegan Chocolate - Do you work together or are you a fan - tell us a bit more about the brand and would you recommend it ?

I love NOMO -- Kristina is vegan, and I tried it for a while, and enjoyed it - I enjoy a greater diversity in food. Overall, I love different and healthy foods and it was a great partnership for me with NOMO.

I can’t recall if I’ve tasted vegan chocolatedoes it taste much different?

All chocolate tastes different, whether vegan or not.

We both have something in common - I neglected my hearing for years and suffer a lot with tinnitus. Does it affect your daily life and do you wear aids?

I have hearing aids but I do not wear them because I hear too much when I put them on. It is overwhelming and gives me a migraine. My condition really can be a pain but I’ve learned to live with it and it gives me a daily challenge to overcome. I made it my strength and I used it to my advantage when I played rugby.

Let’s move on to Acting - this is your big debut , have you been taking acting classes/lessons?

No, no acting lessons. I kind of jumped into it two feet first.

Why this move now and why this project?

I need to ask about you tying the knot to the beautiful Kristina, has it happened on the QT? I read ages ago that the plan was this summer though not heard a peep since - spill lol

It has not happened yet -probably in the near future. We are happy where we are at the moment.

You now have 3 daughters, any plans for more children ?


The director, Rex Glensy, has been a friend of mine for a long time. He told me that he and the writer, Asad Moghal, were developing this series around LGBTQ+ stories and wanted to know whether I would accept a role in a couple of the episodes. I jumped at the opportunity because it aligns with a lot of stuff that I’m involved in. It was nice to be involved with something that I have felt passionate about for a long time. One of the episodes I’m in involves a coming out story. In real life there are horrible coming out stories. The character Liam, who is a teenage boy in the process of coming out, sees me as a role model and with a little help from me, is able to have a good coming out story and be true to himself. Self-belief and honesty are core values that I believe in and this project reflects those values. to the script but the atmosphere was great. I can still hear Rex saying after a few takes “those weren’t your lines Ben.” I think there are a lot of funny outtakes of me.

Tell us about Patterns and the characters your portray without giving too much away.

What’s the big dream - has George Clooney anything to worry about lol ?

Realistically, I’m not going to be the next Bond.

There is so much scope in the acting world, soaps, stage, panto’s etc - have you any further plans?

Retire from acting. Actually, at the moment I’ve just finished filming a TV documentary for ITV, and I’m going to be involved in another fun TV project for charity. Also, I am very focused on Kristina’s and my wellbeing center SooYoga in Northampton.

Thanks for taking the time to chat Ben.

Interview with Daniel May

Patterns premiered on Dekkoo on July 27, 2023. Dekkoo is the first subscription streaming service dedicated to gay men. Launched in 2015, Dekkoo offers feature films, shorts, episodic series, and exclusive originals. Dekkoo is available at Dekkoo. com and via apps on Apple, Google, Roku, Samsung, and more. Dekkoo is also available as an add-on channel with Amazon Prime US and UK, Comcast Xfinity, and YouTube Primetime Channels.

Patterns is also available on DVD and Download to Own via TLA Releasing

Well, I play myself, or at least, a version of myself as imagined by a teenage boy. The character Ben is this boy’s superhero and appears at random when the boy most needs him. And for the rest, you’ll have to watch it.

How has the experience been for you, have you been bitten by the acting bug ?

I absolutely loved it. The production took great care of me. Rex was wonderful and very supportive. However, it was so nerve-wracking to remember lines, emotions, movements, etc .... Playing rugby for England was much easier. In fact, the toughest thing was to stick

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