5 minute read

OUR BIG DAY Michael & Hugh

So tell us how you met, were you single for a long time before you started dating?

Michael and I met through an aunt of his, Vera. I was fund raising for a charity, doing car boot sales on a Saturday. Vera came to every car boot sale for many weeks, on occasions she would just browse however never spoke. At one stage I thought it strange that this lady was there every Saturday. I once asked the friend I was car booting for who is that lady, I think she is stalking me. With a laugh my friend said that is just Vera. I thought no more until one day she revealed herself. Her introduction was I have been watching you for sometime, oops where was this going. She revealed that she had a Nephew Michael living in London as I was living in Jersey at that time. She felt that I would be a suitable match for Michael. She took my email address and said she would get Michael to e mail me. I knew by her slightly bossy nature that some how she would follow through on this, however did not think much more about my encounter with her. Michael did email however not sure what the time frame was. Vera made contact with me once Michael started e mailing. I was summoned to meet her for lunch following the e mail and this became a weekly event and we became good friends. She was a lovely lady, with a great sense of humour. she since passed away R.I.P and would have love to have been part of our wedding. Michael and I e mailed for sometime, then I phone him and eventually he came to Jersey for a visit. We had a brilliant weekend on his first visit, we got on really well. Michael became a frequent flyer to Jersey. He eventually moved over and we stayed for a further year. We k to London for 10 years and now live in Southern Ireland.

How long after you started dating did it take to pop the question, was it an immediate yes?

We had been together for 17 years before we decided to get married. We felt it was the right and natural thing to do. We also felt strongly that people in the past had fought hard for the right for same sex couples to get married and we should honour that right. It was our time to get married.

Tell us about your big day, location, amount of guests etc. Was it planned pre Covid, had you to alter many things?

We decided to celebrate our wedding in the Lord Bagenal inn in Leighlinbridge, Co Carlow. We planned it after COVID-19 in March 2022 and set the date for the 29 of June 2023. The Lord Bagenal is a brilliant location it’s a Family-friendly hotel located in a heritage village on the banks of the river barrow. The wedding coordinator Sue Baldwin was was excellent, very professional, efficient and organised. She was so supportive from start to finish.

Niall the events Manager coordinated and organised the day and what an excellent job he done to make our day so special. The food was excellent served piping hot thanks to Niall and his team. Connie and Mary looked after our table and they were so attentive. Guest commented on how nice the food was and the choice of menu was fantastic. We had 85 adult guests and 12 children.

There were no major hiccups although we had a last minute dash to get Michael a jacket as the original jacket he was fitted for was not to his liking.

What about the food and drink?

We decided to give the guests a taste of Irish hospitality by giving them Irish or Bailey’s coffee after the meal and we had Irish dancers to share an Irish experience with them. Thank you to Rachael Morgan and her team of Irish dancers who were brilliant. Her daughter Alannah (6) added to the amazing proformance. Rachael you did us proud and the guests from abroad absolutely loved the experience.

Have you or are you going on honeymoon?

We decided not to have a honeymoon at this time. We have planned to visit Michael’s brother Alan in Florida later this year and take in a few American sights on route and whilst there.

In your day to day lives are you into the same things? What interests do you have that are different?

We have some difference in hobbies. Michael enjoys swimming and I am more of a walker. We both like music however have slightly different taste. We both enjoy cooking and travelling. We do most things together definitely a unit.

Have you a family, is this something on the plan for you?

We have no plans to have a family. Our family is our cat Sky loves getting all of our attention. We plan to have a few more cats and possibly a dog or two in the future. Sky is too precious and would not like other other family members.

Tell us who made your day possible in terms of rings, flowers, photographer, cars etc

Our day was very special and made possible by the following people.

The rings were by Bramleys jewelers in Carlow. Thank you to Philip who made Michaels ring from Michael’s mother’s wedding ring. He wanted to use his Mother’s ring as she passed away 5 years ago. The ring had an intricate design on it and Philip made it bigger perfect to the original design.

The flowers were by Louise at Darling buds in Leighlinbridge, Co Carlow. We both love flowers and wanted sometime different than traditional bouquets. We loved the idea of Hawaiian Leis and Louise did an amazing job and spent endless hours making them perfect for our us.

Thomas Sunderland land photographer in Carlow, he coordinated the guests to get amazing photos.

Michaela Fortune at Little White Chapel in Kilkenny. Michaela did an amazing job bringing our dream together for the ceremony and evening reception.

Our Sister in Law Mary Langton Baldwin on making the stunning wedding cake, three tiers of chocolate biscuit cake, each tier a different flavour. Amazing cake...

Caroline Stapleton Harpist who played throughout the ceremony, very calm and sarrine.Thank you to Fiona Corless Baldwin, who sang our entrance song so beautifully. The song by Christina Perri 1000 years.

Our band and D.J. Disco heros who were amazing they definitely got the crowd going and their play list was perfect for our day.

Big thank you to our attendees. Flower girl our Niece Ella, ring bearer our Niece Sarah and hand fastening barer our Niece Emma Readings by our cousin Carol, Niece Niamh and Sister in law Sue. Thank you to all those who carried things significant to our cermony down the isle also.

Cousin Terry and Michael’s Brother Alan, Nephews James and Andrew, friends Veronica and Audrey, Niece Niamh. Thank you Terry and Bernard for lighting the memorial and unity candle. Patrick for his speech.

A big thank you to my Brother Patrick for making our visitors from abroad journey to and from the airport stress free. He did several runs to and from the airport with Michael in his Mini bus collecting and dropping guests off.

Thank you everyone for making our day so special and memorable....

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