GNI Mag Issue 11 (Pride 2014)

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Shout outs to those brilliant people who made it happen. Pictured above: A: Tony Webster - Fashion Editor B: Trudy Scrumptious - Kitsch Bitch C: Greg McCaw - Dating D: Gemma Hutton - Her World E: Scott De Buitleir - Seriously Tho F: Beth Evans - Writer/Sub-Editor G: Jordan & Diona - Comedy H: Lee Austin - Homes/Interiors In house: Publisher: Lamb Promotions Ltd Published: Bi-Monthly Editor: Tony Day Sub Editor / Writer: Beth Evans Sales Director: Fred Scott Fashion: Tony Webster (Big Bad Llama) Scene Photography: Paul McMahon, Piaras Smyth, & Tony Webster Sales: Eamann MacManais & Gary Campion Additional Writers: Review - Conleth Kane page 10 |

Get The Look - Lewis Cameron Beauty - Rebecca Bryson Additional Content: Pride feature content supplied by Belfast Pride and Dublin Pride. Fashion Shoot: Tony Webster - Styling and Photography Stylist - Orla Eastwood Marc Neil - Model Steven Edgar - Model Marissa Marsh - Model Special thanks to: Kristian Nairn, Cindy Gomez, Rev Chris Hudson, Tony & Mar tin, Donnellys, and to all of you who are enjoying reading our magazine. Socials: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @gnimag

Instagram: @gnimag Advertising Sales: Eamann MacManais +44 (0) 28 90 31 21 81 Gary Campion +44 (0) 28 90 31 21 81 Publisher Contact: Lamb Promotions Ltd Conway Mill, Conway Street Belfast, BT13 2DE Tel: +44 (0) 28 9031 2181 Email: Web: Subscribe to GNI for free:

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EDITOR It’s Pride Season.

Thanks to you all, the feedback on our new size and format has been very positive and reassuring. Che made a great cover model on our last issue, and on the front of this one you can see our Hottest Bar tender runner-up Kayti. As this issue covers both Belfast and Dublin Pride seasons we’ve teamed up with both Pride Committees to bring you loads of information about what they have going on. Tony Webster has taken to the streets with the fashion shoot in this issue: all very affordable and accessible styles. Lewis Cameron has an amazing “Get the Look” in this issue and Rebecca tells us how to keep our beauty routine easy. We’ve chatted with some pretty amazing people in this issue too: Kristian Nairn talks to us about his life and how Game of Thrones has changed it; Cindy Gomez tells us about her new single and her views on equality; and we caught up with Reverend Chris Hudson to find out his views on homosexuality and religion. For the first time we have a woman telling us her Coming Out story; the couple featured in this issue just recently got engaged in the Big Apple; and our Civl Par tnership Suppliers Guide will hopefully offer a bit of inspiration for those of you planning your big day. Scott asks are we becoming “post-gay” in our Seriously Tho feature; Conleth gives us the low down on what to see, do and listen to; Lee Austin offers advice on lighting in your home; and we took to the road to test drive the new Abar th. Loads more inside too, get reading. Tony


All submissions to GNI are made on the basis of permission to publish the submission in GNI and its licensed editions worldwide. In the case of a picture selection, the editor’s decision ins final. Any material sent is at the owners risk and although every care is taken neither Lamb Promotions or its agents shall be liable for loss or damage. We take great care to make sure all elements of GNI are accurate. However we accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes that appear in this magazine. You should seek professional advice prior to following any advice offered in this publication. Lamb Promotions Ltd 2014 page 12 |


Pride LGB&T Respect The Policing Board is responsible for the independent oversight of the Police Service of Northern Ireland. This means ensuring the Chief Constable and PSNI are accountable for service delivery to the public. The Board is committed to ensuring the whole community is treated fairly, with respect and with sensitivity. The Board works with representatives across the LGB&T sector to raise awareness of LGB&T issues, promote best practice and develop trust and conďŹ dence between the police and the LGB&T community. We published a Human Rights Thematic Review on Policing with and for LGB&T individuals. The report and further information on the Board and our work can be found at

The Northern Ireland Policing Board Waterside Tower, 31 Clarendon Dock, Belfast BT1 3BG Tel: 028 9040 8500 Fax: 028 9040 8533 Textphone: 028 9052 7668 Email:




A look back at the world since our last issue. NEUTRAL SEX IS THIRD GENDER IN OZ



On 2nd April Australia’s top cour t ruled that a person can be legally recognised as gender neutral if they identify as neither male nor female. The case centered around Scottish-born Norrie, who fought a long legal battle to introduce a gender-neutral category. Norrie was born male and underwent gender reassignment surgery in 1989 to become female. The surgery did nothing to stop Norrie’s uncer tainty over their sexual identity, which prompted their fight to establish a new gender category. Norrie’s attorneys argued that the Scottish-born activist was “being forced to live a lie” each time their client had to fill out a document that requires a person to specify whether they are male or female.

Giuseppe Chigiotti and Stefano Bucci were married in New York in 2012, but upon returning to their native Italy their union was void by law. The couple took the municipality of Grosetto in Tuscany to cour t after its registrar refused to register their marriage. The Italian cour t ordered the town to recognise the couple as legally married, bestowing upon them the same rights as heterosexual married couples. Gay rights campaigners lauded the decision as a huge step towards equality for a country that is seen as resolutely against same-sex marriage, calling it a ‘new chapter’ for gay couples in Italy.

Early this year, just before gay marriage was legalised in England, The House of Bishops decided to ban gay clergy from marrying. This allowed for lengthy disciplinary measures to be taken against anyone who defied the ban. The decision came after Bishops agreed to grant gay (non-clergy) couples the right to ask for special prayers post-ceremony. On 12th April 2014, Canon Jeremy Pember ton from Lincoln became the first gay priest to marry in Britain. Jeremy and his long-term par tner, Laurence, took advantage of England’s newly-enforced same-sex marriage laws and tied the knot in front of friends and family. Many gay rights campaigners predict that Jeremy will be the first of many gay clergy to marry in Britain.





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A lesbian couple made history by becoming the first same-sex couple to have a church wedding in the UK. Christian couple Jan Tipper and Barb Burden, from Bournemouth, decided against a civil par tnership in favour of a marriage “before God” and in front of their “church, friends and family”. Jan Tipper said, “even though we’ve been together for almost 19 years it didn’t feel right for us to have just a blessing or even a civil par tnership. We’ve hoped for years for the oppor tunity to legally marry.” While major denominations such as The Church of England and The Roman Catholic Church remain legally exempt from carrying out same-sex marriages, several gay couples are expected to marry in Unitarian, Quaker, and other more liberal denominations in the near future.

In a landmark ruling, India’s Supreme Cour t has recognised transgender people as a third gender. The cour t said that “Transgenders are also citizens of India” and that “The spirit of the Constitution is to provide equal oppor tunity to every citizen to grow and attain their potential, irrespective of caste, religion or gender.” The new ruling comes just 4 months after India’s Supreme Cour t voted to recriminalise ‘homosexual acts’, which had been decriminalised in 2009. This puts India’s transgender population in a strange position; they will be granted the same protection as everyone else under the Constitution, but if they choose to have consensual gay sex they may be breaking the law.

At the end of April, Jodie Foster married her long-term girlfriend, ‘The L-Word’ actress, Alexandra Hedison. The Oscarwinning actress has 2 sons with her ex-par tner of 20 years, Cydney Bernard. Foster’s new wife previously dated Ellen DeGeneres. Foster publicly came out in a speech at last year’s Golden Globes during which she expressed regret that a public declaration was required, “I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago, back in the stone age - in those very quaint days when a fragile young girl would open up to trusted friends and family, co-workers and then gradually, proudly, to everyone who knew her… To everyone she actually met.”






April | page 15




On 29th April the Nor thern Ireland Assembly rejected the introduction of same-sex marriage for the third time in 18 months. Sinn Féin led the debate, which took place in Stormont. 51 MLAs voted against the proposition; 43 voted in favour of it; and 14 did not vote. The motion, which suppor ted the freedom of religion, was backed by the vast majority of Nationalist MLAs and opposed by the vast majority of Unionist MLAs. Nor thern Ireland is the only par t of the UK where same-sex marriage remains illegal. Director of Amnesty International NI, Patrick Corrigan, said, “Politicians in Nor thern Ireland who continue to block marriage rights for same-sex couples are like latter-day King Canutes, trying in vain to hold back the tide of equality.”

A plan for schoolboys to wear skir ts to school in an effor t to demonstrate their suppor t for the fight against sexism sparked rows in Nantes, France, in May. A male student asked schoolboys in 27 high schools to wear skir ts for a day in order to promote equality. The initiative gained some media attention, and on the day around 200 suppor ters of a traditionalist group called ‘Manif Pour Tous’ began protesting outside one of the schools par ticipating in the initiative. Some members of ‘Manif Pour Tous’, which is against gay marriage, were outraged because they believed that the campaign was par t of a secret government plot to introduce gender theory to French schools. Many pupils expressed anger over the fact that protestors had hijacked the anti-sexism campaign.

The winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race season 6, Bianca Del Rio, was crowned at the end of the unpredictable finale on 19th May. It was so close! Queen of Mean Bianca Del Rio walked away with $100,000 and the oh-so prestigious title of America’s Next Drag Superstar. In a statement, the winner said, “I feel like I am the luckiest enter tainer in the world right now… it’s an incredibly rewarding experience to have this honor and I’m proof that anything is possible. I extend my love and gratitude to the talented World of Wonder family, Logo TV, the amazing fans, and especially RuPaul. Ru, please tell the IRS that my name is Pablo Sanchez.” Bianca Del Rio battled it out against 13 other contestants to win the show and was never once in the bottom two. Good on you, girl!





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Sharp tongued answers to your problems.

HELP ME.. I’m attracted to everyone and everything, except for my partner! I’ve been with him for almost 8 years, and I know people always say the looks will fade and you’ll start to be less attracted to each other after a long time, but he’s still really gorgeous and he’s still very into me! I used to be jealous when he chatted to other guys but now I couldn’t care less! I find myself gazing at men in Starbucks, and in work I’ve started flirting outrageously with anyone who comes in the door… I feel so guilty but can’t turn it off. Before you tell me to get rid of him, that’s the last thing I want to do… He’s my lobster. D, Belfast Oh you are in a pickle aren’t you? I’d say it’s time you spice up your sex life with maybe some costumes pretend to be somebody else! Like a big dir ty game of Guess Who? “Does he wear glasses? Has he got a beard? FLIP HIM DOWN!!”

Dear Kitsch, I’ve been going with my girlfriend for almost 6 months. She’s sooooo awesome, and I’m head over heels. Last week I decided to tell her how I feel. I said those 3 little words and she started laughing and told me I was drunk. I’d only had 2 glasses of wine! I’m so scundered and I’m too much of a whimp to bring it up again. Gemma, Newtownards Hey Gemma gurrrrlll !!! Well what can I say - 6 months, wine, Newtownards… it’s a proper Mills and Boon!!! If she didn’t say it back straightaway she probably doesn’t love you, which is perfectly normal in Hetero terms but lesbian timescale it’s doooomed!!! Don’t worry, there’s plenty more fish in the sea LITERALLY!!!

Hi KB, I’m just back on the scene after breaking up with my long-term bf. I don’t have a clue how this works… Will I be outed as a weirdo if I don’t go off with the first guy I meet?! Anon, Belfast YES!!!!

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Dear Kitsch Bitch, I recently bumped into a guy I used to know and we hit it off straightaway. We exchanged numbers and we’re going on a date next week. He’s super fit and his arms make me go weak at the knees. The thing that’s playing on my mind is that he’s my ex boyfriend’s best friend. It’s been 5 years since I went out with the guy in question but it still feels a little weird. It’s fine, isn’t it?? Keith, Lisburn Keith I’m not saying you get around but chances are if you’ve got to dating friends of your ex’s it’s a sign!!! But alas I’m not gonna judge because if I got the chance I’d date all of One Direction (possibly at the same time)!! So go for it!!

Hello I want to learn a new language. Which one should I choose? Carla, Dundalk I’d work on your accent first babes!! | page 19


Kristian Nairn on Game of Thrones, Belfast, Coming Out and Revvlon.

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We’re used to seeing him roaming the wilderness of Westeros, carrying the little lord on his back and being an all-round great bloke. Hodor, Game of Thrones’ very own Big Friendly Giant, has a heart of solid gold. We spoke to local man Kristian Nairn about the highs and lows of being in HBO’s biggest series, coming out to the world, and the possibility of giving us a piggyback home… Turns out he’s a talker! Games of Thrones is watched by millions of people around the world. How did you get into it? I’ve always been involved in the music/perfomance scene, practically my entire life, although I never really planned anything. I did an audition for Hot Fuzz, the Simon Pegg movie a few years before GoT, and although I didn’t get that par t, I got called in for the par t of Hodor. Was completely unexpected to say the least, and goes to prove that there is no such thing as a bad audition! Many people in Belfast will be familiar with you thanks to your regular DJ slot in Kremlin. What kind of music could we expect to hear at one of your nights and who are your musical influences? For DJing, I’ve always been a massive house fan. Obviously in Kremlin, I keep it pretty commercial, but I still very much stick to my house roots. I love a lot of French house and electronic producers, and pretty much everything Eric Prydz does!

Can you tell us a bit about Revvlon? For me, Revvlon was more of a statement than a drag queen. I wanted to perform, but I didn’t have a lot of confidence at the time. It seemed the most unlikely thing for a person of my size and look to do.. so I went with it. It was very much a two-fingered salute to anyone who told me (or anyone for that matter) that you shouldn’t or can’t do something you want to. You came out in March during an interview with a GoT fan website. Do you think there will come a time when people won’t place so much importance on sexuality and gender? I really didn’t expect the reaction it got, and the places it got to. I didn’t see it as a coming out at all. I’ve never been “in.” I’ve been so lucky over the years to have the suppor t I’ve gotten from my family and friends, and I’m painfully aware that not everyone is that lucky. While there is still prejudice in the world, I think it’s impor tant to be visible and counted. What do you like about Belfast? I always, always love getting home, no matter where I have been. I think Belfast is beautiful, and the people are funny, warm and strong.. and the nice thing is that they have the humility not to see their own qualities. I love that you can get across the city centre in 5 minutes, and our version of rush hour, still gets you home in 30 mins usually!! lol What do you think of the gay scene in Belfast? I love how everyone par ties together in Belfast. It’s fairly

“I didn’t see it as a coming out. I’ve never really been ‘in’.”

unique as far as I’ve seen that guys and gals go out to the same venues, and I would really like it to stay that way. Do you have a ‘type’? No, not really. I just look for a bit of a spark. Tell us about your GoT character, Hodor, the gentle giant. He is one of the most enigmatic characters in the show. We don’t really know too much about Hodor’s origins. There are a lot of theories about him which are fun, but I do hope we find out more about him someday. He is simple minded, and sensitive, but not stupid, and I think he feels a great bond with his little master, Bran. All in all, a very fun character to play. What’s it like to only ever speak one word? Do you find it difficult to convey emotions? Does your character’s silence get frustrating, or do you see it as an advantage? I wouldn’t say it’s either. I mean, I get daily tweets on twitter “is it hard to remember your lines?” even after 4 seasons, everyone who says that thinks they are the first to think of it! lol. But to have more than one of the most notable directors in TV today commend you on the challenges and what you have done with your character definitely makes it wor thwhile. Being stuck on a mountainside in Northern Ireland filming in the sleet, wind and rain for hours on end must be hard work… Being honest, it really is hard going sometimes. I’ve been hotter, colder, wetter and more tired | page 21

If you cut a sandwich in half, do you have two sandwiches? I actually thought about this. Yes, you have two sandwiches! What do you like doing most in your free time? I’m a movie buff, so going to the cinema and catching up on movies. I’m a big gamer and a bit of a tech lover, so I’m usually either playing WoW or playing with a gadget. I don’t have much spare time these days. I have a problem turning my brain off, and can usually be found working on something or other. Which do people do more: ask for piggybacks or say ‘Hodor’ repeatedly? (And which is more annoying?) I have a patented glare that can usually stop most annoyances. Seriously though, GoT fans are awesome, and mostly very respectful. I usually answer the piggyback question by quoting them a price! than I have been in my whole life whilst on this job!! It’s wor th it though! Do you do your own stunts? I do have a double, but more to take some of the physical strain at times, but yeah, everything so far has been me. The White Walkers are a constant threat in GoT. Are you prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse? Any tips for surviving such an event? A friend and I had an entrepreneurial idea to open up a zombie assault farm/target range. Round em up and set them loose in a compound, and charge people for team bondpage 22 |

ing/target practise weekends! Have you ever seen Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) smile? Not while he is in character, he is indeed, a miserable sod… but Kit is a great guy, and not at all like that in real life.. thank god! Have you ever sat on the throne and pretended to be King? That’s what we’d do. I’ve sat on it many times, and I think I’m one of the only people who can make the Iron Throne look like a Kiddie Seat!! Is Winter really coming? Fo Sho

“I think I’m one of the only people who can make the Iron Throne look like a Kiddie Seat!”

Hodor? Hodor! Give us a piggyback down the road, won’t you? Standard Value Cab New Year’s Eve rates apply! Thank you very much, Kristian. Take care out there in Westeros! Hodor.

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Her new single, same sex rights, and accepting diversity.

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How are you Cindy? I am doing great. Describe your childhood… My childhood was filled with lots of music, love and education. You made your debut in the game ‘Dance Fabulous’ on N-Gage by Nokia, and you also sang ‘Time Only Knows’, the ending theme for Ubisoft game, ‘Prince of Persia’. Do you embrace the digital era we’re living in? I do embrace the age of technology as it provides new ways for ar tists and businesses to reach greater audiences worldwide. Becoming an avatar and releasing my music through Dance Fabulous through 40 million handsets worldwide was an incredible experience that allowed me to connect with people all around the globe. In order to be successful one must be open to new ideas as there will always be new and better ways of doing things and lots to learn. Deep inside of me there is a little nerdy gamer that loves to get her hands on a great game, no matter what platform. Do you find it difficult being a beautiful a woman in the music industry? If you had asked me that when I was younger I would have said being a woman in this buisiness is tough; however, I see life completely differently now as I know that the “outer world” is simply a mirror reflection of who I am on the inside, and thus I’m not afraid of anything. I’m focused on living in the moment - what others think about me does not concern me. I’m concerned with doing what I love and if my music has the capacity to touch some hear ts in a positive way then I shall feel happier. Why did the story of Ryan Robertson grab your attention? I read Ryan’s story in the Huffington Newspaper and my first thought was that his death was so tragic because it could have

Regarding same sex marriage: “I believe we are all humans and we all deserve the same rights.”

easily been avoided. When we allow others to be who they truly are, we are loving unconditionally, without judgments or conditions. You wouldn’t ask a zebra to remove its stripes so why ask someone who is not causing harm to anyone to change who they are? No one should have to feel shame for who they are. We are all made from the same source of energy, which makes us all equal; religion, race, age or sexual preference, just to name a few, should not make a difference. How can we promote the importance of self-love and reach out to those who feel alone in the world? No one is alone in this world. In dissecting the word ALONE you see it even says ALL-ONE. To truly love the self means you love everything. When you realise you are not just a body but that you are conscious energy, and that every living being is made of this same energy, you can appreciate how beautiful you are. Why didn’t you record a song with the same message but with a less specific focus? Couldn’t you have made a similar song without using Ryan’s name and story? I probably could have written it differently; however, I don’t plan what I am going to write about, I just follow my inspiration and in this case it came from his story. I like to write in the spur of the moment and having been so touched by Ryan’s story I just felt a strong inner desire to share it. Your song makes it seem so simple: we love who we love. Why do you think some people have a difficult time accepting diversity? Life is quite simple, we just have to love as love is all there is. Many people believe in the illusion of separation and so they fear that which they see as “other” when in actuality it is just fragments of who they are.

I find the younger genear tions are breaking free from many old limiting beliefs and conditioning. Are you involved with any charities or gay rights groups? Yes, I just recently recorded a song for a Colombian charity called Sentido Commun where the album proceeds will go towards refugees living on the Colombian border and in the past I co-wrote and performed the title song of Europe’s largest AIDS charity “Lifeball” with Dave Stewar t where all the proceeds from that song were given to various AIDS charities. How important do you think it is to legalise same-sex marriage? I believe we are all humans and we all deserve the same rights. What advice would you give to anyone who feels overwhlemed with negativity in their life? Everything happens for a reason and because we cannot see the big picture, it’s sometimes hard to understand why a “bad” sitution can occur. I would personally star t by changing my perspective - trust everything is all for the best and try to find the treasure within. At the end of the day there are only two choices, to act out of love or fear. If you’re feeling negative there is always some sor t of fear invovled so embrace your negative emotions and see them as an oppor tunity to grow. Happiness is not something you aspire to aquire “out there”; it’s a choice you make from within. Who is your celebrity idol? As a child I loved Edith Piaf, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey for their incredible voices. Nowadays I don’t idolize anyone but I do admire ar tists such as Beyonce, U2 and Coldplay. Thanks so much for talking to us Cindy! My pleasure. Thank you. | page 25

GNI Gay friendly businesses

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The Rusty Zip is Belfast’s original vintage and secondhand store. We offer affordable Vintage wonders, Retro wares and Fancy dress fun for both men and women. Whether you’re a sassy disco diva or favour a high-fashion androgynous look this Pride - we have everything from show-stopping sequin dresses, disco hotpants and feather boas to tailored suits. Our friendly staff will help you style a fabulous outfit that will stand out from the crowd, it’s your one-stop shop for Pride! | 028 9024 9700 28 Botanic Avenue, Belfast SHOW YOUR SUPPORT

FASHION Summer street style.

It’s almost time for summer, but not quite warm enough to bust out your shor t shor ts and vests yet - instead pair your pre-summer wardrobe with layers and heavy materials to keep you warm whilst you look effor tlessly cool.

This Page: Models: Steven Edgar & Marissa Marsh Clothes from Lolas Vintage

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These Pages: Models: Marc Neil, Marissa Marsh & Steven Edgar Clothes from Lolas Vintage Sunglasses from Breo | page 29

This Page: Models: Marc Neil, Marissa Marsh & Steven Edgar Clothes from Lolas Vintage Leather Visor: Viktor Luna Sunglasses from Breo

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This Page: Models: Marc Neil, Marissa Marsh & Steven Edgar Clothes from Lolas Vintage Leather Visor: Viktor Luna Sunglasses from Breo | page 31

These Pages: Models: Marissa Marsh, Steven Edgar & Marc Neil Clothes from Rusty Zip Sunglasses from Breo page 32 | | page 33

GNI Gay friendly businesses

Paul Lowry Photography

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ALECIA KARR Wishing everyone a happy Pride. Alecia karr the official UK & Irelands No.1 Available for Private & Commercial hire. I’ll make your par ty ‘’ F**king perfect ‘’.... 07833 463184



Get The Look.

Words & Styling: Lewis Cameron Photography: Mitchell Cahoon Model: Michael Allsopp Clothing: Biker Jacket- Zara (Customised). Denim Shir t-The Rusty Zip. Shor ts- River Island. Belt- Stylist’s Own.

When Nicola Formichetti debuted Diesel’s monumental reboot under its first ever ar tistic director last month, heads turned, tongues wagged, feathered Mohicans came out to play, and revamped denim and leather became everyone’s number one spring/summer priority. Denim is an 80s/90s baby from head to toe; no one can deny that. Be it bleached, distressed, oversized, slim, skinny, studded, ripped, torn, cropped or otherwise. You name it, denim has incorporated it at one stage or another, recycling and evolving season after season to a point of epic denim ascension. You can’t go wrong with several key statement denim pieces when it comes to putting together your perfect spring/summer essentials. Enter a festival infused, bohemian approach in the form of embroidery. Light, acid washed and oversized, a shor t-sleeved denim shir t given a modern and hedonistic refresh is the ideal way to introduce denim to SS14. It’s quirky, it’s androgynous and it brings in an old school vintage vibe in all the right places. Now for the tricky par t: what to combine said embroidered denim shir t with in order to achieve a cool and contemporary style, rather than going down the tumble-weed covered road that is retro? Dramatic pause. Mesh leather shor ts with a gold horse studded black belt it is then! Leather is luxury, bathed in sleek catwalk admiration with a dash of street and urban elegance on the side. It’s the number one choice for those looking to keep it clean, minimal and utilitarian (but with a futuristic feel as an added bonus). The look is topped off with my personal favourite: a menswear signature style pleaser complete with a punk inspired update. I am, of course, talking about the one and only biker jacket. Modernize this menswear legend via a DIY, paint-splattered job to create a quirky, grunge infused effect, taking you from cool to catwalk in an instant. This look contains the allimpor tant SS14 palette - black and white - pulling together a ying-yang mash-up of grungetastic cool. Rebellious, confident and full of fitted silhouetted glory, the biker jacket is the way to grab Spring/Summer in a sophisticated yet innovative manner, and never let it go! Add statement denim and your sleek, street style encouraged leather shor ts and you are pretty much sor ted. Between now and next time I expect to see plenty of paint-splattered biker jackets, embroidered light denim shir ts and mesh leather shor ts on the streets of Belfast. If not, for shame. | page 35

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Medical Cosmetic and laser therapies

The SkinClinic

Medical Cosmetic and laser therapies Belfast Clinic, 385 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 7EP Armagh Clinic, 26 Foyarr Road, Killylea, Co. Armagh BT60 4NP

Belfast Clinic, 385 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 7EP Belfast Clinic: 385 Road, Lisburn Road, BT9 4NP 7EP Armagh Clinic, 26 Foyarr Killylea, Co. Belfast Armagh BT60

Armagh Clinic: 26 Foyarr Road, Killylea, Co. Armagh BT70 4NP Before Before



After Before



• Registered Nurse with over 20 years experience

• Registered with over 20 years experience • Fungal nailNurse laser treatments BEFORE


• Cosmetic management of skin disorders such as • Fungal nail laser treatments

BEFORE AFTER acne, rosacea, pigmentation, scarring, stretch marks,

BEFORE • Cosmetic management of skin disorders such as


lines and wrinkles and skin rejuvenation.

acne, pigmentation, • Laser Hair rosacea, Removal and Laser Treatmentsscarring, for facial

stretch marks,

. Registered nurse withflushing, overlines 20 years experience .skin Fungal nail laser tretments . vascular lesions and and port wine stains and wrinkles rejuvenation. . Treatment of excessive sweating and spider vains . Medical microdermabrasion . • Medical skin peels • Laser Removal Laser Treatments for facial . Epionce medical skin care .Hair Dermal fillersand for lip and cheek enhancement • Treatment of excessive sweating . Wrinkle relaxing injections . Stockists of Holywood Eye Magic exclusive to Belfast . flushing, vascular and spider veins lesions and port wine stains • Medical microdermabrasion • Medical skin


HAIR LOSS STABILIIZATION AND HAIR TRANSPLANT • Treatment of excessive sweatingREFERRALS • Epionce medical skin care.

• Hair Loss Management and

and spider veins

hair transplant referrals

• Medical microdermabrasion • Dermal fillers for lip and cheek enhancement • Wrinkle• relaxing injections Epionce medical

skin care.

• Hair Loss Management and FLUSHING, VASCULAR LASER HAIR REMOVAL AND LASER TREATMENTS FOR FACIAL LESIONS AND PORT WINE STAINShair - ELLIPSE SYSTEM transplant referralsENSURES HAIR FREE FORTel: UP028 TO 10 YEARS SIX SESSIONS 3756 8632WITH / 07553364947 • Dermal fillers for lip and cheek enhancement • Wrinkle relaxing injections

Cosmetic management of skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, pigmentation, scarring, stretch marks, lines and wrinkles and skin rejuvenation 0288632 3756 /8632 / 07553364947 Tel: 028Tel: 3756 07553 364947


Rebecca offers up some tips. Wedding and par ty season is upon us, and that means dolling ourselves up in a fancy new outfit and looking our best for the #selfie obsessed among us. But what if you don’t actually look your best? Here are a few tips and tricks that will get you looking camera ready in a snap. First up, along with summer comes…you guessed it, sun. Well…. we can hope! Make sure you keep your SPF game on high; even if it is overcast outside you can still get burned, and never mind the premature ageing - nobody wants to look like a beetroot in someone’s pictures! If you want to look tanned, go for a gradual or fake tan. If you absolutely must use a sunbed, be smar t: limit your exposure to harmful UV rays, and if you’re fair, freckly or prone to moles, avoid, avoid, avoid! A fantastic option for men is the No7 For Men Gradual Tan Face SPF15, this will give you a sun-kissed glow without the risk of sun damage, and moisturised skin that looks refreshed and feels touchably soft. And, as a bonus, it doesn’t look in any way fake! For a more unisex option, try St.Tropez Gradual Tan Plus Anti-Ageing Face. Both are available from or your local Boots store. Concealer. Now, lads, hear me out here! You may be a tad skeptical about putting make up on, but with just a teeny bit of product, you can cover up pretty much anything on your face that looks unsightly (spots, dark circles and imperfections, no less). No wonder women care so much for this make-up lark! If you’re comfor table wearing make up, why not step it up a gear and try a tinted moisturizer or light BB cream to really even your complexion and give you perfect summer skin. Ladies, try to avoid the heavy full coverage foundations we seem to reach for in winter and instead opt for lighter dewy finishes and cream products to give you a gorgeous healthy glow. I personally love the No7 Stay Perfect Superlight Foundation for both men and women. It can easily be sheered out to give a super light coverage or built up to a medium coverage, it is long lasting and feels like you have nothing on! For concealer, you will need something long wearing to ensure you don’t sweat it off in the sun (like I said, we can hope!!), I would opt for MAC cosmetics Pro Longwear concealer, but be warned, a little goes a long, long way! (if you’re on a tight budget, try the Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer. It’s a fantastic dupe!) If you’re not a big fan of eye makeup, just add a little liner to your lash line and some mascara and you’re good to go. Men, if you want in on the par ty, try some clear mascara just to darken and thicken your lashes a little. Finally, before you wiz out the door, don’t forget to spritz yourself with a gorgeous summery fragrance like the new Daisy Delight Marc Jacobs for women or Boss Bottled Unlimited for men. Make sure to hashtag your summer selfies with #gnisummer on instagram so I can check them out! Twitter: rebeccabrysonmu

Instagram: rebeccabrysonmua | page 37


We grab a few minutes with Tony and Martin.

Tony Webster and Mar tin King met over a year ago in the great city of Glasgow in Bonnie Scotland. Tony, who was living and working there for a year, went on a date one night in the restaurant Mar tin was working in, and that’s when the pair locked eyes on each other. Shor tly afterwards, when Tony’s not-so-great date was over, he received a Grindr message from Mar tin, which read, ‘Hey, I think I was your waiter tonight.’ Despite finding the message a teency bit creepy, Tony replied and they star ted chatting. The conversation flowed so they swapped numbers and met up for drinks just before Tony had to go back to Ireland. At this stage neither of them knew they had stumbled upon ‘the one’. Mar tin was initially attracted to Tony’s ‘big doe eyes’ and his ‘really quite bizarre clothes’. As a big fan of beards, Tony lurved Mar tin’s rugged looks and handsome face, which was page 38 |

decorated with everybody’s favourite instant-cool makers: hipster glasses. Tony does admit that he was slightly puzzled by Mar tin’s choice of Grindr profiler, which showed him wearing a pair of ‘meggings’*, but he decided to put this minor reservation aside and give him a chance anyway. He’ll forever be thankful he didn’t let those meggings get in the way of true love. The couple’s recent trip to NYC was made even more special when Tony proposed on the top of the Empire State Building, on their one-year anniversary! (Tony, you’re putting the rest of us to shame). Mar tin, a budding filmmaker, was busy filming everything so Tony had to ask him to put the camera down before he popped the question: ‘I wasn’t as eloquent as I would have liked so I ended up nervously blur ting out, ‘Will you be my husband?’ Thank god he said yes!’ Mar tin and Tony plan to get married in Glasgow,

Tony met Mar tin whilst he was on a dinner date with someone else.

Mar tin’s home city, in June 2016. They have opted for a marriage instead of a Civil Par tnership because there are more rights awarded to married spouses than there are to civil par tners. Tony and Mar tin’s families are very suppor tive of the relationship. Tony’s Dad instantly warmed to Mar tin, whilst Tony’s mum fell in love with him after he bought her a vodka when her husband wasn’t looking! Mar tin’s family has wholly accepted Tony, and Mar tin’s sister was the first to know about Tony’s plan to propose. Tony is a professional photographer and enjoys documenting their frequent trips away together. As mega movie buffs, Tony and Mar tin love cuddling up at home and watching films. When they have time off between their jobs they squeeze in trips back to Glasgow to see their friends and Mar tin’s family. *male leggings

CIVIL PARTNERSHIP The GNI guide to civil partnership suppliers. Here at GNI mag we have personally chatted to each of the wedding professionals on the following pages. There’s a shor t editorial piece on each of them so you have an idea of how they can help you when planning your big day.

GNI Civil Par tnership Suppliers Guide


152 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 6AJ

Über Hair on Belfast’s Lisburn Road has established themselves within the last six years among Nor thern Irelands finest, delivering an exceptional standard of hairdressing services linked warmly with a unique customer experience. If your looking for your hair to be easily maintained or a killer cut and colour that makes a statement Über delivers every time. If bubbles are your thing, then you will want to know that during July Über Hair will be having “Champagne Fridays”! All clients will receive a complimentary glass of champagne on reception. Another sparkling reason to visit Über Hair.

Tel: 028 90 669744 Open: Tuesday - Saturday Late Nights Wednesday & Thursday

152 Lisburn Road, Belfast T: 028 9066 9744



GNI Civil Par tnership Suppliers Guide

KIERAN DEVINE SINGS Kieran Divine has been singing for many years as a solo ar tist and the lead singer of a covers band. As a professional Wedding Singer, Kieran can enter tain you and your guests in Belfast or Dublin, Dundalk or Donegal, or in fact anywhere in Ireland. Kieran is the perfect choice for your wedding or corporate event; his stunning vocals, down to ear th manner and love for music leaves his audience delighted and shouting for more after every performance. If you are looking for that special touch on your wedding day, why not contact Kieran about his Pre-Reception performance package specialising in easy listening swing. Kieran sings Jazz and Rat Pack songs, as well as old favourites from crooners such as Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, Michael Buble, and many more. Kieran is sure to impress your guests, keeping them enter tained and leaving you feeling relaxed as you get your photographs taken and capture those special memories forever. For Corporate Lounge or Reception enter tainment, Kieran can create a smooth atmosphere, so your guests can mingle and chat, or he can liven it up for after dinner dancing.



07836 322 318 | 028 3026 5362 EMBER JEWELLERY

Ember Jewellery The Wedding Ring Studio First Floor, 37 Queen Street Belfast, N. Ireland BT1 6EA Phone: 028 9543 7005 Mob: 079 7583 9454

Located in the centre of Belfast, Ember Jewellery is coveted for its superb craftsmanship and outstanding designs which are created using traditional techniques. At Ember’s own Wedding Ring Studio, couples are given the oppor tunity to create custom-made weddings rings, under exper t supervision. Before coming into the studio, each couple attends a design consultation, during which their ideas and preferences are discussed. Following this, a studio day is booked and couples will enjoy hands on involvement, shaping and soldering their weddings bands. Each couple is guaranteed the best guidance and will leave with beautifully crafted rings. Cyril at Ember has over 20 years’ experience designing and making unique jewellery. Wedding rings are symbolic of love and commitment and Cyril believes they should be unique and personal to each individual couple. You will be pleasantly surprised at how competitive Ember’s prices are, and with free delivery on all items and a ring sizer posted to your door if required, you can’t go wrong! You are more than welcome to call in to the workshop to see how Ember’s handmade jewellery is carefully crafted. A full list of the Wedding Ring Studio Terms and Conditions can be found on the website.


GNI Civil Par tnership Suppliers Guide

look your best, feel your best... Unit 9 Springtown Industrial Estate 18 Ballinska Road, BT48 0LY


T: 0771 233 2154 / 0771 233 2158 E: W:

When our friends at Elite Aesthetic Clinic showed us their new eye serum product we literally couldn’t believe our eyes! Hollywood Eye Magic does exactly what it says on the tin; it’s magic! It really works, and after feeling a little overwhelmed and confused by the ocean of eye cream products on offer, this one really made us sit up and take notice. Made in Canada, Hollywood Eye Magic is a serum of collagen and natural ingredients including sage, calendula, cucumber, lemon, lavender and willow bark. In a matter of minutes this combination can reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, reduce eye bags and puffiness and tackle dark circles; it’s ideal for your Civil Par tnership, or just as a special treat – we all deserve one every once in a while! Hollywood Eye Magic has an instant as well as a cumulative effect. Commonly, the effects of one application will last 8-12 hours, and if you use it daily you will star t to see firming and rejuvenating improvements even when you’re not using the product. Hollywood Eye


Magic isn’t make-up, and men love it just as much as women. It blends in to all skin colours, it’s hypo-allergenic, and suitable for all skin types. One bottle provides 100 applications and remarkable results. We were amazed by how significantly it reduced puffy under-eye bags and dark circles in such a shor t space of time. We are happy to say it’s a really fantastic product and one we would recommend to anyone, (with wrinklefree, smiling eyes). The good people at Elite Aesthetic Clinic are official distributors of Hollywood Eye Magic in the Nor th and South of Ireland. Hollywood Eye Magic normally retails at £80. Take advantage of Elite’s fantastic introductory offer and get it for £70.

GNI Civil Par tnership Suppliers Guide


Scála Strings is a vibrant new String Quar tet based in Nor thern Ireland available for all types of ceremonies and events. Its players are graduates of Queen’s University Belfast and freelance musicians, and have all been members of Nor thern Ireland’s leading youth orchestra, the Ulster Youth Orchestra. The members of Scála Strings are experienced musicians, having performed in some of the best venues in the country and fur ther afield, whose enthusiasm and passion will bring a touch of class to any event. Recent performances include BBC Radio Ulster ‘Sounds Classical’, the official naming of the ‘William J Clinton Leadership Institute’ for former US President Bill Clinton, various BBC and UTV appearances, alongside events throughout the province such as the opening of the S.S Nomadic, Stendhal Ar ts Festival, Cathedral Quar ter Ar ts Festival and performances for various charitable trusts such as the NI Cancer Fund for Children and the Tracey Goodacre Trust to name a few. Where reper toire is concerned Scála Strings know no limits and have a wide


and varied range of music covering several genres including classical, pop, rock and many more, which is guaranteed to create the perfect atmosphere for your ceremony or event. Our reper toire list is constantly expanding and if you have any special requests you would like us to play at your ceremony or event, we would be only too happy to arrange and perform them especially for you. For fur ther info on Scála Strings, or to listen to some of our music, you can check us out online via our website, Facebook, Twitter, or contact us by email or phone. W: FB: E: T: 07706154327

Join us for our

Wedding Showcase Sunday 8th June 2-5pm

FOR SOMETHING A LITTLE DIFFERENT... provides the theperfect per fectarena arena While the the Westgrove Hotel provides for traditional weddings, our flexible spaces and ‘can IRU WUDGLWLRQDO ZHGGLQJV RXU Ă H[LEOH VSDFHV DQG ÂśFDQ do’ attitude combine to enable us to offer an array of GR¡ DWWLWXGH FRPELQH WR HQDEOH XV WR RIIHU DQ DUUD\ RI choices for the more unique, individual wedding. Our choices forsuites the more wedding. and variety of are unique, per fect individual for Civil Ceremonies post overseas Wedding Celebrations... 2XU YDULHW\ RI VXLWHV DUH SHUIHFW IRU &LYLO %OHVVLQJ FHUHPRQLHV DQG SRVW RYHUVHDV ZHGGLQJ FHOHEUDWLRQVÂŤ



Christmas, Minimum numbers and terms & conditions apply)


GNI Civil Par tnership Suppliers Guide


Contemporary glamour with a hint of old world elegance….at The Westgrove Hotel! The 4-star Westgrove Hotel in the picturesque village of Clane is already well established as an extremely popular venue for weddings. The Westgrove Hotel offers you everything in one place: a superb setting; luxurious facilities including a Leisure Club and Spa Haven; awardwinning cuisine; meticulous, personalised and professional suppor t; and for those wanting convenience, an array of wonderful places to take those all-impor tant photographs such as Castletown House, Clongowes Wood, Donadea Forest Park, and the Japanese Gardens (to name just a few)…. it’s the perfect experience for you and your guests. The Westgrove Hotel has two main wedding suites: the O Connell Suite and the Alexandra Suite, both of which have a private bar, dance floor and are adorned with natural daylight. In addition to the suite for the main celebration, there are also many other areas in the hotel which form an integral par t of the day such as the grand staircase which proves popular for photographs. On arrival, guests enjoy


exclusive use of the chic Cigar Bar which opens onto the rooftop terrace and links to the Wedding Garden while enjoying the sounds of our resident pianist as you sip your champagne and mingle with your family and friends. Our Wedding Garden has already become the perfect backdrop for photographs, outdoor ceremonies and next day BBQ’s. The Onyx Bar has also played host to many of the wedding celebrations at the Westgrove Hotel. From the more intimate wedding to the larger gathering, our suites offer excellent choice for so many couples. The Westgrove Hotel only cater for one wedding on any day, as we believe that your wedding day should be yours alone. Our Wedding Co Ordinator Nicola has been with the hotel since we opened and is an integral par t of the wedding team. Nicola would be delighted to meet you and discuss your plans and ensure they become the reality you both have been dreaming of! Contact our Wedding Co Ordinator, Nicola Flynn to discuss your wedding plans 045 989900


Do you want to come in for “coffee”?

The anxiousness leading to the end of night kiss creates a minefield of verbal diarrhoea, it’s that moment when you both know the kiss could quite probably happen; the kiss is there but he is lingering around enjoying your pointless chat, laughing at you trying to star t a conversation about a Magic Tree Air Freshener. Experience has shown me it’s a little like kissing tennis; you pull up outside their house and the driver is first to serve the pointless conversation and then whoever is left speechless gives one of those awkward Made in Chelsea ‘end of conversation’ stares and goes in for the kill. On a date recently after we’d played kissing tennis (which I obviously won on the account of the fact I can fill awkward silences quicker than Madonna can fill in an adoption application) I got the next question… ’Do you want to come in for coffee?’ page 46 |

Your mind is a flurry with questions like ‘is it actually ‘coffee’?’, ‘was the kiss really that good because I could taste your desser t?’ and ‘am I wearing my sexy boxers…???’ We proceeded to go into his apar tment block; he got out and guided me as I reverse parked into his unused space. I have parking sensors and I’m quite sure I covered that when we played kissing tennis but I let him play the role of ‘man’. I sat down on the edge of the seat in his living room whilst he made coffee and he told me to make myself at home. What does that even mean? In reality it would mean I’d be stripped off, lying on his sofa in my boxers watching telly, so that’s a statement I don’t think we should throw around too loosely. I also had the sudden realisation that I didn’t have my sexy boxers on and I was still working my way through the novelty boxers from Christ-

Greg talks us through another dating experience. What to do when the awkward question arises...

mas, and tonight of all nights I had my Mr Bump boxers on with the lovely statement ‘Get Ready for a Bumpy Ride’. He came in with an actual coffee set that a couple who enter tain might have. At the most I was expecting a spoonful of Nescafe. Maybe coffee doesn’t always mean sex, eh? Someone came into the apar tment and I assumed it was his housemate, but he introduced him as his life par tner... they were a couple who enter tained. He turned to me and said ‘It’s up to you, we can do this on our own, or he can join us, or watch us, or if you want to go home I completely I understand, I’m just throwing it out there as an option’. The moral of the story is coffee always means sex in my experience, however it’s better to wake up in a house with a man (or men) who can make coffee than to wake up in a house with someone who cannot.


. DAYCARE . SHORT STAYS . HOLIDAYS . . LONG TERM CARE . EMERGENCY/HOSPITAL STAYS . . PET TAXI . PICK UP SERVICE . Hi! We are Helen and Rick Jones - we aim to offer a loving environment for your dog, with a personal and caring touch. Your dog will be treated as part of our family and we can assure you they will enjoy their stay! “This is definitely the only way pets should be looked after!” Please call us to arrange a visit!

028 9044 9764 or 07766 656 886

Belfast Pride 2014 25th July – 2nd August

Welcome to our official Belfast Pride Guide! These pages are packed with information about this year’s festival, which is expected to be absolutely massive! Read on to find out more about the Belfast Pride Awards at the City Hall; see pictures of last year’s festivities; get the lowdown on this year’s theme; and find out how you can get involved. Last year saw a whopping 35,000 people take to the streets of Belfast to celebrate Pride. The city was awash with colour and personality, and everyone had a crackin’ time. Roll on Pride 2014!

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We’re heading to Belfast City Hall to launch this year’s Pride festival... Belfast Pride 2014 will kick off with the Official Launch and the Belfast Pride Awards 2014 on Friday 25th July in the Great Hall of Belfast City Hall. We will be star ting as we mean to go on by putting Belfast Pride at the very hear t of Belfast, we want Belfast’s LGBT citizens have full equality with the rest of the citizens of the city. This will be the biggest Launch and Awards event that Belfast Pride has ever hosted and will demonstrate the place that Pride now has as one of biggest events in Belfast’s calendar. We want to launch the festival on a positive note and aim to showcase Belfast’s LGBTQ community during the evening by highlighting the work of a range of groups suppor ting and developing the community and representing the full range of identities in the city. The Belfast Pride Awards recognise contributions to the LGBTQ+ community in Belfast across a wide range of fields – from business to enter tainment, from suppor t services to Business, the awards include: - Political Contribution to the LGBT Community - Belfast Pride / Gay Business Network Award for Business Contribution - Community Par tnership Award - Award for Innovation in the LGBT Community - Advocate of the Year - Enter tainer of the Year - Best Night Out in Belfast - Community Suppor ter of the Year - Commercial Suppor ter of the Year We want to welcome as many people as possible to the event but numbers are limited – you can find out how to apply on Belfast Pride’s soon to be relaunched Website, Facebook page and Twitter site in a few weeks time, so keep an eye out for that.

If you missed it last year, Belfast City Hall will once again be lit up in rainbow colours to celebrate Belfast Pride on Saturday 2nd August Picture: Belfast City Council


a hidden gem that oozes old traditional values

, he s t t C te ee Ho t d m NI 14 an G 0 n he r 2 ei t e m of nd C o ne r r te i n Ba w


Belfast Pride relies on the passion and commitment of volunteers to make the festival we all share, the success that it is, year after year. When you volunteer with Belfast Pride you will be making a difference for our community as a whole and it only takes a few hours to make a real difference.

Why it matters Belfast Pride showcases the LGBT community in Belfast and we all want to ensure that we put on the best festival possible, we need people to make sure that the Pride parade is a success and that our events over the whole ten days run smoothly. Belfast Pride is now one of the biggest festivals in Belfast and we all want to keep building and make it even more inclusive and successful.

What you can get out of it Pride is about all of us – if you want to want help make Pride better, then the best way is join in, make your voice heard and play your par t. Volunteering can give you the oppor tunity to try something new, gain experience, develop skills, improve your career prospects, build confidence and meet new people.

What you can do There are a whole range of roles for people of all abilities and skills. We will aim to personalise your experience and find what suits best: Parade Marshalls Volunteers Leaders Stage Assistants

Event Staff

PR / Marketing Assistants Financial Staff

Fundraisers Guide Delivery Staff Planning Staff

Want to know more? Just send in your details, let us know what you think might suit and why this might suit you: | page 53

BELFAST PRIDE PARADE 2013 Pictures: Honey and the Moon


page 56 |

Diverse, Equal, Proud The Belfast Pride 2014 Festival Theme The theme for Belfast Pride 2014 is ‘Diverse. Equal. Proud.’ From 25th July to 2nd August 2014 Belfast Pride will put the struggle for Equality at the centre of Pride and will put Pride at the centre of the city. Belfast pride aims to inspire, educate, enter tain and represent our diverse community.

Diverse Including and representing the full range of identities under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. We all just want to live our lives on an equal basis with the rest of the citizens of the city.

Equal Full Marriage Equality for all, to be able to help save lives by donating blood, more robust protection from Homophobia and Bullying on the streets, in schools, in Health Services and equal treatment and respect from government and our elected representatives. We want full Equality - no more and no less.

Proud Pride is a time for Visibility, Positivity and Celebration. We want to showcase the talent, creativity, history and culture of the LGBTQ+ community in Belfast, bringing colour, fun and enter tainment across a packed festival programme. We are proud of who we are.

For full event listings and up to date information, check out the official Belfast Pride Festival guide, which is due to launch at the end of June. You can keep up to date on the latest festival information by visiting our Facebook page at or by following us on twitter - @belfastpride | page 57

MONDAY - THURSDAY 1pm - 7PM FRIDAY - SUNDAY 1pm - 6pm terms and conditions apply | page 59

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Variety, Cabaret & High JINKS Every Thursday AT THE MAVERICK with

Lady Portia DI’ Monte

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ilver oms

GNI Gay friendly businesses



Wishing all of the LBGT community a very Happy Pride, from Ballyclare Cattery & Spa

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Paul McMahon Photography wishes you a happy and fabulous pride!

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DUBLIN PRIDE Your GNI guide to the festival.

Here we have our guide to Dublin Pride festival. We catch up with Jason Flynn the Chairperson and also Grand Marshall Colm O’Gorman. There’s a great guide to what’s happening and there’s information on hotels, bars and sightseeing oppor tunities. | page 63


A look at the guy keeping everyone focussed.

page 64 |

GNI wanted to know more about the guy in charge, the man who the buck stops with at Dublin Pride. We did a bit of snooping about and here’s what we came up with..... Jason Flynn serves as the current Chairperson of Dublin LGBTQ Ltd. and has been involved since September 2012. An adver tisement on Facebook detailing positions available on the board caught Jason’s eye and after years of enjoyment and memories from Dublin Pride, he wanted to give something back. The oppor tunity to maintain his industrial experience was the deciding factor and after his initial interview, Jason was chosen to be the Human Resources Director of Dublin Pride for the oncoming year. After a year in this role Jason was elected as Chairperson of the non-governmental organisation. A native of Co. Waterford, Jason completed a Bachelor of Business Studies at Waterford Institute of Technology, specialising in Human Resource Management (HRM), in 2006 before under taking a Masters Degree in HRM at Dublin City University (DCU). During his time in DCU, Jason acquired a position as a research assistant. This role prompted him to star t a PhD at DCU, examining HR practices at university-based research centres, which he is currently in the process of writing up. Jason has worked in HR for a number of years in various settings. In 2011 Jason began a career as a HR Administrator for the large Multi-National Corporation: Siemens, and more recently in 2013 Jason has worked as a HR Consultant for the insolvency firm – Irish Liquidators. In addition, he has lectured HRM at DCU to undergraduate and Masters students, and is currently employed as a tutor in HRM at Hibernia College in Dublin, working predominantly with postgraduate students. Jason is also an Associate Member of the Char tered Institute of Personnel and Develop-

ment (CIPD), the professional body for HR practitioners, and enjoys getting involved in many of their events. Food and cooking are also strong passions of Jason’s, therefore he spends a lot of time eating, cooking, reading about food and having “epicureanrelated conversations with friends”. While maintain a busy schedule filled with voluntary work and PhD writing Jason also tries to keep fit; He goes to the gym, swims and is a keen cyclist, taking par t in races and other events. Additionally Jason is an avid reader and devotes whatever spare time he has to his Kindle – “I take it everywhere with me”. QUICK SHOTS: Event you’re most looking forward to at this year’s Dublin Pride? The parade and the post parade events are what I’m most looking forward to this year; because it’s great to see everyone from the community marching together in solidarity, and also the Pride Village is so all-inclusive now with the performers, the stalls and everything. Its fun for everyone - gay, straight and everything in between. It is also exhilarating to see something grow from a simple idea to a two week festival! How do you cope when things don’t go the way you’ve hoped? I like to take a step back and see where a situation star ted to go wrong. By taking the time to see the star ting point, this can give you a bit of insight. Then if you see a pattern of events emerging, you can take action to correct them. Do you feel there are lots of bureaucratic hurdles to overcome when organising the festival? Like with most things in life, there will be hurdles and organising a festival at this magnitude there seems to be a never ending supply of them. However this is par t

Talk about keeping the plates spinning, Jason is the Chairperson of Dublin LGBTQ Ltd.

of the package and who knows, maybe Dublin Pride wouldn’t be as successful as it is with them. It can be really rewarding knowing that you were confronted with a challenge and acted accordingly to overcome it. You have to celebrate the challenges you’ve successfully overcame and learn from the trickier ones so you can best handle a similar situation at a different date. Do you think the public appreciate or understand the amount of work that goes into planning the festival? Honestly, I do think the public appreciate it. We can see it in the increasing numbers that attend Dublin Pride every year. Last year we had a 20% increase in people marching in the parade and that is only one day of our festival. We also saw a huge increase in attendees at our other events too. This year there is a bigger buzz about Dublin Pride as the referendum on marriage equality is on a lot of people’s minds and I think even more community groups see it as a platform for them to highlight issues and discuss them openly. We are constantly looking for more and more volunteers to help us out and there has been an increase in the amount of people coming forward so I do believe they understand the amount of work that goes into planning a festival. What will you do the day after it’s all over? RELAX! The month of June will be a rollercoaster ride and at the end of it I want to be able to give myself and everyone else a pat on the back for the hard work that they have put in. I’ll take a week off to put up my feet and have a glass of wine. | page 65

WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? Dublin Pride tell us about the theme of this year’s Pride.

The theme of the 31st Dublin Pride Festival will be “Freedom.” Grand Marshal, Colm O’ Gorman, made this announcement to a full room at Dublin’s City Hall on May 22nd. The announcement was received with a huge round of applause. O’Gorman stated that this year’s theme was “outstandingly relevant” as 2015 will be a monumental year in Irish LGBT rights and Dublin Pride 2014 aims to celebrate the freedom of love and to be free from homophobia. Additionally Dublin Pride wants to celebrate the history of Ireland’s LGBTQ rights movement and advance the ongoing progress the LGBTQ community has made since it first began in 1983. Chairperson of Dublin Pride, Jason Flynn, stated that a few themes were discussed with the board but they just did not fit. “This could be the last Dublin

Pride Festival before the 2015 Referendum, as the date hasn’t been announced yet. So our theme had to match this. We see ourselves as being on the road to freedom in terms of Marriage Equality and Gender Recognition,” said Flynn. “But we have to celebrate our little victories too in the meantime. Having the Garda Commissioner at our launch and having her announce that The Garda Band would be walking with us in the parade, now that’s an achievement that would have been unheard of, just over 20 years ago.” Dublin Pride is a family-orientated festival and emphasis has been placed on making Pride an event that the whole family can enjoy. The post parade event in Merrion Square will have a family zone and a number of the events throughout the festival will have something for the whole family to enjoy and take par t in. “This festival is not just for the LGBTQ community, it re-

The theme was announced at Dublin’s City Hall.

ally is for everyone and anyone,” Flynn commented, “we want to lead by example and show what equality and freedom really means to us. So I encourage everyone to at least attend one event – you can find the events in the Pride Guide – and just go into it with an open mind.” The festival represents the vibrant, diverse and inherently wonderful nature of people and family like no other event. It is an excellent way to celebrate family, community and diversity, with a vast range of colourful, exciting and interesting events. There is everything from ar t exhibitions to spor ts days, drag shows to Irish LGBT historical talks. There is cer tainly something for everyone to enjoy. The two week festival officially star ts on Sunday the 15th of June and continues until Sunday the 29th of June. The parade and post parade event take place on Saturday the 28th of June. | page 67


A quick glance at some of the events happening around Dublin Pride.

Friday 13th June

Saturday 14th June

Sunday 15th June


13:00 14:30 16:00

20:00 12:00 12:20 12:00

Dublin LGBTQ Pride Ltd AGM email to register

Various Voices presents Singing in the City City Hall, Dame Street Various Voices presents Singing in the City Dublin City Gallery Various Voices presents Singing in the City Axis: Ballymun

Big Gay Sing Dublin Bord Gais Energy Theatre Walk for Greyhounds 2014 Merrion Square Park Various Voices presents Singing in the City City Hall, Dame Street Various Voices presents Singing in the City Meeting House Square

Monday 16th June 18:30

Politics, Pride & Equality: The Debate Pearse Library

Wednesday 18th June

Tuesday 17th June 18:30

A Pride to Remember - An illustrated talk on the history of Dublin LGBT Pride Dublin City Library

Thursday 19th June 19:00

Wilde Exhibition 4 Dame Lane, Dublin 2

Friday 20th June 22:30 19:30 19:30 20:00

page 68 |

Crush Pride Extravaganza Lafayette Club Dublin Pride Run Phoenix Park Access Road Electronic Beats Outhouse LGBT Centre Pride Launch Par ty The George

20:30 18:00 19:00

Geili The Front Lounge Casement Debate Continued Pearse Library Feel Good About Yourself Venue TBC

Saturday 21st June 10:00 18:30 14:30 21:00 16:00 13:00 19:30 22:00

Belonging: Irish Queer Youth National Photographic Archive Dublin Pride Global Village Newstalk 106-108 Live Show The Morgan Hotel (TBC) Film Qlub screening: Twice a Woman The New Theatre, Essex Street GEAR Ireland Fettish Night Fibber Magees Societies Day at Outhouse Outhouse LGBT Centre Soapbox Sessions: Feel Good About Yourself Outhouse LGBT Centre Feeling Good Venue TBC Saturgays Pride Edition The George

Sunday 22nd June

Monday 23rd June

Tuesday 24th June

14:00 15:00 15:00 21:00

15:00 20:00

18:30 22:00 22:00

Spor ts Day and Dog Show Soccer Pitches, Fairview Park Dublin’s First Equality Wedding Show Morrison Hotel BeLonG To Sunday Outhouse LGBT Centre Pride Bingo The George

Outhouse Information Session Outhosue LGBT Centre Win Lose or Drag Pride Editon The George

Friday 27th June

Thursday 26th June Wednesday 25th June 19:30 17:30 19:30 19:00 23:00

Love and Pride The Outhouse LGBT Centre Individuality Transgender Peer Group Parliament House Over 18’s LGBT Peer Group Parliament House Politics: How to Win a Referendum Wood Quay Dublin City Strictly Come Pole Dancing The George

19:30 18:00 20:00 18:30 23:00

Love and Pride The Outhouse LGBT Centre The Ladybirds LBT Women Peer Group Parliament House My Big Fat Gay Pub Quiz The Front Lounge Diversity Champions Thirsty Thursdays The George

11:00 15:00 15:00 15:00 12:00

Champagne Breakfast at Outhouse Outhouse LGBT Centre GOLD Post Parade Tea Par ty Outhouse LGBT Centre Pride @ The Dragon with Milk and Tammie Brown The Dragon Pride 2014 33/34 Parliament Street Pride Parade Day The George

Saturday 28th June 11:00 21:00 12:00 17:00 17:00

Alcohol Free Breakfast Parliament House Burlesque Cabaret and Social Club The Sugar Club Bears on Parade Main Dublin Pride Parade Dublin Bears Post Parade Par ty Jack Nealons El Styra’s Pride Pop Par ty Essex Street West

I am Devine Irish Film Institute Voice of Pride 33/34 Parliament Street Bassline Pride Edition The George

19:30 22:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 17:00 20:30 20:00 21:00 20:00 20:00

Love and Pride The Outhouse LGBT Centre Pride and the Pleasuredome Bridies Bar/The George Dublin Bear Pride Jack Nealons Dublin Bears Disco Heaven Jack Nealons Pleasuredome Bridies Bar/The George Pride and The City Various (see map on website) Dyke Nite The Button Factory Trans Pride Community Reception See FB/TransEquality Plastic presents Queens of Pop The Dragon Bar Pre Dyke Night 33/34 Parliament Street Glitterbomb The George

Sunday 29th June 18:00 09:00 15:00 21:00 22:00

Ceremony of Love and Rememberance Oscar Wilde Statue Brunch at Soulful Bistro 46 Manor Street Post Pride Par ty 33/34 Parliament Street Post Pride Come Down Bingo The George MEN @ The Dragon Bar | page 69

EAT SLEEP DRINK & DO There’s loads of other things to do in and around Dublin too.

We’ve put together a quick info guide on the pride and other things to see and do around the City: Dublin Pride Parade The annual Pride Parade is the centerpiece of the two-week Dublin Pride Festival; the 2014 Parade will take place on Saturday 28th June from 1.45pm onwards. Nearly all of Ireland’s LGBT community groups, along with businesses, political par ties and civic groups, will rally at Parnell Square in Dublin city centre before marching through the city’s meandering streets. Alongside these groups will be individuals, families, friends and LGBT allies, who are free to join in the parade at any point along its way – Dublin’s is one of the last European Pride Parades to remain open to all, with no barriers erected. This reflects Dublin Pride’s open and inclusive ethos – we welcome everyone to march with us – to celebrate and to be proud. The parade is a unique blend of everything for which Pride stands. To some it’s a political march, to show the authorities that the fight for equality remains ongoing, that same-sex marriage is not yet a reality and that employment discrimination still exists. To others, it’s a sign of solidarity, to show our LGBT brothers and sisters in countries where they face state-sanctioned discrimination that we stand with them, or to those at home still in the closet, that there is a vibrant community here ready to embrace them. To some, it’s just a gay old day out, a chance to sample LGBT culture, to enjoy the music and dancing, and to make new friends and forge new experiences. page 70 |

This year’s Parade Grand Marshal is Colm O’Gorman, director of Amnesty International Ireland. O’Gorman was chosen as Grand Marshal because of his long standing work on human rights and in a year where the Dublin government will debate and family and relationships bill for LGBT people, he is a shining example of the modern family. His eloquent words in the media on the upcoming marriage equality referendum make him a perfect spokesperson for the LGBT community. “I am very grateful for this oppor tunity to lead this year’s Pride Parade, it’s a great honour to have been chosen to be Grand Marshal”, he adds. We believe nearly 36,000 people will march in the parade, the highest number ever and 6,000 up on the 2013 event – a 20% increase. People from all four corners of the land descend upon Dublin on Parade Day – we cer tainly hope you will be one of those among the crowd, we hope you will join the largest Pride Parade on the island of Ireland and the second-largest annual parade overall (only St Patrick’s Day draws more marchers!) The Parade’s route will see it end at Pride Village, a open area set up with a stage, speakers, bars, food stalls, and fun fair. Enjoy a drink and watch the acts and speeches on stage or the big screen and enjoy a bite to eat with music piped in. There will be a variety of food stalls, with gourmet food also available – there’s something to suit everyone’s taste. The fun fair is for the children (and for the inner child in every grown-up). You can have a go of the traditional carnival rides or try your luck at some of the games to win prizes. Representatives

from LGBT community groups will send up camp in the ‘Community Zone’, giving Parade par ticipants a chance to chat to them and get information on their activities and how to assist them in their campaigns, work and services. Information on Dublin City Dublin is a vibrant and friendly city that welcomes LGBT visitors and friends from around the world. Many hotels, bars and restaurants are proudly flying the rainbow colours as they prepare for the Dublin Pride Festival. Dublin City Council are proudly decorating the River Liffey with rainbow flags and warmly invite you to come celebrate the Dublin Pride Festival this year. Dublin has numerous amenities of which to avail, whether you’re just visiting for the Parade, the weekend, or the full two weeks of the festival. Below are some places to eat and drink in Dublin. We are happy to say they are all Pride suppor ters! Bars/Clubs/Sauna The George (Gay Bar and Club), 89 South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2 The George is not just any bar or any gay bar. It is the first por t of call for young gay people in Dublin, it is the venue where gay and straight people mix together. The Front lounge (gay late bar), 33 Parliament St, Dublin 2 Established since the 1990’s and nestled in the hear t of Dublin, the Front Lounge is that rare creature; a classic modern pub oozing an effor tless chic. www. PantiBar (gay bar), 8 Capel Street, Dublin 1 Run by the fabulous Queen Pandora “Panti” Bliss, who earned international acclaim earlier this year with her ‘Noble Call’ video, this bar is the best to star t you night as you ramble through Dublin and enjoy the locals and the finest impor ts. Jack Nelsons (pub bar), 165 Capel St Dublin 1 Jack Nealons is a traditional Irish Pub resting in the hear t of Dublin’s city centre. It not just where the teddy bears go to picnic, it’s one of Dublin’s oldest, most popular pubs. Madigans (Cafe Bar), 19 OConnell street, Dublin 1 It is a traditional Irish Pub, offering great food, live music and a cosy escape from the hustle and bustle of O’Connell Street. Website Link The Boilerhouse, (sauna) Crane Lane, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 The Boilerhouse is a five storey purpose built building, within the walls of a nineteenth century grain store once owned by Queen Victoria.‎ Bar52, (Cafe Bar) 52 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1 Bar 52, is a relaxed spot with great atmosphere whether you’re stopping for one or staying for the night. They’re centrally located just off of O’Connell Sreet, along. Lost Society (night club), Powerscourt, South William Street, D2 Lost Society is situated in one of the finest 18th century town mansions in Dublin, Powerscour t Townhouse Centre. In 2011 Lost Society won the award for the most Stylish Bar in Ireland with Licencing World. Lafayette Cafe Bar (Cafe Bar), 22-25 Westmoreland St Dublin 2 Lafayette Cafe Bar is a classy but casual and welcoming new bar for Dublin; where New York cool meets Paris chic. Complete with original contemporary wall.‎ The Garage Bar (Bar), Essex Street East, Temple Bar, Dublin 2

The Garage Bar is situated in the hub of Temple Bar and is definitely one of a kind with 1930′s petrol pumps, tyres, car fronts, walls adorned with images of rock and roll icons and sawdusted floors. Website Link Food/Restaurants LemonJelly Cafe (Food), Millennium Walkway, Dublin 1 Great food and a friendly atmosphere make lemon jelly not only a must-stop if you’re feeling peckish, but a place to relax, chat, people watch, and the service is simply fantastic. KOH Restaurant (restaurant bar), Millennium Walkway, Dublin 1 Koh is both a Thai Restaurant and a chic Cocktail Lounge.‎ Brasserie Sixty6 (restaurant), 66 S Great George’s St Dublin 2 Brasserie Sixty6. Stylish & busy restaurant, right in the hear t of Dublin. Great food & drink, fantastic surroundings, exciting atmosphere at reasonable prices. Bang Restaurant, (restaurant) 11 Merrion Row, Dublin 2 The philosophy at Bang is simple: Great Quality Food at Affordable Prices in relaxed and informal surroundings. www. Acapulco, (restaurant) 7 South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2 Acapulco Mexican Restaurant, an authentic, colourful and lively restaurant situated right in the hear t of Dublin city centre.

Mexican, BBQ & Morrocan Cuisine. Its high-quality, reasonably priced food and friendly, attentive staff has made this restaurant a huge favourite with Dublin diners. Accommodation There is plenty of accommodation in Dublin, from hostels, guesthouses, B&Bs to hotels, apar tments and student summer accommodation. We recommend you book early though, as Dublin Pride is anticipating a lot of visitors from outside the city! And for something else.... If you decide to hang around after the Pride Festival finishes on Sunday 29th June, there are still plenty of things to do in and around Dublin, such as: •Guinness Storehouse •The Hugh Lane Gallery •The James Joyce Museum •Chester Beatty Library •The National Ar t Gallery •National History Museum •Collins Barracks Museum •Phoenix Park & Visitor Centre •Botanic Gardens •The National Library •Glendalough National Park •Trinity College •Dublin Bus Sightseeing Tour And many, many more!

Brasserie 7, Suite 238 Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7 Brassiere7 is a bustling venue that attracts not just locals but also draws a diverse crowd of tourists and business clientele.‎ The Bakehouse, (Bakery) 6 Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin The Bakehouse is a Bakery and Eatery in the hear t of Dublin city, located beside the ha’penny bridge.‎ Carlo’s Restaurant (restaurant), 63/64 O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 An ambient gem of an eatery specialising in a delicious fusion of Irish, Italian, | page 71


He’s the Grand Marshal at Dublin Pride and a whole lot more.

Colm O’ Gorman will be the Grand Marshal of Dublin Pride 2014. Colm was born in County Wexford in July 1966. The son of a farmer, he spent the first eleven years of his life in the village of Adamstown before moving with his family to Wexford town in 1977. He left Wexford in 1984, living in Dublin for a few years before moving to London in 1986. He worked as a waiter, a barman, a charity fundraiser, a hair salon manager, a security guard, a coat check attendant, a radio dj, a cook, a restaurant manager and a mini cab driver before he finally decided to get serious about a single career and train as a therapist in 1994. He qualified as a physical therapist in 1994, and as a psychotherapist in 1996. He worked initially in private practice before founding the organisation One in Four in 1999 to suppor t women and men who have experienced sexual violence.

In 1998 he launched a legal case against the Roman Catholic Church as a result of his experiences of sexual abuse at the hands of one of its priests when he was a teenager. He went on to sue the Bishop of his home diocese of Ferns and the Pope. In 2002 he took par t in a BBC documentary, which told the story of his battle with the Roman Catholic Church. The film, Suing the Pope aired in March 2002 and resulted in the resignation of the Bishop of Ferns Dr Brendan Comiskey. Colm returned to live in Ireland in 2003 to found One in Four Ireland. In his role as Director of One in Four, he was instrumental in the establishment of the Ferns Inquiry, the first state investigation into clerical sexual abuse in Ireland. The inquiry investigated the management of child sexual abuse concerns and allegations by the Catholic Church and by State authorities.

Wow. This is a guy everyone needs to know about.

In 2005 he helped to establish Gorey Educate Together National School ; a multidenominational, co-educational, child centred and democratically run primary school. Colm’s work as a human rights defender is driven by a deep commitment to human rights and social justice and an abiding belief in the power of advocacy and activism, which challenges all of us to use our individual and collective voices to demand change where it is most needed. In February 2008, Colm was appointed Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland. Accreditation to Colm O’Gorman. Extracted from his blog. | page 73

IICKETS: 没15 AT THE DOOR 没10 ON DUBLINPRIDE.IE See website for more details




REV. CHRIS HUDSON The “Straight Friendly” church.

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Reverend Chris Hudson is extraordinary. His unprejudiced views, his forward-thinking and the unwavering altruism he promotes sets him apar t from conventional clergymen in Nor thern Ireland. The minister of All Souls Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church in Belfast prioritises fairness and equality, and unlike many clergy, he opens the doors of his Church to everyone. In August 2008 the minister made history in Nor thern Ireland when he walked in the Belfast Pride parade wearing his clerical collar, showing LGBT people that he suppor ted them wholehear tedly. We spoke to Reverend Hudson about his Church, his values, gay rights, and other social and cultural issues. Here are his responses: “All Souls Church is inclusive. By inclusive we mean whether you’re gay; whether you’re straight; whether you’re transgender; whether you’re a Trinitarian Christian; a Unitarian Christian; or a Christian who is a bit fuzzy on what the whole thing means, you’re welcome into this Church. The values of All Souls Church are non-creedal, theologically liberal and socially liberal. The challenge was, I felt, to see how those values worked in the greater community. When we stepped outside the door of this Church what practical activities could make those values come alive? The obvious one for me was standing up for the LGBT community. It would be wrong to think of the LGBT community as homogenous – it’s diverse in as much as any society is diverse. I get the impression that LGBT people of faith may be a minority; that most gay or lesbian people have probably walked away from the Church, and that’s completely understandable. Within that community there are people of faith who are feeling terribly rejected, and this is why, six or seven years ago I marched in Gay Pride wearing my clerical collar. I wear my collar to make

political statements and I felt that wearing it on Pride was a very clear political statement: that I, as a Christian minister thought that this was the right thing to do, whilst others wearing clerical collars were there opposing the Pride parade. Since then two or three other ministers have marched in Pride and hopefully that will grow. People have taken seven or eight pieces of scripture and twisted that into some sor t of illogical argument against what people call homosexuality, knowing that 2,000 years ago the psycho-sexual concept of understanding homosexuality didn’t exist. Jesus didn’t understand it. How would he have? He would have understood homosexuality just as much as he would have been able to grasp the concept of laptops. I can’t see Jesus saying ‘are you LGBT?’ or ‘I read GNI Magazine’. It’s unfair to project the language we use and the way we live on someone who lived around 2,000 years ago. They were talking about different things back then. Jesus spoke seven times about divorce but he never mentioned anything to do with gay people. Churches looked at society as a whole and decided that divorce is socially fair; it’s a fair practice to have and so it’s wor th legislating for. For, if a marriage has irretrievably broken down, with the best will in the world you ain’t going to save it. What you have to concerned be with is that the cour ts uphold the rights of the people involved in the break up. We must look at marriage equality in the same way – as a fair practice to introduce. If a same-sex couple decide that they want to live in a union together, and they want that union to be protected by the social norms of society, they should be entitled to that. That’s the fair thing to do. Marriage is an institution that protects people and therefore people should be entitled to it irrespective of what form a relationship takes. | page 77

The Catholic Church says that all sexual activity outside marriage is sinful, whether it’s straight or gay… But they oppose marriage equality, and therefore there is no situation that permits gay people to have a loving sexual relationship. I personally believe that all the other churches are wrong on the gay issue. I think that within time they will see the error of their ways, and they will come to understand that what they were doing was quite ridiculous. It’s inevitable. It’s as inevitable as giving women the vote. It’s as inevitable as abolishing slavery. It’s inevitable that the churches will eventually see that they were wrong, and that their interpretation of scripture was inaccurate. You can have your own personal point of view, but because you think something is not right for you, it doesn’t mean it’s not right for everybody else. Some people don’t seem to understand that you read scripture for yourself and that it is quite reasonable for a person to hold two diverse opinions. Take, for example, the abor tion issue – you could personally be opposed to the concept of abor tion but publicly suppor t the right of people to have abor tion available. That’s the way we work in a liberal democracy. Politicians must have what we would call the Wisdom of Solomon so that they can make these big decisions. Belfast is a good city. I think it’s on a learning curve. There’s an awful lot of good things happening. Over on the Newtownards Road in the Skainos Centre there are Irish language classes running and there are about 240 people, many of them coming from Loyalist backgrounds, some of them former UVF paramilitaries, learning Irish. I think that’s a very good thing. I thought the state visit to England by Michael D Higgins, the President of Ireland – and I’m from the South so I feel these things strongly was a great moment historically. page 78 |

You couldn’t help but be moved by that, and then by President Higgins’s speech at the end during which he thanked the Prince and Princess Micheal of Kent for being there. To me that’s all positive. We’re a small group of islands with more in common than we have in difference. I think Declan Kiberd, a lecturer of Irish History in UCD, expressed it brilliantly when he said we should never be prisoners of ‘the narcissim of minor differences’. Being a Christian is not about theology and it’s not even about belief; it’s about how you live your life. The only thing that really matters is that you love your neighbour as you love yourself, and that you try as much as you possibly can to be the best you can and to be fair to other people. Of course, it doesn’t always work – we all

have our issues, and there are people we can’t stomach and people we’d like to thump, but that’s the nature of the world. We need more people who are clearly connected to faith based organisations to come to Pride and clearly identify that they don’t share others’ points of view. The danger is that people see the protestors and assume that that’s how all Christians feel. Jesus Christ wasn’t selective; Jesus Christ hung out with everybody. That’s what we reflect here at All Souls.” Reverend Chris Hudson will be

at Belfast Pride 2014 wearing his clerical collar and carrying a banner cearly identifying his Church. He welcomes one and all to his annual Pride Service which will take place on 2nd August at 3pm in All Souls NonSubscribing Presbyterian Church on Elmwood Avenue in South Belfast. In conclusion, we strongly believe that no person should be made to feel like they are less impor tant than anyone else. We are all here and we are all equal. It is devastating to think that those who hold positions of power in our churches can make people feel that their faith does not count. As long as Church leaders reject people because of their background, their sexuality, or their cultural, moral and social beliefs, we cannot claim to live in an equal society.

Rev Chris Hudson believes politicans should have “Wisdom of Solomn” when making big decisions.

The Reverend Chris Hudson completely rejects all forms of discrimination, never allowing ‘the narcissism of minor differences’ to compromise his Christian values. In his words, “if other ministers and priests were outspoken, change would be a lot easier.” We couldn’t agree more. Reverend Chris Hudson is extraordinary, and it’s a crying shame there aren’t more like him.

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COMING OUT Claire’s story.

I knew from a very young age that I was gay. My family were very conservative and if anything like that was mentioned it was always brushed aside. After a while I came out as bisexual and lived my teenage life having fun and trying to figure out what I wanted. I didn’t come out as bisexual to my family; just to the friends and relatives I knew I could really trust. I met a guy when I was 19 and we got married three years later. We were married for four and a half years and together for seven. It was a brilliant marriage and I loved him, but not in the way I knew I was supposed to. He was in the army and went away on two tours in Afghanistan. After a while he star ted talking about having kids. I wanted to have children and I still do, but it didn’t feel like the right time for me. While he was away I star ted texting a girl – nothing serious, just a few flir tatious messages – but he read my phone and asked me what was going on. I said, ‘nothing, but I’m having strong feelings about my sexuality and as much as I love and appreciate you, I don’t think I’m giving you everything I

should be in this relationship’. He didn’t take that well. Without me knowing he contacted my parents and said he wanted to speak to them. I got a message from my mum saying ‘so, you two are coming up tonight’, I assumed we’d be going for dinner at their house. My mum asked me ‘are you questioning your sexuality?’ and I was able to say, ‘No, I’ve never questioned my sexuality. I’ve always known but I never thought it would be accepted. I’m not happy. It’s nothing to do with my husband or anyone else. I’m not happy in myself.’ After we separated my husband didn’t want anything to do with me, and then after two years he contacted me about the divorce. By that time I’d star ted seeing someone, and he’d star ted seeing his current girlfriend. I thought, ‘this is good, he’s moving on’. I was more worried about him than myself, because I knew I was OK. For me it had seemed over for a while, and I’d had time to accept it, whereas he hadn’t, and I had to respect that. I still feel really bad about how it all happened. I met him a few weeks ago for coffee, which was great. That’s the first time we’ve

sat down and spoken to each other properly in four and a half years. The one thing I never said to him was ‘I’m sorry for what I did’ – hopefully that will come in the next conversation … Or I might even send him this ar ticle! It took my parents a long time to accept the fact that I’m gay. My mum is very accepting now and she even makes jokes about it sometimes. My dad has accepted it as well, although he rarely talks about it. Occasionally after a few drinks he’ll say ‘I love you whatever way you are’, but he wouldn’t say that sober – that’s just the kind of man he is, and I accept that. As far as the rest of the family is concerned, i have an aunt who is very acceptant and always has been. Then there are other members of the extended family that don’t bother at all – no phone calls, no texts, no invites to special events – silly things like that. I think that whenever you come out whatever your age - people you meet on the gay scene become your family, because only they truly know what you’re going through. I love the gay scene, but I also enjoy going to other pubs and clubs. It’s

hard to be a lesbian couple and go out to bars because people (mostly fellas) are constantly saying ‘aw, can I join in, I’m a lesbian too!’… Yeah, I heard that one about 10 years ago, get some new material! Since my marriage I’ve had 2 serious relationships with women, but now I’m single and ready to mingle! Career wise, I’m working night duties in the hospital as an auxiliary nurse and I’m also a Nor thern Ireland distributor of Juice Plus, so it’s all go! As well as that, I’m hoping to star t my own business in the late summer. It’ll be a kids’ par ty enter tainment package – myself or someone else from the company will go to the par ty dressed as a Disney character and sing songs from that character’s film. We’ll have a candy floss machine and a chocolate making machine so the kids will have loads of fun! Singing is my big passion; in the past I’ve auditioned for The X Factor and The Voice, and I was in a group called ‘Rock Angel’ with Alecia Karr (the UK’s #1 tribute to Pink) and Zoe Boyd, which was so much fun! Following that I was in a really well-established group called ‘Fusion’. I’m always trying new things; I’m going to be working with some writers and producers soon. Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll have recorded some solo songs… Can’t wait!

SERIOUSLY THO Are we becoming post-gay?

I’m sitting in the iconic Bewley’s Café on Dublin’s Grafton Street, having coffee with the travel writers and editors of some of America’s top gay magazines, when we start talking about a new, emerging generation of gay media. I would’ve summed up this new generation of so-called ‘gay media’ pretty easily; magazines which understand that a community connected by sexuality doesn’t equate to a group obsessed with sex. In other words, magazines which realise that there are LGBT readers who don’t mind throwing their attention to the odd cultural ar ticle, interview or political piece. That’s not to say that we can’t ever take a joke or lighten up – quite the opposite – but it shows a realisation that ripped abs and drag queens do not a gay mag make. Now, we’re beginning to reflect that change in what we produce, including in page 84 |

GNI. One American counterpar t summed up this relatively new breed of publication in a simple term; ‘post-gay’. At first, I laughed off the term in a knee-jerk reaction, thinking it was a sarcastic joke (not entirely familiar with my counterpar t’s New York accent). Quickly, though, I came to the realisation that it made good sense; if the perception of ‘gay’ yesteryear meant sex-focused guys, ready to get wasted at the turn of each weekend – think back to Queer As Folk – then today’s media have grown weary of that stereotype. Instead, magazines like GNI have moved onto this ‘post-gay’ era; recognising that most of their readers are just your typical kind of European/American/whatever. They’ll have an interest in the world around them, and enjoy following the news stories that affect them. They may know who the politicians who affect them are, maybe without

“In other words, magazines which realise that there are LGBT readers who don’t mind throwing their attention to the odd cultural ar ticle.”

understanding everything about how politics work, much like the rest of us. If they’re anything like me, they’re on the lookout for something that little bit different. In general, this new post-gay generation doesn’t surround themselves by just the gay scene, nor do they define themselves by the kind of sex they have. They’re – we’re – just people, and that’s how it should be. A longer edition of this column will be available in the June issue of EILE Magazine.

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YOUR HOME Lee Austin: “keep er lit”.

Well it seems that we have all gone industrial mad in the world of interior design. Whether it’s in our own homes, the local pub or neighbourhood restaurants, it’s hard to get away for the fact that the rough and crude edges of an industrial style are all around us. What better way to try and introduce this look into our homes than with the use of fantastic lighting! Salvage and vintage has never been so easy to find. Whether it’s original pieces dug out from under the stairs, hidden in our grandparents attic or spruced up and placed in the window of a rather swanky upcycled furniture store, it goes without saying, this look is really cool and quirky and allows us to inject a little personality without breaking the budget. Old gas pipes, galvanized metal cages, elements of ancient factory equipment and machinery all can have a place on the side table or hung from the centre of your front room. With this style taking off at force, the beauty of this engineered rusty and beaten look allows us to get creative. Take inspiration from the likes of Etsy or Pintrerest for some really great ideas and uses of unusual items that would once have ended up on the rubbish tip. These things can be turned into things of beauty - celebrations of craftsmanship that don’t really exist in new manufacturing. Materials more often found in old warehouses and factories - like concrete and stone - are now being used alongside aged timbers and unfinished metals to create spectacular lighting instillations and feature chandeliers. Old-fashioned fabric covered electrical cables and filament bulbs complete the look and create a dramatic yet understated overall design. And if you simply don’t have the time or resources to hunt for old original components to create your own piece of engineered beauty, the high street has now cottoned on to this look. Gone are the bright spangly crystal chandeliers and in are the aged and antiqued lamps and pendant lighting to give your home the look of a bygone industrial era.

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GNI Gay friendly businesses

SIMON CRAWFORD Keep it loud and Proud for Belfast Pride 2014. LUNCH 2 Courses £17 3 Courses £20 PRE-THEATRE (Tues - Sat) 3 Course £24 Closed Sunday & Monday

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Team GNI try out Cafe Continental. Photography by Hoohaaphotography

It was a wet and dreary day and the GNI team were rushing around Belfast city centre, working hard (as always). We were getting hungry and, as a result, a little bit cranky. We knew a refuel was in order, so we kept our eyes open for a suitable pitstop. We didn’t have to look for long; as we were walking through Blackstaff Square behind Robinsons, we came across the most charming vintage van come café. We were instantly drawn towards Cafe Continental, which welcomes customers with an open awning, table and chairs, beautiful flowers, hot drinks and snacks, and a smiling proprietor. London-born Paul Vickery, who owns the mobile café, calls the beautifully restored 1940’s Citroën H van ‘Hetty’ after his beloved Nan. Hetty sits in Blackstaff Square from Monday through Friday from 7.30am (see Facebook for up-to-date opening hours), catering to anyone in need of a tasty bite to eat, a refreshing drink, or that all-important caffeine hit. page 88 |

Hetty is also available to hire for your big events. We promptly ordered a tea, a coffee and a hot chocolate along with three savoury tarts (although it took us a while to decide on the food order as there was so much to choose from). Paul sprang into action making the coffee, frothing the milk, brewing the tea, preparing the food, and all the while chatting away to us happily. The wonderful atmosphere his van created was heightened by his friendly, chirpy disposition. Although Cafe Continental is the perfect place to pick up good food on-the-go, it’s tempting to hang around for much longer with Hetty and the affable Paul. We quickly came to realise that Cafe Continental isn’t just a quirky mobile café - it’s a place to meet, greet and exchange stories, providing a welcome and interesting break from the chaos of everyday city life. Next time you’re rushing past Blackstaff Square, take two minutes out of your busy day

Cafe Continental is in Blackstaff Square behind Robinsons.

to grab a coffee, meet Paul and marvel at Hetty. Cafe Continental serves sweet and savoury dishes including croissants, hot tarts, brownies, cakes, and scones. Paul has managed to fit an entire café into his World War 2 era van! We tucked into our delicious hot sandwiches and Paul told us that the café was born out of his passion for good food, good service and all things 1940’s. We were astounded by the excellent value – you can enjoy a bacon and cheese croissant and a drink. The iconic shiny black van with its distinctive corrugated bodywork not only enhances the entire square, it offers customers a refreshingly different dining experience with a generous slice of nostalgia on the side. Cafe Continental is an asset to the city of Belfast. Facebook: cafecontinentalbelfast Available for hire at weddings and events.

NUTRITION Chia Seeds; what are they?

In the past few years Chia seeds have burst onto the healthy eating scene, boasting several impressive health-boosting properties. If you haven’t yet become acquainted with these South American super seeds, it’s time you gave them a try. The word ‘chia’ comes from the Mayan word meaning ‘strengthening’. Chia seeds have been a diet staple for tribes in Mexico and the Southwestern United States for centuries, and they were repor tedly used as an energy supplement during long journeys and conquests. The seeds come from a flowering plant belonging to the mint family that is native to Mexico and Guatemala. It’s so easy to incorporate these tiny, health-giving seeds into your diet. They can be eaten as they are; sprinkled over

your dish - be it yoghur t, pasta, salad, noodles, meat, soup, etc.; or soaked in water to make a drink, gel, or desser tlike porridge called ‘pinole’. Chia is packed with protein, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fibre. A one-ounce serving has around 11 grams of dietary fibre; that’s a third of the recommended daily intake for adults. That same one-ounce serving also contains around 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to improve brain health. Chia is high in Calcium, Manganese, and Phosphorous, which help to strengthen bones, and it’s full of protein, which can help with muscle repair and improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. It also contains an amino acid called Tryptophan (also found in turkey), which helps to regulate appetite and sleep, and can improve your mood. This superfood has been found to have a stabilising effect on blood sugar levels, which helps to fight insulin resistance. As well as this, according to extensive research*, chia seeds have the power to increase healthy cholesterol whilst lowering low-density lipoprotein

and triglyceride levels (the bad guys). Chia is currently being studied as a potential natural treatment for type-2 diabetes thanks to its ability to slow down digestion. Chia is incredibly versatile and can be used as a baking ingredient to replace egg or flour, so it’s perfect for vegans, vegetarians and people with gluten allergies. On top of all that, chia seeds are tasteless, so you won’t be forced to hold your nose and screw your face up as you scoff ‘em! The long list of health benefits attached to chia makes it hard to fault this fantastic foodstuff. Chia seeds are available to buy in most health food stores. * Research carried out by Dr. Wayne Coates a.k.a. ‘Mr. Chia’ | page 89



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Abarth Punto EVO fuel cons mpg (l/100km): urban 35.3 (8.0) / extra-urban 56.5 (5.0) / combined 46.3 (6.1), CO2 emissions: 142g/km. Model shown: Abarth Punto Evo Supersport (ÂŁ17,810) with front armrest



You should believe the hype.

A trip to Donnelly Motors is always an experience to look forward to but this time I was unaware of just how sweet a motoring treat I was about to get! I arrived to see the new Fiat Punto Evo Abar th, a stunning looking 1.4 litre engine vehicle with a smar t appearance and pleasing interior. So I was keen to have a drive and take it out on the road. The smooth running engine took me out on the road with a feeling of grandeur and style. It was brisk and the acceleration to 60mph was gained

very rapidly. It felt a much safer drive to anything I’d previously driven, all thanks to Fiat’s technology and its Torque Thruster Control System - an onboard electronic device that helps control steering, especially on tight bends and corners. This coupled with its dual drive electric power steering meant I found it a complete joy to drive. The Abar th is very easy on the eye with fog lights, tinted rear and rear door windows, painted rear spoiler and matt painted 17 inch alloy wheels along with twin satin steel exhausts on view. Inside there are spectacular looking spor ting fabric seats, a CD/MP3 player

with steering wheel controls pumping out the tunes via four 40 watt speakers and full bluetooth connectivity, again all at your finger tips from the trendy black leather steering wheel. Since the car comes in a range of striking vibrant colours you can choose anything from a pastel white to a rich black with the ever popular matt stripes. With its state-of-the-ar t technology and striking appearance, the Fiat Punto Evo Abar th is definitely a car not to be missed. It’s a unique, spor ty number that gets a big thumbs up from GNI. | page 91


Pride season is finally upon us, and to get you in the mood, we’ve compiled a list of things that should make every single one of us proud every single day..... awwwwww!

A – Achievements. When you’re feeling useless, mentally list all of your achievements to date. You’ll feel immensely proud. B – Body. The human body is an incredible machine. Be proud of all the things it lets you do. C – Comebacks. Physical or verbal, everybody loves a good comeback. D – Dedication. E – Enemies you’ve made. This shows strength of character! F – Friends and family. G – Gay Rights Movement. Never forget how far we’ve come. H – Having loving relationships. I – Imperfections. J – Journeys you’ve made. Every new place you see adds colour to your life. K – Kindness. L – Life lessons learned. Life’s tough, but it teaches us all a thing or two. M – Maturity. Think about how much you’ve grown up over the last few years. N – Nature. Have you noticed nature recently? Go outside - it’s kind of amazing. O – Opening up. Letting your barriers down can be hard but sometimes it’s wor th it. P – Personality. Your personality is what makes you you. Q – Quick wit. R – Rainbow flags, and what they symbolise. S – Sexuality. T – Team spirit. U – Uniqueness. Although we are all humans, no two of us are completely alike. Be proud to be different. V – Voicing your opinions. This takes courage! W – Wisdom. One day we’d all like to be as wise as the talking tree in Pocahontas. X – X boyfriends and X girlfriends. Be proud of what you’ve shared with these people. Y – YOURSELF. page 92 |

Z – Zebras and leopards, because they don’t change for anyone.

GNI Gay friendly businesses


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CONLETH RECOMMENDS What to watch, listen to and see.

DVD: ‘Saving Mr. Banks’ Growing up, I think all of us had a soft spot for the magical Disney film, ‘Mary Poppins’. Who wouldn’t love a woman who flew out of the sky holding an umbrella, could pull endless magical items out of her handbag, and sang songs like, ‘Just a Spoonful of Sugar’ and ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’? I was very intrigued to watch ‘Saving Mr. Banks’ as it is the story of how Walt Disney (Tom Hanks), fought endlessly to buy the rights to ‘Mary Poppins’ from writer Pamela Travers (Emma Thompson). The performances from the cast are impeccable; at many points during the movie I laughed out loud, and at many points I cried. It was also great to see an actress who was two years above me at Drama School (Victoria Summer), make an appearance at the very end playing the par t of Julie Andrews at the film’s Los Angeles Premiere. The story is beautifully page 94 |

told, and I can honestly say it is now in my top ten films of all time, and it is an emotional rollercoaster from star t to finish ‘in the most delightful way’. Theatre: ‘Can’t Forget About You’ Lyric Theatre, Belfast 8th June - 5th July ‘Can’t Forget About You’ is making its transfer to the main stage at the Lyric Theatre this June after a critically acclaimed and sold out run last year in the Lyric’s Naughton Studio. The show is bursting with typical Nor thern Irish humour. It tells the story of a 25-year-old East Belfast man who falls for a 49year-old Glaswegian widow, and his Ulster Unionist mother who stingily disapproves, trying everything she can to split the pair up. This is a fantastic night out at the Theatre! Don’t miss it!’ ALBUM OF THE MONTH: Me. I am Mariah Since her last studio album back

Originally from NI, Conleth has carved out a successful career in London both on stage and on screen.

in 2009, Mariah has either been having babies, or cat-fighting with Nicki Minaj on the panel of American Idol, but now she is back, doing what she does best. Mariah is the biggest selling female ar tist of all time, and has more number one records than Elvis Presley and The Beatles! Like the majority of her albums, Mariah has co-produced/written the tracks, and her voice soars from the star t of the record, right through to the end. The album has already given Mariah a huge hit with ‘#Beautiful’ feat. Miguel. We are also treated to a cover of George Michael’s hit, ‘One More Try’ which receives a glorious-gospel makeover, and we even get a guest appearance from the legendary Stevie Wonder, who plays the harmonica on ‘Make it Look Good’. My personal favourite track is ‘Thirsty’ for its genius lyrics and diva attitude. The Queen is back! This is the album of the Summer!

Jordan & Diona A Guide to Holiday Romance

Don’t delay, as soon as you get to the hotel scope out the most burnt person at the pool. They are your ace up your sleeve should all else fail. In the room? DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY! Those biceps and pecs need to be throbbing before you reveal the shining white trophy that is your body to the world. Now, let’s drown ourselves in Lynx/ Sure and get out there. The beach is a prime place to find a par tner. DO NOT go for the tanned gym bunny with a face out of heaven and torso carved from stone - rejection will upset you on your first day. Instead have a few beers (seven) and find someone quite red and miserable looking. The sunburn will have them grateful for the attention and when you play the old ‘Oh no! I don’t have any euros’ card they will happily buy you more beer. Get their number, name and where you met them. Now you have a second last resor t. If you do go rogue and decide to approach someone attractive then FOR GODSAKE USE SOME DECENT LINES• Hey, is that a fake tan cos it’s totally streakless! • Is it my hangover making my back sweaty of is it your GOD DAMN HOT BODY? • Fancy finding somewhere cool to chat? I put my pillow in the freezer and my pants in the fridge. • I bet a lot of people just compliment you on your rock hard abs but I’m interested in your thoughts and dreams. Let’s get naked and discuss your future…. • (To someone on crutches) Did you fall from heaven? Cos I like injured people…. • Sunburn makes me horny. HONK HONK! So by now it’s all going well, the days pass on the beach with your holiday hottie and the nights get even more scorching with your super hot sex moves. But the end is drawing near and you don’t want Juan/ Carlos/Antonius/Colin (or Fernanda/Maria/Lissa/Margaret)to be bothering you when you are at home so it’s time to CUT THE TIES. Make sure you have a beautiful romantic dinner on your last night and the most incredibly passionate boudoir moment you can. Then when they are in the shower, slip some BNP leaflets in their pockets. When they come back into the room star t shouting at them and accusing them of being a massive racist. Once they’ve denied it a few times take your already packed bags and leave. If you have time to kill maybe text your last resor t from the first day and get them to buy you a drink. YOU’RE WELCOME BELFAST! Jordan and Diona x | page 95

GEMMA HUTTON Her world in her words.

So we are just getting over Easter and some funny f***er thinks it’s a good idea straight afterwards to organise an event with tight pink Lycra. I didn’t really get the point of The was like the shi**y cousin (that nobody talks to) of the Tour de France. Of course it’s always good for tourism and frustrated gay men staring out their office windows. I personally just sat in bed and enjoyed eating the last of my Easter eggs while watching other people do exercise. Then again I am the type of sick bitch that has made a hobby out of sitting outside pure-gym with a bargain bucket. So this month I was down South (no pun intended) gigging in the Twisted Pepper at a marriage equality fundraiser. Apar t from getting to work with some awesome comedians it could be the first time that I have done nearly an entire set using sign language. Turns out the paddys like me and I have been asked to perform at an LGBT dating festival (swingers I’m guessing)...which will prove to be very interesting. One thing I have learnt recently is that cer tain members of our community, do not care for ladies swearing... A man actually stopped my gig

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to let me know that he was utterly disgusted that a woman would swear so profusely in public and that I disgusted him so much that I should go home. I just said good night to him and carried on. He did mention that swearing was perfectly acceptable for Drag Queens...because they’re not “real women” ...go figure. It’s sometimes surprising that there can be prejudice even within the community. especially towards female enter tainers can still see people’s minds being blown over the fact that there is a real woman with a mic in a gay bar. I guess we still have a long way to go in Nor thern Ireland...and it’s not just politicians that need a kick in the d**k. Fake tits give you the right to curse. What is life?!?!

GNI Gay friendly businesses

Movie House Cinemas would like to wish all Belfast Pride participants a great festival! t #PPL '3&& GSPN ZPVS TNBSUQIPOF PS POMJOF XXX NPWJFIPVTF DP VL t $SB[Z 5VFTEBZT BMM UJDLFUT BMM EBZ KVTU b t (SFBU TVNNFS PGGFST


13/05/2014 15:22





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GNI were there at the launch night of Belfast’s newest club; BOOMBOX.

page 98 |

GNI Gay friendly businesses

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We called into Union Street and The Kremlin and joined in on the fun....

Page 100 | | page 101

Roxy and Rusty hosted the showing of the final of the Ru Paul Drag Race in Maverick.....

page 102 |

GNI Gay friendly businesses




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A glance at what’s happening around Belfast and Dublin.










0 D4

Friday Kremlin (Belfast) – Weekly theme nights Union Street (Belfast) – An evening with Glitzy Glamour Maverick (Belfast) – WINE CLUB! Half price bottles of selected wine from 4pm-7pm! VAGABOND with DJ Marion Hawkes from 9pm Sunflower (Belfast) – Traditional Session 9pm Central Bar (Strabane) – Friday Mash Up with DJ Ola

Specials Comedian Brendan Burns @ The Sunflower: Friday 13th June Fuzz Box Launch Par ty @ Boombox: Friday 20th June Beach Par ty @ Kremlin: Friday 27th June Room Service Exclusive Irish Residency Pride Par ty @ Boombox: Saturday 2nd August Free Spanish Classes @ The Sunflower: Mondays 6.30-7.30pm (Contact The Sunflower on 028 9023 2474)



Sunflower (Belfast) – Appalachian Session 8pm Central Bar (Strabane) – Saturday Beats with DJ Ricardo

Sunday Kremlin (Belfast) – Industry 10pm, free entry Union Street (Belfast) – The Sunday Bingo Show 8.45pm Tuesday Kremlin (Belfast) – Klub 180, all drinks £1.80 all night Maverick (Belfast) – The R&R with Rusty and Roxy Union Street (Belfast) – Grannie’s Fun Factory 9pm 5pm, Boogie Principle with DJ Ciaran Boylan 8pm Maverick (Belfast) – Amplified Live Music Tuesdays Boombox (Belfast) – Full Circle with DJ Stuar t Millar and Guests Boombox (Belfast) – Hoo Chie Tuesdays with Sunflower (Belfast) – Traditional Session 7pm KKRU DJZ Central Bar (Strabane) – Spiritual Sunday Sunflower (Belfast) – Open Mic Night 7pm Central Bar (Strabane) – Final Countdown Regular Monthlys BUBU @ The Shoe Factory – 1st Friday of the Wednesday month (men only) Union Street (Belfast) – Tina’s Stop the Clock Cherry @ The Shoe Factory – Last Friday of every The Shoe Factory (Belfast) – SLOSH! Maverick (Belfast) – Open Mic Wednesdays hosted month (women only) Pub Quiz @ The Sunflower – 1st Tuesday of the by Cherrie On Top month Boombox (Belfast) – Bitch Please! with Roxy Duke Special’s Gramophone Club @ Sunflower – Tumbledryer, Rusty Hinges, DJ Kenny K Last Friday of the month Sunflower (Belfast) – Piping Hot Sessions 8pm MOTN @ Queen’s Café Bar – Last Friday of the Central Bar (Strabane) – Big Gay Wednesday month The Twi Lite Club – Queen’s Café Bar – last SaturThursday day of the month (women only) Kremlin (Belfast) – Deuce £2 entry £2 drinks Passion @ Bellinis (Newry) – 1st Saturday of the Union Street (Belfast) – Okie Dokie Karaoke month hosted by Trudy Scrumptious and Rober t Brown Maverick (Belfast) – PORTIA PRESENTS… variety, Love Box @ Boombox – 1st Friday of the month (women only) cabaret and high jinks with Lady Por tia Di’ Monte Hotel Motel Residency @ Boombox – Last Friday from 9.30pm Boombox (Belfast) - ZZAP! Electro Pop, Indie Rock of every month Fuzz Box @ Boombox – 3rd Friday of every month & Hip Hop (men only) Sunflower (Belfast) – Manouche Gypsy Swing Cameo @ Boombox - 2nd Friday of every month 5.30pm, Folk Club 8.30pm Room Service @ Boombox – bi-monthly Central Bar (Strabane) – Thirsty Thursday

Saturday Kremlin (Belfast) – Revolution 9pm Union Street (Belfast) – Tina’s Trannyoke 5pm-8pm, Grannie’s Time Tunnel 9pm-late Maverick (Belfast) – Par ty vibes from 9pm cour tesy of DJ Sean McCann Boombox (Belfast) – DJ Ciaran Boylan 10pm


Monday Union Street (Belfast) – The Trudy Show Maverick (Belfast) – Motor Mouth Mondays Comedy Night with Gemma Hutton El Divino (Belfast) – SWAGGER Central Bar (Strabane) - BOGOF


Monday The George – Win, Lose or Drag with Phil T. Gorgeous and Bunny from 8.30pm, free entry The Dragon – Dolly Does Dragon Pantibar – Pints and Chats Tuesday The George – Bassline with DJ Karen, free entry The Front Lounge – Davina Devine’s Casting Couch, Karaoke from 10pm Pantibar – Pints and Chats Wednesday The George – Space N’ Veda with Veda Beaux Rêves and gorgeous guests. Cabaret, Drag, Video Ar t & Live Music Pantibar – Pints and Chats Thursday The Dragon – PrHomo. Dublin’s biggest gay student night. Drinks promos The George – Davina Devine hosts Thirsty Thursdays with the 11 0’clock show (ish) The Front Lounge – 2 for 1 cocktails Pantibar – Joystick, DJ Dr Beat plays quality 80’s music Friday The Dragon – Plastic. Free in before 10pm and €5 after The George – Glitterbomb hosted by David D-Pole. Free before 10pm, €5 from 10 til midnight, €18 after Pantibar – DJ Steobear and Our Perfectly Preposterous Drinks Specials The Hub – SweatBox Saturday The Dragon – Dragged Up & Queen hosted by Victoria Secret from 10pm The George – SaturGays with DJ Sean John, Davina, Veda & guests with Beauty Spot Karaoke from 10pm Pantibar – The Panti Show from 10pm. Cruisin’, Music, Dancin’, Chattin’ Copper Alley – Mother, home of synth pop and electronic music Sunday The George – Bingo with Shirley Temple Bar from 9.30pm Pantibar – Popcorn. Panti’s Tea Dance from 3pm. A gay ‘ole ‘tea dance’ with Panti on the decks

Monthlys Crush Girlclub @ Lafayette Club Specials 7th June @ The Dragon: Ultraviolet with international DJ Ar thuro Cavalli 15th June @ The Bord Gáis Energy Theatre: Big Gay Sing in aid of Marriage Equality, hosted by Panti 20th June @ Crush Girlclub: Pride Par ty (women only) 12th July @ The Dragon: Dragged Up Special with Bianca Del Rio


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Westlink A12

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Castle Street

Bridge End





Victoria Street

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Middlepath Street

Chichester Street



Great Victoria Street

May Street

Cromac Street

A20 Alber tbridge Road


Capel Street


Aaran Quay

Essex Quay





Wellington Quay Aston Quay Temple Bar Essex Street





A 5

George Street


Exchequer Street


Bride Street

LANDMARKS A - Parliament Square B - Temple Bar C - Dublin Castle D - The Needle E - Gaiety Theatre F - Grafton Street G - Olympia Theatre


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BARS 1 - Panti Bar 2 - Nealons 3 - The Front Lounge 4 - Copper Alley 5 - The George 6 - The Dragon 7 - Lafayette Club 8 - The Hub

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LANDMARKS A - Grand Opera House B - The MAC C - City Hall D - The Fish E - Odyssey F - Ulster Hall G - The Waterfront H - The Cour ts


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BARS 1 - Union Street Bar 2 - Kremlin 3 - Maverick 4 - Sunflower Bar 5 - Kellys Cellars 6 - Queens Cafe Bar 7 - Yard 401 8 - El Divino 9 - Boombox

F E Golden Lane

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