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Kinky Boots

We caught up with Strictly icon Johannes prior to him strutting into The Grand Opera House


Looking towards the new season we have 14 pages of fashion from BDXY and Haven of Dreams


We reminisce with the legendary sharleen spiteri about literal pop history and the much anticipated texas tour

Gareth Woods

We get chatting to local radio and club DJ about life, work and what 2025 has in store for him

- Contents/Thanks

- Editor Letter

- Sharleen Spiteri

- Drax Interview

- Vintage Kicks

- Olivia Lunny

- Gareth Woods

- Kinky Boots @ GOH


- Single Life but Feeling Nice

- Grindr Scam

- Sexual Health

- Healing and Inner Peace

- Jack McGee

- Fernando

- Four Seasons Monaghan

- 25 things for 2025

- Torvill and Dean

- Anthony Cooley

- Four Seasons Carlingford

- Fashion from BDXY

- LGBTQIA+ History Month

- Eating Disorder

- Review - Top Blade

- Review - Brownies On the Hill

- Gourmet Boys

- Hot Hits

- 25 Gigs Not to Miss

- Fashion by Haven Of Dreams

- Game Of Thrones

- Martin Murray - Sport

- Out & Active NI

- Summer With Carmen

- Peter Irvine - Interiors

- Danny Malone - Hair

- Jo O’Neill - Makeup

- Review - Dunamoy


Daniel May Editor & Director

Gary Campion Guest Editor

Pauline Fitzpartick Commercial Executive

Joanne McKeever Commercial Assistant

Tony Day Design


Gary Campion / Danny Malone / The Gourmet Boys / Martin Murray / Megane Herrick / Dr Bryan Murphy / Jo O’Neill / Peter Irvine / Paul Mc Allistar / Vic Gerami and Out & Active NI

Thanks to:

Sharleen Spiteri, Drax Project, Olivia Lunny, Biig Pigg, Gareth Woods, Jack McGee, Fernando, Ryan Noade, Paul Hutnick, Torvill & Dean, Anthony Cooley, The Rainbow Project, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Vintage Kicks, Top Blade, Brownies On The Hill, Dunamoy Cottages and Spa, BDXY, Game of Thrones Studio Tour, Haven of Dreams, Chuff Media, This Way Next, MBCPR, Neil Reading PR, Weller Media Agency, Project Publicity, Paul Smith PR, Ted Bradberry and all those who submitted content.

Meet our columnists

Danny Malone Dr Bryan Murphy
Gary Campion Gourmet Boys
Jo O’Neill
Peter Irvine
Martin Murray
Vic Gerami
Megane Herrick Out & Active
Paul McAllistar

Happy New Year! (Can I still say that in February?? Asking for a friend!) Just me back again guest editing while Daniel was off enjoying all things South African, I always forget how much work goes into pulling together a full issue so I tip my hat to Daniel. With this being the first issue of 2025 I decided to go with the themes of New Year and 2025/25, there’s our guide to the best 25 gigs of 2025, New Year/ new….25 things to try in 2025, among many other things throughout the magazine.

Is it me or has the weather been a bit bipolar? I mean one minute it is mild, then the next minute we are freezing our tits/balls (delete accordingly) off and waiting to land in Oz with the storms and winds. I hope none of your property was too damaged or impacted, scary times and global warming….. one of the reasons I drive an electric car.

I’ve been using the winter season to take up reformer pilates with my old physio Lisa Parry, I would be too mortified to do it in a full class of people, so being 1 on 1 with her and with her knowledge of my various surgeries suits me down to the ground. I’ve a long way to go to get past beginner, but I’m taking small progressive baby steps in the right direction and I’m proud of my forgotten flexibility at my age. As this issue goes live approach me with caution as I may be hangry, I’ll be toward the end of my first Super Blend Me diet in an attempt to get more greens, vitamins and nutrients into me and less snacking on crap, I’ll let you know how I got on with it in the next


I was lucky enough to interview our cover star Texas lead singer Sharleen Spiteri and can honestly say in all my years of working with celebs, it was the nicest interview I have ever done. (Make sure to catch Texas at CHSQ in August). I had a good natter with local lads DJ Gareth Woods and Jack McGee who was recently on The Voice and I reached a little further afield to chat with Drax Project in New Zealand and Olivia Lunny in Canada.

We have not one but two new columnists, Celebrity Make-up artist and Award-winning Beauty Salon owner Jo O’Neill is bringing us all things beauty and skincare and Peter Irvine is our new interiors columnist (yes, him off interior design masters/Instagram), I am excited to see what they bring to their columns over the next few issues.

I have to say huge thanks to Luke Evans for allowing us to include his BDXY clothing label in one of our two fashion pieces and to the PR team at the Game of Thrones Studios Tour for a fantastic experience and for letting me take my rightful throne! And finally massive appreciation to the various businesses and services who have contributed to the content of the issue, our wee local lifestyle magazine wouldn’t be complete without your support.

Hope you enjoy reading the issue as I have putting it all together. Have a great 2025!

Gary x

Sharleen Spiteri

Interview by Gary Campion



Wow, really? I totally love hearing stories like this! It’s funny because some folks cringe when fans say stuff like that, but it makes me super proud that we’ve been around for so long. When someone tells me they’ve loved our music since way back, it just fills me with pride about what we’ve accomplished. “Say What You Want” was the second version of Texas, and it’s just so cool to think that someone young was jamming to my records back then—that was their first taste of Texas!


Oh man, our relevance has definitely dropped a few times. When you’ve been in the game this long—not just in music—you can’t expect to be on top all the time. The trick is to learn how to ride the waves of the industry. As I said, you came in during Texas’s second phase. We had our first big hit with “I Don’t Want a Lover,” but then the whole Manchester scene took off, and we couldn’t catch a break; we were totally off the radar.

It wasn’t until a few years later when we got lucky and sold a ton of records in Europe, that we were able to keep our record deal. Back then, having

a record deal was essential, unlike today. We managed to keep things going because touring in Europe helped us pay the bills. Then we had “Say What You Want,” and everything changed for us—it took us to a whole new level compared to our earlier stuff. After that, we released songs like “White on Blonde” and “Hush,” plus a greatest hits album, but then things slowed down again.

Now it feels like we’re on the rise again. I’d say we’ve always been around, just at different levels over the years. After performing at Glastonbury for the first time a couple of years ago, we hit another moment where people recognised us, thinking, “I know who Texas are; I think I know a few of their songs.” When we hit the stage, everyone was into it, singing along, and it felt like we were catching another wave after such a long career.

Even the biggest bands, like The Stones or The Beatles, go through ups and downs. Great songs always find a way to come back around. Social media is a big part of it; despite the negatives, it offers a lot of good for younger generations. For them, it’s just a tool—they stumble upon a song and either love it or hate it without really digging into it. Everything moves so quickly these days. Our generation tends to take a bit more time to appreciate music. My daughter’s 22 now, and I keep telling her to give things a shot, and then she’ll come around and say, “Okay, that’s actually really good.”


It really just comes down to what you’re listening to and how you’re going about it, you know? I bounce around all kinds of stations—like, I’ll check out Radio 2, then flip to some indie stations. There’s this super old local station called Angel Radio that’s actually run by retirees. It’s not about new hits but has this vintage vibe and sound that I totally dig! I love how different each station is, with their presenters and whether they’re

corporate or independent. I usually have it on around the house or when I’m driving, enjoying various shows—not just music—and it still keeps me interested. I don’t know if it’s because of my age or what, but I just turn it on in the morning, and it’s always there in the background. I like catching music casually; I’m not locked in, but suddenly something will pop up that I like. Those days of hearing a song nonstop until you’re sick of it are gone, and so are the ones where a song sticks around forever. Now there are so many ways to listen and all sorts of preferences. Big corporations really analyse what people respond to these days, and the average listeners are just like, “Yeah, no, yeah, no.” Sometimes the tech folks think if they keep jamming it in your face, you’ll eventually like it more. And when big bucks are pumped into something, forcing it down your throat, you can end up with something pretty average that somehow blows up just because you can’t escape it!


I haven’t really thought about it that way. There have definitely been moments that blew my mind. Like, when we stepped onto the Glastonbury Pyramid stage, it was a super indie vibe that day. We were going on right before the Foo Fighters, Royal Blood, and the Arctic Monkeys, and I was like, “This is gonna be interesting. What’s this crowd gonna think of us?” We went all out, no holding back, just giving it everything we had with low expectations—just determined to own it. I think that attitude helped us connect with the audience because they responded amazingly. If you look back at that performance, there’s a moment where I just stood there, completely taken aback. It was mind-blowing to feel that energy and love coming back from such a massive crowd. It felt so special to be part of that. Those experiences are when I really feel, “Yes, this is what it’s all about.” But I’ve never been cocky enough to think I’ve made it. I’m more like, “We’ve got you right

now.” Maybe that’s why our career has lasted so long—because what does it really mean to have it? When do you really know you’ve got it?


There are always some songs you vibe with more than others, and then there are those that make you think, “Seriously?” It really depends on your mood, the place you’re playing, and whether the crowd’s older or younger because they all react differently. You end up switching things up a lot from gig to gig; some songs you pull out for certain spots and others you throw in based on where you are. Like, there are tracks that are big in Europe but not here, and it’s the opposite sometimes too. The OG fans who’ve been with you forever love hearing those older tracks, while the newer crowd wants the fresh stuff that speaks to them. Sometimes you mix them in, and they hit or miss, but we definitely notice that in Ireland and Scotland, people are all about a good sing-along. They really get it and dive right in. Both places are similar that way; they’re all about being present and really enjoying the show. It’s like, “We’re here, so show us what you’ve got!” We just go for it and have a blast. The Scots and the Irish are either all in or not at all, and that’s what makes us alike. We take pride in those who’ve accomplished something, respect our roots, and when someone does well, we definitely show our appreciation. No holding back at all.



Holy mother of god how have you allowed that to happen!!! Omg I love you! Make sure you swing by backstage and say hi—I’ll have my team sort

you out with some passes, and we can catch up after the show!

Belfast better be ready for a night filled with all the hits and energy! We’re diving into a fantastic mix from all the different eras and albums from Texas, and I’m counting on an electrifying atmosphere! Let’s dance, sing, and just let loose! I’m really hoping Custom House Square brings the energy for an unforgettable night! Let’s make it epic cause I love you all in Ireland I can’t wait to see you!



Wow, what a lineup to be part of! Vinyl is everything in my place; my daughter spins records, and her boyfriend, who’s Irish by the way, is into it too. It’s awesome to see vinyl making a comeback with the younger crowd. When I’m not around and my daughter has her friends over, I always say, “Be careful with my records, or else!” It’s funny because I remember my dad saying that to me back in the day. I’ve got vinyl from when I first started collecting at like 12. I’ve got tons of records, but I organize them in my own funky way—like “The Greats” section with Aretha Franklin, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Elton John, Bowie, and then some hip hop and jazz, plus an 80s section. Sure, I could do it alphabetically, but that’s not my style. I love the randomness and having a say in who goes where; it feels good to be a bit geeky about it. It’s funny how musicians often start off as the outcasts—we were the ones nobody wanted to hang with in school, which is probably why we turned to music.

I know plenty of older musicians with wild collections from all over the world, and yeah, I’m guilty of that too. I’ve got rooms full of random stuff, each with its own story. Losing things like that would hurt way more than losing some material stuff like a car or clothes. I feel for what’s happening in LA; you can replace the big things, but not those little treasures like old photos or family keepsakes. I have so many beautiful mementoes from my mum, who passed away a while back, and losing any of them would crush me. There’s this little book she gave me when I became a mom called “Now You’re a Mum,” and she wrote a sweet note in it. Sometimes I catch myself running my fingers over her handwriting and it hits me right in the feels. It’s only when you lose someone that you truly get how much those little things mean to you.


None! There’s no way I’ll ever make another solo record! Been there, done that, got the badge, and I’m not interested in doing it again. When I was working on that first solo album, I had just split up with my daughter’s dad, and I was carrying a ton of emotional baggage. I couldn’t just make a Texas record; it had to be something really personal, something I needed to let go of. Ironically, I ended up involving all the Texas band members at

different points while making it. It was all about getting those feelings out, shaking them off, and then getting back to being part of Texas. I wanted to express my emotions in a very feminine way, and honestly, I don’t even see those solo albums as part of the Texas journey, even though they kind of are in a way. That first record was my way to vent, clear my head and throw away, while the Texas stuff is something I cherish and don’t ever want to throw away. Musicians often draw from their life experiences, but this one wasn’t a pleasant process for me. I write with Jonny all the time for Texas, blending all kinds of styles, but this was different. I just needed to get everything out and flush it away, you know?


I was absolutely gutted; we were in Glasgow rehearsing when the news came. We had just been getting into the groove for about an hour, and then suddenly after a phone call it hit us that everything was cancelled! It was such a letdown after feeling all pumped and ready for a great show. Who knows what will happen next? They usually book these things far in advance for Hogmanay, so they might already have someone lined up, but there’s always a chance we could be asked back!

There are actually 30 live dates planned! I know you’ve obviously only seen the listings on the UK and Ireland Ticketmaster sites, but there are also plenty of European dates scheduled. This year is all about festivals for us; we won’t be going on an official Texas tour, but I can share that as we speak right now we’re currently working on a new Texas album! When I say working we’re recording but it’s not the classic way where everything is already written before we get to the studio. We’re creating as we go, laying down new songs, but we don’t even have a rough release date just yet.

We’ll figure out the plan once we have enough material to shape the album’s personality and sound. It’s all about getting it just right! We do have plans mapped out to at least until 2027, but I can’t spill the details just yet—it’s a bit of a secret for now!


drax project

Drax Project on Ed Sheran, Mexican Hot Wings and how a $20 busking tip started their career.

Interview by Gary Campion

The electrifying Drax Project are hitting the road for their first-ever full UK tour, kicking off with an eagerly awaited show at London’s Islington Assembly Hall on May 17, 2025.

From their humble beginnings busking on the vibrant streets of Wellington to sharing the stage with global superstars like Ed Sheeran, Camila Cabello, Lorde, and Christina Aguilera, Drax Project has taken the music world by storm!

With chart-topping hits like “Woke Up Late” (featuring Hailee Steinfeld) and “Catching Feelings,” they’re on the brink of a staggering one billion streams collectively.

Meet the dynamic members of Drax Project: Shaan Singh: The powerhouse of lead vocals, saxophone, and keys

Matt Beachen: The heartbeat of the band on drums

Sam Thomson: The multi-talented bassist, keyboardist, and backing vocalist

Ben O’Leary: The guitar aficionado and backing vocalist extraordinaire

Gary had the opportunity to sit down with Sam and Ben ahead of their highly anticipated UK and Ireland tour.

Hi guys thanks for taking the time from your busy tour schedule to talk to us. Let’s get stuck into our first question. Tell our readers a bit about yourselves, How did you all meet?

So, the band kicked off with just Shaan and Matt busking on the streets of Wellington, New Zealand. That’s actually where we got our name, “Drax,” which combines the first part of “drums” and the last part of “sax.” A year later, the rest of us joined in. We all met while studying music at university, and now it’s just four of us having a blast playing together.

Last year, we hit the ten-year mark! It all started kind of randomly—Shaan and Matt were just out there busking, and suddenly they were getting gigs for toga parties and 50th birthday celebrations. From there, we landed a few spots at festivals, and things really took off.

Back then, we had only one original song and mostly played covers. But over the years, we’ve written and released a bunch of our own music, and the

mix has definitely changed. We were playing a lot of medium-sized shows in New Zealand when we dropped our song “Woke Up Late,” and that took off!

Opening for Ed Sheeran for three nights during his New Zealand tour was totally wild—especially only a couple of months after releasing that song. That whole experience opened doors for us to perform in the U.S. and Europe, sharing stages with artists like Christina Aguilera and Camila Cabello. It’s been an awesome ride!

Please describe what your sound is like for those who haven’t heard you before.

We totally see our music as R&B Pop, but a good chunk of the band has a jazz background. We’re really inspired by artists like Justin Timberlake and D’Angelo, plus we love a lot of electronic music. Our live shows are a mix of different vibes and super high energy; we try to vibe like EDM, building up to a big drop. So yeah, if we had to sum it up, we’d say R&B/ Pop.

How do you go from busking to being a 35x Platinum Act on your way to a billion streams?

It’s been an amazing journey, and we’re not looking to end it anytime soon. We actually met our manager when Shaan and Matt were busking outside his apartment. He heard them and thought, “These guys don’t suck.” Back then, he was organising shows around the city, and that’s how we started getting our first gigs from this random dude who dropped $20 into Shaan and Matt’s case. He ended up becoming our manager, and he’s still with us today.

What has been the smallest and what has been the largest gig you guys have played to date?

We’ve played to some super tiny crowds, like just the bar staff, and then we’ve rocked out in front of over 50,000 people opening for Ed Sheeran. Oh, and we also opened for Six60, the biggest band in New Zealand, who even featured on our song “Catching Feelings.” That track is probably the second most popular after “Woke Up Late.”

Since we dropped “Woke Up Late,” things have just taken off, which has let us travel and perform in different parts of the world. We’re really dedicated to what we do, and I think the mix of our music is pretty unique. I mean, you don’t see a sax and drums jamming together on songs like “Firework” by Katy Perry busking very often!

We really love all our shows, but some of the best have been the small ones. Like when we played in Glasgow at a place called Broadcast, we only had about 40 people there if that. We always think back to that gig because it was so special. Sometimes, those smaller shows are just as awesome as the big ones. The vibe is totally different—the audience feeds off us, and we soak up their energy, creating this amazing push and pull!

Do you think it’s tougher for Kiwi artists to break into the international music scene?

Yes and no. New Zealand has some incredible acts, bands, and artists that have done really well here, and quite a few of them have made waves internationally too. Maybe a decade ago, that wasn’t as common, but with the internet and social media now, anyone from anywhere can find an audience.

It really boils down to two things. First, having something unique—like a New Zealand band coming to play somewhere else, which seems to catch people’s attention. People are generally keen on Kiwi artists. Second, coming from a smaller market means you get more initial eyes on you. If you can break through in the New Zealand scene, it gives you the experience to really make the most of being overseas.

There are ups and downs in the music industry no matter where you’re from.

You’ve done some amazing acoustic covers over the years. Is there a song you wish you had written, and have you thought about covering it?

There are so many songs we play, but one we always come back to is Justin Timberlake’s “Cry Me a River.” It is definitely one of our favourites. Instead of calling them covers, we like to say we do “burns” because we put our own spin on them. There are endless possibilities since we all vibe with different music across a bunch of genres, and “Cry Me a River” is definitely up there for us.

“Woke Up Late” featuring Hailee Steinfeld (which is an absolute banger!) has hit over 100 million streams. If you could pick any artist for a dream feature, who would it be and why?

This one’s a toughie. As a band and as individuals, we jam to so many different artists and genres that it’d be super hard to pick just one that fits us all. When it comes to features, we don’t really go out looking for them; they just kind of happen naturally. We’d be totally stoked to work with a bunch of artists, but for now, let’s say Justin Timberlake, Charli XCX, and SZA.

You’ve had the luck of touring with some huge names like Christina Aguilera, Ed Sheeran, Lorde, and Camila Cabello. What was that like,

and can you share any stories from those tours?

Ed Sheeran

Honestly, out of all the acts we’ve opened for, Ed was the one we got to hang out with the most, and he was just the nicest guy ever. We only did three shows with him, but at the first one, we were all sitting in the catering room when someone burst in and said, “You guys need to get to the green room— Ed’s looking for you!” We dropped everything and rushed over. As soon as he walked in, he thanked us for opening and even apologised for the weather, which we thought was funny since it’s our country— shouldn’t we be apologising to him? After the show, he invited us to this Mexican place he found that had awesome wings. We were so excited that we actually ended up being the first ones there, and he gave us a hard time about being so eager! He ended up chatting with us for like 20 minutes, sharing some great advice from his own journey. The main thing we took away was how important it is for him to keep family and friends close and have them involved in different parts of his team.

Christina, Camila and Lorde

They were all super nice, but we got to chill with Camila a lot since we were on tour with her for a few weeks, and she had her family along. We spent time hanging out and talking with her, her mom, and her band in the catering area, which was really fun. Since we’re both instrumentalists, we had plenty to discuss with Camila’s band—swapping stories and ideas about staging, gear, and all that stuff.

This year you are going on your first headline tour of the UK and Ireland, what are you most looking forward to on the tour and what can the fans expect from it?

We’re super excited for our first proper tour around the UK and Ireland! The last time we were there, we did three nights in London, which were our first gigs since COVID, and honestly, we were a bit nervous about how it would go. The first show sold out, so we added a second one, which also sold out, and then we went on to play a few gigs in Europe before coming back for a third night that sold out too. We were blown away by how much love we got in London—it was such a blast! We can’t wait to do it all again and explore more of the UK and Ireland. Playing gigs is seriously our favourite thing ever, it feels like living the dream. We’ve heard the Irish crowds are going to be the loudest, and we love a rowdy crowd! Our shows are always high energy with a bit of variety, and no two are ever the

same. We mix in a lot of saxophone, improvisation, and crowd interaction. Even though we have similar arrangements, every set is unique. We just want people to leave thinking, “Wow, that was an awesome gig!” If we can pull that off, then we’ve done our job right.

When you guys are on tour what do you get up to when not at soundchecks, interviews or playing the gig?

We love to get out and explore while travelling and try local foods! We’re super close friends, and when we’re stuck in the van heading to new places, things can get a bit silly and goofy. We play a ton of card games, and honestly, if someone were a fly on the wall, they’d probably think we’re complete idiots. We really enjoy hitting up local gigs to check out musicians, but the thing about touring is that you don’t always have time to explore unless there’s a day off between shows. The travel days can drag on sometimes. We also like to browse around local record shops. We’ve heard Dublin’s busking scene is off the charts lately with so many big names playing. Is Grafton Street far from the Workers Club? You might catch us jamming on Grafton Street if we get the chance!

You guys need to try Guinness and if you aren’t vegetarian you need to try Irish stew, both always taste better in Dublin,

After the tour what’s next for Drax Project?

We’re staying busy in our writing zone after just wrapping up our summer tour in New Zealand last weekend. We’ve been trying out some new stuff during the shows, and there’s definitely more music coming! We’re looking to add more dates potentially in Europe and might squeeze in a few more gigs in the UK and Ireland too. More music, more shows— no breaks for us because we just love doing this!

And finally, what are your socials for our readers who want to keep up with all your goings on?

We are on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Tiktock as: Draxproject, we put all sorts of content up all the time.



HI RYAN, THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME AWAY FROM YOUR BUSY STORE, TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR BACKGROUND. I started my journey after leaving school at 16 with a part-time job at River Island, where I spent 4.5 years and became the youngest Menswear/Deputy Manager at 19. Next, I managed three Jack & Jones stores for 5 years before joining the wholesale team in Dublin. After 5 years there, I was approached by Tommy Hilfiger & Calvin Klein Ireland to oversee their brands in the region. After 8 rewarding years in that role, I chose voluntary redundancy in late 2023 to launch my own brand, leveraging my extensive experience in retail and wholesale fashion.


Vintage Kicks aims to reduce the staggering waste of sneakers and shoes, with over 300 million pairs discarded annually in the UK and Ireland.

My journey began on October 20, 2020, when I sought recovery from alcohol addiction exacerbated by COVID. To distract myself, I started cleaning my trainers, which led to refurbishing and reselling shoes.

I noticed a market gap in vintage sneaker reselling despite the popularity of vintage clothing.

With the support of Caroline from Little Fox Events, I organised my first pop-up event, where we sold over 15 restored pairs of sneakers. The positive feedback inspired me to launch a business, and in May 2024, we opened our first store in Belfast. Since then, we’ve grown and welcomed customers to our inviting space on Castlereagh Road.


We proudly showcase over 500 pairs of New and Refurbished sneakers for all ages, from Newborns to size 15 in Men’s sneakers, each priced 40-60% less than their original RRP. Beyond our extraordinary selection, we offer valuable services like Sneaker Cleaning, Restoration, and Customisation, ensuring your footwear looks its best. Our in-store cleaning service extends to a variety of Handbags and Caps. We also have the largest range of sneaker accessories in Northern Ireland, including laces, keyrings, socks, and much more.


To be honest, I am self-taught, having learned tricks and tips by observing others and experimenting on my own. After spending the last 4/5 years honing my craft, I’ve developed my own unique methods and chosen materials to revitalise a variety of fabrics. There’s something truly therapeutic about transforming a battered pair of sneakers into a fresh product for someone else to enjoy and wear.



Yes, we proudly offer an in-store buying and trading service. We buy from a wide range of brands, including Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Puma, Saucony, and many more athletic brands. While we advise that selling on online platforms might yield more, we are committed to investing time and materials into cleaning and restoring your sneakers, ensuring quality in every pair we sell.

We also invite you to bring your old sneakers to trade for value toward one of the pairs in our store, promoting circular sustainability and giving new life

to your footwear. Additionally, an exciting service we provide is ‘Sell your sneakers with us’—for your higher value sneakers, bring them in, and we will clean, market, and sell them on your behalf, saving you the hassle and helping others discover their next favourite pair.


Among the many desirable styles out there, one that truly inspired me recently was the Chunky Dunky Nike SB. With its vibrant combination of materials and colours, this sneaker boldly pops and captures attention, reminding us to embrace our individuality.


The Adidas SL 72 is poised to be a game-changer for the remainder of 2025, with a stunning array of colourways that will make it the standout style for many.


I’m all about fine-tuning what we’re doing at our Castlereagh spot before we think about expanding the brand and maybe opening more locations in both Northern and Southern Ireland.


Our Retail location is situated at 14 Castlereagh Road, Belfast. You can also find us on Facebook: ‘Vintage Kicks’ Instagram: vintagekicks_atfabric TikTok: vintage.kicks.Belfast

by Gary Campion

oliv ia

For those readers who might not know you yet, can you share a little bit about yourself?

I’m Olivia Lunny, a singer-songwriter currently based in Los Angeles, but I’m originally from Winnipeg, Canada. My music is all about capturing the emotional highs and lows of life, and my upcoming album reflects a lot of that. Outside of music, I’d consider myself a free spirit, I love all things wellness and I’ve been chasing this dream for as long as I can remember!

How would you describe your sound, and who are some of your biggest musical influences?

I’d say my sound is a mix of ethereal pop with a little bit of grit. Kind of like if Miley Cyrus and Fleetwood Mac had a lovechild who loved synths. My influences are all over the map. Growing up, I was obsessed with Coldplay, lately, I’ve been diving back into The Neighbourhood and Fred Again.

As a singer/songwriter, what’s your creative process like when you’re writing music?

It’s always changing, but it usually starts with a melody or lyric idea that hits me while I’m playing acoustic guitar. Writing is something that’s always been natural to me. Whenever I’m feeling an emotion deeply (positive or negative) it usually inspires a great lyric or song.

You’ve had the chance to tour with amazing artists like Eurovision Star Loreen and Ellie Goulding! What was that experience like, and did they share any tips or advice with you?

Touring with them was honestly like stepping into a masterclass every night. Loreen taught me so much about the power of stage presence because she owns the stage like no one else. Ellie’s career longevity was very inspiring to witness and reminded me to always stay true to the core of my artistry no matter how big the industry machine gets.

Are you familiar with Eurovision? Would you ever consider entering the competition for a country? If so, which country would you choose and why?

Yes! Eurovision is iconic! I’ve always been drawn to the over-the-top creativity and how it brings people together. If I entered, I think I’d represent Canada although we’re not in it (yet!), I’d make it happen! Real talk though I do have family ties to Ireland so definitely them!

You’ve accomplished so much already! What would you say has been your highest point, and what’s been a low point for you? In terms of lows, overall, just learning to deal with the uncertainty and

unknowns of this career path has been a huge learning journey for me. I’ve slowly learned to surrender to ebb and flows. The highest point so far has been starting to build a true fan base and see them connecting with my music. especially live.

If you weren’t in the music industry, what do you think you’d be doing instead?

I’d definitely be in the wellness space. I’ve always loved working out, healthy baking and biohacking!

Is there a smash hit song by another artist that you wish you had written? What’s the story behind that?

Birds of a Feather by Billie Eilish. This song captures such a beautiful feeling in the vibe of the track. The lyrics and production are of course top tier, but for me, the best songs always capture something you can’t express in words in the feeling!

Since this is the first issue of 2025, we’d love to know your top 5 songs from your Spotify Wrapped for 2024!

1. City of Angles by Olivia Lunny!

2. Model Actress Whatever - Suki Waterhouse

3. Into the Ether- Leif Volbekk

4. Tough- Lana del Rey x Quavo

5. Healing Drake x Gordo

What’s your plan for 2025? Any exciting projects or goals? 2025 is a huge new chapter. I’ll be releasing my new album Velvet and Denim and diving into some exciting collaborations. I’m also working on a new live set. I can’t wait to dive into this new era and see where it takes me and my fans.

Irish Phrase Guessing Game

What’s the Craic? I honestly have no idea lol!! Let’s take a random guess does it mean the weather?

Eejit: is this the countryside?? Slainte: a sweater?? Hahaha.

Culchie: Culture? lol I just know I’m so far off with these answers. You’re some Yoke!: something silly or being goofy?

Thanks so much for having me, GNI! This was so much fun. You can follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Spotify @olivialunny for all the updates. Can’t wait to see you all on the road soon! xx Olivia’s new single Heaven is out on 28th Feb via all usual outlets.

Gareth Woods

From his early years hosting a radio show on a karaoke machine, getting hit in the head with a stiletto when DJ in the Kremlin to hosting one of the biggest weekend dance radio shows in country. We talk to Gareth Woods about his inspirations, guilty pleasures, his stammer and what it is like to press play in front of 10,000 people at Eclectic Love, Custom House Square.

For those that don’t already know you and what you do tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Gareth Woods, and I’ve been spinning tracks as a DJ and radio broadcaster for 12 years now. I’ve been the resident DJ at the Kremlin in Belfast since 2014, and I also host Dance Anthems on Qradio every Friday from 7pm - 1pm and every Saturday from 6pm to 10 PM.

How did you get into DJing and did you always know that you wanted to be a DJ?

Music has always been super important to me since I was a kid. I was really lucky to grow up with an older brother who’s incredibly talented; he’s had a huge impact on my music journey. His confidence and skills pushed me to go after the career I have now. I always had a thing for radio and performing on stage. I remember getting one of those big old karaoke machines and recording my own radio shows in my bedroom for family and friends. When I turned 15, I saved up some cash to buy my first DJ controller. I spent hours DJing in my room, probably driving my parents nuts, but all I ever wanted was to play in front of a crowd.

Who did you look up to when starting out as a DJ and have you ever met any of your idols?

I’ve always been a huge fan of upbeat electronic music, especially EDM. Avicii was at his peak when I was around 15 or 16—his track “Levels” came out back then and it was a total game-changer. Rest in peace, Avicii. I’ve also been inspired by legends like John Digweed and MK, who I actually interviewed

last week. But I’ve gotta give a shoutout to my brother; he’s probably going to cringe reading this, but he’s the one who really showed me how to mix tracks together.

Whenever people ask me about the most starstruck I’ve ever been, my answer is always the same. Working in radio lets you meet tons of people, so you kind of get used to it. “ Set You Free” was one of the biggest tracks in the charts not long after I was born which I grew up and fell in love with as a kid. An unbelievable track I heard constantly at home, on the radio and on the TV. Working regularly with Kelly, ave and the rest of the N-Trance team means the world to me. Hitting play for Kelly at the first Eclectic Love Festival gave me serious goosebumps!

At what moment did you think to yourself I’ve made it, I am a DJ?

I experience this feeling all the time. I’ve played in the Kremlin Club Room for so many years; that club is like my baby. Just this past weekend, while putting on a song and quickly stepping away to the bathroom, I got asked for a photo and received a song request. When I returned to the DJ booth, I found myself in a moment of disbelief, surrounded by people loving the music I was playing. I stood there, taking it all in, amazed that I’m able to do this every weekend. I believe this feeling will continue for the rest of my career, and I think it’s a very healthy thing to experience. Hearing tracks being sung back to me, especially when I drop the volume, gives me chills every time. There is still so much more to come, and

like any DJ, I’m always learning. Every day is a school day.

What is the best and worst thing about being a DJ?

**Best:** I love that this job doesn’t feel like work. There’s a famous saying, “If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life,” and that really resonates with me in this role.

**Worst:** My sleep routine and patterns have been a challenge. I only started to prioritise them recently, especially since COVID. I decided to give up weeknight gigs to help my brain get better rest. However, I still feel the lingering excitement from those events on weekends at times, but I try to manage it as it comes.

You present Dance anthems on Qradio at the weekend, how did that come about and do you have any advice for anyone who wants to be a Radio Presenter?

I got my start in community radio as a volunteer, and honestly, I’ve always just wanted to play “Special D - Come with Me” on air. That’s been my dream because I really love the whole vibe of Clubland and the old-school dance scene, which has totally made a comeback lately. It felt like a mantra for me: “I will play Special D on the radio.” It wasn’t a walk in the park, though, I had to knock on a lot of doors and lay my ideas out on a lot of tables within the industry to prove how passionate I am about my music and radio. If you’re looking to get into radio, just go for it!

Send your demos to every station across the island and maybe afar and never be afraid to reach out to other presenters, ask them for tips, or have a chat; most are usually cool about connecting.

You have been the main resident dance DJ at the Kremlin now for 12 years, what do you do to prepare for each night and any funny stories?

(You’re bound to have a few)

Prepping for my nights, I’ve got a ton of music lined up. After working at the same club for a while, I kind of get a feel for how the nights will go, from the moment we open to when things hit peak and right up until we close. I totally love diving into the depths of SoundCloud to find hidden gems, especially local artists who are super talented, and I like to weave their tracks into my weekend sets. I always try to support them by tagging them in my Instagram stories and showing how the crowd reacts.

There are so many funny stories from the club, but one that always cracks me up happened just before COVID hit. I was in the DJ booth and felt something hit my arm. Thought it was a drink at first, but when I looked down, it was a stiletto! Turns out it was this girl who’d been trying to wave her phone at me to request a song for ages, and I totally missed it. I guess that was her way of getting my attention! I still wonder if she got her shoe back, though. The club scene is always wild, but that’s what I love about it. Honestly, I could write a whole book about all the hilarious stuff that’s happened over the years.

Having graced the stage of Belfast Pride, Eclectic Love and many others it’s no secret you have rubbed shoulders with some of the biggest names in dance and pop music. How have you found that and do you not get nervous?

I always get nervous before going on stage, and honestly, I think nerves are a good thing. If you’re not a little nervous, you’re probably doing something wrong. I love entertaining folks, especially with music from the 90s and the club scene. A lot of people don’t know this, but I’ve dealt with a stammer since I was a kid. It’s something that’s part of me, and while I have good days and bad days, I’ve only started opening up about it in recent years. When I get nervous, it makes my stammer worse, so I’ve learned some tricks to manage it; otherwise, it can take over. It’s tricky to explain how I handle it since what works for me might not work for someone else. Like last year at Pride, I swapped cards with my co-host Trudy Scrumptious because I knew I’d struggle with some words on my card. No big deal for Trudy—she was super cool about it, and everything went really well.

What’s on the cards for you in 2025?

I have so much on the cards that I can’t share right now, but watch out on my socials and listen to the show it will all be revealed in time. More radio, more Kremlin, Eclectic Love in Custome House Square in May, and hopefully Pride again this year. Plus on a personal level working on myself, my health and well-being and doing what I love.

Quick Fire Questions:

The first single and album you ever bought. So the first single I remember jamming to was Alizée’s “Moi Lolita.” Seriously, all my gay friends were obsessed with it! And the first album I got into was by Sum 41. I basically grew up on rock music.

Your music guilty pleasure.

Hands down Whigfield Saturday night and Sexy eyes, don’t care what anyone says!

A song you wish never existed.

I’m a huge fan of Daft Punk, but I really can’t stand “Get Lucky.” It was written by Nile Rodgers, but it’s honestly my least favourite song ever. There’s no way it’s making it onto any of my playlists!

Dream Artist you’d love to collaborate with. If I did produce music easily Kelly Lorena, but I would also love to collaborate with Fat Boy Slim on a radio show.

Who is going to be massive on the dance music scene in 2025?

Shugz, Symmetrik also Billy Gillies

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Johannes Radebe Kinky Boots

As a brand-new tour of Kinky Boots struts its way around the UK and Ireland, Johannes Radebe is making his acting debut as drag queen Lola. “It’s daunting and nerve-wracking,” admits the Strictly Come Dancing pro extraordinaire and the star of his own dance shows Freedom and Freedom Unleashed, “but at the same time it’s really exciting. I think I have been an actor in some way or other across my career, because I’m a storyteller. Now I get to say and sing how I feel as well as expressing myself through movement and dance.”

The high heels are no problem. “I’d worn heels in my house without anybody witnessing it for many years until Strictly gave me the platform to be fabulous and kinky in front of the world,” Johannes grins.

The singing has proven to be a bigger challenge but one that he’s risen to. “I was quite discouraged as a child with my singing,” Johannes laughs. “My friends and family would say ‘Please shut up, you sound like a sheep!’ But when I heard that this show was a possibility I started taking lessons and it’s been a beautiful thing to do.”

With a score by Cyndi Lauper and a book by Harvey Fierstein, Kinky Boots is based on the 2005 film of the same name (which was in turn inspired by a true story). After a pre-Broadway run in Chicago, it opened on Broadway in 2013 and in the West End in 2015. The Tony, Olivier and Grammy-winning show has also been performed in Canada, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, and has toured the US and the UK.

Produced by ROYO and Curve, the new Made at Curve production is touring the UK and Ireland until late July and is directed by Nikolai Foster. The story revolves around Charlie Price, whose life is proving hard and whose relationship is on the rocks after he inherits his family’s failing shoe factory in Northampton. Then he meets drag queen Lola, whose sparkle, sass and unsteady heels might just hold the answer for saving Charlie’s struggling business.

To paraphrase one of the show’s songs, it’s a musical that raises people up and celebrates everyone’s individuality, with Johannes noting: “It’s so inspirational, with a universal message in a story and songs that leave people feeling happy and joyful. Maybe their minds will be changed by it too. I find that quite incredible.”

Asked to describe Lola, he beams: “Nikolai said to me during rehearsals ‘What you have to remember is that Lola is a matriarch’ and there’s no better way to describe her. She’s a loving and nurturing character, which is really up my street because that’s my language.”

Having spoken candidly in interviews about the bullying he suffered as a child for being gay in the South African township of Zamdela, Johannes adds: “She’s insecure and scarred, like many of us - me included - but she’s also very bold, confident and powerful. The premise of the show is about the acceptance of oneself and of others and I can relate to that so, so much because it’s been my personal fight. I hope with what I do in my career that I influence the

world in a positive way, just by saying ‘Yes, we are all different but we can live as one’.”

He didn’t hesitate to say yes to Kinky Boots. “It’s been a long-held dream of mine. I came across the movie first and it spoke to my search for belonging as a young boy growing up in a township. I’ve always looked for spaces that could accommodate me or stories that resonate with me.”

Dan Partridge plays Charlie Price and says of the show: “The main thing that drew me to it was the exploration and unpacking of masculine identities. It’s something that I’m personally quite passionate about - the way that men communicate with one another and the way that men identify in a community.”

In the story Charlie is a working class guy whose eyes are opened up to a wider world when he bumps into Lola, sees her perform in a London club and stumbles on the idea of a niche market for high heels specifically made for drag queens. “So you have these two polar opposite characters,” Dan continues, “and you see how those worlds can cross and how they, and indeed we, can learn from one another.”

“I think I have been an actor in some way or other across my career, because I’m a storyteller.
Now I get to say and sing how I feel as well as expressing myself through movement and dance.”

The actor has worked with Nikolai before, when he played Magaldi in Evita and Danny Zuko in Grease, and he sings the director’s praises. “Working with him was another drawing point for me. He allows you to collaborate as an actor, as opposed to a lot of directors who will just tell you what to do. It’s very much like we are creating something together and he really allows you to have a voice.”

As for the character of Charlie, Partridge days: “He’s complicated. When we meet him he doesn’t think very highly of himself, then throughout the show he finds his confidence. He’s small- town-minded but he learns to open his mind and his heart. Once he meets Lola, his world is turned upside down and he’s a brilliant character to play because there’s so much to him.”

Dan’s other credits include Cats and Hairspray on tour and Mamma Mia! in the West End, so he’s no stranger to musical theatre. Asked what makes Kinky Boots special, he smiles: “As Cyndi herself described the show to me, it’s like a happy pill that makes people want to come back for more. You see the ugly side of bigotry and prejudice, then you see that actually everyone has a right to identify how they want. That journey is really beautiful.”

Factory worker Lauren, who’s been unlucky in love and has a crush on Charlie, is played by Courtney Bowman. “She’s really relatable to a lot of people,” Courtney says of the character, “especially if they’ve had tragic times in their love lives. She’s such a fun working class girl, so it’s kind of like holding up a mirror to myself, and that also makes her great fun to play. She’s a bit weird at times, awkward and quirky.”

The winner of a WhatsOnStage Award for Best Performer in a Musical for Legally Blonde has also starred in Pretty Woman, Six and Everybody’s Talking About Jamie. She played Lauren in a concert version of Kinky Boots and laughs: “That was a bit crazy because we only had a week to put the show together. Then when we performed it I was running off into the wings and looking at the script before running back on again. Getting to spend more time with Lauren now is great because I can really sink my teeth into it.”

What does Bowman think makes Kinky Boots such a great piece of musical theatre? “For one thing, there’s Cyndi’s fantastic music and lyrics. Then there’s Harvey’s book, which has so much heart and grit. I love how Nikolai has stripped it all back to focus on the core of the story. Everyone will leave feeling moved and uplifted.”

The themes, she feels, are universal. “It tackles prejudice and homophobia, but’s also about family and acceptance. Everyone’s got a pair of boots that they’re dealing with, whether literally or metaphorically. The message of tolerance and self-belief is delivered brilliantly by Cyndi’s music and Harvey’s dialogue.”

Those are the things that appealed to choreographer Leah Hill. “The story, the music and the message all drew me to it,” she says. “It’s really clever in how it challenges audiences to talk more about certain things, whether it’s to do with sexuality, identity, gender, race, different communities and cultures. The beautiful thing about theatre is that it’s a platform to start conversations.”

Hill triumphed at the Black British Theatre Awards for her choreographic debut with the Hope Mill Theatre’s revival of The Wiz. Her other credits include Beautiful: The Carole King Musical and Fiery Angel, and she was assistant choreographer on the smash hit films Wicked and Aladdin.

The challenge with Kinky Boots is: “In the original production it was so beautifully done that it makes you wonder ‘What could I possibly add?’ But I get to make it bespoke for the actors I’m working with and in some ways

Nikolai’s approach is more visceral. This version is a new take, so we’re creating different languages for these different communities of people.”

The music, she adds, is priceless. “It’s gorgeous and it’s really exciting. It is such a feel-good show and what we’re doing within that is trying to get people to really listen to the lyrics. I feel like I can contribute to that with movement, by heightening certain things.”

The show is set in the mid-2000s, before RuPaul’s Drag Race came along and drag was less mainstream. “And it wasn’t as polished per se as it is now,” Leah points out, “so that’s something which has been really interesting to dig into. The stakes for drag performers back then were higher, it was perhaps a bit more dangerous for those communities to perform, and I want to pay homage to that. It’s beautiful where drag has landed, but it’s important to show where it started.”

Biig Piig


Biig Piig’s new album 11:11 is a captivating exploration of intimacy, self-discovery, and the complexities of love and desire. Her signature fusion of R&B, pop and electronic sounds creates an effortlessly smooth listening experience, with each track offering a unique emotional experience. “Ponytail” is the sad banger of the album, with deep emotional lyrics and a beat that makes you just want to boogie. “Decimal” brings a sexy element to the album especially with the Spanish lyrics intertwined. Whilst “4AM” and “Brighter Day” provide a more chilled out vibe to relax to.

If you like to imagine yourself as the star of a music video whilst you stare out the window or walk along the street, then this is an album for you. It gives very much “Girl who is going to be okay” vibes. (Sorry to those who aren’t eternally online and won’t get that meme reference.)

The first line of the first song is, “Oh you could’ve hit me with the bad news first,” but it’s nothing but good news from me. This album is upbeat yet chilled enough that it’s perfect for just vibing to and definitely one that has been added to my heavy rotation list.

I was lucky enough to catch up with Biig Piig and chat about the new album.

Congratulations on the debut Album. Thank you, thank you. It’s so crazy that it’s actually out now.

So, In 2023 we had the Bubblegum mixtape and now in 2025 we have your debut album 11:11, would you say there are any differences when preparing a mixtape versus an album? 100%, I didn’t really know I was making an album until I was in the thick of it and then I didn’t really want to stop writing. I’ve always approached projects not knowing what it is until it’s done, even with Bubblegum I was writing and I just got to the last track and realised I was done, I’ve said everything I want to say in this I don’t want to add anymore to it. Which is sometimes a curse because it’s taken me years to get an album together but I’m just really happy with it. I’ve explored everything I want to explore. It talks a lot about love and loss and reflection and hope.

There’s a lot of differences [when writing an album], there are more tracks so it’s more about how do you tell a story in a longer format. I knew with “4AM” that that was the opening track because of the opening line, “could’ve hit me with the bad news first,” to just start with airing the dirty laundry and then after that just work backwards to see how we got there. And then finishing with “Brighter Day” I wanted the sentiment to be that you’re not alone, in every emotion and every relationship, even when

it feels like you are, you’re not. I really wanted to represent that in this track.

And why 11:11? What does the name of the album mean to you?

I spent 2 years making this album and it was kind of a chaotic time for me in general, a lot of running around and bouncing around and there wasn’t really time to just stop and breathe and take in anything. So whenever I caught those numbers on my phone I would stop and think about the people I loved, the things I was grateful for and took a minute of reflection. And because this project is kind of a series of reflections, I thought for me 11:11 is just the best way to represent that.

Is there a track on the album that you’re vibing with the most at the moment?

Oh that’s like asking who’s your favourite child. I’ve been really loving playing “Brighter Day” live in rehearsals and I’m really excited to have that moment on stage. 4AM is really fun to play live and then 9-5 is always fun to listen back to.

I’ve been flip flopping myself between Ponytail and One Way Ticket at the moment for my favourite. Ponytail was made with the person who was my motivation for putting out music in the first place, I’ve been working with him since I was 16 so it was nice to have him on two tracks on this project.

Do you have any sort of process that you go through when you’re writing music?

I never go into it prepared, which can either be the worst or the best thing in the world, but I just try to have no preconceived notion of what the music wants to be. I like exploring and playing around. The best thing for me whenever I write is like a stream of consciousness where I’ll play with melodies and different baselines and just have a jam. And then what you want to talk about and what comes up for you just arises itself. It’s kind of like a way of therapy to be honest. There were a lot of tracks [on the album] where I was like, “oh wow I hadn’t realised I hadn’t processed that yet properly.” I feel like with music it’s always been a way of me navigating life and being able to process stuff.

It’s great when the producer or whoever you’re collaborating with isn’t scared to push the boat out but can just reel it back in if it gets too crazy.

A lot of the writing for this album took place in Paris, do you think the city had an influence on your writing?

Massively, the nights out there and the passionate people there really inspire me a lot. The people are like ride or die for what they believe in and they really hold that true in everything that they do. The nightlife and the night scene is amazing and

the openness of people, I was wandering around making friends and it was really fun. The best way to see a city is through the eyes of someone that lives there, and I love spontaneous friendships. So, there were a lot of beautiful moments and you definitely hear that in the record. Especially in “9-5” and “Decimal”, I wrote those two whilst I was there.

What can people expect when they come to see Biig Piig perform live?

It’s going to be immersive, I wanted to do something where people feel like they can escape into it a bit. Playing with sound design, using street sounds and rain throughout tracks. There’s an arch in the mood of it so we start pretty excited then we chill out a bit before we move into the sadder bangers and then it’s just a bit party at the end. Basically, I want it to be a celebration of feeling and emotion and connection is the best way to describe it. It’s going to be a big party.

Do you have any pre-show rituals or process’? I do actually, I have a cigarette to chill myself out and I use a frankincense oil and do a little prayer and think about any joy we can get from the show and try to give that to someone that needs it. Then me and my band get together and listen to a couple of tracks and bang those out and sing and dance before we catch our breath and get going.

You’ve done a fair bit of globetrotting throughout your life (excuse the pig pun), living in Ireland, Spain, England and LA. Where would you say has been your favourite?

I love different places for different things. Ireland is home, England is home as well and I found my music voice here. LA was surreal, it was definitely an exciting time and Spain was my childhood. They’re different stages of my life. Ireland is my favourite though.

If you could go back in time and speak to your younger self, what would you say?

The first thing that comes to mind is just me like an emo crying feeling alone and isolated and I guess what I would tell her to appreciate the time that you have and don’t be scared to be yourself because it’s fine and life is going to be a crazy ride so hold tight. I would say good luck, it’s amazing, you’ll be fine and give her a big hug.

Biig Piig’s new album 11:11 is available now on all of your favourite streaming platforms.

Album Review and Interview by Ted Bradberry






You didn’t have anyone to take home, and everyone kept asking and asking about your love life – or lack thereof.

Depending on the person, you might not care one bit. You may think that the right person will come at the right time, or some other motivational quote that is uplifting and makes you feel completely comfortable on your own. For some people – the holidays can make you really feel the pinch.

During the holidays, we are bombarded with Romeos and Juliets on every single street corner, dinner party or social event we go to. The last few months have been a constant stream of engagements, announcements and sickly sweet Instagram posts about how amazing everyones relationships and lives are. It is a neverending reel of family photos, cute gifts and swanky couples getaways. Even if it was the first Christmas, New Years or Valentines they spent together, the caption definitely says ‘to many more with you’, and it can all get a little gross.

No, not gross, but it can sting for a lot of people. Seeing everyone you know and their dogs living out their own happy little lives, and you just simply aren’t. This brings up a whole host of feelings – depression, rejection, and somehow it seems to amplify every single one of your deepest, and non-deepest insecurities. Is it because your nose is too big? Are you too much, or not enough? Are you not good-looking enough, skinny enough, funny enough, smart enough? It is easy to spiral and blame yourself, to nitpick at everything that makes you who you are. You are perfect because you are you – but it doesn’t always feel that way. A lot of people also feel behind. Like everyone else is running this race of life seventeen steps ahead of you and you just cannot seem to catch up, no matter how much you train. It also seems like sometimes you are the only one training, but the ones ahead never trained. It just happened so unbelievably easily for them, so why not you?

ago. So you sit in, alone, watching what seems to be a regurgitation of rom-coms and sappy movies that make you even more glum than you already were. The lovelive and dating scene just seems very bleak and almost impossible.

However, there are many many reasons that being single is not so bad, and it some cases can be even better. Firstly, you don’t have to spend a ridiculous amount of money on the over-priced cheesy presents that only capitalism can come up with, or price-inflated dinners or getaways or anything else. It is actually far more financially savvy to just be single. You also get to be incredibly selfish with yourself, your choices and your time. Valentine day, you didn’t have to get waxed or get a new outfit, you got to just curl up on the sofa in your jammies – and not nice fancy cutebut-not-trying-to-hard jammies, the old tshirt that has holes and questionable stains but is just so incredibly comfortable. There is something so joyful about just being alone with nobody to please bar yourself. To that end, you also don’t have to argue about what to watch or compromise and watch some film that you know you are going to hate to placate someone else. You get to watch your favourite series for the millonth time, with your favourite snacks that you don’t have to share whilst nobody bothers you and steals the blanket. Just pure self-bliss. Additionally, you have so much time for just you. Those resolutions that you set a few months ago? You have so much more time and energy to complete them, because your efforts are not put into someone else.

Remember, you do not need to be in a romantic relationship to have worth, that’s just an annoying thing that society tries to project. If all of the above still does not appeal to you, or make you feel any better about going through the darkest seasons all on your tod, there are some ways to try to pull back in the light.

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

It isn’t you though. Christmas is hard sure, but it is still a great time with parties and meet ups and all of the rest of the festivities. January and February just suck. It’s cold, it’s wet, it’s just downright miserable so nobody wants to leave the house. And everyones poor after Christmas. And seasonal depression is a real thing. Even if you wanted to meet someone, it is just so much more difficult right now – cuffing season ended months

You can date yourself instead! You can use all of the money you have saved not buying a significant other presents, and buy yourself something nice. Whether that is flowers and chocolates, or just a new top you have been eyeing for a while – it’s important to treat yourself. Jump in a nice long shower or bath, use all of the expensive ‘special occasion’ stuff you got for Christmas. Then, hop out, pour yourself a large glass of your favourite wine, get a nice takeaway and put on your nicest comfies. Also, sex toys exist, and are usually on sale just after Valentines Day. If sitting in isn’t your

style, or you are getting a little bit cabin-fevery pop out to your local coffee shop with a good book and take advice from Peter Andre, become that mysterious girl (or guy or they) in a café. Reading is just a great way to escape for a while and a coffee-book date is just unbelievably cosy.

If it is loneliness making you blue, go and see your loved ones – not all relationships are romantic and gal-entines or guy-lentines doesn’t have to just be one night. Have regular meet ups to play boardgames or do paint and sips –stuff where you can be in the house and cosy whilst having a cracking time. If you are still feeling grumpy and frustrated after all of that, get yourself down to the gym. Not only does it work on making you look fit, it makes you feel good mentally and physically, gives you a sense of accomplishment, gets out lots of pent-up energy, and comes with the added bonus that its one of the few places that is good to potentially meet someone hot regardless of the time of year. A win-win-win.

A big thing when focusing on yourself is knowing what you actually want – and figuring that out can be quite difficult to do. When you are in the dark hole that seasonal depression puts lots of us in, we can fall into a pattern that keeps us there and makes it difficult to get out. You feel low, so you do less things that matter, which perpetuates a bad mood, and you end up getting less out of life. In order to break away from this, we need to figure out what are the things that matter. To do this we need to think about what matters to us, what we value.

Firstly, look at yourself.

How do you look after yourself? What makes you relax? What hobbies do you like? What interests you?

Secondly, look at others. What kind of friend do you want to be? What kind of family member? What do you want people to say about you behind your back?

Finally, look at the bigger picture. What are the big things that matter? Education? Work? Charity?

Now we have looked at what is important

to us, schedule in time for these. Plan things that support these goals and move you closer to everything you dream of accomplishing. Something that is important to remember is to stick to the plan, not the mood. It is easy to want to cancel plans because it’s raining and cold and miserable outside, and you are tired, and you just don’t feel like it. Stick to the plan, not the mood because not doing things you love will just keep the cycle going. If you go to the plans and do the things you love, it will better your mood and help you get more out of life, or at least out of winter. Plus, going to these hobbies and activities that you love could lead you to meet new people that share your values and passions and lead to more love in your life, whether that is romantic or not.

Focus on you. On your dreams and your passions. On your favourite shows and snacks and jammies. In the cosy café down the road with that book you have been dying to read. Being alone does not have to mean lonely, you will be grand.




Please note,

Grindr has a skeleton in the closet, but only a few publicly talk about it. It’s a significant problem that’s costing the LGBTQ+ community an immeasurable amount of money and has a class-action lawsuit written all over it. Let’s break down the story.

Grindr Background

Grindr launched in 2009, just nine months after Apple added GPS functionality to the iPhone; it was one of, if not the first, popular location-based dating apps in the world, a full three years before Tinder was launched. Fifteen years on, its core functionality remains essentially unchanged. It allows users to chat with other queer people in their immediate area (with location details down to the number of feet away another user is) and arrange to meet up – often for sex.

Pressures of Going Public

Today, let’s talk about how the growing pressure for more revenue is shaking up the world’s premier gay dating app, Grindr, and irking its users.

Since its initial public offering in 2022, Grindr has been financially rocky. Its stock has since its SPAC. After hitting an IPO-high of $71.51, it currently sits at $10.13. Last summer, announced plans to unionize amid industry layoffs and worries that the company was losing its progressive culture. Two weeks later, CEO George Arrison abruptly ordered his mostly remote workforce of 180 people back to the office. About half the company left, and Grindr paid more than $9 million severance.

Grindr’s push to monetize has prompted some employees to examine how the company calculates the number of paying users on the platform. According to financial statements filed with the SEC, Grindr had about 13.3 million monthly active users in 2023. According to its investor relations page, it has an average of 937,000 paying users a month.

In November, an employee filed a whistleblower complaint with the SEC, arguing that the company was inflating the number of paying users. We contacted the SEC to inquire about the complaint but did not receive a response. When asked, Grindr vehemently denied the allegations.

In the meantime, serious stability issues have plagued the app in recent months. Users will receive the same notification two or three times; bugs require them to force-restart the app to see messages, and sometimes, users’ messages disappear.

Boost is Fraudulent

Grindr recently launched its Boost feature to help sagging revenues. According to the company, for $9.99, ‘Grindr Boost places you near the top of nearby users’ grids for up to an hour, allowing you to attract more attention from accounts still close by but maybe just out of the usual range. Boost also unlocks your ‘Viewed Me’ list for 24 hours, so you can chat with anyone whose eye you caught.’ However, this is not entirely true. Most recently, the company also introduced the Super Boost

which, for $14.99, places you at the top of the list for two hours.

Grindr’s Boost feature is highly problematic at best; come calling it a ‘scam.’ The feature boosts your profile to other users nearby, but those people are exhausted quickly, prompting the app to showcase you in farther areas, as far as other states and even other nations, depending on how often you use the feature. Although being visible hundreds or thousands of miles away to people you can’t quickly meet is problematic, that’s not the primary concern. The Boost feature has a significant scheme.

Users attempting to boost their profile can take up to 10 times to work. After an attempt to Boost one’s profile, the app will say, ‘You’re all set. Your purchase was successful.’ However, on the next screen, the app says, ‘Something went wrong. Please contact customer support for more information.’ So, the user has to do the process all over again. Now, the user has to try to Boost again.

There is no way to know how many failed attempts will take until the profile is finally boosted. However, the app charges users for all failed attempts, even when they are malfunctioning. So, you are being charged $9.99 or $14.99 for a Super Boost regardless of whether the Boost worked. The records can indicate that you boosted 3, 5, or even 10 times within a minute, an impossible action, but Grindr will charge you. Even though you can only boost once every hour and every two hours for a Super Boost, they charge you for multiple failed boosts.

A Grindr user who tried the boost feature complained on Reddit, ‘I am so angry! I was charged 3x for Boost! I can’t be bothered to type it out again so just read what I wrote in the refund appeal after it was initially refused: ‘I purchased the Boost feature and received a notification saying there was an error. Immediately

after I purchased it a second time assuming it didn’t charge me already (as the features had not unlocked), but the same error message occurred once again. It was only the third attempt at the purchase in which it finally worked, and the premium features were subsequently available. The premium features only last for one hour. The app does not allow you to purchase another ‘Boost’ without waiting for the hour to end. So, three purchases of ‘Boost’ minutes apart is not possible and a fault on Apple/Grindr’s part.’ The invoices show all three purchases occurred ONE minute apart. I don’t know how to make it more clear to them. But they said their decision is final. Is there anything I can do? Is it worth emailing Grindr since they themselves can’t refund me? Honestly, I would be more inclined to let it slide but the disrespect the app has had for its users with its changes over the last few years makes me not want them to get away with it. Any advice highly appreciated!’

The Bounce Around

So, what does Grindr do when you report it to Support? Nothing. They make you go through much hassle, asking you to send screenshots and other materials that are readily available to them, responding to your support tickets within a week or more, then blaming Apple and passing the buck, even though it’s a Grindr defect. If you contact Apple, they send you back to Grindr, claiming that your refund request is not eligible. Some unsuspecting users have been overcharged thousands of dollars and cannot recover their money.

Appearing in Faraway Towns and Cities is Pointless

A Grindr user commented on Reddit about his experience with the boost feature, ‘I assumed it would just put my profile in the ‘fresh’ column where all the people with fresh pics are.’ He continued, ‘Turns out Grindr makes you look like you’re right next to everyone on the grid, resulting in hundreds of messages from people who think you’re like 100 meters from them. It doesn’t change your actual location - you would just see that the person next to you is

like 8km away.’ He added, ‘Most awkward hour of my life, do not recommend.’

An Australian tourist visiting New York City had two failed attempts to boost his profile and was charged for them.

Another person posted on Reddit, ‘I was not aware of this feature and I was going crazy seeing guys as far as 8 miles away on my local grid. I uninstalled and installed the app several times, thinking it’s the app. I then wrote to CS and told me about this booster feature. To me this is most annoying and most stupid feature that anyone can come up. Why would I need to be in someone’s local grid knowing that I won’t meet them due to the long distance. The same goes for those who uses this feature, who apparently they only want to be seen and chat, otherwise I don’t understand why use this pointless feature. If I want to meet guys miles away then the booster to see more profile already exist. With this feature I could contact the guy and take it from there. Imposing guys far, far away on my local grid is waste of time, for both parties. And if they really want us to be seen by guys far, far away, and put us in different location, then they should copy Gayromeo’s map feature. On gayromeo you can be anywhere, any country at anytime and whenever you want to.’

Another Grindr user wrote, ‘Yea, this is 100% an issue, and the Grindr team doesn’t take accountability for it at all. Apple isn’t willing to issue refunds for faulty purchases (because Apple says it’s Grindr’s responsibility for having a faulty app) and Grindr says that all refunds are up to Apple. So your money just disappears if this happens, and again, Apple likely will not refund you. Kinda insane, bordering on a scam.’ A Grindr user wrapped it up by saying, ‘Boost is BULLSHIT.’

Grindr users with similar problems can file complaints and get help from the Federal Trade Commission, the CA Attorney General, the Justice Department’s Consumer Protection Branch, and consumer advocacy groups.




For some patients with a skin problem affecting their groin or genital area, these are the sorts of thoughts that eventually spur them to book an appointment to see me at my clinic. Perhaps they have noticed a change in appearance, colour or simply due to symptoms around their genitals like itch or burning. And I don’t mean changes that arise due to a sexually transmitted infection, I refer to rashes or lumps and bumps.

It might be hard to believe, especially for any readers who have never had any problems with their skin before, but no-matter how badly affected one might be by a skin disorder, I have met patients for whom relationships have broken down, their sex life has disappeared, and self-confidence completely depleted. Many feel alone and often delay discussing genital skin problems with a doctor due to embarrassment or fear. When I teach doctors and nurses, I always stress the importance of never forgetting to ask about genitals when diagnosing a new rash that can affect this area. A lot of skin problems can be easily treated with the correct prescription, so my advice to you and my patients is never to presume anything nor rely on ‘Dr Google’, but to speak to your GP or arrange to see a dermatologist who can correctly diagnose the issue then start treatment.

So… first for a short skin anatomy lesson! The skin is our body’s largest organ, covering everything and including the external genitalia. In those with a penis, the shaft and outer foreskin are skin, but the glans (some call this the helmet) is a mucosal non-skin surface. On the other hand, in those with a vulva and vagina; the vulval labia, or external folds and including the clitoral hood, are skin. Everything deeper and more internal is mucosal. A mucosal service, different to skin, is a moist protective layer that lines organs and body openings including the genitals and other sites such as the anus, lips and nostrils. Some skin disorders can affect both the genital skin and mucosal surfaces, like lichen planus or warts, however, for the most part, rashes like eczema just affect the skin.

tags. Many genital skin rashes can also affect the skin around the anus and buttock, including the area between the genitals and anus called the perineum.

• Psoriasis can look red, orange or pink, but with less scale than when it affects the scalp or other body sites. Some patients also notice brittle nails with psoriasis, whilst others might develop a type of arthritis.

• Various types of eczema can affect the genitalia and sufferers usually complain of itch. Atopic eczema, which can affect anywhere on the body but usually first appears on the elbows and knees, often develops in childhood. Sufferers might also have hay fever or asthma. Seborrhoeic eczema arises when the skin reacts to natural Malassezia yeasts that live on the skin surface. Those affected often recall scalp dandruff or a scaling rash around their nose, eyebrows or chest.

• I see many patients with inflamed skin triggered by a sensitivity to ingredients in personal skin care products, wet wipes or topical medications, lubricants or agents applied directly, or spread by hands, to the genitals. Such a ‘contact eczema’ rash develops after repetitive use of the culprit product, usually within a few days rather than immediately. It might be difficult to identify a causative ingredient, perhaps when several products are being used, so a dermatologist can arrange patch testing.

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian

So what skin problems can affect your genitals? Pretty-much any skin disorder that can develop on the body can affect the genitals. Nevertheless, some might differ in appearance from other body sites, such as psoriasis which tends to not be as scaly down below, or warts which don’t look like hard lumps as they do on fingers or feet, but more like soft skin

• Lichen sclerosus is a rare disorder that affects the genital skin and patients often describe itch, a burning sensation or a tight sensation with their foreskin movement or vulva, particularly during intercourse. Some experience tearing or bruising of affected skin, which tends to appear pale or white in colour. Under-treated disease can lead to scarring or changes in the appearance of the genitals, however, doctors warn patients to be vigilant and to seek medical attention promptly should bleeding, ulcers or new lumps appear with lichen sclerosus, because there is a small risk of progression to a type of skin cancer.

• Lichen planus, as mentioned earlier, is a rash

• that can affect both the skin and genital mucosal surfaces including the vagina. Mucosal involvement can be very uncomfortable for patients and might require oral therapies in addition to creams and ointments. Patients might also note, or have previously suffered, a rash on their wrists, in their mouth or hair loss.

• Warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, of which there are several subtypes. Hand and foot warts have likely affected most of us at some point in life, however, can spread to the genitals through touch. Treatment is usually by a cream, or a freezing treatment known as cryotherapy. Certain higher risk HPV subtypes can spread via oral or intimate skin contact, whilst others lead to precancerous changes or

even genital cancer. Should you ever be concerned that a new lump on your genitals that does not heal, bleeds, causes pain or looks unusual compared to other moles or skin tags, always have this checked early by your GP, a genito-urinary medicine clinic or a dermatologist.

• There are a plethora of lumps and bumps that can affect the genitals, and unfortunately too much to cover in one article, however as mentioned above, always have anything new or changing checked early by your doctor. Skin cysts can arise and perhaps discharge pus. Patients that suffer from a condition known as hidradenitis suppurativa, develop painful cysts and deeper abscesses on the genitals, buttock and other ‘fold’ sites on the body including armpits and under the breasts. This can be difficult to manage and live with, relying on regular antibiotics, special washes and sometimes injectable mediation from dermatology to suppress and control the immune system. Skin tags often affect the groin area and are more common with age, with patients often seeking removal by surgery or cryotherapy for cosmetic purposes. Moles can also affect the penis and vulval skin, but any new pigmented areas should be examined by a doctor. Reassuringly, I see

lots of ‘post inflammatory staining’, which is discoloration left behind from a previous rash, and benign genital melanosis, however melanoma cancer can develop on or around the genitals so I would stress that nobody presume, and have new discoloration examined by a doctor early.

My list could go on, however, for now I must finish up and get back to clinic… plus Daniel has me on a word limit! But to put your inquisitive minds at ease; most of these conditions that I see at my genital skin clinic are very easily treated. The main struggle though for my patients who suffer with genital skin problems, is how much their treatment can become an inconvenience or messy. Imagine finding space several times per day to put creams on, then allowing them to dry in. Our groins are naturally warm, then sweat from tight clothing or sitting at a desk all day, can further aggravate itch and discomfort. I write this piece not only to inform you about skin problems affecting the genitals, but also with the hope that you will become more aware and able to empathise with and support any friends, family or intimate partners who develop or are living with a genital skin disorder.

I and my clinical colleagues, plus countless charitable organisations and support groups are here to help and to support you as best we can. For those suffering in silence, please don’t be afraid to reach out and get the conversation, and your treatment journey, started.





The Lies We Inherit

From the moment we are born, we are handed stories; about ourselves, about the world, about who we are supposed to be. Many of these stories are rooted in fear, control, and repression. For queer individuals, these stories often tell us that we must hide, that our love is unnatural, that our identities are burdens rather than blessings.

Society teaches us to perform, to conform, to erase parts of ourselves for the sake of belonging. These distortions of truth create deep wounds, festering beneath the surface of our consciousness. We may internalise shame, repress our desires, or become disconnected from our own bodies. But the body does not forget. The spirit does not forget. And somewhere within us, we always know when we are living a lie.

The Weight of Silence

Silence is often seen as the safest choice. It keeps us from confrontation, protects us from rejection, and allows us to move through the world unnoticed. But silence is also a prison. It is the slow suffocation of the soul, the dull ache of an unlived life.The repression of truth manifests as anxiety, depression, and disconnection. We cannot expect to find peace while still hiding from ourselves.

The Courage to Speak

There is a moment in every queer person’s journey when they must decide whether to live in fear or to step into the light of their own truth. This moment is not just about coming out, it is about coming home to oneself. It is about choosing authenticity over acceptance, selfrespect over societal approval, and freedom over fear.

Telling the truth, whether it is about our sexuality, our gender identity, our past traumas, or our deepest longings, is an act of radical self-love. It is a statement that we are worthy of being seen and heard exactly as we are. And when we speak our truth, something miraculous happens: the weight lifts, the body exhales, and the healing begins.

The Healing Power of Truth

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

Truth is medicine. It purifies, it clears away illusion, and it creates space for real transformation. When we stop lying to ourselves and others, we stop resisting life. We begin to align with our deepest essence, and in doing so, we open the door to inner peace.

This process is not always easy. Speaking the truth can bring temporary discomfort. It may cost us relationships, security, or certainty. But what it gives us in return is far greater: the ability to live a life that is fully ours. No more masks. No more pretending. Just the sheer relief of being real.

“This moment is not just about coming out, it is about coming home to oneself. It is about choosing authenticity over acceptance, self-respect over societal approval, and freedom over fear.”

And this healing extends beyond the individual. Truth has a ripple effect. When one person stands in their authenticity, they give permission for others to do the same. Queer visibility, queer joy, queer love; all of these are contagious acts of rebellion against a culture that has long tried to erase us. When we choose to live openly, we help dismantle the very structures that have sought to keep us silent.

Truth as a Path to Inner Peace and Light

Inner peace is not something that is given to us; it is something we cultivate by aligning our lives with truth. The more we resist truth, the more we suffer. The more we embrace it, the more we find a sense of ease, of lightness, of deep-rooted calm. It begins with small acts of honesty; acknowledging what you truly want, expressing your emotions, setting boundaries, rejecting narratives that do not serve you.

To live in truth is to live in the light. It is to trust that the universe supports authenticity, that there is nothing wrong with who you are, and that your existence is not something that needs to be justified or explained. As queer people, we have always been truth-tellers, disruptors, and visionaries. We have always been the ones who challenge oppressive norms. Our liberation is tied to our willingness to stand in truth, no matter how uncomfortable or dangerous it may seem.

So let us tell the truth. Let us embody it in the way we love, express ourselves, and how we move through the world. Because in truth, we find freedom. In truth, we find healing. And in truth, we find the deep, unwavering peace that comes from knowing we are exactly who we were always meant to be.

Integrating Truth Through Somatic Healing

One of the most profound ways to embody truth is through somatic practices. Our bodies hold the imprints of past experiences, including the suppression of truth. Through somatic exploration we can gently guide the body back to a state of safety and openness. My somatic work helps individuals integrate their truth not just mentally, but physically. By working with the nervous system, releasing stored trauma, and cultivating a deeper connection to the

body, we create space for authenticity to emerge naturally. When we align our bodies with our inner truth, we experience a profound sense of freedom, healing, and inner peace.

Paul McAllister- Soul Script IG: Facebook: Email:


G The Voice, TikTok and Tom Jones

- We talk to Rising Star Jack McGee

Hi Jack, welcome to the first GNI Magazine Rising Star feature, some of our readers and contributors might remember you from your amazing performance at last year’s GNI awards. But for those who haven’t had the chance to meet you or watch you perform yet, why don’t you share a little about yourself? What do you enjoy doing when you’re not singing or lifeguarding?

I’m 21 from Derry/Londonderry when I am not singing, I love surfing. We have a caravan in Donegal, and I am out on the waves at any opportunity that I can get. I love to travel and like a good night out with my mates.

How long have you been singing and what are your favourite songs to sing at the minute?

I always ask my mum and dad when they remember me starting singing and they say when I was in the school play when I was 6 or 7 years old in the nativity play. I can’t pick just one song but at the minute some of my favourite songs are “Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls” (legendary stuff there Jack!), “If I Die Young by The Band Perry,” and “Yellow by Coldplay” that I sang for my audition on the voice.

Tell us about how you ended up on The Voice. Honestly, it was pretty mad. I had just started posting covers on TikTok and Instagram when, in the summer of 2023, one of the producers slid into my DMs on Instagram. They said they loved one of my covers—I’m pretty sure it was “One Last Time” by Ariana Grande—and they thought I’d be a great fit for the show. They suggested I audition when they were in Belfast. At first, I thought it was one of those Instagram scams, but once I did a little digging and realised it wasn’t, I told some friends, and they encouraged me to go for it. Then it was audition after audition—Belfast, Manchester, and London—throughout the summer of 2023 until September. I didn’t hear anything back until December 2023 or January 2024.

How much do you get to be a part of things when you’re on the voice? Is it just a matter of following directions and singing what you’re told, or do you have a say in the creative stuff?

You get to have a say, especially with the songs. They asked me to choose 10, and then they picked the ones they thought would fit best. I had to do a one-minute demo for each of them, and then they decided which ones were good for the actual audition. As for clothes, I got to pick three outfits from my own clothes that I liked, and then the stylist took pieces from those to create the look I used for the audition. It is just one audition chance that you get so you want to look and sound your best so you listen to their advice and guidance on it all.

If you had the chance to pick a mentor from any of the four judges, who would you choose and why?

In January when I was on the show we only knew two judges Tom Jones and Will. iam and then when I heard that it was Leanne Rimes and Danny/Tom from McFly. It was always going to be Tom Jones, the guy is a legend but I would have definitely given Danny/Tom consideration too if they had turned for me, their music and style are class but Tom’s legendary status kind of tops Danny/Tom.

If you could’ve teamed up with one of the judges for a duet, who would you pick and what song would you jam out to?

This was already in my mind ahead of my audition should I have got to that point it would be Tom Jones. Then when he turned all I could think of is if I duet with him it is going to be an Elvis cover like Can’t Help Falling in Love or something really nice like that, he loves the local sound and appears to be really supportive of his acts.

What have you been up to since your appearance on the voice?

I went on a break to Budapest, I’ve been gigging away any opportunity I get and I am booked to appear in the Grand Opera House on the 21st February for a talent showcase for people from all over Northern Ireland with the guys from the Limelight/Shine are going to be there scouting people for gigs and stuff. I’ve 6-8 songs to track to do so hopefully something might come from it all.

Any advice for people considering entering the voice?

Just go for it, put your fears aside and go for it, you get such an amazing experience from it all. Throughout the whole process, you are meeting other performers, and vocal coaches and getting to see around studios and all that TV stuff. Show everyone what you can do and be yourself throughout it all.

What’s next for you music-wise?

I’m working on some original songs with this singer/songwriter from London named David. We’ve got a bunch of sessions lined up. He found me on Instagram after seeing me on The Voice, and we had a few Zoom chats to see if we click, and so far, it’s going awesome! I’m hoping to share some of our stuff by summer. I’ll still be doing TikToks and posting covers on social media, but I really want to shift my focus more to original music when I can.

What are your socials for anyone wanting to give you a follow to see what happens next?

Instagram: Jackmcgeee

TikTok: Jaackmcgeee

Interview By Gary Campion

The stars are bright, Fernando...

Fernando grew up with dreams of making a difference. While he first aspired to become the U.S. president, his realization that this dream wasn’t possible due to his being born in Costa Rica led him to pursue a different path of influence: acting. After graduating high school, Fernando made his way to Los Angeles, where he quickly landed a role on Disney Channel’s Disney 365. It was a “dream come true” that shaped his career and life. Now, Fernando takes center stage in Exteriors, an LGBTQ film by director Mark Schwab that weaves together three interconnected stories of modern gay relationships. The film premieres in March on GayBingeTV. Fernando explains more from his Los Angeles home.

You’re best known from your time on Disney Channel’s Disney 365. Is it true it almost didn’t happen?

Yes! The morning of my big audition, the power went out in my building and the gate of my garage wouldn’t open! I was panicking: sweating bullets, crying. This was the biggest audition of my life, and I couldn’t get out of my building! Thankfully the casting director was so patient and understanding. I finally got to the audition, an hour late. I left thinking I would never hear from them but I got a callback that I completely flubbed because I was a ball of nerves. I left the callback thinking, not a chance in hell, but three days later I got the call telling me I booked it!

Did Disney 365 help shape your journey as an actor?

The lessons I learned from that time have shaped everything I do in and out of acting.

What does a typical day in your life look like now?

I don’t think there’s such a thing as a typical day for an artist. For that reason, I strive to stick to my self-care regimens religiously. First thing every morning, I stretch for thirty minutes to an hour and then hit the gym. Whatever happens from that point on in the day is that day’s adventure.

What initially attracted you to the role of Kenny, and in what ways do you relate to him personally?

Kenny and I are similar in that we care about our friendships and relationships more than anything else.

You previously portrayed Kenny in Brotherly Lies. How did it feel to revisit this character in a new context with Exteriors?

Amazing! It’s rare to be given the chance to step back into a role, and I felt lucky to do so. Especially with Mark (Schwab, the film’s director) and his crew.

Exteriors delves into the idea of whether coincidences are random or part of a greater plan. What are your personal thoughts?

There have been countless times where I’m thinking of someone so I reach out or bump into them and they say, “I was just thinking of you.” How is it that we both were thinking of each other? That, to me, proves we’re all interconnected in ways we don’t yet understand. I believe there’s something

bigger at play.

What do you hope audiences—both LGBTQ+ and beyond—take away from Exteriors?

I hope audiences leave the experience more open to whatever “randomness” life throws at us. We can all learn something meaningful from seemingly insignificant moments. You never know what that moment might mean eight years from now.

Would you suggest that viewers watch Brotherly Lies before diving into Exteriors?

I definitely think it’s an added bonus, but both films stand on their own.

In your opinion, how has the representation of LGBTQ+ characters and stories in film evolved over time?

How much time do you have? Long answer short; it’s come a long way but still has a long way to go.

How does working on a gay film compare to other projects you’ve been involved in?

Brotherly Lies was my first time working on a queer project and I found it to be pure magic. It’s what little me never knew I wanted to do. It gave me a chance to speak from my actual lived experiences and forced me to be honest with myself in the storytelling in ways I had never been challenged to do before.

What advice would you give to aspiring actors, particularly LGBTQ+ individuals, who want to break into the film industry?

This is a hard one as after eleven years doing this professionally, I’m trying to figure it out myself. However, there are things that still remain true. Train. Learn. Study the craft, but also equip yourself with knowledge of how to navigate being your own business.

What’s next on the horizon for you?

My new film CUTAWAYS will be coming out soon which I’m really excited for. I got to have blue hair which is something I always wanted to try! Aside from that, I am working towards a law degree and will be doing a pre law fellowship in Europe this summer. I’ve never been, and it’s wildly expensive so I’ve started a crowdfunding campaign on my social media @spacemoneky.

Exteriors begins streaming March 3rd on GayBingeTV. Visit ditrfilms. com



eddings are a celebration of love, unity, and the start of an exciting new chapter. For couples planning to tie the knot in 2025, now is the perfect time to secure your dream wedding with an exclusive offer that makes your special day even more memorable.

With luxurious amenities, stunning surroundings, and personalised service, the Four Seasons Hotel & Leisure Club, is the perfect choice for your dream wedding day! Located in the charming town of Monaghan, the Four Seasons Hotel & Leisure Club has been celebrating love and marriage since 1970. This prestigious four-star establishment is renowned for its exceptional service and luxurious amenities, making it the perfect venue for your dream wedding celebration. As a family-run hotel, they are dedicated to providing you and your guests with an unforgettable experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourselves in the charm of Monaghan and Ireland’s Ancient East.

The hotel allows the option to move in the night before your wedding with your wedding party. Granting you the opportunity to start your celebrations as soon as possible and create a sense of anticipation and excitement. The elegant Sakura Suite serves as the ideal backdrop for your ceremony, with its romantic pastel tones and opulent wall panelling. This versatile space allows you to infuse your own personal touches, making your special day truly unique and memorable. To ensure a warm Irish welcome for your guests, they will be greeted in the private pre-reception Limewood Suite with refreshing drinks and delectable snacks. They can then relax on plush crushed velvet sofas, creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

When it’s time for your wedding feast, the talented chefs will prepare a mouthwatering meal

using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. This will be accompanied by fine wine and served in the beautifully refurbished Seasons Suite, which can accommodate parties of all sizes, from intimate gatherings to grand celebrations of up to 350 guests.

The hotel also boasts stunning grounds with mature and intimate gardens, providing picturesque locations for capturing your precious wedding moments. These gardens also offer the perfect opportunity to bask in the sun’s rays, should the weather be on your side!

To help prolong the celebrations, wedding couples will receive a discounted rate for a selection of comfortable guest rooms. As an added bonus, the wedding couple will also have complimentary access to the Superior Suite and two additional guest rooms. All accommodation includes full access to the award-winning Leisure Club and a wholesome full Irish breakfast.

Beyond the stunning aesthetics, the team takes care of the finer details, from exquisite menus crafted by top chefs to impeccable service from dedicated staff. Every aspect of the wedding is carefully coordinated and executed, leaving the couple and their loved ones to simply relax and enjoy the momentous occasion.

To make your wedding planning even sweeter, on offer is an exclusive 10% discount on all new wedding bookings for dates within the next 10-months. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to start planning, this is your sign to say ‘Yes!’ to a beautiful 2025 wedding. And that’s not all! To add an extra touch of luxury to your day, all new 2025 wedding bookings will receive a complimentary wedding meal for their top table (T&Cs apply). Because the hotel believes that every love story deserves a grand celebration,

we want to make sure that you and your closest loved ones experience a truly unforgettable dining experience on your big day.

Priding themselves on offering exclusivity, ensuring that only one wedding per day is hosted. This means that your wedding will receive our full attention, care, and dedication, allowing you to relax and enjoy every moment without distractions.

The team’s dedication and attention to detail have earned them a reputation as one of the leading wedding venues in the industry, with countless happy couples and their guests raving about their experience. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for creating unforgettable memories, the team continues to exceed expectations and set the standard for lavish weddings; Reflected by the recent awards accredited to the team and venue. Whether it’s a classic and elegant affair or a modern and chic celebration, the team will go above and beyond to make every couple’s dream wedding a reality. So, if you’re looking for a truly exceptional wedding experience, look no further than the iconic Four Seasons Hotel & Leisure Club, Monaghan, and its dedicated team of professionals. They will not only meet but exceed your expectations, making your special day a truly unforgettable one.

Secure your 2025 wedding today and take advantage of these limited time offers available. Contact a member of the wedding team today on or +353 (0)47 81 888 to arrange your private or virtual viewing.

Visit the website today:

25 things... to try in 2025


1. Audiobook

Darren Hayes Unlovable: A memoir from the voice of Savage Garden - Darren Hayes, a storyteller from 1970s Queensland, rose to fame as the frontman of Savage Garden, selling over 35 million albums worldwide. In his book “Unlovable,” he reveals the complexities of his life, including childhood trauma from an alcoholic father, depression, and his journey through fame. Written in his lyrical style, “Unlovable” transforms his past struggles into a captivating story of the remarkable artist he has become.

2. Candle

Meadow Farms Herb Garden is a beautifully fresh uplifting scented candle that is perfect for the kitchen, not too sweet with notes of basil, rosemary and tomato vine. Loved by perfume expert Alice Du Parcq. Made with soy wax and pure essential oils, this packs a punch and will fill even the largest space. This brand is also a firm favourite of Scary Spice Mel B, and Westend Theatre star Zoe Birkett.


Instagram: meadowfarmlifestyle

3. Salon Facial

Dermalux Compact Lite @ Lipstick and Lashes LED Phototherapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to enhance skin rejuvenation. Different wavelengths target specific concerns: red light boosts collagen production and reduces inflammation, blue light treats acne by targeting bacteria, and near-infrared light penetrates deeper to promote healing. Known for its safety and minimal side effects, LED Phototherapy improves skin appearance, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and addresses issues like acne and hyperpigmentation.


Instagram: lipstick-and-lashes

Tel: 07917 606640

4. At Home Skin Peel

SKNRGY Elevate your skincare routine with SKNRGY’s innovative products. The Skin Confident Peel features 10% Lactic Acid and 1% Hyaluronic

Acid for gentle exfoliation, brighter complexion, and deep hydration.

Key Benefits: Exfoliates Gently: Reveals a smoother, radiant complexion. Brightens Skin Tone: Reduces dark spots and uneven tone. Hydrates Deeply: Provides essential moisture. Natural Ingredients: Contains Sage and White Tea Extracts. Vegan, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free: Kind to your skin and the planet.

Web: Instagram: skn.rgy

5. Bath/Shower

Unapologetic is a vibrant queer self-care brand based in East London, prioritizing ethics over profits. They focus on environmental sustainability, human rights, and animal welfare, offering vegan products made with 100% green energy and never tested on animals.

Unapologetically You: Embrace individuality. Unapologetically Queer: Celebrate diversity and queer culture. Unapologetically Natural: Up to 99% natural ingredients. Unapologetically Green: 100% green energy and recyclable packaging. Unapologetically Vocal: Advocate for human rights and inclusivity.



6. Deodorant

IUVO - Iuvo, which means aid and delight in Latin, Iuvo aims to provide daily indulgence and luxury. Their innovative deodorant replaces traditional bicarbonate of soda with magnesium oxide for lasting freshness. Thoughtfully crafted in the UK, it lasts 2-3 months with proper care—just peel back

the parchment and apply it to clean underarms. Every Iuvo product is vegan, palm oil-free, parabenfree, and cruelty-free. This year they celebrate their 10th anniversary!


Instagram: iuvoskincare



Fragrance - Thyme by Thursday Fragrance - An independent, femalefounded niche fragrance brand offering unisex, vegan, cruelty-free, and sustainably sourced scents inspired by moments of joy. Thyme, inspired by wild herbs on a Greek mountainside, is their most divisive fragrance. It’s best experienced on a warm day, evoking the feeling of white linen and a crisp G&T at sunset. Notes: Thyme, Bergamot, Vetiver, Sandalwood, and Tonka.


Instaraunnehgram: thursdayfragrance

8. Underwear

BDXY, founded by actor Luke Evans, architect Fran Tomas, and stylist Christopher Brown, is an apparel and lifestyle brand that blends classic style with a modern twist. The ‘Unit’ Briefs offer comfort and support, made from stretch-Lyocell for a secondskin fit, with a fitted shape perfect for slim trousers and skinny jeans, featuring an embossed logo on the elasticated waistband.


Instagram: bdxystudio

9. Jewellery

For Rouan Hachem-Brigly, silver jewellery is a lifelong passion. From a young age, she saved her pocket money to hunt for unique pieces.

Originally from Lebanon, she studied interior design and advertising, but her desire for distinctive jewellery sparked her creativity.

Frustrated by limited options, Rouan decided to create her own jewellery. She embraced challenges and mastered new techniques, resulting in striking, handcrafted pieces featuring chunky silver and intricate etchings with semiprecious stones.

Rouan sees her craft as an escape and a meditative practice, where dedication showcases her journey. Her mantra is: “Follow your passion; it is your life, after all. At 58, age is no excuse.” Inspired by Rumi’s words, she invites others to explore her bold artistry on her Instagram page.

Instagram: rouanbrigly

10. Handbag

TALISMAN, the latest collection by Irish designer Gráinne Maher, features handbags that serve as protective shields and personal talismans. The debut piece, ‘ANU,’ showcases the ‘lovers knot’ design, symbolizing unity and love, and easily transitions from day to night. Crafted for free spirits who value artisanal craftsmanship, each bag tells a story with intricate designs. The earthy colour palette includes oxblood red and peat black, accented with playful tassels, fringes, and gold hardware.

Discover the magic of TALISMAN—celebrating love, connection, and individuality.


Instagram: grainnemaher_thebrand

11. Dog Accessories

Haus of Hank, launched in June 2023, is a boutique slow fashion brand that combines style, quality, and innovation. Founded by Emma, who merges her passion for fashion and animals with her engineering background, Haus of Hank offers fashionable and easy-to-maintain pieces for all sizes, from teacup Chihuahuas to St. Bernards. Their limited-edition collections focus on perfect fit, highquality materials, and unique designs—once a piece sells out, it’s gone for good. Haus of Hank delivers exclusive fashion for those who value individuality and craftsmanship.

Haus of Hank: “Where pets are family and fashion knows no boundaries.”


Instagram: hausofhank_

Discount code: GNI15 for 15% off their website

12. Trainer Cleaning/ Refurbishing

Vintage Kicks aims to reduce the staggering waste of sneakers and shoes, with over 300 million pairs discarded annually in the UK and Ireland. They showcase over 500 pairs of New and Refurbished sneakers for all ages, from Newborns to size 15 in Men’s sneakers, each priced 40-60% less than their original RRP. They offer trainer cleaning, restoration, and customisation, ensuring your footwear looks its best. Their cleaning service also extends to a variety of Handbags and Caps.

Facebook: Vintage Kicks

Instagram: vintagekicks_atfabric

TikTok: vintage.kicks.Belfast

Discount code: GNI10 for 10% off in store

13. Plants

Discover the beauty of nature with The Green East! They specialise in transforming homes, offices, and restaurants with stunning indoor plants, delivering across Northern Ireland and Ireland. Their services include expert consultancy, dedicated plant care, leasing options, and engaging workshops for plant lovers. Visit them at the Portview Trade Centre in the Banana Block to bring greenery into your life!

Web: Instagram: the.greeneast

14. Book

Luke Evans Boy from the Valley From humble beginnings in a Welsh mining village, beloved star Luke Evans shares an inspiring journey through his upbringing and career. Growing up in the Rhymney Valley as a Jehovah’s Witness, Luke felt different and made the bold decision to leave home at seventeen. This led him to London’s Soho, where he discovered his passions for singing and acting, performing in West End productions like Miss Saigon and Rent, before breaking into Hollywood with roles in The Hobbit and Beauty and the Beast.

In his intimate memoir, Luke reflects on his family relationships and their mutual respect for one another’s paths. His story is one of resilience and the quest for belonging, serving as a true inspiration.

15. Podcast

Mad, Bad, Sad - Singer Paloma Faith’s new podcast features episodes that are loosely structured around her asking celebrity guests about their experiences of feeling mad, sad, or bad. The interviews take place in Faith’s home, on a

semicircular leopard-print settee. If you’re curious to see it, check out her YouTube channel. So far, she has welcomed guests like Alan Carr and Mel B. Each episode is around 30 minutes long, including the guest ringing the bell and Faith’s welcoming remarks.

16. Pilates Classes Lisa

Parry Physio and Pilates - Reformer Pilates became a hot trend in 2025, but those dynamic moves can be intimidating for beginners. That’s where LP Physiotherapy and Pilates come in! With ten years of experience in mat Pilates and physiotherapy, she understands the need for a supportive environment for newcomers and those recovering from injuries or postpartum. Now, she offers personalised one-on-one sessions at her clinic, providing tailored guidance for anyone starting their Pilates journey or looking to regain strength.



Tel: 07545642285

17. Traybakes

Brownies on the Hill are available at over 70 coffee shops and restaurants. Their menu features a wide variety of treats to satisfy every taste, including classic brownies, decadent desserts, and cookies. Each bite is guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth and leave you wanting more—especially their irresistible Biscoff caramel squares! You can purchase their baked goods at their Finaghy store on Saturdays and Sundays, or you can find them at Number 4 First Avenue Coffee Company.


Instagram: browniesonthehill

18. Coffee shop

First Avenue Coffee Company - Coffee lovers will enjoy Meticulous Coffee’s house blend made from premium Brazilian arabica beans roasted in Belfast. At First Avenue, every dish is crafted with local ingredients, complemented by sweet treats from Brownies on the Hill bakery. Located near Ormeau Park in Stramillis, this pet-friendly café offers homebaked goodies and pup cups. Enjoy cosy seating, relax on the outdoor terrace, or work on your laptop in a laid-back atmosphere. With flexible hours and a 25% student discount, there’s always a good time to visit!


Instagram: firstavenuecoffeeco

19. Social Group

Out and Active NI is a community sports and social group designed for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies, focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive space. They offer a variety of activities, including hikes, walks, and casual sports, to foster connections and promote health in a safe environment where everyone can be themselves.

Instagram: Outandactiveni


20. Music

Alessia Cara has made a significant mark in the music industry, with billions of streams and multiple multi-platinum certifications. She became the first Canadian to win the GRAMMY® Award for ‘Best New Artist,’ highlighting her immense talent. Gaining fame in 2015 with “Here,” Alessia continues to evolve as an artist. Her latest album, *In The

Meantime*, explores her personal experiences and has been praised by outlets like Pitchfork and Rolling Stone, with The New York Times calling it “incisive and introspective.”

Instagram: alessiasmusic

21. Instagram account

Dollsonthebrain an account created by comedian Matthew Keith brings retro glamour, modern wit and the word of the day to the masses with every insta post.

22. Cleaning Products

Purdy and Figg make natural cleaning products scented with pure essential oils to change how you feel about cleaning forever while making every room of your home smell like a spa without any toxic ingredients.


Instagram: purdyandfigg

Discount Code: £10 off your 1st order if you use this link:

23. App

Vinted is on a mission to make the second-hand first choice they want to show you just how great second-hand can be. Sell what you no longer need, or shop unique pieces you won’t find in stores. Vinted is open to everyone who believes that quality items should live long.

24. Toilet Roll

Who Gives a Crap? Long, soft, charitable and wrapped in funky paper! They donate 50% of their profits to build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world while embracing their roots in


Instagram: whogivesacraptp

Dress up your bathroom with our £5 off discount code: Gni Magazine (click on the “Been referred by a friend?” link at the checkout and simply enter our code.)

25. New Drink

Sipgood Infusion Drops are revolutionising hydration! Just one drop transforms plain water into a delicious, healthy soft drink, free from added sugars and artificial sweeteners. Enjoy five allnatural fruit flavors, enhanced with electrolytes and vitamins. With every Sipgood drop sold, they donate water to those in need, making your refreshment impactful. Plus, their eco-friendly packaging has 98% less waste compared to traditional drinks.

Sign up for their newsletter for a discount and an extra 500ml of water donated on your behalf. Refreshment that gives


Instagram: drinnksipgood

Torvill & Dean... our last dance

Legends of the ice, Jayne Torvill & Christopher Dean, have announced that they will be retiring from skating together in spring 2025, when they embark on their last ever UK tour: ‘Torvill & Dean: Our Last Dance’.

50 years since they formed their incredible skating partnership, Our Last Dance kicks off at London’s OVO Arena in Wembley on 11 April 2025. This will be the final chance to see Torvill & Dean in action on the ice together, before they hang up their skates for good. The 34-date tour will see the world’s most famous skaters perform at major entertainment venues across the UK for the very last time. Tickets are available now from

The farewell tour will see Torvill & Dean tell the story of their amazing 50-year partnership. They will be joined on the ice by 15 professional skaters to take the audience on a journey through their incredible career from the very beginning to the present day, with a nostalgic look at the 70s and 80s. This retrospective storytelling will include some of Torvill & Dean’s most iconic numbers, recreated with the help of some incredibly talented ice skaters, along with the use of giant screens to showcase some unique videos from the archive. Plus, of course, Torvill & Dean performing some newly choreographed routines.

Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean said: “Our farewell tour next year will be an opportunity to celebrate one final time and say thank you to all our incredible fans across the UK, who have supported us constantly over many years. We started skating together when we were 15 years old, so we have many years of wonderful stories and memories to relive on the tour. It’s been 50 years since our skating partnership began, so now is the right time to say goodbye and end on a high. Whilst we will continue to work together off the ice, this will be the last time we will skate together.

We promise to put on an amazing live show – and really hope to see you there.”

Torvill & Dean announced their skating retirement on 14th February this year (“Bolero Day”, as they fondly call it) whilst in Sarajevo to commemorate their historic Gold medal winning performance to Ravel’s Bolero at the 1984 Winter Olympics –exactly 40 years to the day.

Invited by the Mayor of Sarajevo, they visited the city to mark the 40th anniversary and relived their memories four decades on from the iconic heartstopping performance which had a UK television audience of 24 million people on the edge of their seats. It became one of the greatest sporting moments of the 20th Century and set a new standard for world-class figure skating.

Torvill & Dean are back on ITV1 every Sunday night, as Head Judges on the 17th series of Dancing on Ice.


Instagram: @TorvillandDeanOfficial

Facebook: @TorvillandDean

X: @TorvillandDeanOfficial

Thanks for taking the time, it’s been almost 10 years since I’ve been with GNI and don’t recall directly questioning you, promise I’ll take it easy lol. I gave a wee intro above, I’m keen to hear how you introduce yourself as when meeting someone for the first time?

Hi Daniel, thanks for having me for a wee chat about myself and what I do on a day to day basis. I normally introduce myself as Anthony or Anto for short. When people ask what I do for a living i normally lead with personal trainer/massage therapist as that’s what I do most of the week. If I get the chance to do a bit of art here and there I always try and make time for it if I can. (which isn’t much these days, this adulting craic is hard work lol.) But I always try to be as friendly as I can be and always try to see the good in people. “Be kind” comes to mind as I believe first impressions to be hugely important in all aspects of life.

For those new to the magazine and not familiar with you, give us a brief recap, where you hail from, what brought you to Belfast and do you see yourself in the city for the foreseeable future ?

So I’m originally from the maiden city as they call it, Derry/Londonderry or stroke city as some also like to call it. I moved to Belfast nearly 13 years ago now in the hopes of landing a job and starting afresh in the big smoke. (That’s what we call it where I’m from.) But yeah the plan was to take what little cash I had to my name, get myself somewhere to stay, hopefully land any job and have enough to survive on. By a stroke of sheer luck, I managed to secure a job within a couple of weeks and haven’t stopped working really since. So it worked out really well in the end, I’m a big believer in fate and this must have been what fate had in store for this wee Derry man. The future? Hopefully somewhere nice and warm but I’m a bit of a home bird so a mix of both would be nice.

Lets chat about relationships, you’ve been with Brian 13 years and you tied the knot last year, congratulations, has anything changed in your relationship since you said ‘I DO’ ?

Ah thats lovely, thank you! I met my partner and best friend Brian not too long after moving to Belfast all those years ago. I think it the end he was the biggest reason for me staying here otherwise I may have moved back home at some point I reckon. We will have been together for 13 years in August this year (we met on 2012 pride day) and my has the time flown. And yes we got hitched in August 2023 and had a lovely ceremony with close family and

friends. When they say it’s the best day of your life they really aren’t kidding, it was everything we could have wished for on the day! And no nothing has changed really with the dynamic in our relationship. If anything has it would be that we take a bit more time in our day to be considerate but then again we always have been and I think thats why we have stayed together as long as we have. Here’s to the next 13!

I know you have fur babies, is this the extent of your family or do you think you may explore fostering, adopting etc down the line ?

Yes we do have our wee dog Charlie and our wee cat Spongebob who thankfully get on quite well. I think for now we are happy with our family dynamic but haven’t ruled out the possibility of a wee baba down the line. If i’m being honest, I think we enjoy getting away on a cheeky last minute holiday too much and know that with a child there is a lot more planning and consideration involved. But never say never, I do like the idea of a wee mini me running around so who knows down the line? We are forever growing and evolving as we get older and a child of our own could be on the cards so never say never.

I need to talk about the GNI Awards, i’ve said it before but the video you made to gather support was just incredible, I let so many people watch it, gutted you didn’t walk away with the trophy though did you have a good night and how important are events like the GNI Awards for the community?

Ack yes, the making of that wee video was some craic haha. I did it in the space of a few hours one day. Anyone that knows me personally knows that I like to get a bit creative with these things and like to think outside the box. Though that scene where i slid down the stairs on my front, the carpet burns weren’t so fun at the time after a few takes haha. But mere, the awards were a lovely evening. I may have not won on the night but that’s just how these things go ya know? I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the buzz in the room and just being recognised by peers in the community made this wee Derry man feel all warm and fuzzy. Plus I do love me grub and ended up having nearly two dinners that nite but shhh.. keep that between us. But yes these events within the community are vital for those that feel they aren’t seen or heard and when you get that recognition it makes you feel like you are definitely contributing to the diversity of what the LGBTQI+ community brings.

Promise I don’t stalk you though I saw that you spent Christmas in Gran Canaria, do you

usually go away over xmas ? Did you enjoy it and would you recommend it ?

Yes we did manage to get away over Xmas and we had such a lovely time in good ol’ GC. We normally do a winter break in the new year to beat those January blues but decided this year to head away over the festive period to see what it’s like. We always wanted to do Christmas Day on the beach and it was definitely good craic! I would definitely recommend a trip there to anyone who hasn’t been as its year round sun and fun. Although if being honest, being there over the festive period this time we did miss home and family over those few days. Getting away to the heat was brill but you just can’t beat a cosy fire and wrapping up warm on Xmas day and seeing your loved ones with a wee Bailey’s in hand. That’s Christmas to me!

Later this year you will be celebrating a big milestone and joining me in the 40’s club, have you any big plans afoot ?

Ah I know, the big 4-0 is most definitely looming. It’s mad how quickly it has come round, I definitely still feel like that guy in his 20’s on the inside but don’t think I’m doing too bad on the outside. (Well so people tell me on occasion so hopefully they aren’t lying lol.) No plans as of yet how it’s going to go down but one thing is for sure, there will be a party of sorts as I think you have to celebrate these milestones when they come round! A big party with friends and family and I’m happy! Oh and cake! Also, does this mean I am officially entering my, “ daddy “ era now? Heh heh. But in all seriousness, turning 40 isn’t a big deal for me, some people aren’t lucky enough to make it this far so i’m going to fully embrace it.

I may be mistaken though in your recent pics you seem a lot leaner than 6 months ago, what are your own fitness goals and as a PT do you think its important to practise what you preach in terms of staying in good shape?

Ah that’s nice to hear. I’m definitely not doing anything different than I was 6 months ago but I tend to fluctuate a few pounds here and there and that’s ok. I don’t beat myself up about it, I think as I’ve got older I’m more content in my own skin and hey if I’m a wee bit fluffier at times I’m ok with that. But yeah again with the big 4-0 looming I have set some goals for this year and one of them is to definitely ramp it up a few notches in the gym and I intend to strive for that! I’m feeling motivated so watch this space! As a PT, I do think it’s definitely a good thing how you present yourself physically to new and existing clients as it shows you too are

capable of putting in the work and know what it takes to maintain a certain level of personal fitness.

You recently moved to Olympus Gym, was it a hard move after being with Dedicated for so long and how are you enjoying the new base?

Yes so I have just moved to Olympus Gym here in north Belfast. It wasn’t an easy decision by any means, I had been with Dedicated fitness for nearly 9 years so taking that leap wasn’t taken lightly. I think I had reached a point in my career where I had found my motivation dipping somewhat and a change of scenery was definitely what has been needed for me. I will no doubt miss my DF family, but sometimes you just know when it’s your time to move on and that time was now. Things have been going really well in the new gym as a result, my motivation is the best it’s been in years and I can see the change in my clients who are most certainly upping their game too! Did I mention I have a few spaces for new clients? Who doesn’t love a cheeky wee plug?

Finally we are barely into 2025 any other big plans or projects planned that we can look out for?

I think 2025 is definitely an exciting one for me. “ Change ” is my mantra heading into this year with some shakeups already taking place career wise. Personally we have a busy year ahead, with a few weddings coming up and a cheeky wee trip to see Kylie in Manchester in May. I’ve never been but have heard great things, so really looking forward to that. Apart from that the year is my oyster and I intend to seize every moment!

Thanks for taking the time to chat Anthony, should any of our readers want a Sports Massage or get in touch ref Personal Training, how can they reach you ?

If anyone is interested in any of the above don’t hesitate to get in touch. The best way is via socials where you will find me under, “ anto_cools” on instagram for personal training enquiries or “ Resurge_massagetherapy” for massage enquiries. Or alternatively an email is fine also, my email is

Thanks for your time! And I hope yous all have a wonderful 2025. Anto.

Interview with Daniel May



The Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford has solidified its reputation as one of Ireland’s most sought-after wedding destinations by winning the coveted ‘Hotel Wedding Venue of the Year - Leinster’ at the prestigious WeddingSuppliers. ie Awards. The grand event, held on Tuesday, February 4th, recognised excellence in the wedding industry, with the Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford emerging victorious from a highly competitive field of 28 exceptional venues.

This recognition is a testament to the unwavering commitment and passion of the team at the Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford, who dedicate themselves to crafting magical wedding experiences for couples. Their dedication, along with the invaluable contributions of past wedding couples, guests, and suppliers, has played a pivotal role in securing this esteemed accolade.

A Testament to Excellence in Wedding Hospitality

Natalie Haake, Sales and Marketing Manager at the Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford, expressed profound gratitude to everyone who contributed to this achievement. She acknowledged the support of wedding couples who voted and provided glowing reviews, as well as the hardworking staff and exceptional suppliers who collaborate to bring dream weddings to life.

“We are absolutely delighted with this award and cannot thank everyone enough for their support. This recognition is a testament to the passion

and commitment of our team, who go above and beyond to create unforgettable wedding experiences,” said Natalie.

The award not only affirms the hotel’s standing as a top-tier wedding venue but also highlights its dedication to delivering unparalleled hospitality. With its picturesque setting, outstanding service, and meticulous attention to detail, the Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford continues to enchant couples seeking a breathtaking and memorable wedding day.

The Ideal Wedding Destination

Nestled in the heart of the charming medieval village of Carlingford, the Four Seasons Hotel offers an enchanting blend of old-world charm and modern elegance. Overlooking the stunning Carlingford Lough, the hotel provides an idyllic backdrop for wedding celebrations, capturing the essence of romance and sophistication.

The venue boasts a variety of tailored wedding packages designed to accommodate different styles and preferences. Whether couples envision an intimate gathering or a grand affair, the experienced wedding team ensures that every detail is meticulously planned and executed to perfection. The exquisite interiors, combined with the hotel’s lush gardens and scenic surroundings, create an extraordinary setting that makes each wedding truly unique.

What sets the Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford apart is its team’s genuine passion for creating exceptional wedding experiences. From the initial consultation to the final farewell, couples receive personalised attention and expert guidance to ensure their special day unfolds seamlessly.

The hotel collaborates with some of Ireland’s finest wedding suppliers, ensuring that every element of the celebration, from floral arrangements to bespoke menus, reflects the couple’s vision. The dedication and professionalism of the staff shine through in every wedding hosted at the venue, leaving couples and their guests with cherished memories that last a lifetime.

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For couples embarking on their wedding planning journey, the Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford stands out as the ultimate venue for a fairytale celebration. Winning ‘Hotel Wedding Venue of the Year - Leinster’ is not just an honour—it’s a reflection of the venue’s relentless pursuit of excellence and its ability to bring wedding dreams to life.

To experience the magic of the Four Seasons Hotel Carlingford and explore its stunning wedding offerings, book your appointment today:

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Winter Wedding By The Sea

Red Carpet on Arrival

Sparkling Wine, Guinness Flutes, Tea & Coffee Drinks Reception with Scones and Biscuits

4 Course Banquet with a Choice of Two Main Courses

Half Bottle of Wine Per Person with Dinner

Choice of Centre Pieces, Personalised Menus & Mirror Seating Plan

Evening Reception; Choice of Two Food Options

Complimentary Wedding Suite with Breakfast on the Evening of your Wedding

Two Complimentary Executive Bedrooms with Breakfast the Evening of your Wedding

Finger Food Platters for 30 people for the Next Day Celebrations


Founded by actor Luke Evans in partnership with Fran Tomas (architect and project manager) and Christopher Brown (stylist and creative consultant). BDXY is an apparel and lifestyle brand with a strong focus on classic style with a contemporary twist.

Taking cues from the Classic Hollywood actor, BDXY mixes nostalgia with modern and sustainable everyday staples. We work with new technology, fabrics and manufacturing processes to deliver a wardrobe that exudes alluring appeal with considered design. All available from


This LGBTQIA+ History Month, we’re highlighting the LGBTQIA+ Heritage project, a collaboration between The Rainbow Project, Cara-friend and HERE NI. The Heritage Project is a volunteer-led project focused on recording and preserving the rich, diverse LGBTQIA+ heritage in Northern Ireland, kindly funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Operating since 2020, the current term of the project explores the history and heritage from the introduction of Section 75 of the 1998 Northern Ireland Act through to today, focusing on different legislative changes and how they impacted LGBTQIA+ communities in the region.

LGBTQIA+ History Month is celebrated locally during the month of February. It is the time to remember those who went before us, celebrate our successes, reflect on our struggles and the discrimination we have faced. To quote Spanish philosopher George Satayana, “Those who cannot remember history are condemned to repeat it.” This year’s theme is Activism and Social Change, and it is the fifth History Month since the beginning of the LGBTQIA+ Heritage Project.

History Month plays a critical role in raising awareness, fostering inclusivity, and celebrating the diverse experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals. It is celebrated with the goal of recognising the history, struggles, and accomplishments of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals throughout history. While many important historical events and milestones related to the LGBTQIA+ community have been omitted from mainstream education, LGBTQIA+ History Month seeks to fill this gap and create a platform for greater understanding.

LGBTQIA+ History Month was started by Rodney Wilson, a teacher, in the US in 1994, now it is celebrated in at least 35 countries. The LGBTQIA+ Heritage Project forms part of the International Committee on LGBTQIA+ History Months, and were one of the founding organisations of this Committee alongside Rodney. He was the guest speaker at the LGBTQIA+ History Club on 28th January, which is available to watch on the Heritage Project’s YouTube channel.

One of the primary reasons LGBTQIA+ History Month is important is because it ensures that the experiences and contributions of LGBTQIA+ individuals throughout history are acknowledged and celebrated. Historically, LGBTQIA+ people have been marginalised, criminalised, and erased from history books. They have often been relegated to the shadows, their stories overlooked, and their identities stigmatised. The celebration of LGBTQIA+ History Month provides an opportunity to bring these oftenneglected narratives into the light, sharing the contributions of LGBTQIA+ individuals in areas like the arts, sports, sciences, politics, as well as the fight for equality.

For example, the work of pioneering figures such as Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in California, or Marsha P. Johnson, a black transgender activist and one of the key figures in the Stonewall Riots, is vital

to understanding the history of LGBTQIA+ rights and activism. Through events and educational programs during LGBTQIA+ History Month, people learn about the historical significance of these figures and how their actions have led to the rights and visibility LGBTQIA+ individuals enjoy today. In many cases, these stories have not been part of mainstream education, making LGBTQIA+ History Month an essential opportunity to provide a more complete and accurate narrative of our collective history.

Of course, closer to home we have our own amazing activists who we celebrate including Wilma Creith, who ran a support line for trans people in the 1970s, Ernie and Jim who created safe places for our communities to live their authentic lives. If you wish to learn more about local queer heros, you can join the LGBTQIA+ Heritage Project on one of our Pride of Place walking tours, or alternatively get in touch to hear about our courses or lunch and learns.

In many cultures, including our own, LGBTQIA+ history has been hidden, stigmatised, or deliberately suppressed. This erasure not only harms individuals but also denies future generations the chance to learn from the past. The visibility that LGBTQIA+ History Month brings helps counter this erasure, ensuring that LGBTQIA+ individuals’ lives, struggles, and triumphs are remembered and respected. It also serves as a reminder that LGBTQIA+ history is an integral part of human history, not a separate or isolated chapter.

On the whole, the month plays a significant role in promoting acceptance and inclusivity by challenging stereotypes and breaking down misconceptions. When people are exposed to the diversity of LGBTQIA+ identities and experiences, they are more likely to develop empathy and understanding. This is crucial, especially for younger generations, as LGBTQIA+ youth are often vulnerable to bullying, discrimination, and social isolation. By learning about the history and contributions of LGBTQIA+ individuals, young people are encouraged to see LGBTQIA+ identities as valid and worthy of respect, which can lead to safer and more inclusive environments in schools, workplaces, and communities.

LGBTQIA+ History Month also allows for reflection on the ongoing struggles faced by the LGBTQIA+ community. Despite progress made over the years, there are still significant challenges related to discrimination, violence, and inequality. For instance, LGBTQIA+ individuals, particularly transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, continue to experience high rates of hate crimes and marginalisation. If you or anyone you know have experienced a hate crime, The Rainbow Project have a hate crime advocacy service open to all within our community.

HIV/AIDS remains a crisis for many, and conversion practices still exist both here and around the world, despite being widely discredited. LGBTQIA+ History Month is an opportunity to reflect on the history of these struggles, from the early days of the AIDS epidemic to the fight

for marriage equality, and acknowledge how far society has come while recognizing the work that remains.

The month also offers a platform to emphasize the importance of visibility in the LGBTQIA+ community. Visibility is a powerful tool for social change. When LGBTQIA+ individuals are seen and heard in the media, the arts, and public life, it can challenge harmful stereotypes and provide a sense of community and validation. In Belfast we have celebrated our first out gay Lord Mayor, with Councillor Micky Murray taking the chain until June 2025. Micky has been very supportive of our project throughout his year in office.

There is often an emphasis on increasing visibility by highlighting LGBTQIA+ voices in literature, cinema, and media throughout LGBTQIA+ History Month, helping to normalize diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Representation matters, as it allows people to see themselves reflected in the world around them and fosters a sense of belonging. As part of that, Crystal Queer Film Club is showing the Wizard of Oz Thursday 27th February in 2a Royal Avenue. The film influenced may in the LGBTQIA+ community including Gilbert Baker, who cites the song ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ as influential in his design of the original Rainbow Flag.

LGBTQIA+ History Month also encourages allyship, fostering stronger support networks for the community. Allies are vital to the progress of LGBTQIA+ movements. They can use their positions of power and privilege to advocate for change and amplify LGBTQIA+ voices. By engaging with LGBTQIA+ history and issues, allies gain a deeper understanding of the struggles faced by the community and become better equipped to support their friends, family members, and colleagues. This allyship strengthens the LGBTQIA+ community and creates a broader coalition for social change.

Whether by celebrating the contributions of LGBTQIA+ individuals through history, fostering empathy and understanding, promoting inclusivity, reflecting on our ongoing or combatting historical erasure, LGBTQIA+ History Month provides a vital opportunity for us all to reflect, learn and grow as a community. It also serves as a reminder of the power of visibility and the importance of allyship. Celebrating LGBTQIA+ history not only honours the past but helps build a more equitable and accepting future for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.



A young adult from Northern Ireland has shared their story of recovery from the eating disorder anorexia nervosa through a powerful and emotional video in a bid to inspire others to seek help.

In the UK, at least 1.25 million people are living with an eating disorder - at least 1 in 50 people. From 24 February to 2 March its Eating Disorders Awareness Week and the theme is ‘anyone can be affected by an eating disorder’.

Jake Ferguson (pictured below), now 26 and living in County Tyrone in Northern Ireland, struggled with disordered eating for over 10 years before seeking help. Jake is nonbinary and has also lived with borderline personality disorder for four years.

Jake wanted to share their story to offer hope to anyone else who might be struggling. “It feels important to me to use my voice to make the most of my lived experience.”

“I began restricting my intake when I was about 14 or 15 years old. I swung between restricting my eating and comfort eating. It didn’t seem that weird to me at the time

but on some unconscious level I knew what I was doing wasn’t good for me.”

Jake’s problems escalated when they came to study at the University of Leeds. “I think food became a coping mechanism. It was the first time I’d had an unlimited supply. I was suddenly the one who had to decide what I ate every single day rather than my parents making decisions.

“In my third year some people said that I gained a lot of weight. For the first time I suddenly became really aware of my weight, so I decided to eat healthier. But it became a slippery slope into a lot of restrictive eating.”

Eventually Jake was going days without eating and their mental health started to significantly deteriorate. Jake went to see a GP and was referred to CONNECT - the adult NHS eating disorder service for West Yorkshire.

“I loved the staff at CONNECT. They were so supportive, kind and compassionate. They never judged me. I was encouraged to go at my own pace and challenge the behaviours that were causing my problems.”

Jake’s relationship with food is now much healthier. “I’m on a journey of recovery. For example, I might go to a restaurant, and I just catch myself ordering something without even thinking about it. I just live my life the way I want to live it and how I used to live it.

“It’s been helpful and affirming for me to hear directly from people who’ve experienced an eating disorder. It makes you feel so much less alone, and you realise that what you feel is normal and that others have been exactly where you are.

“Now want to provide that for other people. What I’ve been through has provided me with an immense resource to help others and this film is just one small way that I hope I can do that.”

a specialist team there including a psychiatrist, dietitian, therapists and mental health nurses.

Beth Gripton (pictured below) is Clinical Lead and a dietitian at CONNECT. She said: “Eating disorders can affect anyone and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s never too late or too early to get help. And with the right kind of help, you can recover to lead a fulfilling life with a healthy relationship with food.

“We assess everyone individually and put a plan in place that’s right for the person in front of us.

“We are grateful to Jake for sharing their story which we hope will inspire people who may be struggling with hope for the future.”

After nearly a year out of therapy, Jake is looking at starting a PhD in English literature, focusing on trans/ queer poetic adaptations of medieval culture. They are focusing on their writing and poetry, and a few have been accepted for publication.

In their spare time, they volunteer for the Plus Importance Project – an LGBTQ+ charity, as a social media content creator.

Jake added: “The CONNECT team helped me to save my life, they were so compassionate and their care was so thorough. This will hopefully help someone else who might be struggling to feel a bit less scared to reach out.”

Eating Disorders in the UK

In the UK, at least 1.25 million people are living with an eating disorder. That’s at least 1 in 50 people. And yet many people wouldn’t know how to spot the signs that someone has an eating disorder. This is important because the sooner someone is treated for an eating disorder the better their chance of making a full recovery.

This year the BEAT Eating Disorders charity is running a campaign with a clear message: anyone can be affected by an eating disorder, and that they are serious

The CONNECT service is hosted by

mental health conditions that can affect anyone - at any age, gender, or background - at any time.

If you are affected by eating disorders, please speak to your GP or find out more on the BEAT eating disorders website.

The CONNECT Eating disorders service for West Yorkshire

CONNECT is an NHS service for adults across West Yorkshire hosted by Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. They receive referrals from a person’s GP mainly for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

They run a weekly open access support group for anyone nationwide that has an eating disorder or disordered eating. You do not need a formal diagnosis or to be under a service to join.

You can also follow CONNECT on Instagram for additional support on managing daily life with an eating disorder or disordered eating. The account is run by members of their team who share their knowledge and expertise, from nutritional cooking videos to top tips. They also do daily live streams hosted by a different member of the team on a range of topics.

What is Anorexia?

Anorexia (or anorexia nervosa) is a serious mental illness that can cause individuals to limit how much they eat or drink. They may develop “rules” around what they feel they can and cannot eat, as well as things like when and where they’ll eat. Anorexia can affect anyone of any age, gender, ethnicity or background. In some cases, anorexia nervosa can be characterized by low body weight, however you can never tell how unwell someone is by just considering their weight.

As well as limiting how much they eat, they may do lots of exercise, make themselves sick, or misuse laxatives to get rid of food eaten. Some people with anorexia may experience cycles of bingeing (eating large amounts of food at once) and then purging.

Find out more about it on the BEAT eating disorders website.

What is Bulimia?

Bulimia (or bulimia nervosa) is a serious mental illness. It can affect anyone of any age, gender, ethnicity or background. People with bulimia are

caught in a cycle of eating large quantities of food (called bingeing), and then trying to compensate for that overeating by vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics, fasting, or exercising excessively (called purging). Treatment at the earliest possible opportunity gives the best chance for a fast and sustained recovery from bulimia.

It’s normal for people who aren’t suffering from an eating disorder to choose to eat a bit more or “overindulge” sometimes. This shouldn’t be confused with a binge eating episode.

Binge eating is often a way to cope with difficult emotions; someone may feel driven to binge eat if they’re feeling stressed, upset or angry, for example. During a binge, people with bulimia don’t feel in control of how much or how quickly they’re eating. Some people also say that they feel as though they’re disconnected from what they’re doing. The food eaten during a binge may include things the person would usually avoid. Episodes of binge eating are often very distressing, and people may feel trapped in the cycle of bingeing and purging. People with bulimia place strong emphasis on their weight and shape, and may see themselves as much larger than they are.

Find out more about bulimia on the BEAT eating disorders website.
Lorren: (+353)
Ballinlough Village, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon, F45 HP08

Top Blade Steakhouse...

a carnivorous delight in Northern Ireland


ince its inception in 2016, Top Blade Steakhouse has emerged as a premier culinary destination in Northern Ireland, with resturants in Belfast and Portadown.

A true haven for meat lovers, it offers an exceptional dining experience with an impressive selection of locally sourced prime cuts. Top Blade Belfast has welcomed numerous celebrities, including Hollywood actor Luke Evans, the band Busted and former Manchester United star Patrice Evra, solidifying its reputation as a must-visit eatery.

Upon arrival, diners are greeted with a menu bursting with flavour and options. Signature steaks include the luxurious Flat Iron, hearty Rump, regal T-bone, and tender Fillet. For those looking to share, the restaurant’s Chateaubriand and Tomahawk cuts are both visually stunning and a delight to the palate.

Beyond their remarkable steaks, they offer a diverse array of sides and sauces, including creamy buttery champ, skin-on fries, and crunchy tobacco onions. Diners can also savour crispy sweet potato fries, fresh green beans wrapped in savoury bacon, and charred broccoli, ensuring that each visit is a unique

culinary adventure. Top Blade’s acclaimed sauces deliver a dynamic explosion of taste, enhancing every dish. The flambéed butter ignited at the table adds an exhilarating touch of theatrical flair to the dining experience.

Inclusivity is central to Top Blade’s ethos, with thoughtful options for vegan and vegetarian diners. The Portadown restaurant has been rebranded as Top Blade Gastro. This transformation is in response to the evolving tastes of diners in the Craigavon area, offering a wider variety of options. The new gastro menu features dishes ranging from delectable pastas to fresh fish, along with vegetarian options, while still providing the complete steak menu. The original Top Blade restaurant in St Anne’s Square, Belfast, remains unchanged, serving the largest selection of steaks in the country.

Both restaurants have an impressive curated drinks menu to complement your food. From bespoke cocktails to a carefully selected wine list and tailored selection of beers and spirits. Both restaurants also offer fantastic value with a three-course meal for just £33.95 throughout the week, along with a tempting two-cocktail deal for £16 from Monday to Thursday.

Interestingly, all the meat served at Top Blade is sourced from locally reared cattle including the Wagyu gourmet cuts which are cultivated right here in Northern Ireland, adding a local twist to global luxury.

During our visit to Top Blade, we indulged in the three-course £33.95 deal, which included a light bite, Flat Iron steak, a side, and a choice of sauce or butter, along with a selection of desserts. Not limited to steak lovers, patrons can swap the Flat Iron for a steak burger at no additional charge or upgrade to a different cut of steak for a supplementary fee.

For “lite bites,” We ordered halloumi fries and garlic mushrooms, beautifully served with a balsamic drizzle and leafy garnish. The halloumi fries were perfectly cooked, super tasty and free of the notorious rubbery texture—while the garlic mushrooms were flavourful without being overwhelmingly garlicky.

For mains, we upgraded to sirloin and fillet steaks. When our steaks arrived, they were a sensory spectacle, artfully presented on rustic wooden boards. Choosing medium rare without blood (something new for us) was an epiphany, as the steaks were expertly cooked, tender, and full of juicy flavour. My dining companion’s creamy peppercorn sauce was velvety and nuanced, while my flamed black garlic butter, torched to perfection before our eyes, infused the fillet with an irresistible charred taste.

Dessert is essential for those with a sweet tooth like me. I chose the biscoff-topped sundae, while my guest opted for sticky toffee pudding. Both desserts were indulgent finales to our feast, leaving us satisfyingly full yet eagerly anticipating our return.

With personable staff and a relaxed atmosphere, combined with convenient parking, Top Blade

Steakhouse is more than just a restaurant; it’s a delightful journey for the senses. After this exceptional experience, we look forward to our next visit with great excitement.

Top Blade Belfast Unit 5, St.Anne’s Square, Belfast, BT1 2LD 07754 476562

8 Mandeville Street, Portadown, BT62 3NZ 07354 838595

New Location Coming Soon!

A new restaurant location will be opening later this year. Keep an eye out for more details!

Review by Gary Campion

brownies on the hill

Christine has transformed Brownies on the Hill into more than just a bakery; it’s a haven.

Her commitment to her customers has turned Brownies on the Hill into a beloved staple, with over 70 cafes and restaurants across Northern Ireland proudly offering their decadent products. With a menu brimming with confections to suit every taste. Whether your choice is classic brownies or sumptuous cookie cakes, you can count on each bite to fulfil your deepest cravings. The secret? It’s undoubtedly Christine’s reliance on only the finest ingredients, ensures that each piece is a handmade masterpiece of flavour and quality.

We recently got to taste their famous 6

brownie box, which really shows off the bakery’s soul-satisfying treats.

We started with the mouthwatering Carmel Square a beautifully crafted take on a classic favourite featuring rich, hand-made caramel, which truthfully sets the bar a league above anything commercially produced elsewhere.

Next, we encountered the Dubai Pistachio Brownie—a treat so irresistible that it has the power to turn even the most leisurely moments into a sprint toward the kitchen.

I was amazed at how quickly my partner’s niece and nephew dashed for this brownie! It strikes a perfect balance between sophistication and indulgence, with each bite transporting

you to distant lands through its exquisite flavour

Following that was the Kinder Stuffed Swiss Roll, a nostalgic delight that promises a burst of flavour with each bite, making it nearly impossible to take only one bite!

The Cherryless Fifteen Crunch is a game changer for those who like me secretly pick out the cherries from traditional fifteens. Here, they do all the work for you, leaving behind the good stuff of the traditional treat with an added crunchy twist to this old favourite.

No selection would be complete without the Milkybar Brownie, enticingly rich and drizzled with white chocolate, topped with the adorable Milkybar kid on top. It looks gorgeous and tastes even better leaving its creamy sweetness mark on your taste buds.

These brownies are distinctly meant for sharing, and trust me when I say—they are generously sized! At Brownies on the Hill, tiny bites are simply not in the recipe!

Finally, we indulged in the Lemon and Coconut Slice, a divine concoction that unites the smooth, zesty notes of lemon, a buttery biscuit base with the fragrant texture of dried coconut sprinkled generously on top. This refreshing slice is the perfect ending to a truly decadent experience, leaving you yearning for just one more bite.

Brownies On The Hill

1a Erinvale Dr, Belfast BT10 0GE

Phone: 07850 251526


Instagram: browniesonthehill

Review By Gary Campion





Toast Café on the Cregagh Rd in Belfast has recently celebrated its twentieth year serving up breakfasts, lunches and sweet treats.

This popular restaurant and coffee shop has an extensive menu featuring lots of delicious dishes. From All Day Breakfasts and Sandwich Specials, to Omelettes and tasty Mains, there’s something to suit all tastes.

The Avocado Crush on Sourdough Toast, topped with perfectly poached eggs, had a fragrant hint of coriander and lime, and was served with mixed leaves, & sprinkled with seeds. And a dollop of sriracha added a welcome kick of chilli!

One of the most popular dishes in Toast Café is the Chicken Goujon Waffles, and it’s not hard to see why; golden mini fillets on a crispy waffle with fresh chilli & spring onions, drizzled with hot chilli sauce, soured cream, and maple syrup. Delicious!

Don’t forget to leave room for dessert; the Chocolate Orange Cheesecake from The Belfast Cheesecake Co was delightfully indulgent, and there are lots of tempting treats from Brownies on the Hill: we loved the Raspberry Ruffle Marshmallow Traybake.

Toast also stocks some lovely gift ideas, including plants & flower arrangements , “Aromatics” wax melts, and “BeeHype” raw honey.

Nica Nica

On the Great Northern Mall in Belfast, Giuseppe Micciché has opened the wonderful Nica Nica coffee shop, offering delicious treats inspired by his Sicilian culinary heritage.

His passion for cooking started at an early age, and his “Pupino Chef” products reflect the flavours and aromas of Italy.


From incredible authentic cannoli in various sizes and flavours and artisan panettone, to amazing nut spreads and chocolate bars, Nica Nica is packed with unique and delicious treats and gift ideas.

We called in for a hot drink, and were treated to a fantastic Dirty Chai Latte, and an indulgent Pistachio Coffee.

The cannoli are superb: crispy shells stuffed with sweet ricotta and are available in a variety of flavours. There are also vegan and gluten free options for the cannoli and many other

menu items.

And make sure you try the spreadable creams in combinations of hazelnut, pistachio, chocolate and caramel, although our favourite tub was a savoury pistachio pestoperfect for stirring through pasta, or spreading over a salmon fillet!

So, next time you’re in Belfast looking for a special treat, pop in to Nica Nica and let your tastebuds be transported to sunny Sicily.

Cultura, a stylish café on the Gilnahirk Road in East Belfast, serves creative dishes, and a rotating menu of seasonal coffees, in a relaxed, casual and contemporary

Our coffees were top-notch; a Kawa Handbrew with hints of cacao, vanilla and blood orange, and a Cardamom. Flat White-a delicious twist on a Chai Latte.

The Sando Special was a crispy Katsu Chicken delight, and the Turkish Eggs were perfectly poached, resting on Sumac & Garlic Labneh and sprinkled with Peanut Duqqa. With sides of toasted Focaccia and spicy Salt & Chilli Fries, this was an excellent lunchtime treat. Cultura:

Inspired by Curiosity.

Bolt Deli

Just off the Boucher Road, Bolt Deli is a New York-Style Café and Restaurant. The distinctive Stateside vibe, with its exposed brickwork, copper highlights, and nods to Manhattan and Little Italy, is reflected in the extensive menu.

We were spoilt for choice with so many tempting dishes on offer; from All Day Breakfasts, Bagels, Salads, Deli Style Wraps & Sandwiches, Burgers, Loaded Fries, and so much more, all championing local producers and suppliers.

We had one of Bolt Deli’s customer favourites-the incredibly popular Nik-Nak Chicken Burger; a salt & chilli buttermilk chicken fillet, smothered in harissa mayo, chilli honey, gouda cheese melt, and napa slaw, with extra crispy bacon and a prawn cracker for extra crunch! Served with parmesan & garlic fries and a curry dip, this was a fabulous lunchtime feast.

There are lighter dishes on the menu too. For those looking for a meat-free option, the “Light & Veggie” really delivers flavour; toasted sourdough spread with beetroot hummus, a honey drizzle and sesame seeds, topped with beetroot, poached eggs, and either tangy goats cheese, or grilled halloumi. Accompanied by a bowl of Loaded Fries with cheese and peppered sauce, this was all terrifically tasty.

The Focacceria

The fantastic Ciarán McLarnon, otherwise known as Hundredth Monkey


We had an incredibly tasty Kimchi Burger, on a house Japanese milk bun with a kimchi patty, cos lettuce, burger cheese & mayo. There’s also another meat-free Fennel & Celeriac Burger, and of course, traditional Fried Chicken Sandwiches.

The Gyros are amazing; sourdough flatbread with cos, red onion, garlic, citrus and basil dressing with diced bavette steak, chicken fillet, or grilled halloumi.

Focacceria”, upstairs in HouseProud home furnishings on the Boucher Road.

This brilliant spot serves up breakfasts, Italian-inspired sandwiches, burgers, gyros, and lunch specials.

And don’t miss out on the delicious garlic butter fries; potatoes baked, then cut into wedges, dried and chilled before cooking, resulting in extra crunchy, skin-on chips which are then smothered in garlic butter. Irresistible!

Follow website, also Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok & LinkedIn Email –

If you have any requests for restaurant recommendations send us a message and we’ll get right back to you.

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

Hot Hits & Celeb Bits

Gary Campion

Is it too late for me to say Happy New Year??

How are we at the end of February 2025 already, it feels like only a blink of an eye since I was writing my column for the Christmas issue. At this many pages into this issue, you will have realised that there has been a running theme of 2025 / new year throughout. I’ve pulled together my usual list of latest releases, albums and vinyl reviews along with a list of all the gigs I am going to in the first 6 months of 2025. Enjoy!

Vinyl of the moment...

You’ll love it as much as I do.

Kawala - The Kawala Collection - Released 7th Feb

In the vibrant North London music scene, KAWALA’s final mini-album, “The Kawala Collection,” was released on February 7th and it captures their journey beautifully. The new single “Old Me,” co-written with Ed Nash from Bombay Bicycle Club, reflects on the past while maintaining hope for the future.

This collection showcases KAWALA’s signature summer vibe across nine diverse tracks. From the energetic “American Adrenaline” to the catchy “What’s Up?” and the introspective “Time Slipping Away,” it highlights their exceptional songwriting.

As they embark on their last UK tour, including a headlining show at London’s OUTERNET, fans feel bittersweet about their decision to take a break after a legacy of sold-out shows. Personally, discovering they were calling it quits was gutting for me; I fell in love with their music after interviewing and seeing them live last May, and “American Adrenaline” is top of my Spotify list for 2024. By the time you read this, I’ll have experienced their final show in Dublin which you can read about via our socials.

For devoted fans, “The Kawala Collection” is a celebration of their musical journey. Grab the vinyl while you can and let’s give KAWALA the send-off they deserve.

top 5 gig tracks of 2025 (part one):



A classic timeless track with such heart and meaning one of my faves of all time.


The original threes 2023 release, a soulful mid-tempo track with those phenomenal harmonies they’re known for.


Claimed by the lads to be the purest love song ever written, the intro is instantly recognisable within the first few notes.


It may be 20 years old (yes, you read that right!) she is back and is headlining the first day of Mighty Hoopla 2025.

KESHA YOUR LOVE IS MY DRUG Mighty Hoopla 2025 Sunday headliner and now independent artist will be bringing this tune and more to the mainstage.

My top tracks from the first 5 gigs I am going to this year:

Here are the 2 forthcoming releases I can’t wait for...


Olly Alexander - Polari - Released 7th February

Newly solo and unmistakably shining, Olly steps out from the Years & Years chapter with “Polari,” a dazzling pop album that serves as both a homage to history and a modern dancefloor masterpiece. Breaking out in collaboration with producer Danny L Harle, Olly delves into the vibrant beats of 80’s club music, tackling themes of desire, intimacy, voyeurism, and fate.

“Polari” isn’t just an album—it’s a journey through time that borrows inspiration from the secretive, coded language that once thrived within queer communities. This theme of hidden meanings is deftly woven throughout the album, allowing listeners to explore layers of emotion while embracing the universal quest for love and connection.

Opening with tracks that encapsulate the nostalgia of past decades while driving forward with fresh energy, Olly paints a sonic landscape that captivates both heart and feet. Songs like “Dizzy,” which he showcased at the Eurovision Song Contest, carry an infectious rhythm that both honours and transcends its influences.

Olly’s storytelling shines brightly, crafting a refuge of sound that resonates with anyone who’s ever loved in secret or longed to understand themselves more deeply. “Polari” feels like a glimpse into a hidden world brought to light through the lens of music—a testament to the enduring spirit of those who came before us.

Prepare to dance, reflect, and celebrate as “Polari” invites you to experience an entrancing dialogue between the past and present. You can catch Olly on his ‘Up Close and Polari’ tour this April, where he’ll bring this vibrant journey of musical exploration to life.

Lady Gaga - Mayhem - 3rd March

March is about to drop some serious excitement in the pop music scene with Lady Gaga’s upcoming seventh album, “Mayhem.” This album is all about mixing chaos with creativity and marks her comeback to pop after trying out different artistic paths. It was announced on January 27, and it’s set to release on March 7, giving fans—both old and new—an opportunity to see how Gaga has evolved as an artist and storyteller.

In the months leading up to the release, Gaga has been keeping fans in the loop by sharing sneak peeks of her creative process. While working on her role as Harley Quinn in “Joker: Folie à Deux,” she posted some behind-the-scenes looks at her studio time, showing just how dedicated she is to making music that resonates with her. In a heartfelt chat with Drag Race star Sasha Velour in June 2024, Gaga expressed her enthusiasm for the album, describing it as a “reassembling of a shattered mirror”—a deep reflection of her life and artistry.

The album kicks off with the electrifying single “Disease,” which has been a hit since it dropped in October, blending catchy synths with thought-provoking lyrics. The music video, directed by Tanu Muino, has earned praise from outlets like The Independent and Vogue, highlighting Gaga’s talent for creating stunning visuals.

Another standout track is “Die With a Smile,” an ethereal collaboration with Bruno Mars that has topped charts worldwide, showcasing Gaga’s ability to influence the music scene.

Encouraged by her fiancé, Michael Polansky, Gaga set out to create music that not only reignites her pop legacy but also touches on themes of pain, transformation, and love. Working with producers like Andrew Watt, Cirkut, and Gesaffelstein, the creative process has led to a dazzling mix of sounds that revamp her signature style.

Gaga’s bold artistic vision keeps breaking genre boundaries while crafting anthems for those who’ve felt lost and found themselves again. As we count down to “Mayhem,” everyone’s eager to see how she turns pain into a symphony of joy, just like the LGBT+ community she’s supported through her artistry and activism. Get ready to embrace the chaos—Lady Gaga’s “Mayhem” is set to make history!


Featuring a choir this goosebump-inducing ballad about selfconfidence and determination hits the spot!

CIAN DUCROT WHO’S MAKING YOU FEEL IT? Ed Sheeran demanded this be his next single while they were eating a curry together, and here it is….Ed approved!


If you don’t know this ADHD anthem you must live under a rock with no communication with the outside world!

BRADLEY SIMPSON CARPET BURNS This sentimental new single with heartfelt vocals perfectly captures the emotional lyricism, showing his more vulnerable side.


Continuing her domination of the charts with this funk, disco-style track. I can’t wait to see her perform this live at Mighty Hoopla in the summer.

25 Must-See Gigs of 2025!

For me 2025 is fast becoming the year of concerts, surpassing last year's large array of live gigs. Here we list the gigs we are most looking forward to in 2025 and this isn’t even a list of all announced gigs for 2025, maybe I’ll see you at one of them, so be sure to say hi.



19th April SSE Arena, Belfast

The original and most talented line up in my opinion, are bringing their ‘25 tour to both Belfast and Dublin. A bucket list gig for me.

Gary Barlow

22nd - 23rd April, Waterfront Hall, Belfast

The voice and writing talent behind Take That, bringing himself solo to our shores again. No doubt there will be a few Take That classics thrown in.

Olly Murs

30th April SSE Arena, Belfast

The two-time GNI Magazine cover star returns with his 15 years of hits tour, hoping you will dance with him tonight!

Bryan Adams

21st May SSE Arena, Belfast

The Rolling with the Punches 2025 tour from the world's favourite Canadian pop-rock star.

Scissor Sisters

27th May SSE Arena, Belfast

The guys finally return to the music scene to celebrate 20 years since their number 1 self-titled album, minus Ana Matronic but with support from very special guest Alsion Goldfrapp.

AVA Festival

30th-31st May - Titanic Slipways, Belfast

Celebrating its 10th year with over 16,000 attendees having initially had 1,500 at their firstever event I think it’s safe to say AVA is here to stay.

Lionel Richie

31st May SSE Arena, Belfast

Will you be dancing on the ceiling? I know we will be!

Mighty Hoopla

31st May - 1st June Brockwell Park, London

Having experienced Hoopla for the first time last year, damm sure I bought this years tickets on the

earliest release. With a lineup that continues to get stronger and stronger, it has fast become the LGBTQIA+ festival of choice in the UK and Ireland.


5th June - Belsonic - Ormeau Park, Belfast

Have a nice day and don’t forget your handbags and the Gladrags.

Lush! Classical

7th June - Belsonic - Ormeau Park, Belfast

Ticket gold dust every year, a phenomenal gig of dance music, lights and a full live orchestra making it an event for all ages.

Charlie XCX

18th June - Belsonic - Ormeau Park, Belfast

She’s bringing BRAT to Belsonic, this gig will be off the scale!

Snow Patrol

21st June - Belsonic - Ormeau Park, Belfast

A band I never tire of seeing live, the boys never forget their home crowd. This will be their 3rd gig in Belfast this year with 2 sold-out SSE dates before this one.

Olivia Rodrigo

24th June - Marley Park, Dublin

Bringing the Guts Spilled world tour to Dublin for one night only to 40,000 fans this will be a massive gig.

Dua Lipa

27th June - Aviva Stadium, Dublin

She’s one of the biggest female names of the pop music industry, bringing her Radical Optimism Tour to the Aviva following in the tracks of Pink and Taylor Swift last year.

Justin Timberlake

28th June - Belsonic - Ormeau Park, Belfast

He is bringing sexy back this time to Ormeau Park following his 2024 world tour.

Alanis Morissette

30th June - Belsonic - Ormeau Park, Belfast

Jagged Little Pill was one of the many soundtracks to my youth, I missed out last time she was in Dublin, but this gig is going to be epic.


5th & 6th

July - Marlay Park, Dublin

Never one to disappoint on their lineups this year

Longitude has headliners David Guetta, 50 Cent, Belters Only, Sonny Fodera and many more on the bill.

The Farmers Bash

9th -10th August - Boucher Playing Fields, Belfast

Not just for farmers there is something for everyone on this line-up.

Electric Picnic

16th - 18th August - Stradbally Hall, Co. Laois

There is no official lineup for EP25 yet but rumoured acts include Sabrina Carpenter, Chappell Roan, Shawn Mendes and even Beyonce.


16th -17th August - Croke Park, Dublin

The much-anticipated reunion of the ultimate bad boys of the UK music scene.


17th August - CHSQ, Custom House Square, Belfast

If you are this far into this issue you will already know how excited I am for this never mind for the drinks with the band!!


23rd -24th August - Boucher Playing Fields, Belfast

The dance festival that gives both international and local talent the opportunity to play to tens of thousands on Boucher Road. This year legendary Fatboy Slim is headlining the 1st night and Bicep the 2nd night.

David Gray

30th August - CHSQ, Custom House Square, Belfast

Bringing the Past and Present Tour to CHSQ on the back of his latest album released Dear Life, David is always a firm favourite on the Belfast gig scene.

Katy Perry

5th October - SSE Arena, Belfast

After 10 years….yes you read that right…10 years She’s back in Belfast, and my nieces already have their ticket requests in with the Bank of Uncle Gary.

Busted vs McFly

21st & 22nd October - SSE Arena, Belfast

Who will win? My money is on McFly purely for their tunes nothing to do with the eye candy honest!

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game of thrones

A Journey Through Westeros

Game of Thrones Studio Tour & Afternoon Tea Experience

Nestled within the lush and breathtaking landscapes of Northern Ireland, the Game of Thrones Studio Tour serves as an extraordinary tribute to one of the most beloved television series of all time. Located in Banbridge, just a leisurely half-hour drive from the vibrant city of Belfast and approximately an hour and a half from the bustling capital of Dublin, this tour acts as a pilgrimage site for ardent fans and curious travellers alike. Once a bustling linen mill, the venue has been transformed into a lively and immersive backdrop that celebrates the storytelling and artistry that brought the epic saga of Game of Thrones to life.

Your adventure begins at The Boulevard, where visitors are welcomed with the convenience of free parking before boarding a shuttle that whisks you directly into the heart of the legendary lands.

Bringing Westeros to Life –The Studio Tour Experience

As you step into the studio, the allure of Game of Thrones comes alive through intricately designed soundscapes that transport you instantly into the drama and intrigue of this fantastical world. The adventure kicks off with an engaging green screen photo opportunity, where visitors can capture a moment that will undoubtedly elicit envy among friends and followers on social media. Following this, you’re ushered into a captivating introductory exhibit featuring a professionally narrated video by the talented Nathalie Emmanuel, who invites you to journey deeper

into a realm filled with dragons, thrones, and unforgettable tales.

Once inside, the self-guided tour allows you to explore the exquisite artistry and craftsmanship behind the show’s mesmerising sets and intricate designs at your own pace. You’ll wander through a stunning array of costumes, weapons, and props, each imbued with the rich history and legends of Westeros. Remarkably, over one-third of the series was filmed at this very location, and each corner of the studio resonates with the dedication of approximately 14,000 skilled artisans who worked tirelessly to bring the saga to life. As you traverse from the freezing, formidable landscapes of Winterfell to the sun-soaked elegance of the southern kingdoms, you might even perceive a tangible shift in temperature, further enhancing your immersive experience.

Interactive stations dotted along the tour invite guests to unleash their inner Stark or Targaryen. Engage in a friendly joust against an eerie White Walker or delight in designing your very own house crest. Don’t forget to visit the legendary Hall of Faces, which presents a slightly unsettling yet thrilling selfie opportunity, ensuring that the haunting charm of this world lingers in your memory long after your visit.

The Finale of Exploration – Gifts and Gastronomy

Every grand adventure must eventually come to a close, and this tour culminates in the expansive Game of Thrones Memorabilia and Gift Shop. Here, authenticity reigns supreme, beckoning you to invest in a unique treasure that captures the magic of your visit. For passionate collectors and fans, the professionally taken photo opportunities are an absolute must-have, serving as a lasting memento of your time amidst the lore of Westeros— reminding me of the Throne that could have once been mine, but that’s a tale for another day.

Thrones-themed Afternoon Tea stands out as a remarkable highlight, elegantly presented to elevate your traditional tea time into a sumptuous feast that feels fit for royalty. As you savour each delectable morsel, you’re sure to feel like a true inhabitant of the world you’ve just explored.

A Culinary Journey Through the Seven Kingdoms

Indulge in the exquisite High Garden Sandwich Selection, a gourmet assortment featuring Wheaten Bread adorned with creamy Egg Mayo and tangy Pickled Red Onion. Experience the kick of the spicy Bacon-Chilli Jam sliders, which excite your taste buds and elevate your dining experience.

Experience the charm of our freshly baked scones, available in both classic plain and the indulgent cranberry-white chocolate varieties. Each scone is an invitation to savour the moment, especially when slathered with velvety clotted cream and luscious homemade jams, ensuring you relish every last crumb.

Dive into the heartwarming essence of Northern cuisine with Hot Pie’s Wild Pig Sausage Rolls, bursting with flavour and served warm. For a sweet interlude, enjoy the melt-in-yourmouth King’s Guard Caramel Squares, a delight that perfectly balances sweetness and richness. Stark’s all-butter shortbread adds a comforting crunch, while Sansa’s Lemon Cake offers a refreshing citrus burst, reminiscent of joyful Stark family feasts gathered around a crackling fire.

To cap off this enchanting culinary journey, you are treated to their Wildling Spiced Chocolate Bonbons, crafted with an alluring blend of spices, and indulge in crispy Dragon’s Egg chocolate brownies, both of which pay tribute to the mystical allure of the realm.

An Inclusive Haven for All:

No excursion is complete without indulging in a delightful culinary experience, and the onsite dining options certainly rise to the occasion. The Lobby Café offers a tempting range of delicious bites that cater to various tastes, but it is the Studio Restaurant that truly steals the spotlight. Here, the Game of

The Game of Thrones Studio Tour proudly embraces the LGBT+ community, offering a welcoming atmosphere that champions creativity, diversity, and artistic innovation. In this space, imagination flourishes, and every visitor can resonate with the narratives that unfold, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity that ensures no one is left behind in the experience of wandering through Westeros.

More than just a follow-up to your binge-watching sessions, the Game of Thrones Studio Tour stands as a testament to the power of human creativity and collaboration, intricately woven into the legacy of one of television’s greatest tales. Whether you’re a fervent enthusiast of the series or simply intrigued by the behind-the-scenes magic, this adventure through the enchanting realms of Westeros promises memories and inspiration that will linger long after you leave.

Ticketing Information

The Shuttle Bus journey to the Game of Thrones Studio Tour takes approximately 10 minutes. The time you select for your ticket(s) indicates the departure time of your Shuttle Bus.

Adult tickets are £29.50. Concessionary rates are available for individuals, families, students, and carers.

Admission with Game of Thrones Afternoon Tea costs £59.50 per person. There is no set time for the Afternoon Tea; simply show your ticket upon arrival at The Studio Restaurant.

Belfast Coach Return Transfer costs £45 per person, which includes your return coach journey and admission tickets, allowing for up to 3 hours of the entire experience.

There is also a Belfast Late Bird Return Transfer available for £25 per person, with a pick-up time only at 2 PM from Belfast.

Dublin Coach Return Transfer costs £55 per person and includes admission for up to 3 hours of the entire experience.9

So grab your ticket, don your metaphorical cloak, and prepare to be captivated— an extraordinary day filled with giants, dragons, and the spirit of adventure awaits you!

Game of Thrones Sutdio Tour, The Boulevard, Banbridge, Northern Ireland. BT32 4LF. Tel: +44 (0) 28404 64777





In a country where over 75% of people have witnessed or experienced homophobia in sports, and nearly 20% of LGBTQIA+ individuals avoid sports due to fear of discrimination, this strategy marks a pivotal step in creating a future where every individual feels safe, welcomed, and empowered to participate.

Aidan Walsh, Co-Chair of Sporting Pride announced “I am thrilled to introduce our Strategy Plan for 2025 –2027. This isn’t just a document it’s a call to action. We recognise the vital role of our 40+ LGBTQIA+ sports clubs across Ireland. Their dedication has created safe spaces that foster inclusivity, community, and the joy of sport. Through strengthened partnerships with Sport Ireland, National Governing Bodies (NGBs), and Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs), we aim to break down barriers and open pathways for increased involvement at every level of sport.”

Co-Chair Alicia McConnell echoed these sentiments “Sport has the power to break down societal obstacles. Through activities, events, club development, and education, Sporting Pride strives to be a catalyst for change, tackling inequality in Irish sport and making it a safer space for all. This strategy is not just about participation; it’s about promoting health, building community, and celebrating diversity.”

Despite the physical, mental, and social benefits of sports participation, research shows that LGBTQIA+ individuals face significant barriers including low participation rates, homophobia from fans, lack of role models and homophobia from team mates. These statistics paint a clear picture: the sports community must do more to foster environments where everyone feels included and valued.

Since it’s founding in 2018, Sporting Pride has achieved remarkable milestones including supporting the development of over 40 LGBTQIA+ sports clubs nationwide, up from just 15 in 2018. Sporting Pride have developed partnerships with over 30 National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs), hosted 35+ events and programs in 2024, engaging over 2,000 participants annually since 2022, secured funding from major grants, including the Dormant Accounts Fund and the Tesco Community Fund, represented Ireland in international events like the EuroGames in Bern and Vienna and more.

Dwyne Hill, CEO of Pitch & Putt Ireland, shared “Collaborating with Sporting Pride has been transformative. We’ve not only strengthened our commitment to inclusivity but have seen increased diversity within our membership. Together, we’re making sports accessible to all.”

Flavio Santos from Bravo Volleyball noted “Sporting Pride’s support has helped us expand, strengthen ties with Volleyball Ireland, and proudly represent Ireland on international stages. They’ve amplified our presence and inspired more LGBTQIA+ people to embrace sport.”

A participant in the Learn to Swim Programme shared a deeply personal reflection

“Offering an LGBTQ+ safe space for

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

Sporting Pride envisions Ireland’s sporting community as the most inclusive in the world for LGBTQIA+ people. Our mission is to inspire, support, and lead the LGBTQIA+ community across Ireland to be active participants in sport and physical activity.

queer bodies to enjoy swimming has been transformative. I felt completely safe and welcomed, something I never thought possible in sports.”

Sporting Pride’s strategic plan focuses on three core priorities; Leadership in LGBTQIA+ Sporting Events, Strengthening Relationships and Advocacy and Governance and Sustainability development. Sporting Pride will track its progress through increased LGBTQIA+ sports club membership and event participation, stronger partnerships with NGBs, LSPs, and international stakeholders, growth in funding to support inclusion initiatives and positive feedback from LGBTQIA+ participants and sports clubs.

The strategy aligns with key Irish government policies, including; National Sports Policy 2018 – 2027, Sport Ireland’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy (2022), LGBTI+ Youth Strategy (20182020) and the Healthy Ireland

These policies underscore the national commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion in sport.

Sporting Pride’s Strategy Statement 2025 - 2027 is more than a plan, it’s a promise to Ireland’s LGBTQIA+ community. A promise that sport can and will be a space where everyone belongs. We believe in the power of sport to unite, inspire, and transform lives. Together, we can create a sporting culture where every LGBTQIA+ person feels seen, heard, and valued.



Social Media: @SportingPrideIE




While these connections felt comfortable, they lacked the depth and variety I craved; I needed a way to expand my social circle and further step outside my comfort zone unless I wanted the next ten years to follow this routine. Enter, Out & Active NI.

Getting Out and Active!

I spotted Out & Active NI on Instagram when pictures of their bowling event popped up on my Explore page. Seeing such a large group out having fun at an LGBTQ+ event was all the encouragement I needed to attend my first event. I came along to the group treasure hunt in Belfast City Centre with a dozen questions about what to expect, and the committee members answered each one patiently, making me feel instantly at ease. After being split into a group with people that I had never met before and solving clues together to map my way through Belfast to the finish point, I left my first event feeling a sense of personal achievement and a new sense of community.

One of the things that struck me was the scale of these gatherings. The club has not been going on for long, but events attract 50+ people, which shows the strong demand for initiatives like this in Northern Ireland. Beyond meeting new people, I’ve been able to reconnect with old university friends & former co-workers and even friends of friends who tagged along at my invitation. It’s proof that these events serve as more than just a social outlet; they’re a bridge to re-kindle connections and foster new ones. Some of my favourite events have included Ciara’s Packed Lunch Quiz at Show Some Love, the join-up with Out and About Hikers at Whiterock Beach, and even a hike in the Mournes - each offering a blend of activity and socialising that keeps things fresh and exciting. It’s a great way to try new things as well as meet new people.

There’s always something to look forward to, with at least three events a month; it’s regular enough to keep you engaged without overwhelming your schedule. The events are well timed, lasting just a few hours and usually at the weekend, which makes them easy to plan around. Whether you want to hit the gym, take your dog for a walk, or grab a morning coffee, you can easily incorporate Out & Active NI events into your day.

City Centre to the serene stretches of Ballygally Beach, every location offers a unique backdrop for connection.

For places that aren’t easily accessible by public transport, the Out & Active NI Community WhatsApp group has been useful to members. With sufficient notice, members can coordinate carpools, making it easier for everyone to participate, regardless of location.

Why It Matters

For me, Out & Active NI has been a link to a vibrant, inclusive community of LGBT+ individuals in Northern Ireland. These events provide a friendly, affordable environment where genuine connections can flourish.

As someone who doesn’t drink or go out clubbing often, finding a space where I could be myself without the pressure of nightlife dynamics was a revelation. Out & Active NI offers something refreshingly different. Their events cater to a range of interests, from casual bowling nights to adventurous ice-skating outings. It had been over 20 years since I last put on a pair of ice skates. I was terrified at first but ended up surprising myself by not falling even once. It was a great reminder that trying new things can be both challenging and deeply rewarding.

Beyond the fun, these events have given me a confidence boost and helped me break out of my shell. Meeting new people, laughing over shared experiences, and stepping into unfamiliar environments has helped switch things up in my life in a positive way. With many events being free or low-cost, it is easy for people from all walks of life to participate.

Looking Ahead

Outside of the club I work as an events professional, so while Out & Active NI has already enriched my life, here are a few ideas I’d love to see explored in the future:

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

The events are also really accessible. The committee has carefully chosen diverse venues across Northern Ireland, ensuring events are geographically inclusive and easy to reach via public transport. From the lively buzz of Belfast

1. Skill-Sharing Events: With such a big membership already, it would be fantastic for members to highlight and share their secret skills, like cooking classes or photography workshops - it would be a great way to share creativity and collaborate.

Gay Sports Day: Organised small games, like five-a-side football or beach volleyball, could be good for those who enjoy a bit of friendly competition.

3. Themed Social Evenings: Trivia nights, murder mystery parties, or drag karaoke sessions could add a new layer of fun to their offerings.

4. Outdoor Adventures: Building on the success of the Mournes hike, more outdoor activities like paddleboarding, 5K runs would be a fantastic way to connect with nature and one another.

5. More Seasonal Events: Holiday-themed gatherings, such as Halloween costume parties or Christmas markets for a reason to dress up.

What makes Out & Active NI special is its adaptability and its commitment to fostering genuine connections. Whatever the future holds, I’m confident that it will continue to be a beacon for anyone seeking community, fun, and a little adventure in Northern Ireland.

Joining Out & Active NI has been one of the most enriching decisions I’ve made. It’s shown me the power of stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing opportunities to connect with others. Whether you’re looking to make new friends, rediscover old ones, or simply try something new, this community offers a space where you can truly belong.

Check out their events on, reach out to the committee, and see for yourself what makes Out & Active NI so special. You might just find, as I did, that it’s the missing piece you didn’t even know you were looking for.

Out and Active Upcoming Events

Tactical Laser Tag at Shane’s Castle

Date: Saturday, 23rd February 2025

Location: Shane’s Castle, Randalstown Time: 10:00 AM

Get ready for an action-packed morning as Out & Active NI takes on Tactical Laser Tag at Shane’s Castle! This isn’t just any laser tag—it’s a full-on outdoor battle experience where you’ll dodge, dive, and strategize your way to victory in a historic woodland setting.

Whether you’re a sharpshooter or a first-time player, this event is all about

teamwork, laughs, and a little friendly competition. Expect high-energy missions, immersive gameplay, and plenty of adrenaline-fueled fun with your fellow adventurers.

Come along, bring your game face, and let’s see who will reign supreme on the battlefield!

• Open to all skill levels

• All equipment provided

• Wear comfy outdoor gear & sturdy footwear Book your spot now and let’s light up the castle grounds with laser fire!

Board Game Night at Roast & Roll!

Date: Saturday, 1st March 2025

Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Location: Roast & Roll Games Cafe, Banbridge

Join us for a fun-filled evening of board games, laughter, and friendly competition! Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or just love rolling dice, there’s something for everyone.

Enjoy tasty treats and drinks from the café as we dive into classics and discover new favourites. Bring your friends or make new ones—this is your chance to relax, play, and unleash your inner game master! See you there for a night of epic board game fun!

Flow, Chill, and Dip at Ballygally Beach!

Date: Sunday, 16th March 2024

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Ballygally Beach, Co. Antrim

Join us for the ultimate Sunday reset with a magical blend of sea dipping, yoga, and a luxurious beachside sauna! Stretch it out, warm it up, and dive in—this event is all about connecting with nature, your body, and an incredible community. Whether you’re a seasoned dipper or trying it for the first time, this event is perfect for all. Bring your towel, your yoga mat, and your adventurous spirit!

Spaces are limited, so book now and join us for an unforgettable experience by the sea!

The Summer With Carmen...

The Summer with Carmen is the debut film from director Zacharias Mavroeidis. It follows two gay best friends, Demos (Yorgos Tsiantoulas) and Nikitas (Andreas Labropoulos), as they decide to collaborate on a new film project inspired by a pivotal summer they shared two years prior.

That summer, Demos was going through a painful breakup with his boyfriend of four years, Panos (Nikolaos Mihas), after Panos impulsively got a dog named Carmen. As Demos and Nikitas revisit writing about those events, the film fluidly moves between time periods, taking a meta-approach in showing their creative process unfold.

The story explores themes of masculinity, sexuality, and the insecurities and compromises in pursuing romantic relationships. With a template of catharsis through creativity, the two friends gain new perspectives on their past experience and fluctuating understanding of each other.

While a comedy at its core, the film has an authentic charm in its deliberations on how gay men discern what they truly want versus societal expectations. It provides a refreshing portrayal of the complexities in the platonic yet sustaining bonds between gay male friends, and their dogs.

Theatrical release date: 28th February 2025






Life has been a whirlwind in recent years which I’m incredibly grateful for; building my presence on social media through content creation for my Instagram account @TheWhiteHome , a few of you may recognise I was a contestant on Season 4 of BBC’s Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr (YES he’s just as lovely in real life!) and since then I work with a great team as a designer on a brand new Virgin Media show in Ireland called The Salvage Squad with Brian Dowling, a show where we redesign spaces with a focus on sustainability (well, I work, Brian keeps the conversation flowing!) and I’m about to start filming Season 2 in the coming weeks. As I write this, it is only now that I’m recognising that I work alongside inspirational and joyous members of the LGBTQIA+ community, that always makes these projects all the more fulfilling.

It all started from my Instagram, I renovated my home with my partner and began blogging about our journey of building a Spanish-style kitchen from builders’ pallets, nervously knocking our fireplace through to be double sided and more recently building an outdoor kitchenette complete with a grapevine canopy - all here in Belfast!

I have been lucky enough to be featured in several magazines, TV, radio.. and now GNI! So if I could give any advice to anyone reading this, it doesn’t matter what little corner or the world you are from, you are able to achieve what you want with hard work (and great interior design!).

My interior style is very natural, textural, cosy.. white! but I certainly have an appreciation for all colours of the rainbow. I didn’t grow up with expensive luxuries, I’m all for a bargain (I mean who isn’t?!) So if I’m sharing my fav picks, hopefully, you find them affordable. I often share my personal design aesthetic on my Instagram but hopefully this column serves as a great outlet for me to share with you all the different aspects of interiors that everyone reading this may like.

This year I’m very excited about what’s trending in the interior circle! 2025 will have a huge focus on Wellness in our homes which sings to my soulthink earthy shades, sustainable materials and Biophillic

design. If there’s one colour you need to know aboutit’s brown! Brown started to gain momentum in 2024 but 2025 sees it continue to dominate as Pantone named Mocha Mousse their colour of the year, so expect to see everything from frothy cappuccino shades to bold vintage chestnuts. I am pretty glad because with my love of bringing nature indoors it is easy to add brown alongside neutrals and greens through wooden furniture or fabrics, one colour you absolutely must not with however is duck egg blue (anyone remember the 90’s?). If you’re showcasing a harder modern look why not try adding brown in through oversized wall art? You don’t always need to paint a feature wall (in fact they are OUT!) and if you’re brave enough paint the fifth wall! ‘Colour drenching’ is big right now so paint your 4 walls and the ceiling all in the same shade for an intense but mature space.

Another trend that I’m particularly excited about is ‘Meaningful Interiors’ because it opens up the realms of possibility for individuality, not only because it encourages sustainable thought when decorating, but it lets us appreciate family heirlooms, nostalgia and scouring charity shops for a curated look. Gone is the “vanilla girl” aesthetic of sterile rooms and pointless objects. Mix your metals, hang vintage art and showcase items that make you smile.

If you’re not into relaxing shades and traditional decor, don’t worry. For a more individual look go retro and blend mid-century elements with modern touches, Walnut wood furniture mixed with chrome shelving, and vintage seating paired with modern lamps. Again, do this with heart, be authentic. Why not try framing your child’s or niece/nephew’s artwork in a super slick way to make it seem worthy of a gallery spot!

Interiors have always played a huge role in the importance of my own well-being and possibly, without knowing, your interior has played a huge role in yours too. We have all at some point craved the sanctuary of our own home, when we have our bad days, we “just wanna get home” so make “home” as enjoyable as you can. I really believe if you find yourself looking at ugly, practical objects in your space it makes it harder to escape life’s daily reality. If you’re not looking to redecorate, find joy in simply decluttering/ hiding a few things from everyday sight. This thought definitely plays a huge role in how I design a space. Our toaster goes in the cupboard (we’ve all seen Derry Girls haha) and our air fryer is under the stairs!

Because a big plastic box on the countertop does nothing for my mental health. I just do not want to be looking at these things when I’m trying to get a bit of “namasté” in my life. Find a nice basket to hide cables in, cover plugs in the kitchen with chopping boards or art that can easily be moved, or simply make room in your wardrobe for your dressing gown to come off the back of the bedroom door- it’s depressing!

So I guess that’s my first few bits of interior wisdom for you all! I’d love to hear your thoughts. My digital door is open to reach out via my Insta @thewhitehome and if you’re stuck in a design rut feel free to ask me any questions you’d like, who knows, they might make the next issue if I can help you solve it!

Till then I’ll be getting ready now to meet the families chosen for series 2 of The Salvage Squad, more on that next issue - Eeek!

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

Style File
Orange Donut Light£55 Ikea
‘Mid Centuary Dogs’ art by Giddy Prints




In this exclusive interview, we delve into Mark’s remarkable journey, exploring the passion, creativity, and dedication that have propelled him to create one of the most iconic hair brands in the world. Join me as I reflect on the highlights of his illustrious career and the fabulous impact he continues to have on the art of hairdressing.

Reflecting on Your Journey What inspired you to pursue a career in hairdressing, and how has your passion evolved over the past 40 years?

My journey was by chance really… I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do when I left school although I knew it needed to be something creative and hairdressing just happened.. and from the very first day I was hooked… my passion for the industry hasn’t waived really and 40years down the line I’m still as passionate and creative as I was then perhaps even more so

Industry Changes How have you seen the hairdressing industry change since you started, and what do you think has been the most significant shift? The industry continually changes and shifts and you see so much resurgence of different influences over the decades but I think the biggest shift has definitely been social media and the various platforms available that we communicate on. I’m certainly more old school and a bit of technophobe so although I know it’s an essential tool, I’m still learning lol

Creative Process Can you walk us through your creative process when designing a new hairstyle or collection? What influences your work?

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian

My brain is constantly looking at new ideas and visions which then leads to researching fashion trends, catwalks and designers and then I usually sketch out my ideas. Then collectively we break those ideas down and decide what works and what doesn’t and how it translates down. Then say if it was a new collection, I would then adapt my models to suit the looks I want to achieve and every detail is then planned in terms of lighting, make up and fashion to complement my vision

Awards and Recognition You’ve received numerous awards throughout your career.

Which one holds the most significance for you, and why?

I’ve been more than fortunate and been awarded some of the most honoured awards around the globe but I guess winning British Hairdresser of the Year has been the pinnacle as it’s not only recognised in the Uk but respected throughout the world

Mentorship Have you had any mentors who shaped your career? How important do you think mentorship is in the hairdressing industry?

Mentorship is my thing and I love nothing more than nurturing new talent, extending someone’s skillset and boosting their confidence. I’ve always trained , nurtured and hopefully inspired right from the start of my career and as my career has developed so has my passion for mentoring and this has played a key role in my own development and with my relationship with my partnered manufacturers. My career started in the 80’s and I was surrounded by talent and it was the age of icons like Trevor Sorbie and the high-profile London stylists that really set the trends and everything you wanted to aspire to so there was plenty of

inspiration out there

Trends and Techniques What current trends in hairdressing excite you the most, and how do you stay updated with new techniques and styles?

I’ve always believed that hairdressing is so personalised to the individual that anything can be a trend. I think having a strong foundation and skill set really enables you to keep evolving as hair is just a material and a canvas and once you’ve learned that then anything is achievable.

I actually love watching and learning from my younger art team members as they bring a different approach and ethos to their game and that is inspiring in itself

Client Relationships How do you build and maintain strong relationships with your clients, and what role do they play in your creative process?

Again, I’ve been so lucky… many of my clients that I still do now have been with me for over 30years and some clients that still come to the salon have been coming for over 40years so I guess that is a testament not only to myself but to my team and salon.

I always like to put a twist on my creativeness whether it be on a shoot or whether I’m doing a catwalk show and especially when I’m educating. Breaking things down so that people can relate

to it and allowing elements to be client friendly is essential as at it allows you to make small updates with clients so they believe there are moving with you and part of fashion etc

Challenges Faced: What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your career, and how did you overcome them?

I think my biggest challenge was when I was ill and had to take over a year out from work. Surprisingly it really knocked my confidence and belief in myself. I think the pressure of not being in the salon even though I knew the team were outstanding in my absence plus the fact I didn’t know whether I would ever be back working behind the chair again really affected me but thankfully I soon regained it all the minute I went in in my first day back.

I also think managing people’s expectations and careers gets harder as time goes on as people’s needs and aspirations are much more vocalised and everybody wants everything yesterday and in the real world it just doesn’t happen like that and so that’s tough balancing that

Advice for Aspiring Hairdressers: What advice would you give to young hairdressers just starting out in the industry?

I think embrace as much of the industry as you can and learn and listen to a varied mix of hairdressers. Every day is a school day and there is always something new to learn. Be a sponge and absorb as much as you can.

Future Aspirations: As you celebrate 40 years in the industry, what are your goals for the future? Are there any new projects or initiatives you’re excited about?

I’ve recently rejoined the Goldwell family as their ambassador and so there are lots of exciting new projects coming up.

I love creating new collections and education is still paramount to what I do.

As a salon we continue to create collections to enter competitions etc and of course I would love to be crowned British Hairdresser of the Year again. I’ve still so much more I want to

achieve not just for myself but also for my team so I’m super excited for what’s to come.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mark Leeson for taking the time to participate in the interview. Your insights and perspectives were invaluable, and I truly appreciate the opportunity to learn from your experiences. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

Danny Malone Theunderdogdm

JO O’Neill



Let’s dive into some of the exciting makeup trends that have been turning heads this year and will continue to shine in 2025! While the classic allure of natural and radiant skin remains a favourite, get ready for bold statements and dreamy, soft-blurred effects that are set to take centre stage. Think seamless blends and a dewy glow that feels effortlessly chic.

These stunning celebrity looks from this year’s Grammy Awards, where Old Hollywood Glamour truly stole the spotlight. Just take a look at Sabrina Carpenter, who dazzled with her glowy glam, and Doechii, who embraced the soft glam trend. These looks are not just inspiring; they embody the essence of beauty evolution this year!

Charlie XCX embraced a soft grunge aesthetic, beautifully showcasing a neutral colour palette that exudes effortless cool. Her skin glows with a radiant luminosity, delicately sculpted and seamlessly blended for that flawless finish. The standout element of her look? The stunning lipstick shade, Spike Valentino, is already setting the trend for 2025 and perfectly captures the mood of the moment!

(Terrence O’Connor)

Chappell Roan, the dynamic drag-inspired indie pop sensation, knows how to turn heads and make a statement. She embraced a captivating “Victorian romantic” makeup look, complete with bold eyeshadow, striking dramatic lashes, and deep, sultry lips. Celebrated makeup artist Andrew Dahling expertly crafted this fun and theatrical ensemble, using top-tier Mac products to bring her vision to life. It’s a stunning display of artistry that perfectly complements her vibrant personality!


Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.

One standout gem? The ‘Aquaphor Healing Balm Stick.’ Used by none other than Sabrina Carpenter’s glam squad, this little wonder isn’t just for lips—apply it over cream blushes and tints for a radiant finish, or swipe it below the brow to achieve that enviable highlighter glow. Elevate your beauty game with this multitasking marvel!

Aquaphor Healing Balm Stick (45ml Boots £14.50)

Dee Carrion, the talented makeup artist behind Doechii’s stunning look at the Grammys, shared an exciting secret: every product used to create her glamorous style came exclusively from the trendy high street brand Urban Decay. Who knew achieving such dazzling beauty could be accessible?

Two of my favourite products from this look are:

Urban Decay Face Book Foundation (Look Fantastic £36.50)

Get ready to elevate your makeup game! This incredible 3-in-1 foundation does it all—selfsetting, mattifying, and blurring— simultaneously! With a medium coverage that feels lightweight yet effective, it’s infused with 3% niacinamide to help smooth the appearance of your skin. Say goodbye to imperfections and hello to a flawless finish!

Naked 2 Palette (£28 Look Fantastic)

If you’re a fan of versatile makeup, this Urban Decay palette might just be a hidden gem in your collection! Compact yet powerful, it boasts an array of neutral tones that can help you conjure up a multitude of stunning looks.

Products for Your Collection:

In our fast-paced lives, convenience is key, and that’s why multi-use products are taking centre stage. They offer the versatility and low-maintenance appeal that modern makeup and beauty routines crave!

As we transition into summer, there’s a new trend on the horizon: the ‘blonzer.’ This innovative blend of blush and bronzer is set to become a must-have in every beauty kit, delivering a beautiful, sun-kissed radiance that feels effortlessly natural.

And let’s talk about NYX’s Buttermelt Bronzers! These beauties are incredibly pigmented and glide on smoothly, thanks to their buttery texture that makes blending a breeze. With a fantastic selection of shades available, you’re sure to find the perfect one to elevate your summer glow!

(£7.99 Look Fantastic)

There’s nothing quite like a vibrant splash of colour to lift your look and brighten your mood! Right now, I’m absolutely loving the Revolution Mousse Blusher, which comes in a stunning range of shades. To apply, just dab it onto your cheekbones and blend with a brush for a beautiful finish. At just £5.99 from Superdrug, it’s a steal! My personal favourite is the lovely ‘Squeeze Me Soft Pink.’ Give it a try and watch your complexion come alive!

All about the eyes – from soft muted colours to blues and berries, we are seeing it all this season and everything goes! That said for lashes too with wispy lashes and playful pops of colour to accentuate the eye.

Benefit limited edition BADgal Bang! Volumising mascara – comes in Wild Plum & Rebel Brown (£27 at boots.) A volumising formula that works to deliver bigger, bolder-looking results. Smudge-proof & water resistant.

Lush Lips: Embrace the Soft Glam with Blurred Lines!

Get ready to elevate your lip game! For a dreamy, softer look, try applying your favourite lipstick directly to the centre of your lips and gently smudging it outwards towards the edges. This technique creates a beautiful, blurred effect that’s perfect for any occasion. Focus on stunning shades like rich berries and nude hues that flatter every skin tone.

And for 2025, keep an eye out for the must-have lip shade: “Mocca Mousse.”

One of my top picks is “Illamasqua Antimatter Lipstick,” in the brown-nude colour “Bang.” This semi-matte formula delivers long-lasting, non-drying colour while feeling incredibly smooth on your lips. At just £17, it’s a steal—but right now, you can snag it for only £6.80 at Look Fantastic! Don’t miss out on adding this gem to your beauty collection!

We all have that signature makeup look that makes us feel our best, but what’s really exciting about the upcoming trends is their embrace of authenticity! In 2025, it’s all about celebrating our natural beauty with softer coverage, blurred lines, and a bit of intentional imperfection. Let’s dial back the under-eye concealer, move our shadow beneath the lashes for a sultry vibe, and soften those lip lines for a more effortless look. Think of it as soft grunge taking the spotlight over soft glam!

This year, let your creativity flow with a relaxed approach that you can easily adjust to match your mood. Personally, I love adding a vibrant pop of colour to my cheeks or lips—it instantly lifts my spirits and gets me ready to seize the day! So, have fun with your makeup and explore these fresh trends!

Love Jo x

Dunamoy Cottage and spa...

24 hours of dog friendly indulgent bliss

Nestled 13 miles outside of Belfast, just beyond Ballyclare, lies Dunamoy, a hidden rustic gem waiting to be discovered. This charming retreat features beautifully restored 18th-century stone buildings that house multiple 4-star cottages, an award-winning Elemis spa, and a wedding/function room. Here, you arrive as a guest and leave as a friend, embodying their heartwarming company ethos.

Stacey, Jamie, and their dedicated staff create a welcoming atmosphere that makes you feel like family from the moment you set foot on the property. Special mentions go to their four Sharpai dogs, along with horses, donkeys, ducks, hens, and peacocks, all of which enhance the authentic country cottage experience.

An inspiring touch is the availability of a dog-friendly cottage, allowing us to bring our two dogs, Maisie and Rita, along on our memorable break.

Accommodation - We arrived at lunchtime, just in time for an early check-in that allowed us to explore our cottage, the serene spa, and the elegant function room. It was clear that immense effort had gone into creating this exceptional 4* Self-Catering accommodation. The girls eagerly sniffed around, discovering their cosy retreat for the next 24 hours. Each two-bedroom cottage is adorned in charming rustic style, featuring solid wood furniture and doors, a bathroom, and an open-plan kitchen, living, and dining area equipped with everything needed, including a smart TV and Wi-Fi for those Netflix and Chill moments. Though self-catering, we were greeted with a thoughtful welcome pack of pancakes, butter, jam, milk, tea/coffee, and biscuits. To top it all off, the onsite Jamison Tea Room welcomes guests seven days a week, offering breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and the most delightful afternoon tea we’ve enjoyed in ages. There are also an array of local restaurants and takeaways within a short drive some of which actually deliver to the cottages.

Jamison Tea Room - Debbie, Sarah and the team in the tea room radiate warmth and attentiveness, showcasing a remarkable knowledge of their locally

sourced produce from Fairy Tree Cakes, Slice of Heaven, and Cogry House Preserves. The presence of regulars—locals who feel right at home—speaks volumes about this place. Debbie, Sarah and the team recognise each patron by name, recalling their favourite drinks and food choices, and even their preferred seats. Visitors to the tea room, accommodation guests, and spa users alike can indulge in the delightful afternoon tea experience. The exceptional day spa deal of £100 per person includes afternoon tea, spa access, and two rejuvenating 30-minute mini Elemis treatments, making it a perfect escape for the soul.

Afternoon Tea - I don’t even know where to begin to describe this experience, as each piece on every layer was exceptionally fresh, delicious, and satisfying. Forget dainty bite-sized sandwiches or scones at typical fancy afternoon teas; here, you are treated to generous portions of delightful goodness. You start with a sparkling juice adorned with a fresh raspberry, followed by a mini pot of soul-warming potato and leek soup, and a slice of the most meltin-your-mouth locally made wheaten bread. Next comes your choice of tea or coffee, accompanied

by a three-tiered display of mains and desserts: the bottom layer features sandwiches, rolls, and wraps; the middle tier boasts enormous scones, cream, and jam; and the top tier, my favourite, is filled with an array of sweet baked goods. Debbie instantly connected with our two girls, who each received

a serving of comforting Irish stew to have for their dinner later.
With our bellies full, we ventured out with the dogs for a rejuvenating walk up Colin Hill on a stone path

towards Wolf Bog with views of Slemish, just five minutes down the road. The views on a clear sunny day promise to be breathtaking, and the gentle walk is accessible for everyone, regardless of fitness level. After feeling revitalised from our afternoon tea, we returned the girls to the cottage and prepared to indulge in our spa experience.

Spa Facilities - The award-winning spa invites you to a serene experience, complete with a swimming pool, steam room, outdoor woodfired hot tub, and an invigorating cold water bucket drop for the daring. Inside the spa, you’ll find beauty rooms offering the finest products from Elemis. I was especially captivated by the hot tub at sunset, surrounded by breathtaking views of greenery, hills, and trees. We chose a duos/couples hot stone massage, a first for Michael. To describe the therapists as having perfect touch, oil, and synchronised movements would be an understatement; they truly had magic hands! Remarkably, I even drifted off to sleep—a rare feat, as I usually find it hard to relax and often engage in conversation, asking countless questions.

Breakfast/Brunch - Just like the delightful afternoon tea, breakfast and brunch offer a vast array of choices, from lighter delights like pancakes, drizzled with syrup and adorned with fresh fruit to a hearty, satisfying country fry. Accompanied by an assortment of teas, coffees, and refreshing beverages, each meal becomes an inspiring journey for the senses.

Reflecting on our time at Dunamoy, it’s clear that this place is so much more than just a spot to sleep. It embodies comfort, community, and little luxuries that come together harmoniously.

In just one day’s stay, this rustic haven in Northern Ireland helped us find relaxation for our minds, restoration for our bodies, and delight for our taste buds. At Dunamoy, enjoying life isn’t just an option; it’s a delightful promise.

Whether you’re journeying with your beloved dog or seeking an inclusive space as an LGBT+ traveller, Dunamoy genuinely celebrates diversity and comfort. It beautifully illustrates how a getaway can transform into meaningful memories that we eagerly look forward to sharing with others. As we departed, the enchanting vibe of Dunamoy lingered in our hearts, leaving us with an excited anticipation to return to this countryside treasure once again in the not-too-distant future.

Elemis Treatments with day spa access range from £60

Afternoon Tea £25pp Overnight stay from £80 pp/pn

Top Tip: if you are an emergency worker, Dunamoy offers a 15% Blue Light workers discount on MidWeek direct bookings.

Dunamoy Cottages & Spa, 40 Collin Road, Ballyclare. BT39 9JS

Tel: 028 9334 9676



Instagram: spa_dunamoy

Facebook: Dunamoy Twitter: Dunamoycottages

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