Bloom Greenhouse
hat if you could have a garden void of critters and pests while producing a variety of vine-ripened tomatoes and peppers, strawberries at Christmas, and your favorite flowers and herbs all year long? Climate change is affecting how our agricultural industry grows crops. Using controlled-environment agriculture to conserve resources with the help of grow-light technology, growers have successfully constructed large-scale indoor facilities, producing high-quality fruits and vegetables throughout the
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year, without the back-breaking effort of vertical growing, and many are using hydroponics. Growers are working with seed companies to meet consumers’ preferences for flavor, texture, and color. This enhanced growing environment is available for the hobby greenhouse gardener from complete kits and DIY structures to custom-designed glass houses. It takes four seasons to establish a productive greenhouse. But with the right preparation and patience, you’ll be on your way to enjoying your favorites for years to come.
Creating an enhanced gardening environment can alter your plant-growing potential. BY L I N DA B R O O K S