Relaxed Performance – Sensory Guide
Wednesday 12 June, 2:00pm
The Carne Studio Theatre, LAMDA
The running time is 1 hour 45 minutes with no interval. Content warnings: Contains scenes of violence and strong language. Depictions of violence, blood, death, murder, fire and burns. References of domestic violence, familial abuse and generational abuse. Depictions and references of suicide, suicidal ideation and emotional abuse by a parent.
Relaxed Performances at LAMDA
• You are welcome to come and go from the theatre as you need
• There is a break-out room available, the Rittner Room
• House lighting is on low throughout, never going to full black-out
• Loud noises are reduced in sound level
• No strobe lighting is used
• You are welcome to react to the show however you may need
• At the end of this document is a show synopsis/sensory guide
Here is a guide to sensory information symbols in this document:

Indicates potentially loud or sudden noises
Indicates bright or sudden lighting changes
Indicates a sad or potentially distressing scene
Indicates fighting, or use of guns/weapons
Arriving at LAMDA

When you arrive at LAMDA, the box office is to your right. You should pick up your ticket here, using your name.
Toilets are located right next to box office.
LAMDA staff will be wearing LAMDA branded T-Shirts or lanyards. If you need any assistance whilst in the building, please ask them.

This is the Theatre Foyer. You may be asked to wait here until the house is open. You will be shown how to get to the Carne Studio Theatre by an usher.
This performance will take place in the Carne Studio Theatre.
This is the entrance.
When you enter the theatre, an Usher will take your ticket from you. You are welcome to sit where you like.
You can come and go from the space wheneveryou like. The house lights will stay on low throughout the show.

If you aren’t sure at any point during your visit where to go, please ask an usher.

There is a break-out space called ‘The Rittner Room’ which you are welcome to use at any point during the performance. It can be accessed via the stairs or lift in the main entrance foyer.
Before the show begins, the actors will introduce themselves and the characters they are playing.
The lights in the theatre will dim and she show will start. You can come and go as you need through the doors you entered by.
At the end of the show the actors will come on and bow. You are welcome to clap at this point if you would like.
Is God Is Company Headshots

Is God Is Company Headshots
Below is a sensory guide for the performance that shows potential distressing actions in the play, split up by scenes

During most scene changes throughout the play, there is loud hip-hop music. Between some scenes there are moving coloured lights. All fighting scenes in this play have been choreographed with a skilled Fight Director so that the actors do not hurt each other. Sometimes the actors will enter the stage from behind the audience, which may startle you. There is strong language throughout the play. Haze is used during the show
Scene 1 - A Letter
starts with a blackout and then turns to a red light which is slowly flashing, representing fire there is loud music and a loud rumbling noise of a burning fire
the character of Anaia has a coughing fit after being in the fire
there are loud noises of cars rumbling and revving throughout the scene
Scene 2 - Before God
throughout the scene, the character of She is wheezing and coughing, as she is struggling to breathe properly
She retells the story of the fire to Anaia and Racine
there is a loud bang of a window shutting underneath the scene there is a heartbeat noise which makes it very tense through the shadows, we see the Man strangle her and pour liquor over her

Scene 2 - continued
there is a loud sound of matches being struck and then the burning of fire and She being burnt She tells the twins to find and kill the Man
Scene 3 - Going West
Racine and Anaia are talking about ways in which they are going to kill their father
Scene 4 - The Weapon no distressing action

Scene 5 - In The Valley
Chuck Hall is extremely intoxicated he is very loud and shouts a lot we find out that he has drank a lot and taken a lot of pills to try and end his life
Racine swings the rock to try and kill Chuck Hall there is more shouting at the end of the scene Chuck Hall dies from the overdose
Racine hits Chuck Hall’s body with the rock after he has died
Anaia is throwing up after this
Scene 6 - Up To The Hills no distressing action
Scene 7 - The House On The Hill no distressing action

Scene 8 - In The Road
the twins block the path of Angie
Racine stamps on Angie’s foot
Angie, Racine and Anaia are all shouting at each other and calling each other bad names
Racine hits Angie in the face with the rock and Angie falls to the floor
there is tense music underscoring this fight
Racine kicks Angie when she is on the floor
Racine hits her again with the rock and Angie hits her head on another rock and dies
Scene 9 - Twins and Twins no distressing action
Scene 10 - Dressing no distressing action

Scene 11 - The Tease
there is loud music as the girls come in to give a striptease to Scotch and Riley
Scene 12 - All Fall Down
we hear a scream from within the house
Scotch comes outside and he is hurt as he’s been stabbed by Racine - he falls to the floor and dies - there is fake blood
Riley grabs Anaia’s throat to strangle her Racine hits Riley with the rock to stop him hurting Anaia and he falls to the floor
Riley then strangles Racine with his arm from behind
Anaia then hits Riley from behind with the rock
Scene 12 (continued)

Riley collapses and dies - there is fake blood
Anaia lifts Racine out of the way as there is somebody coming - Racine is very hurt
During this scene there is a very slow strobe
Scene 13 - Showdown
during the scene, there is underscoring of music that is building tension
Man slaps Anaia after he pretends to be on her side, and shouts loudly at her with threatening language they fight and he throws her to the floor, kicks, headbutts and slaps her - she is really hurt Racine gets back up and jumps on the Man to stop him
Anaia hits Man in the stomach with the rock so that he falls to the floor they punch, kick and beat him up and he bleeds out - this is fake
Anaia gauges at his eyes
Racine pours liquor all over the man, and strikes a match to set him on fire - this is a real flame. Racine drops the match to set him ablaze. There is a loud fire noise. All of the bodies that are on the floor writhe in the fire. Man grabs Racine’s foot and she cannot get away - Anaia leaves Racine to also die in the fire. All of the bodies are shaking and burning in the flames.
Scene 14 - Twin?
Anaia is extremely sad that her twin has died

Scene 15 - Again Before God
She is dying and her breaths and gasps are getting slower
Anaia holds the rock over She’s head She dies
There is loud music at the end of the show