Saint George and the Dragon (Relaxed Performance Guide)

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Saint George and the Dragon

Relaxed Performance – Sensory Guide

Tuesday 11 February at 7pm

The Sainsbury Theatre, LAMDA

Running Time: TBC

Content warnings: Contains harassment and bullying, assault, grievous bodily harm, alcohol abuse and drunkenness, excessive or gratuitous violence, gruesome deaths and injuries, multiple jump-scare moments, haze, murder and references to murder, parental death, reference to self-harm, explicit language and torture. Multiple references to use of blood.

Relaxed Performances at LAMDA

• You are welcome to leave and re-enter from the theatre as you need.

• There is a break-out room available called The Rittner Room.

• House lighting is on low throughout, never going to full black-out.

• Loud noises are reduced.

• No strobe lighting is used.

• You are welcome to react to the show however you want.

• At the end of this document is a show synopsis and sensory guide .

Here is a guide to sensory information symbols in this document:

Indicates potentially loud or sudden noises

Indicates bright or sudden lighting changes

Indicates a sad or potentially distressing scene

Indicates fighting, or use of guns/weapons

Arriving at LAMDA

When you arrive at LAMDA, the box office is to your right. You should pick up your ticket here, using your name.

Toilets are located right next to box office.

LAMDA staff will be wearing LAMDA branded T-Shirts or lanyards. If you need any assistance whilst in the building, please ask them.

This is the Theatre Foyer. You may be asked to wait here until the house is open.

You will be shown how to get to the Sainsbury Theatre by an usher.

This performance will take place in the Sainsbury Theatre.

This is the entrance.

When you enter, an Usher will take your ticket from you.

You can sit in any seat. The house lights will stay on low throughout the show.

There is a break-out space called ‘The Rittner Room’ which you are welcome to use at any point during your visit. It can be accessed via the stairs or lift in the main entrance foyer.

If you aren’t sure about any of this information during your visit please ask an usher or anybody wearing a lanyard.

Before the show begins, the actors will introduce themselves and the characters they are playing.

The lights in the theatre will dim and she show will start. You can leave and re-enter if you need to through the doors you came in through.

At the end of the show the actors will come on and bow. You are welcome to clap at this point if you would like.

Saint George and the Dragon Company Headshots

Tobias Adetul
Jessica Anderson
Christian Arrubla
Zella Clay
Mostyn Crawford
Ryan Duval

Saint George and the Dragon Company Headshots

Cameron Forrest DRIVER
Ada Grey
Mia Haynes-French
Neve Kelman

Saint George and the Dragon Company Headshots


Muireann NiFhaogain-O'Kelly
Luca Rawlinson
Remi Shorunke-Samuel
Rita Silva


Below is a brief synopsis of the play to aid in contextualizing the following sensory guide.

A village. A dragon. A damsel in distress. Into the story walks George: wandering knight, freedom fighter, enemy of tyrants the world over. One epic battle later and a nation is born. As the village grows into a town, and the town into a city, the myth of Saint George which once brought a people together, threatens to divide them.

Below is a sensory guide for the performance that shows potential distressing actions in the play, split up by scenes



Scene 1

Pulsating music can be heard in the second half of the opening song

All scream when George enters

After George challenges the Dragon there is a loud roar

When the Dragon reminds George that he couldn’t save people last time there is tense underscore music

When Henry convinced Elsa to kill George he hands her a dagger

Scene 2

When the crier comes on he will always shout loudly

When George shows his scar everybody screams

When George unveils his sword and armor everybody screams

After the armor reveal there is a loud thundering noise When the Dragon removes his left arm piece his voice gets very loud alongside tense music

Then everyone falls to floor every time he throws armor on the ground

After the Dragon holds the contract there is a fireeffect

After the Dragon leaves George collapses on the flop crying in pain

As the villagers get ready to watch the fight Henry talks into the microphone and the rumble of the Dragon can be heard

During the fight all the villagers watch the sky and we hear loud screams with slow flashing lights

When the Dragon head falls there is a bright flash of light followed by loud growling and screaming

As the 2nd Dragon head falls there is a bright light with screaming

As they describe the Dragon whipping his tail they all scream

Towards the end of the battle there are more slow flashing lights

The battle ends with a bright flash of orange light and a quick blackout

George re-enters and has a bloodied cross mark on his chest

When everyone turns on George they shout and rush at him

------Break (3 minutes)------

House lights will be raised but please stay in your seat


Scene 1

Use of haze

As Charles reads in his kitchen you can hear the noise of machinery in the background

George enters with a sword and cuts a chicken in half

Scene 2

The Boy enters limping from being caught in a machine

When the healer tries to clean the wound the Boy screams in pain

As the Boy describes the event the growl of the Dragon can be heard

After the Dragon enters we see a person at the back of the stage using a whip

The trap door opens and we hear a scream

George draws his sword and attempts to strike the Dragon but falls to the floor

Elsa enters in chains

The Dragon tells George that Elsa will be hanged

George goes to strike the Dragon again but is pushed to the floor

Scene 3

Dripping noise throughout this scene

Scene 4

Rumbling of machinery

Elsa hits the floor with her cricket bat

Young Miller describes his traumatic history with the Dragon

The Healer points a sword at George

Scene 5

Trap door opens with a bright flash of light

A noose hangs over the trap door

Pike and guards hold large guns

Drums can be heard beating

As the villagers rebel there are 3 explosions accompanied with bright flashing lights

The guards point their guns towards the crowd

George opens a box and everyone falls to the floor

When George rips the blueprint up the Dragon falls to the floor with a thud and bright flash of green light

When George does the final tear there is a flash of orange light along with a roar

At the end of the scene the Dragon pops out of the trapdoor and roars, there is a bright flash of white light into the audiences eyes

Interval (15 minutes)------



Scene 1

There is a beeping microwave with smoke coming out of it - this sets off a smoke alarm

George takes his sword out to ‘conquer’ the microwave

Scene 2

Loud noises: car horn and helicopter

During the scene change we hear loud city noises

When Anna and Alice run through stage with cones on their head they scream

Scene ends with car horns

Scene 3

Loud girls can be heard shouting on their hen-do

We hear a very loud national anthem

As the team score there are loud cheers followed by loud chanting.

We see the flickering lights of a TV across the stage

At the end of the scene the Driver headbutts George causing a fight between everyone on stage. Someone is hit by a cricket bat.

Scene 4

As George shouts over the city we hear the sound of the window smash

There are then helicopters and wind sounds in the background

Scene 5

Flashing lights of a streetlight

Miller smacks George into the bin

When the Dragon re-enters and uses a microphone so his voice is very loud

Girls enter whooping with a shopping trolley

Sounds of police sirens

George grabs Miss Butcher by the neck

Pike handcuffs George and forcefully drags him away

Scene 6

We hear prison sounds (clanging and dripping water)

The Dragon crushes George making it difficult for him to breathe

Last Scene

Helicopter noises

George grabs the Boy by the head and threatens him

George pulls a dagger out and tries to fight Henry

George stabs Young Miller in the arm and makes him bleed

Elsa then slashes George’s arm

George then tries to strangle Else and she slits his throat

Everyone stabs George alongside slow flashing lights The show ends with a blackout


During the end people will clap and may stand up, cheer or shout to tell the actors they did a good job.

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Saint George and the Dragon (Relaxed Performance Guide) by LAMDA - Issuu