Tuesday 11th April @ 7:30pm
Carne Theatre, LAMDA
Running Time: 2 hours including a 15 minute interval
Content warnings:
Contains themes of racism, mention of war, death and killing, blood, and flashing lights.

Tuesday 11th April @ 7:30pm
Carne Theatre, LAMDA
Running Time: 2 hours including a 15 minute interval
Contains themes of racism, mention of war, death and killing, blood, and flashing lights.
• You are welcome to come and go from the theatre as you need
• There is a break-out room available, the Rittner Room
• House lighting is on low throughout, never going to full blackout
• Loud noises are reduced in sound level
• No strobe lighting is used
• You are welcome to react to the show however you may need
• At the end of this document is a show synopsis/sensory guide
Here is a guide to sensory information symbols in this document:
Indicates potentially loud or sudden noises
Indicates bright or sudden lighting changes
Indicates a sad or potentially distressing scene
Indicates fighting, or use of guns/weapons
When you arrive at LAMDA, the box office is to your right. You should pick up your ticket here, using your name.
Toilets are located right next to box office.
LAMDA staff will be wearing LAMDA branded T-Shirts or lanyards. If you need any assistance whilst in the building, please ask them.
This is the Theatre Foyer. You may be asked to wait here until the house is open. You will be shown how to get to the Carne Theatre by an usher.
This performance will take place in the Carne Theatre. This is the entrance.
When you enter the theatre, an Usher will take your ticket from you. You are welcome to sit where you like.
You can come and go from the space wheneveryou like. The house lights will stay on low throughout the show.
If you aren’t sure at any point during your visit where to go, please ask an usher.
There is a break-out space called ‘The Rittner Room’ which you are welcometo use at any point during the performance. It can be accessed via the stairs or lift in the main entrance foyer.
Before the show begins, the actors will introduce themselves and the characters they are playing.
The lights in the theatre will dim and she show will start. You can come and go as you need through the doors you entered by.
At the end of the show the actors will come on and bow. You are welcome to clap at this point if you would like.
Throughout the production, loud whirring sound effects and slow flashing lights are used in the scene changes, including the beginning of the play.
At the beginning of the play, the sisters Alma and Audrey are talking about their father's death and funeral.
Lukas is talking about the war and how the German's were torturing people. We do not see this action.
Richard (Captain Rivers) enters from stage left, to the right of the audience. Before he comes on he shouts very loudly.
The characters are talking about slavery and plantations.
Jean, Scott's partner, enters. The three sisters are rude and disrespectful to her and she runs off upset.
There is loud drumming music and bright flashing lights during the scene change into Act 2.
Richard and Helen are getting close and talking about their relationship, which is in secret due to her having a husband, Francis.
Lucas announces that he would fight and kill his own army to stop a further fight breaking out. Scott is shocked by this.
Lucas tells Audrey that he has feelings for her. She declines his offer and asks him to leave, and he threatens that he will have her "one way or another".
Alma describes how she was manhandled at a town meeting
There is loud rumbling and distorted laughter.
Loud fire engine sirens as Act 3 starts.
Alma and Audrey describe a fire in the city that has burnt everything down.
There is another loud siren noise that announces an all clear, that the city is now safe.
Alma speaks to Peter about his gambling and drinking addiction and is upset and worried about him Peter gets upset about the state of the city around him Audrey gets upset about the life that they are living
There are loud rumbling sounds and flashing lights as we transition into Act 4.
There are sound effects of church bells ringing and background sounds of a large crowd cheering.
Francis and Scott argue. Scott talks about the war and seeing people die. Francis raises his voice at Scott like he is about to fight him.
There are sound effects of drumming and crowds outside the house Francis shouts to the crowd about killing the Germans. He does this in a jovial way.
Peter comes into the house and is extremely intoxicated. The actor is safe and is not drunk.
Alma enters and talks of someone squeezing her backside. This did not really happen to the actor and they were not harassed.
Peter comes back in drunk and talks of a fight. He describes how Lucas hit Eddie and then stabbed him in the chest. We do not see the stabbing - it happens off stage. This is fictional and no actors are hurt. Alma falls to the floor and is extremely upset.
A sound effect of a ship's horn is played loudly.
The end of the play has loud rumbling and bright lights.