Πατώματα laminate δάπεδα Kronoswiss Ελβετίας Κατάλογος 2015b

Page 1

Swiss-accessories 1

swiss floors

B r i N G i N G PU r E s w i s s C o M f o r T To T H E w o r l D

www.kronospan.com www.karrassa.gr














f ied Syst e m

rt i

- IS O


Fragen Sie nach FSC速足 zertifizierten Produkten

PrEMiUM CollECTioN Strukturen


Surface textures | Structures | Strutture | Estructures | Texturas de superficie

Premium-Vorteile und dimenSionen


SwiSS giant




SwiSS infinity


SwiSS nobleSSe Style




SwiSS Solid Chrome


SwiSS lifeStyle


SwiSS SynC Chrome


SwiSS nobleSSe V4


SwiSS nobleSSe


SwiSS PreStige




Decor Overview | Aperçu des décors | Panoramica delle decorazioni | Vista general de decoración | Decors: Índice



Decor List | Liste des décors | Lista delle decorazioni | Lista de decoración | Decors: Índice

swiss-ACCEssoriEs SoCkelleiSten


Skirting boards | Plinthe | Battiscopa | Zócalo | Rodapés

SwiSS matCh


Profiles & Skirtings

SwiSS Profile


Aluminium profiles | Profils en aluminium | Profili in alluminio | Perfiles de aluminio | Perfis de alumínio

multifunktionale bodenunterlage


Multifunctional floor underlay | Support de plancher multifonctionnel | Tappetino sottopavimento multifunzionale Base multifuncional para pavimentos | Base para pavimento multifuncional

SilVertherm bodenunterlage


Silvertherm floor underlay | Support de plancher Silvertherm | Tappetino sottopavimento Silvertherm Base Silvertherm para pavimentos | Base para pavimento Silvertherm

fACTs AND fiGUrEs teChniSChe daten


Technical Data | Données techniques | Dati tecnici | Datos técnicos | Dados Técnicos



Utilisation Categories | Utilisation Catégories | Classe di utilizzo | Categorias de uso | Classes de Utilização



Packaging | Unité d’emballage | Unità di confezionamento | Unidades de embalaje | Embalagem

SwiSS Quality



Premium advantages and dimensions | Avantages premium et dimensions | Vantaggi premium e dimensioni | Ventajas premium y dimensiones | Vantagens premium e dimensões


surface textures | structures | strutture | Estructures | Texturas de superficie

CD | Stylish

CT | Precious

CF | Fine Wood

BD | Brushed

CP | Chromepore

WG | Woodgrain

D 2025 CP

s T r U kT U r EN 5 RU | Rustic Saw Cut

SA | Satin

PR | Fine Pore Cut

NM | Natural Matt Oiled


Premium advantages | Avantages premium | vantaggi premium | ventajas premium | vantagens premium

Fussbodenpaneelen mit StandardLänge und Endlos-Effekt.

Pannelli da pavimento in lunghezza standard ed effetto senza fine.

Floor panels with standard length and endless effect.

Paneles de suelo con longitud estándar y efecto infinito.

Panneaux de sol de longueur standard avec effet infini.

Painéis para o chão com comprimento padrão e efeito infinito. SwISS INFINITy Seite 16

Übergrosse Paneelen für optische Highlights und schnelle Verlegung.

Pannelli extra grandi per creare accenti ottici e per una posa veloce.

Oversize panels for visual highlights and quick installation.

Paneles extragrandes para destacar ele­ mentos visualmente, de colocación rápida.

Panneaux surdimensionnés pour un bel aspect visuel et une pose rapide.

Painéis sobredimensionados para destaques visuais e rápida instalação.

Synchronporen-Struktur für eine authentische Echtholz-Wirkung.

Struttura a pori sincroni per un autentico effetto vero legno.

Synchronised grain structure for an authentic real wood effect.

Estructura de poros sincrónicos para un efecto de madera genuina auténtico.

Structure à pores synchrones pour effet bois véritable authentique.

Estrutura de vasos sincronizados para um efeito autêntico de madeira verdadeira.

1380 mm

244 mm


SwISS GIaNT Seite 10

Seite 30



Seite 32

Seite 14

SwISS SyNC ChRomE Seite 34

SwISS NoblESSE V4 Seite 36

SwISS NoblESSE Seite 40



Seite 22

Seite 48

mEGa Seite 26

2025 mm

1845 mm

1380 mm

1302 mm

1380 mm

244 mm

188 mm

398 mm

326 mm

193 mm

P r EM i U M - vor T Ei lE | D i M ENs i oNEN

Dimensions | Dimensions | Dimensioni | Dimensiones | Dimens천es



9 SwiSS Giant | D 3726 CD

swiss GiANT 2025 mm

244 mm

12 mm

D 3728 CD

D 3729 CD

D 3724 CD

D 3727 CD

D 3723 CD

weisshorn Eiche weisshorn oak Chêne weisshorn rovere weisshorn roble weisshorn Carvalho weisshorn

Matterhorn Eiche Matterhorn oak Chêne Matterhorn rovere Matterhorn roble Matterhorn Carvalho Matterhorn

Eiger Eiche Eiger oak Chêne Eiger rovere Eiger roble Eiger Carvalho Eiger

säntis Eiche säntis oak Chêne säntis rovere säntis roble säntis Carvalho säntis

Chasseral Eiche Chasseral oak Chêne Chasseral rovere Chasseral roble Chasseral Carvalho Chasseral


s wi s s G iA NT 11 SwiSS Giant | D 3725 CD

D 3726 CD

D 3730 CD

D 3722 CD

D 3731 CD

D 3725 CD

Jungfrau oak Jungfrau oak Chêne Jungfrau rovere Jungfrau roble Jungfrau Carvalho Jungfrau

Pilatus oak Pilatus oak Chêne Pilatus rovere Pilatus roble Pilatus Carvalho Pilatus

Gotthard oak Gotthard oak Chêne Gotthard rovere Gotthard roble Gotthard Carvalho Gotthard

rothorn oak rothorn oak Chêne rothorn rovere rothorn roble rothorn Carvalho rothorn

rigi oak rigi oak Chêne rigi rovere rigi roble rigi Carvalho rigi

s wi s s G iA NT 13 SwiSS Giant | D 3722 CD

GiANT 1845 mm

188 mm

12 mm

D 2800 CP

D 2413 ER

D 2933 ER

Gletscher Eiche Glacier oak Chêne Glacier rovere Ghiacciaio roble Glaciar Carvalho Glaciar

kalkeiche limed oak Chêne Ceruse rovere Calcareo roble Cal Carvalho Calcário

Champagne Eiche Champagne oak Chêne Champagne rovere Champagne roble Champagne Carvalho Champagne


AC 5 / Kl . 33

D 2999 CP

D 2462 ER

Capital Medium Eiche Capital Medium oak Chêne capital Moyen rovere Capital Medium roble Capital Medium Carvalho Capital Medium

Eiche Nature Natural oak Chêne Nature rovere Naturale roble Natural Carvalho Natural

Barrique Eiche Barrique oak Chêne Barrique rovere Barrique roble Barrique Carvalho Barrique



D 2801 CP

swiss iNFiNiTy

1380 mm

244 mm

8 mm

Miami D 3733 CT

Paris D 3735 CT

rome D 3736 CT

london D 3734 CT


AC 4 / Kl . 32

s wi s s iNFiNiT y 17 SwiSS inFinity | D 3736 CT

Madrid D 3732 CT

Barcelona D 3737 CT

san francisco D 3738 CT

s wi s s iNFiNiT y 19 SwiSS inFinity | D 3738 CT

21 SwiSS inFinity | D 3733 CT

swiss NOBlESSE STylE

1380 mm

398 mm

Perlweiss Pearl white Perle Blanc Bianco Pearl Blanco Pearl Branco Pearl

8 mm

K 101 BD

new Format

Noce Nobile Noce Nobile Noce Nobile Noce Nobile Noce Nobile Noce Nobile

rigoletto Beige rigoletto Beige rigoletto Beige rigoletto Beige rigoletto Beige rigoletto Beige

D 3743 NM

D 2573 BD

new Format

Piazza Piazza Piazza Piazza Piazza Piazza

D 3244 NM

new Format


AC 4 / Kl . 32

s wi s s NO BlESSE ST y lE 23 SwiSS nobleSSe Style | D 3744 NM

Beton Concrete Béton Cemento Piedra Betão

D 4109 NM

new Format

sheffield Eiche sheffield oak Chêne sheffield rovere sheffield roble sheffield Carvalho sheffield

D 2253 BD

new Format

Noce splendido Noce splendido Noce splendido Noce splendido Noce splendido Noce splendido

select Eiche select oak Chêne select rovere select roble select Carvalho select

D 3744 NM

D 8305 BD

new Format

rigoletto schwarz rigoletto Black rigoletto Noir rigoletto Nero rigoletto Negro rigoletto Negro

D 8021 BD

new Format

s wi s s NO BlESSE ST y lE 25 SwiSS nobleSSe Style | D 3743 NM


1302 mm





326 mm

8 mm

D 2963 ST

D 2870 ST

D 3061 ST

D 3079 ST


AC 4 / Kl . 32

MEG A 27 meGa | D 3079 ST

29 SwiSS liFeStyle | D 3257 CF

swiss SOliD ChROME

1380 mm

193 mm

Davos Eiche Davos oak Chêne Davos rovere Davos roble Davos Carvalho Davos

interlaken Eiche interlaken oak Chêne interlaken rovere interlaken roble interlaken Carvalho interlaken

Engelberg Eiche Engelberg oak Chêne Engelberg rovere Engelberg roble Engelberg Carvalho Engelberg

Zermatt Eiche Zermatt oak Chêne Zermatt rovere Zermatt roble Zermatt Carvalho Zermatt

verbier Eiche verbier oak Chêne verbier rovere verbier roble verbier Carvalho verbier

st. Moritz Eiche st. Moritz oak Chêne st. Moritz rovere st. Moritz roble st. Moritz Carvalho st.Moritz

leysin Eiche leysin oak Chêne leysin rovere leysin roble leysin Carvalho leysin

Arosa Eiche Arosa oak Chêne Arosa rovere Arosa roble Arosa Carvalho Arosa

12 mm

D 3035 CP

D 4202 CP

D 3034 CP

D 3033 CP

D 3032 CP

D 3031 CP

D 2025 CP

D 3030 CP


AC 5 / Kl . 33

s wi s s SO liD ChR O ME 31 SwiSS Solid Chrome | D 3033 CP

swiss liFESTylE

1380 mm

193 mm

Penthouse Eiche Penthouse oak Chêne Penthouse rovere Penthouse roble Penthouse Carvalho Penthouse

loft Eiche loft oak Chêne loft rovere loft roble loft Carvalho loft

studio Eiche studio oak Chêne studio rovere studio roble studio Carvalho studio

Chalet Eiche Chalet oak Chêne Chalet rovere Chalet roble Chalet Carvalho Chalet

10 mm

D 3248 CF

D 3249 CF

D 3250 CF

D 3259 CF


AC 4 / Kl . 32

s wi s s liFEST y lE

D 3257 CF


Attic Eiche Attic oak Chêne Attic rovere Attic roble Attic Carvalho Attic

Maisonette Eiche Maisonette oak Chêne Maisonette rovere Maisonette roble Maisonette Carvalho Maisonette

Town House Eiche Town House oak Chêne Town House rovere Town House roble Town House Carvalho Town House

Condo Eiche Condo oak Chêne Condo rovere Condo roble Condo Carvalho Condo

D 3253 CF

D 3247 CF

D 3255 CF

swiss SyNC ChROME

1380 mm

193 mm

Davos Eiche Davos oak Chêne Davos rovere Davos roble Davos Carvalho Davos

interlaken Eiche interlaken oak Chêne interlaken rovere interlaken roble interlaken Carvalho interlaken

Engelberg Eiche Engelberg oak Chêne Engelberg rovere Engelberg roble Engelberg Carvalho Engelberg

Zermatt Eiche Zermatt oak Chêne Zermatt rovere Zermatt roble Zermatt Carvalho Zermatt

verbier Eiche verbier oak Chêne verbier rovere verbier roble verbier Carvalho verbier

leysin Eiche leysin oak Chêne leysin rovere leysin roble leysin Carvalho leysin

Arosa Eiche Arosa oak Chêne Arosa rovere Arosa roble Arosa Carvalho Arosa

8 mm

D 3035 CP

D 4202 CP

D 3034 CP

D 3033 CP

D 3032 CP

D 2025 CP

D 3030 CP


AC 4 / Kl . 32

s wi s s Sy NC ChR O ME 35 SwiSS SynC Chrome | D 3035 CP

swiss NOBlESSE V4

1380 mm

244 mm

8 mm

Ascona Eiche Ascona oak Chêne Ascona rovere Ascona roble Ascona Carvalho Ascona

D 3782 NM

luzern Eiche lucerne oak Chêne lucerne rovere lucerne roble lucerne Carvalho lucerne

D 3784 NM

Montreux Eiche Montreux oak Chêne Montreux rovere Montreux roble Montreux Carvalho Montreux

D 3783 NM

Genf Eiche Geneva oak Chêne Geneva rovere Geneva roble Geneva Carvalho Geneva

1380 mm

193 mm

strassburg Eiche strassbourg oak Chêne strasbourg rovere strasburgo roble strassbourg Carvalho Estrasburgo

lugano Eiche lugano oak Chêne lugano rovere lugano roble lugano Carvalho lugano

silber fichte silver fir sapin silver Abete silver Abeto silver Abeto silver

D 3785 WG

8 mm

D 8011 NM

D 3180 RU

D 3045 BD


AC 4 / Kl . 32

s wi s s NO BlESSE V 4 37 SwiSS nobleSSe v4 | D 3245 BD

rift Eiche rift oak Chêne rift rovere rift roble rift Carvalho rift

New York Eiche New York oak Chêne New York rovere New York roble New York Carvalho New York

Eiche Historic Historic oak Chêne Historic rovere Historic roble Historic Carvalho Historic

shabby Chic shabby Chic shabby Chic shabby Chic shabby Chic shabby Chic

New legacy Eiche New legacy oak Chêne New legacy rovere New legacy roble New legacy Carvalho New legacy

Historic kirsche Historic Cherry Cerisier Historic Ciliegio Historic Cerezo Historic Cerejeira Historic

Premium Akazie Premium Acacia Premium Acacia Premium Acacia Premium Acacia Premium Acácia

Bourbon Eiche Bourbon oak Chêne Bourbon rovere Bourbon roble Bourbon Carvalho Bourbon

Griñon Eiche Griñon oak Chêne Griñon rovere Griñon roble Griñon Carvalho Griñon

Tokyo Eiche Tokyo oak Chêne Tokyo rovere Tokyo roble Tokyo Carvalho Tokyo

D 3044 RU

D 8014 NM

D 3245 BD

D 3219 NM

D 4220 NM

D 2838 BD

D 4195 SA

D 2023 BD

D 3040 NM

D 8012 NM

s wi s s NO BlESSE V 4 39 SwiSS nobleSSe v4 | D 3784 NM

swiss NOBlESSE

1380 mm

193 mm

8 mm

Eiche oristano oak oristano Chêne oristano rovere oristano roble oristano Carvalho oristano

Boathouse Pinie Boathouse Pine Pin Boathouse Pino Boathouse Pino Boathouse Pinho Boathouse

Cordoba Eiche Cordoba oak Chêne Cordoba rovere Cordoba roble Cordoba Carvalho Cordoba

strassburg Eiche strassbourg oak Chêne strasbourg rovere strasburgo roble strassbourg Carvalho Estrasburgo

Ascona Eiche Ascona oak Chêne Ascona rovere Ascona roble Ascona Carvalho Ascona

Nordic Esche Nordic Ash frêne Nordique frassino Nordico fresno Nordic freixo Nórdico

Elegance Eiche hell Elegance light oak Chêne Clair Élégance rovere Elegance Chiaro roble Elegance Claro Carvalho Elegance Claro

D 8009 WG

D 2307 WG

D 3043 NM

D 8011 WG

D 3782 NM

D 8007 WG

D 2539 WG

AC 4 / Kl . 32

s wi s s NO BlESSE 41 SwiSS nobleSSe v4 | D 3245 BD

Helsinki Eiche Helsinki oak Chêne Helsinki rovere Helsinki roble Helsinki Carvalho Helsínquia

woodham Eiche woodham oak Chêne woodham rovere woodham roble woodham Carvalho woodham

New York Eiche New York oak Chêne New York rovere New York roble New York Carvalho New York

rift Eiche rift oak Chêne rift rovere rift roble rift Carvalho rift

Elegance Eiche Elegance oak Chêne Élégance rovere Elegance roble Elegance Carvalho Elegance

kalkeiche limed oak Chêne Ceruse rovere Calcareo roble Cal Carvalho Calcário

Amarone Eiche Amarone oak Chêne Amarone rovere Amarone roble Amarone Carvalho Amarone

Camargue Eiche Camargue oak Chêne Camargue rovere Camargue roble Camargue Carvalho Camargue

D 8013 NM

D 2834 WG

D 8014 NM

D 3044 RU

D 2836 WG

D 2413 WG

D 467 WG

D 2833 WG

Butternut Butternut Butternut Butternut Butternut Butternut

luzern Eiche lucerne oak Chêne lucerne rovere lucerne roble lucerne Carvalho lucerne

Montreux Eiche Montreux oak Chêne Montreux rovere Montreux roble Montreux Carvalho Montreux

Nuss lucca lucca walnut Noyer lucca Noce lucca Nogal lucca Nogueira lucca

Matogrosso Jatoba Matogrosso Jatoba Matogrosso Jatoba Matogrosso Jatoba Matogrosso Jatoba Matogrosso Jatoba

original Merbau original Merbau original Merbau original Merbau original Merbau original Merbau

D 1365 WG

D 2708 WG

D 3784 NM

D 3783 NM

D 1245 WG

D 2362 WG

D 2281 WG

s wi s s NO BlESSE

wild kirsche wild Cherry Cerisier sauvage Ciliegio salvaggio Cerezo silvestre Cerejeira silvestre

D 2535 WG


swiss Buche swiss Beech Hêtre swiss faggio swiss Haya swiss faia swiss

45 SwiSS liFeStyle | D 3249 CF

Doussie Doussie Doussie Doussie Doussie Doussie

Griñon Eiche Griñon oak Chêne Griñon rovere Griñon roble Griñon Carvalho Griñon

Provence Eiche oak Provence Chêne Provence rovere Provence roble Provence Carvalho Provence

Noce Montepulciano Noce Montepulciano Noyer Montepulciano Noce Montepulciano Noce Montepulciano Nogueira Montepulciano

American Nussbaum American walnut Noyer Americain Noce Americano Nogal Americano Nogueira Americana

Tokyo Eiche Tokyo oak Chêne Tokyo rovere Tokyo roble Tokyo Carvalho Tokyo

wenge Tropical wenge Tropical wenge Tropical wenge Tropical wenge Tropical wenge Tropical

D 2280 WG

D 3040 NM

D 2565 WG

D 2266 WG

D 2300 WG

D 8012 NM

D 2420 WG

s wi s s NO BlESSE 47 SwiSS nobleSSe v4 | D 3782 NM

swiss PRESTiGE

1380 mm

193 mm

Blanco Eiche Blanco oak Chêne Blanco rovere Blanco roble Blanco Carvalho Blanco

Ahorn Maple Erable Acero Arce Maple

louisiana Buche louisiana Beech Hêtre louisiana faggio louisiana Haya louisiana faia louisiana

Bordeaux Eiche Bordeaux oak Chêne Bordeaux rovere Bordeaux roble Bordeaux Carvalho Bordeaux

Merbau Merbau Merbau Merbau Merbau Merbau

Brasilia kirsche Brasilia Cherry Cerisier Brasilia Ciliegio Brasilia Cerezo Brasilia Cerejeira Brasília

Utah walnut Utah walnut Chataignier Utah Noce Utah Nogal Utah Nogueira Utah

7 mm

D 2745 PR

D 654 PR

D 1404 PR

D 2304 WG

D 1460 PR

D 1289 PR

D 2303 WG

AC 3 / Kl . 31

s wi s s P R EST iG E 49 SwiSS PreStiGe | D 2304 WG

DECorüBErsiCHT Decor overview | Aperçu des décors | Panoramica delle decorazioni vista general de decoración | Decors: Índice K 101

swiss Noblesse style

D 3728

swiss Giant

D 3743

swiss Noblesse style

D 3034

swiss solid Chrome swiss sync Chrome

D 3044

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D 8014

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D 4109

swiss Noblesse style

D 3253

swiss lifestyle

D 2413

Giant swiss Noblesse

D 2833

swiss Noblesse

D 3248

swiss lifestyle

D 2963


D 3729

swiss Giant

D 8007

swiss Noblesse

D 3043

swiss Noblesse

D 3245

swiss Noblesse v4

D 3730

swiss Giant

D 3722

swiss Giant

D 2933


D 467

swiss Noblesse

D 2307

swiss Noblesse

D 2745

swiss Prestige

D 3733

swiss infinity

D 2539

swiss Noblesse

D 4202

swiss solid Chrome swiss sync Chrome

D 3244

swiss Noblesse style

D 2870


D 654

swiss Prestige

D 2836

swiss Noblesse

D 3045

swiss Noblesse v4

D 8009

swiss Noblesse

D 8011

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D 2573

swiss Noblesse style

D 3250

swiss lifestyle

D 2800


D 3219

swiss Noblesse v4

D 2253

swiss Noblesse style

D 1404

swiss Prestige

D 3180

swiss Noblesse v4

D 3259

swiss lifestyle

D 3035

swiss solid Chrome swiss sync Chrome

D 3249

swiss lifestyle

D 3782

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D 3724

swiss Giant

D 8013

swiss Noblesse

D 2834

swiss Noblesse

D 8305

swiss Noblesse style

D 3257

swiss lifestyle

D 2535

swiss Noblesse

D 3727

swiss Giant

D 3726

swiss Giant

D 3247

swiss lifestyle

D 2838

swiss Noblesse v4

D 4220

swiss Noblesse v4

D 3731

swiss Giant

D 2281

swiss Noblesse

D 3725

swiss Giant

D 2420

swiss Noblesse

D 3030

swiss solid Chrome swiss sync Chrome

swiss infinity

D 3784

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D 2304

swiss Prestige

D 2999


D 2362

swiss Noblesse

D 3785

swiss Noblesse v4

D 3783

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D 2025

swiss solid Chrome swiss sync Chrome

D 3255

swiss lifestyle

D 8021

swiss Noblesse style

D 3723

swiss Giant

D 3032

swiss solid Chrome swiss sync Chrome

D 1365

swiss Noblesse

D 3031

swiss solid Chrome

D 2303

swiss Prestige

D 1289

swiss Prestige

D 3734

swiss infinity

D 3738

swiss infinity

D 3732

swiss infinity

D 3061


D 3744

swiss Noblesse style

D 2708

swiss Noblesse

D 1245

swiss Noblesse

D 2023

swiss Noblesse v4

D 1460

swiss Prestige

D 2462


D 3737

swiss infinity

D 3079


D 3736

swiss infinity

D 4195

swiss Noblesse v4

D 2801


D 2266

swiss Noblesse

D 2300

swiss Noblesse

D 2280

swiss Noblesse

D 3040

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D 2565

swiss Noblesse

D 8012

swiss Noblesse v4 swiss Noblesse

D ECor 端 B Er s i CHT

swiss solid Chrome swiss sync Chrome

D 3735


D 3033

DECorlisTE Decor list | liste des décors | lista delle decorazioni lista de decoración | Decors: Índice





Decor Décor Decorazione Decoración Decor

Product range ligne de produit linea di prodotti línea de productos Gama de Produtos

skirting board Plinthe Battiscopa Zócalo rodapés

Page Page Pagina Página Pág

K 101

Swiss Noblesse Style

K 101 BS


D 467

Swiss Noblesse

D 467 BS


D 654

Swiss Prestige

D 654 BS


D 1245

Swiss Noblesse

D 1245 BS


D 1289

Swiss Prestige

D 1289 BS


D 1365

Swiss Noblesse

D 1365 BS


D 1404

Swiss Prestige

D 1220 BS


D 1460

Swiss Prestige

D 1460 BS


D 2023

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 854 BS


D 2025

Swiss Solid Chrome, Swiss Sync Chrome

D 2462 BS

30, 34

D 2253

Swiss Noblesse Style

D 2834 BS


D 2266

Swiss Noblesse

D 479 BS


D 2280

Swiss Noblesse

D 1460 BS


D 2281

Swiss Noblesse

D 1460 BS


D 2300

Swiss Noblesse

D 479 BS


D 2303

Swiss Prestige

D 479 BS


D 2304

Swiss Prestige

D 2413 BS


D 2307

Swiss Noblesse

D 2745 BS


D 2362

Swiss Noblesse

D 1238 BS


D 2413

Giant, Swiss Noblesse

D 2413 BS

14, 42

D 2420

Swiss Noblesse

D 854 BS


D 2462


D 2462 BS


D 2535

Swiss Noblesse

D 654 BS


D 2539

Swiss Noblesse

D 2834 BS


D 2565

Swiss Noblesse

D 2462 BS


D 2573

Swiss Noblesse Style

D 2527 BS


D 2708

Swiss Noblesse

D 742 BS


D 2745

Swiss Prestige

D 2745 BS


D 2800


D 701 BS


D 2801


D 2413 BS


D 2833

Swiss Noblesse

D 2747 BS


D 2834

Swiss Noblesse

D 2834 BS


D 2836

Swiss Noblesse

D 869 BS


D 2838

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 2218 BS




Product range ligne de produit linea di prodotti línea de productos Gama de Produtos

skirting board Plinthe Battiscopa Zócalo rodapés

Page Page Pagina Página Pág

D 2870


K 101 BS


D 2933


D 467 BS


D 2963


D 2745 BS


D 2999


D 2235 BS


D 3030

Swiss Solid Chrome, Swiss Sync Chrome

D 2316 BS

30, 34

D 3031

Swiss Solid Chrome

D 2272 BS


D 3032

Swiss Solid Chrome, Swiss Sync Chrome

D 742 BS

30, 34

D 3033

Swiss Solid Chrome, Swiss Sync Chrome

D 2413 BS

30, 34

D 3034

Swiss Solid Chrome, Swiss Sync Chrome

D 2527 BS

30, 34

D 3035

Swiss Solid Chrome, Swiss Sync Chrome

D 2527 BS

30, 34

D 3040

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 2570 BS

38, 46

D 3043

Swiss Noblesse

D 701 BS


D 3044

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 1497 BS

38, 42

D 3045

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 467 BS


D 3061


D 2815 BS


D 3079


D 8012 BS


D 3180

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 2560 BS


D 3219

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 2834 BS


D 3244

Swiss Noblesse Style

K 101 BS


D 3245

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 633 BS


D 3247

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3247 BS


D 3248

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3248 BS


D 3249

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3249 BS


D 3250

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3250 BS


D 3253

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3253 BS


D 3255

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3255 BS


D 3257

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3257 BS


D 3259

Swiss Lifestyle

D 3259 BS


D 3722

Swiss Giant

D 3247 BS


D 3723

Swiss Giant

D 2747 BS


D 3724

Swiss Giant

D 2938 BS


D 3725

Swiss Giant

D 2235 BS


D 3726

Swiss Giant

D 479 BS


D 3727

Swiss Giant

D 1491 BS


D ECor li s T E


Decor Décor Decorazione Decoración Decor







Decor Décor Decorazione Decoración Decor

Product range ligne de produit linea di prodotti línea de productos Gama de Produtos

skirting board Plinthe Battiscopa Zócalo rodapés

Page Page Pagina Página Pág

D 3728

Swiss Giant

D 3248 BS


D 3729

Swiss Giant

D 3250 BS


D 3730

Swiss Giant

D 2834 BS


D 3731

Swiss Giant

D 1289 BS


D 3732

Swiss Infinity

D 3253 BS


D 3733

Swiss Infinity

D 2527 BS


D 3734

Swiss Infinity

D 3247 BS


D 3735

Swiss Infinity

D 3257 BS


D 3736

Swiss Infinity

D 2747 BS


D 3737

Swiss Infinity

D 2235 BS


D 3738

Swiss Infinity

D 2462 BS


D 3743

Swiss Noblesse Style

D 2527 BS


D 3744

Swiss Noblesse Style

D 101 BS


D 3782

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 2938 BS

36, 40

D 3783

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 2439 BS

36, 43

D 3784

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 2747 BS

36, 43

D 3785

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 1289 BS


D 4109

Swiss Noblesse Style

D 633 BS


D 4195

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 479 BS


D 4202

Swiss Solid Chrome, Swiss Sync Chrome

D 2834 BS

30, 34

D 4220

Swiss Noblesse V4

D 1238 BS


D 8007

Swiss Noblesse

D 2527 BS


D 8009

Swiss Noblesse

K 101 BS


D 8011

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 701 BS


D 8012

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 8012 BS

38, 46

D 8013

Swiss Noblesse

D 2834 BS


D 8014

Swiss Noblesse V4, Swiss Noblesse

D 2834 BS

38, 42

D 8021

Swiss Noblesse Style

D 2316 BS


D 8305

Swiss Noblesse Style

D 2570 BS


16 × 60 ×2800 mm r: 2 mm 10 pcs / pack

skirting board | Plinthe | Battiscopa | Zócalo | rodapés

D 467 BS

D 479 BS

D 633 BS

D 654 BS

D 701 BS

D 742 BS

D 854 BS

D 869 BS

D 1220 BS

D 1238 BS

D 1245 BS

D 1289 BS

D1365 BS

D 1460 BS

D 1491 BS

D 1497 BS

D 2218 BS

D 2235 BS

D 2272 BS

D 2316 BS

D 2413 BS

D 2439 BS

D 2462 BS

D 2527 BS

D 2560 BS

D 2570 BS

D 2745 BS

D 2747 BS

D 2815 BS

D 2834 BS

D 2938 BS

D 8012 BS


K 101 BS

D ECor li s T E | s oCkEllEi s TEN


swiss MATCh Profiles & skirtings

swiss MATCh Profiles & skirtings

s wi s s - A CCEs s or i Es

AC 3 / Kl . 31



10 mm

Transition profile | seuil de transition | Profilo di transizione | Junta de dilatación | Perfil de transição

44 mm


12 mm

reducer | seuil d‘égalisation | Profilo di compensazione | Junta de transición | Perfil de dilatação

44 mm


12 mm

Endcap | seuil de finition | Profilo terminale | Junquillo remate | Perfil Terminal

33 mm


18 mm

stairnose | Nez de marche | Profilo per scale | Perfil de escalera | Prefil de degrau

50 mm

swiss MATCh Profiles & skirtings




Quarterround | Quart de rond | Quadrotto |

scotia | scotia | scotia | scotia | scotia

skirting board | Plinthe | Battiscopa | rodapie | rodapé

15.7 × 15.7 mm 2 ⁄3" × 2⁄3"

14 × 60 mm & 14 × 80 mm ⁄16 " × 2 2 ⁄ 5 " & 9 ⁄16 " × 37 ⁄ 8 "


20 mm

15.7 mm

20 mm

60 mm

20 × 20 mm ¾" × ¾"

80 mm

Junquillo remate | Quadrante

15.7 mm

14 mm

14 mm

Bestellinformationen ordering information | Conditions de commande | informazione d‘ordinazione | información para hacer pedidos | informação de encomenda

minimum beStellmenge Minimum order quantity Quantitatif minimum Quantità di ordine minimo Cantidad minima de pedido Quantidade mínima de encomenda

100 Stück pro dekor und 50 Stück pro Profiltyp 100 pieces per decor and 50 pieces per profile type 100 piéces par décor et 50 piéces par type de produit 100 pezzi per decoro i 50 pezzi per tipo di profilo 100 piezas por diseño y 50 piezas por tipo de perfil 100 peças por decor e 50 peças por tipo de perfil

Profillänge Profile length longueur lunghezza del profilo longitud de perfil Comprimento do perfil

ProduktionSzeiten Production time Délais de production Tempi di produzione Tiempo de producción Tempos de produção

Verfügbare deCore Available decors Décors disponibles Decori disponibili Diesños disponibles Decors disponíveis

240 cm / 94.5“ / 7.9 ft

Versandbereit innerhalb von 4 wochen ab bestellungseingang Ready to ship within 4 weeks from receipt of order Livrable dans les 4 semaines dés réception de la commande Spedizione entro 4 settimane dal ricevimento dell‘ordine Disponible en 4 semanas a partir de la recepción del pedido Entregas entre 4 semanas da recepção da encomenda beliebiges kronoswiss-decor digital angepasst Any Kronoswiss decor digitally matched Tous les décors Kronoswiss-reproduction digitale Ogni decoro Kronoswiss regolato digitalmente Cualquier diseño Kronoswiss ajustarse de forma digital Qualquer decor Kronoswiss ajustado digitalmente

swiss PROFilE sahara


s wi s s - A CCEs s or i Es

Aluminium profiles | Profils en aluminium | Profili in alluminio Perfiles de aluminio | Perfis de alumínio

übergangsprofil Connection Profile | Profils de transition | Profili di giunzione | Perfiles de transición | Perfis de Transição

6 – 13 mm


36 mm / 1.4”

länge | length | longueur | lunghezza | longitud | Comprimento : 2700 mm / 8.85 ft.

Anpassungsprofil Adapting Profile | Profils d’adaptation | Profili di adattamento | Perfiles de adaptación | Perfis de Adaptação

6 – 13 mm

44 mm / 1.7”

länge | length | longueur | lunghezza | longitud | Comprimento : 2700 mm / 8.85 ft.

Abschlussprofil Edge Trim | Profils de terminaison | Profili di chiusura | Perfiles de cierre | Perfis de Terminação

6 – 13 mm

9,5 mm

25 mm / 1.0”

länge | length | longueur | lunghezza | longitud | Comprimento : 2700 mm / 8.85 ft.

MUlTifUNkTioNAlE BoDENUNTErlAGE Multifunctional floor underlay | support de plancher multifonctionnel | Tappetino sottopavimento multifunzionale | Base multifuncional para pavimentos | Base para pavimento multifuncional

20 m 65.62 ft

1.0 m 3.28 ft

3.0 mm “

20 m² 215.28 sqft

IT supporto PE con barriera antiumidita in PE e scanalature di circolazione (sistema Micropumping). favorisce la circolazione dell’aria sotto il pavimento impedendo la formazione di muff.

EN PE underlay with integrated moisture barrier and circulation grooves (micropumping system). supports the circulation of air under the floor and prevents the formation of mould.

ES Base de PE con barrera antihumedad integrada y ranuras de circulación (Micropumping system). favo­ rece la circulación del aire debajo del suelo y previene la formación de moho.

FR sous-couche PE avec systeme stop humidité inté­ gré et rainures de circulation (Micropumping system) Assiste la circulation de l’air sous le sol empechant la formation de moisissures.

PT Base de PE com barreira antihumidade integrada e canais de ventilação (Micropumping system). favore­ ce a circulação de ar debaixo do pavimento e serve com prevenção da formação de mofo.











DE PE Unterlage mit integrierter feuchtigkeitsbrem­ se und Zirkulationsrillen (Micropumping system). Unterstützt die luftzirkulation unter dem Boden und verhindert schimmelbildung.





1.0 m 3.28 ft

2.0 mm “

20 m² 215.28 sqft

DE Geschlossenzellige PE-schaum-Unterlage mit integrierter Dampfsperre. Erfüllt hohe Ansprüche bei der Trittschalldämmung und ist bestens geeignet für fussbodenheizungen. EN Closed-cell PE foam underlay with integrated vapour barrier. Meets the highest requirements for footfall sound insulation and is perfectly suited for underfloor heating. FR sous-couche en mousse PE à alvéoles fermées et pare-vapeur intégré. remplit des critères élevés en termes d’isolation acoustique et convient parfaitement aux planchers chauffants.

7 19

IT Tappetino di sottofondo di schiuma di polistirene a cellule chiuse con barriera al vapore integrata. sod­ disfa gli elevati requisiti per l‘isolamento anticalpestio e si presta perfettamente per il riscaldamento a pavimento. ES Base de espuma de PE de célula cerrada con barrera de vapor integrada. Cumple con las mayores exigencias en cuanto a la insonorización de pisadas y es ideal para las calefacciones de suelo. PT Base em espuma PE de alvéolos fechados com barreira contra o vapor integrada. Preenche eleva­ dos requisitos em caso de isolamento do ruído do impacto e é idealmente adequada para aquecimentos de chão.


20 m 65.62 ft

s wi s s - A CCEs s or i Es

silvertherm floor underlay | support de plancher silvertherm | Tappetino sottopavimento silvertherm | Base silvertherm para pavimentos | Base para pavimento silvertherm

TECHNisCHE DATEN Technical Data | Données techniques | Dati tecnici Datos técnicos | Dados Técnicos





Test standard Teste standard Norma tecnica Norma de prueba Teste Norma

Test institute Teste institut istituto di controllo instituto de inspección Teste instituto

Test Contrôle Controllo Prueba Teste

results Propriétés Proprietà Características resultados

EN 13329


Resistance to impact test

Impact Test Category NK 23-31: IC1, NK 32: IC2, NK 33: IC3

EN 120


Formaldehyde content


EN 13329


Resistance to staining

Group 1-2: Level 5, Group 3: Level 4

EN 13329


Light fastness

Blue wool scale: Not worse than 6, Grey scale: Not worse than 4

EN 13329


Resistance to burning cigarette

Level 4

EN 13501-1


Reaction to Fire

Cfl-s1 (flame retardant)

EN 13329


Effect of a moving Furniture Leg

No visible reaction to coaster type 0

EN 13329


Effect of a castor chair

No visible changes or damage, as defined in EN 425

Thermal Resistance

R 10 23/50 [(m2K)/W] 7 mm: 0,054 8 mm: 0,059 10 mm: 0,075 12 mm: 0,089


Disposal as per household waste

DIN EN 12667


weitere informationen und weitere sprachen finden sie unter www.kronospan.com further information can be found at: www.kronospan.com vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur www.kronospan.com Ulteriori informazioni al sito www.kronospan.com Encontrará más información en www.kronospan.com Para mais informações, consulte: www.kronospan.com


GEwERbE Commercial Commercial Commerciale Comercial Espaços Comerciais

mittlere nutzung

intenSiVe nutzung

little utilisation Utilisation faible Utilizzazione debole Uso reducido Uso reduzido

Medium utilisation Utilisation moyenne Utilizzazione media Uso moderado Uso moderado

intensive utilisation Utilisation intensive Utilizzazione intensiva Uso intenso Uso intensivo

aC 1 / kl. 21

aC 2 / kl. 22

aC 3 / kl. 23

Schlaf-, gästezimmer Bed-, guestrooms Chambres à coucher Camere da letto Dormitorios quartos

wohn-, esszimmer Living-, dining rooms Salles à manger et séjours Sale da pranzo e soggiorni Salón, comedor Salas de estar e de jantar

küchen, eingangsbereiche kitchen, entrance halls Cuisines, entrées Cucine, ingressi Cocindas, entradas Cozinhas e halls de entrada

aC 3 / Kl. 31

aC 4 / kl. 32

aC 5 / kl. 33

hotelzimmer, kleinbüros Hotel rooms, small offices Chambres d’hôtel, petits bureaux Camera d’albergo, piccoli uffici Habitaciones de hotel Quartos de hotel, pequenos escritórios

büros, boutiquen Offices, boutiques Bureaux, boutiques Uffici, boutiques Oficinas, tiendas Escritórios e lojas

kaufhäuser, korridore Stores, corridors Magasins, corridors Negozi, corridori Grandes superficies, pasillos Lojas, grandes superfícies


wohNEN Living Habitat Abitare Vivienda Espaços de Habitação

geringe nutzung

fA CT s A ND fi GU r Es

Utilisation Categories | Utilisation Catégories | Classe di utilizzo Categorias de uso | Classes de Utilização

symbolerklärung symbols | Explication des symboles | spiegazione dei simboli | Explicación de los símbolos | símbolos

Geeignet für schlafbereich suitable for bedrooms Adapté pour la chambre à coucher Adatto per la zona notte Adecuado para el dormitorio Adequado para quartos

Geeignet für küche suitable for kitchens Adapté pour la cuisine Adatto per la cucina Adecuado para la cocina Adequado para cozinhas

Geeignet für Büros suitable for office space Adapté pour les locaux de bureaux Adatto per locali da ufficio Adecuado para la oficina Adequado para escritórios

Geeignet für Essbereich suitable for dining areas Adapté pour la salle à manger Adatto per la sala da pranzo Adecuado para el comedor Adequado para salas de jantar

Geeignet für Hotellerie suitable for hotels Adapté pour l’hôtellerie Adatto per alberghi Adecuado para hostelería Adequado para hotéis

Geeignet für shops suitable for shops Adapté pour les magasins Adatto per negozi Adecuado para tiendas Adequado para lojas

Geeignet für wohnbereich suitable for living rooms Adapté pour le salon Adatto per la zona giorno Adecuado para el salón Adequado para salas de estar

Kronoswiss® limited Residential Warranty DE kronoswiss® bietet eine der besten kundengarantien auf dem Markt an. für die kompletten Garantiebestimmungen besuchen sie bitte: www.kronospan.com EN kronoswiss ® offers some of the best consumer warranties in the industry. for the complete warranty details and terms please visit www.kronospan.com FR kronoswiss ® offre à ses clients une des meilleures garanties de tout le marché. Pour consulter les conditions complètes de la garantie, veuillez visiter le site: www.kronospan.com iT kronoswiss ® offre ai suoi clienti la migliore garanzia presente sul mercato. Per informazioni più esaustive sulle condizioni di garanzia consultare il sito: www.kronospan.com ES kronoswiss ® ofrece una de las mejores garantías para los clientes en el mercado. Para ver las disposiciones de garantía completas, sírvase consultar: www.kronospan.com PT kronoswiss® oferece uma das melhores garantias para Clientes no mercado. Para obter as disposições completas da garantia, consulte: www.kronospan.com

vErPACkUNGsEiNHEiTEN Packaging | Unité d’emballage | Unità di confezionamento Unidades de embalaje | Embalagem

swiss GiANT HDf AC 5 / kl. 33

3 Paneelen à 2025 × 244 × 12 mm = 1,48 m² / 16 kg 3 Paneelen à 79.72 × 9.6 × ½’’ = 15.93 sqft / 35.28 pounds 48 Boxen = 71,04 m² / 761 kg 48 Boxen = 764.67 sqft / 1677.70 pounds

GiANT HDf AC 5 / kl. 33

4 Paneelen à 1845 × 188 × 12 mm = 1,387 m² / 15,5 kg 4 Paneelen à 72.64 × 7.4 × ½’’ = 14.93 sqft / 34.17 pounds 56 Boxen = 77,672 m² / 868 kg 56 Boxen = 836.08 sqft / 1913.52 pounds

swiss iNFiNiTy HDf AC 4 / kl. 32

6 Paneelen à 1380 × 244 × 8 mm = 2,02 m² / 15 kg 6 Paneelen à 54.33 × 9.6 × 5⁄16” = 21.75 sqft / 33.07 pounds 60 Boxen = 121,20 m² / 870 kg 60 Boxen = 1304.60 sqft / 1918.00 pounds

swiss NOBlESSE STylE HDf AC 4 / kl. 32

4 Paneelen à 1380 × 398 × 8 mm = 2,20 m² / 16 kg 4 Paneelen à 54.33 × 15.67 × 5⁄ 16” = 23.68 sqft / 35.28 pounds 58 Boxen = 127,60 m² / 917 kg 58 Boxen = 1373.49 sqft / 2021.62 pounds

MEGA HDf AC 4 / kl. 32

5 Paneelen à 1302 × 326 × 8 mm = 2,122 m² / 15 kg 5 Paneelen à 51.26 × 12.83 × 5⁄ 16” = 22.84 sqft / 33.07 pounds 45 Boxen = 95,492 m² / 675 kg 45 Boxen = 1027.80 sqft / 1488.15 pounds

swiss SOliD ChROME

60 Boxen = 79,92 m² / 960 kg 60 Boxen = 859.80 sqft / 2116.20 pounds

swiss liFESTylE HDf AC 4 / kl. 32

7 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 10 mm = 1,864 m² / 16 kg 7 Paneelen à 54.33 × 7.6 × 3⁄8” = 20.07 sqft / 35.28 pounds 56 Boxen = 104,384 m² / 896 kg 56 Boxen = 1123.92 sqft / 1974 pounds

swiss SyNC ChROME HDf AC 4 / kl. 32

8 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 8 mm = 2,131 m² / 15 kg 8 Paneelen à 54.33 × 7.6 × 5⁄16” = 22.94 sqft / 33.07 pounds 56 Boxen = 119,336 m² / 840 kg 56 Boxen = 1284.64 sqft / 1851.92 pounds

swiss NOBlESSE / swiss NOBlESSE V4 (rEGUlAr siZE) * HDf AC 4 / kl. 32

8 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 8 mm = 2,131 m² / 15 kg 8 Paneelen à 54.33 × 7.6 × 5⁄16” = 22.94 sqft / 33.07 pounds 56 Boxen = 119,336 m² / 858 kg 56 Boxen = 1284.64 sqft / 1891.55 pounds

* swiss NOBlESSE V4 (ovErsiZE) HDf AC 4 / kl. 32

6 Paneelen à 1380 × 244 × 8 mm = 2,02 m² / 15 kg 6 Paneelen à 54.33 × 9.6 × 5⁄16” = 21.75 sqft / 33.07 pounds 60 Boxen = 121,212 m² / 871 kg 60 Boxen = 1305 sqft / 1920.21 pounds

swiss PRESTiGE HDf AC 3 / kl. 31

9 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 7 mm = 2,397 m² / 15 kg 9 Paneelen à 54.33 × 7.6 × 9⁄32” = 25.8 sqft / 33.07 pounds 56 Boxen = 134,235 m 2 / 840 kg 56 Boxen = 1444.8 sqft / 1851.92 pounds

fA CT s A ND fi GU r Es

5 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 12 mm = 1,332 m² / 16 kg 5 Paneelen à 54.33 × 7.6 × ½’’ = 14.33 sqft / 35.28 pounds


HDf AC 5 / kl. 33

swiss QUAliTy

Certification of Origin of Swiss Wood

The «Certification of Origin of Swiss Wood» guarantees the Swiss origin of the wood used. It communicates the values positively connected with Switzerland towards its forests, their characteristics and processing me­ thods. It also makes a firm statement about the important environmental issues and the general high standard of conditions surrounding the susta­ inability and use of Swiss Wood. All wood, which grows in Swiss forests and is processed in Switzerland or in the principality of Liechtenstein, is eligible to use the Swiss Origin logo. Although at least 70% of the wood must come from Switzerland, for products that require mixed sources of wood, it is possible for some of the wood (max 30%) to come from sour­ ces outside of Switzerland. However this is only permissible if the wood comes from comparable forestry/production regions, and is equipped with a fully traceable, controlled certification of origin. The utilization of the logo is available to all companies in the wood industry and associated business . However, a prerequisite to using this logo, is a fully documen­ ted system of inspection, and complete traceability through all process of the business. For more information please go to


kronoswiss ® is here for you: in order to constantly produce our first class products, we will only use materials sourced from carefully selected environmental and replenishable sources. in obtaining our Co 2 reduced certification and in keeping with our companies philosophy, kronoswiss ® products have achieved the lowest possible Co 2 values. our commitment to the environment knows no bounds, and this is demonstrated through kronoswiss ® being one of the first chipboard manufactures to obtain fsC ® status in 1997*. our environmental core beliefs and commitments, now and in the future, differentiate us from our competitors. swiss Quality demands an ongoing review and updating of all the tests and controls (iso9001, iso14001), so that we can confidently achieve our commitment to our customers and the environment. * fsC®-products available on request


kronoswiss-world | l‘univers kronoswiss | Mondo kronoswiss Mundo-kronoswiss | Mundo kronoswiss






Böden, die sowohl optisch als auch haptisch einem luxuriösen Naturholzboden zum Verwechseln ähnlich sind – die GRAND SELECTION.

Feeling ECO mit umweltfreundlichen Holzwerkstoffen von Kronoswiss. Diese Produkte wurden speziell für ein gesundes Innenraumklima konzipiert.

Floors that closely resemble a luxurious natural wood floor in both its appearance and feel – the GRAND SELECTION.

Feeling ECO made with only environmentally friendly wood based products. This Product is designed to create a healthy and tranquil internal space.

Des sols qui ressemblent comme deux gouttes d’eau à un sol luxueux en bois naturel tant sur le plan visuel qu’au niveau du toucher: la GRAND SELECTION.

Le feeling ECO, composé de matériaux écologiques à base de bois, réalisé par Kronoswiss. Ces produits ont été conçus spécialement pour obtenir un climat sain pour vos espaces intérieurs.

Pavimenti che sia alla vista che al tatto assomigliano sorprendentemente a lussuosi pavimenti in legno vero: la GRAND SELECTION.

Feeling ECO – con materiali di legno ecologico by Kronoswiss. Questi pro­ dotti sono stati sviluppati per la progettazione di interni per ambienti sani.

Suelos que son tan parecidos en la óptica y el tacto a los suelos de madera natural de lujo que se confundirían con ellos – la GRAND SELECTION.

Sensación ECO con materiales de madera ecologicós de Kronoswiss. Estos pro­ ductos han sido especialmente diseñados para un ambiente interior saludable.

O charme, o toque e a sensação de um magnífico soalho de madeira natural – pavimentos GRAND SELECTION.

Sinta-se ECO com os produtos de madeira amigos do ambiente da Kronoswiss. Uma gama de produtos especialmente concebidos para um ambiente interior mais saudável.





Die hochverdichtete durchgefärbte Faserplatte mit zukunftsweisenden technischen Eigenschaften – made by Kronoswiss. SWISSCdf ist einmalig in Design, Dichte und Robustheit.

Die neue Holzwerkstoffkollektion von Kronoswiss. Entdecken Sie 5 auserwählte Synchronporen-Strukturen in 23 Farbstellungen und acht moderne Unifarben mit der modifizierten Oberfläche VL Supersoft.

The high density, through coloured fibreboard made with state-of-the-art technology with exceptional properties – produced only by Kronoswiss. SWISSCdf – unique in Design, Strength and possibilities!

The new wooden based Panel collection from Kronoswiss. Discover the 5 exceptional registered embossed synchronised texture plates, in 23 decors and 8 modern Plain colours with a newly modified Supersoft VL finish.

Le panneau de fibre de très grande qualité teinté dans la masse avec des propriétés techniques vastes – made par Kronoswiss. SWISSCdf est unique en design, densité et robustesse.

La nouvelle collection Kronoswiss de panneaux mélaminés. Découvrez les 5 nouvelles structures synchronisées déclinées en 23 décors et les 8 couleurs mordernes unies avec sa surface modernisée VL supersoft.

Il pannello in fibre di Legno compattamente pressato e tinto di nero con caratteristiche tecniche all‘avanguardia – made by Kronoswiss. SWISSCdf è unico nel design, densità e robustezza.

Nuova gamma di pannelli Kronoswiss. Scopri le 5 finiture poro registro in 23 colori e otto moderne Tinte Unite con la nuova superficie VL - Supersoft.

El tablero de alta densidad con fibra de madera con las características tecnicás de vanguardia – fabricado por Kronoswiss. SWISSCdf es único en su diseño, densidad y solidez. O painel de fibras de madeira de alta densidade, com um núcleo de cor negra e uma elevada performance técnica – fabricado com a qualidade da marca Kronoswiss. O SWISSCdf apresenta características únicas ao nível do design, densidade e robustez.

La nueva colección de madera Kronoswiss. Descubre 5 estructuras de poros sincrozizados en 23 combinaciones de colores y ocho unicolores en tendencias modernas con la superficie VL súper mate. A nova colecção de painéis da Kronoswiss. Descubra os cinco novos acabamentos exclusivos com poro sincronizado, disponíveis em 23 novos padrões e oito cores sólidas no novo acabamento VL Supersoft.

230315-2 Š kronospan schweiz AG 01






f ied Syst e m

rt i

- IS O


Fragen Sie nach FSCÂŽzertifizierten Produkten

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