Sustainable Procurement Policy - Laminazione Sottile Group

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The Laminazione Sottile Group (hereinafter also “LS Group”) recognises the importance of promoting sustainable and responsible procurement practices throughout the entire supply chain.

In fact, it is essential for us that business integrity, respect for human rights and environmental protection are priority elements in the definition of objectives throughout the supply chain, as we believe that the integration of these principles into company strategies increases the value and competitive advantage of all the players involved.


This Policy aims to define the principles and standards of sustainability to be complied with in order to identify and manage the environmental, social and economic impacts within the supply chain.

To this end, the Group, which has always been committed to adopting the principles and standards detailed in the Group Code of Ethics and in this document, also requires its Suppliers to recognise and adopt them and to ensure compliance with them (as set forth in our Code of Conduct for Suppliers).

In particular, in addition to conducting activities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, we expect our Suppliers to specifically respect the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the International Bill of Human Rights, the fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Sustainable Development Goals.

This Policy, which is based on the aforementioned standards and regulations, also aims to promote the continuous improvement of sustainable business conduct, for the LS Group and its Suppliers.

This Policy applies to Laminazione Sottile S.p.A. and all its subsidiaries (part of the LS Group).

Subsidiaries are responsible for adopting this document and ensuring compliance with it.


This Policy is valid from the date of its issue (indicated on the document).

Any subsequent update repeals and supersedes, from the date of its issue, all previously issued versions.

The Group’s Sustainability Committee, assisted by the Group’s Sustainability Function, is responsible for verifying this document and approving any revision and requesting, where necessary, its updating.


The LS Group undertakes to adopt the following principles of sustainable procurement:

1. promote a corporate culture based on the principles of integrity, honesty and transparency and comply with all international and national laws regarding ethical business practices;

2. carry out its activities and promote the purchase of goods and services in full respect of human and workers’ rights, recognised by laws, conventions and declarations operating at national and international level;

3. condemn all forms of child labour, forced labour/modern slavery and discrimination based on age, racial and ethnic origin, nationality, political and trade union opinions, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity and any other personal characteristics not relevant to the sphere of work;

4. enhancing people at every stage of the production chain, investing in the professional development of its human resources and attracting new talents, guaranteeing all employees and collaborators compliance with health and safety standards in the workplace;

5. ensure compliance with applicable environmental and occupational safety legislation, including international obligations on climate change and sustainable development such as reducing CO2 emissions and protecting biodiversity;

6. include sustainability criteria in the evaluation process of suppliers and contractors, giving priority (where possible) to Suppliers who have adopted ethical and sustainable practices within their organisation and also pursue them throughout their supply chain;

7. promote awareness of sustainability issues among supply chain partners and encourage them to pursue sustainable business practices;

8. contribute to the protection and preservation of the environment and ecosystems, through the development of strategies and initiatives aimed at minimising the environmental impacts associated with the performance of company activities. More specifically:

8.1 purchase goods and services that reflect appropriate and recognised environmental specifications and standards in order to pursue continuous improvement of internal procurement practices;

8.2 promote the reduction of consumption of materials such as paper and plastic, favouring the use of products that have a minimal impact on the environment both locally and globally (taking into account factors such as sustainability of production, transport, energy used, consumption of raw materials, waste production, recyclability, etc.);

8.3 avoid the use of products that are potentially harmful to the environment when a less harmful alternative is available;

8.4 monitor the efficiency in the use of energy and water resources, measuring and evaluating greenhouse gas emissions, in order to contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts;

8.5 where possible, consume and purchase less by identifying, reducing and/or eliminating waste and wasteful practices in internal and external operations over which the Group has influence;

8.6 recycle materials at the end of their life cycle, where this is possible and, where this is not possible, ensure disposal in the most environmentally correct and appropriate way.


The suppliers we select are our recognised business partners.

For this reason, all business partners must share the LS Group’s focus on people, the planet and the integrity of business conduct.

To ensure the progress of our sustainability journey through continuous improvement, the key elements of this Policy are integrated into our supplier performance and compliance management processes.

In particular, the selection of suppliers is based on the ability to meet our requirements and expectations and on compliance with this Sustainable Sourcing Policy and the LS Group Supplier Code of Conduct.

In the supplier selection phase, we collect the necessary information and documentation based on category-specific and other relevant requirements and perform a risk assessment by examining the possibility of violations of any of our standards or expectations.

We understand that improving procurement performance is an ongoing process and we recognise the contribution of our Suppliers in our journey to become more sustainable. For more details about the principles and standards applicable to our Suppliers and how they are monitored, please refer to the LS Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct (available on company websites).


This Policy is communicated to the staff of all Group companies and is made available to Third Parties on the company websites.

In addition, the LS Group encourages all Suppliers to disseminate the principles referred to in this document to their employees/ collaborators and throughout the supply chain.


The Group encourages the conscious use of open communication channels for the receipt of any requests for information and the sending of reports in good faith concerning alleged or established violations of this Policy.

For any request for information in relation to the Sustainable Procurement Policy, you can contact the Group’s contact persons directly involved in the management of the existing business relationship.

You can also send an email to:

To contact us or receive more information about the Laminazione Sottile Group, visit the “Contacts” page of the website


• Laminazione Sottile Group Code of Ethics

• Code of Conduct for Laminazione Sottile Group’s Suppliers

• UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

• Principles of the United Nations Global Compact

• International Bill of Human Rights

• ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

• UN Sustainable Development Goals


Keywords Definitions


Group companies

All persons linked to the Laminazione Sottile Group or Group Companies by an employment agreement (including consultants and seconded employees), as well as all members of the executive, strategic and control bodies

These are Group companies controlled directly or indirectly by Laminazione Sottile S.p.A.

Group The Laminazione Sottile Group, consisting of Laminazione Sottile S.p.A. and its subsidiaries

Third Parties

Natural or legal persons linked to the Group by a contract such as, for example, customers, suppliers, agents, etc.

Latest revision: May 31, 2024

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