Typography I

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e n r u t u w fs tnurine a


: ’ ” , . ? : x y z t u v w s r q n o p k l m g h i j d e f c b Z a W X Y T U V Q R S P O N L M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q HR I SJ TK U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ ” G D E F C B A
























I y h p a r g Typography I Typo Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

Once upon a time you dressed so fine Once upon a time you dressed so You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" didn't you? You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you Everybody that was hangin' out You used to laugh about Now you don't talk so loud Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't seem so proud Now you don't talk so loud About having to be scrounging for your next meal. Now you don't seem so proud How does it feel About having to be scrounging for your next meal. How does it feel To be without a home How does it feel Like a complete unknown How does it feel Like a rolling stone? To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone? You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely how to live on the street But you know you only used to get juiced in it And now you And nobody has ever taught you fihow to live on the street And now you fi

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you fi

Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

l m h i j k e f g b c d a Z Y V W X S T U ” P Q R O ’ N K L M : : H I J ? E F G B C D , . A z


Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal. People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you How does it feel You used to laugh about How does it feel Everybody that was hangin' out To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?








f g


k i j

l m





r s

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You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal? How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown


How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?


How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown



> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ ”

ftuture e r u t u ft n tn owt k n ow


w you realize You've gone to the finest school all righ He's not selling any alibis t, Miss Lonely O n c e As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes But you know you only used to get juice d in it upon a time And ask him do you want to make a deal? And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the you dressed so fine street You threw the bums a dime And now you find out you're gonna hav How does it feel e to get used to in your prime, didn't you? How does it feel it People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're You s aid yo To be u'd ne on yo ver co ur ow mpromise n bound to fall" With time you dres the mystery tram With no dir p, but ection now sed home you r ealize Once upon a You thought they were all kiddin' you Like a complete unknown He's not selling any ali so fine bis You used to laugh about As you stare into in your prim the vacuume, didn't you? Like a rolling stone? of his eyes You threw the bums a dime Everybody that was hangin' out And a ound to fall" sk him doll, you're b do you People'd call, say, "Beware Now you don't talk so loud You never turned around to see the frow ns on the jugglers and the You thought they were all kiddin' you Now you don't seem so proud augh about You used to l ext meal. clown ing for your n s About having to be scroung When they all come down and did tricks Everybody that was hangin' out for you You never understood that it ain't no go Now you don't talk so loud How does it feel od You s hould n't let other peop Now you don't seem so proud le get eel your kicks for you How does it f You u sed to ride on the chrome horse with yo About having to be scrounging for your next meal. To be without a home ur diplomat Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese ca Like a complete unknown t How does it feel Ain't it hard when you discover that Like a rolling stone? How does it feel He really wasn't where it's at After he took from you everything he To be without a home You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely could steal. Like a complete unknown But you know you only used to get juiced in it Like a rolling stone? And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street How does it feel And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it How does it feel You said you'd never compromise You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely To be on your own But you know you only used to get juiced in it With the mystery tramp, but now you realize With no direction home He's not selling any alibis Like a complete unknown And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street m of his eyes As you stare into the vacuu Like a rolling stone? And ask him do you want to make a deal? And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people How does it feel You said you'd never compromise They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it ma de alize How does it feel With the mystery tramp, but now you re Exchanging all ki To be on your own But you'd better lift your diam nds of precious gifts and things He's not selling any alibis ond ring, you'd better pawn it babe With no direction home As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes You u sed to be so Like a complete unknown And ask him do you At Napoleon in rags and the language amused that he use Like a rolling stone? Go to him now, he calls you, you can't d refus e When you got nothing, you got nothing t o lose You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the You're invisible now, you got no secret clowns s to conceal. for you and did tricks When they all come down How does it feel You never understood that it ain't no good How does it feel You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you mat To be on your own You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplo at r a Siamese c n his shoulde Who carried o With no direction home Ain't it hard when you discover that Like a complete unknown He really wasn't where it's at Like a rolling stone? uld steal. After he took from you everything he co


“ …It has to do with ‘mood-setting’ before the message is delivered. Typography is a hidden tool of manipulation within society. All schools should be teaching typography; we should be fundamentally aware of how typographic language is forming out assholes. “

-Neville Brody

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ �

Neighborhoods of Type

Pick 4 neighborhoods

Capture the forms and essence that characterize each neighborhood

Provide 4 panels of interpretations using images and/ or type per neighborhood

Times Square Lamis Harib


Soho Soho

Times Square

Times Square Times Square Lamis Lamis Harib Harib

Central Park

q S


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ �



Compositions 3 letters


final size 8.5 x 8.5

q kq S S

q S



S q k


q S

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ ”


Words & Letter Compositions

Keep previous letters

+ choose 3 words

b&w final size 8.5”x8.5”


S k k S







a f stk


Skq do or

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ ”


Text & Graphic Elements in Compositions

Use previous words + letters

Add some text + graphic elements

b&w final size 8.5”x8.5”

nd a s ree



et n i r nge skies u, you a t e o With malad calls y ly, mar ebody te slow scope i Som er qu kaleido w ans rl with A gi . s eye


Picture yourself in



a boat on a river,


futu With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

town re fast

Picture yourself in a boat on a river,


Wit h mar tange Som malad rine tr e ans ebody e skies es and w A gi er qu calls y i eye rl with te slow ou, you s. kale ly, idos cop e



yours e

q river lf

e Pinictaurboat on a


to w n

t s a


f town oat on a river,

s tree rine e skies e g tan alad ou, With marm calls y d an ebody quite r Som answe doyou ly, alei ls ow l with k r . A gi e eyes scop


S n



n m y td v u p, ybouut h e n n on leeteal. e? hang acuuned gnmoonawkeetoayoyuo'du noenly traum t ha ith th selling a the vA With comtpm wns you o W d n r u f o A a g'thyloibeui?sgonna of o t v t y o a x t d ' t e s r w i o r o e u t r e t e h a o n o n t t g e o n s k f n n s so l roud e ys ev idnnyoau'r Lriyour rollin wa Yyoouu k o hfienhm see um e He's u stare i you Y icks p a ut sseditbhsotdy parsiemlnleidn, ogduat ytothfeaplvlr"aocmuis toym o nd to nd did tr ood u o B d u o y o m so nging fo Like o y s r m d t o i W m e r r i a f t o A t g r n n n o a o t u h a o a d f u c d u u n o o o d n n i e o k o w om 's you'rsetabnreever yo, ubuwt n w ou An e iH rn as 't n r kicks noeyw l o y u n p d t d i i e e scr n a r d e n op A dimnd ll,sdyyyooouu'd himtrdam our at it you a tim com neve posn it feeeblums a Aare udosA ai ' ydoauyssktery You they all rstood th ople get se with y u f ibis e c e w o n r nm ny al eeal cuum o Onow dorew tiht feely, "Be Yl kidhditA t e a hen er unde r pe me ho a h e c g W h n f t e h v H ou t does all, sa wn re al Wit l elli doetos tiht e elnt to m mes nev let o chro Y ow e'd c ur o y we me ea not s ow You houldn't e onu?the der a Sia t s ' o it fw e l H o e re in y t h p h t ? el H u H o n s ou ha id't y shoul Peo be ooughtectiognh abnoownin' ouyt ou sta ow ddooeysou ourjuogwgnler t u r y e e n o r t o ' m n e d . t Y i i e n l o v T ou thno diro lau unk hang As Hhim on ythe ion ah so f ste, adid wn isco o fin useed, d n fhailsl"ly ll" Y ith sed t plete was d ask Towbnes oxnt omdeiarle. ct te nknuo dressed youYropurimcaorruineidssotoLoenne you d 's atressed she ucropurldime nd to fa d n u u t u ? W A m o a e e l o o r nitehferneyl ou ple u t h u e e yo? t d hinign yo h o b M Yoike a bcody tng sttoanlk so in udee ther fyroeuW itfo erreeeeyitou eryim om re bo te o ' oluhr'irgehitt, hairndiw r h i ismtone a dime ll, ayW u t y L l p t t l r ' w m o s o i o e l o o n y t dtricsksLiitkfeeaelc olliung s nd to ing of w v e a r u do eva d g ums oool Aionu'ticed wasonn'thaet styom l, E l d u m d o s i e e d g k o e r d d h u s u i p H b t n yt ju allcye eu on rome btuo i s a c a rn o e eo L ow y u n and he ew onr'tnedbaeroscroow odogo yiLocikuksreofowr y holom est sl kidddtoing' eH nliv ooekwfutshed , "Bewar iddin' yo reO d w N "B n n o i , e u t o f ' y t H o u n a e l k t r t i y ver tng to me d ip n ow anlel,tos thy woenrelyause you how rYvhoeeutothge call, say were all t it a Teot byeouor k dhireycotuior ndnenvk e havi all co e N a n t h f t u A a t o t d e g d u u oi Y bout they Y ht th you ouatugh ut na h People'it fegehlt they about ploetehenn irthsenw coam rstoo r people W t A e n u o d e o t h n h kgnowlauags hevaebr tangoiun'r' eo gon u ' l e u e c W g stou deooauelistzheot feeteaoll.laugh s hangin ikesae rollinW evoeers it f'teelet oth e chrom iLam . l n dotdoy hat wdasouht youd romiseHow Y a i u m e r a d n Yo d w Yoow dhouldit feeel on the der a S itke a l mp th fin yoouwuYdroonueesuxst e ur yow ext m thnat omlke so lou ud L n H l a s s m d r u h i owdyyou 't taelkvesroco prouut dnowoH o e o t u o d u r o y o h rY Yoow dsed toout a his shnownscover ln pro r yo f r oenryybo on h't ta so , b on n am rstteuaL e H ou u with d on unk u di v d e mnso nging fo oidu ydoun'd't sryeetm l r prousnging Tios ebyeEevs o diyroecutidonuntksneoew s n u s e o i e o u Y a t e e i c y l o e t u r b Y h ithNnaolw sc bi do te heighte,nMtheyt cro To ho cacromdplwheonne? re it's a eop leteon' ythoeu mynsg tgo abney ali cuum of W de a ?cw a t har ng st whe tty p de h d invier omypou dstognet?o be s thoilnagll rW W e a y e r r e e k p i e i n a b k i i o t v i v n e e a a ' v l a e scho b LAin't a rollwasn icoeu ne e on th m t u u l t i j l i s o t unt ohtasel into the ant to m Lik Na rooulltinhgavi a n t t g y e s Y e o n d w y g i e k g l m a n i l h n o o t b a i p a y t e L e re tooulivshogue e r Lik A staret fedeol you w oek tfor the f ly used u how Y H eeeeplle ' that th gifts and u'd bette o t t s e f you oeshiim e n o h t n o ve touse y in s r o th i d el Afotue've go ow yol u r taught onna haYou swodnoesin',t tfheienlk f pereciou d ring, y w s e d askoes it fe home c o Y 're g d u kn t fee eve Prin H re drdinokes i kintedlayshoom diawmnon Whlioze ow d ithoitufteael nknown ' ow g satlL e use utwyodobesodi y hfeaesl d out you romise l oun yonukr no ely a y h n B e t r o H h h a u s L w u si T p o d no es it u fin n ths o e Ain ieniw s e doe plfeeteel ftte u ed H s y m i g e b i l M o n g , e o r c w b a a e n t l M o n o w e ? w s o r h u d w y r o ve e ut n Ho e adcooem He s it stonne EllxrcigTho d bceitottmp amreuneset ? lang clow t rerfiught, et A onw t d ne oon yyoouu'dinoen hroam p, bn m LHiokw rolylionugr ow home school a BujtuyiLcoieukd'eiantooobnleltishnoeg ssttoanitds tahned tyhoeuhocoalna' ll to ilcoesde in ial. the stre t H s A e t A t w y b d c e so n a n t g u i To u saio dire steryunknolibis r c t f his deal? o th n e my lete ny a utosikeldeivae onetinuesrejaudggtgalellrs fyinoeus,t s t ndottohignet j to tcoolnicvee o used to LTiokebe o directiotnhenfkinnoeswn sed to geYow o Y u L m Wiith thcomplling aone? vacuu ea y no neplteote u only u u ho aavpenotsloeogn othwn, ehetocthe , yonulyguose seocurehtsow e to get Wike a ot se ng st o the mathke prett ot y une? ught yo nAatfhN o v g Wituh've cgoom o o n w n o a n t u u g i o y t h h t t r i o o h m n l o e L l g n t o i w st gu ta a nd al o y h 'vr y na t it o a on e Y Heik'se aurosltare in you w a y go a Liket youroklnliong has ever youto'resege theGotritcoYkosufooiuzoeguokt nnowows, eyvoeur ta u're gon e e l h t o p o L is heB t u a nreuyatdl y lize le yn hua B ise t yo As y sk himthde stee kin' that us gifts d didW Liked nobody finddaorouunodmnparonm datou omprom you rea ynoougoreo idnvknisosibfboordyou foim n a n n o u e c w n o n w o r t r ytu nevee do ut nain' You' A A nic w ydoipl Anridncess o nkin',l thi of preci ond ring ow rc k w n e r o r v t e b t r n e u i u m s v , i o e u d P n o esndh nyo eelu'd d p t m dr e u' co nd ne p, b A d thais ple get yis eeyA y'rdeoesnigt falleklin your dia Youu saitdheyyoallterrysttoraom wito?essaiitdf yo l ery tram is hew eyes T o h b s s t e i s i i r e f e f n l f t i o g y d h b l o p d o e l a e u t o s i Y l? H xchadnoes i etter wn used ag eaocat it femy al of dY nyher Whth tehveem r un um e h ow ng any vacuum ake a dea E ow ou'd bour o so amme the langu a i u n sellni'nt gleat otthe hveaccuhrommaSkiaeHmaeswe doitehsthe r olw n i W l H o e o y c y e u e W e t o h m t d o d Y 's nhooul inteo on antdter a mh o s Hat Buotbe osend torebctionrags annownou, you l oen's ynot ctioren ihnoto townwant to eou s staroe rid ou w u h e t H o i b T k y r u h n d H i a e n e u s . Y yoused t do hyis To no doiurstsetal undkonyo Yoiuth npooleonplete hue calls u got no iscov n sou u hiem y e d d o t l A s h e Wt Na comnow, one? g, yo m u u t d l i i A s o o Y d acsakrri A ike a him ing st othin heecancdom t eneoth aspk h stone? hen y re it's at hinW o nho g g w A L l n u g l o d k A s t W ar l he yt Li l Goikte a ryoou go nowo, uynod to ollin 't it oheswitafsene't w you ever ear L hen it fee k i s Ainw and d l e ibrslneed ar L d y s e o n l s m i l l e W d n o v f e w a r o e n t e o f w n H ain ed re i rwtu clo How does it f wn He rw dhoeestoiok r own Yodouut'hneecvleo all colm d that it e o d the ofter n you r n m e w a u H o o n m o Y y e o h s a le H e fe to ro y A be o n ion e on herejcutgiognleh nown glers Whendtohesriut ndeerls ther peop b g To no dsiriet cfteel unknow u o j i T k t nevoees itnf'te letwon the chrom Hoow h doe mplfeeteel ? n the sh onno d u plete un itw o u n t s i W w d ld o n Y o e t o o i w H e adcoes e lder ne? e fr W r ycom stonn shoonu yoourride nonhom Hoow e fro s for you u h t LHiokw rolylionugr ow home to see th tricLkiskfeoa olling sto t ectio his shoouwn co Y e e e d k b s e c i a o s r n o d n d did T ou u no dir d on unkonu dis okde a you aatround t nd did tr ood LTiokebe o directiond anrkonuonw ie eteen y r you mat Y g n an n't no gLoi ickospfloer plnoem a o e f u d o n o t's h ? w Wihtho cacrromdplw n r s n n e o t u w k o t d t r h i i ' l e k o e c t l a u i r d n i p e r ng sttonwehere i d p a t W r i i p e k t a r u i a r d e e ? y W u nevcom ll coom r h u t o e t t e k r t u i o t m i a y v L in't i rolli asn' th et pre woitm h nydee you a st n u ev l co odit tbhaabt e e get yo o a Y A ike a lly w Likeen trhoelyling derstood peodpalell gtheorsoetY with l on it u atn tihnegys al erasw m yo t p e o a r o s L e f r e h g r a n h r n o h e y W He he took eacnhade t veretutnerd p other p rome h ese cat Likeu never u 't lest toetehpele achtrhoam t the metssW b t r Yo houoldnnthe e oninthkein' der aioSuisagift gY,oyuonue'd uldn't le n the ch r a Siam Afte c h o l e a o s s t n e d t u i s d h h i r e , l t ' r a u r s e o p d feel n o Y You d ssetdeuastleo.dri his shou scover th l. es it eel Prinucurseeddrtionkion khiinsdsshofdisdcioavmeor nd a o e d t s l i u n ' e o ll n yoyuour at Y ud uld do couat h How does it f wn Theyo cnargriinegd aw hre lift re iet'ds guahgeeYth houscearrie when yo e it's at ing he co o n a h i e h d t h s e t t r c W g r f u h e How on your n ho Wre it heard Ex 't iot uh'da b sn'tsowam evtheerylan he yth r t ' w e n io t e v ' s a n u ob wabe Ai t y yo nd uc as. n ino't lo irect ou e

yPoiucrtuserlef in a ure


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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ ”


Texture & Positive

/Negative Compositions

Use previous words + letters + text

May include graphic elements, or delete some letters or words

b&w final size 8.5”x8.5”

S S o t

Pictur P i c future wntture Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You never turned around to see


Once upon a time y dressed so fine You threw the bum dime in your prim didn’t you? People’d call, say “Beware doll, you bound to fall” You thought they w all kiddin’ you You used to laugh a Everybody that w

ure n w to

you dr You threw th your prime, didn't y People'd call, say, "Bew bound to fall" You thought they we You used to laugh a Everybody that w Now you don't ta Now you don't About having your next me

How does it

nst wtfoa


Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?

Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? How does it feel People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're How does it feel bound to fall" To be on your own You thought they were all kiddin' you With no direction home You used to laugh about Like a complete unknown Everybody that was hangin' out Like a rolling stone? Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns About having to be scrounging for your next meal. When they all come down and did tricks for you You never understood that it ain't no good How does it feel You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you How does it feel You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat To be without a home Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat Like a complete unknown Ain't it hard when you discover that Like a rolling stone? He really wasn't where it's at After he took from you everything he could steal. You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it How does it feel And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street How does it feel

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , . ? : : ’ ”



in Composition (T1-Comp3 (T1-Comp3 (T1-Comp3 Use previous words + letters + text

Add an image of an object. Experiment with different points of view of the same image

b&w final size 8.5”x8.5”

















































t k n s tsPnicwture e r u ft uowt

You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? eople'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

e r u t u f tk

nt o n Once upon a time you dressed

so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

r Y esse P ou t d s Y eop hre o fin Y ou t le'd w t e E ou u ho ca he b No veryb sed tught ll, sa ums N w o o th y, a Ab ow y you ddy th laug ey w "Bew dim out ou on at h a ere ar e i ha don 't t was bou all k e do n yo vin 't s alk ha t id ll, ur p g t ee so ng o b m s lo in' din' you'r rime you e b , d e s o p ud ou cro ro t oun idn u n ud d t 't yo gin o f u? g f all" or y o ur ne xt me al.

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You n

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

eel s it f l doe it fee ome n How does out a h unknow How e with plete ne? To b e a com ing sto Lik e a roll Lik


You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it Y Peoou thr On e c ple has And nobody taught you how to live on the u 'd cw theeever all, bupon a street sa ms tim You thought they we ou y, " a d e re all in' you din' y Bew ime you You used to laugh ab kidd id And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to d e body that was hanginoutere all k bout out are in Every sseyou don't t ey w' outugh a gin' do yourNow l. alk s d s a han oud ll, y Now o lou r p you d th l d o t mea t was so l ud xt it fi oeem ou' rime oon't s ugh uso pr sed oud About having to at 't talk so pro ur ne re be s dou tnheging Youfor yy th onext m bo ,Ycroun m or yo You said you'd never compromise f u d n't see ineal. undidn'Etv erybod yoour n o ung g w y d o o t u N o fa u?w yo scro With the mystery tramp, but now you realize ll"No to be g He's not selling any alibis avin ut h Abo As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you


ed a



to s e You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the Whe e the fro n the wY ns u none th You u You shoYo You ny all coom clowns ver e ju Youse uu nedve to r ldn n'te lvee r etuver unde downtu arnggeled ars a r tuidrn e o t t othrner ed aerstoo nd didrounndd t the c When they all come down and did tricks for you hroe ch peorop un d tha trick o slo Whoedn a carr undro tmo e le gde tt o s t it ain s Wfoh r eew tnhse f ied o se heors yoeue th 't n eny tou row You never understood that it ain't no good Withe r Ykoicek fro o goo hey a ns on Ain't Wn hh is thee w After en s thhou fro i Y hn thueuy ss hfoowr ns Yodu n ll com the j he to Yo t YhardY w e ld owu yn uos ose or nd td ahiplllo cuoldyonou'tn theever Youe dow ugglers You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you Yoouk u fro u sHheoo rue useYoohuue s nnhy yo auellr caYo S oe r mm le juggunde never n a tu and muia nmeve ndrne sedm t yo uldanll'tyd w to reveold rsto neve thnd e r jiduunega ogtelen d trsowt onth ns rou didd a dunn'tis lcoee d er lepers aYou e cto o ruid eve leat snid'tuer o t oowsen cW a tned atders h ae cnd a the clow lond t nd d oplendo tdh thar tur ri arou d ve wsee e frow frow e onryth oth w You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat no se lers and s the the o th tro ns on g e t wit ain cks for Wh e hn ters ctor thothedar ttphneodo c daidtorr tie ns o t then th W e jug he jugg hhamet citeidlo juggl then th youen h tworickes t foy colo the frowns on t Whe heor cpeereohpe iYou never turne p griddck Who hein cgh hro hro n 't y aey a ersgler ll com wns on t the clowns ans an e clowns on the jugglers ll co carr ceoaurrielet's g a mhat Aitlein d t d th me d wns e d r uyr kics no goodhe jugglers and round to see the fro hr is ay sinrsn'tse n w s on the ju m a'tin ie'tt od around to see the clowns own own a the frown YouYou never turned a clo thse fro gglers and ou and ys nfo s und to see and the clowns wns the frown did he ne the clown the clown ied o AA hftldoersr sdte oentt yeo hu ors nd s on the ju turned aro You Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat gglers and gglers and trick ver did tri You never neve for ome down and r kicohuouWhen they all c oit gho yoouur ks You s on the ju s for d to see under ks for y e wt it nhoaourd r un sh the frown you ric un h r cks ders oul in und to see und to see r you did tricks for yo n ro e When they all come h A d t y g sto You fo tood k ld turned aro turned aro dn' id tricks fo u is h w down and did trick k e 't o in o od r y shou di d a tha ic You never You never A own and d t le o ou ood t it ain't When they is s it h titoho y thar you ldn't fte 't i all come d kHs h y wohd s fo er SdYoud us t o let o iploed After t it ain turne s for you ther pther n and r you no g u good id tricks fo id tricks fo k s fohro to uridrstood that it ai peo 't n eop ever own and d m all come d e dow n't no good iameYou used You never understo all come d o gYou never 't no good le gple g e oide o uor uldeefo rr eyaouuyr deipn yloor uy doaYou never unde he to r he tt ohoard w hoHuldaerdr w od that it ain't no g et yo that it ain ood n town and d You n et y ood t it ain't noour kicks for yoplomat he n th Ain't it hard when you discover that our icks chrWhen they se c at to r e ch wa m uWhen they for y't no good kicur k ey all com 't no good ome h ok fro He rke fromhene y rea a Shiaenm yd yipoolor uam e SolliaYou shouldn't le rom iscovet other people g ou understood ks that it ain that it ain et your kicks fo di t y ks for you You shouldn't let ot ood tha ple for yo en thr people g r you understood her people get your orse ho rse w You never t Who cWho kicks for you Whks for you e w derstet your kic u mat n't let othe arr ithks for you ith your our d avet mesesn't wat You never m yo ally w youou dllyis wameseuYou used to ride eo ge orse w You should carr r aunderstood ied yoith y diplo er un ied o on et your kic et your kic ur dip horse with your n his r people g r people g hi diplomat You used to ride on e on the chrome s sh n't let othe the chrome horse w u nev lom t other p hr your diplo e h mat u eve asn't everycovesn't w caistcoryvethr in cg hat hYou should re i that n't let othe ith your diplomat You should ulde he chrome Yo your diplo oul sho le horse with at o ride on t He really wasn't where it's at Ain't iAin't der your diplo mat mat You used t iame a Siar a S e c om Siamese cat uldn't se ca t h horse with horse with rythin whe thinr g thahere that eWho carried on it h his shoulder a ard cou t's at o ride on t t d on his sh he chrome he chrome me ard Siamese cat Who carried on his u shooulder a S on th wh whe se shoulder a Siamese You used t Yo n yo cat en o ride on t ideiamese cat r a cat u dis ld sAin't it hard wh you o r lde g he re it's he ct o it's at You used t Who carrie cove dis d t ou r tha t iamese cat iamese cat He Aft seou discover that te d on his sh cover tha Ain't it hard when y t d when yo oulder a S reHe r er Afte is sh eally d on his sh that ally wa cou at uld s he too that You uu discover Who carrie Who carrie n h ver tha n't woulder a S t that r heen you discover After he took from you everything he could steal. k f sn' was took hereAin't it har ld ste romt where it's at t wher from te arried o hen you disco that yo He really wasn' you u discover u discover e it u e eve d when yo 's a it's veryth Who ce it's at rything h Ain't it hard when yo Ain't it har ld ste ere it's at at t at He really wasn't wh asn't wher d w

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

eel n s it f doe ur ow ome How e on yo ection h known To b no dir lete un p With a coma e e ouot llinhgom Liwkith a r known To be Like ete un

one? compl Like a a rolling st Like


w d


it f


Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.


Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.


ou ing he co it's e could s He really w After he took from you everyth t har n'tg he could te you everything he c e it's at ing he could ste After he took from uld where ste hing he c Ain't iu everythin steAfter he to He really wasn't where it's at He really wasn't wher ok from yo y wasould ste u everyt ste u everythin ste g he could g he could ok from yo He reall took from yo After he took from you everythin After he to After he

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns When they all come down and did tricks for you You never understood that it ain't no good You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat Ain't it hard when you discover that He really wasn't where it's at After he took from you everything he could steal.

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

t s a

no t

eel n s it f doe ur ow ome How e on yo ection h known To b no dir lete un p With a coma e hgom Like aou rot llin known ke e un be wLiith

To omplet one? c Like a a rolling st Like


w d


it f



Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.


How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns When they all come down and did tricks for you You never understood that it ain't no good You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat Ain't it hard when you discover that He really wasn't where it's at After he took from you everything he could steal.

How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal. How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

w s nre Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

Once upon a time you dressed so fine Once upon You threw the bums a dime in your prime, a time you dressed so didn't you? fine People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You threw the bums a dime in your prime, You thought they were all kiddin' you didn't you? You used to laugh about People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" Everybody that was hangin' out You thought they were all kiddin' you Now you don't talk so loud You used to laugh about Now you don't seem so proud Everybody that was hangin' out About having to be scrounging for your next meal. Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud How does it feel About having to be scrounging for your next meal. How does it feel To be without a home How does it feel Like a complete unknown How does it feel Like a rolling stone? To be without a home Like a complete unknown You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely Like a rolling stone? But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely how to live on the street But you know you only used to get juiced in it And now you And nobody has ever taught you fihow to live on the street And now you fi

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you fi

Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal. People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you How does it feel You used to laugh about How does it feel Everybody that was hangin' out To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone? You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal? How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown


How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal?


How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown


feel es it w do

And now you

find out you're

gonna have to


ut h




ving get uAbse oAb utd to t ito bNoe sw yNouow d yon hout h

ou't avinaving tocr b oue scro dosenem so proud gN tow gingun ging o ye ou dNnoon 't s fo foem ee r your nex yose scro w't Abou bt h so p t meal. avinug dr yo o suo r nprmou ngtoin bue d rou ex m g foscnro't sun d r yo eegimtng al. your ur n so fe por ext m roud next meal. eal.

r car t e ca

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es m of his ey ive on the street the vacuuu how to l And nobod stare into taught yo As you y has ever


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You've An go ne w to t d no find est yohe u fin ool all right, Miss Lonel ou sch t you 're gonna hav y e to get u sed to it



ne You



f his

o cuunms e ev aclow h t o h t e in d t star s an s As you uggler n w clo n the j the s o and s r own le e fr ugg h j t e ee n th to s ns o und row o f r a e th ed see urn d to er t n v u e o n ar You ned

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

e r n u t u f a o


, . ? : : ’ ” ? ( ) !

r Y esse P ou d s Youeoplethrewo fine Y 'd t E ou tho ca he N ver use ugh ll, s bum No ow y ybodyd to l t theyay, " s a d Ab w y ou th aug w Bew im out ou don at h ere ar e i ha do 't wa abo all e d n yo vin n't talk s ha ut kid oll, ur g t see so ng din you prim o b m lo in' ' yo 're e, e s so ud ou u bo did cro pro t un n't un ud d t yo gin o f u? g f all" or you r n ext m eal .

e r u t u f tk

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feel s it l doe it fee ome n How does out a h unknow How be with plete ne? To e a com ling sto Lik e a rol Lik

Y Peoou thr On ple ew ce 'd c the upo all, bu n a sa ms tim You thought they w ou y, " a d e ere al in' youddin' y Bew ime you You used to laugh al kboidd i t k ut l l Eve are in drerybody that was hangin'ere a abou ' out do youNosw y t h in sedou don't talk so w ou al. ll, Nor w y laug ng d o n't se ght theydlou to d was ha so lou oud xt me finthouem so ou' toprimoues do e s About havying pr t ou u tha d t talk so pr ur ne u re be e sc rou u , o Y for yy n' eemea or yo bo Y do idnging und n'Etv erybod yoouu dr noonex't st m gl. f to yoNuow you d roungin fall No?w be sc " g to avin

ut h




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nd to se Whe e the fr n the owY ns Y u onne th You ou shoYo You y all coom vere ju Youus ed uldun ne neve nev teo r 't vleer r un e dow nturgngelde ras a r tiudre o t ottuhrne derst and rounnd t h n e d o d Whoedn athroe uchr r p eaorpoluenodd that id trickds toe csleoewn carr ndo tmo e ge tto s it ai W fhor thse ied o se heor yoeue th n't n eny ot u frow Ain't Wn hhis thsee W wfriht en rY koiueck fsro o goodhey al ns on After e he t Y itY hardY nwo suthhoeuyl daYeoowhuY n yu sot shuoeerny d ashl lfoowurnl dyso Youonu t nev l come d the jugg Yooouk fr ou sHheoo ure usYohue snh oullr c ao omSuia nde thiope lr oijcmomne't lehte juegr uYo u noevwer rs an n nurnleed useodm uldanlleyd toneyvoelud nd't e md vees r uduega gotl dow otheglnedr eYo dr t did ne a d uthned to ns nea tve toy oru e 't wlea srnider unisd cloet oowen W cantdene rtsh ae n anr pes rasntou he clow clod t trirod a un idev oery t ot'ht w on ervsetrt ht erahnod rstoo ncdh rt d diopledo tdh ethat ur theee th w sneeo s cks ro frow rs and t e f le s g ro n i o h wn d g e c d s o h h t t n f t d g p u s o on c a h m W e o r h i o j a e n a l t e e h t d e th r he jugg e jle h ec ricks t youownsin't n r youen c d tt opler iteridc tkd aroun ugrsgle theney th Who thein cgWh rhheo pcaeroepe You nev aey s on thnd the clowns d the clowns ll co rnsse wfor the frow alml c anrs d an t Ai g osna t itl ohawod to see r kic ns on th o go Wh rownlers a carr om ceourriielte's hg raeottmhea er turne e om turned ar the the frow n the ound to se doe d wns o he clow u ns on the wnow n d an YouYou never tnshe f jugg see t jugglers a ownsever t nsn thend to ksYo nd the clo od e juggle awns o d d e clow wns nYoevu rs and t ied o AA fhtloedr dst eon youhotri nase'itn ei'tt yhnofu ohrri sk y soihnuo't When th nns nd th nd th urned id jugg lers a lers ahe fro noi tgh yyoouuey all co o seeyou trie ckclYou n four sme dow jugg din the erne s for yo d s f vende d te clow u wns o arou or yo ck r u tr n he fro he fro see t see t h ic ri u nd r s o n and d a u nd to nd to ou i u ks t er h n i id tricks w arou arou rs ro e When the h n s for A sto o y Yo for you c f ld r k l y all come urned urned id to d trick g i r a od or u d down and ever t ever t n k e ' d nd di i o i o od s sh d h d th i w did tricks You n You n 't A yo g own a ouldn d e for you let't at me d dYoud uiper unde u t ou n it all co ftern 't it is sht it ha tiotho ky shouckHs eftoh yoo uwohdes fore r aYou nev h d rn ai they at o After o a n' When let tu th i o n se you you t n ot t s for s for r er l w d g ai he e d trick d trick o ou o pn't no g oo understo n'town a nd di nd di S they You matoted eor p he tohard ould rd w ofruorm lder rre yaol r din yo youWhen d nders d oodoodit ain't no ridrstood t hat it ai eoge nYou never me d ple pl they nev that i all co he t ood o go e rionde town a geut y e tome d When ks for y tood Youod that it od t comet no g t yo llt ain' h on u dis iamt other p ever u ese c usall co uy waplomuldn't le e ch o w He er he d i ou a SilYou sho ick You n at s for thro ook s f r tood e cmicks for ood ood ey aain't no g or yo kiouckr k thr kick t no g t no g hre om t ain' t ain' eople ge your kic your diploma that i u n't le odyou t your k t you You shoul s that i e h tood n thr peo a e c dn't let ot h fo nders nders to e a you W or a t you m her peopl or s o ever u ever u h m se g r ple ge from He rke aflrlomhe yn y roeua laly S ianm yeoypoulYou use e get your rs h e You n You n t se w n t yo kicks for o e W le v ith t othe a d w ca v p u h ' e Wh yo e n o hould it t it rr t o c ur diYou s u e ur dip you you se ca whe on the h ys for r thchrome ie s for ar p r w d r kick r kick rie plo e e ou r t you t you t you y waou e discwasn se cdaisceorvythd to ride on v d o e m loma rs ple ge ple ge r e horse w at n r peo r peo h o You used di th ith your his ith yo t othe t othe to ride on n a is diplom o pl n't le the chrom u ur dip shou sh t orse w chrome h hould re it houldt n't le e horse w omYou u ith your d You s e chro Yoon th lteiplomat eve sn't very over 't wh t er itnhg hteWho car at ride ldat t e csed to Ain't iAit You s n'tme h loma erou alde am ur dip se cat ith yo ith yo e es n' S orse w orse w ouldloma he cat t i rythi whe thing tha ere me h me h iar am Si har ried on t h his shou ated on his e chro at ride lder a S n tcat on the chro on th iamese d d w esWho carri cat ould 'ssed to warhen sed to ou shoulde he e ve a Siame You u Yshoulder a ca yo his sh ng h re it' he t it's a at cYou u t hacarrie d on u dis ride oames y ride or a Si oun dhis sh Who co scarrie d t Siamese e cat e cat r t ames ames isco Ain't it h HWho houlder ver that se r a Si r a Si te Aftd on e He s t oulde oulde e cou s at could t Who n you d u erard whe re re ve iscover t is u hAfhis sh all d on at al hat Ain't it ha r o h carrie ver th y w rd when y e ly th Y n ou discove disco to w as at ter hoke t d when you carried o r that asn't whn'ert whereAin't f disco oomk f ste ld st ro disco itver th atit's at at He really ro 's it har yver th He reall y wasn' oum e yo o it's at w e it disco t where n you n you u th hwasn't wh evd whe e it har 'sou ve hen you it's at Ain't it hard whe Ain't aHe re ry where tld t steatally w ing h uld ste asn't W inerg yth After he he where took fro t hardere it's at t ally w hereuld st coulde c it's a it's a verythin e ing he co g he cou After he to w asn't where ld steasn't he co in't iing he cou ok from y 't thing ally wm you e ou everyth A s He re He re every te sn ld ste m you a ok fro he to w everyth After e everything he could stee really u uld st o he co thing y every m m you m you ok fro ok fro H After he to After he to took fro After he

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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Picture Graduate Communications Design


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bo yo auv ind th u y w "Be dim ut t hu on at gh er w e w e a uh d Abo avin on't 't talk as habou all re do in yo g t see s an t kid ll, ur o b m o lo gin d e s so ud ' o in' y you'r prim cro pr ou e b e, d u un oud t ou idn gin nd 't to yo g f fa u? or ll" yo ur ne xt me al.

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eel s it f eel e doe How does it f t a hom nown How e withou lete unk ? To b a comp g stone Like a rollin Like

Once upon dressed so on , meso a time you fine Once upou pried ur ess in yo dr ime y dime a t ur "prime, o fall d t yo the bums adidn't you? fine s a un in bome " um 're di ll, you u? u the b und to fall in' yo are do dd yo ewrew kin't "B th alldid re ay,You u ll, you're bo we l, s ey cal 'd t th ewt are do were all kiddin' yo "Bou People ay, ab lau l, sgh You though us to ey cal ut ed 'd t th ' o out ple gh ou You Peo at waYou thgin s han to laugh abgin' out ed th us d ody lou You Everyb don't talk so d that was han d ouody eal ta. lk so lou prryb Now you n't seem soEve mn't ext do r nou proud meal. Now you doounging for yNoouw y n't seem so ext Now you doounging for your n ng to be scr About havi be scr to l ng avi t hfee ou it How dAboes l l fee fee it it How does a home How does it feel ut oes wn How d ut a home To be witho lete unkno witho Like a complling stone? To be mplete unknownely Lon Like a ro iss e? Like a co l rillin g ston al ro ght, M d in it Lonely oole a schLik est ght, Miss to get juice you fin ed the us nly ne to ht ool all ri to get juiced in it ug sch taest ver fin You've go t you know you o dy ne hato s ethe nlyet used ver taught you Bu u otre go obo yoe s d n've ow th AnYou s e kn on et ha ouive u dy t yo l yo ho e s Buw t owobo d nd n on th tre AnAn fihow to liveAnd now you fi

Alex Liebergesell

Pratt Institute Fall’09


You threw

ed a


roun d to s e Whe e the fro n the wY ns u none th You u You shoYo You ny all coom ve e j Youse nedv to r uldun n'te lver ever un e dowr ntuurnggeled ars a er tuide et otuthrn ders and round rn o th er edp a tood did nd t the c tri o slo e ro t e Whoedn a carrro cunhdro tmo e opleun gde tt oh sat it ain cks Wfoh r eew tnhse f ie s h W yoeuer th 't no eny tohu rown Ain't d oWn hh iseeo trshee w s o g ey ke After en s thhou fro i Yithhen tYhuoeicuyk f ss ro fown oYood all c m n the ju he to Yo t YhardY w e ld owu yn uos ose e do ggle or nd td ahiphllloo cur oldys onou'tnu t nheever oYo Yoouk u fro u sHheoo rue useYoohuue s nnhy yo auellr caYo S u wnr tu n eve a d andrnersd a miameveoee rr jidumegma ogte d loet o jthuggulendeu n sedm t yo uldanll'tyd w to revoeld rsto nev thnd ns d t nrou dunn'tis lcoee d er tu oo wsen cuandelen trsh awn aenr pers aYou e cund to o ruid ev leat snid'tuer o t the clow lo sen e the ri aro d v W a t rs e cndh trod d oplendo tdh tehat idrned s e oery oth w he f wnrow s ee t fro glers and od thhme ceid tri get clo it ain cks for Whw to s e hn terse ctor thothedar ttphneodo c daidtorr tie s ons o n then th e julergglers and t eye the jug they jugg hworsncks foee the frowns Whe heor cpeereohpe iYou never turn Who n tthhein cgWh hro your wns 't no youen hro hat pAitle grided around to s n thalley a t's g ck os nafot itlo s and the che c coll co le is nd the clo owns on und the clowns a m a me do lowns s carr You never turned c a e me e rr k r around to see the t s and the clow h a'tin i'tt you r isy soin't n with you icks gon the juggler in frowns on the jug nsn an wndow ood You n he the frow uftldoie sd oet yeo hors low wnsglers and the clow wnshe frjugglers a an ound to se f ns tons on the ied o mAeoA h ns nd the clo see t turned ar You d tri or yo eve nev d did d di jugglers a jugglers a Yo You never cks t y h o fo s f r r u o n u ns on the ns on the When they all e u s er u for y n u te h ck e o tric nd rs nd g come down a e the frow e the frow o k r ho r nde h r ou o w tri a u in ers nd did tricks fo ks ou ound to se ound to se u n ic uld rsto for you e When they all com h A yYou go wo ks folder oYou never ar forWhen the turned ar turned ar toor you od t e down and did tr odYor u u ou shon'tuldn d did tricks You never Aftein't i his s't it he w titohois shkoickHs ith yrd yo d t down and let o ha it ain't n u y all come d and did After 't le t ithat thet oth hd sed for you for you lom use ai down and o go y r p did tricks k foro SiamdipYou to er p did tricks uveur tnmur as ll neicks for you n't erstood that it eo down and no ain't no good e down ood it ain't no goo icks for you at You never unders pleeop le g y all come ur uldeefo rr eyaouuyr deipn yloor uy doaYou never und u necod that it mo good ain't no g d toe o go he to r he tt ohoard w hoHuldaerdr w at rid tood that it ain't n et y ge When the n the ride Yo odr yood understo t you on chthe ese cy all come kick You never owour kicks for you r kour ood wa m uWhen the ey co rom chro that e get you ok fro He rke fromhene y rea a Shiaenm yd yipoolor uam e SolliaYou shouldn't ick ain't no g iscovlet other peop your k your diplom th me u hood e h od that it od that it You shouldn't let s f ks for you eWh ev aenclher peopl hors understo other people get y or s fo orse w You never t Whle get your kic yoain't no g o c erstood r pr kicks for uoma Who arried dn't let ot e a understo ithe wi our d avet mesesn't at You never m yo ally w youou dllyis wameseuYou used to rid eopl you you You shoul car on yoth y dipl r unde get you tr kicks for r kicks for ried se with ve ur her peopl hYou e with your diplom e get you e get you e horse with y hi on oriplomat You used to ride o dip her peopl ne his s our diplomat ere i r thatdn't let ot c iscorythin ca wt he on the chrom s sho n the chrome hors dn't let ot lom hou u ev asn't everycovsn et otheate cith your d You shoul You shoul the chrom lder at e horse w uldith your d nttaonto ride on a S Ain't iAin' d tith your d hrome hamese cat er a S iplomat iplomat You used iam t's a n his shoulder i ldn't le horse w eryth wh thiner 'tth whaet rever thga h ese t h eWho carried o ou t it h e horse w iam cat th ard c sh the chrom the chrom ard a Siamese cat cat e Who carried on hi ese u t t to ride on to ride on on wh whe o Si a Siamese a e s shoulder a Siam You used You used en cat n you discov ca uld s ing h re it'g he t it's ese cat lder a tra Siamese you d aer th catYo u shoulder ed to ride iscshoulder rats ed on his Ain't it hard w He a Siamese te Aft statWho carri us oveur th hen you discov reHe r e cou s at could at Who carri shoulder er Afte eall aller that er that ed on his ed on his he tor he his shoudiscover that Yo ou discove y w you discover that Who carri lAin't it hard when onr that sn't ok fro asny wa rd when y whe toom Ain't it ha ste g's at ld ste oit's ure it k fro u arried here it's at r that he yre m yver He really wasn yo ou discove ou discove ou e 't where it's at u e rd when y He really wasn't w Who c Ain't it hard when y Ain't it ha ere it's at thin when yoere it's at ns't w yth uld ste j atgHe really g he ing As co After he took f he wvery ld ste wasn't wh t it hard ere it's at thing he could ing he co After he took from wasn't where it's at wasn't wh thing he c you everything h Ain' steAfter he t hulde cou He really rom you every He really sn't wh ould ste e could ste you every ook from clo ste tyou every u everyth ould ste ould ste ally wa thing he c thing he c e n re ook from He h from yo After he took from you everyAfter he t o k t s he too d ter n Af n w a




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y, " a d e You thought they were all kiddin' you in' you Bew ime you You used to laugh about kidd t ll k so o la ha oud al. ll, Now r d s don ht th edloud tre was so l oud xt me rim o fin't see ou' p you ugm so s About havying t prou o t s lk d h Y a s u a t e ou P yo tuh ed 't t so pr our ne ro be , uungi e b e scro r you de on so t me eemal.or y ouYn do idn' Yng fo r yYbo op t dhr nex d to EtEv yeYrooNuo owu ythooleuu'd d ceown 'tth sfeuinneging f N f ver u?us youg allcro b N oaw ll yNbowed bhet s , sa um A ow yo" odgy toto la the y, s a

d et, Miss Lon ybod are in Ever ol all righ e a abou ' out t wasely ne to the finest scho hangin' erout You've go And now you find ou sse youy tha t you're gonna have do yourNow to get used to it don 't tal ey w ugh ngin

Y Peoou th O p l e' rew nce d cal the b upon l, s um a ay, s a tim You thoug ht the "B di e y ew m o You used y were all kiddin' yo ' you u to a d rybody tha laugh about ll kuiddin re e in y Eve do ourNoesw y re a about out se ou t was hangin'e ou l w l r , ugt h in' prioud do w y so don'tn't taghlk t thso eylou About hav yoNo o lda as hang loud al. d tou ingu' to ouem u sose pr r beme fi tnh se ud t me so t w e e u o You for yy tha dn't talk so pro ur nex bou sc,Y drou i nging o ext m dr n eem r yo nd dn'Etv yerybod yoou to oNuow uu don't sungineagl. fo fa ?w yo scro ll"No e



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unginroungning fo avingNow be sc 't seer your nex Now't se to b you t meal. m so don ygo fuoem s e scro prou About ha dr oyonu'to pr r nexoud ung to b ving d s mt m for ing fe scr eal. your next me or yoouneeging al. ur nex so pro t meaud l.

n w

r Y esse P ou t d s Y eop hre o fin Y ou t le'd w t e Eveou us houg call he bu N r e h , s m N ow ybo d to t th ay, s a Ab ow y you ddy th laug ey w "Bew dim out ou on at h a ere ar e i ha don 't t was bou all k e do n yo vin 't s alk ha t id ll, ur p g t ee so ng o b m s lo in' din' you'r rime you e b , d e s o p ud ou cro ro t oun idn un ud d t 't yo gin o f u? g f all" or y our ne xt me al.

a Once upon e essed so fin time you dr dime in your the bums a You threw idn't you? all" o f prime, d ll, you're bound t eware do all kiddin' you re call, say, "B People'd You thought they welaugh about to ut ed ' o You us at was hangin d th Everybodyou don't talk so lou oud pr . Now y n't seem so r next meal Now you do ing for you be scroung to ng avi About h feel it oes How d it feel How does ut a home To be witholete unknown Like a comp g stone? Like a rollin Lonely l right, Miss d in it school al ice a to the finestnly used to get juive on the street ne Once upon e go You've ou know you o you how to l so fin ed t used to it ess ge ht t y dr to ug Bu ta time you dime in your gonna have dy has ever And nobo you find out you'renever compromise realize the bums a You threw idn't you? And now You said you'd mp, but now you all" tra prime, d ll, you're bound to f bis ery ali yst ny m With the He's not selling a uum of his eyes eware do all kiddin' you l? vac re call, say, "B re into the make a dea People'd You thought they welaugh about As you sta do you want to to " You used at was hangin' out And ask him und to fall d th it feel Everybodyou don't talk so lou oud ll, you're bo you oes do w d are Ho pr Now y it feel ay, "Bew meal. all kiddin' n't seem so How does n r your next People'd call, s ought they were about Now you do ur ow ounging fo You th used to laugh gin' out To be on yoome ng to be scr You an About havi that was h rection h it feel Everybody With no dilete How does it feel mp How does ut a home Like a co To be witholete unknown unknown Like a comp g stone? Like a rollin iss Lonely t, M gh l ri al t est school to get juiced in i e street th ne to the fin used You've go ou know you only you how to live on t used to it But y taught nna have to ge go dy has ever And nobo you find out you'renever compromise realize 'd ou ow w y And n You said you mp, but noalibis ystery tra ny With the mHe's not selling a uum of his eyes l? vac re into the make a dea As you sta do you want to him sk And a it feel How does it feel oes w d Ho ur own To be on yoome rection h With no dilete Like a comp unknown

You threw


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feel s it l doe t fee ome n How does i out a h unknow How e with plete ne? b o T e a com ing sto Lik e a roll Lik

future k t s wn

nev er tu rned ar o u n d to s Whe ee the f n th row ey Y ns You You s nn h Y Yo all ou o Y u o s u needv to ouoldun n'teuv neve come de tvehre t juug er r tidu e leet r tu r un own rngeler othrn de a d as a rn o Whoedn a throe c ere pde aororstood t nd didrounndd the car unhdrom pleun gd t hat trick to s celow rie to e s en e o it Ain't d oWn h se heo trhse Wt y soeuer t k ah in't nW fhoern y to tuhse fro Afte w i heis s e f withe Y ice f o g h r he tYoo You HYt ohardY wno tuhhoeuyldrYoowhu ynn u tso ohuoeryuk a ssrh fooowrn ys ooYoodu ey all c ns on th ouk u fr she ru u Yohue sho aellr c aYousend d t ipll culdoun t nev ome e j seodm t y oueldaslleyd t nne yvuoldno Smiae nmevhoe rlo jidmomne't lehe juer uYou dow uggle rs o rou n't wo r eur d't l d eer uega ot d t o gg nd neven g r t a l u s o u e a o a e is th le e e ur le id w r w n n s v u n e d oery et sonid dne th th'te w o ndceovt eoth n cW aantden trsh ae n aner pers aYo tur idd ardou ntoodever n c e d o d h to c d p Who n tthhein cgW hheor phnee troher ies ctor tohedar t pt hneodo c drasidto ro lod t led th tha tnericd and un theee th w sneeo s r tieordicd t throhamet ceid car hroem c coar pYou h pler g fr e fns lo let'shr neve h tworrnic gkset ey colot witn ain't ks forW ro o rie wnn s on t Aitin a ned n s th ow eA hurldied g aeott mea ht r tur et oksn farou f e th u s n yoheWh sso se hit and t th r ey en e fro u he k e r th o a wns is ju ju y y on ey ll g ic gg sin'te n woitohn th A Ain d on Ainftoer ss hte on yisouro krse'tin w i'tt nhyoaouorr k Afte al co legg ksYo l ce the neve oodthe Yojugg mr tur ns om rs alernds a thnd the c and fou e d doned u You g yo oouuey a g ohuo Whe arou r he fter h'te it ha his s'th iot ehe wa tit h nelers wclow Yo nd the clow n ow u n ver u sho ou r yme d see lows on annsn a e the f ru nd own You never turne evtrick e oYou k shoicukHs fith yrdo woichdkes fuld ns the jugg Yo clo dipusll co t too d nd to di er the frowns on roho y ld nd d tric wrown he jugglers a the jugglers an hon'uld uu sd around to see eruns for d Whe nsr y t l and d the clowns You never turne stde trick SdYo r dipn yoor yr a etn't o did lers and the c k fr Heo rokr fdr wo heHueld r erd a w fhoreuonrm dld yipeero r are yaoolluYou oorst you fo oo did around to see r un the frowns on Yoloed iamneve le the frowns on frowns on t d the clowns the jugglers an s foks m to tht o u u the jugglers an rid tome down and ou e do d around to see lown erYou never turne d the clowns detood tha s see the r yy all o aseders com e m n e S y olo S uy w pthe did tricks for yo lo u douWhen they all c t it a shou r p d thatd t ithat it ain the m o a y t eo u a ou e o r to u ou in't ldn' ia wn a a n't n eo nd When they all c m ide s pl r y no g t let a nd d is in When they all c no y ple th ome down and rou e ood e on id tr 't s did tricks for yo e a go d a c ge cer p did tricks for yo ou e lly w ya ouo eu dllisy wiaams eoseuYou thr kic no ch You dm eavt rm over oth for y rneicks t You never unde uver tu t y od derstood t y ge e ge neve a eopl roe c oun and diud tricks fo our k Who r un ouome down and n't no good oo mhr en c't w ythes to r om ne r kshou e ks fo ide o ick gYou never unde very sn't wverycoven't w caistceoused cWh horse h that te ch t rstood that it ai hYou shouldn't le You never unde You r yo rstood that it ai art you e dow it aill cn't n rstood that it ai ordn't no good n't no good eren th o c ried se om e or for ys f w aron o go wuith let o u peopYou rie ithick n't no goodcks for you rse w od thin herthinr thaher ver tinhga hateWho t other people g ther yos ldn't it's hat rome ho et your kicks fo they a ou yo yt other people g hd o r you our en t you le ge ou isdiplo You shouldn't le is You shouldn't le sn h od that it ai ger you t other people g mat r d g he e it'g he t e it' t cYou used to rid Ain'ith y plo hoYou aied o r kicder to r et your kicks fo sto et your kicks fo ou ks fo ide o ipurlo di ould carr ulsh t your ki ur diplomat t iAin r you lde s should r you n the t n hi t me hWh deused e on the chrom t h mYou used to rid 't i chro ver un e horse with yo r a er a cou s at cou s at ate cma ar Siam orse ne Sur diplomat arhed w d t hwese sAin' yo You er people ur diplomat with You used to rid iar a Siam e on the chrom es e on the chrom you te t it h e horse with yo After h et oth e horse with yo r dip ld s ld ard n catyohen y at ur diplomat Who carried on loma whe dn't l e carr e horse with his shoulder a oumesWho He t s ied o n yo ca oul Siamese cat di u e Af u di n his He re sh te t te sco to ter di scov sho re Who carried on You al er th ok ulde he his shoulder a n the t chrom Siamese cat ly r a S r t fr toom e ose ca wall Siamese cat He really ha ok frWho carried on ridSiamese cat Ain't it hard wh as scover thve asaty w his shoulder a t to iame en you discover Ain't n't was n' y om ed that it ha n't w After he ou us lder a yo here Ain't it hard wh e You hen hou he took from you ev u e Ain't it hard wh en you discover ve it's you it's at en you discover verytt w re w ithere at that disco his shat ry that rd w at onver t He really wasn' that hin 's ied t where it's at eryt a g h hing He r t o carr he c discover th He really wasn' Wh ould steing he ou was He really wasn' cAfter t where it's at n't w ld t where it's at oulde c en you stefrom youeally he t wh it's After he took from you everyth ook steAfter he took fr at e it's at ardhere ing he could ste 't it h eve Ain rythi uld ste After he took fr om you everyth ng he cou om you everyth 't w ing he could ste asning he could ste ld sther e u everything he co He really w k from yo After he too


ng to Now yNou do AboAbou And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it e scroow yon't se u do em so proud ut h t havi bng to


Lamis Harib

Pic t u r e

Once upon dressed so a time you fine ur prime, dime in yo " the bums adidn't you? und to fall u ll, you're bo eware do were all kiddin' yo "B ay, l, s ey cal People'd You thought th to laugh about ut ed You us angin' o that was h Everybody don't talk so loudd Now you n't seem so prou ext meal. Now you doounging for your n scr be ng to About havi it feel How does feel it How does a home ut wn To be witho lete unkno Like a complling stone? Lonely Like a ro t l right, Miss school al ed to get juiced in i est fin nly us ne to the ht you You've go t you know you o dy has ever taug treet Bu And nobo w to live on the s you ho And now fi

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gonna have to A ut having to bNow yNou get ubse oAb utd to itineg stocr bouow d yonou't d seem so houat h vinav proud e gscinrounogin gN tow o ye ou dNnoon 't s fo ng foem ee r your nex ygose scro w't Abou bt h so p t meal. avinug dr yono suo r nprmou ngtoin bue d rou 't e sc g fo ro suneegixtng d r yo m s mo feor ur n parl.o your next m ext m ud eal. eal.

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e is ey of h m cuuns e valow o dth the c tconcrete This class is an introduction to the n i e n star rs a ns As you juggle wtypography o l and conceptual aspects of as a e c h the n t ns o and s w r o e l visual medium. Thehe jfirst half e fr of the semester ugg e th t o se t on s d n w un will deal withthe frothe requirements of aro technical e ned e r s u t o d t er second half will deal with typography. The oun nev d ar You e n r tu abstract compositional uses for typography, ever ou n



integrating hand skills and the computer as a way to render type. Historical and current forms of alphabetic communications will be explored, along with the relationship to modern imagebased communications.


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