N o v e m b e r 2004
Yam I Am, Pumpkin and Tu r k e y too? Or if veggie you do, we’ve got squash for you too. Feasting Time - Fresh, Local and Organic - Fine Fixins For Your Holiday Table
Giving Thanks...
olden leaves drift down to the ground as colorful squash piles up. Bittersweet, Autumn reminds us that another circle of seasons, another life cycle is coming to a close. No more outside in the garden until stars wink and blink. Long, dark nights are made warm with family, friends and holiday feasting. Time beckons reflection on the joy, sorrows, dreams, accomplishments and those things for which hearts remain in full flowerwith thanks long after other blooms have faded. Given the sad state of the world, the deep concerns that divide our communities and our nation, sympathy for loved ones lost, empathy for the suffering of many, daily seen all around on our hometown streets and in electronic images from across the globe, the repeated mantra of “there but for the grace of — God, Goddess, Divine Creator, Great Spirit, Higher Power, whatever your persuasion — go I” chimes in my head.
For the family and organic farmers who keep the faith and in the face of tremendous environmental and economic difficulties, continue to work the land providing sustenance and a beautiful green belt to gird Mother Earth, I give thanks. For the community that supports our cooperative efforts and dreams of a more just, alternative, economic democracy that truly sustains life, I give thanks. For the ongoing opportunities to learn and live loving-kindness, forgiveness, thankfulness, compassion and openness and the chance to continue to serve with many others who are working for the betterment of all, I give thanks.
Despite all the challenges these days there is still much to give thanks for. For the simple pleasure of good wholesome food — corn, squash, beans, chile, chocolate, potatoes, maple syrup and so much more — gifts of the first peoples to walk these lands,
For these things and so many more that well up in my heart, bring tears to my eyes, and fill my spirit with hope for a brighter, more just and peaceful world, I give thanks.
I give thanks.
The Katsina is Sio Hemis. A long line of them are usually the ones who dance during the Niman or Home Dance which brings to an end the annual calender of katsina ceremonials. He is seen carrying toy bows and arrows, woven plaques, katsina dolls, early corn and watermelon. The tableta is covered with rain symbols and on his torso are symbols of brotherhood called Nakwach. Frank Waters says of the elaborate Katsina ritual of gratitude represented by the ceremony that includes Sio Hemis, “over and over through the years one sees it and it is never less beautiful.” The illusration is a dry point etching by Peter Wood of Taos. It is one of thirty katsina images which can be seen on-line at or contact the artist directly at Box 1439, Taos, NM 87571 or 505-758-2198.
CO-OP Holiday Tasting Festivals Hard to believe that time is drawing near. My mouth is already watering just thinking about all those delicious Thanksgiving favorites. Reserve your turkey today. THE TRADITIONAL TABLE: TURKEY SAMPLING Sample delicious local organic or Shelton’s free range antibiotic free turkey’s before you place your order. Saturday, Nov. 6, 1-3pm Nob Hill Co-op Sunday, Nov. 7, 1-3pm Valley Co-op VEGAN AND VEGETARIAN SPECIALITIES: Saturday, Nov. 13, 1-3pm Nob Hill Co-op Sunday, Nov. 14, 1-3pm Valley Co-op Turkey Order Deadline: November 20th You can begin picking up your Thanksgiving Turkeys on Monday Nov. 22 at either Coop location.
Kenny Ausubel, award winning author, filmmaker and founder of the Bioneers Conference and its parent non-profit organization the Collective Heritage Institute, will be speaking in Albuquerque at the Harwood Arts Center on 7th and Mountain: Nov. 11th at 6:30pm. This free talk and booksigning on “Nature’s Operating Instructions: The True Biotechnologies” is co-sponsored by La Montanita Coop, Bioneers, KUNM, Crosswinds Weekly, Harwood Art Center, and Ecoversity. Among many awards and accolades for his paradigm shifting work, Kenny has received the United Nations Department of Public Information award for his radio show “Bioneers: Revolution form the Heart of Nature” that airs on KUNM Wednesdays at 8:30am. Q&A and refreshments
following the talk. Info: contact Robin Seydel at 256-4594 or
Bioneers Founder to Speak in Albuquerque Nov. 11, 2004 6:30pm Free! at the Harwood Arts Center, co-sponsored by your
The Nob Hill Business Association is pleased to announce the annual Shop and Stroll Holiday event on Thurs., December 2 from 5-10pm. Central Avenue will be closed from Girard to Washington to allow for traffic free shopping and neighborhood shops have extended evening hours. You can expect to find the street filled with Santa, carolers, magicians, colorful street entertainers and musicians as well as many of your friends and neighbors.
Nob Hill Holiday Shop &Stroll
Katsina Sio Hemis
Kenny Ausubel
At the Co-op, our favorites Mariachi Amor Eterno will be playing and Lauren Kahn will perform with her puppets. Look for special entertainment and holiday treats at all the varied shops and galleries in Nob Hill. Again this year La Montantia Coop will be sponsoring our annual Make a Child Smile Giving Tree that works to get gifts for children in need in our community. Pick an ornament off our tree, make that child’s holiday wish come true and bring it back to the Coop wrapped with the ornament and the child’s name attached. We will make sure that the child or children you have chosen get your gift. Once again we will be working with New Mexico Department of Children, Youth and families, Peanut Butter and Jelly and Enlace and other caring organizations.
Dec 2 5-10pm
Each year the Nob Hill wide Shop and Stroll event also partners with a charity. This year the Salvation Army will have bell ringers collecting donations at several locations in Nob Hill and there just could be some local celebrities around to encourage your giving!
your vote A Community - Owned Natural Foods Grocery Store La Montanita Cooperative Nob Hill 3500 Central S.E. Albuq., NM 87106 265-4631
Co-op Board of Directors Elections:
Meet the Candidates! The Candidates:
Valley 2400 Rio Grande Blvd. Albuq., NM 87104 242-8800 Administrative Staff: General Manager: C.E. Pugh 265-4631 x323 Store Team Leaders: Michelle Franklin/Nob Hill 265-4631 John Mulle/Valley 242-8800 Accounting/Toni Fragua 232-4026 Computers/Info Technology/ Ahmed Elmaghlawi 232-8202 Human Resources/Sharret Rose 265-4731 Marketing/Edite Cates 268-8357 Membership/Robyn Seydel 256-4594 Co-op fax line: 266-3703 or 265-6470 Co-op Board of Directors: President: Pat Janney Vice President: Marshall Kovitz Treasurer: Ken O’Brien Secretary: Julie Hicks Lon Calanca Eric Chrisp John Kwait Trout Rogers Martha Whitman
Each of the 7 candidates for the Co-op Board of Directors were asked to respond to 3 questions. Their responses appear here along with a personal statement. 1. Describe your involvement with La Montañita Co-op. 2. What do you think are the major issues facing the Co-op and as a Board member, what would you do to address them? 3. What would you like to see the Co-op become in the next three years? • Ballots will be mailed to member’s homes and be availalbe at both stores. • This year there are three 3-year terms open. • There are 2 staff candidates (Will P. and Tom H.) and 4 non-staff candidates. • The bylaws allow (but do not require) that up to 2 staff members may serve on the Board. • Since there is already one staff person serving on the Board (Lonn Calanca), only one staff candidate can be seated in this election. • If both staff candidates are among the top three receiving votes, only the one with the most votes will be seated. • If neither of the staff candidates are among the top three, neither will be seated. • You are free to cast votes for both staff candidates—this will not invalidate your ballot—but you should be aware that only one can be elected. ERIC CHRISP 1. I was appointed to the La Montanita Board of Directors (BoD) in December of 2002. As an appointee I was required to run for election in November of 2003. I was one of five who were elected. In my first year on the BoD I participated actively in the Member Linkage Committee. In 2003 I founded the Social Responsibility Research Committee. I have also had an active role in developing the BoDs’ Global Ends Policy (like a mission statement).
Eric Chrisp
Store hours at both locations: Mon. thru Sat.: 7am to 10pm Sunday: 8am to 10pm Membership Costs: $12 for 1 year $200 Lifetime Membership Co-op Connection Staff: Managing Editor: Robyn Seydel Layout and Design: foxyrock inc Covers & Centerfold: Edite Cates Advertising: Robyn Seydel Printing: Vanguard Press Membership information is available at the Co-op, 3500 Central S.E. (Nob Hill location), or 2400 Rio grande Blvd. N.W. (Valley location) Membership response to the newsletter is appreciated. Address typed, double-spaced copy to the Managing Editor, email: website: Copyright © 2004 La Montanita Co-op Supermarket Reprints by prior permission. The Co-op Connection is printed on 65% post consumer recycled paper. It is recyclable.
The Co-op Connection is published by La Montanita Co-op Supermarket to provide information on La Montanita Co-op Supermarket, the cooperative movement, food, nutrition, and community issues. Opinions expressed herein are of the authors and are not necessarily those of the newletters or the Co-op.
2. The most important issues facing La Montanita have to do with defining who we want to be as a Coop. The BoD has made significant progress toward this goal by developing a Global Ends statement. The SRRC has contributed by drafting a statement on ethics, which I will work to integrate into the Coop’s Ends statements and policies. I see the choice of expansion as a critical issue, defining La Montanita’s organizational identity. 3. In three years I would like to see a coop that is enjoyed by twice as many members as those that enjoy it today (we can do this by expanding into Gallup and Santa Fe). I would like to see an organization that is accountable to its employees and its members, involving them in critical decisions and thereby earning credibility and integrity. I would like to see a coop that consumes 25% less energy in all of its forms (electricity, shipping, natural gas). Finally I would like to see a coop that is promoting a sustainable network of small local organic producers through micro-credit lending programs and business incentives. Personal Statement: We live in a world where corporations are increasingly dominating nearly every aspect of our lives. From advertising to the way our food is grown, our consciousness and our bodies are saturated in the residues of our post industrial age. A defining characteristic of our current existence is that we are transformed from agents acting on our own behalf into consumers acting in the interests of disinterested corporations. Many of us are virtual slaves to the brainwashing and chemical washing of a distant, faceless global corporate elite. Coops offer at least a partial alternative to the “matrix” of multinational corporations. The coop’s profits stay in the community and increasingly go towards supporting sustainable enterprises. Through member control, average Joe and Joan have the power to direct the organization toward ends which reflect our values and our vision for a better world. One way that is being done is through the adoption of the ethic of, “do no harm.” Through the Social Responsibility Research Committee (SRRC) we have brought the coop closer to that end. (whether I am reelected or not I will continue participation on the SRRC). Because we provide an alternative and because we have the means, we have acquired an obligation to help more cooperators enjoy the benefits of a natural foods coop like our own. Therefore I believe some expansion is imperative. But unlike corporate America I will not tolerate this expansion happening at the expense of our employees or our members. ROGER ELDRIDGE 1. I’ve been involved in food coops – both large & efficient as well as small & chaotic – for a little over thirty years. Settling in Albuquerque, I found La Montanita in the old Girard Center. For a long time I simply shopped there for things like bulk items. But over the years, my wife & I have shifted more of our purchases to the Coop not only for the health benefits, but also as a tangible expression of support for a local enterprise that has become an important part of our lives. I also volunteer my time regularly, a few hours each week, for whatever needs to be done: stuffing envelopes for mass
mailings, providing info & postcards for the GE foods controversy, preparing food, setting up & staffing tables for Earth Day, guiding at the Maize Maze, calligraphic labels for ArtsCrawl, and copyediting the Coop Connection newsletter. 2. While corporate competition is still high on my list of issues, this last year has proven that LM can compete successfully. But we should take nothing for granted and remain very conscious of the operations, governance and economics that have allowed the Coop to flourish. Continuing to nurture local suppliers and to actively demonstrate local economic benefits to the community should help us sustain this success. Ironically, instead of struggling to survive, we’re facing the opposite challenge: how to deal with success in the form of growth opportunities in Santa Fe and Gallup. I welcome these opportunities to provide our goods & services to more people, and have great confidence in our current management team. But I’m also concerned about possible overextension, and will watch this situation closely. 3. I was very pleased (and not surprised) when I learned that LM is considered one of the top coops in the nation. My highest priority would be to ensure the Coop’s ongoing Roger Eldridge vitality by maintaining the balance between cooperative ideals and hard financial realities. I would like to see LM become even more of a community focal point for discussion of social and environmental issues, and serve as a model to communities across the nation of a thriving and sustainable alternative to corporate agribusiness. Personal Statement: We all start with good intentions, but our actual priorities are clearly shown by our daily activities, how we spend our time and money. My most recent personal assessment made it clear that it’s time to be more than just a beneficiary of the Coop’s success. No other organization has provided me with so much nourishment for body and soul as La Montanita; it has quietly become an anchor of my life. I know that the Coop’s ongoing health doesn’t just happen, and I’d like to devote more of my time & energy to being one of those behind-the-scenes people who keep things running smoothly. My career is in finance & administration at UNM, but my real concern is for people and their well-being. Joining the Coop Board of Directors is an opportunity to merge both. I’ve attended enough Board meetings to know generally what’s involved, and I can also see how much I would have to learn before considering myself an effective Director. So I would expect to do a lot of listening and to ask a lot of questions for a few months. Then I would do my best to help keep the Coop alert, nimble and sustainable. TOM HAMMER 1. I started shopping at the co-op the same day that I moved to town 9 years ago. A couple of years later I got more involved as a member-volunteer who shopped for and delivered to disabled Tom Hammer and elderly co-op shoppers. Six years ago I started my employment, and have worked here ever since. I’ve been a cashier and info desk person, FEC (front end shift supervisor), Front End DTL (Department team leader), and most recently as the Bulk lead clerk. Earlier this summer I went to the annual CCMA (Consumer Co-op Management Association) Conference, which inspired and excited me about the co-op movement across the country and La Montanita’s place in it. 2. I think the major issues facing the co-op at this point are the expansions we are considering, and the ramifications of doing so for our community, each of us as members, and each of the individual stores. These are very exciting times and I think both expansions are really great opportunities for us. My main concern is about the quality of the democracy as represented by the diversity of voices and the level of participation within our co-op. I’ve seen a need for this to be enhanced for awhile now, and I think it is absolutely vital to focus on this and encourage it as we expand. A few ideas I support to encourage this are: increased incentives for participating in things like elections, board meetings, and member surveys; promoting a wider forum in which members can debate and discuss important issues and decisions facing us (perhaps in our newsletter, posted in the stores, or through email groups); encouraging bi-lingual signs and maybe a Spanish language version of the newsletter; and actively seeking out the input and opinions of members who are less represented in the realm of the decision makers.
cover photos by Edite Cates
november 2004
your voice 3. The direction I would like to see us go in would be towards a more vibrant, active, and diverse center for our communities to nourish and express ourselves, while being a beacon for those looking for a way to get away from the encroaching corporate hegemony and be a part of something truly community building. The expanding and interconnecting that is taking place in co-op land (here and across the country) holds huge potential in that regard, and I think it is vital to our movement to measure our success not only by the bottom line, our membership patronage checks, or how many stores we have, but also by how much we can support other coops, local businesses, and community needs, and in the diversity and level of involvement of our membership. Personal Statement: I consider myself to be a very open and inquisitive person who is honestly willing to consider other perspectives and ways of thinking about things. I can connect with many sides to issues, and feel skilled as a bridge towards understanding between differing points of view. I am constantly learning and growing, and am very excited about the opportunities for both as a prospective member of the board. STEPHEN J. MILLER 1. In March of 2003 I was appointed to fill an unexpired term on the board. Thus, I read background materials, participated in meetings, and learned more about the Co-op than I had as an observant member. In last year’s election, I was not elected, but the board asked me to continue to come to meetings, participating without vote, in an advisory capacity. I have done that. I also participated in the board retreat and am on the Social Responsibility Committee. I can be both a fan and a critic, and I think I can enable constructive change.
to bring organic, wholesome, affordable food to the tables of more and more New Mexicans.
Will Prokopiak
2. The attempt this past year to unionize raised many issues. Some are being addressed by management. Some are the concern of the board. All of them need to be kept on a front burner. Meanwhile, thriving and growing, and determining what kind of growth is desired continue to be important. Part of that process is transparently examining the Co-op’s identity and how that can be marketed. 3. A more vital alternative to the corporate grocery model. This requires more member involvement, more transparency, and finding ways to reach even more people with healthy products through a responsible business. Personal Statement: I’m interested in serving on the Co-op Board because I want to work toward providing alternatives to the corporate control of society. I want to increase environmentally conscientious efforts, work toward better distribution of healthier foods, and bring more people into a greater awareness of the political ramifications of their daily choices. For part of a year I have filled a position on the Co-op board. After that, for this past year, I have continued to meet with the board in an advisory capacity, and to serve on the Social Responsibility Committee. I also have over 35 years of experience with non-profit boards. As a pastor and director of an interfaith agency, I have worked with many boards both as a member and as a partner. My strengths in working with boards have been as a communicator within and beyond the board, as a realistic visionary, and as a big picture person with appreciation for details and for those who manage details. WILL PROKOPIAK 1. I have been working at La Montanita and a member since 1990. I started as a grocery stocker, moved up to being a purchaser, then to assistant team leader, then to Grocery Team leader. In that time I have learned much about Coop’s and the cooperative business model. I have represented La Montanita at many business functions, such as trade shows, and at Tucson Cooperative Warehouse annual membership meetings. For the last three years I have proudly served on the Board of Directors at Tucson Cooperative Warehouse, and have learned many of the fine workings of Cooperative Boards. Like La Montanita, the TCW board works with policy governance, and it has been my privilege to converse with La Montanita board members about all the ins and outs and responsibilities of being a board member. The experience has been very educational, and I believe, has prepared me to run for La Montanita’s Board of Directors. 2. Certainly competition in the marketplace is one of the major issues confronting any cooperative. At TCW, we often talked about staying relevant in peoples lives by providing an alternative business model to what exists in the current marketplace. But perhaps the most important issue is serving the members as a voice in natural and organic food standards and safety, and as a source of information on these topics. 3. I would like for La Montanita to continue to be successful, and meaningful to the membership. Enough to be able to be able to focus on educating not just the members, but the community as a whole about food issues. Education is one of the cornerstones of the 7 cooperative principles, and is an investment in moving towards a better, healthier, and sustainable world. Personal Statement: As stated above, I have been a part of coops for many years, from the inner workings of day to day operations, to long term strategic planning as a board member. I think I bring the practical application and know how, all the while maintaining the larger picture of what a cooperative can and needs to be. It would be an honor to serve. TAMARA SAIMONS 1. I've been a member of La Montanita Co-op for the last twelve years or so. My partner and I have developed a strong commitment to the Co-op as the primary source for our household foodneeds and for the bulk of our non-food needs as well. While I recognize many of the challenges of shopping exclusively at the Co-op, it's become important to me over the years to fully support the principles of sustainability, social responsibility and organics that the Co-op stands for. Although I now live within walk-
november 2004
Tamara Saimons
Stephen J. Miller
Andrew Stone
It’s easy
Tamara continued ing distance of the valley location, I shopped for several years at the Nob Hill store and am familiar with the stock, layout, and atmosphere of both stores, as well as many of the staff. 2. I think one of the major issues facing the Co-op involves cultivating strategies to grow the membership and implement more ways of encouraging the current membership to take an active role in supporting La Montanita. To me, the Co-op occupies a special position within Albuquerque due to its synthesis of business, advocacy and collaborative service. I see the Co-op as an advocate for sustainable, regional agriculture and for the exercise of ethical and social responsibility as it relates to the consumption of food and other goods. The Co-op is also for me, a source of community education as to what the true cost of these goods are and what their impact is on the environment, both global and local. I would be highly enthusiastic about the Co-op developing a project such as West Oakland's Mobile Market and would be willing to work toward such a project and/or at least study the feasibility of creating a similar model in the Rio Grande Valley and surrounding areas. (See 3. I'd like to see the Co-op become more accessible to a larger and more diverse membership base. Addressing that intention may include looking at how to make improvements at the existing stores and exploring the possibility of expansion to a third Co-op location. I would also like to see more of an emphasis on in-store food education, which could take many forms, from demos, to cooking with kids, to meet-the-grower sessions. I would like to see the Co-op rely more on locally and regionally grown foods and increasing partnerships with local growers. For me, that would mean seeing produce on the shelves that is grown closer to home when possible and investigating the challenges to such partnerships. I'd like to see the Co-op build on its existing involvement and support of local non-profit organizations and continue to strengthen its visibility in the effort
Personal Statement: My intention to join the Co-op Board has grown out of a deep concern and commitment regarding my own impact as a consumer in a local, regional, national and global community. Personally, I’ve shifted over the years from using the Co-op for 10-20% of household food supplies to now more than 90%. I understand the challenges of making that kind of effort to support a way of consumption that in many ways, flies in the face of cultural pressure to have more, cheaper, faster with very little examination of the true cost of the goods being consumed. My household food costs easily doubled in making that shift and that has meant that I have had to make choices about what I cook and eat. For a family and anyone working for or around the minimum wage, that doubling of food costs could be a huge obstacle to eating organic food. I believe that the choices I am able to make about what foods to buy and what resources I use to buy them has a tremendous impact on the concentric circles of community. For me, there’s more to consider than simply having what I want at the price I want. As a Board member, I’d like to actively support others being able to make and increase that shift to any degree possible, taking into consideration the range of economic conditions folks live with. As a registered nurse, I’m well aware of the high public health cost and consequences of poor nutrition, whether that appears as under-nutrition or over-nutrition. I support the slow food movement, genetic biodiversity and standing against the increasing corporate ownership of the world’s food and seed supply. I wonder why La Montanita can’t have a presence in Albuquerque schools and hospitals when fast food franchises do and how the Co-op can increase its visibility and build its membership base. I don’t think it’s possible for the consumption of food to exist in the vacuum of getting the most for the least cost, a la Wal-Mart. I see being on the Co-op Board as an opportunity to contribute to the building of partnerships in collaboration with other Board and community members to strengthen the mission of the Co-op. I look forward to the work of connecting where we live to what we eat to how we act in the world.
ANDREW STONE 1. I was an original member of La Montañita in 1976. Our family shops for groceries almost exclusively at the Coop because we believe that we vote for a sustainable planet with our food dollars - we are lifetime members. My wife Katie served on the Coop board during the expansion of the second Valley store, and I have volunteered over the years, and helped specifically during the preparation of the new Valley store. 2. The Coop must remain fiscally healthy and seek to differentiate itself from the encroachment of the corporate "astro-turf" stores like Wild Oats and Whole Foods. We should seek to further the coop movement but never expand to other stores if it endangers the financial health of our two excellent stores. We should carefully investigate all of our food sources - and offer local and fair-traded items instead of ones like ODWALLA which is owned by Coca Cola. 3. For future direction, I would recommend further outreach through KUNM and local events to help market what's different about the Coop from other stores and to help educate the community on the advantages of organic and sustainable foods. Ideas which empower the workers are exciting to me - such as worker elected management and more worker ownership. Networking with other coops throughout the Americas seems useful. I'd like to see all of our debt eliminated, dividends paid to members and prices kept as low as possible - attainable goals by increasing our membership and getting members to buy more at the Coop. Let's look into the items our members buy from COSTCO and see if we can't provide better alternatives! Personal Statement: I love the Coop - it truly gives me the feeling that I live in a community. This is my 30th year of being associated with New Mexican Food Cooperatives (Osha - 1974, La Montanita: 1976). I grew up working on my grandfather's Kentucky farm, have gardened organically for over 30 years, and live on and work a small organic North Valley farm. I served on the KUNM Radio Board for 4 years as well as the American Farm School, an agricultural NGO in Thessaloniki Greece. I own and operate a Macintosh software house- -and have underwritten Democracy Now on KUNM for 7 years. I believe I can bring a strong mix of technological, financial and traditional knowledge to La Montañita's board of directors.
2004 Board Election
just vote... you own it!
feasting time Deli Spotlight:
by Mathew Casatta Dept Team Leader Nob Hill Deli ne of the first places I went after arriving in Albuquerque from St Louis about 2 years ago was the Coop. I was lucky enough to get to work with Olive at the Valley deli and any one who has shopped there in the last 6 months may recognize me as a familiar face. I’ve just moved to the Nob Hill Deli as the department team leader and am tremendously excited by the opportunity to create delicious healthy food for the Nob Hill community. I live in the neighborhood and it will feel really good to be able to ride my bike the couple of blocks to work and home each day.
Daily Eating Holiday Feasting
The other exciting aspect of my move to the “Hill” is the opportunity to revamp the Nob Hill Deli, bringing more variety and taking our Coop natural foods menu to the next level for healthy gourmet enjoyment. I truly believe that just because its whole wheat, has lowered sugar or fat content or is raw or vegan doesn’t mean it can’t be absolutely delicious. Look for new and different dishes each day, like the vegan jambalaya, the stuffed organic chicken breasts, herb seared
and High Desert Yoga continue their member appreciation special in Nov! All new and renew members get 1 free soak and 1 free yoga class! See info desk for details.
salmon, a wide variety of savory and sweet scones, hot soups and a great hot special each day. Gourmet Dinners to Go Need food fast but don’t want fast food? I’ve begun to implement a new project “gourmet dinners to go.” At the Nob Hill deli each day there will be a great gourmet offering, piping hot and ready to go home after a long day or to help reduce the stress of your busy holiday schedule. Try a vegetarian dinner entree, grass fed beef entrees, and free range chicken dinners. Each day you can bring home a different exciting healthy dinner— no muss no fuss. Let our great deli staff do the cooking You just eat and enjoy. If you like you can call in your order and our staff with have it ready when you arrive.
coop deli
Vegetarians needn’t worry as we have a full time vegetarian gourmet artist, Jesse Hasko, preparing dishes inspired by a wide variety of international cuisines. And our grab and go case has been separated into vegetarian and meat based dishes for easier decision making. Look for the new signs that will help point you in the right direction. Beginning November 1st, we will have a daily rotating schedule of hot breakfasts including eggs, French toast, blueberry pancakes, sausage and bacon and on special occasions biscuits and gravy.
apple cinnamon and more. Or call us with your favorite combo and we will do our best to satisfy your special craving.
Up for some international travel? Try our lunches and dinners from around the world. How about some pad thai, traditional Central American, classic French or Italian delicacies or East Indian curries and tandories to spice up your life.
Holiday Feasting Order Forms and Weekly Special Menus In addition to pies and sweets we will have a diverse array of Thanksgiving goodies both classic and avant garde to help you cook less and enjoy your feast more. Come to our Holiday Samplings the first two weekends in November and let us show you how easy and delicious this holiday feasting season can be. Look for the Deli special order guide on this page and again next month for your holiday ordering ease. Or check out our web site at for printable order forms and weekly special menus.
Have requests of a dish you dearly love? Call us and we will do our best to make it up in a day or two. We are excited to receive your input and will do our best to tickle your taste buds with a healthy world of delights. For the Holidays We will be happy to do your holiday baking for you. This year a deli first! Get your fresh baked pies daily from us. Look for a wide variety of seasonal pies, including beloved pumpkin, apple, pecan, cherry, tofu cheesecake, raw mud pies for the raw foods folk, cobblers, and don’t forget our sweet quick breads featuring a variety of harvest flavors like pumpkin, cranberry walnut,
Member of International Society of Arboriculture and Society of Commercial Arboriculture ISA Certified, Licensed & Insured
232-2358 “Your Professional Team of Arborists” “ISA” Certified Arborist Certified Tree Workers on Staff All Employees First Aid & CPR Certified “Care About Your Air” We use B20 Biodiesel Alternative Fuels in our truck and chipper
Services • Fruit and Shade Tree Pruning • Technical Removal • Planting • Cabling & Bracing • Pest Management • Prescription Fertilization • Tree Root Rehabilitation Services
We get as busy during this season as you do. To help us fully relieve your holiday cooking stress with the best for your celebratory tables please call us 24 hours in advance with all special orders. Call, me, Mathew at 265-4631 ext 309. Please leave a message if I am busy in the kitchen and can’t get to the phones right away and I will call you back before the day is out.
HAVE THANKSGIVING DINNER WITH US AT THE DELI ON WEDNESDAY, NOV 24. LOOK IN OUR HOT CASE FOR EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A DELICIOUS FEAST! Questions, input, special requests please call me, Mathew at 265-4631 ext. 309 or Olive at the Valley at 242-8800.
Deli Holiday Order Guide From Our Bakery Pies: $18 each Apple (vegan), Chocolate Silk (vegan), Pecan, Pumpkin (vegan or vegetarian) Sweet Breads: $7.99 each Cranberry Walnut, Zucchini Sheet cakes (one layer) $22.95 each Chocolate Amazon (vegan), Carrot, White From Our Kitchen Cranberry Sauce $6.99 lb, Cornbread Stuffing $5.99 lb, Creole Yams $6.99 lb, Wild Rice and Pine Nut $6.99 lb, Artichoke Pate $9.39 lb Party Platters (serves 15-20) Mediterranean Meza Platter $38.99, Organic Vegetable Crudités $32.99 Organic Vegetable Crudités $32.99, Organic Fruit Feast Seasonal Price, Mini Meat Sandwich Platter, $49.99, Mini Veggie Sandwich Platter $39.99 24 hour notice, please. Pick up a form at either Deli location, fill out and leave at the Deli counter. We are happy to create specialty dishes for you with 48 hour notice, call and speak with a Deli Manager for this option. Nob Hill La Montanita (265-4631) Rio Grande La Montanita (242-8800).
november 2004
feasting time Local Spotlight: by Robyn Seydel hough a dedicated vegetarian every year I cook a turkey on Thanksgiving for my friends and family. It’s a tradition I started 20 years ago when Mom died of cancer. She had always cooked at Thanksgiving and it felt right to continue in her honor. People have always raved about the free range, antibiotic free turkeys I cook. Last year I decided to take it to the next level and pay the extra that it costs for a local, organic turkey from Johnny MacMcMullin’s Embudo Valley Organic Farm. The difference was amazing.
The meat was so tender it fell off the bone and all my friends and family agreed it was the most delicious turkey I had ever cooked. And I felt really good about knowing that the bird had been treated with the utmost humane care before it came to our table, was hormone and chemical free and the safest, freshest, healthiest choice I could make both for my loved ones and for the environment. And it also felt right to support a local farmer and the New Mexico Organic Livestock Coop. The McMullin family came to turkey faming almost by accident. He was growing heirloom beans and corn on his certified organic 25 acres on the banks of the Embudo River in the northern Rio Grande valley. Each year he kept losing more of his crop to grasshoppers until finally he didn’t really even have a harvest. Johnny had always kept a few turkeys in the family garden just for
Talking Turkey
Organic Embudo Valley family eating. And finally decided it was time to work with the grasshoppers rather than fighting them. They started raising their flock and now 8 years later they have over 1500 turkeys. They hand raise and hand care for every bird. The birds have free access to acres of pastureland and live their whole lives outside. When they are grain fed they are fed certified organic corn and soy mixed with certified organic molasses and high omega-flax seed, and the certified organic barley, wheat, rye and oats that Johnny and family grow themselves. Johnny notes “the difference between “pasturegrass fed and so called free range is like the difference between natural and organic. Free range doesn’t really mean anything. Lots of major suppliers even of so called natural turkeys, still keep them penned most of the time and disfigure their birds, taking off their claws and beaks so they don’t kill each other. We don’t have to do that and would never want to do it. Our birds are pump and happy and we do everything we can to give them the most humane care.” The Embudo Valley Farm pledge says “ our turkeys are family farmed, raised using humane
and environmentally responsible methods to provide you with the freshest safest and most flavorful meats available.” If you haven’t yet tried one of Johnny’s turkeys, make this the year you treat yourself to the best. You can special order your Embudo Valley Farm organic turkey at either La Montanita Coop location. Order Deadline is Nov 20th., but just to be sure you get the size you want get your order in early.
order by Nov. 20th
fresh turkeys
taste best
Produce Spotlight: Yams Sweet Potatoes
Yams, have been consumed by humans (at first in their wild form) since prehistoric times. They are annual or perennial climbing plants with underground tubers. There are 600 species of yams in Africa, where 95% of the worlds’ yams are grown in sub-Saharan humid and sub-humid areas. There are 3 species of this staple crop: white, yellow, and water yams. Yams grown in Africa can be very large – up to 7 feet and 150 lbs., with a black or brown barklike skin. Yam tubers have an ample sink capacity and can continue to grow and store food reserves throughout the year as long as conditions remain favorable. Yams may be stored much longer than sweet potatoes, up to 4-6 months; this is a factor in propagation, as farmers must set aside a large amount of their harvest for planting the next year (30%). And how do yams (discorea batatas) differ from sweet potatoes (ipomea batatas)? The ‘yams’ we find in typical groceries in the USA (for example, garnet ‘yams’, or jewel ‘yams’) are actually varieties of sweet potatoes. When orange-fleshed sweet potatoes were introduced in the USA, producers desired to distinguish them from more traditional white-fleshed, drier types, and the
Jake West Family’s
locally grown yams... at your CO-OP
november 2004
African word nyami was adapted in its English form, ‘yam’. Thus, ‘yams’ in the USA are relatively moister and have deeper orange flesh color than what we know as sweet potatoes. True yams are firm tropical tubers with pale flesh, drier and starchier, and have much lower nutritional content. They may be found occasionally in markets that sell Latin American and Caribbean foods, in large chunks wrapped in plastic. Yams, unlike sweet potatoes, are toxic if eaten raw. Sweet-potato-yams, as contrasted to true yams, are a more significant source of nutrition. They are a good source of potassium and vitamin C, and contain vitamin B6, iron, and fibre; also, they are very rich in beta-carotene. One sweet potato contains as much as 5 times the RDA of vitamin A (the deeper orange the color, the more beta-carotene). They are relatively low in calories and high in complex carbohydrates. Sweet-potato-yams are at their best when unblemished, with tight, unwrinkled skins and firm flesh. They do not store well – storage requires ideal conditions (dry, dark, cool 55 degrees), and their high moisture content makes them susceptible to mold, etc. If bruised, they deteriorate rapidly and spoiled areas will affect the flavor of the entire potato. Do not refrigerate them, and use within a week or so. Yams and sweet potatoes have been prepared in a myriad of ways: pounded, boiled, roasted, grilled, sliced and fried, mashed, and made into chips, pudding, or muffins. Some more exotic versions might include: sweet potato and black bean burrito, sweet potato, corn, and kale chowder, sweet potato shepherd’s pie, or Rock Cornish Game Hen with Sweet Potatoes and Gran Marnier. Or, to introduce children to this vegetable, try Kuumba (the Kwanzaa principle of creativity) Yams: bake chunks of sweet-potato-yams brushed with butter or vegetable oil (honey may also be added later) and serve with different spices (such as cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice) and fruits (raisins, grated coconut, pineapple chunks, apple slices) on the table, and children can explore a variety of tastes by adding different spices and fruits to their ‘yams’.
Your Thanksgiving Turkey now! Call your Co-op or go to your Co-op info desk to order Other Special Meats Available: ducks, cornish game hens, roasts, boneless hams, large turkey breasts. Rack of lamb, organic prime rib, seafood, fish
Order by Nov. 15th Shelton’s Free Range Turkeys All natural, fresh, grown without antibiotics, hormones, or growth stimulants and not fed animal protein.
Order by Nov. 20th. Embudo Valley Organic Turkeys Certified organic, free of herbicides, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics, field grazed in small flocks, hand processed. Limited quantity available.
Order by Nov. 20th.
SANTE FE BITE SIZE BAKERY Santa Fe, New Mexico Lemon Verde Pistachio Cookies, Piñon Nut Chocolate Chip Cookies, Fiesta Wedding Cookies, Anise Bizcochitos, 6.5 oz. $3.29
november 2004 6
Bakery & Bulk Spotlight: Pies! by Robin Seydel Pies Pies Pies, everyone loves pie! Fruit or nut, cranberry or pumpkin, creamy and chocolate; La Montanita has got pie for you.
Santa Fe, New Mexico Organic Green Chile Enchilada Sauce, Hot, Medium and Mild 16 oz. $3.29
HATCH Deming, New Mexico Red Chile Enchilada Sauce Hot, Medium, and Mild 15 oz. $1.99 LEO MARTINEZ POSOLE San Juan Pueblo, New Mexico Blue Corn Posole on sale $2.29 lb., White Corn Posole $1.79 lb.
SAGE BAKEHOUSE Santa Fe, New Mexico Whole Wheat Farm Bread $2.79 per loaf, Pane Paisano Bread $2.79 per loaf
SUNRISE JUICE Santa Fe, New Mexico Fresh Orange Juice 32 oz. $2.99, Fresh Grapefruit Juice 32 oz. $2.99 B’S HONEY Los Lunas, New Mexico New Mexico Honey 12 oz. Honey Bear $3.59, 24 oz Honey Bear $6.79
LOS CHILEROS Santa Fe, New Mexico Sopaipilla Mix 12 oz. for $2.49, Blue Corn Waffle & Pancake Mix 16 oz. for $3.99
Nature’s Way to Better Health Mary Alice Cooper, M.D. classical homeopathy craniosacral therapy visceral therapy St. Raphael Medical Center 204 Carlisle NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 266-6522
BAKE ‘EM: There is something so satisfying about the aroma of a pie baking in the oven. Come to our bulk department for all the flour, nuts, seeds and sweetners you need to bake your own. Nowhere can you find the wide variety of alternative flours. In addition to the classic bread, pastry and white you can find amaranth, spelt, corn, barley, oat and more. Also we have wild rice, dried cranberries, pinon nuts and corn meal for a classic New Mexico cornbread stuffing and just about everything else you need to trim out your holiday feast. TAKE ‘EM: There are two great local bakeries making pies for the Coop this year. We will try and stock as many as we can but to be sure you get your favorite please special order. Pick-up your order form at either Coop location information desk or call Adam at 265-4631 in Nob Hill or 242-8800 in the Valley with your special order. Please make sure we have at least 48 hours. PASTRY SHOP The Elizabeth at the Pastry Shop has been making holiday pies for the Coop for many years. Their vegan cinnamon rolls and special breads have been classic Coop fare for nearly twenty years. Her pies are all natural with no trans-fatty acids/ no hydrogenated oil/shortenings, no refined sugars or artificial anything. Mostly sweetned with fruit and pure cane syrup; some with whole wheat crusts, Elizabeth makes some of the most delicious pumpkin pies you ever tasted. Whether you choose the classic pumpkin or the vegan pumpkin chiffon (with its extra light custard-like consistency that melts in your mouth like a snowflake), you’re sure to be glad you did. Also her pecan pies are out of this world. All are made from old-fashioned recipes that have been updated for the modern palate, made with less sweetener, and no hydrogenated shortening. The fruit pies are a marvel as well. Special order
apple, cherry, peach, blueberry, apple cranberry or cranberry pear (a Coop fave) today, you’ll be glad you did. AMERICAN PIE If you love the Congo Bars, crème cheese fudge bars, Raspberry granola bars, and the other bakery goodies we sell all year long—and really who doesn’t!— you’ll love Judy’s American Pie pies. She really has the touch that makes a special pastry. Pastry chef for 23 years at some of the finest resorts in the nation, its lucky for us she settled here in New Mexico about 6 years ago to start her own business. All her pies are baked fresh daily, from the freshest, all natural ingredients she can find. Never anything artificial, every pie a hand made work of culinary art. These are classically delicious pies that make your mouth water just thinking about them. Choose from traditional creamy pumpkin, fabulous chocolate pecan, cranberry/raspberry, peach, apple spice and more great fruit combinations. Look for pies in the bulk/bakery section and ask for special order forms at both Coop locations.
Additions and Corrections to the Member to Member Resource Guide Health and Wellness Earth Magic Natural Therapies Jill Fitzbag LMT#4357 2403 San Mateo NE suite W-5 505-363-7963 Special Considertions: 20% discount on massage to coop members
In-home meal preparation includes grocery shopping, cooking and cleanup. Specialized diets welcomed. Gift certificates, cooking classes and holiday/catering available. 505-792-8981 Special consideration to co-op members: 10% discount on hourly fee.
Deborahlise Mota DOM, Lsc. Apc/herbalist 1816 B Lomas Blvd NW 505-247-4372 (HERB) Special Consideration:15% off regular visit
Farming, Gardening, Landscape Botanic Arts Laurie Lange, landscape artist & certified horticulturist Zen and horticulturally sound, ecological landscapes, unique handbent iron trellises phone: 264-0795 email: botanicarts@ Special Considerations: 10% off for coop members on installations.
Paula Muran, Medical Intuitive/Empath, Wellness Coach & Educator Specializing in Emotional Healing & Counseling 866-231-0023 email: Connie Henry BSC, RN, Nurse Naturopath Therapeutic Environments New Mexico Natural Health Clinics 505-343-0552 e-mail: Nutrition, Herbalist, Energy Work, Aromatherapy Speical Considerations: SimpleCare discount (20%) for all Coop members Helping Hands Personal Chef Services Pat Chupak, Chef/Owner
To add your business to the Coop’s Member to Member Resource Guide please e-mail your information: name, coop member number, address, business name, phone number, email, and the special consideration you are willing to give to other Coop members to
co-op news
november 2004 7
Growing New Mexico’s Cooperative Network by Robyn Seydel n mid October the last community forum on developing New Mexico’s Cooperative Network, and the transformation of Santa Fe’s Marketplace Natural Food Store into a coop was held. Many thanks to all who participated in the four forums, two in Santa Fe and two in Albuquerque. And thanks as well to all the people who called us and wrote letters or emails. In all cases the dialogues have been important and enlightening. Members of both the Santa Fe community and the Albuquerque community asked many thoughtful questions, voiced important concerns and gave overwhelming support for our endeavors in both Gallup and Santa Fe.
It was clear that the Santa Fe community welcomes the re-emergence of a cooperative alternative in the natural foods market there. In addition to those new to cooperative concepts, many Santa Feans who are already members of La Montanita turned out along with many who remember or were members of the New Life Coop active in Santa Fe until the early/mid 1980’s. The four discussions brought out areas we will address in the coming days, weeks and months as we work to build a successful cooperative network here in New Mexico. In addition to the con-
CO-OP to CO-OP support
cerns about community representation and governance that the Board of Directors is carefully considering, issues raised included; application of member benefits at all locations, volunteer programs, internal cooperative communications, financial stability, maintaining community autonomy, economies of scale with regards to price, quality and selection and other areas of concern. While we are actively seeking information exchange with other Coops who have multiple stores, the diversity of communities that we will be serving, and the great distances we here in New Mexico accept as a fact of life make this something relatively new to the coop movement. As always the Board of Directors continues with their “due diligence” efforts to assure the well being of our cooperative.
Calendar of Events 11/1 11/16 11/17 11/20 11/22 11/23 11/25
Social Responsibility Research Committee 5:30pm Board of Directors Meeting 5:30pm Deadline for Meat Special Orders Deadline for Turkey Orders Turkey pick-up begins Finance Committee Meeting, 5pm Co-op Annex Thanksgiving, Co-op closed
need a perfect gift? COOP GIFT certificates
The process of merging Gallup’s Wild Sage Coop with La Montanita continues. By the time you read this we hope to have signed a lease on a new storefront, that will have the amenities needed to better serve the Gallup community. It is our goal to have it up and running as early in December as possible. We have begun the process of merging our two membership databases and Gallup members should be receiving their new La Montanita member cards and member numbers in early November. Wild Sage membership expiration dates will rollover into their La Montanita membership, and they will only have to renew when their Wild Sage membership expires. Gallup members should watch their mailboxes for their new member cards. While we will not be able to apply their sales at the old Gallup store as it closes to their member patronage account, all purchases at either of the two Albuquerque locations will apply until the new Gallup location opens.
from $10-up, give the gift of great tasting healthy food!
Again thanks to all who participated and shared input and support. We sincerely hope all members of the involved communities will stay engaged as we move forward. We are still interested in hearing your questions or input about this emerging New Mexican cooperative network. Please contact: Robyn at 256-459 memb@lamontanita, C.E. at 265-4631, ce@lamontanitacoop. com or the Board of Directors at bod@lamontanita
Board Briefs:
Summary of Board Minutes: August 2004 Board Approved September 2004 Reported by: Julie Hicks, Secretary • The General Manager reported a net income loss due to a third party inventory that resulted in corrections in several departments, low gross margins in the meat departments at both stores, annual summer drop in sales, and other expenses. The GM also reviewed the June membership survey results with the board. The GM discussed the benefits of the survey and direction it gives for building future membership. The GM said the survey indicates a large increase in those who say our prices are competitive. • The GM reported that the Co-op settled a National Labor Relations Board complaint with an employee; the settlement requires documentation and payment of lost wages resulting from a demotion. The GM also reported that market
study results for Gallup will be ready soon. (See the General Manager’s column, September 2004, regarding the purchase of Wild Sage Cooperative in Gallup). • The board discussed the annual budget. The board Treasurer reported that the Finance Committee supports the submitted budget. The board approved the budget and its variable budget scenarios dependent upon the future, which may include the possible acquisition of new stores. This brief represents a summary of what was discussed at the monthly board meetings; the full minutes may be found at the information desk. Visitors are welcome to attend board meetings. They are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church at Carlisle and Silver.
MEMBERS: MOVED RECENTLY? Thanks to your support the Board is in the process of contemplating our annual patronage refund. Should the Board declare a refund for the Sept. 2003 to Aug. 2004 fiscal year checks will be mailed to your home in early to mid December. If you have moved or have not received the two mailings we recently sent (Official By-law Amendment Notification and Volume Discount Voucher at the end of September or the Election Ballot at the end of October) PLEASE, PLEASE be sure to check your address with the info desk at either coop location to make sure we have your current address.
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Women’s Health Concepts,
new...possibilities, connections, products new possibilities
new connections
The Co-op exploring new possibilities in Santa Fe
Brian, produce clerk at the MarketPlace and long time member o four Co-op
new cooperation
C o - o p b o a r d m e m b e r, K e n O . at Cloudcliff Bakery in Santa Fe getting javad up for the community meeting
new award
Co-op voted “ best organic food” by Crosswinds readers for the The Best of New Mexico issue
new ramen
f i n a l l y. . . r a m e n m a d e w i t h organic noodles.... asian veggies, tofu and miso
new product
B i o n a t u r a e ’s e x c e p t i o n a l tasting organic whole wheat pasta.
new valley sign
new opportunities
annual turkey order r e m i n d e r o n Va l l e y Co-op new outdoor sign
C.E. Pugh,Co-op GM, talking about a New Mexico Co-operative Network at the annual membership meeting
new product
new personality
Healthy? Marshmallows?? Made with kosher gelatin and egg whites
new deli pies Detectible and delicious fresh baked daily
P e d r o o f P e d r o S a l s a ’s at the MarketPlace.... we have his salsa at both Albuquerque locations
new hotties these hotties are heart healthy
Spirit Of Cooperation Awards
This year La Montanita Coop is once again pleased to have given a series of Spirit of Cooperation Awards to honor some of the wonderful people in our cooperative community. Last year we initiated the Awards and it was so well received that we are excited to be doing it again. It wasn't easy to narrow down the field, as there are so many people deserving of recognition for their great work in this community. Last year we began the tradition, this year we continue it and each and every year we will be recognizing the outstanding contributions of members of our Coop community at our annual membership meeting. The categories of awards are related to the Cooperative Principles and values as defined by the national and international cooperative movements. The categories of awards include: Spirit of Community Volunteerism All of La Montanita's work in the community depends of our dedicated and capable volunteers. This award is given to a person (or persons) that exemplifies the true spirit of volunteerism for greater community good. Spirit of Continuous Education One of the defining cooperative principles is that of continuous education.
Spirit of Community Volunteerism: Sara Constantine Recycling Leader Sara first became a member of the Coop in the late 1980"s and except for a couple of years when she left town in the late 1990's she has been a member ever since. For the past 4 years she has volunteered as the point person in our recycling efforts. Sara makes sure that everything we, here at the Coop, can recycle does get recycled. She even helps coordinate other volunteers who help haul the contents of our big blue bins to the appropriate recycling center. It was with out a doubt Sara's efforts that were honored as the Coop received the Small Business Recycler of the Year award from the New Mexico Recycling Coalition this past June. Thanks Sara for making both the Coop and the larger Albuquerque community more sustainable with your recycling efforts.
Spirit of Cooperative Involvement: Alexander B. Wright Informed and Caring Consumer
Key in all democratic organizations, is the understanding that wise and careful decisions are best made by educated people. La Montanita contin ues to maintain its commitment to community education on many levels and this award is given to a person(or persons) who furthers this mission. Spirit of Cooperative Involvement Involvement is the cornerstone of every cooperative. This award is given to a person (or persons) who gets involved and stays involved with issues that directly relate to the betterment of our cooperative. Spirit of Sustainable Local Production Each year this award will go to a farmer or producer who embodies the ideals of sustainable local production, love of the land commitment to environmental stewardship and local economic development. Cooperator of the Year Award This award is given to the person (or persons) who through word and deed epitomizes a lifelong commitment to cooperative philosophy and val ues both at our cooperative and throughout the community.
Spirit of Continuous Education: Arcie Chapa Speaking Truth to Power Arcie is a familiar voice on KUNM's Thursday morning call in show, and was for a time a familiar face as a KNME talk show host. Even in the face of intense pressure, Arcie consistently provides a venue and a voice for the concerns, issues, and activities of our New Mexican community. Tackling topics including genetic engineering, food irradiation, food security, local food production and farming issues she helps articulate the diversity of our community, focusing on solution based dialogue. These days with the credibility of journalistic integrity in constant question Arcie's commitment to truthfulness never wavers as she continues to educate and inform on a wide variety of issues important to the cooperative community.
Spirit of Sustainable Production: Bill Rogers Dedicated to Farming the Land
With meticulous attention to detail Alexander is one of the people in the community that is constantly helping us do what we do just a little bit better. An informed and caring consumer he brings to our attention instances in which we can improve our service, maintain high standards of accuracy in labeling and improve the quality of our products. Alexander is an extra pair of eyes and ears and in an ongoing way helps us stay as trustworthy as we strive to be. He maintains his dedicated involvement in making the Coop better on a daily basis.
Cooperator of the Year: Pat Janney The Essence of the Cooperative Spirit Pat is as dedicated to the cooperative movement as a person can be. She has worked at a variety of Credit unions, including our New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union and currently at the New Mexico Energy Federal Credit Union. She came to La Montanita's Board of Directors 4 years ago, appointed by members of the Board to fill a one-year position when a director left early. We had just opened our Valley location, lost our General Manager and things at the Coop felt fairly insecure. Her good business sense, both financial and administrative and great personal warmth helped us through some very tough times. Elected to a three-year term at the next election, she has served as Board President for the past few years, providing strong, sensitive leadership, continuity and working to refine policy governance that has helped us achieve the high level of stability we presently enjoy.
For all of you that read the August newsletter it will come as no surprise that we are giving the Sustainable Production award to Bill Rogers and family. At 89 Bill still brings regular deliveries of his great locally grown, pesticide free pinto beans to the Coop. Having come to New Mexico with his homesteader parents in 1916 he has been farming here in New Mexico since he turned nine years old in1924. An inspiration to generations of farmers, he exemplifies how to care-take the land, keeping it in sustainable production decade after decade. Over the years he has found a way hold on to the farm and keep farming; no small feat given the difficulties farmers throughout the nation have faced. And besides he's a great fiddle player too!
La Montanita Global Ends Policy
A thriving member owned cooperative that results in an increasing number of people having and making more informed and sustainable choices at costs that do not exceed the revenue of the cooperative
fine holiday
november 2004 10
gathering around the
Heat the oil in a medium-size pot over medium heart and cook the onion gently for about 2 minutes, or until it's softened but not brown. Stir in the garlic, tomato, and beans. Season with salt and pepper. Add 1-1/2 cups water and bring the mixture to a boil; then lower the heat, cover the pot, and simmer gently for about 35 minutes, or until the beans are tender but not too soft.
Looking for something a little different for your Thanksgiving table this year, either as a veggie main dish or side dish to go with your bird. Try any of the recipes below.
Transfer the mixture to a serving plate, cover it, and refrigerate for 1 hour. Serve chilled or at room temperature with a garnish of chopped parsley.
Adapted and reprinted from the following web sites:,
Mooshu Leftovers
Baked Pumpkin with Caramelized Onions, Cinnamon, and Almonds
In a microwave-safe bowl (such as a Pyrex casserole with lid), toss the turkey meat with the hoisin sauce. Sprinkle the cabbage on top. Cover and heat on high 1 minute. Stir the mixture: the turkey should be just heated through and the cabbage slightly wilted but not yet limp. If the cabbage is too crunchy for your tastes, microwave another 15 seconds or until the desired consistency is reached. (Note: the turkey and cabbage will release liquid as they're cooked, so avoid overcooking them.) Spoon into warm flour tortillas and serve with a generous amount of fresh cracked pepper, and if desired, chopped green onions.
2 lb sugar pumpkin, butternut acorn or hubbard squash 1/2 water 1/4 c vegetable oil 3 onions, thinly sliced 4 tbsp slivered almonds, toasted 1/4 c seedless raisins, plumped in warm water and drained 1/4 sugar 2 tsp ground cinnamon Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Cut the pumpkin into 2-inch chunks. Place them in an ovenproof dish. Add the water and cover tightly. Bake until tender, 40 to 45 minutes. Let cool. Peel the pumpkin and set aside. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the oil and sautĂŠ the onions until tender, 5 to 6 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons of the almonds, the raisins, sugar, cinnamon, salt, and pepper. Cook, stirring, until the onions are caramelized, 15 to 20 minutes. Spread the onion mixture evenly over the peeled pumpkin. Return to the oven and bake until heated through, 10 to 15 minutes. Sprinkle with the remaining almonds and serve immediately. Green Beans with Tomatoes and Olive Oil 1/2 c virgin olive oil 1 small Spanish onion, finely diced (1/2 c) 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and finely diced (1/2 cup) 1-1/2 lb fresh green beans, trimmed and cut in half lengthwise Salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp chopped fresh Italian parsley
2 c cooked, shredded turkey meat, preferably dark meat 2 tbsp hoisin sauce 2 c finely shredded napa cabbage 4 flour tortillas, heated (see method below) 2 chopped green onions, optional
Turkey in Saffron Cream Sauce 1/2 c chicken broth 1/4 tsp saffron threads 1 c heavy cream 1 to 2 c shredded, cooked turkey meat Over high heat, bring the chicken broth to a boil in a saucepan. Crush the saffron threads in your palm and crumble them into the broth. Gently boil the broth for 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in the cream. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer sauce until reduced to about 2/3 cup, about 8 to 10 minutes. Stir in the turkey meat and cook until heated through. Serve over buttered egg noodles, or on steamed basmati rice. Skillet Pinon Corn Bread 1/4 c butter, melted 2 tbsp canola oil or vegetable oil 1/4 c warm water 1/2 c buttermilk 2 eggs Dry Ingredients 1-1/4 c cornmeal 3/4 c all-purpose flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt
Own your own life!
332-0234 Let us show you an enlightened, community oriented way to create health and wealth. Forrest Evans & Vidia Wesenlund
fine holiday
1/2 c pinon nuts, toasted 1/2 c fresh corn kernels, roasted 15 fresh sage leaves, chopped 1 small onion, diced Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Whisk together the butter, oil, water, buttermilk, and eggs in a mixing bowl. Set aside. Combine the dry ingredients and sift into a separate mixing bowl. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until completely incorporated. Stir in the pine nuts, corn kernels, sage, and onion until incorporated. Coat a 10-inch ovenproofcast iron skillet with softened butter (about 2 tablespoons) and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Remove the hot skillet and pour the batter into it. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or until a paring knife or toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the center. Remove the skillet from the oven and let cool slightly. Serve out of skillet. Maple Apple Squash Soup 1 lb pumpkin, butternut or acorn squash, peeled and cubed 1/2 c butter, ghee or non-hydrogenated margarine divided 4 tbsp real maple syrup 3 tbsp brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp ginger 3 tbsp flour 2 c stock or broth 2 c unsweetened apple sauce 1 c coarsely chopped tart apples 2 c light cream salt and white pepper to taste Boil or microwave squash until tender. Mash squash with 4 tablespoons butter, maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon, and ginger. Melt the remaining butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the flour and cook for 3 minutes, stirring well. Add the chicken stock. Cook and stir for a few more minutes until the soup has thickened. Add the squash mixture, applesauce, and apples. Continue to cook until the soup is thoroughly heated, stirring frequently. Once warmed, stir in the cream and heat until the soup just starts to bubble. Remove from the heat. Cool and refrigerate for at least 12 hours and up to three days. Reheat over medium heat until warmed through. Taste and adjust seasonings.
Cook yams in oven for about 1 hour at 400 degrees. Make sure they are soft to the touch when done. In a saute pan (non-stick), combine the margarine and onions (slice, then chopped). Let onions soften. Add the brown sugar, maple syrup, and cinnamon into the saute pan. Let it carmelize the onions. When potatoes are done, peel off the skins (make sure you get them all) and put into a large serving bowl. Mush them up a little, add a little bit of your favorite margarine. Then take the onion mixture, drain, and pour them on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle with a little more brown sugar, add fresh ground pepper.
order your
local, organic turkey
today from your CO-OP!
Broccoli with walnuts in pumpkin seed sauce 1 1/2 lb broccoli, cut into bite size pieces 1/4 c walnut pieces 1/4 c shelled pumpkin seeds 1/4 c water (or more) 2 1/2 tsp tamari or soy-sauce 1/ tsp sugar 1/2 tsp onion powder 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/8 tsp pepper In a medium saucepan with a steamer insert, steam broccoli over boiling water 5-7 minutes until tender. In a small skillet over med-high heat, toast walnuts and pumpkin seeds for 2-3 minutes until fragrant. Transfer to a food processor and let cool slightly. Pulse several times, until nuts are coarsely ground. Add remaining ingredients to food processor and process to a thick puree, adding more water if needed. Pour sauce over broccoli, and serve.
Sweet Potatoes with Cranberries
Favorite Sweet Potatoes 4 meduim sized yams 2 tbsp of unsalted non-hydrogenated margarine 2-3 large vidalia sweet Onions 6 tbsp of light brown sugar 1 tsp of ground cinnamon 2 tbsp of maple syrup fresh ground pepper
november 2004 11
bake a
farming & gardening
november 2004 12
Politics and Polemics by Brett Bakker I suppose its only natural when the farm population is in such decline that the Big Two presidential candidates no longer stump for the onceimportant "farm vote". Besides some rhetoric about saving the family farm when was the last time you heard a national politician bring up anything vaguely agricultural — unless it has to with World Trade agreements and how unfair it is that many countries refuse to let us dump GMO crops on them? The current administration's ag policy is one that deregulates needed restrictions for factory agri-business: protection of wetlands from runoff farm chemicals or air quality management around massive feedlots.
itchy green
bake, boil and extrude the stuff it into the boxes or bags that are again trucked & railed to the grocer's shelf (and of course, after that you truck it home in your own vehicle but we won't go there just now). The farmer's cost for fuel eats into their already-low profit margin. How much more are you willing to pay for your food in the name of equitable farm prices? Fivepercent? Ten? Fifteen? The original back-to-theland movement that eventually spawned the Organic Certification behemoth surely didn't have this system in mind. Buying all your produce locally is a step in the right direction but its just that: a step. And as the scale goes up (say, local organic wheat in addition to local organic tomatoes) things get more complicated. The old infrastructure for small-scale grain or bean or beef production has disappeared along with the smallscale farm.
Nope, its business as usual, meaning higher production at any cost: consumer goods and GMO "food" are mere commodities. Besides economic value, they're linked since oil is needed for their manufacture (and I include agri-biz farm crops as "manufactured"). The rising cost of fuel in spite of the "liberation" of foreign oil fields is addressed for the impact it has on commuters, vacationers, factories, or trucking & shipping. To date I've heard neither campaign mention the effect on the farmer. All of us good little organic tree-huggers like to think our food comes from idyllic fields where chickens busily scratch and the farmer sips lemonade with his healthily freckled family during the noon break. As an Organic Inspector I've been to a few vegetable farms like that but you must realize that's only if its produce you're buying and only then if it comes from a small local farm. Your organic bread, tofu, pastas and oils have their origins in farms that are just as large as any conventional one. Fields of cotton or soy or wheat as far as the eye can see that are worked with machines that wouldn't fit in your garage even if it was five times bigger. Although the large-scale organic farmer isn't consuming oil in the form of fertilizers & pesticides, it takes a lot of fuel to run those tractors, planters, cultivators, swathers, balers, combines and harvesters. And then to move the harvest by truck & rail to silos & granaries from which it is further trucked & railed to processing facilities that use fossil fuels to cook,
But there's no federal monies for this scale. As far as they're concerned, it barely exists. Sure, "organic" is a term now defied — oops— defined and owned by the feds but even though I've met dozens of certifiers and inspectors who work hard to uphold the spirit of organic standards, we're pitted against Industry (with a capital "I") who see organic as just one more point of market-share. But just as the incumbent president is no agricultural prizewinner, neither is his opponent. For just one small example, the opponent's wife apparently wins kudos for her environmental work but you certainly don't hear about it from him. In times of war and fear of "terror", environmentalists are viewed as out-of-it crackpots and the environmental vote is little regarded by the two parties, just like the farm vote. The average American who's vote is valued is no longer rural, no longer a farmer or smalltown shopkeeper but an urban (or aspiring urban) consumer who must be kept comfortable at all times with meaningless good & services of which the only value is more, bigger, and louder. That way, they can't hear the beating of the drums…
Organic Agriculture Key in
Reducing Global Warming by Wylie Harris, Prairie Writers Circle The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" gives people a technicolor take on the havoc that global climate change might wreak. Despite President Bush's reassurances to the contrary, the growing consensus among scientists is that the problem is real. No less sober a source than the Pentagon recently made predictions rivaling the movie's for grimness. No one can say when, where and how global warming will actually play out. That makes it even scarier. With this uncertainty, 'better safe than sorry' seems the best prescription. So what can you and I do? We can push policy changes. We can drive less and practice other forms of conservation. And we can consider other ways we spend our money — in particular, what kinds of food we buy. There are two strategies for lessening the atmospheres load of the heat-trapping greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. One is to emit less of it. The other is to reduce what's already there by sucking it out of the air and storing it somewhere else, such as in the soil. Certain kinds of farming — and shopping — can do both. Pound for pound, growing food organically emits less carbon dioxide than the methods most commonly used to grow food today. Conventional agriculture uses large amounts of synthetic, fossil-fuel-based nitrogen fertilizer, whose production and use account for as much as a third of agriculture's carbon dioxide emissions. Organic farms don't use synthetic nitrogen, relying instead on crop residues and manure for fertility. What's more, Rodale Institute studies show that this recycling of organic matter back into the soil can increase the amount of carbon stored there.
So organic farming takes the prize in today's agriculture for addressing the problem of mounting carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. And organic has an added benefit: It doesn't poison our soil and water with the synthetic pesticides so widely used in conventional farming. Growing food, however, is only half the battle. Getting it to the table also puts out a lot of carbon dioxide. Food in the United States typically travels 1,500 miles before landing on the dinner plate. The food industry is the largest user of freight transportation in the country. Buying more locally grown food would reduce those miles, keeping more fossil-fuel carbon in the tank and out of the sky. Local foods might seem hard to find at first, but there's no better way of increasing supply than to make demand felt. And demand is already growing. The number of farmers and customers at farmers' markets and other direct sales outlets is up 20 percent annually over the past decade. Web sites like, and are good places to start looking for local sources. Buying organic and local food is a nearly unbeatable combination. Home gardening is another option, and is also a great source of exercise — without the gym fees. If you're concerned about global warming, you can — and should — express that concern to your elected representatives, and get them to start applying your tax money to keeping the worst-case climate change scenarios in the movies. Meantime, you can send a more immediate signal in the way you buy — or grow — your food each week. Wylie Harris is a Food and Society Policy Fellow, funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Harris is a member of the Land Institute's Prairie Writers Circle, Salina, Kan.
Body-Centered Counseling
November 3 - 30 Reception: November 19 5 – 8:30 PM
Marina Brownlow, Dale Pino and John Boyce
Integrated Counseling, Therapeutic Bodywork and Movement
Penny Holland M.A., L.P.C.C, L.M.T.
1114 7th Street NW at Mountain Road for more information, call 505-242-6367
505-265-2256 LPCC Lic. 0494, LMT Lic. 1074
consumer news
november 2004 13
Fear or Economics? by Wally Tharp, New Mexico Healthy Food Advocates General Mills recently announced that all of their cereals would be made from whole grains from now on. THIS IS A MILESTONE on the road to bringing healthy foods back to the public. In the early nineteen hundreds, heart disease was virtually unknown but flour mills had a terrible problem. When they ground whole grain, it would turn rancid and they would be forced to throw it away, at great financial loss. Then milling machinery was developed that allowed them to separate the bran and the wheat germ (the nutritive part) from the white powder we learned to call "flour". The effect on the health of the users could not be ignored. Heart disease developed at a rapid rate, causing the government to pass a law requiring mills to add some synthetic vitamins along with their chemical preservatives to the flour. This gave the millers the 'right' to call their product "ENRICHED" but it did not stop the steady increase in the rates of heart disease. With constant advertising and promotion, people learned to prefer the taste and texture of "white bread" and to dislike the rich wholesome taste of bread and pastries made from whole grain flour. They learned to prefer the products that were leading them to an early death. With the magic of the advertising spin, people, including many doctors believed that synthetic vitamins were as good as or maybe even better than one grown in a plant. These facts are not just about the milling companies, in fact, all food that is processed has lost most of the valuable components that guarantee a healthy body. The processing does give the corporation a product that has a longer “ shelf life” and it makes money so they have to do it. That is what corporations do. Of course, some scientists have been able to show that many of today’s ailments are caused by the lack of vitamins and minerals, the drug companies created the answer; plugging the hole in the dam by producing synthetic nutrients. People continued to be fooled, and they continued developing new diseases, which created the need for more doctors (generations of whom began practicing without any kind of nutritional training), hospitals and more projects for the drug companies.
And sadly, here we are today with epidemic proportions of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancers and other degenerative diseases, even or perhaps, especially, among our youth. Anyone who claimed that bad food created bad health was publicly ridiculed and made to look like the village idiot. But there were enough people who regained their health, with the use of whole grain, unprocessed foods even after the medical establishment had advised them to get their affairs in order and get acquainted with the local Undertaker, that more and more people began listening to them. Today, there is a massive movement nationally and internationally, of people who are demanding natural, whole food, grown in healthy soil and delivered to the dinner table in a form that is health giving! Today, because of those "crackpots" and the people who have listened to them, companies like McDonalds and General Mills are paying attention to the outcry for healthy food, and corporations are buying up the small mom and pop health food companies like crazy. Is this change because these corporations have developed a heart? No, they are losing a percentage of the marketplace. A widely published the news article about General Mills mentioned that they had lost over 2% of their market. General Mills and other companies that have set out to improve the nutritional value of their products should be praised, but let's make them go a little further. LETS MAKE THEM QUIT STORING THEIR GRAINS WITH LONG LASTING TOXIC CHEMICALS THAT LEAVE RESIDUES FOR THE PUBLIC TO EAT! Lets continue “voting with our dollars” until they take the BHA and BHT out of the boxes that they store their grains in. There are a number of other effective methods for controlling pests, (diatomaceous earth among them). We praise General Mills for their decision, no matter why they made it, but why not go all the way and get the preservatives out, and reduce the sugar and artificial colors and flavors as well? For more info contact NM Healthy Food Advocates at 243-1460.
USDA Slammed!
for Allowing Factory Style “Organic” Dairy Operations them with "dry lots"and call that pasture, but that does not The USDA's weak enforcement of the nation's organic food production standards was sharply criticized by Mark Kastel, the Director of The Cornucopia Institute's Organic Integrity Project. "Why do we need to file lawsuits against our own government to enforce the law of the land,"Kastel asked the members of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) during its semi-annual meeting in Washington, D.C. At issue is the expansion of factory sized farming operations into the organic dairy business. Federal organic regulations demand strict animal husbandry practices, requiring that dairy cows have access to pasture and the outdoors plus receive a significant component of their food from pasturing. According to Kastel, 2000 to 5000-head organic dairy operations are starting-up or have begun operations in several locations across the country. "You cannot milk 3000 cows, 4000 cows, 5000 cows milking them in many cases three times a day and provide them access to real pasture," testified Kastel. "You can provide
make it pasture nor does it comply with the law. A factory farm is a factory farm. Just because you cram organic feed down the throats of your high-producing cattle does not make it organic agriculture," Kastel added. The USDA's failure to enforce the law, Kastel charged, "is a disrespectful slap in the face to hundreds of farmers like Vermont's Ann Lazor." Lazor and her husband Jack milk 45 Jersey cows and market an award winning organic yogurt. Hard-working dairy families like the Lazors follow the letter and intent of the organic regulations and jump through the USDA's many hoops necessary to produce real organic milk,"said Kastel. Kastel mentioned that The Cornucopia Institute, along with farmers and consumer groups, had called for the equivalent of "regime change" in management of the USDA’s National Organic Program at last April's NOSB meeting in Chicago. Kastel called upon the career employees at the National Organic Program to speak up and to speak out if they disagree with current policy. "Do the right thing,"urged Kastel. "Enforce the law and protect organic integrity. If you receive pressure from above for operating in an ethical manner know the farmers in the organic community will be on your side, consumers will be on your side, and the media will be anxious to stick their teeth into this juicy organic story." The Cornucopia Institute is a non-profit group based in Wisconsin working on sustainable and organic farming issues and food policy. If you would like a complete copy of Mark Kastel's testimony, call 715-839-7731.
organic ?
For more information on The Cornucopia Institute, visit the group's website at
healthy whole
Stone River Massage Linda Sue Strange, RN, LMT #4645
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wheatgrass home delivery Premium flats of wheatgrass delivered to your door for home juicing $10 per flat (yields 14 oz.) juicers available
call: alice or rich at 991-2397 or 877-6218
health & healing
november 2004 14
Mass Fluoridation: Homeopathy as a Natural Alternative Southwest Financial Group Robin R. Chall Financial Services Representative
9013 Cascajo Drive NE Albuqueruque, NM 87111 Res 505 823-9537 Fax 505 856-7824 Life insurance and annuities offered by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY 10010. Mutual funds offered by MetLife Securities,Inc., New York, NY 10010.
John A. Short, D.D.S., MSc. Mainstream dentistry’s continued use and endorsement of two highly toxic substances, mercury and fluoride, has unquestionably caused a greater health burden upon society than it is capable of admitting. Given the overwhelming scientific evidence substantiating the toxic effects these substances have on the body’s organ systems and moreover, the availability of safe alternatives, this position is at best unjustifiable, and at worst, unethical. What makes mass fluoridation of our municipal water supplies particularly egregious is the insidious manner in which the fluoridation “campaign”, touted by the dental profession in collaboration with local governments and industry since the 1950s, was thrust upon a mostly unsuspecting public without room for dialogue or community input. Fluoride Toxicity The studies conducted by international governments and universities demonstrating fluoride’s toxicity and lack of ability to prevent cavities (caries) number in the hundreds. The following are just some of the salient facts concerning fluoride toxicity taken from an article by Paul Connett, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. The full text may be accessed at Incidentally, the pro-fluoride American Dental Association bought the URLs “” and “” to misdirect citizens attempting to obtain information on
Herbalist Guild Meeting A new Central New Mexico Chapter of the American Herbalist Guild is forming. All herbalists and healers are welcomed to attend this first organizing meeting. Tuesday November 9th at 6PM at Off Center, 808 Park Ave. Just south of the intersection of Central at 8th Street. Come give your input on furthering community education and use of healing herbs. For more information contact Deborahlise at 247-HERB (4372)
For starters, no disease has ever been linked to a fluoride deficiency-it is not an essential nutrient. Most Western European countries are not fluoridated and yet have experienced the same decrease in decay rates as has the U.S.A. survey conducted by the National Institute of Dental Health-the largest ever in the U.S. comprising 39,000 children from 84 communities-showed no statistically significant difference between fluoridated and nonfluoridated communities. The level of fluoride put into water (1 ppm) is up to 220 times the amount found in mothers’ milk. The first visible sign of fluoride toxicity is dental fluorosis-white or dark splotches on tooth enamel in children. Fluoride is a cumulative poison (only about 50% of ingested fluoride is excreted), highly biologically active even at low concentrations, and inhibits numerous body enzymes. It combines with aluminum (also put in our water to remove
particles, colors and bacteria) to form complexes that interfere with proteins. Aluminum fluoride is highly neurotoxic. Fluoride is mutagenic, causing chromosome damage and interfering with DNA repair, and is associated with lower IQ in exposed children. Fluoride is a known thyroid depressant (it used to be prescribed for overactive thyroid). Fluoride initially was used to strengthen bones of patients with osteoporosis until it was found that it actually INCREASED bone fractures, particularly hip fractures. Data from the National Cancer Institute show a significantly higher rate of bone cancer in young men in fluoridated versus unfluoridated areas. One study in the U.S. found increased rates of infertility among couples living in areas with 3 or more ppm fluoride in the water. Some people drink more water than others, and we are exposed to various sources in our food, dental products, and beverages, thus intake is highly uncontrolled. The chemicals used to fluoridate water in the U.S. are not pharmaceutical grade. They are byproducts of the fertilizer industry. Homeopathic Alternative Although genetics plays some role in susceptibility, proper oral hygiene and diet are the two most important means of preventing decay. Use of certain homeopathic remedies may offer particular benefit to infants and children by strengthening teeth during the stages of tooth calcification and also following eruption. Children are also the highest-risk age group for caries. Three of these remedies belong to the family Calcarea: C. carbonica, C. fluorica, and C. phosphorica. The others are Fluoricum acidum, Thuja, and Kreosotum. Knowing which one to use and potency depends upon knowing the child’s constitutional type and selecting the closest match. Remedies are typically given by the parent in the form of drops every day along with other vitamins or supplements. Although this may initially appear to be labor intensive for a parent, daily administration via drops along with vitamins/supplements becomes quite effortless and habitual, and the potential long-term dental benefits quite significant, particularly if begun at an early age. Dr. John A. Short was a practicing dentist for 30 years in Colorado, has practiced homeopathy for the past 14 years and is a research epidemiologist. He maintains a homeopathic practice in Albuquerque. He may be reached through his website
Create a Great Holiday...
for Everyone by Karen B. King Here come the holidays — a time of festivities and enjoying time with loved ones. As we all know, these are also often times of long to-do lists of shopping, food preparation, scheduling, dashing from event to event, running far more errands than normal after a busy workday — whatever the details, this “Time to Be Joyful” can become a time of stress. It seems that the most normal response to this increased demand is to go faster, pack more into each day in order to insure that our goals for creating a Good Time for All will be accomplished. The idea of stopping for a short while to tend to our own budding feelings of exhaustion, anxiety or weariness can appear not only out of place, but out of sync with the spirit of giving. It’s logical to conclude that taking time for ourselves could take us off course, cause a loss of momentum and result in a lesser holiday experience. But is that logic correct? Getting things together for the holidays can feel like a job — so let’s switch contexts for a moment and have a look at some research on how therapies to reduce stress have been found to affect productivity. The effects of several methods were evaluated in a study involving health care workers, a population known to experience high stress levels at work.
In this study, groups of participants were assigned to different de-stressing activities — receiving massage therapy, listening to relaxing music, doing muscle relaxation with visual imagery, or participating in a social support group. Each activity lasted ten minutes. Just ten minutes. The results? All groups reported feeling less anxiety, fatigue and confusion. Many reported feeling more vigor! In another study, massage therapy was shown to reduce anxiety, increase vigor and even enhance alertness — participants completed math problems more accurately and rapidly than before their treatment. So, the next time you see yourself becoming overwhelmed, stressed or confused in your quest to create a great holiday, take some time for yourself. Whichever method you choose, remember that those minutes you take to relax and care for yourself can replenish you and enable you to better create — and experience — a joyful holiday season.
Receiving is as important as giving. from a fortune cookie: Sources Field, T., Quintino, O., Henteleff, T., Wells-Keife, L., & Delvecchio-Feinberg, G. (1997). Job stress reduction therapies. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 3, 54-56.
community forum Mixed Waste Landfill: Your input is needed! where it sits. Their plan is to cover the dump with 3 ft. of dirt, put signs and fences up around it, and use the land for industrial purposes to limit people’s exposure to the waste and prevent excess cancer risk.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! There will be a public hearing on the Mixed Waste Landfill on December 2, 2004, 9am, at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, 2500 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Albuquerque. Based on public comments a final decision for the landfill will be made by Environment Department Secretary Ron Curry. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE PLAN TO ABANDON THE WASTE? An estimated 100,000 cubic ft. of radioactive and hazardous waste sits in shallow, unlined pits and trenches at Sandia National Laboratories above Albuquerque’s sole source water supply. The dump is located on the East Mesa next to the planned Mesa del Sol development and the Journal Pavilion in a fast growing urban area. Base schools are not far from the site and a number of communities are downwind from the dump in the South Valley. The dump has more than 40 types of radioactive materials, PCBs, beryllium, large quantities of heavy metals (such as lead) and a variety of chemical waste from years of nuclear weapons research and development at Sandia National Labs. Due to the types and volumes of waste the landfill will remain hazardous essentially forever. Sandia and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) proposed plan is to essentially abandon the waste
november 2004 15
Loren Kahn Puppet Theater to Perform at the Coop during Shop and Stroll The Loren Kahn Puppet & Object Theatre performs professional puppet and object theatre for youth and adults. Their aim is to foster appreciation and respect for arts and culture, to provide the social experience of being an audience, to inspire both enjoyment and critical thinking, and to give young people a positive introduction to theatre. They will be performing their show "Natalia"
Leaving the waste in a growing urban area while waiting for it to contaminate our aquifer is not a good plan and one that’s been criticized by both citizens and independent scientists. The dump poses a long-term potential threat to our water supply; the dump will impact future land values and economic development; the dump poses a potential long-term risk to the health of nearby communities. Sandia Labs and DOE officials believe the Mixed Waste Landfill can only be excavated after certain high levels of radiation decay away; however, dumps containing similar waste around the country have been safely and successfully cleaned up. The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has issued a draft permit modification that gives initial approval of Sandia/DOE’s plan. Please join our efforts in telling the NMED that the Mixed Waste Landfill needs to be cleaned up to guarantee protection of our aquifer, our environment and the health of nearby communities over the long-term. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Mark your calendar to attend the public hearing on Dec. 2, 2004 and tell the NMED, Sandia Nat ional Labs and the DOE that the dump needs to be excavated and cleaned up to guarantee protection of our aquifer, our environment and the health of nearby communities over the long-term. Call Citizen Action for a free postcard to send to the NMED with your comment and to receive a postcard reminder announcing the hearing date. For more information contact Citizen Action (505) 280-1844 or
series people before profit Showing in November at the Albq. Peace & Justice Center, @ 7:00 PM 202 Harvard SE, 268-9557 Nov. 10: Imagine America Imagine an America with health care for all, a nation that is economically just and that works for unity and peace in the world. Join us for an uplifting evening and a conspiracy of hope for the future. Attend a virtual presentation of the “Imagine America” tour with these visionary leaders: John Robbins, “Diet for a New America” and Earthsave founder; Dennis Kucinich and his plan for a national Dept of Peace; and activist Marianne Williamson, author of “Healing the Soul of America”. Guest speaker on NM efforts to create a state Dept of Peace and on Disarm New Mexico.
Nov 17: Peaceable Kingdom At a time when FACTORY FARMING is in the headlines for putting the environment and public health at risk, “PEACEABLE KINGDOM” takes its audience on an eye-opening journey to the heart of this drama. Much more than an expose on factory farming, Peaceable Kingdom is about personal redemption, commitment, healing and hope, offering a lifechanging vision of a peaceful world well within our reach. Guest speaker from Animal Protection of New Mexico.
Lauri Norton Licensed Massage Therapist # 4199 Nationally Certified Cranio Sacral, Polarity, Swedish, Reflexology (505) 243-1701 cell 410-3741
La Montanita Co-op Food Market 3500 Central SE Albuquerque, NM 87106
Nov. 11th Co-op
Bioneers Founder Kenny Ausubel’s talk
details.... page 1
1. YOUR CHANCE TO SUPPORT A STORE that is committed to bringing you the highest quality organic produce, antibiotic and hormone -free meats, rBGH- free dairy products, imported and domestic chesses, healthiest grocery, bulk foods, fresh deli and juices, natural body care cosmetics, vitamins, herbs and more!
2. Member Refund Program: At the end of each fiscal year, if earnings are sufficient, refunds are returned to members based on purchases. 3. Pick-Up Our Monthly Newsletter full of information on food, health, environment and your Co-op.
come to our
Thanksgiving Tasting Fairs details page 1
4. Weekly Member-Only Coupon Specials as featured in our Weekly Sales Flyer. Pick it up every week at either location to save more than your annual membership fee each week. 5. Easy Check Writing AND CASH ($40) over purchase amount. We also accept ATM cards, VISA and MasterCard.
6. Banking Membership at New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union, with many Albuquerque branches to serve you. 7. Insurance and Financial Counseling: Call Robin Chall 823-9537
8. Free delivery for seniors, housebound and differently-abled people. 9. MEMBER- ONLY DISCOUNT DAYS: Take advantage of our special discount events for members only — throughout the year!
10. Special Orders: You can special order large quantities or hard-to-find items, at a 10% discount for members. 11. General Membership Meetings, Board positions and voting. Co-ops are democratic organizations; your participation is encouraged.
12. Membership Participation Program: Members can earn discount credit through our community outreach committees or skilled member participation program. Please ask at the Info Desk for details.
Now More than Ever: Support Community, Support Cooperation
The Only Community- Owned Natural Foods Grocery in the Albuquerque Area MEMBERSHIP:
Nob Hill: Central & Carlisle, 265-4631
Valley: Rio Grande & Matthew, 242-8800