La Montanita Coop Connection Novemeber, 2007

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Harvesting Solutions:

A Food-Shed Thanksgiving BY ROBYN SEYDEL


seems but a moment ago, that late last winter, pea seeds were pressed carefully into the earth and prayers went out for rain enough to bring in the harvest. Now the national day of thanksgiving is upon us: a celebration of the year’s harvest, a day of feasting with family and friends based on the traditional indigenous honoring of the earth’s bounty and, to my mind, a memorial to the generosity of native people. In meditation I am moved by the benevolence of the people and the resilience and fertility of the land that inspired this holiday. I am also deeply aware of the unfortunate way the largesse of both has been repaid. To be part of a solutions-based model is both a means to recognize the realities of the past and build a better future. The Food-Shed project and the overall cooperative system of community ownership and control of resources that La Montanita represents is an avenue for a shift to sustainability. For the opportunity to be part of the solution I am thankful. Local Food for Local People Massive food recalls due to contamination, obesity, diabetes and other aspects of the public health crisis, the destruction of rural economies, the loss of family farms and farmland, the pollution of air, water and soil by agricultural chemicals and genetically modified organisms all have their roots in the industrial food system. In the Co-op’s fledging, regional FoodShed Project’s food system is an antidote to all the above. We recognize that in the larger scheme of things our little Food-Shed Project is a “mere drop in the bucket.” But on the community level it has begun the process of re-building the

Our commitment to and support of growth in organic and sustainable farming throughout the state furthers our desire to mitigate the effects of global climate change. For this opportunity to serve we are thankful.

local rural economy by creating a wholesale market that helps make it possible for farmers to stay on their farms, supports them and through a growing distribution system provides “fresh, fair and local” foods to people throughout the state. During this fiscal year the Co-op has purchased over 2.5 millions dollars worth (about 20% of our total purchases) of local products direct from local farmers and producers. And it has allowed us to provide service to rural towns including Gallup and Silver City that might not have access to local products otherwise. For these opportunities to serve we are thankful.

Community Collaborations It has been and continues to be an honor to serve the people in our various communities. Our participation in the Carbon-Neutral Food-Shed Alliance and in numerous other community collaborations enriches and informs our continued efforts. We are well aware that the Co-op’s continuance depends on loyal members and shoppers. We are thankful for your support and the opportunity to continue to serve our communities. For all these things and so many more we are thankful.

Sustaining the Planet There is no doubt that climate change will affect food production and hunger worldwide. Research done by the Rodale Institute documents the beneficial effects of organic, no-till, conservation-based agricultural processes as a major player in mitigating the effects of CO2 on the planet. The Rodale Institute notes that organic farming can sequester as much as 3,670 tons of CO2 per acre. In 1981 the Rodale Institute began keeping records on the soil carbon levels at their two organic farms and one conventional system. Over that period the two organic farms showed a 15-28% increase in soil carbon levels while the conventional system showed no statistically significant increase.

The Food-Shed’s Seasonal TREASURES! New Mexico’s Famous Goat Dairy Products


oat milk products are among the ingredients that make New Mexican food so special. Several of our goat dairies will be “drying” their herds to give the “girls” a rest before “freshening” in the late winter and early spring. That means that in the deep winter there will be little goat cheese to choose from. The one exception will be Coonridge Goat Cheese; available year round in their famous glass jars. So before it’s gone like long summer days, now is the time to enjoy the last of these seasonal treasures. Don’t miss the wonderful little tubs of savory chevre from Old Windmill Goat Farm or the sweet breakfast chevre from South Mountain Dairy.


Or if you have not yet tried the classic rounds from Sweetwoods, this is the time before they are gone for the season. Look for all our local goat dairy products in the cheese case at your favorite Co-op location.



And too, enjoy the last of South Mountain Dairy’s fabulous drinkable yogurts in the refrigerated milk case.

Bringing together local farmers and Co-op shoppers for the best in fresh, fair and local food!

It’s a Great Time to Join the


Co-op Holiday Foods

Scrumptious Sampling Days

Get the finest fresh, fair and local foods this holiday season.

The Co-op is your one-stop shop for the most delicious fresh, fair and local Thanksgiving foods available.

And OWN your own grocery store at the same time.

From local and organic turkeys to vegetarian alternatives and scrumptious side dishes, from fresh baked pies to all the ingredients you need to bake your own, the Co-op has what you need. Or peruse our produce departments for side dish specialties.

All New and Renew members receive a FREE GIFT (Lifetime Members — you get one too!) A pack of Co-op greeting cards perfect for your holiday mailings or (in Albuquerque only) a Co-op kitchen towel. Cleaning out the old stock room we came across some “vintage” towels printed just after the opening of our Valley location.

Co-op Scrumptious Sampling Days Saturday, November 10th and Saturday, November 17th from 11am- 6pm at your Co-ops in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

join TODAY!

JOIN TODAY! This offer good only while supplies last!!! When they’re gone, they’re gone!


Need some ideas and inspiration? Come to your Co-ops in Albuquerque and Santa Fe on November 10th and 17 and taste the difference during fun and friendly Holiday Foods Scrumptious Sampling Days!

Great Eating Ideas from your CO-OP





A Community - Owned Natural Foods Grocery Store La Montanita Cooperative Hob Hill/ 7am-10pm M-S, 8am-10pm Sun. 3500 Central SE Albuq., NM 87106 265-4631 Valley/ 7am-10pm M-S, 8am-10pm Sun. 2400 Rio Grande Blvd. Albuq., NM 87104 242-8800 Gallup/ 10am-7pm M-S, 11am-6pm Sun. 105 E. Coal Gallup, NM 87301 863-5383 Santa Fe/ 7am-10pm M-S, 8am-10pm Sun. 913 West Alameda Santa Fe, NM 87501 984-2852 Cooperative Distribution Center 3361 Columbia NE, Albuq., NM 87107 217-2010 Administrative Staff: 505-217-2001 TOLL FREE: 877-775-2667 (COOP) • General Manager/C.E. Pugh 217-2020 • Controller/John Heckes 217-2026 • Computers/Info Technology/ David Varela 217-2011 • Food Service/Bob Tero 217-2028 • Human Resources/Sharret Rose 217-2023 • Marketing/Edite Cates 217-2024 • Membership/Robyn Seydel 217-2027 Store Team Leaders: • Mark Lane/Nob Hill 265-4631 • John Mulle/Valley 242-8800 • William Prokopiack/Santa Fe 984-2852 • Tracy Thomasson/Gallup 575-863-5383 Co-op Board of Directors: email: President: Martha Whitman Vice President: Marshall Kovitz Treasurer: Ken O’Brien Secretary: Roger Eldridge Lonn Calanca Tom Hammer Tamara Saimons Jonathan Siegel Andrew Stone Membership Costs: $15 for 1 year/$200 Lifetime Membership Co-op Connection Staff: Managing Editor: Robyn Seydel Layout and Design: foxyrock inc Cover/Centerfold: Co-op Marketing Dept. Advertising: Robyn Seydel Editorial Assistant: Kristin White 217-2016 Printing: Vanguard Press Membership information is available at all four Co-op locations, or call 217-2027 or 877-775-2667 email: Membership response to the newsletter is appreciated. Address typed, double-spaced copy to the Managing Editor, website: Copyright © 2007 La Montanita Co-op Supermarket Reprints by prior permission. The Co-op Connection is printed on 65% postconsumer recycled paper. It is recyclable.



Cast your vote between Nov. 1-14. Ballots and return envelopes have been mailed to members’ homes. Please vote for up to three candidates. Mail your vote to our independent 3rd party for tallying in the postage-paid envelope provided. Candidate questions, responses and personal statements are listed below. This year there are three 3-year terms open.

meet the

CANDIDATES of the Co-op, to the members. In researching this project (for which I was paid), I came to understand two important things: 1) The Coop, as a model of economic democracy and as a link between local food producers and consumers, is awesome. And 2) Most people have no idea what the hell “economic democracy” is or just how big and important a role the Co-op has played in supporting local, sustainable and organic agriculture. That’s a shame.

1. Describe your involvement with La Montanita Co-op. Include amount of time spent and specific activities, if appropriate. 2. Describe any volunteer or paid experience relevant to Earlier this year I was again asked by the board to write a story for the newsletter describing their World Café event. I agreed to do it (as a serving as a Co-op board member. volunteer this time) and went to the event, 3. What do you see as La Montanita’s not knowing quite what to expect. What I role in the broader community? Gwyneth found was a big group of La Montañita mem4. Personal statement including anybers who were really, really excited about the thing you feel is relevant to your Co-op. It was contagious. candidacy. 3. First and foremost I see the Co-op as the grocery store with the city’s best produce, meat, bread and dairy. And most of that stuff is so good because it hasn’t traveled very far to get here. I think one of La Montañita’s most important roles is our ability to help people translate their desire — to shop locally, sustainably and Stephanie organically —into action. 4. I’m interested in joining the board of directors because I think the Co-op is a great example of the way we all say we’d like the world to be: conscientious, fair and deeply involved on a local level. I’m happy just buying really nice peaches at the Co-op but I’ve got the passion and the energy to share so I thought hey, I might as well run for the board, you know?



1. I served on the original founding board of Wild Sage Co-op in Gallup. Before we moved in to our first storefront location, we used my truck to pick up organic produce from delivery trucks for break-out sessions in a member’s home. I was there when a representative of La Montanita visited our group and offered to assist us and provided a small monetary start-up grant.



1. I have been a member of the Co-op for 3 years and shop at the Valley store at least once a week.

Moisés 2. In addition to being involved in the founding board of Wild Sage, I have 2. I was a board member for the Environserved on the KGLP public radio board and served concurrent four-year terms on the Gallup McKinley mental Education Association of New Mexico for 5 years (2001County School Board and UNM-G Advisory Board. 2006), serving as newsletter editor, conference planner and president. I currently serve as the Coordinator of the Gallup I helped to coordinate the annual Youth Conference on the McKinley County School Board’s Wellness Advisory Environment and to administer environmental service-learning grants. Council. 3. The role of La Montanita is to guide the community as we devel3. In my work with the local public schools, I have op our understanding of the relationship between food, health and arranged or provided the opportunity for Wild Sage the environment. Co-op to have information booths at teacher trainings and other community events. I believe that Wild 4. My formal education includes a bachelor’s degree from Duke Sage can and should have a role in promoting well- University in Environmental Science and Policy and a master’s ness, especially among this area’s Native American degree from the University of New Mexico in Educational and Hispanic populations who suffer from high rates Leadership. As an environmental educator for 12 years, I have taught students of all ages about nature, ecology,and environmental of diabetes and obesity-related diseases. issues. As a board member for the Environmental Education 4. Having retired from work in the fields of educa- Association of New Mexico, I served in an advisory role and helped tion, health and small business, I have the time and to shape the future of the organization. experience to be an asset to the La Montanita Board and to the growth of the Gallup store. As a guiding The role that has motivated me the most to run for the Board of principle for my work on boards I adhere to the Directors is my role as mother of two young children. I am commit“Policy Governance” model in which the board sets ted to raising children who understand the importance of a healthy policy, expectation and limits of management, but diet, who know where and how food is grown and delivered to the market, and who care about the earth. As a mother, I see myself as refrains from “micro-managing.” an advocate for the health of my family, our community and the environment. As a board member, I will do the same for yours. GWYNETH DOLAND 1. First and foremost, I am a customer and a member/owner of the Co-op. I’m also a journalist, and over the years I’ve had many occasions to write about the Co-op. I’ve also written several things for the board of directors. 2. I never thought much about how the Co-op worked until 2005 when I was hired by the board of directors to write copy for some brochures they hoped would help explain their role, and the nature



1. I buy most of my food and household needs at the Co-op. 2. I have been a member of the Los Poblanos CSA, and have done a work-share there to help pay our family’s subscription. I am also Project Leader and School Liaison for the gardening project at the Cornstalk Institute (an after-school experiential learning program in the South Valley). I have a vegetable garden and two chickens at home. continued on page 3


your voice 3. I see La Montanita’s role in the broader community as being a business with a sense of purpose and ethics. On the one hand, La Montanita has a responsibility to bring its members the freshest, healthiest and most sustainably produced food possible. On the other hand, La Montanita has to seek ways to reach out and provide food and information to those populations outside of its membership.

have managed a for-profit grocery store and been a professional cook. Though the BOD does not involve itself directly with day-today operations, knowing what the “little picture” entails certainly helps give scale to the big one.

3. La Montanita is run as a more modern version of the storefront coop, open to all shoppers, with a paid staff of workers and managers. It is distinguished from other grocery stores because of the broader role it plays in the community. Education is one major role where the Co4. When I arrived in Albuquerque fifteen years ago, op has performed very well. The newsletter is very informative and has I was only peripherally interested in matters of done a good job of sorting through some very confusing issues in a healthy food and sustainable living. But, with the non-hysterical way. The articles regarding “bee colony collapse” and help of wiser friends and the birth of three children, the Rio Grande are ready examples. The Co-op can also have a role as these issues have become central to my life. a social/political setting for the community, where national and interSupporting local business and local agriculture has a national events get an intense local focus because our food supply is not ripple effect on the community: it helps our independent from national and neighbors live better lives; it helps heal the international events and politics. world (the natural environment through betThe Co-op can, like farmers marTamara ter uses of the land and the human environkets, bring people “closer” to ment by leading to meaningful contacts their food and have a consciousbetween producer and consumer), and by ness of what that means. god, it just feels good. 4. What really got me excited enough to run for the board are the New Mexico Food-Shed Ariana Project and the Co-op Distribution Center. This is a vision I would love to work for and further develop; taking cooperation to other, broader levels, beyond the store front. TAMARA


1. I am an incumbent on the board and serving has been both a privilege and an inspiration. My time on the board has deepened my appreciation of the vital role the Co-op plays in creating a stable, ethical, locally-based system of food and products. When I decided to run for election three years ago, I had a vague idea of what being on the board meant and it has been one of the most interesting, enjoyable and enriching experiences I have ever had.



1. I come in 3-4 times a week to shop. I’m very quiet, prayerful.

Valley Valley


Gallup Gallup

2. None. 3. Please bless us to serve each other, feed the poor (like the St. Felix’s Pantry across the bridge). 4. Sat Nam! Sat Nam means: “Truth is your identity.” My religion is Sikhism. We are supportive to all paths and religions. Bless us to live together in peace. My teacher Yogi Bhajan appreciated the Co-op way of life. I have enjoyed one board meeting and would like to experience and serve the larger Co-op experience. Sat Nam! ARIANA M.


1. Up until now, my primary involvement with the Co-op has been as an enthusiastic shopper, supporter and promoter. I first became a member during the year I lived in Albuquerque and enjoyed shopping and participating in events at both the Nob Hill and Matthew locations. I was very excited when the Marketplace store became a part of the Co-op as one of my favorite places to shop in Santa Fe became even better. My other involvement has been to appear in Co-op ads in numerous publications. “You look so happy,” people say. And, I am. 2. As the Production Manager of a weekly newspaper, I know how stuck in day-to-day operations we can be just getting the paper out every week. Luckily, the managers of the Santa Fe Reporter also function as a “board of directors” for the paper, as well. We meet frequently and have a yearly retreat to lift our heads and look at the big picture, improve our departments, plan the budget and examine our relationship to the community we serve. In addition, I have belonged to members-only storefront co-ops filling positions as stocker, cashier, cleaner, produce buyer, you name it; working my monthly hours. I

2. I’ve been a board member for three years and still think that an active, involved membership is a critical element to the strength of the Co-op in an increasingly competitive marketplace where consumers have many choices. To that end, I’ve been active in my tenure to involve members and create linkage between the membership and the board. In cooperation with others on the board, I have worked to engage members toward a greater degree of participation and understanding around the board’s function to sustain the Co-op as a viable, thriving enterprise that is about so much more than the food on its shelves. I’ve been involved in other board work as well and have helped contribute toward ongoing policy development in committee. 3. La Montanita is a force in the community that is truly revolutionary. There is no other food-centered entity that is cooperatively owned, locally based and dedicated to the values and vision that can actually give meaning to the much-overused and fatigued term of “sustainability”. If you want to know what “sustainability” looks like, all you have to do is look into what La Montanita contributes to the community, from its cutting edge Food-Shed vision backed up by the monumental acquisition of the warehouse, to the dizzying array of the Coop’s presence in schools, nonprofits, fundraisers and educational events. La Montanita is a model in ethical business success that is impressive on a national scale. Being a cooperative business is rife with pitfalls and we have sadly witnessed recent closures of co-ops just in the last year. Right now, the success of our four stores is a real testament to the strength of the co-op model and its potential. 4. The quality of our food, its source and what it takes to get it all here are issues that are very important to me. The food system in the U.S. and globally is dependent in large part on fossil fuels and industrial agriculture with artificially cheap food that doesn’t reflect the true cost of business. We have a food co-op that is a stable, resourceconscious, member-owned alternative with an incredible staff and management. I’ve been very fortunate to be part of that effort as a director on the board and have benefited immensely from the deep well of expertise, good will and skill of fellow board members and Co-op staff. I would like to continue the work of the board and I hope you will re-elect me to another term.



keep cooperative economic democracy strong NOVEMBER 2007

Santa Fe

for more information Co-op Values Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. Co-op Principles 1 Voluntary and Open Membership 2 Democratic Member Control 3 Member Economic Participation 4 Autonomy and Independence 5 Education, Training and Information 6 Cooperation among Cooperatives 7 Concern for Community The Co-op Connection is published by La Montanita Co-op Supermarket to provide information on La Montanita Co-op Supermarket, the cooperative movement, and the links between food, health, environment and community issues. Opinions expressed herein are of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Co-op.








offered only by certified organic meats. Organic Prairie prohibits the use of synthetic hormones, pesticides or antibiotics and feeds only 100% certified organic pasture and feed. Consistent with their commitment to humane animal treatment, their animals enjoy fresh air, sunshine and plenty of room to roam.


e know price, quality and local production are important to our Co-op members and shoppers. This year Co-op meat departments are pleased to be offering the opportunity to choose from three different turkey producers. We will have lots of turkeys from all three producers listed below. There is no need to pre-order your holiday turkey(s) as we will have plenty to choose from. Just check out the meat case beginning the week of Nov. 11th. Or if you wish we will be glad to pull a specific turkey, size and brand, and hold it for you. Call your Co-op meat department. Embudo Valley Turkeys The Embudo Valley Turkey Farm hand raises and hand cares for every one of their birds. The birds have free access to acres of pastureland and live their whole lives outside. When they are grain fed they are fed certified organic corn and soy, certified organic molasses and high omega-flax seed, mixed with the certified organic barley, wheat, rye and oats grown right on the farm. Embudo Valley also sells their certified organic poultry feed through our Food-Shed project to many of our Beneficial Farms egg producers. The Embudo Valley Farm pledge says “our turkeys are family farmed, raised using humane and environmentally responsible methods to provide you with the freshest, safest and most flavorful meats available.” Their birds are plump and happy, not de-beaked, declawed, nor disfigured in any way. If you haven’t yet tried an Embudo Valley turkey, make this the year you treat yourself to the best. Not only will you keep a local New Mexican family farmer on the land and farming and support the New Mexico Organic Livestock Cooperative, but you’ll get to eat what will no doubt be the most delicious holiday turkey you have ever tasted. These certified organic turkeys come fresh directly from the farm to our Co-ops and are not frozen. Organic Prairie Turkeys Organic Prairie turkeys are produced by the same independent cooperative of organic family farms; trusted since 1988 as part of the Organic Valley Dairy brand. Over a decade ago the Organic Valley farmers recognized that their animal husbandry expertise and commitment to healthy animals, family farms and the environment could extend beyond dairy. In 1996 they began to produce beef, poultry and eggs as well as dairy products.


5-10pm In historic Nob Hill between Girard and Washington ! TRAFFIC

FREE SHOPPING! Locally owned shops have special sales and extended hours! Special entertainment and treats at your co-op! 5-8pm



need a


The Co-op will have a great selection of frozen Organic Prairie turkeys for your holiday table. These certified organic turkeys provide exceptional value and organic quality.

Insisting on third-party organic meat certification long before federal organic standards were established, they were the first in the industry to ban animal by-products from their cattle's diet. They also played a vital role in helping to shape federal organic meat certification standards. With growing concerns about food safety and humane animal treatment, more and more consumers prefer the knowledge and traceability

Shelton’s Natural Turkeys As always the Co-op will be carrying Shelton’s allnatural free-range turkeys. These birds are produced without antibiotics, hormones or growth stimulants and are not fed animal protein. Shelton’s turkeys provide great value for Co-op shoppers.

Other Specialty Meats Available: Duck, Cornish game hens, roasts, boneless hams, large turkey breast, rack of lamb, organic prime rib, seafood and fish. Call your favorite Co-op meat department to order these specialty meats.

Brine your Turkey:

Add Subtle Flavor Brined Maple Turkey with Cream Gravy Brining makes for a juicier bird, and the subtle flavors of the brine soak into the turkey. Kosher salt works well for the brine because it dissolves more easily than table salt. If you have time and refrigerator space, the brining procedure is worthwhile. If not, the turkey will still be quite good. brine 8 quarts water 3/4 C kosher salt 3/4 C maple syrup 3 T black peppercorns 8 garlic cloves, crushed 1 lemon, thinly sliced turkey 1 (12-lb) fresh turkey 1 C cola or sparkling water 1/2 C maple syrup 2 T minced fresh thyme 1 T dried rubbed sage 1 T poultry seasoning 1/2 t black pepper 4 garlic cloves, chopped 2 onions, quartered Cooking spray, butter or olive oil gravy 1 (14 1/2-oz) can fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth 1 C whole milk 2 T cornstarch 1/4 t salt 1/4 t black pepper To prepare brine: combine first 6 ingredients in a large stockpot, stirring until salt dissolves. To prepare turkey: remove and reserve giblets and neck from turkey. Rinse turkey with cold water; pat dry. Trim

excess fat. Add turkey to pot, turning to coat. Cover and refrigerate 24 hours, turning occasionally. Preheat oven to 375°. Bring cola/water and 1/2 cup syrup to a boil in a small saucepan; cook 1 minute. Combine thyme, sage, seasoning and pepper. Remove turkey from brine, discarding brine; pat dry. Starting at neck cavity, loosen skin from breast and drumsticks by inserting fingers, gently pushing between skin and meat. Rub thyme mixture under loosened skin; sprinkle inside body cavity. Place 4 garlic cloves and onions in body cavity. Tie ends of legs together with twine. Lift wing tips up and over back; tuck under turkey. Place turkey on a broiler pan coated with cooking spray. Insert a meat thermometer into meaty part of a thigh, making sure not to touch bone. Bake at 375° for 45 minutes. Pour syrup mixture over turkey; cover with foil. Bake an additional 1 hour and 45 minutes or until thermometer registers 180°. Remove turkey from pan, reserving drippings for gravy. Place turkey on a platter. Cover loosely with foil; let stand 10 minutes. Remove twine. Discard skin. To prepare gravy, while turkey bakes, combine reserved giblets and neck and the broth in a saucepan; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 45 minutes. Strain mixture through a colander into a bowl, discarding solids. Place a zip-top plastic bag inside a 2-cup glass measure. Pour pan drippings into bag; let stand 10 minutes (fat will rise to the top). Seal bag; carefully snip off 1 bottom corner of bag. Drain drippings into broiler pan, stopping before fat layer reaches opening; discard fat. Add broth mixture. Place broiler pan on stovetop over medium heat, scraping pan to loosen browned bits. Combine milk and cornstarch in a small bowl, stirring well with a whisk; add to pan. Bring to a boil; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Strain gravy through a sieve into a bowl. Discard solids. Stir in 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Serves 12

fresh turkey tastes best!

perfect gift? Fresh, Delicious, Local... CO-OP

gift certificates!

let them eat


Pumpkin, pecan, apple, berry, chocolate, cherry, tofu pumpkin; you name it and the Co-op has it. This year you will find a wide assortment of delicious pies, at all Co-op locations. We are pleased to be offering pies from some of our favorite bakeries, including American Pie, Chocolate Maven, High Desert Bakery, Plaza Bakery and delicious breads and treats from Cloud Cliff. Not only that but … you can pick up a fresh pie, baked with the finest ingredients at one of our Co-op Delis (Valley or Santa Fe locations only).

from $10-up, give the gift of great tasting healthy food!

OR: Look for everything you need to create your own pie including: local unbleached flour, bulk nuts and dried fruit, frozen and fresh berries, apples, pie pumpkins, sweet potatoes and other pie fillings throughout the store.







FEASTING MADE EASY! No Muss, No Fuss: Just Great Food Made Easy by our Expert Deli Chefs. Sample some of the Deli’s great Thanksgiving offerings on Sat., Nov. 10th or 17th and put in your order at your nearest Co-op deli. Order your whole dinner or just a few side dishes and enjoy your holiday feast. Holiday Dinner Specials Let our prepared food chefs create or complement a holiday meal just for you. We’re offering a special selection of entrees, side dishes and desserts.

Entrees A pound serves 2-4, min. order: 1 lb. • All-Natural Sliced Turkey Breast $9.99/lb • Beeler’s Glazed Sliced Ham $8.99/lb • Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas $8.99/lb.

Side Dishes A quart serves 4-6, min. order: 1 quart • Caramel Pecan Butternut Squash $10.89/lb. • Garlic Mashed Potatoes $6.99/lb. • Green Beans

Almondine $7.99/lb • Wild Rice with Piñon Nuts $7.99/lb • Cranberry and Mixed Fruit Salad $8.99/lb. • Candied Yams and Apples $8.99/lb. • Sausage Stuffing $7.99/lb. • Calabacitas Con Chile Verde $6.99/lb. • Cranberry Orange Chutney $6.99/lb. • Turkey Gravy $6.99/Qt. • Cornbread Dressing $6.99/lb

Desserts Pies and Dessert Breads serve 6-8, min. order: 1 • Maple Pecan Pie $13.99 • Chocolate Silk Pie $15.99 • Pumpkin Pie $13.99 • Apple Pie $13.99 • Cherry Pie $13.99 • Cranberry Walnut Bread Loaf $7.99 • Banana Nut Bread Loaf $7.99 • Vegan Pumpkin Bread Loaf $7.99





Nob Hill: 3500 Central SE, ABQ 265-4631 Valley: 2400 Rio Grande Blvd., ABQ 242-8880 Santa Fe: 913 West Alameda, Santa Fe 984-2852

Fall Food-Shed Abundance: Look for apples, veggies, goat

Almost Complete Holiday Meal

cheese and other local foods AT ALL CO-OP LOCATIONS!

A nearly complete meal — everything but the turkey — includes hearty servings of: • Turkey Gravy • Sausage or Cornbread Dressing • Caramel Butternut Squash • Garlic Mashed potatoes • Green Beans Almondine • Cranberry Relish • Dinner Rolls

$10.99/person no substitutions

Order this delicious Holiday Feast from the Deli at your favorite Co-op location. Order in person or call your La Montanita Food Co-op Market. Please get your order in by Monday, November 19th for best service.





eat your



Calabaza En Tacha - Candied Pumpkin 5 lb pumpkin (approx.) 4 cinnamon sticks Zest of one orange Juice of orange 2 lb piloncillo 4 C of water Cut off the stem of the pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin in half and scrape out the seeds and stringy parts. Cut each piece in half lengthwise again and again until you have 8-10 long pieces of pumpkin. Cut the skin off of each piece and then cut the flesh into approximately 1 to 2-inch pieces. Place into a large saucepan and bring piloncillo, orange juice, orange zest, cinnamon sticks and water to a boil. Carefully add in pumpkin pieces and reduce to a simmer. Simmer for approximately 2 hours or until pumpkin is fork tender and the rest of the ingredients have reduced to a thick glaze. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature before serving. Cooks’ note: If you don't have piloncillo, substitute 1 3/4 cup dark brown sugar and 1/4 cup molasses. You may leave the skin on the pumpkin. Pumpkin Flan with Spiced Pumpkin Seeds For this recipe you’ll need a 2-qt soufflé dish or round ceramic casserole dish. For caramel and flan 2 C sugar 1 1/2 C heavy cream 1 C whole milk 5 whole large eggs plus 1 large egg yolk 1 (15-oz) can solid-pack pumpkin (3/4 C; not pie filling) 1 t vanilla 1 1/2 t ground cinnamon 1 t ground ginger 1/4 t ground nutmeg 1/4 t salt For spiced pumpkin seeds 1 C green (hulled) pumpkin seeds (1/4 lb; not toasted) 1 t vegetable oil 1/2 t salt 1/8 t cayenne

Make caramel: Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 350°F. Heat soufflé dish in oven while making caramel. Cook 1 cup sugar in a dry 2-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat, undisturbed, until it begins to melt. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally with a fork, until sugar melts into a deep golden caramel. Wearing oven mitts, remove hot dish from oven and immediately pour caramel into dish, tilting it to cover bottom and side (leave oven on). Keep tilting as caramel cools and thickens enough to coat, then let harden. Make flan: Bring cream and milk to a bare simmer in a 2-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat, then remove from heat. Whisk together whole eggs, yolk, and remaining cup of sugar in a large bowl until combined well, then whisk in pumpkin, vanilla, spices and salt until combined well. Add hot cream mixture in a slow stream, whisking. Pour custard through a fine-mesh sieve into a bowl, scraping with a rubber spatula to force through, and stir to combine well. Pour custard over caramel in dish, then bake in a water bath until flan is golden brown on top and a knife inserted in center comes out clean, about 1 1/4 hours. Remove dish from water bath and transfer to a rack to cool. Chill flan, covered, until cold, at least 6 hours.

Your CO-OP Produce Dept. has a huge variety of organic and local greens!

SHOP CO-OP & SAVE L o s Po b l a n o s Organics

Make spiced pumpkin seeds while flan chills: Toast pumpkin seeds in oil in a 10- to 12-inch heavy skillet (preferably cast-iron) over moderately low heat, stirring constantly, until puffed and golden, 8 to 10 minutes. Toss with salt and cayenne until coated. To serve: Run a thin knife between flan and side of dish to loosen. Shake dish gently from side to side and, when flan moves freely in dish, invert a large platter with a lip over dish. Holding dish and platter securely together, quickly invert and turn out flan onto platter (caramel will pour out over and around flan). Sprinkle flan with spiced pumpkin seeds just before serving. Cooks' note: Flan can be chilled 1 day. Spiced pumpkin seeds keep in an airtight container at room temperature, 3 days. Serves 8

sign up online or call

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CO-OP news


La Montanita Board of Directors

new equipment and improvements necessary to maintain the condition of our facilities. The retained portion of the refund declared will be approximately 1% of member purchases.

Declare a Patronage


As a Co-op member you are an OWNER of this LOCAL business.


a Montanita Co-op is committed to the members and customers it serves and to the communities that we operate within. The Co-op has completed its’ 2006-2007 fiscal year as of August 31, 2007, with both exceptional operational achievements and financial results. The Board of Directors and Management have engaged our external audit firm to complete a review of our financial position as of August 31, 2007. As a La Montanita Co-op member, you are an owner of the cooperative. As an owner you have pooled purchases with other owners and created earnings at La Montanita in excess of our expenses for the year. Because cooperatives are member-owned, one of the principles of La Montanita Co-op is a commitment to a return on your member participation. This is done in the form of a patronage refund. Patronage refunds are net earnings that are returned back to our members in direct proportion to the amount of their Co-op purchases. It is important to note that the refund is calculated from your patronage during the 12 months ending August 31, 2007, as our fiscal year ends on August 31st. La Montanita has returned over 2 million dollars to our


members in the past 17 years and we are pleased that our financial performance permits us to add to this amount this year. The Board of Directors will be declaring a patronage refund during November upon completion of the accountants’ review and final financial adjustments. We expect the cash portion of the refund declared to be approximately 2% of member purchases which equates to an average of a week's worth of a member's Co-op purchases. The Board will also choose to retain a portion of the refund declared to reinvest in the business. This retained patronage is used to fund

When you think about your La Montanita Co-op, think about being an owner of a local business, because that is what you are. You reap the benefits of a natural foods grocery store on a daily basis and you can look forward to a return on your purchases as an investment in the future. Watch Your Mailbox! Your La Montanita Co-op Patronage Refund check will be mailed in early December. Checks will be cut for all members that receive a patronage refund of $5 or more. If you were a member in good standing from September 1, 2006, to August 31, 2007, and do not receive a check, please visit any Co-op location information desk. It may be that your refund is less than $5. If that is the case we will look up your membership account and issue you a store credit or cash refund. If you have moved and have not updated your address, please do so immediately. Watch your home mail box for your Patronage Refund check in early to mid Dec. Thanks, Your La Montanita Board of Directors

Rudi’s Organic Bakery Boulder, CO Organic Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 24 oz, Sale $3.49. Other Rudi’s items also on sale Soy Luscious

Albuquerque, NM Dairy-Free MayoNice, 16 oz, Sale $3.99

Herbs, Etc.

Santa Fe, NM Deep Sleep, 1 oz, Sale $9.99. Other Herbs, Etc. items also on sale

Boulder Ice Cream

Boulder, CO Gourmet Ice Cream, 16 oz, Assorted Varieties, Sale $3.99 VALID IN-STORE ONLY from 10/31-12/04, 2007:

Not all items available at all stores.



from the


G rocery D epartm ent Beverages for your Holiday Festivities!

Locally Produced! Santa Fe Cider Company's Sparkling Cider NEW! APPLETISER from South Africa! LONGSTANDING FAVORITES Martinellis Sparkling Apple Juice and NEW Organic Sparkling Cider and R.W. Knudsen's Sparkling Juices



BY KRISTIN WHITE beautiful fall morning, hot air balloons hovering above, greet me as I drive to interview Tim Neugebauer of ARCA Organics. Heading down E. La Entrada Lane in Corrales, site of ARCA Organics, the view is breathtaking. I look ahead to see the greenhouses that mark the spot. Along the length of the parking lot runs a beautiful and colorful bed of flowers, herbs, plants and vegetables. The greenhouse, where ARCA Organics wheatgrass is grown, sits to the west of the blooming bed.


ARCA is New Mexico’s largest non-profit organization providing residential and support services and employment opportunities to individuals with developmental disabilities. Its mission is “working together to open doors for people with developmental disabilities to be valued members of the community.” Their organization, much like La Montanita, is governed by a volunteer board of directors. ARCA Organics began two and a half years ago as an opportunity for employees to earn their own income, learn how to grow, prepare, package and distribute wheatgrass, and interact with the community. They employ three full-time employees who assist in the production. One hundred and fifty to two hundred flats of wheatgrass are grown weekly in the on-site greenhouse and supplied to various businesses throughout Albuquerque. It is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers, and is certified organic according New Mexico Organic Commodity Commission (NMOCC). One ounce of wheatgrass is packed with chlorophyll, protein, fiber, folic acid and many other vitamins, minerals, nutrients and amino acids neces-

sary for a healthy diet. Wheatgrass also helps cleanse the body of toxins, recharges the body, contains enzymes that improve digestion and metabolism and boosts the immune system – a good thing to keep in mind for the upcoming cold and flu season. Located to the East of ARCA Organics are the La Paloma Greenhouses, which have been around for twenty-five years and provide high quality vocational experiences for adults with developmental disabilities. La Paloma grows more than 28,000 plants and flowers annually, specializing in geraniums and a world-class poinsettia crop. ARCA Organics is in the process of raising money for a new greenhouse in order to support ARCA. Their vision is to grow an additional edible crop and sell it to restaurants and stores around town. This would enable them to increase funding for ARCA and the people they serve. In addition to wheatgrass, ARCA Organics sells small containers of wheatgrass grazers for your cat or dog. Come by and get some for your favorite animal. While you’re there, buy some colorful poinsettias for the holidays, they make wonderful gifts, too! ARCA Organics is located at 181 E. La Entrada Lane in Corrales. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:30am. to 3:30pm. Buy a shot of ARCA’s organic wheatgrass from the deli at either Co-op location in Albuquerque and support ARCA. Ask for your shot of wheatgrass today!

a member profile Members: Thanks to your support of the Co-op you own, the Board of Directors is in the process of declaring the patronage refund for this fiscal year; September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007. In mid-December checks over $5 will be mailed to your home. If you do not receive a check in the mail by December 15th, your refund may be under $5. You may pick up refunds under $5 at the Co-op location nearest you after December 15th.


moved recently?

If you have moved recently or have not received the last two mailings we recently sent: (Announcement of the Annual Member Meeting and the Member Volume Discount Voucher at the end of September and the Board of Directors Ballot at the end of October), please go to your favorite Co-op location and update your address.

Update your mailing address with your CO-OP today!

CO-OP news

the inside IT’S TURKEY



Calendar of Events


We will once again have Shelton’s natural fresh turkeys raised in California and our local Embudo organic fresh turkeys. We have also ordered a few frozen organic turkeys from Organic Prairie (Organic Valley’s meat division). We do not require anyone to pre-order a turkey, but our stores are prepared to reserve a turkey for those of you who wish to do so. We expect to have fresh turkeys in the stores beginning the week of November 12th. We look forward to seeing you this month as our

staff is busy stocking and preparing everything needed for a great Thanksgiving meal. Holiday Store Hours: Our stores will be closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas and we will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on New Years day. These are the only changes to our regular seven day store hours.

11/1-14 Board of Directors Election 11/10 Holiday Foods Sampling (Abq. and Santa Fe stores) 11/17 Holiday Foods Sampling (Abq. and Santa Fe stores) 11/20 Board of Directors Meeting, Immanuel Church 5:30pm 11/22 Thanksgiving Day (Co-ops closed) 11/26 Member Engagement Committee, CDC 3361 Columbia TBA

C.E. Pugh, General Manager

NE (formerly called Member Linkage) Finance Committee, location and date to be announced

CO-OPS: A Solution-Based System A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.

The Co-op Supports Seal-Safe

Seafood La Montanita Co-op has joined over 2,500 restaurants, grocery stores, hotels and seafood suppliers across the U.S. who have shifted their seafood purchasing to help stop the slaughter of seals. Nations including Mexico, Italy, Belgium and Germany have stopped the import and sale of all seal-related products. Canada’s fishing industry supports and participates in the commercial seal hunt. The campaign created by the Humane Society of the U.S. has asked organizations and businesses to stop purchasing seafood, including snow crabs, lobster and shrimp from Canada’s north Atlantic coast, until it stops the slaughter of seals. In the past three years over one million seal pups have been clubbed and shot to death off Canada’s

east coast by commercial fishermen. These fishermen earn less than 5% of their annual incomes from killing seals but make 95% of their income from selling seafood, mostly to U.S. markets. Seal pup populations are also being devastated by climate change’s melting of sea ice. In 2002 an estimated 75% of the pups born in the Gulf of St. Lawrence died when the ice melted before they were old enough to swim. In 2007 ice conditions are far worse than they were in 2002 and thousands of seal pups did not survive the season’s melt. The Co-op’s participation in the Humane Society pledge reaffirms our commitment to sustainable seafood purchases and a sustainable future. The Co-op will not knowingly sell Canadian seafood from the north Atlantic until the slaughter of seal pups stops. FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO:


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North Valley SPECIAL Holiday Arts and Crafts

Phone (505) 385-0562 Albuquerque, NM


• Local Artists and Crafts persons are welcomed to participate at the North Valley location only. • Space is limited and must be reserved in advance at both locations. • No kits, no imports please. If you have never participated before please contact Robyn at 217-2027 or 877-775-2667. • Reserve your space by calling Tammy at the Valley location, 242-8800, before November 30th.



COMING IN DECEMBER! Don’t miss the parties, food samplings, entertainment, arts and crafts fair, friends and neighbors! All your Co-ops are pleased to be hosting Holiday gatherings in December: Nob Hill: December 6th in conjunction with the Annual Shop and Stroll, 5-8pm • Gallup: December 11th, 3-6pm • Santa Fe: December 13th, 3-6pm • North Valley: December 15th, 1-5pm Watch the December Co-op Connection News for more information on our annual Make a Child Smile Giving Tree, entertainment schedules and more Holiday Season fun. Or call 217-2027 or 877-775-2667 or e-mail: robins@la


Co-op Holiday Gatherings Coming in Dec.!



Thursday, December 6, 1, 5-10 pm in Historic Nob Hill between Girard and Washington

It's the cranberries: sauced, chutneyed, or baked in an apple pie that make every Thanksgiving feast complete.

GET YOUR Cranberries fresh and organic! at the CO-OP

Find prepared sauce in the Grocery Department (ready-to-make pumpkin, pie filling and stuffing mix too!) or homemade Cranberry Chutney at the Co-op Deli!


IT’S AN EVENT! • Carollers • Luminarias • • St. Nick • Food • Give special gifts this season from the wonderful unique little shops and restaurants that only Nob Hill can offer




Recipes! Many of you will be preparing a traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. Others may prefer an unconventional dinner or smaller serving menus for smaller families. The recipes below provide a variety of holiday recipes from traditional to the extraordinary! (Key: C = cup, T = tablespoon, t = teaspoon, lb = pound, oz = ounce) Pear and Greens Salad Winter is the ideal time for pears, so this salad is a wonderful way to use fresh fruit at its peak. Prepare the pears and toss the salad with the dressing just before serving. 1/2 C oil 3 T apple cider vinegar 1/4 C sugar 1/2 t celery seed 1/4 t salt dash of pepper 2 heads butter lettuce, torn into pieces 2 pears, cored and chopped 1/2 C toasted walnuts 1/2 C crumbled bleu cheese Combine oil, vinegar, sugar, celery seed, salt and pepper in a jar with a very tight lid. Shake well until sugar is dissolved and the dressing is blended. Set aside in the refrigerator. Combine all salad ingredients and pour dressing over, tossing to coat. Serves 6 Buttercup Squash, Parsnip and Cranberry Bean Stew 1 T canola oil 1 C sliced celery (about 2 med. stalks 2-3 garlic cloves minced

1 chipotle pepper minced 4 large tomatoes, cored and diced 1 1/2 T paprika 1 T dried oregano salt and pepper to taste 2 C peeled and diced buttercup or butternut squash 2 C peeled and diced parsnips, (about 2 large) 12 pearl onions, peeled, up to 16 1 C diced carrots 2 1/2 C water 1 1/2 C cooked or canned cranberry beans, drained (or pinto or anasazi) 1 C fresh or frozen corn kernels 8 broccoli florets In a large saucepan, heat oil; add celery, garlic and chipotle. Sauté 3 to 4 minutes. Add tomatoes, paprika, oregano and salt and pepper; cook about 8 minutes more over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until mixture resembles thick pulp. Add squash, parsnips, onions, carrots and water; cook, stirring occasionally, until squash and parsnips are tender, about 30 minutes. Stir in beans, corn and broccoli. Cover and cook 5 to 10 minutes more. Serve in a large bowl with brown rice or quinoa on the side. Serves 4 to 6 Pumpkin Curry with Lentils and Apples Tired of baking every Thanksgiving? You can make this main course on the stove. For an artful presentation, serve inside a hollowed-out pumpkin. A yogurt-cucumber sauce (raita) makes a soothing accompaniment. 1 C red or brown lentils 6 C water 1/2 t turmeric 1 T canola oil 1 large onion, diced 2 tomatoes, cored and chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced, up to 4 1 1/2 T curry powder

NOVEMBER 2007 10

2 t ground cumin 1/2 t pepper 1/2 t salt 1/4 t ground cloves 2 C peeled and chopped pumpkin or other winter squash 2 C white potatoes, unpeeled & chopped 8 medium cauliflower florets 2 medium carrots, peeled and diced (about 1 cup) 2 C shredded leafy greens (kale, escarole or spinach) 2 apples, unpeeled, cored and diced Cooked basmati or jasmine rice Place lentils, water and turmeric in a saucepan; cook about 45 minutes over medium-low heat. Drain, reserving 2 1/2 cups cooking liquid. Heat oil in large saucepan, add onion. Sauté over medium heat 4 minutes. Add tomatoes and garlic. Cook 4 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Add curry, cumin, pepper, salt and cloves. Cook 1 minute more, stirring frequently. Stir in lentils, reserved cooking liquid, pumpkin, potatoes, cauliflower and carrots. Cook over medium-low heat until vegetables are tender, 35 to 45 minutes. Stir in greens and apples. Cook about 15 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Transfer to a large serving bowl and serve with basmati or jasmine rice. Serves 6 Whipped Chipotle Sweet Potatoes The smoky heat of the chipotle chile and the potato's natural sweetness balance each other beautifully. 5 1/2 lb sweet potatoes, scrubbed 1 T minced chipotle chiles in adobo, mashed to a paste (1 1/2 to 2 chiles) 3 T unsalted butter, cut into tablespoon pieces and softened 1 t salt

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Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 450°F. Line a baking sheet with foil and butter a 2-quart shallow glass or ceramic baking dish. Prick each potato several times with a fork, then bake on baking sheet until very soft, 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Remove potatoes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F. When cool enough to handle, halve potatoes and scoop flesh into a bowl. Beat potatoes, chile paste (to taste), butter and salt with an electric mixer at medium speed just until smooth, then spread in baking dish. Bake whipped potatoes until hot, 20 to 25 minutes. Cooks’ note: Whipped potatoes can be prepared and spread in baking dish (but not baked) 1 day ahead and chilled, covered. Bring to room temperature before baking. Serves 8-10 Vegetarian Gravy 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter 1/3 C all-purpose flour 3 C vegetable stock, heated 1/4 C heavy cream 1/2 t salt 1/4 t pepper Melt butter in a saucepan over moderate heat, then whisk in flour and cook roux, stirring, until pale golden, 2 to 3 minutes. Add stock in a fast stream, whisking constantly to prevent lumps, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, whisking frequently, until thickened to desired consistency, 6 to 8 minutes. Stir in cream, salt and pepper. Cooks’ note: Gravy can be made 3 days ahead and chilled, covered. Arugula, Fennel and Parmesan Salad 1 medium fennel bulb (sometimes called anise) 2 T chicken broth

need a perfect gift? COOP GIFT certificates from $10-up, give the gift of great tasting healthy food!

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It’s time to mulch and get your order in for firewood

Services • 505-889-7755 • 800-347-2838 Coming Soon to the Santa Fe La Montanita Co-op 913 West Alameda, west of St. Francis Drive Member NCUA • Equal Opportunity Lender

• Fruit and Shade Tree Pruning • Technical Removal • Planting • Cabling & Bracing • Fertilization • Root Rehabilitation Services



1 T fresh lemon juice 1 T extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 t sugar 1/2 lb arugula, stems removed 1 small red onion, coarsely chopped 1 (2-oz) piece fresh Parmesan Remove fronds, stalks and tough outer layer from fennel. Halve bulb lengthwise and cut into paper-thin slices with a mandoline or other manual slicer. Whisk together broth, lemon juice, oil, sugar, salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Add fennel, arugula and onion, then toss together. Thinly shave enough Parmesan with a vegetable peeler to measure 1/4 cup. Serve salad sprinkled with Parmesan. Serves 4 Sautéed Halibut with Pecan Shallot Topping 4 (1 1/4-inch-thick) pieces halibut fillet (6 oz each), skinned 3 T olive oil 1 C chopped shallot (6 oz) 1/2 C pecans (2 oz), chopped 1/2 T unsalted butter 1/2 t finely grated fresh lemon zest 2 T finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley Accompaniment: lemon wedges Pat halibut dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a 12-inch heavy skillet over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking, then sauté fish, turning once, until golden and just cooked through, 4 to 6 minutes total. Transfer to plates and keep warm, loosely covered with foil. Add the last tablespoon of oil to skillet and cook shallot over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until pale golden, 3 to 4 minutes. Add pecans and sauté over moderately high heat, stirring, until fragrant and a shade darker, about 3 minutes. Add butter and stir until melted. Remove skillet from heat and stir in zest, parsley, and salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle pecan shallot topping over fish. Serves 4 Creamy Butternut Squash Soup 1 butternut squash, peeled & cubed 1 leek or large onion, diced 1 red pepper, diced Dry white wine or Vermouth 2 T flour 3 C organic milk (or soy milk) Salt to taste Garnishes: fresh dill and sour cream

NOVEMBER 2007 11

Butter Pecan Bars 1-3/4 C flour 1 C brown sugar 1/2 C butter, melted 2 C whole pecan halves 1 C butter (no substitutes) 3/4 C brown sugar 2 C milk chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In large bowl, combine flour and 1 cup brown sugar and mix with fingers. Stir in 1/2 cup melted butter until the mixture looks like cornmeal. Pat evenly into a 13" x 9" baking pan. Sprinkle pecans over crust. In a small saucepan, combine 1 cup butter and 3/4 cup brown sugar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils for 1 minute, combines and looks syrupy. Drizzle evenly over the pecans. Bake bars 17-22 minutes until bubbly over entire surface. Remove from oven. Sprinkle immediately with milk chocolate chips and cover with foil to trap heat. Let the chocolate melt for a few minutes, then remove foil and swirl a knife through some of the chips to marble. Don't try to spread the chips over the whole pan. Makes 36 bars Chilied Corn A yummy way to kick up the flavor in your corn. You may never want to serve plain corn again! 16 oz bag of frozen corn or 2 cans, drained 1 small can of roasted red chiles, finely diced 1/4 t cumin 1 t chile powder 1 t serrano chile, finely diced 1 T oil salt to taste Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add in corn and let it heat for 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle in seasonings and chiles and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Salt to taste. The recipes above have been adapted and reprinted from the following sources: giving06_menus peargreensalad.htm

Body-Centered Counseling

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Steam butternut squash in vegetable steamer with purified water. Reserve 1 cup of the steaming liquid for the soup. Meanwhile braise the onion or leek and red pepper in the wine or vermouth. Add the flour and stir constantly to prevent sticking. Add more wine if necessary to keep the mixture moist. Add 1 cup of reserved liquid from steamed squash and 3 cups of milk. Add steamed butternut squash and simmer all together so that milk is heated through and soup begins to thicken a little. Transfer soup to a blender a few cups at a time and puree. Salt to taste, and garnish with dill weed and sour cream if desired.

the Best






farming &

BY LISA HUMMON n late July, the U.S. House passed the Farm, Nutrition and Energy Act of 2007 (H.R. 2419) with a vote of 231191. Many cheered the passage of this new Farm Bill in the House, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi who described the bill as one that “will ensure that future farm bills will never again look like those of the past.” But many of us, including those working to help farmers and ranchers protect the natural resources on their land, were very disappointed with the bill, which takes several steps back and does little to reform our country’s flawed food and agriculture policy.


With seventy percent of land in the U.S. owned by farmers, ranchers and foresters, and sixty percent of at-risk species depending on that land for habitat, it is incredibly important that we work to help landowners protect and care for the water, soil and wildlife that benefit us all. The 2002 Farm Bill provided the single largest authorization for natural resource conservation in the nation, but every year since 2002 Congress hasn’t made good on that promise, instead cutting funding to these vital programs through the appropriations process. And if HR 2419 becomes our new Farm Bill, that promise will be all but forgotten. The House Bill severely underfunds many of the conservation programs, with the deepest cuts inflicted on the Conservation Security Program. This program is the only one of its kind and sets itself apart by rewarding farmers and ranchers who are actively working to sustain the resources on their land. If HR 2419 becomes law, the Conservation

Security Program will not be able to accept new enrollments for the life of this Farm Bill, cutting off support for many environmentally-conscious farmers and ranchers who are striving to achieve the highest levels of stewardship on their land. Through this bill, two other critically important programs, the Grasslands Reserve and the Wildlife

Support specialty crops and conservation in the Farm Bill, CONTACT OUR SENATORS!

Habitat Incentives Program would also be funded well below urgently needed levels. There were a few bright spots in the House’s Farm Bill, including a change to the Wetlands Reserve Program that would allow farms and ranches along riparian areas to participate in the program. This would be very beneficial to New Mexico and other arid states with few wetlands and where riparian areas are the lifeblood of the land. Currently, New Mexico regularly sends back federal funding from the program because we can’t use it. However, this and other positive policy reforms will be rendered

meaningless without sufficient funding to implement them. After passage of the House bill, Senator Harkin, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, stated that “the House bill did serious damage to conservation and, in doing so, ignored its tremendous value and potential.” The Senate has taken the first steps on its version of the 2007 Farm Bill. The Senate Finance Committee recently passed a Farm Bill tax package that includes just over $3 billion in tax credits for the Conservation Reserve and Grassland Reserve Programs. These credits are a helpful tool that can also assist with the Farm Bill’s conservation funding woes by freeing up the equivalent amount of funds within the Farm Bill. To address the fact that currently two out of three farmers are turned away from conservation programs because of a lack of funding, the Agriculture Committee must invest these funds, as well as additional resources, in the Farm Bill’s conservation title. The Senate Agriculture Committee will be finalizing its version of the 2007 Farm Bill in late October. When the bill is complete, it will go up for a vote before the full Senate – as soon as the first few days of November. It will be extremely important for the residents of New Mexico to contact Senators Bingaman and Domenici now to tell them we want a farm bill that makes a real financial commitment to sustainable agriculture, ecosystem protection and healthy, vibrant rural communities. For more information and to get the latest updates, contact: Lisa Hummon,, (505) 248-0118 x5, or visit

Industrial Giant Threatens

Organic Watchdog Groups


he "organic" dairy factory farm controversy reached a new level of intensity in keeping early October. The USDA announced, to the disappointment of the organic community, that they were not going to take further disciplinary measures against Aurora Organic Dairy. In September the company had a portion of its organic certification suspended by the USDA for "willfully" violating National Organic Standards since 2003 by failing to pasture its animals and by bringing conventional calves onto its feedlots and then declaring them organic. Caving in to pressure from Aurora and other big corporate players in the organic sector, the USDA now says the #1 organic private label dairy processor in the U.S. can continue selling milk produced on its factory farms as "organic" to its



NOVEMBER 2007 12

longstanding customers, including Target, WalMart, Costco, Safeway and Woodstock Farms. In a mind-twisting manipulation of logic, the new acting Secretary of Agriculture, Chuck Connors, a notorious cheerleader for biotech and corporate agribusiness, announced last week that this issue, regarding Aurora's violation of the USDA National Organic Standards, falls outside the scope of the USDA National Organic Standards. "I know there is controversy out there on a number of issues that really fall outside the bounds, if you will, of what constitutes that organic standard and is necessary in order for the product to have our seal," said Connors.

Now that they have the USDA in their pocket, Aurora is threatening to sue the Organic Consumers Association and Cornucopia Institute for educating and mobilizing consumers to oppose Aurora's blatant violations of organic integrity. In related news, the recent issue of Fortune Magazine reports Aurora's factory farms generated a record 100 million dollars selling their so-called "organic" milk products to consumers at Wal-Mart, Target, Costco and Safeway.

Help the Organic Consumers Association fight back, make a donation to maintain organic standards today. Contact them at and donate on line, or just send a check or money order to: Organic Consumers Association: 6771 South Silver Hill Drive, Finland, MN 55603 or call toll free: 888-403-1007.

Turning of the Seasons SCOTT PITTMAN, PERMACULTURE ISTITUTE he faint yellowing of leaves was the first harbinger of fall, and now the blackening of basil and tomato leaves no longer allows our denial that another lush and bountiful summer is drawing to a close. We see the nectar-hunting bees and butterflies with less and less choice in their final search for winter stores. BY

aVirtual T


featuring medicinal plants of the southwest

VIEW A STUNNING PHOTO SLIDE SHOW AND ENJOY A BOTANICAL DISCUSSION WITH NOTED NEW MEXICO HERBALIST BERT NORGORDEN. Thurs., Nov. 8, 6:30-8pm at The Herb Store, 107 Carlisle SE. Cost: $5 Info: e-mail: or call 255.8878.

My own frantic harvest of late tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and squash reminds me that we are entering the season of rest. I still try to extend the season by putting row covers over frost-tender plants in hope that a few more tomatoes will gain their deep red or yellow coat. As usual the season change leaves us with the final canning chore; that of chow-chow and piccalilli. Some of the tomato plants will be hung in the shed for a final attempt at ripening. This fall season is as compelling as was spring with its very different promise of things to come. The plant world’s final shout of their presence is done in a blaze of color, and almost simultaneously the multicolored balloons of the Albuquerque Balloon Festival echoes this end of season’s gaudy exuberance. I find myself in a half sprint trying to finish up the summer and prepare for the winter all at the same

time – praying, between breathes, for an extended Indian Summer. The garden has to be put to bed by laying down the frosted stalks of this summer’s lush growth and covering it all with a deep blanket of straw. This is also when we cut back the garden perennials and biennials like hollyhock, rhubarb and Siberian pea shrub. All of this biomass will contribute to the diet of the earthworms and other macrofauna that live near the soil surface and contribute so much to the fertility of next summer’s soil. There are still those reminders of summer’s abundance in the Asian pear quietly waiting for a frost sufficient enough to sweeten its flesh. The apples too like the icy touch of fall. Apples will be put to bed in coats of newspaper to sit in the dark cool until needed for holiday pies and cobblers. This is the time for animals to put on the final layer of winter fat and to prepare their hidden homes for the cold to come. Domestic animals also respond to shorter days by providing fewer eggs and less milk. This seems a time for introspection and retreat; the observed breath makes its appearance.

harbingers of fall

food &


NOVEMBER 2007 13




Defining Our Agricultural Footprint

presented by UNM students

BY SUSAN LANG s reported in the Cornell Chronicle in early October, a low-fat vegetarian diet is very efficient in terms of how much land is needed to support it. But adding some dairy products and a limited amount of meat may actually increase this efficiency, Cornell researchers suggest.

person per year to produce their food," said Dr. Christian Peters, a Cornell postdoctoral associate in crop and soil sciences and lead author of the research. "A high-fat diet with a lot of meat, on the other hand, needs 2.11 acres. Surprisingly, however, a vegetarian diet is not necessarily the most efficient in terms of land use," said Peters.

This deduction stems from the findings of a new study done by Cornell researchers which concludes that if everyone in New York State followed a low-fat vegetarian diet, the state could directly support almost 50 percent more people, or about 32 percent of its population, agriculturally. With today's high-meat, high-dairy diet, the state is able to directly support only 22 percent of its population, researchers say.

The reason is that fruits, vegetables and grains must be grown on high-quality cropland, he explained. Meat and dairy products from ruminant animals are supported by lower quality, but more widely available, land that can support pasture and hay. Thus, although vegetarian diets in New York State may require less land per person, they use more high-valued land. "It appears that while meat increases land-use requirements, diets including modest amounts of meat can feed more people than some higher fat vegetarian diets," said Peters. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average American ate approximately 5.8 ounces of meat and eggs a day in 2005.


The study, published in the Journal Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, is the first to examine the land requirements of complete diets. The researchers compared 42 diets with the same number of calories and a core of grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy products (using only foods that can be produced in New York State), but with varying amounts of meat (from none to 13.4 ounces daily) and fat (from 20 to 45 percent of calories) to determine each diet's "agricultural land footprint." THEY FOUND A FIVEFOLD DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO EXTREMES. "A person following a low-fat vegetarian diet, for example, will need less than half (0.44) an acre per


Increasing the Awareness of Sustainable Practices of Living Through: Local Farmers, Wagner Farms, Erda Farms, Chispa and many more... Sustainable Environmental Projects presented by UNM students, live organic cooking demonstrations. Bluegrass band and a DJ powered by Pohtovoltaic Sound System. Fri., Nov. 30, 10am-4pm, on Cornell Plaza, UNM Main Campus. Info contact Farmers interested in vending call 277-0304.

CO-OP Food-Shed

"In order to reach the efficiency in land use of moderate-fat, vegetarian diets, our study suggests that New Yorkers would need to limit their annual meat and egg intake to about 2 cooked ounces a day," Peters said. For the full report go to


eating some animal products uses land efficiently





ethyl iodide is widely used in chemical synthesis because of its extraordinary ability to react with electron-rich molecules. Specifically, it reacts readily with biomolecules like DNA, the genetic material in cells, in a process that alters the structure of DNA and leads to mutations. Synthetic chemists treat this chemical with great respect, handling it only under a hood in an inert atmosphere and using specially sealed bottles and syringes for transfer to ensure that none of this highly toxic chemical escapes. The proposed release of massive amounts of this chemical into the environment is contrary to safe chemical management practices, and scientists familiar with the chemical have expressed amazement that the EPA is actually considering it as a soil fumigant. Methyl Iodide Will Contaminate Air and Water Because methyl iodide is highly volatile, it is as driftprone as other fumigants. As a result, bystander inhalation exposure will be high if this chemical is applied as a soil fumigant. Methyl iodide is also a volatile organic compound (VOC) that will contribute to ground-level ozone, which is known to exacerbate asthma and other respiratory diseases. Soil fumigation with methyl iodide poses a risk of groundwater contamination as well. A study of methyl iodide-treated soils demonstrated that cumulative volatilization losses from sandy loam soils ranged from 94% of the amount applied in non-tarped soils to 75% in soils covered with high-barrier tarps. Tarping increased downward movement of the pesticide into the soil, which increased leaching into groundwater. The half-life of methyl iodide in soil depends on soil type, from 42 to 63 days for sandy loam soils and 9 to 13 days in soils rich in organic matter. Methyl Iodide IS Acutely Toxic Methyl iodide affects the nervous system, the lungs, liver and kidneys. Methyl iodide is six times more acutely toxic than methyl bromide. To date, neither

the EPA nor California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation have set an acceptable level of human exposure for this chemical, but the EPA has listed methyl iodide as a Hazardous Air Pollutant generally known or suspected to cause serious health problems. Public Poisoning Timeline ✘ In 1987, the Montreal Protocol, an international treaty to ban ozone depleting chemicals, mandated the phaseout of the fumigant methyl bromide, which is used widely in the U.S. on crops like strawberries. The full phaseout was to take place over the course of 18 years. ✘ In 2004, the Bush Administration began pushing for exemptions to the treaty to allow the U.S. to continue using chemicals like methyl bromide for economic reasons. ✘ In 2005, the Administration began considering converting methyl bromide use to a new chemical marketed by Arysta Life Sciences known as methyl iodide. ✘ Unlike many other pesticides, methyl iodide vaporizes quickly, causing it to drift far distances. Although the state of California has categorized it as

Bringing together local farmers and Co-op shoppers for the best in fresh, fair and local food!

BUYLOCAL SHOP CO-OP ! cancer causing and the EPA admits it causes thyroid tumors, the agency has been pushing to approve the chemical since 2006. ✘ In a letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson on September 25, 2007, the nation’s leading chemists asked EPA not to approve methyl iodide without further scientific review. The chemical has been used to induce cancer in laboratory experiments and causes neurological and thyroid problems, as well as miscarriages in studies with laboratory animals. ✘ On October 5, 2007, the EPA approved methyl iodide for widespread use in the U.S., putting farmworkers, families and rural communities at risk.

ACTION ALERT PLEASE SEND A LETTER TO THE EPA requesting they heed the advice of the nation's leading chemists and revoke their approval for methyl iodide. SEND YOUR LETTER TO: Ms. Mary L. Waller, Product Manger, Registration Division (7505C) Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001 703-308-9354, 703-308-1825 (fax), Go to: paign.jsp?campaign_KEY=15898 to send the EPA your e-mail protest. For more information go to

keep our food and environment





NOVEMBER 2007 14


wolves as necessary to mitigate potential undesirable impacts on game species like elk and deer.


BY LISA HUMMON, DEFENDERS OF WILDLIFE n 1998, before the first Mexican wolves were reintroduced to the wilds of the southwest, the rules that govern the program were debated, written and agreed upon in accordance with the Endangered Species Act. The Mexican wolf program has been operating under those same rules to this day, and now that we know more about the Mexican wolf, we know that many of those rules are in fact detrimental to the ability of this endangered species to recover.


Under the current rules, Mexican wolves must stay within the boundaries of the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area, which includes the Gila National Forest in New Mexico and the bordering Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests in Arizona. But wolves can’t read maps, and there is good habitat outside of these areas so they often cross the invisible political lines in search of new homes and prey. If they establish territories outside the boundaries, they are captured and relocated back into the Blue Range, which



Classical Homeopathy Visceral Manipulation Craniosacral Therapy

MARY ALICE COOPER, MD St. Raphael Medical Center 204 Carlisle NE Albuquerque, NM 87106


Keeping a BALANCE in the WILD

disrupts packs, thwarts expansion and dispersal of the population, and sometimes causes serious injuries to individual wolves. But this “boundary rule� and every other rule governing the Mexican wolves is now up for grabs, and you can have a voice in the process. Because the wolves are failing to make good progress toward recovery, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is poised to amend the rule. As a part of the rule-change process, they must seek input from the public. This gives us a golden opportunity to right these wrongs — to make recovery work. But, changing the rule also opens the door for our opponents to propose changes that would make the current program even worse. For example, one of the recent recommendations in the five-year review of the program is to grant private citizens permits to shoot as many

Book C S for


Beginning this November, the Fish and Wildlife Service is holding “scoping meetingsâ€? to find out what the public wants in the new Final Rule. At these meetings they will take public comment, which will help them determine a range of alternatives. This is the beginning of a process that will likely take several years. It is extremely important that we get it right from the start, otherwise we will have a difficult uphill battle for years to come. These meetings will take place all over Arizona and New Mexico, and we need to turn out wolf supporters by the masses at every single one. Below are the dates and times for the scoping meetings. Specific meeting locations were not available at the time this article was edited. You can find the information in your local paper closer to the meeting date. Please mark your calendar and spread the word to your friends and family. November 29, Grants, NM, 5-9-pm • November 30, Albuquerque, NM, 5-9-pm • December 1, Socorro, NM, 11am-3pm • December 3, Alamogordo, NM, 59-pm • December 4, Las Cruces, NM, 5-9-pm. Call 248-0118 or e-mail

The 20th Annual Festival of the Cranes


n the 1930s, the Rocky Mountain population of greater sandhill cranes was severely declining. Habitat loss in wintering and breeding areas, land use changes and other factors had taken their toll on the population. In 1941, fewer than 20 sandhills wintered on Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Since 1939, refuge staff, volunteers, cooperators and other agencies have worked to restore wintering habitat along the Rio Grande for the cranes. Intensive management on the refuge, including moist soil management (growing natural wetland foods), cooperative agriculture and crop manipulation have helped the population recover dramatically. Bosque del Apache NWR hosts about three-quarters of the Rocky Mountain sandhill crane population each winter, totaling up to 15,000 birds.

the perfect

Any changes to the Final Rule will have the force of law for many years, so it is extremely important that we propose the positive changes necessary for recovery and that we have a louder, clearer voice than our opponents, so that the decision makers know that the citizens of New Mexico and Arizona want the Lobo to stay and make a full recovery. This is where you come in.

In addition to the sandhill cranes, the refuge is also a wintering stopover or home for snow geese, Ross’ geese, pintails, shovelers, mallards and a host of other waterfowl. The spectacular wildlife year-round viewing opportunities contribute to Bosque del Apache’s consistent recognition as one of the top birding areas in the country. Bosque del Apache NWR is open daily from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset. There is a $3.00 per vehicle entrance fee for the tour loop. The 20th Annual Festival This is the 20th year that the City of Socorro, New Mexico, and the Bosque del Apache NWR have celebrated the return of the cranes with a fes-

tival. There are four major components to the festival: tours, lectures, exhibits and the Refuge. Tours: Tours are offered on topics not commonly available during the year. Birders will be out from dawn to dusk on and off of the Bosque. The management of local National Wildlife Refuges will conduct groups and explain in detail the operation of each refuge. Caution to birders: Read the descriptions carefully - not all tours are for birding. Lectures: Lectures are offered for a variety of wildlife related subjects. Most lectures are given at the Macey Center in Socorro. Some lectures are workshops in photography, bird identification and wildlife painting. Workshops are conducted in the field or special facilities. William deBuys, author and chairman of the Valles Caldera Trust for the 89,000-acre National Preserve will offer the keynote address “Rio Grande: River of Connection.� Exhibits: On Saturday and Sunday the main Promenade, at the Refuge, will be filled with exhibits and demonstrations. This is where you will see animals up close, very close. Animal rescue groups will display mammals and birds along the perimeter of the Promenade. If you ever wanted a full-head photo of a Flammulated Owl, this may be your only opportunity. For more information or to register for classes or tours or the keynote call Kit Owens at 505-835-2077 Monday through Thursday from 7am to 4pm. For general information on Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge call 505-835-1828.

Nov. 13-18 Bosque del Apache

THE PERFECT BOOK FOR CRANE SEASON! Cranes: The Noblest Flyers is a work crafted from scientific and cultural perspectives interwoven with the author’s own observations in field and marsh.

SUPPORT A LOCAL PRESS, SUPPORT LOCAL AUTHORS Cranes: The Noblest Flyers is published by our home grown La Alameda Press. Check out their full catalogue of poetry, fiction and natural history at

need a perfect


CO-OPGIFT from $10-up, give the gift of great tasting healthy food!







NOVEMBER 2007 15



ver wonder what that old mismatched kitchen spoon could become again? This can be transformed into a dazzling bracelet or hair clip. Or how about a new life for those old metal scraps rescued from the Santa Fe River bed? Weld them together, add some decorative recycled items such as broken shovel handles, throw in some wiring, and voila, an artistic lamp has been created! The Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival is celebrating its ninth year on November 16-18 at El Museo

Infusing TRASH with new life!

Both the juried art and youth exhibit are judged and awarded prizes. The weekend also features the famous Trash Fashion and Costume Contest — a runway styling of Santa Fe’s finest retread fashions and costumes, created from recycled materials. Anyone can participate and compete for cash and prizes in a variety of categories. The Trash Fashion Contest is always a great way to show off your fashion talents, debut as a model, promote recycling and have some fun along the way! Artists are invited to join in on the fun. Applications can be downloaded from and the deadline for entry is November 12. Event hours are Friday 5-9pm, Saturday 9am5pm and Sunday, 10am-5pm. Admission to the Art Market is $5 on Friday night and $10 to both the Art Market and Fashion Show and free on Saturday and Sunday. Kids under 12 are free all weekend.

Cultural in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Working with Keep Santa Fe Beautiful and their recycling education efforts surrounding America Recycles Day (November 15th), this event attracts thousands of art lovers, “trashy� shoppers and the eco-conscious holiday gift-giver. More than fifty artists who use a minimum of 75% recycled materials to create their work will be displaying and offering these wonders for sale in our art market and juried art exhibit. Artists not only hail from Santa Fe but from Colorado, California, Arizona and around the state of New Mexico. Santa Fe kids get to exhibit their own youth art, as well as have some fun at the recycled art kids’ make-and-take corner on Saturday and Sunday.

Friday Highlights: The famous, wild and crazy Trash Fashion and Costume Contest. The most original fashion show in Santa Fe, at 7pm! Limited seating, please plan on arriving early to secure a good seat. Announcement of Juried Art Exhibit Winners (adult and student) Saturday Highlights: Musical performances throughout the day. Children’s Village with make-and-take art activities Sunday Highlights: Children’s Village with make-and-take art activities. Door prize raffles throughout the day. More information call 505-603-0558 or on the web at

13th Annual Nob Hill Holiday

Shop and Stroll


he Nob Hill Business Association is pleased to announce the annual Shop and Stroll Holiday event will take place on Thursday, December 6th from 5-10pm. Central Avenue will be closed from Girard to Washington to allow for traffic-free shopping, and neighborhood shops have extended evening hours. As usual you can expect to find the street filled with Santa, carolers, magicians, colorful street entertainers and musicians as well as many of your friends and neighbors. At the Co-op there will be special musical entertainment and natural-food holiday treats to sample. All the wonderful locally-owned shops in the Nob Hill area are participating with special sales, treats and entertainment.

Once again this year La Montantia Co-op will be sponsoring our annual Make a Child Smile Giving Tree that works to get gifts for children in need in our community. Pick an ornament off our tree, make that child’s holiday wish come true and bring it back to the Co-op wrapped with the ornament that has the child’s name attached. We will make sure that the child or children you have chosen get your special gift. Once again we will be working with New Mexico Department of Children, Youth and Families; Peanut Butter and Jelly Day School; Enlace Commuitario and other caring organizations. Each year the Nob Hill-wide Shop and Stroll event also partners with a charity. This year the Salvation Army will have bell ringers collecting donations at several locations in Nob Hill and there just could be some local celebrities around to encourage your giving!

THURSDAY, December 6, 5-10pm

AFFORDABLE MEETING & WELLNESS ROOMS FOR RENT Beautiful, spacious main meeting room & deck for events, parties & workshops, equipped with chairs and tables for up to 50 people- $20 p/hour. Smaller meeting rooms for 2-6 people- $15 p/hour. Massage & wellness room- $15 p/session.

Great location & flexible hours 1111 Carlisle Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Tel: 265-5900 Also offering advice, services & products for body cleansing: 991-0839

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WWW OUTPOSTSPACE ORG Two Locations! Nob Hill

Acupuncture Center Relief from stress, pain, digestive discomfort, colds & flu Most insurances accepted. 3415 Silver SE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 P: 505-265-5087 103 East Hill Gallup, New Mexico 87301 P: 505-863-8018

Woman of Words Anne Waldman Join Anne Waldman, poet, performer, professor and cultural activist at events in Santa Fe and Albuqueruqe. Anne is the Chair of the Summer Writing Program at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa Univeristy in Boulder. A tireless organizer and speaker on the “outrider� tradition since 1974, Anne is one of the pioneers of poetry as performance. Thu Nov 8th @ 7 pm CCA's Vox Performa Poetry Series: Anne Waldman & Margaret Randall @ CCA in Santa Fe. $10/$15. For more info contact Jill @ 505-982-1338 x 20 Fri Nov 9th @ 7:30 pm Wordspace Poetry Series: Anne Waldman @ the Outpost Performance Space in Albuquerque. $5 at the door. For more info contact Outpost @ 505-268-0044

performing in sf&abq

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