BLACK HISTORY MONTH EVENTS BY ROBIN SEYDEL a Montanita Co-op is pleased to once again be a sponsor of New Mexico’s 2015 Black History Month Celebrations. As Black History Month organizer and much-loved local performing artist Catherine McGill writes: “The New Mexico Black History Organizing Committee’s mission is to preserve the rich cultural heritage that African-Americans have made to the state of New Mexico and the United States. The non-profit committee, made up of students, artists, legal and financial professionals, writers, educators and more, does this by working year-round to build coalitions, leverage resources and create programming within the African-American community—building community from the inside and out in order to promote multiculturalism and a strong New Mexico. In addition to working on programming year-round, the committee celebrates with the entire community in February by producing an annual slate of events that provide three themed weeks of activity.”
This year La Montanita Co-op is sponsoring the return of Dr. Ruby Lathon and bringing Dr. Phyllis Hubbard to New Mexico. Last year Dr. Ruby’s workshop on the health benefits of raw foods and how to prepare them beyond traditional salads that most of us think of as “raw” was a smashing success; it was clear that we had to bring her back to once again to share her expertise. Additionally, this year we are thrilled to welcome board-certified Naturopathic Physican Dr. Phyllis Hubbard. Dr. Phyllis brings a wide range of health and healing wisdom that combines nutritional, physical and spiritual practices. See this page for brief biographies on both of these remarkable women.
Sun., Feb. 22, 11am/Westside Co-op
DR. RUBY LATHON is a certified holistic nutrition and wellness consultant and advocate for plantbased nutrition. Hers is a powerful story of recovering from thyroid cancer through alternative treatment focused on a whole foods, plant-based diet. She worked for years as a researcher and an awardwinning engineer, and now teaches others how to reengineer their health and live disease free. Dr. Ruby served as Nutrition Policy Manager at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and her organization, Roadmap to Holistic Health, hosts a number of conferences, workshops and provides nutritional consultations, including therapeutic diet plans. Dr. Ruby is host of The Veggie Chest, a plant-based cooking show, where healthy food is easy and delicious!
In back-to-back Sunday workshops, community members have the opportunity to hear from both of these accomplished African-American healers at La Montanita Co-op’s Westside location as well as at other Black History Month events listed on this page. Visit for the full 2015 Black History Month event schedule.
DR. RUBY LATHON’S WORKSHOP Sun., Feb. 15, 2pm/Westside Co-op Disease Prevention Strategies and Recipes for Reversing Metabolic Syndrome. Dr. Ruby will share her story and process of reversing cancer naturally and will provide a road map for healthy eating and preventing chronic disease. She will provide healthy menu planning strategies and tools for transitioning to a plant-based diet.
They are FREE and will be held Thursday afternoons from 3-5pm at the Bernalillo County Extension Office classroom, at 1510 Menaul Blvd. NW, in Albuquerque. Classes can be taken as a series or singularly. Please RSVP to Robin at or call 505-217-2027 to reserve your place. 2015 Class Schedule: Feb 5: Starting and Maintaining a Successful Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farm and Business. Dory and Casey will share lessons learned in their small CSA and provide some resources for the formation of a CSA. INSTRUCTORS Dory Wegrzyn and Casey Holland of Red Tractor Farm. Feb. 12: Special Valentine’s Day Celebration: “Bug Love”: A lighthearted but informative pres-
BRING A BUDDY ON! MEMBERS! TURN A FRIEND ON! This month, in conjunction with Volume Discount Month every time you bring in a friend who joins the Co-op YOU get one 18% discount card to use anytime (or give it to your sweetie for Valentine’s Day). YOUR FRIEND WHO JOINS GETS: all the new member benefits, coupons, and can shop at a Volume Discount this month. Many
Celebrate Black History Month! For more information and tickets to all the events listed above go to or call 505-407-6784
Celebrate the
DR. PHYLLIS HUBBARD, "Dr. Phyl," is a former corporate professional who used holistic healing strategies to heal herself of the supposedly incurable COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). She is the ultimate Body Whisperer, a Motivational Speaker, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Qigong Instructor, Reiki Master, Licensed Massage Therapist and owner of Radiant Health Strategies, LLC. Visit her website at RadiantHealth Strategies. com. Follow her on Twitter @GetRadiant. Check her out on YouTube: Radiant HealthStrat.
• February 2, 9am-3pm: STEM Festival/Work It Out Day. The 2nd Annual STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Fest and Work It Out Day is an interactive event filled with activities and speakers who will get your body and mind into shape! Highland High School, 4700 Coal Ave. SE, Albuquerque. • February 7, 7:30pm: 4th Annual Cotton Club Gala. African American Performing Arts Center, 505-222-0785, 310 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque. • February 8, 2 to 3:30pm: A Place at the Table Documentary Film Screening. An award-winning documentary film that illuminates food-related issues and initiatives. The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave. NE, Albuquerque. • February 13, 8pm: Respect Yourself Opening Night. African American Performing Arts Center, 505-222-0785, 310 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque.
VETERAN FARMER PROJECT CLASSES e are most pleased to once again be offering a series of classes on a variety of informative and fun topics to help you grow great food. These classes are geared toward Veterans but are open to the general public if not fully filled by Veterans.
Breathe! Strategies for Reducing Stress. Did you know that stress costs organizations $200$300 billion dollars each year? The United Nations International Labor Organization has deemed occupational stress as a global epidemic. True stress management begins when you discover and prevent the innate causes of stress as it applies to your body, mind and emotions. This fun, interactive workshop guides you through a self-discovery and empowerment process through awareness exercises, group activities and movement techniques.
entation on the weird and wonderful world of insect courtship and mating behavior (Adult content!). INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Tess Grasswitz, NMSU Agricultural Science Center. Feb. 19: Basics of Soil Remediation: basic techniques to grow your soil to benefit plant production. INSTRUCTOR: Dr. John Idowu, New Mexico State University. Feb. 26: “Good Bugs: Attracting and Sustaining Native Pollinators and Other Beneficial Insects.” An overview of ways to create or enhance garden habitat for beneficial insects such as honeybees, native bees, and the predatory and parasitic insects that can help keep pests under control. INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Tess Grasswitz, NMSU Agricultural Science Center.
April 19, 10am-6pm
March 5: The Importance of and How to Grow Organic. Organic processes are important in that they link our health with the health of the planet. Learn basic organic theory and how to get started growing all things organic. INSTRUCTOR: Joan Quinn, New Mexico Department of Agriculture, Organic Program Educator.
members recoup their whole $15 annual membership fee in just one Volume Discount Month shopping trip. Bring friends and family with you this month when you shop and introduce them to all the healthy and delicious benefits of Co-op membership! Ask at any information desk or register for the details. Or call Robin at 217-2027 or JR at 217-2016 or email us at
save Watch your home mailbox for your volume discount shopping coupon. Bring it to any Co-op location during the month of October and get up to 20% off one shopping trip! The more you spend the more you save!
Up to 20%!!!
$0.00-$74.99: get 10% off • $75-$174.99: get 15% off $175 + : get 20% off!
grow it! La Montañita Cooperative A Community-Owned Natural Foods Grocery Store Nob Hill 7am – 10pm M – Sa, 8am – 10pm Su 3500 Central SE, ABQ, NM 87106 505-265-4631 Valley 7am – 10pm M – Su 2400 Rio Grande NW, ABQ, NM 87104 505-242-8800 Gallup 8am – 8pm M – Sa, 11am – 8pm Su 105 E Coal, Gallup, NM 87301 505-863-5383 Santa Fe 7am – 10pm M – Sa, 8am – 10pm Su 913 West Alameda, Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-984-2852
February 2015 2
BY JOANIE QUINN, NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ORGANIC PROGRAM he Executive Director of the Rodale Institute, “Coach” Mark Smallwood, will headline this year’s New Mexico Organic Farming Conference to be held February 20-21 at the Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid.
able farm energy infrastructure, fruit tree propagation, natural ruminant healthcare, water harvesting, pollinators, understanding the biology and ecology of common New Mexico weeds, seed saving, and farming for the wild. Local organic producers will present intensives on various crops including: wild/native food plants; grapes; greens; herbs and cut flowers; and bulbs, roots and tubers. Forty-five exhibitors will present information on programs to assist farmers and ranchers as well as products and services ranging from greenhouse supplies and irrigation equipment to local ladybug houses and herbal products.
Grab n’ Go 8am – 6pm M – F, 11am – 4pm Sa UNM Bookstore, 2301 Central SW, ABQ, NM 87131 505-277-9586 Westside 7am – 9pm M – Su 3601 Old Airport Ave, ABQ, NM 87114 505-503-2550 Cooperative Distribution Center 9am – 5pm, M – F 901 Menaul NE, ABQ, NM 87107 505-217-2010 Administration Offices 9am – 5pm, M – F 901 Menaul NE, ABQ, NM 87107 505-217-2001 Administrative Staff: 217-2001 TOLL FREE: 877-775-2667 (COOP) • General Manager/Terry Bowling 217-2020 • Controller/John Heckes 217-2029 • Computers/Info Technology David Varela 217-2011 • Operations Manager/Bob Tero 217-2028 • Human Resources/Sharret Rose 217-2023 • Marketing/Karolyn Cannata-Winge 217-2024 • Membership/Robin Seydel 217-2027 • CDC/MichelleFranklin 217-2010 Store Team Leaders: • Valerie Smith/Nob Hill 265-4631 • John Mulle/Valley 242-8800 • William Prokopiak/Santa Fe 984-2852 • Sydney Null/Gallup 575-863-5383 • Joe Phy/Westside 505-503-2550 Co-op Board of Directors: email: • President: Ariana Marchello • Vice President: Martha Whitman • Secretary: Marshall Kovitz • Lisa Banwarth-Kuhn • Jeff Ethan au Green • Leah Roco • Jessica Rowland • Rosemary Romero • Tracy Sprouls
Co-op Connection Staff: • Managing Editor: Robin Seydel 217-2027 • Layout and Design: foxyrock inc • Cover/Centerfold: Co-op Marketing Dept. • Advertising: JR Riegel • Editorial Assistant: JR Riegel 217-2016 • Editorial Intern: Katherine Mulle • Printing: Vanguard Press Membership information is available at all four Co-op locations, or call 217-2027 or 877-775-2667 email: website: Membership response to the newsletter is appreciated. Email the Managing Editor, Copyright ©2015 La Montañita Co-op Supermarket Reprints by prior permission. The Co-op Connection is printed on 65% post-consumer recycled paper. It is recyclable.
FEB. 20-21
Speaking on, “From America’s Oldest Organic Research Farm: Intriguing Questions & Lessons Learned,” Smallwood will review research carried out at Rodale on everything from no-till to carbon sequestration in organic production. Dedicated to promoting organic agriculture, environmental stewardship, efficiency and conservation for over thirty years, he is a long-time organic farmer and biodynamic gardener, raising chickens, goats, sheep and pigs, and driving his own team of oxen. Following Smallwood’s keynote, the conference features thirty–six breakout sessions on production issues ranging from soil building, to permaculture concepts, tree care, farm maintenance, pest problem-solving techniques, creating a sustain-
This February 20-21, join organic farmers, ranchers, market gardeners and researchers from around the southwest for the New Mexico Organic Farming Conference at the Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid. Registration for the conference, including Saturday’s luncheon, is only $100. Conference registration is available online at: If you have questions call 505-473-1004 Ext. 10 (Santa Fe) or 505-841-9427 (Albuquerque).
ROBIN SEYDEL ere in New Mexico, February is the beginning of the growing season. Not only do we prune our fruit trees and other fruit bearing bushes, we get all our cold season crops started or they are coming up big time under cold frames and row covers. It seems important at this time to also remember the bees, who provide so much of what we eat with their pollination services. BY
Sierra Club and the Organic Consumers Association are urging us to demand the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protect honey bees and the food supply over the bottom line of multinational corporations.
Membership Costs: $15 for 1 year/ $200 Lifetime Membership
On Friday evening from 6-8pm, conference participants can enjoy cider, snacks, conversation and live music at the Winter Farm Social presented by Rio Grande Farmers’ Coalition and sponsored by the National Young Farmers’ Coalition. Farm to Table, the New Mexico Department of Agriculture, and New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service are organizing the conference. La Montanita Co-op and the Silver City Food Co-op, among others, are sponsoring the gathering.
In light of the mounting evidence that the nicotinyl insecticides (also known as neonicotinoids) are deadly to bees, these groups recently reaffirmed their call for a U.S. moratorium on these powerful pesticides to protect our bees and crops, especially until more study can be done. The EPA is charged with properly implementing the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) for legal authorization to allow various agricultural chemical applications. Yet more than one hundred and sixty Section 18 FIFRA emergency exemptions have been approved by EPA's OPP since 1997 without evaluating their sub-lethal effects. Laurel Hopwood, Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee chair, says, "The EPA has failed to evaluate the risks from sublethal effects due to low level exposures of the neonicotinoids on honeybees. Dr. Neil Carman writes “Neonicotinoids have been quantified in the nectar and the pollen of plants. These pesticides can not only kill honeybees outright, but also the honeybees' ability to fight off infections may also be comprised. Federal agencies in France and Germany have already taken responsible regulatory actions to suspend use of these pesticides based on the best available scientific evidence, but the EPA is moving too slowly to take action to suspend nicotinyl pesticides."
different species—a bacterium," said Walter Haefeker, of the German Beekeepers Association Board of Directors. "Bayer and Monsanto recently entered into agreements to manufacture neonicotinic-coated genetically engineered corn. It's likely that this will worsen the bee die-off problem." The EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) must take urgent action to suspend use of the high volume pesticides known as the nicotinyl insecticides until they possess the scientific evidence to demonstrate that these pesticides do not cause or contribute to sublethal effects on the nation's honeybees. Serious questions need to be raised by the EPA's OPP over the sublethal effects to honeybees occurring in the low parts per billion range (ppb) of 1 to 20 ppb from these pesticides, which apparently the EPA has not evaluated to date, and the pesticide manufacturers may not have adequately investigated or may have submitted incomplete findings to EPA. Synergistic effects may also be occurring. The EPA has clearly missed the unintended consequences of the nicotinyl (neonicotinoid) insecticides, which include imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and several others. Now action is critical! TELL THE EPA THAT WE EXPECT IT TO DO ITS JOB! Call for a precautionary moratorium on these powerful crop treatments and this next round of GMO Neo-Nic treated corn seed. Request that the EPA suspend the use of nicotinyl insecticides until scientific evidence that sublethal effects do not cause harm to America's honeybees is obtained. The loss of honeybees will leave a huge void in the kitchens of the American people and an estimated loss of 14 billion dollars to farmers. Write to: Registration Division Director/Office of Pesticide Programs, US Environmental Protection Agency/Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Mail code 7505P Washington, DC 20460.
GMO Neo-Nic Coated Corn: Stop Bee Death “Part of the equation in the US is genetically engineered corn, as more and more corn seeds are being gene spliced with a completely
TA K E A C T I O N !
joys of learning
February 2015 3
MIT RESEARCHER: Half of all children will be autistic by 2025 MIT researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff has researched biology and technology for over three decades, publishing over 170 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health. As reported by Alliance for Natural Health News, at a conference she recently noted that, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She presented research that showed that the symptoms of autism closely mimic the side effects of glyphosate toxicity. She also noted a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate body burdens, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder. The use of glyphosate on GMO crops, including corn, soy, sugar beets and canola, is ubiquitious and all processed foods, including candy, chips, cereals, all conventional beef, chicken, pork and any animals fed GMO corn and/or soy, have small amounts of glyphosate. Wheat is often sprayed
nyone who has a child or children, who has ever done child care for a friend or family member, or who is a child at heart and loves the fun of learning and experiencing the world around us knows what a treasure we have in our NM Explora Science Center and Children’s Museum. A special place for children of all ages, its creative exhibits make learning fun and provide opportunities for inspirational discovery through interactive experiences in science, technology and art. Explora fosters opportunities for thought, curiosity, imagination, growth, and lifelong learning through the interaction of minds, bodies, objects, prior experiences, cooperation with others, and the creation of personal meaning. It provides an environment that respects all people; that promotes curiosity, open-mindedness, patience and the confidence to try new things, think for oneself and inspires thoughtful activity in a safe and encouraging space. Part science center, part children’s museum, part free-choice school, part grandma’s attic, part grandpa’s garage, part laboratory, part neighborhood full of interesting people, Explora provides an exciting diversity of experience.
Other toxic substances may also be autism-inducing. Studies, including those presented at the Coop-sponsored national Beyond Pesticides conference in 2013, show links between children’s exposure to pesticides and autism. Children who live in homes with vinyl floors, which can emit phthalate chemicals, are more likely to have autism. Children whose mothers smoked were also twice as likely to have autism. Research now acknowledges that environmental contaminants such as PCBs, PBDEs, and mercury can alter brain neuron functioning even before a child is born. Glyphosate is present in unusually high quantities in the breast milk of American mothers, at anywhere from 760 to 1,600 times the allowable limits in European drinking water. Urine testing shows Americans have ten times the glyphosate accumulation as Europeans. “Autism is a complex problem with many potential causes. Dr. Seneff’s data, however, is particularly important considering how close the correlation is—and because it is coming from a scientist with impeccable credentials. Earlier this year, she spoke at the Autism One conference and presented many of the same facts; that presentation is available on YouTube.” To read more go to or to
Science Center and Children’s
Explora is about creating opportunities for inspirational discovery and the joy of lifelong learning through interactive experiences in science, technology and art. Hosting hundreds of fifth graders from eight Pueblo schools for their solar car races, providing parent/child science classes for families experiencing homelessness, and serving pizza alongside science activities to thousands of families from APS Title I schools during Family Science Nights are just a few of the programs for which Explora, Albuquerque’s innovative science learning center, was recognized recently with a Noyce Foundation Bright Lights Community Engagement Award. As a learn and play center that challenges people of all ages and backgrounds to think critically, the museum contains a collection of over 250 interactive science, technology and art exhibits, such as an experiment bar and a high-wire bike and robotics lab. Demonstrations, theatre performances and a variety of programs and activities are also offered. It provides a wide range of activites, including special educational camps, the Growing a Scientist program, afterschool clubs, and birthday parties, and it is also a destination for school and organizational field trips.
BY PABLO CABRERA, UNM HEP The UNM High School Equivalency Program (HEP) is a federally funded program designed to assist qualified individuals to obtain their General Educational Development diploma (GED) through intensive classes and tutoring services. The HEP program is a unique opportunity for 80 individuals per year who work as migrant or seasonal farm workers or who have that background to earn their GED diploma. The program provides intensive prep instruction and supportive services for the successful completion of the GED, then focuses on furthering student education to help students get a good job and have better opportunities in their lives.
DONATE E your BAG CREDIT!! donate
HEP offers tutoring in English and Spanish, GED test taking fees both official and retakes, stipends up to $430, academic workshops in test-taking skills, career exploration, post secondary education, necessary academic supplies, eye exams and glasses, childcare and UNM or CNM ID cards. We will work with other organizations and agencies to provide our students additional supportive services as needed. Applicants must not be enrolled in high school and must lack a high school diploma or GED. They must be at least 16 years of age or older, and applicants or an immediate family member who lives in the home must have worked at least seventy-five days within the last two years in an agriculture-related job. For more information call Pablo at work 505-277-3020, or at 505-620-7845 or email,
FEBRUARY Bag Credit Donations go to EXPLORA SCIENCE CENTER AND CHILDREN’S MUSEUM: Fostering thought, curiosity, imagination, growth and lifelong learning through cooperation with others! Your DECEMBER BAG CREDIT DONATIONS totaling $2,588.90 were given to Habitat For Humanity.
WESTSIDE 3601 Old Airport Ave. NW 505-503-2550
Alamed a Blvd. Coors Blvd.
with Roundup just prior to being harvested, which means that all nonorganic bread and wheat products would also be sources of glyphosate toxicity. The amount of glyphosate in each product may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially with as much processed food as Americans eat) could be devastating. A recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder.
Old A irport Ave.
Old Airport Ave. Co-op Values Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. Co-op Principles 1 Voluntary and Open Membership 2 Democratic Member Control 3 Member Economic Participation 4 Autonomy and Independence 5 Education, Training and Information 6 Cooperation among Cooperatives 7 Concern for Community The Co-op Connection is published by La Montanita Co-op Supermarket to provide information on La Montanita Co-op Supermarket, the cooperative movement, and the links between food, health, environment and community issues. Opinions expressed herein are of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Co-op.
• It contains nutrients that nourish cell membranes and your nervous system • It helps reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar control • Its fiber content helps reduce the risk of gallstone and breast cancer development
BY DR. PHYLLIS HUBBARD hy doesn’t anyone know about millet? What makes millet so special? Along with quinoa and amaranth, millet is a part of what I call “The Three Musketeers of Super Food Grains.” An African grain, millet is high in protein and becomes alkaline when digested (most grains become acidic), which is essential for radiant health. This glutenfree, heart healthy grain is rich in manganese, tryptophan, magnesium and phosphorus. It is also very filling and great to eat as the main protein source of a meal or as a breakfast cereal.
Millet is technically a seed, but it cooks and functions like a grain. It is much easier to eat seeds and grains that are bio-available. Bio-availability essentially means digestibility. It refers to the rate at which a food can be absorbed and utilized by the body. If you have ever had any kind of digestive issue (acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, heartburn, indigestion, low metabolism, thyroid issues, etc.), then it is even more important for you to eat more bio-available foods. To make whole grains such as millet bio-available, soak the grain for at least 6 hours or overnight. I recommend soaking millet for 24 hours if possible. Here’s a short summary of the many benefits of marvelous millet: • • • • •
It It It It It
is a heart healthy grain reduces the severity of asthma attacks helps lower blood pressure helps reduce the frequency of migraine headaches supports bone growth and function
Millet is easy to prepare. I add 1/2 to 1 cup of millet and/or amaranth to my soups to create a thicker consistency without the use of dairy. You can prepare millet to be creamy like cornmeal grits or fluffy like brown rice. Be sure to rinse it well after soaking and follow this simple recipe:
For a fluffy rice-like consistency: One cup of millet + 2 cups water or broth of your choice. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to low and simmer for 25 minutes. DO NOT stir while cooking.
Where can you find millet? La Montanita Co-op carries millet in the bulk section. You can also find it in the grain section packaged and sold by a variety of natural foods companies. Look for Bob’s Red Mill Hulled Millet at your favorite Co-op grocery department. Millet’s Many Uses Millet has been a staple grain in Africa and Asia for thousands of years. However, in America and Western Europe we use it as birdseed! Fortunately, due to the popularity and need for alkaline foods that are gluten-free and soothing to the stomach, millet is finally gaining ground in the Western
Eat more fruits and veggies. Tomatoes, apples, berries, pomegranates, bananas, avocados, and greens like broccoli, spinach, and kale, are all shown to be particularly great for your heart. But no matter what fruits and vegetables you like to eat, you’re doing your heart a huge favor by munching on them; research has found that those who eat more than 5 servings of fruits and veggies per day had about a 20% lower risk of heart disease and stroke than those who eat less than three (MacGregor et al., 2006). Sauté some veggies in a little olive oil for an extra heart-healthy boost of antioxidants.
Add whole grains to your meal. Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, millet, couscous, barely, and oatmeal (steel-cut or regular), to name a few, are low in fat and high in fiber, making them great for heart health and maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Picking whole grains over the commonly found refined/processed grains is made easy through the Co-op’s bulk section, which carries over 250 bulk items. Trying new whole grains through the Bulk Department is a great way to try just a little of something new, and save money that you would otherwise pay for packaging.
Got the munchies? Pick heart-healthy snacks. Nuts, popcorn, and dark chocolate are among some of the best healthy snacks that your heart will thank you for. Both nuts and popcorn are a great source of fiber, and nuts contain vitamin E, which helps lower cholesterol. Popcorn is low in calories and is packed with antioxidants, making it a
BY KATHERINE MULLE ebruary is National Heart Month! Unfortunately for our hearts, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cardiovascular disease—including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure—is the number one cause of death in the United States for both men and women. To quote the wise Hippocrates, “let food be thy medicine,” and give your heart some love with these heart-healthy foods this season.
world. It tastes delicious and you can use it as a substitute for rice and oatmeal.
For a creamy cornmeal grits-like consistency: One cup of millet to 3 or more cups of water or broth of your choice. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to low and simmer for at least 25 minutes. Stir occasionally while cooking.
February 2015 4
Whenever I prepare millet to be used in place of rice, I add spices that match the essence of the entire meal. For example, I made a stir fry with ginger, garlic, onions and green beans. When I prepared the millet, I used the “fluffy rice-like consistency” recipe and I added 1/2 tsp. of turmeric, paprika and a pinch of cayenne pepper. It was fantastic! Experiment and have fun with marvelous millet.
Hear Dr. Phyllis the Westside Co-op Sunday, Feb. 22 at 11am
great snack food. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, if you prefer something a little sweeter, dark chocolate is the way to go. Several studies have linked dark chocolate (containing at least 60% cocoa) with lowering high blood pressure and reducing inflammation. Keep an active lifestyle. This one’s not about food, but it’s still very important. Minimizing the time you spend sitting each day can do wonders for your heart. Research shows that sitting for hours on end increases your risk of heart attack and stroke, even if you exercise regularly, because the prolonged lack of movement can be detrimental to healthy blood sugar and fat levels. Taking frequent breaks to walk, do a few simple exercises, or simply stand and stretch when you’re in front of the TV or at work is ideal. Here at the Co-op’s Administrative Offices, we’ve been known to have “push-up breaks” in our conference room, where we all take a break and do push-ups together. Any quick exercise routine like this would be great for an office workplace! For more health tips and heart-healthy recipes, check out the Co-op’s website at and “like” the Co-op’s Facebook page!
BURN SEASON BY JESSIE EMERSON uring the cold days and nights, when tending your woodstove, fireplace or gas heater, or just doing lots of cooking to keep the kitchen warm and aromatic, a burn can happen. Aloe is the number one remedy for first-degree burns such as sunburn and skin irritations, where the outer layer of skin is bright red and painful. It soothes and accelerates wound healing. If a burn incident occurs, it is time to use your plant, giving thanks for its healing properties. Select a large lower leaf near the central stalk. Cut the edge and split the leaf lengthwise, open and apply gel generously to the area.
When my son was about four years old, he fell onto a small gas heater and burned the palm of his hand. I placed an opened leaf on the burn area, covered it with gauze and an ace bandage (our pediatrician agreed with this treatment). His palm healed with no scarring and with full use of his hand. Another kitchen item useful with burns is honey. In an alchemical moment, honey is made when flower nectar is combined with thick bee liquid. This manna is stored in the hive to provide food and energy in the winter and until the first flower blooms. Honey has always been treasured by humans. Down through the ages, people
have found ways to liberate honey and use it for special occasions, rituals, ceremonies, medicine and mead. Honey is a mixture of sugars, digestive enzymes, amino acids, pollen, and compounds thought to function as antioxidants. There are trace amounts of B vitamins, folate, vitamin C and essential minerals. Each batch of honey is different, with its constituents based on the species of flowers visited. Honey made from the flowers of the leptospermum scoparuns (Manuka) of the myrtle family of New Zealand has very strong antimicrobial qualities and is used in wound dressings around the world. It works to prevent wound infections by creating a hostile environment for bacteria. Bacteria won’t reproduce in a pH of 3.5-4.5. Being hygroscopic, the honey draws water to it, leaving a dry and drought-like environment that dehydrates the bacteria. Honey also defends against infection by creating a reaction that releases low levels of hydrogen peroxide, an anti-bacterial agent. It is especially effective against staphyloccos aureus (MRSA) that has become resistant to most antibiotics. PRECAUTION: Honey is not for children under one year. Their underdeveloped digestive systems cannot handle the natural presence of botulism endospores contained in honey.
healthy eating HEART HEALTHY
February 2015 5
OLIVE oil!
The downside to olive oil’s chemical composition is that it doesn’t stand up quite as well to high heat as other oils do. Coconut oil has been promoted recently for its durability in high heat, and it’s true that olive oil cannot match it there. However,
A TIME HONORED CULINARY TRADITION BY JR RIEGEL verybody knows how delightful it can be to bite into the crunchy crust of some fresh bread dipped in olive oil, salt, and pepper. It’s a simple combination, but the rich and complex flavors of olive oil do wonders when they’re allowed to come to the fore. These days, most everyone has also heard of the health benefits associated with olive oil. Olive oil is better for the heart than most any other oil available, and it’s grown in popularity quite a lot as a result. However, this popularity has been a double-edged sword. Numerous cases of olive oil fraud brought to light in the recent past have shown that it’s important for consumers to be informed about this historic oil and its production today.
Olive oil dates back many thousands of years, with the oldest evidence of olive oil usage over 8,000 years ago in Galilee. Widespread evidence of cultivation picks up around 2,000 BC, and since that time olive oil has been an important product in a great many cultures. In ancient Greece and Rome, it was used for everything from fuel to food, lotion, and sacrament. Since that time, olives have been a source of great wealth to growers and traders, and olive trees have been cherished to the point that some 4,000-year-old trees are still producing every year. More than just the trees have stayed the same. To this day, olives must be physically pressed or spun to extract extra virgin olive oil, in contrast to the chemical solvent extraction used in most other common oils. Olive Oil Health Benefits Today, the sheer number of culinary oil options can make it hard to pick between them. However, olive oil really stands out among the rest for its health benefits and unique taste. It is composed of a higher percentage of monounsaturated fats than the other common oils, and this is where its cholesterol benefits come from. Monounsaturated fats have been shown to reduce bad LDL cholesterol and promote the healthier HDL cholesterol, so if you’re watching your cholesterol levels then olive oil is your best bet. In addition to this healthier fat content, olive oil is a rich source of phenolic antioxidants. When eaten in conjunction with other healthy foods as in the Mediterranean diet, Olive Oil Times reports that olive oil consumption is associated with decreased chances to develop diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis.
A cherished FOOD, FUEL, LOTION and SACRAMENT for millenia. you can easily include the healthier olive oil in these dishes by cooking longer at a lower heat or by adding the oil toward the end of the cooking. Olive oil is at its tastiest when it’s uncooked, so throwing it in at the end also helps your dish taste delicious. Because it can lose some of that fruity flavor when cooked for an extended period of time, olive oil actually works very well as a substitute for less healthful fats in baking and other butter-heavy recipes. You can easily substitute about 3/4 of a tablespoon olive oil for every tablespoon of butter called for in a recipe. Considering just how versatile, delicious, and healthy olive oil is, it’s easy to understand its popularity and historic success, but unfortunately such success can attract people looking to make a quick buck.
EATING RIGHT? RUBY LATHON, PHD e all know we should “eat right” if we want to be healthy, but unfortunately, a lot of folks don’t know what that really means. During my cancer recovery, I really dug into what eating right means and consistently found core principles. To keep things simple, below are some universal principles for eating right. I find that keeping it simple increases the likelihood of success.
Get the Real Thing As early as ancient Roman times there have been unethical players in the olive oil trade looking to profit by any means possible. Amphorae used to transport olive oil for sale in that period were labeled with a great deal of information on the quality, integrity, and source of the oil within, thus preventing any middlemen from siphoning off the contents or replacing them with lower quality oils. Unfortunately, use of inferior oils to dilute the more difficult to produce olive oil is still common today. Since the 1990s, a number of olive oil fraud cases have come to light. In 1993, the FDA forced an Ohio-based company to recall all of its oil after finding it to be nothing more than canola oil. In 1997, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency tested 100 olive oil brands and found that 20% of them included non-olive oils. In 2008, Italian police arrested 63 people, confiscated 85 farms, and impounded seven olive oil processing plants in busts of two entirely independent fraud rings. One group had been lying about the origin of their oil, and the other had been adding chlorophyll to sunflower and soybean oil before labeling it as olive. In 2010, the International Olive Council (IOC) concluded that 31% of extra virgin olive oil imported into the United States did not meet the standard to be labeled as extra virgin. In 2013, figures released at the IOC’s Workshop on Olive Oil Authentication found that almost a third of all olive oils in Canada failed official fraud tests. To enjoy the health benefits of pure olive oil the best thing to do is to buy it from a trustworthy and responsible company. The organic oils you find at the Co-op have all had their operations inspected and must keep extensive records to maintain their USDA certification. Higher end olive oils generally have a noticeably better flavor than the less expensive options, and they are well worth the extra cost. If you’d like to learn more or want some help finding a great bottle, just ask one of the knowledgeable and friendly staff at your favorite Coop store!
Mary Alice Cooper, MD
Eat whole foods. Whole foods are foods that have not been processed or are minimally processed. Whole fruit, unprocessed vegetables, unrefined grains like brown rice, beans, whole-grain flours, quinoa, millet, steel-cut oats are all whole foods. White sugar, white breads, cookies, most crackers, chips, most pastas, and breads made from processed flours are not whole foods. These items have been stripped of most nutrients and fiber and provide very little nutrition. Subsequently, these foods cause you to eat more because they are bereft of the nutrients your body needs. Kick processed foods. What you don’t eat is almost as important as what you eat! Most processed foods are full of toxic additives and preservatives. Research has shown that the food additives listed below are toxic to the body and cause a host of health problems, including multiple sclerosis, lupus, diabetes and obesity (to name just a few). Read labels and AVOID these food additives without exception: • High Fructose Corn Syrup (corn sugar) • Trans Fat (hydrogenated oil) • Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG, also called “natural flavoring” or yeast extract) • Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal and Spoonful); Skip Splenda, too! • Artificial food colorings Don’t drink liquid candy! An average can of soda or even a sports drink has about 10-15 teaspoons of processed sugar or artificial sweeteners and hun-
dreds of calories. If you have a ravenous gourmet latte/coffee habit (i.e., Pumpkin Spice Latte), you’re getting 49 grams or 10 teaspoons of sugar per cup! That is more than many desserts! Excess sugar in the body is stored as fat. Additionally, refined sugar contains no fiber, no minerals, no proteins, no fats, no enzymes, only empty calories. And worse, sugar significantly weakens the immune system and strips your body of other vital nutrients including calcium. Substitute whole foods like dried dates, raisins or raw coconut nectar in place of toxic, refined sugar. Eat more fiber while reducing meat and dairy. Eating fiber can be delicious. Fiber cleanses your body of toxins, keeps you regular and will save you many visits to the doctor’s office. Fiber is in fruit, vegetables, legumes (beans), nuts, seeds, and whole grains! Fiber is nowhere to be found in meat and dairy products, but you will find plenty of cholesterol, saturated fats, hormones and toxins. Dairy is known to increase inflammation in the body and should be avoided altogether. When planning your meals, plan for 50% green vegetables, 25% whole grain/starchy vegetables and 25% plantbased protein. READ MORE HEALTHY LIVING TIPS AT Dr. Ruby’s Green Power Smoothie YIELD: 1-2 SERVINGS 1 2 1 1 1 2
cup of pure water cups of spinach OR 2 large leaves kale medium/small avocado mango, peeled orange or 2 Clementines tablespoons whole flax seeds or hemp seeds
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth.
co-op news
February 2015 6
MARTHA WHITMAN, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, VICE PRESIDENT hile a director on the Co-op board, I’m also a member who recently received my patronage dividend. And while the board had a December newsletter article explaining this year’s declaration and more information is on the back of the dividend certificate, nothing brings home the concept of member benefits than when you notice how much you received in cash dividends. This year it’s definitely smaller than last year’s. Because I’m on the board and receiving information all year long regarding the Co-op’s performance I was prepared for the reality, but I suspect many of you were surprised and/or disappointed.
democratic heart
And that’s when it’s a good idea for someone on the board to speak to the issue! I asked to write this article because I was struck more by the cumulative total of dividends I have received over the years – and how the cumulative retained portion (for which I will never receive a check) then the actual cash amount for 2014. Those amounts tell a great story, how the third of the seven Co-operative Principles, Member Economic Participation, really means something. The Principle speaks to the reciprocal relationship between a co-op and its members. The Co-op is never static; we have financially good years, better years, and sometimes just okay years. This past year was an “okay” year, but mostly in terms of the bottom line and how much we could return to
the members. In this “okay” year we grew our local food program, we put resources in a long list of community endeavors such as the Veteran Farmer Project, staff received their regularly scheduled raises, staff bonuses were earned, and we nurtured our new Westside store as it works to establish itself. We also had three member Volume Discount Months rather than the traditional two, along with a 15% discount for filling out the June member survey. If you took advantage of those your economic benefit of membership was significantly larger than the year-end dividend and more than your annual $15 dues. Finally, if you volunteered at the Co-op you received an 18% discount card for every hour worked.
FOR OVER 70 YEARS! ROBIN SEYDEL n mid winter good tasting vegetables can be hard to find. While Co-op member/owners and shoppers have the benefits of delicious fresh vegetables thanks to our relationship with Veritable Vegetable (see the article in the January 2015 Co-op Connection), in years past most of us were not so lucky to have this kind of access in winter. For generations people canned, and later froze, produce to assure some access to vegetables in the winter, especially in the northern climes of the US.
Enter J.P. Gengler! Sno Pac Foods, a family owned and operated organic farm and processing plant, began around 1900 in Minnesota. J.P. Gengler started a lumber business. In addition to the lumber business, ice was harvested off a nearby spring-fed pond, stored in huge ice houses and shipped to the South by rail during the summer. In 1943 J.P. established Sno Pac to bring the finest in organically grown and processed frozen fruits and vegetables. J.P. believed that food and farming did not need to have added chemicals or pesticides. His concerns
shop &
save Watch your home mailbox for your volume discount shopping coupon. Bring it to any Co-op location during the month of October and get up to 20% off one shopping trip! The more you spend the more you save!
Up to 20%!!!
$0.00-$74.99: get 10% off • $75-$174.99: get 15% off $175 + : get 20% off!
were both for the health of the people who ate his products, and for being a good steward to the land the Genglers farmed. When mechanical refrigeration became available, his son, Leonard Gengler, built a locker plant where townspeople and local farmers could rent freezer space to store their food. Leonard also purchased a farm and started raising strawberries, gooseberries, and vegetables which he processed and froze. Leonard always farmed organically, using natural products—compost, lime, and green sand, along with good rotation and soil conservation practices. Demand grew for his fruits and vegetables. He supplied these regionally to consumers in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. Then, grandson Ramon Gengler continued the organic vegetable operation,
But back to the cumulative totals I mentioned above. The first, “Cumulative Allocation Paid,” is the total cash dividend I have received back from my Co-op, dating back to when I joined. The second, “Cumulative Allocation Retained,” is the total dividend amount that has been held back from me all these years and added to the Co-op pot. That pot is member’s equity and consists of the accumulated net profit and loss of the past 39 years and the retained (held back to reinvest as owners of our shared Co-op business) dividends of the past 25 years. That equity is what has built our Co-op and made us strong. Because you and I shop the Co-op good things happen. Can you think of any other entity that isn’t a Co-op that serves the community, provides good food for our tables, and does its best to return what is prudent back to us based not on an investment model but on our individual use of the Co-op? The only thing I find more exciting is the idea of replicating this model to address more local and regional needs. Yes, the cash dividend you received this year was noticeably smaller than in years past; but I hope that in describing a bigger picture of all the ways members touch the Co-operative Principle of Economic Participation I have shown that the dividend is just one way we benefit from being a member at La Montanita Food Co-op.
expanding the product line and the market. Now he is passing the operation onto the fourth generation of Genglers. US Grown and Processed Today, one of the big concerns many shoppers have is where their food is being grown and processed. Reading the labels of many other brands of frozen fruits and vegetables you will see that many come from China and other countries. Thanks to the good work of the Co-op Distribution Center staff, and to the bigger purchases we can do at the CDC warehouse, La Montanita is pleased to be able to bring you US grown, USDA certified, organic Sno Pac vegetables and fruits for the best tasting, highest quality fresh frozen fruit and vegetables available. All Sno Pac products will be on special sale for the volume discount month of February, making it a great time to stock up!
how your loved ones how much you care this Valentine’s Day with the help of meaningful gifts from the Co-op. From fair trade chocolates to healing essential oils, the Co-op has lots of great gift options that are sure to be appreciated and enjoyed by your loved ones. Chocolates: the Co-op has a wide selection of chocolates, including organic and fair trade varieties. Whether you’re looking for a traditional smooth chocolate or for something a little more adventurous like chocolate with raspberries inside, the Co-op has something for everyone. (Not to mention, dark chocolate is good for the heart!) Flowers: From fair trade roses to specialordered bouquets, the Co-op has gorgeous flower arrangements that you can feel good about giving. If you’d like to order an arrangement, please do so a week in advance to give our florist adequate time to prepare your special bouquet. See page 7 for more information. Cards: The Co-op has many beautiful cards that make wonderful canvases for writing meaningful messages to a loved one. Whether it features a stunning photograph of the Sandia Mountains or a one-of-a-kind painting or design by a local artist, Co-op cards are sure to catch your (and your loved one’s) eye.
Essential Oils: Essential oils may be one of the most loving gifts you can give on Valentine’s Day. As each oil has the natural extracts from plants’ flowers, seeds, roots, bark, or stems that give plants their scents and healing properties, it’s hard to go wrong when choosing. They can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including using a diffuser to fill your home with a wonderful aroma or adding a few drops to your lotions or salves. Tea: Warm someone’s heart with tea this Valentine’s Day. While tea may be a less traditional Valentine’s Day gift, it’s still very romantic, as giving the gift of healing herbs is always appreciated. In fact, one Co-op tea, Pukka Love Tea, was created using organic rose, chamomile, and lavender by Pukka’s herbsmith Sebastian Pole to woo his lovely partner, now wife! Of course, you can find a wide variety of loving teas at the Co-op. Body Care: From luxurious lotions to calming massage oils, the Co-op has a vast selection of body care products that always make lovely gifts. The HBA Team at your Co-op location can help you pick out the perfect product to give your loved one an extra healing and loving touch this season. Visit your nearest Co-op location to see the full selection of all the wonderful Valentine’s Day gifts your Co-op has to offer!
co-op news
February 2015 7
olume Discount Month: Save the Cost of your Annual Membership Fee in just one Shopping Trip! February is volume discount month, a great time to save money on all your favorite products and try some new ones. Please take advantage of this saving opportunity! The savings you can realize during volume discount month can in many cases, exceed the price of your annual membership. We look forward to seeing and serving you all. Also, please remember: if you would like larger quantities or cases of particular items, make sure that we have it for you when you come to do your volume discount shopping by special ordering them at least a week in advance. I have recently returned from a visit to my hometown in Tennessee. I came back with several observations; one, the food in my hometown that I fondly remember does not taste as good as my memory tells me it should, and this is probably due to my appetite for New Mexican food and my changing tastes now that I am used to the quality of food we have access to here at the Co-op. Second, the role of independent and locally owned grocery retailers is quickly diminishing. The
Tennessee market was once filled with locallyowned grocery stores and now there is only one true independent. The independent grocery where I worked prior to coming to La Montanita, that was in business for over 55 years, has now been sold to a corporate chain. It is sad to see the market becoming filled with big box and national players. I think we will see the same trend in New Mexico during the next few years, fewer locally-owned grocery retailers and an expanded national corporate presence. Many coops across the country, as well as some here in New Mexico, are currently struggling to maintain market share. La Montanita continues to do well thanks to the support of you, our members.
February Calendar
of Events VETERAN FARMER CLASSES every Thursday in February from 3-5pm. See page 1 for details. 2/15 DR. RUBY LATHON’S WORKSHOP 2pm, Westside Co-op. See page 1 for details. 2/17 BOD Meeting, Immanuel Church, 5:30pm 2/22 DR. PHYLLIS HUBBARD’S WORKSHOP 11am, Westside Co-op. See page 1 for details. SA N TA FE CO-O P FO O D DR I V E AC C E P T I N G DO N AT I O N S
A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
We are continually exploring new and better ways to serve our market and will never be satisfied with the status quo. We look forward to the challenges ahead and will make decisions that will ensure our long-term future. I can be reached by phone at 505-217-2020 or by email at terryb -TERRY BOWLING GENERAL MANAGER’S COLUMN
A Rose is a Rose...
BY TANYA COLE or this Valentine’s Day look for a colorful selection of Fair Trade and sustainably grown flowers. All of our roses and rose bouquets are Fair Trade Certified from Ecuador. Fair Trade Certified products are brought to you under socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable conditions. The Fair Trade Certified label represents a better way of life for the farmers and workers around the world who produce these flowers. Fair Trade Certified growers are careful stewards of the land, using natural pest control alternatives and reducing water and energy use.
CO-OPS: A Solution-Based System
There will be an abundance of tulips, daisies, carnations, iris, lilies, mums, and asters, as well as small mixed bouquets. Long lasting flowers such as alstroemeria, mums and mini-carnations are also sustainably grown in Colombia by Certified Florverde farms. Florverde’s sustainability model includes social and environmental responsibility that contributes to the growing community’s long-term well-being.
MONTH SPECIAL! Save a bundle, bring a buddy! Bring in a friend who joins the Co-op and YOU get an additional 18% discount shopping trip!
Additionally, there will be plenty of cute local and handmade mini Valentine cards as well as vase arrangements. Vase arrangements may also be ordered ahead of time by contacting the Co-op on Rio Grande and asking for the Produce Department. If you are seeking a particular flower or a particular color of rose, please request that ahead of time and we will do our best to get it for you. Valentine flower buying advice is to not wait until Valentine’s Day. Get your flowers ahead of time for the best selection! They are fresh and will definitely last for that special someone!
W h at do F ar m e rs D o i n t h e W i n t e r ?
They Jam
(of course)
With winter’s creeping darkness, the orchards of Palisade, Colorado fall into their deep sleep. But, not the farmers of Rancho Durazno. They stay busy even during the frozen nights and shortest of days.
La Montañita’s FOOD-SHED
Photo courtesy of Rancho Durazno Orchard
Rancho Durazno peaches are organically grown and nourished with compost and flowering cover crops, warmed by the desert sunshine and irrigated with water from the Colorado River. Thriving on the climate, these peaches ripen with a concentration of sugars that makes them just about the best tasting peaches you’ve ever eaten!
Western Colorado contains the broad Grand Valley,
rimmed by spectacular cliffs and surrounded by desert scrubland. At the eastern end, bordered by the narrow Colorado River, is green and lush Palisade, home to the state’s top producing orchards—1,500 acres that produce three quarters of the states peaches.
In 2014, our Co-op Distribution Center sold over 64,580 pounds of their ‘Peaches to Remember’
Palisade’s fertile land has a rich history of raising all types of fruits and vegetables in a climate unique to this section of the Western Slope. As early as the 1890s, apple, cherry, peach, pear and plum trees were planted in Palisade. Renowned for growing some of North America’s best fruit, the days are hot and the Colorado nights are cool. This allows the trees to respire, which produces fruits with higher sugar, acids and flavor. The dry climate (average rainfall is just eight inches a year) also helps, keeping the trees healthy and the fruit’s flavor intense. The Rancho Durazno Orchard sits in the heart of this valley.
This summer’s harvest of 2014 was anything but quiet. Our La Montañita Co-op Distribution Center sold over 64,580 pounds of their “peaches to remember.” Now you can continue to enjoy these famous peaches as jam in Rancho Durazno’s exclusive organic mix. Included below are a couple recipes to get you started on sustaining a peach diet all year long.
until moist. Fold in the peach jam. Spoon into the prepared muffin cups. Bake 25 minutes in the preheated oven, until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes before turning out onto wire racks to cool completely. —
Yield: 16 muffins Preparation Time: 50 min
Yield: 54 cookies Preparation Time: 1 hour, 15 min
3 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 cups vegetable oil 3 eggs, lightly beaten 2 cups sugar 3 cups peach jam
24 tablespoons (3 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 1 cup sugar 1 large egg 3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled) 3/4 cup any jam
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly grease 16 muffin cups. In a large bowl, mix the flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, mix the oil, eggs and sugar. Stir the oil mixture into the flour mixture just
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat butter and sugar until smooth. Add egg and beat until completely combined. With mixer on low, add flour and mix just until incorporated. Shape dough into 1-inch balls (about two
support your local food-shed farmers year-round... they are always cooking up something
Peaches and Raspberries— use them side by side for a delightful color and taste combination
La Montañita’s FOOD-SHED
Sweet & Spicy
2014 Organic Farmer of the Year named by the NM Dept of Agriculture
Heidi began experimenting with her delicious raspberry jam in her home kitchen in the late 1990s. After testing a number of different recipes, she settled on the current low-sugar version with one third less sugar than most jams. Because of the low-sugar content, Heidi’s jam contains more fruit and due to the quick cook method, the jam retains the beautiful ruby red color.
Photo by Austin Mye, La Montañita
tablespoons each). Place on baking sheets, at least 3 inches apart. Moisten thumb with water and gently press the center of each ball, making an indentation about 1/2 inch wide and inch deep. In microwave or on stove, heat jam until liquefied; spoon about 1/2 teaspoon into each indentation. Bake until cookies are golden brown around edges, 18 to 20 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely. If storing, place in an airtight container at room temperature, up to 2 days. —
PEACH JAM PECAN BARS Yield: 30 bar cookies Preparation Time: 45 min 3/4 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1 cup steel-cut oats 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 8 ounces peach jam 3/4 cup chopped pecans Preheat oven to 400 degrees.In mixer, beat butter and sugar until light. Add dry ingredients, mix until crumbly. Place half of mixture in 9 x 13 baking pan, press to fill bottom of pan. Spread with peach jam. Sprinkle half of chopped pecans over jam. Gently spread remaining crumb mixture in the pan. Top with rest of chopped pecans. Bake for 20-25 minutes until edges just turn golden. Let cool before slicing. —
Heidi started growing her own raspberries in 2000. She largely grows the “Caroline” variety, with its everbearing fruit. This fruit ripens later in the season, but is able to be picked up until the first frost. There are also some Polana and Himbo Top varieties, as well as a few rows of blackberries! The chile for the jam comes from Polvadera, New Mexico, and the ginger comes small organic farm in Hawaii. The fruit is grown locally, and certified organic by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. In 2014, Heidi was named Organic Farmer of the Year by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture at the Organic Farming Conference. She also purchased a commercial building in ABQ’s new Brewery District, which will be turned into a commercial kitchen. This gives her the time and freedom to experiment with new and exciting recipes, so stay tuned! Photo by Janet Hudson (originally posted to Flickr as Ready for the Oven)
GEORGIA PEACH BBQ SAUCE Yield: about 4 cups Preparation Time: 45 min 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 Tablespoon onion salt 2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon ground mace 1/3 cup white vinegar 2 cups tomato ketchup 1 cup peach jam 2 Tablespons Worcestershire sauce 2 Tablespoons honey 4 Tablespoons butter, cubed and well chilled bourbon is optional! In a medium saucepan, combine all the ingredients except the butter. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. (You may want to have a lid handy to protect yourself and your kitchen from any sputtering.) Reduce the heat and simmer for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. With a whisk, blend in the butter cubes, a few at a time, until combined. —
Most of these ingredients are available in our BULK department as LOCAL, ORGANIC or both!
RASPBERRY ALMOND CRUMB BARS 1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temp, plus more for baking dish 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp baking powder 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 large egg yolk 1 cup sliced almonds 1 cup Heidi’s Raspberry Jam Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter an 8” square baking dish. In a bowl, whisk together flour, salt and baking powder. In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugars on high speed until light and fluffy, beat in egg yolk. Reduce speed to low, gradually mix in flour mixture and then stir in almonds. In a small bowl, whisk the jam to loosen it. This will enable the jam to spread smoothly over the dough. Gently press half the dough into the bottom of prepared dish. With the back of a spoon, gently spread the jam over the dough, leaving a 1/4 inch border so the jam does not stick to the sides of the pan. Sprinkle the remaining dough over the top to the edges and press gently to form the top layer. Bake until the top is golden, 25 to 30 minutes. Cool completely in the dish, and cut into bars with a serrated knife.
Photos courtesy of Heidi’s Organic Raspberry Farm
sweets for your
sweetie made with LOVE CAN'T BE BEET VEGAN DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE FROM ADRIENNE WEISS Beets not only lend a rich color to this dazzling dessert, but make it decadently delicious and healthy as well. Serves: 12/Time: 1 Hour Makes 2 8-inch round cakes (for 9-inch round cakes, double the recipe) 2 cups organic whole wheat pastry flour 1/2 cup organic cocoa powder (not Dutch or alkali processed) plus additional for dusting pans 1 tablespoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 3/4 cup organic coconut palm sugar or dark brown sugar, if preferred 1 cup filtered water 1/4 cup organic olive oil (or grapeseed, a personal favorite) plus additional for pans 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar (I prefer the latter) 1 teaspoon organic vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups fresh organic beets, peeled and finely grated *Squeeze liquid juice from the beets and reserve for "pretty pink" frosting Preheat oven to 350o F. Lightly oil two 8-inch round cake pans with oil. Dust pans with cocoa powder, tap out any excess and set aside. In a large bowl, sift together pastry flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk sugar into dry ingredients. In a small bowl, whisk together oil, vinegar and vanilla. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and whisk well to combine. Stir in grated beets. Divide batter evenly between prepared pans. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes. Invert cakes onto a rack (removing pans) and allow to cool completely before frosting. This recipe makes a lovely bundt cake as well!
February 2015 10 VEGAN VANILLA PINK BUTTERCREAM FROSTING Makes 2 cups (frosts one 8- or 9-inch layer cake). It's a real vegan buttercream, rich and creamy, but not too sweet—great on any cake or cupcake. 1/2 cup Earth Balance (or other brand) vegan natural buttery spread or 4-ounce vegan buttery stick 1 1/2 cups Organic Raw Blue Agave Nectar (or other Agave Nectar) 1 cup organic instant dry soy milk powder such as Better Than Milk or Now brands (may substitute rice milk powder, if soy intolerant) 1 1/2 teaspoons organic vanilla extract 4 tablespoons organic soy milk or rice milk Pinch of sea salt Reserved beet juice Cream the buttery spread or stick with an electric mixer until light in color. Slowly add 1/2 cup of the agave nectar and beat until fluffy, about 1 to 2 minutes. Gradually add the dry milk powder and beat again. Add the vanilla extract and the liquid soy milk, one tablespoon at a time, until completely blended. Then begin gradually adding small amounts of the reserved cup of agave nectar until reaching the desired sweetness, beating slightly after each addition. Add the salt and 2 tablespoons of the reserved beet juice, turn the mixer to high speed and beat about 2 minutes, or until very fluffy. Add 1 additional tablespoon of beet juice for a deeper pink hue. May store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Beet juice is a natural substitute for potentially dangerous food coloring/dyes. Frosting Alternatives: CHOCOLATE FLAVORED - Add 1/3 cup of organic cocoa powder in place of beet juice PEPPERMINT FLAVORED - Add 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract CHIPOTLE-ALMOND TRUFFLES FROM ADRIENNE WEISS These creamy truffles have a subtle, smoky bite from the chipotle powder. If a more fiery chocolate is desired, add up to 1/2 teaspoon additional chipotle powder. Regular chili powder can be used as well. Serves: 12 (Makes 38 truffles)/Time: 45 minutes (does not include chilling time)
sweets for your
1/2 cup almond milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili powder 2 tablespoons agave 12 ounces bitter sweet chocolate, shaved or very finely chopped. Chocolate chips work well also. Use one 10 ounce package plus 2 additional ounces or 1/4 cup 2 tablespoons melted coconut oil 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 cup ground almonds Combine almond milk, vanilla extract, chili powder and agave in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Place chocolate in a large bowl and pour hot milk mixture over contents. Stir with a rubber spatula until all the chocolate is melted and smooth. If some hard pieces remain, put bowl over a pot of very hot water, being careful not to get any water in the chocolate mixture. Continue stirring until completely melted and smooth. Refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours, until firm, but not hard. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a melon baller, scoop out balls and roll between palms until even and smooth. Scatter cocoa powder and ground almonds on 2 separate plates. Roll half the truffles in cocoa powder, the other half in almonds. Arrange on serving platter or individual plates and serve immediately. Store in airtight container in refrigerator. SAVORY SWEETHEART POT PIE MODIFIED BY KATHERINE MULLÉ, based on the recipe “Chock-Full of Veggies Pot Pie” from Kathy Hester’s The Great Vegan Bean Book, available at the Co-op. For the veggies: 1 1/2 cups diced potatoes 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables (or a combination of 1/3 cup corn, 1/3 cup diced carrots, and 1/3 cup green beans) For the sauce: 2 tablespoons water 1/4 cup minced mushrooms, 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 cloves minced garlic 1 teaspoon marjoram 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika (investing in the “smoked” is worth it!) 1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk 1 to 2 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 cups cooked beans (I like northern and kidney) 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast Salt and pepper to taste For the crusts (top and bottom): 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup water Preheat the oven to 350°F, and oil a 9-inch pie pan. To make veggies, fill a large saucepan halfway with water, add the veggies, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to a simmer and cook until the potatoes can just be pierced with a fork, about 10 minutes. Drain, rinse under cold water to stop the cooking, and add to a large mixing bowl. To make the sauce, heat a sauté pan over medium heat and add the water, mushrooms, onion, and garlic. Cook until the mushrooms start to release their liquid and the onion is just starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Add the marjoram, paprika, and milk to the pan. Increase to medium-high heat and whisk in the flour. You want to reduce the sauce just a bit. Stir in the beans, nutritional yeast, salt, and pepper, and then mix in with the cooked veggies. To make the crust, stir dry ingredients together. Mix in oil and water to make the dough form a ball, adding more water if needed. Split the dough into two sections (for top and bottom crust), roll one out into a thin circle, and place in the oiled pie pan. Pour the filling into the pie crust. Roll out the other half of the dough and place on top of the filling. Cut any dough that hangs over the pie pan. Go around the pie and crimp the two crusts together with your fingers. Cut a few slits in the top crust with a knife. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until the crust is browned and cooked through.
February 2015 11
BY ARI LEVAUX ew pieces of reading material can fuel ambition like a seed catalog. They arrive in the mail during the darkest days of the year, offering warm hopes and delicious dreams of lush vegetation and tasty produce, a welcome contrast to the dismal, frigid conditions outside the window. I study seed catalogs with the obsession that an auto enthusiast would pour into Car & Driver, and the motivation that a climber feels when thumbing through Rock & Ice, and the focused passion I once reserved for another catalog that once came in the mail, from Sears.
hybrids, such as the Purple Podded Shelling Pea, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Purple Passion Asparagus, Purple Barley, Purple Wonder Strawberries, Purple Tomatillo, Violet de Provence Artichoke, Purple Brussels Sprouts, Sicilian Violet Cauliflower, All Purple Sweet Potatoes, and an ever-expanding assortment of purple carrots, such as Purple Haze, Purple Dragon, or Deep
THE SEEDY AWARDS Tightest ship, fastest delivery: Johnny's Best heirloom selection: Seed Savers Exchange, Native Seed Search, and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Best regional seeds: Seeds from Italy, Kitazawa Seed Co. (which specializes in Asian vegetables), Urban Farmer. Most folksy whimsy: Fedco. Most focused approach: Totally Tomatoes. Honorable Mentions: The Cook's Garden, Territorial Seed Company, Peaceful Valley, Gourmet Seeds, High Mowing Seeds, Seeds of Change, Botanical Interests. And here is my little known tip for an unconventional way to grow a totally worthwhile plant you hadn't considered growing—especially from seed: SHALLOTS. Shallots are something of a cross between onion and garlic. They can easily be stored for months after harvest, and if they start to get soft, they can be minced, sautéed in butter, and frozen for later use. Essential to many French recipes, shallots even come in purple varieties.
But seed catalogs do more than fill you with goals and desires. They teach you how to fulfill them. In the process of selling you their wares with images of produce porn, these colorful volumes contain encyclopedic levels of information on how to grow your own garden, as well as tools and supplies with which to cultivate the seeds you purchase. Thanks to increasing interest in gardening, the seed industry is rapidly evolving to keep pace. Some, like Johnny's, are developing numerous new varieties each year, broadening the gardener's options with regard to taste, color, productivity, disease resistance, drought and cold tolerance. Seed catalogs, meanwhile, are offering an increasingly artistic array of themes, often with beautiful cover images, as well as engaging essays and stories contained in their pages, like the search for the seeds of the elusive Kajari Melon, found in Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. On the subject of art and literature, as I gaze at the bounty of seed catalogs before me, one surprising theme that jumps out this year is the color purple. James Joseph, a neuroscientist at Tufts University's USDA Human Nutrition Research Center On Aging, once said, "If I could eat only one color per day, it would be purple." He said this because anthrocyanins, the pigments behind purple color in fruits and vegetables, have been shown to have some powerful effects on health. These molecules are antioxidants that have been shown to protect the brain against shortterm memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases. They've also shown promise in warding off cancer and reducing blood sugar. For this reason, scientists have expressed snapdragon genes in tomatoes, resulting in a yet-to-be-approved genetically modified purple tomato that's high in anthrocyanins. Farmers and gardeners achieved similar results decades ago, breeding heirloom varieties like Ukrainian Purple and Cherokee Purple, Black Ethiopian, and of course the Fioletovyi Kruglyi. More recently, an ever expanding array of purple-colored garden crops have hit the market as well, including both old heirlooms and new
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Shallots are expensive at the grocery store, and they're also expensive to grow from sets, aka bulbs, which for some reason are the form that most gardeners plant. But shallots can also be grown from seed. A typical order of shallot sets contains about 50 bulbs and costs around $15. A package of 250 shallot seeds is about five bucks, which works out to fifteen times cheaper.
Purple. (There are even purple blueberries to be had, but you already knew that.) As you ponder the dizzying array of options, you may find it hard to choose between Cherry Vanilla Quinoa, Porcelain Doll Pumpkins, and Bhut Jolokia peppers. You may feel an urgent need for a popcorn stripper with which to remove your popcorn kernels from the cob, or to try your hand at tomato grafting.
Shallots can be direct seeded, or started indoors to get a head start. And even if you don't have a greenhouse, shallots are easy enough to start indoors that a windowsill will do—something that can't be said about tomatoes, peppers, or most other crops, which will turn into irreversibly spindly, contorted messes.
Flipping through a seed catalog can create the same kind of outsized agenda as hitting the grocery store with an empty stomach can. You become susceptible to buying more than you can realistically deal with, and order seeds that are beyond your means to handle. If you don't have a greenhouse, for example, buying tomato or pepper seeds to start on a windowsill can be a losing proposition. Trust me on this one.
In mid-March, fill an open planting tray with potting soil, sprinkle a packet's worth of seeds into it, and gently cover the seeds. Keep them watered. They will grow like grass. Whenever the sprouts reach four inches, give the whole tray a haircut down to two inches with scissors—this will add girth to the stems and make for larger bulbs. When the ground is ready to be worked, plant your shallots—be they little plants or seeds—six-eight inches apart. Harvest when the tops begin turning brown. Enjoy through the winter, long after next year's seed catalogs have arrived.
With that being said, thumbing through a seed catalog over a warm cup of tea is a very worthwhile way of passing the winter. This is when to plan your garden, and order your seeds in time to get it planted on schedule. To help cut through the vast array of options among the seed catalogs, here are my picks across a wide variety of categories.
SEED CO-OP BY JR RIEGEL ebruary is the time when most folks decide what they’ll be growing in the garden and it can be a tough decision with all the seed companies and varieties available. These days, there are so many seed companies supplying organic and heirloom seeds that few really stand out. The Family Farmers Seed Cooperative (FFSC) is a relative newcomer to the seed scene, but their farmer-owned approach truly sets them apart as a producer of high quality, open-pollinated, and community-supporting seed.
FFSC was founded in response to the increasing centralization and monopolization of the seed market. Currently, FFSC includes farmers
xoxo at Explora:
An interactive exhibit from the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh. FREE with Explora Museum admission. or call 505-224-8323. Explora is located at 1701 Mountain Rd. NW, Albuquerque.
from New Mexico, Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington, North Dakota, and Nebraska. This variety of producers and climates ensures both a wide variety of seeds that are acclimatized to western and arid growing conditions and the autonomy and independence of producers inherent in the cooperative structure.
Co-op TO
Each FFSC member farmer produces only organic, open-pollinated seed. Farmers select their favorite seeds to contribute to the Co-op, so all varieties have been tried, tested, and shown over time to give consistent germination and yields. Because the seeds are farmer favorites, there are a number of unique varieties that can’t be found anywhere else. In addition to these unique seeds, the FFSC produces many heirloom and public domain varieties in keeping with their mission of protecting our seed system from corporate control. Since the founding of the Family Farmers Seed Cooperative in 2008, La Montanita Co-op has been extensively involved in aiding their development. Our marketing department designed their packaging and graphical identity, and we’ve given over $5,000 in “seed money” to help them get started. This year, La Montanita is working to help
bring FFSC seeds into other co-op stores across the western United States. FFSC has mostly been selling directly to farmers, and we’re excited to bring their terrific family-farmed seeds into home gardens across the west.
If you haven’t already bought your seeds for this growing season, consider having a look at the FFSC seeds on display at your local Co-op location. Depending on what varieties your location chooses to display, you might find a new and exciting vegetable variety to try! In addition to promoting organic, open-pollinated, and source-identified seed production, you’ll be getting locally- and regionally-grown seeds that support a community of farmers. If you want to help the Family Farmers Seed Cooperative grow, ask about them at any other co-ops you might frequent and see if they’re interested in carrying FFSC seed! For more information on the FFSC and to learn about its member farms, please visit their website at
February 2015 13
clusions about the entire market or every product for a given brand, but based on our test results we found that:
onsumer Reports Food Safety and Sustainability Center report on GMO contamination of non-GMO labeled products caused quite a stir last month. For those of you who haven’t seen the postings yet, here are excerpts from that report. “Consumer Reports Food Safety and Sustainability Center wanted to determine the extent of GE corn and soy in processed foods and whether labels that suggest or claim to be non-GMO were meaningful. Safety of individual products was not the primary purpose for testing. Given the questions about safety, environmental contamination, and other factors (described below) that concern consumers, we wanted to provide a market snapshot and recommend labels that consumers could rely on for those who want to avoid GMOs.” “The overwhelming majority of corn and soy planted in the United States is genetically engineered (GE). Corn and soy are important building blocks in a wide variety of processed foods in the United States. Consumers are concerned about GE ingredients in their food and believe that foods should be labeled. A recent national telephone survey conducted by Consumer Reports found that 72 percent of consumers say it is important to avoid GMOs when they shop, 40 percent of consumers are looking for non-GMO claims on food, and 92 percent of consumers think GE foods should be labeled. In addition, more than 60 percent of consumers think ‘natural’ means GMOs were not used. Despite this consumer demand, there are no requirements for labeling genetically engineered ingredients in processed foods and there is extremely limited safety testing required. ” “Consumer Reports tested over 80 different processed foods with corn or soy ingredients for GE (GMOs) DNA. We tested popular breakfast cereals, bars, corn chips, corn tortillas, baking mixes and flours, meat substitutes, soy dairy products, and tofu/tempeh products. We purchased and tested conventional products (those with no label claims), organic products (which are not permitted to contain GE ingredients) as well as products with a Non-GMO Project Verified Label (which should contain no more than 0.9% GMO ingredients and have verification testing) and products with a natural label (which are not required to be Non-GMO despite the fact that many consumers think and believe they should). It is important to note our test was a small market basket and we cannot draw con-
Remember, products labeled as natural CAN and DO contain high levels of GMO INGREDIENTS.
Almost all of the samples of conventional products we tested contained GE corn and/or soy and the majority of the corn and/or soy DNA in most of these samples was GE. This included popular brands in all categories except soy dairy and tofu where we did not encounter any conventional products. We found negligible levels of GE corn or soy (0.9% or less) in samples of products that had either an USDA certified Organic label or a NonGMO Project Verified seal.” ACCORDING TO NATURAL NEWS: “The popular tortilla chip brand "Xochitl Totopos de Maiz," is actively selling tortilla chips all across America that bear a "No GMO" label, but that contain high amounts of GM corn. Tests conducted on six separate lots of the product revealed 75 percent or more GM corn content, despite labels to the con-
trary. Consumer Reports says it reached out to Xochitl with the findings and was told that the company was ‘baffled’ by the test results. It says it uses a corn supplier that provides its own test results claiming non-GMO corn, which suggests that the Xochitl company itself might be a victim of fraud.” The full Consumer Reports investigation into GMO contamination is available here: Consumers Union, the advocacy arm of the organization that does research and publishes Consumer Reports, is actively working to create a policy change on the national level that would require GMO containing products to be labeled so that consumers have a choice. Remember, products labeled as natural can and do contain high levels of GMO ingredients. Once again these tests and the GMO contamination issue points out the importance of choosing organic products as much as possible. Also, Consumers Union notes that products containing the Non-GMO Verified label have a high degree of integrity in their GMO free claims. Look for the NON-GMO VERIFIED PRODUCTS throughout your favorite Co-op location.
• Investor enrollment period now open through March 30, 2015 • Investment options begin at $250 • Loan repayment terms tailored to the needs of our community of food producers • Loan applications taken on an ongoing basis To set up a meeting to learn more or for a Prospectus, Investor Agreement, Loan Criteria and Applications, call or e-mail Robin at: 505-217-2027, toll free at 877-775-2667, or go to
U R B A N WAT E R S BY MICHAEL JENSEN ater connects everything we do. We drink it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and dishes in it. We water our yards and irrigate our crops with it. We swim in it, fish in it, paddle on it. We walk along it, watch birds and animals in and on it. People come here to visit or to live because of it— for the bird watching or the recreational opportunities or the chance for some solitude. Water is our lifeblood.
PART 1 • Promote clean urban waters • Reconnect people to their waterways • Conserve water • Encourage community improvements through active partnerships • Use urban waters to promote economic revitalization and prosperity
Urban Waters Federal Partnership A little over one year ago, Albuquerque became one of 19 “Urban Waters” sites in the United States, part of the new Urban Waters Federal Partnership (, The Partnership is composed of fourteen federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Housing and Urban Development, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Agriculture, FEMA, the CDC, the Department of Education, and others. In December 2014, 28 non-governmental organizations signed a statement that they would support the Partnership by aligning resources, funding, and expertise around urban waters restoration, outdoor recreation, youth and community engagement, and by developing new initiatives at the local level. Organizations include the Sierra Club, River Network, American Rivers, the American Planning Association, the National Wildlife Federation, Earth Force, the Nature Conservancy, and others. The Urban Waters Partnership came together in order to help overburdened or economically distressed urban communities revitalize their urban waters as a community resource. The main goals are: • To break down federal program silos in order to make more effective use of federal resources • To make better use of local resources by coordinating with local officials and community-based organizations • To learn from early successes in order to build long-term action The Urban Waters Federal partnership has a number of principles that guide the overall work and form the basis for federal agency and local partnerships:
February 2015 14
• Focus on evaluating results as the basis for future success • Listening to the community in order for them to become fully engaged in the urban waters program Albuquerque Urban Waters Projects The overall intent is to use the Urban Waters Partnership at the federal level to build local partnerships that include local offices of federal agencies, tribal governments, state and local agencies, private businesses, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations. The aim is to create a cooperative and collaborative environment that develops the collective impact of all these different layers of action around a common concern with the future role of the Rio Grande and associated urban waters in this region. The Middle Rio Grande urban waters site is centered on the Albuquerque metropolitan region. It has two federal co-leads: the EPA Region 6 office in Dallas, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), located in the federal building in downtown Albuquerque. In the Albuquerque area, there are 9 current projects
( The current projects (with their federal lead agency) include: • Bridge Boulevard Redevelopment Plan (HUD & Transportation)—creating a Main Street Roadway alternative along Bridge from Coors to the river • Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge (US Fish & Wildlife Service)—the Southwest’s first urban National Wildlife Refuge and a model for how to create a community-based refuge that serves multiple urban functions, including stormwater management • Middle Rio Grande Restoration Project (Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation)—to restore and create habitat and improve river function and connectivity with the Bosque • Enhanced Stormwater Management (EPA)— implementing the new watershed-based stormwater permit for the entire region and encourage development of community-based stormwater management innovations • South Valley Transportation Projects (Transportation)—extension of Sunport across I-25 to Broadway and a corridor improvement project for the southern end of 2nd Street • Isleta Pueblo Island Removal Project (EPA, Army Corps, US Geological Survey)—sediment removal and terracing below the Isleta Diversion Dam in order to create a base-flow channel, increase capacity to deal with storm flows, and create habitat • Corrales Siphon/Sandia Pueblo Avulsion Project (Army Corp, EPA)—erosion of the Rio Grande stream bed has begun to expose the Corrales Siphon, originally built several feet below the river bed in 1933 to carry irrigation water from the east side of the river into the west side Corrales Main • Central New Mexico Climate Change Scenario Planning Project (almost all the federal partners)— integrating climate change scenario planning into the Mid-Region Council of Governments’ (MRCOG) 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. For more information: Michael Jensen, Middle Rio Grande Urban Waters Ambassador at michael.
RE-DESIGNING our energy system BY IGINIA BROCCALANDRO et’s get off dirty, expensive, obsolete power generation and into local, clean, cheap, intelligent energy with Genius Grid technology. Energy, like power, food and the Internet, increases in quality while lowering costs when going local. Often, the overcentralization of anything becomes problematic; this applies to the concentration of wealth, government and centralized energy alike.
Our current electrical system is only 29% efficient, wasting 71% of the heat energy contained in burned coal at the power plant and as losses in distribution lines. If localized generators delivered heat and electricity, efficiency would be 90%, tripling the amount of energy delivered per fuel unit burned and cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) by 66%. These localized generators could also provide the variable capacity to back up intermittent sources like wind and solar, allowing the possibility of very high renewal energy (RE) percentages.
POLICY CHANGE FOR COST EFFICIENCY Central power plants do not have the ability to ramp up and down to back up renewable energy sources, which is why utilities claim that solar and wind have high costs. The biggest barrier to deployment of this technology in the United States is the mandated Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1547 interconnection requirement for all combined heat and power plants, solar and wind. It is archaic, obsolete and expensive. Generators are required to not support the grid when the grid needs help. They are prevented from improving power quality, even though most generators have power conditioning capability. If the grid is of low-power quality, it is required to go off-line and stay off until the grid is back in range. This is crazy, obsolete and keeps us in the dark ages regarding energy generation and has us chained to dirty, expensive and inefficient power plants. We must change by educating ourselves on what is now available, advocating clean energy and pushing for the political will to change laws that allow us to become producers and not just consumers of energy.
CREATING THE LOCAL GENIUS GRID Denmark has a genius grid and so does Fort Collins. Why can’t Santa Fe, Albuquerque and other New Mexican towns and cities have one? Any community that wants smart power to benefit the local economy, the environment and the consumer’s pocketbook should consider creating a municipal utility and deploying a Genius Grid. Santa Fe has conducted two feasibility studies of a municipal utility. The economic benefits of Genius Grid implementation should be added to these studies. The nonprofit Carbon Economy Series (CES) is facilitating cooperation between policymakers, business leaders, environmentalists and concerned citizens on this issue. Anyone who wants Santa Fe to have cheaper, cleaner and more reliable electricity should contact CES ( CES is planning a workshop on the Genius Grid on March 27-28 at the Santa Fe Community College to help people understand the parameters of what it would take to transfer this technology to a public utility. Watch for more information about this event in the March issue of the Co-op Connection news; or for more information on the Genius Grid and the Carbon Economy Series go to www.carbonecon
FUND! • Investor enrollment period now open • Investment options begin at $250 • Loan repayment terms tailored to the needs of our community of food producers • Loan applications taken on an ongoing basis To set up a meeting to learn more or for a Prospectus, Investor Agreement and Loan Criteria, and Applications, call or e-mail Robin at: 505-217-2027, toll free at 877-775-2667 or e-mail her at
The Girl Scout Cookie Challenge is an exciting event for girls, families, foodies, and friends of the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails! This FUNraiser, focused on Girl Scout cookie traditions features chefs from across the state creating delicious desserts and savory treats made from Girl Scout cookies. Nob Hill Deli Manager Frank Krause and his Nob Hill Deli team are participating. Other activities will include a silent auction, cookie eating competitions, photo booth, face painting, and more!
NOB HILL CHEFS Taste the Nob Hill entry as well as others on Sunday, February 8, from 2-4pm at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown and vote for your favorite. Judging will take place in several categories— Best Sweet, Best Savory, Best in Show, Most Creative and People’s Choice. So, we need YOU to help judge this yummy event! Register online through www.NMGirlScouts. org for the early bird rate ($25 for adults, $10 for students 5-17, children under 5 free). Contact the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails to learn more about joining Girl Scouts, volunteer opportunities, ways to support our mission, or alumnae information: call 505-343-1040 or go to
community forum GIFT GIVERS ANONYMOUS A Helping Hand Clearinghouse B K Y
February 2015 15
ift Givers Anonymous (GGA) clearinghouse was opened in 2013 to give back in the community. Since that time, GGA has become a non-profit organization in Albuquerque and a collaboration of community leaders from the business, faith and nonprofit sectors. The main objective of this collaboration of community leaders is to work together in the community to bridge the gap between non-profit human-service providers and businesses and private donors seeking to serve the community through “inkind” giving.
We are growing rapidly and are reaching out to the community to help sustain our programs and to be able to continue to serve the community. We are now partnering with St. Martins and more estate sale organizations to be able to provide even more art supplies, hygiene, household and furniture items for the community. Every day we receive more requests for these items.
Become a Golden Link in the Compassion chain: Be a Benefactor with $500, a Supporter with $100, a Sponsor with $50, or a Friend with $25! At the Benefactor and Supporter level, your name will be listed on our web site and you will receive a special note from those who we serve. ALL GIFTS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
“GGA has been an amazing blessing to my clients. When clients are moved into housing they are supplied with the basics for an apartment. Often this includes a bed, a couch, and possibly a table and chairs. The work that GGA does is to help my clients transform a space into a home. GGA makes sure that clients have pictures, lamps, bedding, dishes, rugs, linens, clocks, and on and on. Their warm, welcoming, and generous personality helps clients relax and makes them comfortable. After we load my car to bursting, we head back to the clients' apartment which they cannot wait to begin transforming into a home. Invariably my clients remark on the generosity and kindness they have received. Beyond the simple gift of items for a home, GGA provides something of far more value. They give the people they come into contact with a sense that somebody else in the community cares about them and wants to help them. This is a gift beyond price for so many of the people I work with. I cannot say enough about the work GGA does to bring hope and happiness to those who need it most.” -Leia Cunningham, Heading Home Care Team of St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
All gifts are greatly appreciated and go directly to continually serve our clients. Please consider making Gift Givers Anonymous the non-profit of choice for your business or organization. All gifts can be sent to Gift Givers Anonymous: 404 General Chennault St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123; or call us at 505504-5222 for other arrangements.
February 28, 11am-2pm NM NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Meet New Mexico bird experts and learn about the NM Bird Groups working to protect our New Mexico birds. Naturalist Karen Herzenberg of Valle Del Oro Wildlife Sancturay will introduce you to Florence Merriam Bailey. Ms. Bailey spent many seasons in the field in the early 1900s, cataloguing species for the US Biological Survey. She wrote eight published books, including the first popular guide to bird watching, Birds Through an Opera Glass (1889), and the comprehensive, Birds of New Mexico (1928). Talks about Ms. Bailey’s work and other New Mexico bird information on Saturday, Feb. 28 and repeated on Sunday, March 1, include: • 11am to noon for children and families • 1pm to 2pm for adults Karen Herzenberg is a naturalist working on projects for Bernalillo County, Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge. She is on the advisory committee for the New Mexico Master Naturalist program and leads bird and nature walks in the Albuquerque Metro area. No registration required; held at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW, Albuquerque. Call 505841-2800 or go to for more information. These talks are free with (with Museum admission).
Feb. 7: 10:30am-12:30pm at REI's Community Room, 500 Market Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Learn how to identify common birds, discover the amazing adaptations of birds, the basics for creating a bird haven in your backyard and how to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count.
For more information please call Samantha Funk at 505-983-4609 ext. 21 or go to The 2015 Great Backyard Bird Count runs from Friday, Feb. 13, through Monday, Feb. 16. More information at Wild Birds Unlimited or