La Montañita Co-op Connection Newsletter, March 2015

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EARTH FEST SUNDAY, APRIL 19 NOB HILL CO-OP, ALBUQUERQUE On Silver Street behind the Co-op in the Nob Hill Shopping Center BY ROBIN SEYDEL OW! This year marks the 25th Annual Earth Fest. It began with just a couple of environmental groups with tables, set up on the sidewalk in front of the Nob Hill Co-op. Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping comes immediately to mind (they were getting petitions signed to get EPA standards applied to the soon-to-be opened WIPP site in southern New Mexico).


Over the years this event has grown and grown, thanks to the support of our incredible Co-op community. This spring, in its twenty-fifth year, it is clear that from its humble beginnings this festival has become one of the largest Earth Day festivals in the state, and is one of the most beloved community-based festivals. It is La Montañita Co-op’s great pleasure to once again create a celebration that, in keeping with the cooperative principles of Community Education, Information and Training (Cooperative Principle #5) and Concern for Community (Cooperative Principle #7), provides an opportunity for us all to come together. As in years past this 25th Earth Fest in Nob Hill is a chance to get your bedding plants, talk to and learn from the farming and gardening experts in our midst, get educated on the important environmental issues we face, grow and strengthen our community, enjoy the creations of our gifted fine and performing artists, get active and take action together to make our community and the world a better place for us all to share.


This year’s Earth Fest will be held on Sunday, April 19, in Nob Hill. Our street fills up quickly, so please reserve your booth space early. We give first priority to environmental, social and economic justice non-profit organizations, and farmers and farming organizations. Artists and craftspeople must make and sell their own art (no kits or imports allowed), be Co-op members, be juried if they have not set up with us before and be willing to participate in the “placement lottery.” Also, this year artist and crafters must have their City business license (contact the ABQ City Treasury office for a temporary one if necessary). Some of our artists, activists, and farmers will be setting up in front of Immanuel Presbyterian Church, our long-time community partner and Earth Fest co-sponsor. As we do every year, we're hoping for a beautiful day, and with Mother Earth's blessing we will once again take time to celebrate "Her,” reaffirm our commitment to restoring and sustaining our blue/green planetary gem and cultivating a sustainable future. Join friends and neighbors as we educate and inform ourselves, dance joyously in the streets to welcome the upcoming growing season and take action on behalf of our precious Mother Earth. Watch for more information on the Earth Fest in our April Co-op Connection newsletter and on many social media outlets. For more information or to reserve your FREE space, contact Robin at 505-217-2027 or toll free at 877-7752667 or e-mail her at


VETERAN FARMER UPDATE BY ROBIN SEYDEL ast December, after farming at the Alvarado Urban Farm across from the Transportation Center for three years, thanks to the generosity of the Downtown Action Team, the Veteran Farmer Project (VFP) packed up the farm. This is not an unusual occurrence for urban and next-generation farmers that don’t own their farm or have long-term leases on their land. Developers needed our lot to create the mixed income and use building where in 2017 we will have a rooftop garden. For over six months we wondered where we would land for the next two years.




In early February, after a series of discussions with Jon Ashe, owner of Thunderhead Farms and a Board member at the Rio Grande Community Farm (RGCF), we agreed to collaborate with RGCF in a mutual aid partnership that will benefit both our projects.

This new partnership is exciting on a number of levels. It provides a wonderful community based home for the VFP and the human energy needed to help newly hired RGCF farm manager Sean Ludden with all the activities farming at RGCF requires. RGCF has just contracted with the City of Albuquerque’s Open Space Division to farm the 16 acres of Field Four, which includes the community garden site. The overall vision of RGCF for this publicly owned space is to expand food proON THE IMPORTANCE OF GROWING ORGANIC! duction for people and wildlife and to improve the soil’s carbon content, as it The Veteran Farmer Project concludes its winter offering of classmakes a beautiful and productive urban es with On the Importance of Growing Organic. Taught by New farm for all to enjoy. The RGCF vision for Mexico Department of Agriculture’s Organic Program Lead Educator this publicly owned farm land is one that Joan Quinn, this is a not-to-be-missed class that will combine basic the VFP is excited to share. The opportuniorganic theory and down to earth know how. It will also include ty to work with and learn from Sean, an information on getting your organic certification. Class will be held experienced and knowledgeable farmer, at the Bernalillo County Extension Office at 1510 Menual Blvd. NW adds a dimension to our educational efforts from 3 to 4:15pm. To register for this FREE class contact Robin at that will benefit our veterans individually as well as the program as a whole. 505-217-2027 or

Veteran Farmer Project:





to come TOGETHER as a community!



April 19



As a starting point, members of VFP will be organizing several community work days to help Sean get the community garden area ready for the growing season and work on several other RGCF projects to grow more food there as we hone our farming skills and tap his know-how. Over the coming months and years, in conjunction with Sean’s work to expand RGCF production and tapping his extensive experience, we hope to share in the cultivation of an approximately 1/2-acre area to the south of the community garden, to produce food for our Veteran families, other families in need, and to sell at the VA Grower’s markets and retail outlets in our community, including the Co-op. VFP Work Days Thursday is our usual VFP work day and on Thursday, March 12, we will do an expanded afternoon from 1-5pm to clean and ready rows. As many people from the larger community are interested in working with and helping the VFP, we are also scheduling a work day on Saturday, March 21, from 10am-1pm. Both veterans and non-veterans are welcome to volunteer with us on these days. As RGCF has long been a non-profit organization associated with the Co-op’s volunteer program, and the VFP is a project of La Montañita, Co-op members can get 18% discount cards for participating on these work days. Volunteer positions are somewhat limited—Co-op members interested in helping, please contact JR at 505-2172016 or to reserve your spot.

INVESTORS If you are interested in investing with the La Montañita Fund, please contact us before March 30. We will be happy to send you a Memorandum, which is the intra-state form of a prospectus, the investor agreement, and answer any questions you might have.


Another exciting development for the FUND is its use in the most traditional of agricultural ways. We have several farmers who come to us at the beginning of each year’s growing season for “seed”


One of the most exciting aspects of this relationship building is that investors and Co-op member/owners know what farms, ranches, and value-added producers they are invested in through the LaM FUND. Investors can complete their circle of support for the local food system by purchasing products from those producers when they see them on Coop shelves, at growers markets and at other retail locations throughout the state.

La Montañita FUND BY ROBIN SEYDEL n 2015 the La Montañita Fund marks its fourth year of operation. And the project just keeps rolling along. We are pleased to have made loans to local producers over the years totaling just over $157,000. Already this year we have made loans both to help the fledging Taos Food Co-op purchase some coolers to expand its operations, and to aid Blunt Brothers Coffee as it grows its local coffee business. Additionally, at the time of this writing we have several loans in the works with other producers. We have nearly 60 Co-op investors with a total investment of $137,000 and over the past years we have paid an average of 1.5% return on investment. The LaM FUND has loaned funds to food producers around the state for everything ranging from a few hundred dollars for seed to the purchase of a delivery truck, hoop houses, greenhouses, irrigation supplies, and bringing a valueadded product to the marketplace.

An opportunity


money, we arrange repayment terms that are in keeping with their harvest income, they pay off their loan at harvest time, and then we provide start of season capital the following year, in many cases for expanded production. These are the kinds of long-term community relationships we believe are the core of the renewal of a vibrant local food system, and we are most pleased to be able to foster them.

FOOD PRODUCERS Want to expand your farm income, try a new crop, or put up a hoop house for four-season production? Our loan application process is quick and easy and we are happy to walk prospective food producers though the process. The loans are affordable and repayment terms can be tailored to the needs of the producer, their harvest, and products. If you are a food producer in New Mexico and want more information or an investor interested in enrolling during our enrollment period that ends March 30, please contact or call 505-217-2027 or toll free at 877-775-2667.


March 2015 2

La Montañita Cooperative A Community-Owned Natural Foods Grocery Store


Nob Hill 7am – 10pm M – Sa, 8am – 10pm Su 3500 Central SE, ABQ, NM 87106 505-265-4631


Valley 7am – 10pm M – Su 2400 Rio Grande NW, ABQ, NM 87104 505-242-8800 Gallup 8am – 8pm M – Sa, 11am – 8pm Su 105 E Coal, Gallup, NM 87301 505-863-5383 Santa Fe 7am – 10pm M – Sa, 8am – 10pm Su 913 West Alameda, Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-984-2852 Grab n’ Go 8am – 6pm M – F, 11am – 4pm Sa UNM Bookstore, 2301 Central SW, ABQ, NM 87131 505-277-9586 Westside 7am – 9pm M – Su 3601 Old Airport Ave, ABQ, NM 87114 505-503-2550 Cooperative Distribution Center 9am – 5pm, M – F 901 Menaul NE, ABQ, NM 87107 505-217-2010 Administration Offices 9am – 5pm, M – F 901 Menaul NE, ABQ, NM 87107 505-217-2001 Administrative Staff: 217-2001 TOLL FREE: 877-775-2667 (COOP) • General Manager/Terry Bowling 217-2020 • Controller/John Heckes 217-2029 • Computers/Info Technology David Varela 217-2011 • Operations Manager/Bob Tero 217-2028 • Human Resources/Sharret Rose 217-2023 • Marketing/Karolyn Cannata-Winge 217-2024 • Membership/Robin Seydel 217-2027 • CDC/MichelleFranklin 217-2010 Store Team Leaders: • Valerie Smith/Nob Hill 265-4631 • John Mulle/Valley 242-8800 • William Prokopiak/Santa Fe 984-2852 • Sydney Null/Gallup 575-863-5383 • Joe Phy/Westside 505-503-2550 Co-op Board of Directors: email: • President: Ariana Marchello • Vice President: Martha Whitman • Secretary: Marshall Kovitz • Lisa Banwarth-Kuhn • Jeff Ethan au Green • Leah Roco • Jessica Rowland • Rosemary Romero • Tracy Sprouls Membership Costs: $15 for 1 year/ $200 Lifetime Membership Co-op Connection Staff: • Managing Editor: Robin Seydel 217-2027 • Layout and Design: foxyrock inc • Cover/Centerfold: Co-op Marketing Dept. • Advertising: JR Riegel • Editorial Assistant: JR Riegel 217-2016 • Editorial Intern: Katherine Mulle • Printing: Vanguard Press Membership information is available at all four Co-op locations, or call 217-2027 or 877-775-2667 email: website:


BY LISA ELLIS, ROCK AND RHYTHM FOUNDATION usic educator Robb Janov believes that everyone can play music, and that everyone should be given a chance to do so. That is the premise for his Rock and Rhythm Foundation, a charitable, 501(c) (3) organization that seeks to provide instruments and inspirational music opportunities to local youth and communities. At the heart of the Foundation is Janov’s award-winning Rock and Rhythm Band program, developed over nearly 19 years of teaching at Jefferson Middle School in Albuquerque. Rock and Rhythm offers a different approach to music education, a uniquely out-of-the-box experience in which students thrive.



Rock and Rhythm began when Janov discovered that most Jefferson students were not choosing to take traditional music electives, a trend common across the country. He found that although the students loved music, traditional programs discouraged participation for a number of reasons, and so he set out to create a way to engage these students, to open the music education door so wide that all would feel safe to enter. Since that time, Janov has developed the inno-



Over the years, many students who thrived in Rock and Rhythm have asked, what next? With no comparable program available for high school students, Janov saw the need to expand Rock and Rhythm beyond Jefferson, and with that vision he created the Rock and Rhythm Foundation. The Foundation’s goals are to provide accessible and innovative music instruction and performance opportunities to students of all ages, regardless of experience, ability or socioeconomic status, to help music teachers discover new ways to inspire students by incorporating novel methodologies into new or existing music programs, and to provide music opportunities and instruments for students of limited financial means. This past fall, the Foundation successfully launched the Rock and Rhythm Youth Orchestra, an after-school program geared toward high school students. This group combines rock band instruments with strings (violin, viola, cello, bass), and is run in collaboration with the City of Albuquerque’s South Broadway Cultural Center.

In support of the Foundation, some of Albuquerque’s favorite bands and performers are joining together for an afternoon of live music, including Le Chat Lunatique, Hillary Smith, Chris Dracup, Felix y los Gatos, Cathy McGill, Django Rhythm Meat Grinder, Wendy Beach, Cali Shaw, and the Foundation’s own Rock and Rhythm Youth Orchestra. The benALL PEOPLE ’ S GRANDMOTHER ’ S efit takes place on March 7, from 12-3:30pm SPEAKING UP FOR THE at the South Broadway Cultural Center. Proceeds support the Rock and Rhythm NEXT GENERATIONS Foundation’s efforts to provide innovative, The newly formed Albuquerque Grandmothers Council had its first offilow-cost music education. cial meeting on January 10. The grassroots volunteer group represents


the diverse population of Albuquerque. Our mission is to provide service to the community by contributing the wisdom of female elders over fifty. Our members are over 50, but not all have grandchildren. We are inspired by the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. The Albuquerque Grandmothers Council is religion neutral and as diverse as Albuquerque itself. For information email Caite at caitemaya or Susan at woolfpath@swcp, or call 505-967-2865.





utterflies are some of the most magical of species with whom we share the planet. One of the most incredible things about butterflies is the way they change from crawling caterpillars into winged beauties. There are about 24,000 butterfly species and another 140,000 species of moths. Our fascination with these amazing creatures is as old as human kind and representations of butterflies are seen in Egyptian frescoes at Thebes, which are 3,500 years old. Monarch butterflies journey from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of about 2,000 miles, and




FOR TICKETS AND MORE INFORMATION, please contact Lisa Ellis at rockandrhythm or go to www., or you may call 505-715-5066.

return to the north again in the spring. Top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour but they cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees. See for more fun information on butterflies. On March 5, you can discover the life cycle of one of nature’s most beautiful aviators, the butterfly. Tatia Veltkamp of Wings of Enchantment offers an interactive presentation, which includes understanding anatomy, how wings work and real caterpillars and butterflies. Exciting live science presentations for young people, combined with Balloon Museum tours! Presented by City of Albuquerque at Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum for grades K-3, March 5, 10am-12pm, with a Balloon Museum tour at 11am. $3 for adults, $1 for students. Email Laurie Magovern for reservations: or call 505-880-0500.


Membership response to the newsletter is appreciated. Email the Managing Editor, Copyright ©2015 La Montañita Co-op Supermarket Reprints by prior permission. The Co-op Connection is printed on 65% post-consumer recycled paper. It is recyclable.

vative methodology that helps every student succeed, not just in music but also in life. The team-based, cooperative approach engages students while building both confidence and musical skills. Students learn multiple rock band instruments and have a voice in music selection. All instruments are provided in class, the result of a monumental effort by Janov and the Rock and Rhythm community, with no funding received from APS.


ALBUQUERQUE GEM & MINERAL CLUB AT EXPO NEW MEXICO The Albuquerque Gem & Mineral Club, begun in 1944, is dedicated to the advancement and enjoyment of the Earth Sciences and associated subjects. Its primary purpose is the exchange of information and the furtherance of knowledge of Mineralogy, Fossils, Geology, and Lapidary and to stimulate interest in the development of these studies.



The 46th Annual Treasures of the Earth show and sale will be held at Expo New Mexico and brings together an astounding display of minerals, gems, beads, and more. Learn from displays, silent auctions, free gem/mineral ID, demos by NM Facetors Guild and NM Gold Panners, and talk to over forty-five merchants selling rocks, minerals, fossils, decor, books, jewelry, beads, gems. Hours are 10-6pm Fri.-Sat., 10-5pm Sun. Entrance fee is $3 for adults; under 13 free with adult. Admission Fri. is only $1. For more information contact Paul F. Hlava at 505-265-4178 or check out the website at






SOIL BUILDING SEAN LUDDEN, FARM MANAGER RGCF his time of year always brings out a specific desire to flip through seed catalogs and sort my collection of saved seed from over the years. From heirloom chiles, landrace melons, exotic amaranths, white tepary beans, and baseball-sized bibb lettuce, I grow excited for the new season ahead. As the weather begins to lose its chill, most of us interested in gardening and food made from our garden’s bounty turn our attention to seeds and getting the soil ready for planting those early greens and root crops. BY


For many, the option of gardening on a slightly larger scale is intriguing but daunting; they lack the access to any significant size of arable land to work on and the support to carry out a successful season. Community gardens have been a steadily growing fixture in response to a renewed interest in growing food and involvement around local food production. Community gardens offer the ability for those who have interest in gardening, but lack land access, knowledge, and the community help to get started. This spring, Rio Grande Community Farm has available spaces in the Community Garden ready for eager, budding horticulturalists. For $50 you are provided a regularly irrigated row of valley soil, access to tools and workshops, seeds, community involvement, exercise, and all the food you can grow in your row. Workshops will be provided in a monthly series, ranging from basic gardening knowledge to soil health, seed saving techniques and polyculture planting. Centrally located in the valley at Los Poblanos Fields Open Space, just north of Montano, it is a perfect way to unwind on the weekends, or on the way home from work. Learning to garden is simply one of the most empowering actions you can involve yourself in. Also during this growing season, RGCF is working on a 14-acre field adjacent to the Community Garden to begin

The City of Albuquerque has protected over 29,000 acres of Open Space for citizens to enjoy for generations to come. These lands are a diverse mix of natural and cultural features located in the Rio Grande bosque and adjacent farmland, Sandia Mountain foothills, the East Mountains, and the West Mesa, including the volcanoes and lava escarpment with ancient petroglyphs. Each year hundreds of volunteers dedicate time and resources to help continue the preservation of these lands. The Open Space Alliance (OSA) is the non-profit “friends-of” group that supports the city’s Open Space Division—“helping citizens help open space.” OSA’s mission is to promote public awareness and conservation of open space areas, to educate the public about the natural, historic, cultural, educational, and recreational aspects of open space, and to assist with fundraising for Open Space programs and events throughout the city and at the Open Space Visitor Center (OSVC).



If you too have the itch to get your hands into the soil, sort through seeds and dream of the possibilities this growing season, consider renting a row at the Community Garden and learn how to really get involved in the local food scene: the one you create with your own hands. For more information on RGCF’s Community Garden registration, Fall Maze event, workshop and tour schedule, please visit See you out in the fields.

Community GARDEN SPACES available

Community garden spaces available! Water, seeds, and tools provided.

Water, seeds, and tools provided

Nestled on the west bank of the Rio Grande, the Open Space Visitor Center is an unexpected sanctuary. Fields devoted to supporting wildlife and migratory birds, demonstration gardens and beekeeping, educational exhibits, a dynamic art gallery, a Bosque trailhead, mesmerizing views, and ongoing programs and events make the Visitor Center one of Albuquerque’s hidden gems. A food forest project at the OSVC is underway, thanks to grant funding obtained by Open Space Alliance. The Open Space Gift Shop at the Visitor Center is open on weekends. It has locally-sourced and green products, books for adults and children alike, beeswax wraps, sunhats, and gifts made by local artists. Gift Shop and art gallery purchases help support Open Space Alliance activities. OSA members receive a ten percent discount on gift shop items. Albuquerque is fortunate to have major public Open Space land set aside within the urban setting. It protects, maintains, and manages significant natural landscapes and cultural resources while offering opportunities for public enjoyment through outdoor education and low-impact recreation. Open Space Alliance was established in 1996 by a group of individuals committed to supporting Albuquerque Open Space Division projects and programs. Tax-deductible annual memberships to OSA begin at $15 for students and seniors, and $30 for families. For more information, please visit www.openspacealliance. org or For updated event information visit

THIS MONTH BAG CREDIT DONATIONS go to: Open Space Alliance: Helping citizens protect our environmental and cultural treasures. In January your bag credit donations totaling $2,538.11 went to the National Dance Institute. THANK YOU!

WESTSIDE 3601 Old Airport Ave. NW 505-503-2550

Alamed a Blvd. Coors Blvd.



No matter how enraptured with modern technology we become, soil, seeds, and water provide the essence of our livelihoods, and with a shifting climatological outlook, it is imperative to focus attention on the fundamentals that provide all of us nourishment.


BY ELLEN BURGESS, OPEN SPACE ALLIANCE o you enjoy a walk in the Rio Grande bosque, or a hike in the Sandia foothills? If so, you are taking advantage of one of Albuquerque’s best assets—its public Open Space system.


Our hope over time is the build-up of biomass within the soil though cover cropping and conservation tillage practices, building nutrient levels and fertility, yes; but soil stewarded in this way also functions as a sponge, holding water for longer periods, reducing need for larger supplies of water. This in turn sequesters carbon in the soil for the long-term, reducing atmospheric warming. These are tangible responses to lack of water security and warmer summers: build sponges below our feet with pure, locally-produced organic matter.



building the soil through rotations of cover cropping. This, as with most organic farming, will be a multi-year process designed to add biomass to the soil, improve the compacted soil, reduce hardpan, and limit erosion which has sadly become so common to agricultural fields in early spring. Added biomass and improvement in soil health is fundamental to all agricultural systems, and no demonstration of true sustainable agriculture would be without this key component.

Old A irport Ave.


March 2015 3

Old Airport Ave. Co-op Values Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. Co-op Principles 1 Voluntary and Open Membership 2 Democratic Member Control 3 Member Economic Participation 4 Autonomy and Independence 5 Education, Training and Information 6 Cooperation among Cooperatives 7 Concern for Community The Co-op Connection is published by La Montañita Co-op Supermarket to provide information on La Montañita Co-op Supermarket, the cooperative movement, and the links between food, health, environment and community issues. Opinions expressed herein are of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Co-op.

soil solutions

March 2015 4



BY MARK SMALLWOOD AND THE RODALE INSTITUTE STAFF This reprint with permission from the Rodale Institute is for those who wanted to hear more from Mark Smallwood, keynote speaker at the 2015 NM Organic Agriculture conference held in Albuquerque last month or for those of you who missed his inspiring talk. Repinted here are excerpts from the Executive Summary. To read the whole White Paper go to


e are at the most critical moment in the history of our species, as man-made changes to the climate threaten humanity’s security on Earth. In 2012, total annual global emissions of greenhouse gases were approximately 52 GtCO2e. The purpose of this paper is to suggest an obvious and immediately available solution – put the carbon back to work in terrestrial carbon “sinks” that are, literally, right beneath our feet. Excess carbon in the atmosphere is surely toxic to life but we are, after all, carbon-based life forms, and returning stable carbon to the soil can support ecological abundance. Simply put, recent data from farming systems and pasture trials around the globe show that we could sequester more than 100% of current annual CO2 emissions with a switch to widely available and inexpensive organic management practices, a.k.a., “regenerative organic agriculture.” These practices work to maximize carbon fixation while minimizing the loss of that carbon once its returned to the soil, reversing the greenhouse effect. Regenerative organic agriculture for soil-carbon sequestration is tried and true: Humans have long farmed in that fashion, and there is nothing experimental about it. What is new is the scientific verification of regenerative agricultural practices. Farming trials across the world have contrasted various forms of regenerative and conventional practices with special attention to crop yield, drought impact, and carbon sequestration. Some of these studies are in their third decade of data, such as Rodale Institute’s Farming Systems Trial, and there are important fresh looks such as in the new Tropical Farming Systems Trial (“TFST”) on the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica. The TFST is exactly the type of research needed for us to understand the full sequestration potential of regenerative agriculture, and Rodale Institute is pleased to be collaborating with local researchers associated with Finca Luna Nueva and EARTH University. Taken together, the wealth of scientific support for regenerative organic agriculture has demonstrated that these practices can comfortably feed the growing human population, while repairing our damaged ecosystem. Developing a comparable set of global farming system trials designed to more specifically measure carbon sequestration is our best hope for demonstrating the power of regenerative organic agriculture to help solve the climate equation. At the same time, these trials will act as hubs of skills incubation and support networks for farmers already working in, or transitioning to, regenerative organic models. Today there are farmers and agricultural scientists in every corner of the world committed to and excited about the results of regenerative organic agri-

culture’s role in reversing both climate issues and food insecurity, and specific research needs have been well documented. Now is the time to harness cutting-edge technological understanding, human ingenuity, and the rich history of farmers working in tandem with the wisdom of natural ecosystems. Now is the time to arrive at a stable climate by way of healing our land and ourselves—through regenerative organic agriculture.

But agriculture as it is practiced today across most of the world is not part of the solution; it is, instead, part of the problem. Rather than mitigating climate change, it is a net producer of greenhouse gas emissions both directly through conventional farming practices that deplete soil carbon stocks while emitting nitrous oxide (N2O), and indirectly through land-use change. In addition, the intensification of livestock production and rice paddy agriculture has exacerbated release of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4). Since the dawn of farming, most agricultural soils have lost from 30% to 75% of their original soil organic carbon. With the widespread modernization of farming in the mid-20th century, contemporary agricultural practices, such as synthetic nitrogen fertilization, tillage, monocropping, and yield-based management systems, have accelerated the depletion of soil carbon stocks, adding to the humaninduced, or anthropogenic, atmospheric load of N2O and CO2. Over the past decade, these direct agricultural emissions have increased about one percent a year, reaching 4.6 Gt CO2 yr in 2010, or about 10% of total annual emissions. However, direct emissions are not the whole picture.The food system at large, including feed, fertilizer and pesticide manufacture, processing, transportation, refrigera-

Why? Because an agriculture focused on regenerative practices is by definition an agriculture focused on improving soil health through increased soil carbon. While industrial agriculture has been mining the soil of


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Soil Cover Biological Diversity Continual Live Plant Root in Soil Appropriate Disturbance Adequate Recovery Time

years, regenerative agriculture is about growing and feeding soil life.



We know that tools like compost tea, compost, no-till, cover cropping, polyseeding, Keyline plowing, Permaculture, and Holistic Planned Grazing, among other practices, actually build soil health and tilth so that not only is food for humans produced, but also food for all the micro- and macro-fauna in the soil. In healthy soil, there should be more organisms under the ground then above the ground. In symbiotic relationships with the living root in the soil, these organisms build soil carbon, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in the soil. This carbon acts like a giant sponge so that more water can infil-

Soil Building Yields 30% higher than county average More saleable product More nutrient-dense product Improved quality of life Increase carbon storage Increased profits Regenerating the resource for future generations

Improved management of agricultural land with known, low-cost practices has the potential to both reduce net greenhouse gas emissions and to act as a direct CO2 sink.



OF MANAGING FOR SOIL HEALTH Soil Depleting No Chemical Fertilizers No Pesticides No Fungicides Reduced Herbicides Reduced Fossil Fuel Reduced Labor

Soils in the organic and conventional plots are very different in appearance due to the increase in soil organic matter in the organically managed soils. The organically managed soil is darker and aggregates are more visible compared to the conventionally managed soil. Regenerative organic agriculture improves the resources it uses, rather than destroying or depleting them. It is a holistic systems approach to agriculture that encourages continual on-farm innovation for environmental, social, economic, and spiritual wellbeing. Robert Rodale, son of American organic pioneer J.I. Rodale, coined the term “regenerative organic agriculture” to distinguish a kind of farming that goes beyond simply “sustainable.” Regenerative organic agriculture “takes advantage of the natural tendencies of ecosystems to regenerate when disturbed. In that primary sense it is distinguished from other types of agriculture that either oppose or ignore the value of those natural tendencies.” Regenerative organic agriculture is marked by tendencies towards closed nutrient loops, greater diversity in the biological community, fewer annuals and more perennials, and greater reliance on internal rather than external resources. Regenerative organic agriculture is aligned with forms of agroecology practiced by farmers concerned with food sovereignty the world over.

trate and be retained in the soil—a critical need for soils in the arid Southwest. However, even in places with greater rainfall, this carbon “sponge” is important.

THE NEW HOLY GRAIL OF REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE minerals, fertility, and life for the last 50+


tion, and waste disposal, accounts for 30% or more of total annual global greenhouse gas emissions.

Regenerative Organic Agriculture: Beyond Sustainable Moving agriculture from a source of carbon pollution to a potential carbon sink is in everyone’s best interest. Agriculture that sequesters carbon is also agriculture that addresses our planetary water crisis, extreme poverty, and food insecurity while protecting and enhancing the environment now and for future generations. Regenerative organic agriculture is the key to this shift. It is the climate solution ready for widespread adoption now.

SOIL CARBON: BY ANN ADAMS, HOLISTIC MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL or those of us following the growth of sustainable agriculture, particularly in the last 10 years, it’s been interesting to witness the shifts and motivations within this industry. Clearly the demand has never been greater for healthy, local food. More consumers, producers, food distributors, and government programs are engaged in producing more of this food. While this type of agriculture may be in the minority, it is reaching a tipping point, and the potential for positive effects on the planet are huge.

We are, after all, CARBON-BASED life forms, and returning STABLE CARBON to the soil can SUPPORT ECOLOGICAL ABUNDANCE.

For example, one holistic rancher in North Dakota, Gabe Brown, uses a combination of poly-seeded cover crops with no-till practices followed by high stock density, holistic planned grazing. The results? During a 13.6 inch rain event that happened in a 22-hour period, Gabe’s soil had so much carbon that the first 8 inches infiltrated. Meanwhile his neighbors had flooded areas that remained water-covered for 3 months.

When Gabe began farming his land the average organic matter was about 1.8%. After working on his soil fertility, he now averages organic matter closer to 5%. This increase in soil health has resulted in a 200% increase in gross profit per acre and a 20% increase over his county average corn bushel yield. So while soil health is an investment, it’s one that pays off. In fact, according to Gabe, there is an 80% decrease in production on most farmland because of the lack of soil fertility. From that perspective, farmers can’t afford to ignore soil health. Whether farming or ranching, large scale or small scale, regenerative agricultural practices that focus on soil health are critical to a healthy land base that is more resilient against the volatility of weather, whether drought or floods. They are also critical for the long-term sustainability of agricultural businesses because with those practices they are less dependent on fossil fuel inputs that will only continue to rise in costs. Lastly, it is with these practices that more atmospheric carbon will be stored in the soil, reducing CO2 in the air where it is a problem and putting it in the soil where it increases land productivity. That’s why these agricultural practices are necessary for the survival of this generation—and also many generations to come.

go beyond sustainable CLIMATE

March 2015 5



RANCHING BY COURTNEY WHITE, QUIVIRA COALITION Reprinted thanks to Courtney White and the Quivira Coalition. To read the full article go to

Humification: or the creation of humus – a chemically stable type of organic matter composed of large, complex molecules made up of carbon, nitrogen, and minerals. Visually, humus is the dark, rich layer of topsoil that people associate with rich gardens, productive farmland, stable wetlands, and healthy rangelands. Land management practices that promote the ecological health of the soil are key to the creation and maintenance of humus. Once carbon is sequestered as humus it has a high resistance to decomposition, and therefore can remain intact and stable for hundreds or thousands of years.


ovelist and historian Wallace Stegner once said that every book should try to answer an anguished question. In the case of climate change, an anguished question is this: what can we do right now to help reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) from its current (and future) dangerously high levels?

which causes roots to expand while removing old forage; targeted grazing of noxious and invasive plants which promotes native species diversity; and the targeted application of animal waste, which provides important nutrients to plants and soil microbes. 2) ACTIVE RESTORATION OF RIPARIAN, RIVERINE, AND WETLAND AREAS. Many arroyos, creeks, rivers, and wetlands in the U.S. exist in a degraded condition, the result of historical overuse by humans, livestock, and industry. The restoration of these areas to health, especially efforts that contribute to soil retention and formation, such as the reestablishment of humus-rich wetlands, will result in additional storage of atmospheric CO2 in soils. There are many co-benefits of restoring their health, including improved habitat for wildlife, increased forage for herbivores, improved water quality and quantity for downstream users, and a reduction in erosion and sediment transport.


In an editorial published in July of 2009, Dr. James Hansen of NASA proposed an answer: “cut off the largest source of emissions – coal – and allow CO2 to drop back down…through agricultural and forestry practices that increase carbon storage in trees and soil.” Personally, I’m not sure how we accomplish the coal side of the equation, which requires governmental action, but I have an idea about how to increase carbon storage in soils. I call it a carbon ranch. The purpose of a carbon ranch is to mitigate climate change by sequestering CO2 in plants and soils, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and producing co-benefits that build ecological and economic resilience in local landscapes. “Sequester” means to withdraw for safekeeping, to place in seclusion, into custody, or to hold in solution – all of which are good definitions for the process of sequestering CO2 in plants and soils via photosynthesis and sound stewardship. The process by which atmospheric CO2 gets converted into soil carbon is neither new nor mysterious. It has been going on for millions and millions of years and all it requires is sunlight, green plants, water, nutrients, and soil microbes. According to Dr. Christine Jones, a pioneering Australian soil scientist, there are four basic steps to the CO2/soil carbon process: • Photosynthesis • Resynthesis • Exudation • Humification Photosynthesis: This is the process by which energy in sunlight is transformed into biochemical energy, in the form of a simple sugar called glucose, via green plants – which use CO2 from the air and water from the soil, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. Resynthesis: Through a complex sequence of chemical reactions, glucose is resynthesized into a wide variety of carbon compounds, including carbohydrates (such as cellulose and starch), proteins, organic acids, waxes, and oils (including hydrocarbons) – all of which serve as fuel for life on Earth. Exudation: Around 30-40% of the carbon created by photosynthesis can be exuded directly into soil to nurture the microbes that grow plants and build healthy soil. This process is essential to the creation of topsoil from the lifeless mineral soil produced by the weathering of rocks over time. The amount of increase in organic carbon is governed by the volume of plant roots per unit of soil and their rate of growth. More active green leaves mean more roots, which mean more carbon exuded.

The NATURAL PROCESS of converting sunlight into humus is an ORGANIC WAY to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere and SEQUESTER IT IN SOIL for long periods of time. Additionally, high humus content in soil improves water infiltration and storage, due to its sponge-like quality and high water-retaining capacity. Recent research demonstrates that one part humus can retain as much as four parts water. This has positive consequences for the recharge of aquifers and base flows to rivers and streams, especially important in times of drought. In sum, the natural process of converting sunlight into humus is an organic way to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere and sequester it in soil for long periods of time. Any land management activity that encourages this equation, can help fight climate change. There are at least six strategies to increase or maintain soil health and thus its carbon content. Three sequestration strategies include: 1) PLANNED GRAZING SYSTEMS. The carbon content of soil can be increased by the establishment of green plants on previously bare ground, deepening the roots of existing healthy plants, and the general improvement of nutrient, mineral, and water cycles in a given area. Planned grazing is key to all three. By controlling the timing, intensity, and frequency of animal impact on the land, a “carbon rancher” can improve plant density, diversity, and vigor. Specific actions include: the soil cap-breaking action of herbivore hooves, which promotes seed-to-soil contact and water infiltration; the “herd” effect of concentrated animals, which can provide a positive form of perturbation to a landscape by turning dead plant matter back into the soil; the stimulative effect of grazing on plants, followed by a long interval of rest (often a year),

3) REMOVAL OF WOODY VEGETATION. Many meadows, valleys, and rangelands have witnessed a dramatic invasion of woody species, such as pinon and juniper trees over the past century, mostly as a consequence of the suppression of natural fire and overgrazing by livestock (which removes the grass needed to carry a fire). The elimination of over-abundant trees by agencies and landowners has been an increasing focus of restoration work recently. One goal of this work is to encourage grass species to grow in place of trees, thus improving the carbon-storing capacity of the soil. The removal of trees also has an important co-benefit: they are a potential source of local biomass energy production, which can help reduce a ranch’s carbon footprint.

Three maintenance strategies that help keep stored CO2 in soils include: 1) THE CONSERVATION OF OPEN SPACE. The loss of forest, range, or agricultural land to subdivision or other types of development can dramatically reduce or eliminate the land’s ability to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere via green plants. Fortunately, there are multiple strategies that conserve open space, including public parks, private purchase, conservation easements, tax incentives, zoning, and economic diversification that helps to keep a farm or ranch in operation. Perhaps most importantly, the protection of the planet’s forests and peatlands from destruction is crucial to an overall climate change mitigation effort. 2) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NO-TILL FARMING PRACTICES. Plowing exposes stored soil carbon to the elements, including the erosive power of wind and rain, which can quickly cause it to dissipate back into the atmosphere as CO2. No-till farming practices, especially organic ones (no pesticides or herbicides), not only protect soil carbon and reduce erosion, they often improve soil structure by promoting the creation of humus. Additionally, farming practices that leave plants in the ground year-round both protect stored soil carbon and promote increased storage via photosynthesis. An important co-benefit of organic no-till practices is the production of healthy food. 3) BUILDING LONG-TERM RESILIENCE. Nature, like society, doesn’t stand still for long. Things change constantly, sometimes slowly, sometimes in a rush. Some changes are significant, such as a major forest fire or a prolonged drought, and can result in ecological threshold-crossing events, with deleterious consequences. “Resilience” refers to the capacity of land, or people, to “bend” with these changes without “breaking.” Managing land for long-term carbon sequestration in soils requires building resilience as well, including the economic resilience of the landowners, managers, and community members. All of these strategies have been field-tested by practitioners, landowners, agencies, and researchers and demonstrated to be effective in a wide variety of landscapes. The job now is to integrate them holistically into a “climate-friendly” landscape that sequesters increasing amounts of CO2 each year. Look for Part 2 of Courtney White’s Carbon Ranching in the April issue of the Co-op Connection.



CARBON FARMING BY ROBIN SEYDEL t’s clear, everyone—or just about everyone—says: “less rain is the new normal!” So what to do about it. Building the carbon content of our soil will help our drought stricken lands to hold more of the occasional rain event when we do get it. Adding carbon content to the soil will also help mitigate the changes in the climate that all that CO2 we have added to the atmosphere is causing. And those cap and trade carbon credits are not just for corporate smoke stacks, as reported by Mike Foley, senior journalist for the New South Wales publication, The Land.


Food producers in that part of Australia, beginning in July of 2014, are now able to get cash for increasing the carbon content of their soil thanks to the fact that the Carbon Farming Initiative added soil carbon storage to its list of approved projects which allows land managers to earn carbon credits by storing carbon which are then sold to companies that need to offset their emissions. Foley writes, “Current projects approved by the CFI include activities that avoid emissions of methane from livestock, rice fields, burning grasslands, crop stubble, and methane or nitrous oxide from soil. The CFI is funded through the Emissions Reduction Fund, which in turn is part of the (New South Wales)


Celebrate the April 19, 10am-6pm

info @

VETERAN FARMER PROJECT On the Importance of Growing Organic! See page 1


federal government’s ‘Direct Action’ policy. The upshot is $300 million, $500m and then $750m have been committed to fund carbon farming over the next three years.” Providing the most detailed and accurate representation of soil organic carbon stocks (to a depth of 30 centimetres) at a national scale, the 2010 soil organic carbon map for Australia draws on recent soil sampling data and prediction methods. Doing a similar cap and trade project here in New Mexico to help fund farmers and mitigate our drought condition, which are akin to those experienced “down under,” should certainly be on the state and federal agenda here as well. FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO: or email:


CO-OP news

March 2015 6


The Board of Directors, Cooperative Membership:

producers there is something to talk about. When memberowners learn of La Montañita’s successes we exercise democracy and vote. The 5th Principle, “Education, training and information,” is a vital component of cooperative democracy. As individuals the idea of self-responsibility suggests we educate ourselves. It works two ways though. The Co-op provides sources and opportunities to educate and inform members, but the Board creates our own opportunities to engage with members.


DEMOCRACY CONTRIBUTED BY LISA BANWARTH-KUHN “Democracy,” “equity,” “honesty,” and “openness” are fundamental values that Co-op member-owners embrace. The ethics of democracy are constituents in the decision to be a Co-op member.


o-ops are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others. There are Seven Principles that cooperatives adhere to: Voluntary and open membership; Democratic member control; Member economic participation; Autonomy and independence; Education, training and information; Cooperation among cooperatives; and Concern for community. The principles of “Democratic member control” and “Member economic participation” highlight the idea that we vote with our dollars and the purchasing history of shoppers is a manner in which membership provides feedback about who participates in our Co-op and which products sell best and what members want. If we bank on our purchasing history as a measure of democratic participation it can unfortunately add up to the fact that those with the greatest purchasing power have the loudest voice. Let’s go beyond the voice of our shopping dollars. Consider the idea that democracy is the exchange of ideas and disagreements with deliberation and consultation essential to making informed decisions. When member-owners read about or learn by word of mouth of all the important and viable community programs that we have created through our Co-op, we are informed. When we learn of how we have provided financial support and created market outlets for local

The Co-op provides a place for us to learn about democracy: how to inform ourselves, how to add our voice and our truth to an informed discussion, how to participate in Democracy on a local level and all can contribute to inform our vote. Take advantage of all the myriad sources of information made available to us. There is a La Montañita website, newsletter, Twitter, and Facebook page, all with opportunity for response. There are member surveys that provide an avenue for comments. There are volunteer positions in community programs that La Montañita helped grow, that we sponsor and support, and that provide opportunities for community participation. Board members “meet-and-greet” at the stores and schedule gettogethers out in the community with open discussion where everyone is invited to attend, member or not. There are Board meetings every third Tuesday of the month where member-owners can come to comment or find out what the board is discussing or studying. And we can vote, even though elections, in and of themselves, are only a part of democracy. How does the Board of Directors provide a representative voice for our Co-op membership? We all believe in an


Most importantly, directors are members of our community. We are business owners, educators, students, and some are employees of the Co-op. Some have been involved with La Montañita from its very beginning and some are relatively new members. We are single. We are parents of families with young children or grown children. We are young and older women and men. We do not all come with the same agenda nor do we all think alike. The member-owners who constitute the Board believe in the values and principles of cooperatives. We want to ensure the continued success of our Co-op and actively participate in democracy by serving through governance. The fundamental values and principles of cooperatives are the foundation of La Montañita. We who join our Board of Directors desire to actively practice democracy not only at the meeting table but as informed representatives of our Co-op membership. We can all keep democracy alive and invigorate the principle of “Democratic control” when we educate ourselves, ask questions, contribute our ideas and our concerns, and participate in our Co-op community. Connect with the Co-op at

ly growing consumer demand for grass-fed and antibioticfree beef is creating competition that is bidding up the price of the limited supply.


BY BOB TERO Food producers from beef to vegetables have been struggling with the ongoing drought. Although this winter has brought some relief to sections of the state, things are still tough for many of our producers, especially our beef producers. In response to the ongoing local drought and other conditions, you may have noticed an increase in our locally, humanely raised and processed, grass-fed and -finished, beef prices. This increase is in response to the escalating costs required to produce our consistently high quality Sweet Grass

open, honest, and democratic Cooperative. We take our own time to read, educate, and prepare ourselves in order to exchange ideas and differing opinions, to discuss and consult before making informed decisions. We study about New Mexico, about organic farming, neighborhood and statewide programs, and national and community issues. We study and consult on the financial health of our Co-op and the effect on our stores of current market trends. We evaluate how the Co-op is meeting our mission and how to effectively govern without overreaching into the domain of retail management.

Cooperative beef. We thought long and hard about how to minimize the increase and worked closely with our beef producers to maintain our commitment to fairness throughout the value chain. In addition to the drought, there are two macro forces driving the higher cost of raw materials needed to grow our beef: 1) the dramatic increase in the worldwide price of beef is impacting the price of all protein; 2) the rapid-

We take our pricing moves very seriously and only after careful consideration. We are sensitive to changes that lead to higher retail pricing and their effects on our members and shoppers as well as our producers. We recognize that successful products must be financially sustainable at every step along the value chain. La Montanita is fully committed to working diligently both internally and with our value chain partners to minimize future protein pricing pressure. Thanks for your continued support of Sweet Grass Beef Co-op.



Foodie Happenings Seasonal Organic Unique Local From winter to spring.

Learn: • • • •

how to make uniquely delicious dishes with the season’s finest local produce how to use medicinal & health supportive foods for seasonal wellness how to prepare seasonal foods to enhance nutrient absorption where your produce came from & who grew it


C H I L D R E N’ S


BY PAULA DELAP-PADILLA Members are invited to participate in this year’s Read to Me Children’s Book Drive by bringing new and gently used children’s books to any Albuquerque La Montañita Co-op. The Book Drive runs through March 31, 2015. La Montañita Co-op members have supported this project since its inception 10 years ago. Our thanks to the Coop community for making this project the success that it is. The goal of the Book Drive is to get books into the hands of children in our community whose parents do not have the means to supply books for their children, making it more difficult for them to read to their children. Statistics show that children who are read to at an early age will have an easier time learning to read and will enjoy reading more. We want all of our children to read well and enjoy reading. Last year before school was out for the summer, the community collected and distributed some 57,000 new or gently used children's books. The books were distributed to children through some 90 different schools, preschools, and community groups. Our deepest thanks to all the Co-op members and shoppers who participated in the Read to Me Book Drive last year! We hope you will look through all your bookshelves for books you can share with our community’s children again this year.

Led by foodie first nutrition specialists, Adrienne Barrett


Leah Pokrasso

LAST YEAR WE COLLECTED OVER 1,000 BOOKS. We hope to increase the number this year. Thanks for your participation. Any questions, please call Paula at 848-1334, or email her at Look for the Read to Me Book bins at the Coop’s Nob Hill, Westside, and North Valley locations. The following are just a couple of the many thank you’s we received: Dear Read to Me, Our school really loves these amazing books. We are really thankful of what you gave us. And all these books are going to help us get smarter. It’s also going to help us be better readers. All the books were wonderful and there was so many to pick. Thank You!!! SINCERELY, MAYLIN Dear Read to Me, Thank you for giving us the books. Most books give us information and knowledge which we use all the time and it is probably the most important thing in education. But with fiction books, we can have more imagination. We can also imagine what’s going on with a book with no pictures. It is also more fun to imagine things without pictures to see. SINCERELY, ADRIAN

co-op news

October 2014 7



ost of us have been influenced and guided by someone during our lives. I have been fortunate to have several mentors in my life, some of them were willing participants who sometimes saw something in me that I did not see in myself. One unintentionally became a mentor, never realizing he had served in that role. Dan Ford was a tough old school retailer who demanded your best and accepted nothing but high performance. When I began my employment at White’s Fresh Foods in Johnson City, Tennessee, I was hired as a store manager already having many years of experience, but this was a much larger company with more layers of supervision than I was accustomed to.

store manager of the North Carolina store which was a great distance from our home offices and almost two hours from my home. During a hospital visit on a Thursday, (which was the day I picked up payroll from our home office to take to the North Carolina store), I didn’t know how I was going to get it done. At 6pm Dan came to the hospital, payroll in hand, to tell me he was on his way to the North Carolina store to deliver it.

This was the first of many times Dan came to my assistance. Shortly after this I was transferred to a store closer to our offices and needed to find a place to THE INSIDE SCOOP live. Dan called to offer me one of his rental houses and charged me only $225.00 a month for a nice two bedroom house. He did this because he knew we were a young, struggling couple with a three My fellow managers warned me about Dan; they told month old baby, and needed a break. Dan retired a me when he visited your store he would pick you apart few years later and I was promoted to operation manon every detail of your location. Many of our store ager. Dan and I stayed friends and he would often managers did not care for Dan and his style and I come by the office to visit. Dan never became a warm quickly found Dan’s reputation was well earned. and fuzzy guy but looking back, he possessed many of the values that guide cooperatives and I owe much of I decided to like Dan and follow his instructions, treat my success to his guidance. him with the high respect he deserved and work very hard to become the best store manager in the chain. Dan passed away unexpectedly a few weeks ago. Dan seemed somewhat surprised when I would welThere was never a more dedicated staff member to come him to my store. When he pointed out what White’s Fresh Foods than Dan. I don’t think I every needed improvement, I thanked him for making me thanked him for all he did for me but I think he was better. As time passed I found Dan was a great retailer okay with that, it was just the type of guy he was. and his suggestions were spot on; this also became a There is no moral to this story except that we can lesson in learning to listen with an open mind. influence and help others in unexpected ways. Rest in peace my friend, job well done. Dan never showed much emotion and always concentrated on business, but he had another side that few I can be contacted by e-mail at terryb@lamontani people saw. My wife and I were expecting our son or by phone at 505-217-2020. -TERRY B. Levi. The pregnancy was difficult and required from 7 to 30 days in the hospital at any given time. I was the

March Calendar

of Events 3/5

Veteran Farmer Project Class FREE, see page 1 for details! 3/12 Veteran Farmer Project Workday Rio Grande Community Farm, see page 1 3/17 BOD Meeting, Immanuel Church, 5:30pm 3/21 Veteran Farmer Project Workday Rio Grande Community Farm, see page 1 3/31 Practical Solutions for Safe Use of Electronics Santa Fe Co-op, Community Room, see below

CO-OPS: A Solution-Based System A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs, and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.






hether you celebrate St. Patrick’s day with a wearing of the green or not, it’s plain to see that the world is wearing its new spring green. This green is a sign of the seasonal renewal of life and eating greens is the pathway to good health. Leafy greens are power-packed; full of vitamins and minerals. Their phytonutrients give your immune system strong support. Rich in fiber, they help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, risk of cardiovascular disease, and mitigate blood sugar swings to help control Type 2 Diabetes. Their high water content helps keep hydration levels up which leads to healthy skin and hair. Their antioxidants, including Vitamin C and lutein, reduce cataracts and macular degeneration risks; additionally Vitamin C has also been shown to slow bone loss, decreasing risk of fractures. Their beta carotene content contributes to the growth and repair of body tissue, including collagen found in skin and cartilage, thus helping joint flexibility, reducing arthritis symptoms and protecting against sun damage (as does their high Vitamin E content). Converted to Vitamin A in the body, they are a safe way to get your Vitamin A as high doses can lead to bone and liver disorders and birth defects. The body can regulate the conversion of beta carotene to Vitamin A when it comes through food sources to proper amounts. Collards and kale are rich in calcium, keeping bones and teeth strong. Their potassium expands osteoporosis protection as well as managing blood pressure






BY JESSIE EMERSON t seems the cold and flu season is always with us. Even flu shots don’t always prevent the flu; there is often a new virus mutation. Prevention is the key so include garlic, onions, and chile in your everyday diet.


My mother always gave me little green onions to eat at the first sign of a cold. An old Missouri remedy is to steep a sliced raw onion (red/purple is preferred) in honey and eat throughout the day. The onion, Alliin cepa, has been cultivated for at least 7,000 years. The ancient Egyptians considered it sacred and it has been found in the eyes of mummies. In the Middle Ages they were accepted as rent payment. Native Americans gathered wild onions and ate them raw or cooked them in stews. Onions were the first crop planted by American colonists. It is estimated that over 9 million acres of land worldwide is dedicated to growing onions. What makes onions and garlic so venerated and useful? They are both sources of vitamin C and A, folic acid, and B vitamins, including B6, calcium, iron, and trace minerals. I believe their main value is in their sulfur chemicals, alliicins, polyphenols, and quercetin. Alliicin has antimicrobial properties, especially in the treatment of methicillin-resistant



levels. Worried about memory loss? Greens contain folate which can help reduce this risk as well, contributing to the production of serotonin to improve mood and lighten depression. And they are key in your internal spring cleaning thanks to their detoxifying support or stimulation of our body’s gall bladder and liver enzymatic processes. The one caveat about greens is their oxalate acid is not recommended for people who tend to kidney stones. To neutralize this use a teaspoon or more of balsamic or apple cider vinegar when cooking or eating greens. It’s the perfect time to sample the amazing variety of greens the Co-op produce departments offer. Some of the greens in season include: arugula, dandelion leaf, pea shoots, endive (chicory), mache, watercress, spinach, kale, collards, chard, frisee, red and green mustard, mizuna, rappini, tatsoi, and a wide variety of lettuces and mixes. And from time to time the always magical “fiddleheads.”



Staphylococcus aureus—MRSA. Thus onion and garlic can prevent secondary bacterial infections that can lead to pneumonia. Onions and garlic also kill viruses. The susceptible viruses include herpes 1 and 2, parainfluenza virus type 3, human cytomegalovirus, influenza B, vaccina virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, and human rhinovirus type 2. It may be the garlic and onions in the chicken soup that are so beneficial! A cup of licorice tea boosts the immune system. Citrus juice, rosehip tea, and carrot juice are other immune boosters. Snack on handfuls of pumpkin seeds, they contain zinc that supports the immune system. Then there is my favorite, chile. Cayenne causes sweating, bringing down fever, and increases circulation. If you gargle with a dash of cayenne and warm water, you will first say ouch and then sigh and say ahhh. Cayenne releases “substance P” that causes pain. There is 6-8 hours of relief while the body makes more substance P. Add some to your onion and garlic broth for zip and relief. If you think you are getting the flu or a cold, stay at home and don’t infect others. Babies, small children, the elderly and those with chronic respiratory disease or who are immunosuppressed, are the most vulnerable.

"Salad rocket," as arugula is often called, has a mild, sour, peppery taste. A member of the brassica family, its cousins include cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale and mustard greens, all of which contain anti-cancer compounds known as glucosinolates that stimulate the natural detoxifying enzymes in the body. Dandelion or “tooth of the lion” is a rich source of medicinal compounds that have a “tonifying” effect on the body which may improve liver function, promote weight loss, and improve blood sugar imbalances. Got a blender? Make a morning smoothie with any combination of several cups of mixed greens, carrot or apple juice or water, a favorite fruit or two, including avocado for a hit of essential fatty acids, and whizz away for a great healthy breakfast on the go. To add some protein, soak almonds or other nuts over night in your blender, pour off the water before adding other ingredients and blending, or add hemp, pumpkin or sunflower seed. The possibilities for seasonal variation are endless. Look for the best organic and locally grown greens in the state at all our Co-op locations.




CAULIFLOWER March 15-31 From seed, plant 1/2 inch deep, 3-6 inches apart. Keep seeds moist during germination. Cauliflower needs constant, consistent soil moisture to produce large, tender heads.

...... BEETS March-April 15 Sow 1/2 inch deep, 3-4 inches apart. Soak seeds before planting. Mulch and water well. Don’t forget about the tops! They hold the most nutrients.


........ ASPARAGUS March 1-April 30 It may take 2 to 3 years to get started and produce, but asparagus is a perennial bulb and produces up to 30 years so it is worth the wait. Grown from “crowns” or one year old plants, plant 6-8 inches deep in trenches, 12-15 inches apart.


.... BELL PEPPERS April 15-May 15 Sow 1/4 inch deep,12-18 inches apart. Peppers are extremely heat sensitive, watering every day may be necessary. The longer bell peppers stay on the plant, the more sweet they become and the greater their Vitamin C content.



SPINACH Feb 15-March 15 Plant early, after first frost full sun, best planted by seed, plant 1/2-1 inch deep, thin seedlings to 3-4 inches apart. Higher in iron, calcium and vitamins than most cultivated greens.


CANTALOUPE April 15-30 Sow 1/2-3/4 inch deep, 12-18 inches apart. Water in the morning, and try to avoid wetting the leaves. Reduce watering once fruit is growing. Dry weather produces the sweetest melon. Needs pollination so be kind to the bees!



SUMMER SQUASH April 15-July 4 Sow 1 inch deep, 24-48 inches apart. Squash is a heavy feeder. Work compost and plenty of organic matter into the soil before planting for a rich soil base. Loves water!

CHINESE CABBAGE June 10-July 1 Sow 1/2 inch deep, space 12-24 inches between plants directly in garden in partial shade for a Fall harvest. Does not transplant well.

Try these products availble at the Westside. Check our other locations for availability. from left to right PINES GREEN DUO

MAPLE VALLEY Maple Syrup 100% Certified Organic

BRAGG ORGANIC Apple Cider Vinegar Cleansing!

GenEssentials FIBER Organic superfood fiber and herbs


SIMPLY ORGANIC Cayenne Pepper Good for circulation

LIVER RESCUE™5+ Vegan and Gluten Free

GARDEN OF LIFE Perfect Food Super Green Fromula

Organic wheatgrass and alfalfa superfood combo Builds better blood

CUCUMBERS April 15-May 15 Seed 1/2-3/4 inch deep, 8-12 inches apart in full sun. When planting seeds in the ground, cover with netting or a berry basket to keep pests from digging out the seeds. Mulch to hold in soil moisture.


GREEN CHILE April 15-May 15 Seed 1/4 inch deep indoors. Sprouts occur in about 2 weeks. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Transplant outdoors when soil is warm,12-24 inches apart in full sun.


BROCCOLI June 1-July 15 Start indoors in June for Fall planting. Seed 1/2 inch, thin to 8-12 inches between when transplanting in July.

Detox and boost your immune system. Get ready to be active!



PUMPKIN May 1-May 15 Pumpkins do best when the seeds are directly planted in the ground, 1-1 1/2 inch deep with full sun to light shade. Leave plenty of room, 36-60 inches between plants. Pumpkins are greedy feeds and need lots of water and nutrients.



SNOW & SNAP PEAS Feb 15-April 15 Plant these as early as mid-February, 1 inch deep, 2-3 inches apart. Pea roots fix nitrogen, so turn over for other crop plantings. Sprinkle wood ashes to the soil before planting and don’t overwater.


TOMATOES April 15-30 (transplants) Plant seeds indoors, six to eight weeks prior, harden seedlings for a week before moving outdoors, plant 2 feet apart. Trim lower leaves, cover root ball up to lowest leaves. Stake and water consistently.

EGGPLANT April 15-May 15 Seeds can be tricky but there is the opportunity for more seed variety. Lightly cover seeds with soil, with 18-30 inches between plants. Don’t start too early as the soil base needs to be warm and likes an overhead mist.




TURNIPS July 1-Aug 15 Turnips need to be seeded outside in July, 1/2 inch deep, 2-6 inches apart in full sun. They take up to two months to mature. Mulch heavily.





RADISHES March 1-April 30 Sow 1/2 inch deep, thin to about 1-inch spacings. Crowded plants will not grow well. They need sun, avoid shade even from other plants. Seed consecutively every two weeks or so while weather is still cool for a continuous harvest of radishes.



LETTUCES March 1-31 Direct sowing is recommended, 1/2 inch deep, thin to 8-12 inches for most leaf lettuces. Consider planting garlic or chives between plants to control aphids. Lettuce will tell you when it needs water. It wilts! Roots are shallow, take care when weeding.


SWEET CORN April 20-July 1 Sow seeds 1/2 inch deep, separate 10-24 inches apart outdoors in blocks of at least four rows for sufficient pollination. Be careful not to damage the roots when weeding. In dry conditions, be sure to keep plants well watered. Sweet corn varieties lose their sweetness soon after harvesting.




COW PEAS May 1-31 Sow 1/2-1 inch deep, 5-8 inches apart. Cowpea plants are tolerant of heat and dry weather conditions but, for maximum growth and harvest, water frequently during especially dry periods. Try to keep the leaves dry as you water. This will help avoid fungus diseases.

ONION Feb 15-March 15 Use fresh seeds every year, start indoors, six weeks prior. Plant 1/2 inch deep, thin to 2-4 inches apart. Soil needs to be well-drained, loose, and rich in nitrogen; compact soil affects bulb development. Use mulch to retain moisture.


WATERMELON April 20-May 20 Plant 1 inch deep, 24-36 inches apart. Water at the vine’s base in the morning, and try to avoid wetting the leaves and overhead watering. Reduce watering once fruit are growing. Dry weather produces the sweetest melon. Productivity may be improved if you pinch off lateral vines and focus on the main vine.


OKRA April 15-30 Okra thrives in warm weather. It looks great throughout the growing season due to its beautiful flowers and is rich in vitamin A and low in calories. Plant 1/2 inch deep, thin to 10-18 inches between. After the first harvest, remove lower leaves to help speed up production.


SWEET POTATO May 15-30 Grown from “slips,” you can buy or make your own. Sow 10-18 inches between plants. Easy to grow, it is drought and heat tolerant, has few pests or diseases. Do not prune the vines for a good harvest.


SWISS CHARD/BOK CHOY March 1-April 15 Plant chard and bok choy as early as mid-February indoors, outdoors sow 1/2 inch deep, thin to10-15 inches apart. For the best quality, cut the plants back when they are about one foot tall. If the plants become overgrown, they lose their flavor.


WINTER SQUASHES April 15-May 15 Plant seeds 1 inch deep, at least 36 inches apart. Choose a site with full sun; the soil should be moist and well-drained, but not soggy. Squash plants are heavy feeders. Work compost and plenty of organic matter into the soil before planting for a rich soil base.


BASIL April 15-May 15 Seed 1/4 inch deep, 10-12 inches apart. Remember to pinch out the flower heads as soon as they appear to make sure that the leaves will continue growing. Tomatoes make good neighbors.



POLE/BUSH BEANS May 1-31 Seed 1-2 inches with 4-8 inches between plants directly into the ground as they may not survive transplanting. For a harvest that lasts all summer, sow beans every 2 weeks.

HAPPY GROWING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buy your seeds from a known source

Heirloom & Organic Vegetables Herbs • Flowers • USDA Certified Organic Traditional Regional Breeding CO-OP SEED


Family Farmers Seed Cooperative is a farmer-owned cooperative that produes high-quality, USDA certified organically grown, open-pollinated seeds and garlic for commercial farmers, market growers and gardeners. Their traditional breeding approach allows for continuous adaptation of variety across diverse and changing climatic conditions and represents dynamic evolution in action.

In 1995 Botanical Interests started supplying gardeners with the highest quality seed in the most beautiful and informative seed packets on the market. Curtis and Judy believed that gardeners were not getting the information they needed from their seed packets. Their packets are designed to give you the facts you need to be a successful gardener.

get your

greens on!

Mary Alice Cooper, MD

March 2015 10

seasonal FOOD transitions GREENS TACOS FROM BARBARA THOMAS Time: 10-15 minutes / Serves: 2-3 This recipe is one of my favorite breakfast recipes, but of course it would work at any time of day. Please note the amounts given are approximate. You could use more or less of any one of these ingredients. 3/4 pounds greens, cleaned well and sliced into approximate 1 inch pieces (arugula and radish greens are a good combo). 2 teaspoons cooking oil 2 stalks green garlic, cleaned as a leek and chopped, or another allium family, whatever you have on hand (onion, green onion, garlic, leek.....) Pinch red pepper flakes or cayenne 2 tablespoons cream cheese 4-6 small corn tortillas or 2-3 larger flour ones Heat the oil and add the garlic, having the greens ready to go, and cook garlic for about 30 seconds. Then add greens and cook until bright green and wilted, add red pepper (and salt and black pepper if you like). Take off heat and stir in cream cheese. Heat tortillas, divide filling among them. Eat and enjoy. NUTTY GREEN NOODLE BAKE FROM ADRIENNE WEISS Time: 50 minutes to 1 hour / Serves: 6 This simple, dairyless dish has an eggy texture and a cheese-like topping. Served with a simple green salad and/or a seasonal vegetable, it is a year-round favorite. 1 8-ounce package soba noodles or other noodles of choice 1/2 cup almonds, toasted and chopped or sliced Creamy Herb Sauce: 1 pound tofu, soft and fresh 1/4 cup cilantro or basil, chopped, or 2 heaping teaspoons dry herbs Add chopped spinach, kale or chard 1 teaspoon salt, adjust to taste

Topping: 1/2 cup sesame tahini 1/4 cup water 2 tablespoons tamari, soy sauce or Bragg Liquid Aminos Cook soba noodles according to package directions, until tender but not too soft, keeping in mind they cook more quickly than most other noodles. Put drained noodles in large bowl. For herb sauce, place crumbled tofu, herbs, greens (if any), and salt in food processor. PurĂŠe until creamy smooth, scraping down sides. Add water only if necessary to blend. Mix sauce with noodles and nuts, until well blended. Pour into a 9" x 9" lightly oiled casserole dish. Using processor bowl that's been rinsed and wiped clean, thoroughly mix tahini, tamari and water. Topping should be thin enough to drizzle. Adjust accordingly. Drizzle mixture over top so entire surface is covered. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. The topping should be golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes before slicing. This recipe works well for large amounts by simply multiplying. SENEGALESE-INSPIRED RED LENTIL SOUP FROM ROBIN ROBERTSON Time: 45 minutes / Serves: 4 Reminiscent of curried soups of Senegal, this tasty potage combines lentils and sweet potatoes with cabbage and tomatoes for a delicious mingling of flavors and textures. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or 1/4 cup water 1 large yellow onion, chopped 1 carrot, peeled and chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 cup dried red lentils 2 tablespoons curry powder 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 large sweet potato, peeled and diced 2 cups shredded or chopped cabbage 1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained 5 cups vegetable broth Salt Chopped unsalted roasted peanuts or cashews, for garnish Heat oil or water in a large pot over medium heat. Add onion and carrot and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in garlic, lentils, curry powder, coriander, cayenne, sweet potato, cabbage, and tomatoes with their juices. Add broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, add salt to taste, and cook, stirring occasionally, until lentils and vegetables are soft, about 30 minutes. If soup becomes too thick, stir in additional broth. Serve hot, garnished with peanuts.

get your

greens on!

SOUTHWESTERN TOFU SCRAMBLE WITH GREENS FROM ADRIENNE WEISS Time: 45 minutes / Serves: 2-4 It's the best parts of breakfast (or dinner) in a one-pot dish: crispy potatoes, moist tofu, Southwestern spices, and the fresh taste of tomatoes and avocados—all served over healthy, bright greens. This dairy-free version is packed with essential protein and calcium-rich veggies. It is easy to prepare and is a real winner. 1 tablespoon olive oil 6 small red potatoes, quartered 4 scallions, chopped 1/4 red onion, minced 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 block extra-firm tofu, drained well 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon black salt (available at East Indian markets or online) to give the dish its eggy taste 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 cup water 1 large or 2 small plum tomatoes, diced 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped 4-6 cups kale or preferred greens Salt and pepper to taste 1 garlic clove, minced 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 avocado, peeled and sliced Juice of 1 lime Put quartered potatoes in a small pot and cover them with cool water. Cover and parboil potatoes, about 5-7 minutes. Alternatively, you could place the potatoes in a bowl and microwave them for 4-5 minutes on high. Heat oil in a large sauté pan on medium high. Transfer parboiled potatoes to the sauté pan and cook until browned, turning them halfway through.

Prepare greens in the same pan. If pan is dry, add a bit more oil. Over medium heat, add greens, garlic, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix well and add a few spoonfuls of water. Cover pan and cook until just wilted and bright green. Arrange a layer of greens on plates. Layer tofu scramble on top of greens. Top with sliced avocado and lime juice. Enjoy! SWISS CHARD TIAN FROM BARBARA THOMAS Time: 45 minutes / Serves: 4-6 1 pound Swiss chard (or one generous bunch), trimmed Olive oil, as needed 1 leek or 1 onion, chopped (if using a leek, make sure it’s cleaned, and only use the white and light green parts) 3 garlic cloves, minced 3 eggs Salt and pepper to taste 4 teaspoons water Panko or bread crumbs, as needed Chop the chard, both leaves and stems, and then boil the chard for about 5-10 minutes in lightly salted water. Drain the chard and set it aside. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Pour some olive oil into a large skillet. Add the onion and saute lightly over low-medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Add the garlic, and saute for another minute. Add the Swiss chard and continue sauteing for 2-3 minutes more, blending the ingredients well. Beat the eggs in a deep bowl, add the salt, pepper, and water. Mix well. Butter thoroughly a 9x13 ovenproof dish. Place the chard mixture in it and spread evenly. Pour the egg mixture on the top and also spread evenly. Sprinkle some bread crumbs over the top surface. Place the dish in the oven for about 25-30 minutes. Serve hot.



When the potatoes are browned, add the scallions, onions and peppers to pan and cook, stirring until softened and tender, about 5 minutes. Crumble tofu into the pan and let it cook until slightly browned, about 5 minutes. While tofu is cooking, prepare spice mixture. Add spices to pan, mixing them well with tofu and vegetables. The tofu should be yellow from the turmeric. Add water to pan and mix. The water helps incorporate the spices throughout the scramble and moisten the tofu. Turn off heat. Add tomatoes to the scramble and mix in the cilantro. Transfer tofu scramble to a bowl.




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March 2015 11

FARMING & gardening

March 2015 12



PRINCIPLES A BY ARI LEVAUX baby will put almost anything in its mouth, even a sour lemon, without flinching. But bitter foods are quickly ejected with a grimace. We are born with zero tolerance for bitterness, presumably because most toxins are bitter. Yet many non-toxic, beneficial foods, as well as many types of medicine, are bitter also. Distinguishing among good and bad sources of bitterness is an important part of growing up.

Through careful experimentation, we learn which bitter foods are okay. Most Americans eventually figure out that coffee, beer, and chocolate, for example, are good. As we learn to tolerate bitterness, we learn to distinguish among its many forms. Tannin bitterness in wine is not the same as burnt toast bitterness, which is unlike the bitterness of broccoli, or a dandelion leaf. Understanding this nuance, and associating the positive effects of certain foods with their bitter tastes, often leads to aversion toward bitterness being replaced with appreciation. My wife eats radicchio leaves like some people eat potato chips. Bitter foods like radicchio can be among the most super of the "superfoods." They are full of vitamins, antioxidants, and myriad phytonutrients. These biologically active plant compounds are associated with positive health effects, such as the very bitter and beneficial glucosinolates found in broccoli and cabbage. This understanding can be enough for some people to give bitter flavors a pass. But not everyone can learn to tolerate bitter, even as adults. Some people are genetically endowed "supertasters" with so many bitter receptors that the responses to certain bitter foods are amplified to intolerable levels. The human genome codes for at least 30 different types of bitter taste receptors, each of which can be expressed in different densities and loca-


GARDENERS BY JR RIEGEL t’s always a treat to see a nice, neat, and productive garden, and their serene atmosphere can be a great inspiration to spruce up one’s own garden. The calm appearance of such a well-kept garden hides the true nature of the hard work that went into it, though. Keeping out weeds, preventing pest outbreaks, and ensuring each plant has the nutrients, light level, and moisture it needs is sweaty, dirty work. Though the grizzled veterans of gardening can often handle anything that comes their way, many of us learn as we go throughout the growing season. Fortunately, there are a whole host of resources available to those interested in farming and gardening.


Master Gardeners are volunteers trained and educated on all sorts of topics relating to gardening and horticulture. Every Master Gardener has their own specialty and interests of course, but together they are a great

tions—not limited to just the tongue—in different people. This creates a huge level of genetic variation in the human ability to perceive bitterness. We each have a unique bitter side to explore. Compared to many Asian and European cultures, North Americans aren't very enthusiastic bitter eaters. But that may be changing, argues Jenifer McLagan in her new cookbook Bitter: A Taste of The World's Most Dangerous Flavor. Consumption of hoppy beers, bitter greens and dark chocolate are all on the rise, she writes, as is interest in cocktails containing bitters.



Her recipes run the gamut from simple, like roast celery, to involved, like Pork Chops in Coffee Black Currant Sauce. And each recipe contains a trick or concept to preparing bitter foods that can be used elsewhere. This diversity of bitter-laced meals is enough to lull you into the idea that bitterness is the center of the culinary universe. If bitterness is making a comeback, the forces of antibitter have never been stronger either. There is a niche in the food industry that's devoted to suppressing the taste of bitterness in foods by using agents known as "bitter blockers." There are several reasons why bitter blockers might be used, explained Luke Haffenden, Chief Flavorist of Novotaste Corporation, a purveyor of, "high quality, innovative, and competitive flavoring systems." Maybe you're a pharmaceutical maker with a product that's too bitter, or maybe you want to tone down the bitterness in a product flavored with

wealth of knowledge about all things that grow in the ground. Master Gardener programs are run on a county level, so each county’s group decides how it wants to fulfill its mission of bringing the joy and knowledge of gardening to the community. One of the most common ways that Master Gardeners share their skills is by designing and maintaining gardens in public locations. If you’ve seen or enjoyed the Bernalillo County Extension Office demo garden in Albuquerque, the courtyard garden at the Santa Fe Audubon Center, the garden outside of the Corrales Town Hall, or one of many other gardens in our area, you can thank the Master Gardeners! Possibly the most helpful of all Master Gardener programs is their hotline, usually active from March through October (though each county runs theirs differently). If you have a question about growing conditions, watering requirements, pest problems, odd plant appearance, or anything else, give your local hotline a call and they’ll do their best to help you out! If you’ve sorted out your specific problems and just want to learn more about gardening topics, both county Extension Offices and Master Gardener programs frequently organize classes to help broaden the community’s knowledge. Sandoval

Itchy Green Thumb BY

Fittingly, Haffenden says he's not personally a huge fan of bitter taste. "I can appreciate it in low amounts, when it’s balanced," he said, and therein lies his advice for serving bitter ingredients to a fickle crowd. "Increase the complexity. Start playing around with the other sensations of the tongue," Haffenden said. He suggests playing with the levels of acid, salt, sweetness and fat, as well as elements of mouth feel, like texture and crunchiness, to tone down the bitterness. One can also add complexity within the bitter spectrum, taking advantage of the range and diversity of compounds that contain bitterness, he said. "If you were to add a hint of green tea, a hint of coffee, and some tannic acid, the single bittering compounds aren't going to hit you as hard. You more or less average out that bitterness." McLagan doesn't like to get too busy with her bitter. "I'm careful about putting too many bitter things into one dish," she said. "It's more interesting to make it subtle, to the point where it's not bitter on the first taste, but as you eat the dish it's more complex and interesting and fascinating. When there's just a little undercurrent of bitterness, that's when I think it works the best." Another of her bitter peeves: neutralizing it with sweetness. Fat and salt are McLagan's pairings of choice for bitter. They elevate the flavor of the dish without diminishing its bitter tastes. "Bitter makes you stop and think about what you're eating. If it's sugary sweet you just jam it down your face."

County’s Master Gardeners are putting on a class every week this month, covering such topics as starting seeds, growing vegetables, preserving produce, and the ever-important pest management. Santa Fe’s program has a great variety of classes for people becoming Master Gardeners, and it supports the many continuing education opportunities put on by Santa Fe Community College. The Albuquerque Area Master Gardeners promote classes open to the public at Jericho Nursery, and this month these classes will cover pruning roses and growing grapes and berries. As you plan and tend your green-thumbed endeavors this year, don’t forget about how helpful a resource the Master Gardeners can be! If you’re interested you, too, could become a Master Gardener and help your community grow. You don’t have to be an expert to join—because Master Gardeners are extensively trained and are given frequent opportunities for continuing their education, all you need is to love gardening. Contact your local Master Gardener program and see what they’re up to this year: Albuquerque Hotline: March 1-October 31, M-F from 9:30am to 2:30pm. 505-243-1386 Sandoval County Hotline: Mid-March to mid-October, M-F from 9am to noon and from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. 505-867-2582 Santa Fe Hotline: Online question submissions through its website:


grapefruit juice. "We come up with different strategies to fight bitter compounds found in finished products," Haffenden told me. Depending on the nature of the offending agent, this can be a challenge. "There's not one magic bullet to blocking bitterness," he said. It's a process of identifying the specific compounds and counteracting them on a case-by-case basis.





I was nineteen and living in a dirt floor cabin in the east mountains (this was the back-to-the-land Mother Earth News era) and reading the latest Old Farmer’s Almanac when I spied an ad for The True Seed Exchange which piqued my interest. It was another year before I finally bought a stamp and mailed off a buck or two (a poor hippie, you see) for a publication from the organization now known as Seed Saver’s Exchange (SSE), the internationally recognized organization that first brought seed saving consciousness back to the public eye. 2015 marks SSE’s 40th anniversary and a lot has changed since then. Over in Tucson, Native Seeds/SEARCH (NS/S, the premiere native seed bank) was in its infancy as a program of Meals For Millions. Farmer’s markets were almost nonexistent back then and if you could find one, very few of the few vendors present had any heirloom crops at all. Even the fledgling food coops here in town—La Montanita in the Student Ghetto and Ocha in the North Valley—carried few, if any, vegetables, and heirlooms just weren’t commercially available. In fact the word “heirloom”—as applied to seed— was unknown outside of seed saving circles. Now, your Oprahs and Martha Stewarts talk about heirlooms! Thank you, SSE! Here’s the deal: farmers and gardeners have always saved seed. The rise of industrial ag after World War II discouraged venerable crop varieties as oldfashioned and claimed the USA could never feed the world that way. Me, I never understood why the USA should even try to feed the world. In emergency situations, sure. but what’s that old line about teaching someone to fish rather than handing them a fish? Right!

People have always saved seeds. In fact, I continually made this clear during my decade-long tenure as the NM Field Manager for NS/S. We weren’t single-handedly rescuing seeds, as the press liked to put it, we were merely publicizing that you have benefitted from the fact that native and traditional farmers have always saved their seed. They just didn’t write scholarly papers or publish slick coffee table books about it. In any case, SSE led the way in the revival of seed saving among gardeners and helped spread it to farms. Back in those early days, we thought hybrids were the enemy and an insane threat to seed savers everywhere. There’s a place for hybrids, especially in commercial agriculture. But for gardeners and small farms, most hybrids are unnecessary and what’s more, only a small improvement upon the original open-pollinated variety. In the early part of the 20th century, hybrid meant a new and improved variety. What we now call hybrids are crops with these new improvements bred in, but genetically speaking, not quite stabilized for trueness-

to-type. Much like planned obsolescence, this requires one to buy fresh seed each year and coincidentally keeps a steady market for the seed supplier. But as veteran seed savers proved over the years, you can save hybrid seeds and select for stability and trueness-to-type. It’s just not legal to call it by its hybrid name. For example, a hybrid Golden Bantam corn was saved and stabilized by a guy I knew who renamed it True Gold.

Now in the light of GMOs, the fear of hybrids seems almost laughable. But the role of organizations like SSE is more important than ever. The biggest change to the organization is not the growth of the seed bank (many thousands of unique varieties of seeds from around the world) nor the size of its Heritage farm (890 acres) and its grow-out fields nor the organization’s messy change in directorship but the fact that for about a decade now, SSE is also a seed company rather than only a bunch of weirdos sending seeds back and forth through the mail. SSE members still do that of course, but at one time there were only a hundred of us and we all knew each other by our handwritten letters. Keep an eye on the Seed Saver’s Exchange this year, There will be plenty of reminiscences and stories from other “old geezers” with better stories than my own.

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sweeter and sweeter. It took multiple cycles of about 2,000 Tuxana plants each to reach the quality you’ll find in this seed today, but cultivating the plants was only part of the work. Tasting all the ears of corn was a community project at Lupine Knoll Farm, and after they narrowed it down to the 500 sweetest, they eliminated 200 more based on the plant’s visual characteristics. The remaining 300 seeds were grown to produce new ears, which underwent similar evaluation until only 100 remained. Only those 100 made it to the next year’s round, so Tuxana was improved every year by only letting the best 5% through.

Family Farmer



rowing season is upon us! Some of us have greens in the ground already, while others are just getting their starters set indoors. Growing schedules and techniques are as unique as the individual grower, but one thing all can agree on is the importance of starting with good seed. You can spend all the time in the world helping a poorly performing plant variety grow, but in the end it still won’t do as well as another variety with better qualities. Organic farmers constantly strive to promote these good qualities in their plants, and so they’re some of the best folks around to source your seeds from. Every La Montañita location will carry seeds this year from the Family Farmers Seed Cooperative, and their seed lineup this year is better than ever before. One of the greatest things about these seeds is that you’ll know exactly what farm they came from. Since each seed is source-identified, you can easily find out how a variety came to be and what sets it apart from other varieties of the same species. Here’s a little background on three of the Family Farmer Seed Co-op’s most well-liked and successful seeds—all our locations will have at least one of the three, so keep an eye out for them!

Dark Star Zucchini As the star of farmer Steve Peters’ seed lineup, Dark Star zucchini shines as one of the most robust and resilient zucchini varieties in our region. It is the result of a breeding project between Dr. John Navazio (formerly of the Organic Seed Alliance) and dedicated organic seed grower Bill Reynolds. This glossy, deep green, faceted zucchini was designed with the organic market grower in mind. It was made possible by the unusual dry-farm conditions on Bill's produce farm. As he selected over the years, the most well-adapted plants developed a deeper root system. The resulting strain is about 30% larger than the select hybrid varieties commonly grown by produce farmers, and 30% more productive. The plants have an open growing habit for easy picking, and the leaf stalks are nearly spineless to minimize scarring of the fruit. Dark Star proved its merit in an organic farming project in Mexico where it was grown alongside the popular zucchini hybrid Prestige. Dark Star plants






BY KATHERINE MULLÉ t’s no question that gardening is good for the soul. There’s just something about feeling the moist soil against your skin and the sun on your back that brings you back to your roots (pun intended). Furthermore, gardening allows us to connect with and nourish the earth as it does the same for our bodies with its bountiful harvest. Unfortunately, here in New Mexico, thanks to our high elevation, scorching summers, lack of water, and pesky desert critters, our gardens can easily be less-than-bountiful without the proper research and guidance. Here are some tips to help get you started on or improve your desert garden!


Make Way for Mulch: Especially here in the Southwest, mulch is a must! Mulch prevents evaporation, reduces weed growth, supports plant root growth, prevents soil compaction, improves water absorption/movement, and helps maintain an even soil temperature in the hot New Mexican sun. Tune into Time: Much of gardening, whether with planting or watering, is about time. When you choose to sow your seeds can make or break your garden. In the Southwest, the ideal planting time is usually somewhere between mid-October and early March, depending on the crop. (There are many crop-specific online resources to help you find the perfect time to plant your crops.) Planting early allows plants time to establish roots before the onslaught of the sweltering desert summer heat. When it comes to watering times, avoid watering your plants when the sun is at or near its peak to prevent evaporation and water waste; mornings and evenings are usually the best times for watering. Bring in the Beds: When tucked into the right bed, your plants will be as comfy as possible and growing in no time. While raised beds are common in the Southwest, sunken beds may provide more benefits for desert-grown plants. Sunken beds are conducive to our Southwestern environment in terms of enabling better water retention. Buffalo Bird Woman herself is famous for her success with traditional native sunken waffle beds! If beds aren’t your ideal option, consider a potted garden for essentials like tomatoes and herbs. Practice Plant Rotation: Plant rotation is one of the oldest gardening techniques known to man, and for good reason. Rotating your plants helps prevent your garden from becoming prone to pests, diseases, soil compaction, weeds, and nutrient loss. While each gardener should create their own rotation plan based on what plants they grow and in what amounts, there are many online sources such as that can help you get started. Freshen Up with Compost: Compost contains micronutrients that do much to improve the overall quality of your soil and, by extension, your harvest. To prevent soil depletion and create an inviting environment for gardening friends like earthworms and microorganisms, be sure to use an organic variety. For more information and tips on organic gardening, please visit our website at or visit your nearest Co-op location. Happy gardening!


March 2015 13

Eventually, Tuxana became consistent, robust, and sweet enough for Jonathan to consider the variety good enough for others to grow. He’s been producing enough seeds to share Tuxana with anyone interested in growing this terrific variety, and now we’re happy to have them at the Co-op! grew significantly larger and were a deeper green than Prestige plants raised in identical conditions. Because Dark Star was bred in dry farm conditions, it is an outstanding fit for New Mexico’s climate. It exhibits resistance to a number of diseases affecting Cucurbits, and it even has shown some resilience to frost. Because Dark Star is an open-pollinated variety, it also benefits from a much longer period of productivity. The zucchinis themselves are tasty too—the straight, shiny fruits are unusually high in lutein for zucchinis, lending their interiors a slightly golden cast. If you’re a fan of zucchinis, Dark Star is quite possibly the best one available for New Mexico!

Tuxana Corn One of the most recent offerings from farmer Jonathan Spero’s line of terrific corn varieties, Tuxana resulted from the combination of the Tuxedo and Anasazi varieties. Anasazi corn is great for its vigorous growth and large ear and kernel size, but it is lacking in sweetness. By introducing the sweet, white kernel from the Tuxedo line to the Anasazi variety, Jonathan brought together the best qualities of both in Tuxana. To further increase sugar content in Tuxana corn, Jonathan then went through several generations of selecting the best plants of the crop. Though the classic open-pollinating method of ear-to-row selection (also called half sibling evaluation), Tuxana became

Valencia Onion from farmer Dan Hobbs “I think I first grew the Valencia onion in 2010 after trading some seed with Rich Pecorraro, the former farm manager of the Seeds of Change farm in Gila, NM, in the 1990s. Rich originally got the seed from Burrell's Seed Company in Rocky Ford, CO, which is about 40 miles down the river from our farm in Avondale. Fourth generation seedsman Bill Burrell told me a couple of years ago that his family brought the seed from Spain in the 1920s. “Over the course of the last 90 years this Spanish sweet onion, presumably from the Valencia region, has been selected for size, flavor, and storage qualities by generations of farmers in the lower Arkansas River Valley of Colorado. While known for its melon production, this region produces the finest onions and onion seed you have ever seen. Mineral-rich soils, day/night temperature differentials and good irrigation water from the Rocky Mountains are all contributing factors for high quality seeds and bulbs. Spanish sweet onions are not generally known for storage, but the southern Colorado strain of Valencia keeps well until April 1. They also have been improved to have good resistance to thrips, a common onion pest. They are consistently large as grapefruits, have a lovely bronze skin, and are very versatile in the kitchen. Valencias are delightful for fresh eating, and they bake wonderfully too. Give them plenty of room and compost to get big in the garden!”

AGUA es vida


March 2015 14



BOSQUE and Public Lose MICHAEL JENSEN, MIDDLE RIO GRANDE URBAN WATER AMBASSADOR n February 10th, bulldozers and bobcats began excavating what will become a 6-foot-wide crusher fine trail through the Bosque from the Central Bridge to I-40, some of it running along the edge of the river. This is something the Mayor has talked about from the beginning of his ABQ: The Plan “Rio Grande Vision” project. Score 1 for the Mayor. BY


There was immediate harsh criticism from many people on the Rio Grande Bosque Facebook site ( and the Bosque Action Team (, who thought that a productive public process would provide some needed trail improvements and Bosque restoration, but without the infrastructure suggested by the Mayor’s ABQ: The Plan “Rio Grande Vision” document. Instead, there is a wide multi-use trail along the river’s edge. This is the most disruptive trail type, something brought up repeatedly by the public and experts on a number of walks through the Bosque with Open Space staff. Using crusher fines compounds the impact to wildlife. Using a long section of the existing narrow pedestrian trail along the river for the multi-use trail significantly reduces the trails available for people who want a quiet walk in the Bosque. Score 0 for the Bosque and public process.



Background The “Rio Grande Vision” began out of the public eye in 2012 with the creation of an advisory group tasked with developing a “concept” for turning the Rio Grande and the Bosque into an economic development resource for the City of Albuquerque and for the private sector. In Summer 2013, a draft plan emerged that drew wide criticism from the public as well as Bosque experts. A public meeting in September was taken over by the public, with almost 100% of the comments negative. As a result of public pressure, the City hired a consultant to carry out a one-year monitoring study and also put together a series of educational forums in the summer of 2013. These were widely praised. The public was looking forward to the final monitoring study report and the subsequent proposals for trails and restoration. Construction Timeline Here's the timeline for what happened as best I can piece it together (as of February): • Matt Schmader, City Open Space Superintendent, conducted two walkabouts in the Bosque between Central Bridge and I-40, where there was broad agreement on trail types, surfaces, and alignments • At the Jan. 27 Open Space Advisory Board meeting, there was no mention of impending work; the monitoring study final report was expected at the end of February



n February New Mexico First was joined by nearly 100 citizens for “New Mexico Water Awareness Week” at the NM Capitol. At that event they unveiled a new plan to address New Mexico’s critical water problems. The plan was the result of a memorial sponsored by Rep. Andy Nunez (R-Hatch) and co-signed by Sen. Gerald Ortiz Y Pino (D-Albuquerque). The Water Policy Plan reforms include watershed restoration, brackish water research, incentives for conservation, and other policy priorities including: • Planning to advance an inclusive, productive and well-utilized state and regional water planning process

• Scientific water research that supports legislation and funding for the NM Water Resources Research Institute • Watershed restoration to protect and sustain water supply by preventing catastrophic fires through the appropriate thinning of state and federal forests • Advancing community-driven solutions to water shortages while continuing the water rights adjudication process • Water protection: Advance water conservation and protection of groundwater More specific information on the New Mexico First Water Policy Plan can be found at

and it would be used to inform any proposed plans • In early February, Matt Schmader and his staff presented the Mayor some maps along with recommendations for things like trail surface, width, and alignment that appear to have reflected much of what people were hearing and suggesting on the walks • After that, the Mayor didn't involve Open Space, but decided on his own what plan to implement • The Mayor selected Lee Landscapes from among the City’s on-call contractors to carry out the work • The Mayor worked closely with the ABQ Journal to discredit, preemptively, any opposition • An “Up Front” editorial in the Journal on Friday, February 6, had a map of “Option 1” – a “No New Trails” plan; the editorial indicated that the City was “leaning towards” this option, even though the muchvaunted multi-use trail was contained in Option 2: “New Trail Construction” • In that same editorial, Parks & Recreation spokesperson, Jen Samp, said, “there has been no official decision yet” • Construction started Tuesday, February 10 • The multi-use trail is supposedly going to be a uniform width of six feet, excavated below grade to seven feet wide; there will be a base course put in, then 2" of crusher fines, and the edge will be cleaned up to the six foot width • The City gave irate callers widely differing explanations for what was happening on Tuesday, but by Wednesday, February 11, was telling people that the work was the responsibility of Open Space IN OTHER WORDS: this whole thing sits squarely on the Mayor's shoulders, despite efforts to deflect responsibility to Open Space. The Mayor was reportedly impatient with the public process and unwilling to see it through to the end. He was also reportedly expecting lots of protest if the options were put on the table at a public meeting (a recommendation made to him). What is ironic—or just sad—is that the Bosque Action Team had met on Monday evening, Feb. 9, the day before construction began. Despite a fair amount of distrust, they had decided to support the plan in general, but recommend a hybrid approach that would have kept the multi-use trail (without crusher fines) away from the river for a longer stretch and provided more pedestrian-only trail. It could have been a win all around: a better trail system to manage people in the Bosque, more much-needed restoration, and a better relationship between these two objectives. The Mayor’s fundamental lack of faith in the public process may have gotten him his crusher fine trail along the river, but at a high cost.



March 2015 15

Sodium is explosive in the presence of water. There is the potential that over time the canisters will corrode and the sodium, in contact with moisture, will explode, breach the MWL’s dirt cover, and spread radiation from the canisters and other wastes into


MIXED WASTE LANDFILL BY DAVE MCCOY, CITIZEN ACTION he New Mexico Environment Department intends to grant Corrective Action Complete status to the Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL) in Albuquerque. The 2.6-acre dump is leaking radioactive waste, solvents and heavy metals from shallow, unlined pits and trenches into our drinking water aquifer. You, as a member of the public, can demand a hearing before the decision is made to leave these wastes in place.


The dump is unique and will remain extremely dangerous for millennia to come if the wastes are not excavated and properly stored. Wastes from reactor meltdown experiments, nuclear weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site and the Marshall Islands, the 1979 Three Mile Island meltdown, 119 barrels of plutonium and americium contaminated waste, and tons of depleted uranium were disposed in the dump. For decades, Sandia National Laboratories misinformed the public and regulators, saying that only low level radioactive mixed waste was in the dump. However, numerous publications describe that Sandia conducted nuclear fuel meltdown tests during the 1970s and 80s in a Sandia reactor. Sandia management memoranda from 19972001, along with thousands of Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Disposal sheets, describe that canisters containing sodium and highlevel nuclear waste were disposed of in the dump. High-level waste requires deep geological disposal, not shallow, unlined pits and trenches.

Albuquerque’s air and groundwater. NMED should order the excavation of the canisters thought to contain sodium and high-level radioactive waste. The wastes lie above Albuquerque’s drinking water aquifer in plastic bags, cardboard boxes, steel drums, and canisters that will decay and corrode. The disposal record is incomplete, according to the 2003 Congressionally appointed WERC Commission. A 2010 EPA Inspector General’s report described EPA Region 6’s and the Environment

Department’s collusion to hide groundwater monitoring concerns from the public. Registered Geologist Robert Gilkeson says, “Groundwater monitoring for the dump has been defective for all time to the present and did not support the decision to leave the waste under a dirt cover.” A 2006 TechLaw report, kept secret for years by the Environment Department, revealed flaws in the dirt cover construction for long-term protection. The Environment Department has not enforced the required five-year excavation reviews for the dump. Eric Nuttall, emeritus professor of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering at the University of New Mexico stated, “This is no ordinary landfill. It’s unlike any other dump in the United States. It’s full of extremely toxic and highly radioactive materials in large quantities. In order to protect the environment and human health, it should be excavated and disposed in a secure, engineered facility.”



What You Can Do—Send an email to and request that a public hearing be held regarding the Corrective Action Complete status application for the Mixed Waste Landfill. COMMENTS ARE DUE BY March 13. For more information see Citizen Action’s website at




reative Santa Fe (CrSF) announced a partnership with Startup Santa Fe to help entrepreneurs learn, collaborate, launch innovations, and ultimately build strong businesses that become economic mainstays in the community. The City of Santa Fe has pitched in $45,000 to promote a program that gets “start-up cultures” up and running. Designed to give emerging startups traction in the region, Startup Santa Fe will organize around key industries and ensure that each stage of development within each industry has representation from partners, businesses, and government. New and efficient pathways for startups will be designed and implemented in order to expedite and create healthy businesses, commercial output, and economic growth.

“We are out to empower and connect every individual with a view to what is needed to turn an idea into a successful business strategy,” says Startup Santa Fe Director Shawn Patrick. Fundamental to this effort is a public-private partnership that includes mapping and integrating educational institutions, non-profits, workshops, accelerators, workspaces, and labs, along with mentors and experts from industry. About Startup Santa Fe Startup Santa Fe is a public/private partnership with the City of Santa Fe and Creative Santa Fe to provide

access to entrepreneurial resources online and throughout New Mexico. Creative Santa Fe (CrSF) is dedicated to strengthening Santa Fe’s creative economy to enhance the quality of life for citizens and visitors through collaboration and innovation. CrSF is a catalyst for action by building public/ private partnerships to oversee projects that have a direct economic impact, encourage citywide collaboration, and attract new funding sources to Santa Fe. FOR MORE INFORMATION visit www.creative or

S A N TA F E C O - O P




ENTRIES The 7th Annual Santa Fe Independent Film Festival (SFIFF) will run from October 14-18; hosting five days of independent film, networking events, educational workshops, and masters discussions. One of Moviemaker Magazine's “Top 50 Festivals Worth the Entry Fee,” SFIFF is now accepting entries for the 2015 festival. Santa Fe Independent Film Festival is invested in Santa Fe as a destination for film. The festival brings cuttingedge programming, the latest independent films and directors, Native cinema, New Mexico films, student films, and masters discussions with top directors, writers, and artists, all in the setting of downtown Santa Fe. Last year, SFIFF experienced its most successful year to date, with new major partnerships and an audience of over 10,000 attendees. In 2014, SFIFF honored Shirley MacLaine and George R.R. Martin with the

Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in film. The Santa Fe Independent Film Festival is geared towards engaging a diverse and growing audience, providing a platform for local and international independent filmmakers, and offering educational events for our local and greater film communities. Early Entry Deadline is March 3 with entry fees of $40 for Feature Films and $35 for Shorts. Regular Entry Deadline is May 15, 2015, with entry fees of $60 for Feature Films and $45 for Shorts. Late Entry Deadline is July 1 with entry fees of $75 for Feature Films and $50 for Shorts. Final Deadline is August 1 with entry fees of $100 for Feature Films and $60 for Shorts. Submit your film today! For more information contact Jacques Paisner at 505-349-1414 or email him at: Or visit:


ENERGY PRODUCTION! We lose 70% of all the electricity generated at a distant coal or nuclear plant as it is delivered through the wires. PNM charges the consumer cost plus profit no matter how poorly it does its job; this guarantees that the cost will always go up. Local energy production could be much more efficient. We can have much cheaper electricity when we localize energy production, distribute energy through innovation and state of the art technology. We can have a positive impact on the health of our population by using clean, renewable energy like solar and wind. Learn from experts at Santa Fe Community College how we can make this a reality in New Mexico on March 27 from 7-9 pm, $10, and on March 28 from 9-5pm, $99. For information call 519-3828 or register at





Santa Fe Co-op Community Room: Enhance the health of your family. Wireless technology can be harmful to your health. Learn practical solutions for the safe use of electronics plus products that combat electronic pollution to improve your health. Free to public, 6-7:30pm.

31 6-7:30PM



GOOD TEACHERS After a year of effort, a new set of web-based fact sheets are available to middle school and high school teachers on the nuclear facilities and projects in New Mexico. Additionally, fact sheets cover uranium mining, Fukushima, radiation, and health. A committee of teachers, students and concerned citizens are also offering class-length presentations on Our Nuclear New Mexico. The presenters will come to the classrooms with a fill-in-NM map activity. Nukes are a part of our lives here in the Land of Enchantment, but students don't often have the opportunity to learn directly about them. History and Social Studies teach us the importance of their role, not just in New Mexico but worldwide, however New Mexico's role in that history is seldom fully delineated. The new fact sheets also tell us the story of citizen participation and action concerning New Mexico nuclear projects. Help your students to discover the often-obscured facts of New Mexico's role in the nuclear saga and the role of citizens in shaping nuclear policy historically and now. To learn more about this program, to receive the above mentioned fact sheets or a presentation, please contact Janet Greenwald: contactus@card, 505-242-5511, 215 Hartline SW, 87105.


MARCH 27/28



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