La Montanita Coop Connection Aug, 2012

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La Montanita ˜ Co-op Administrative Offices 901 Menaul Blvd. NE • Albuquerque, NM 87107

a u g u s t 2 012

˜ Co-op Join La Montanita Your community-owned natural foods grocery store

Why Join? • You Care!

-about good food and how it is produced

• You’re Empowered!

-to help support the local/regional food-shed

• You Support!

-Co-op principles & values & community ownership

• You Vote!

-with your dollars for a strong local economy

• You Participate!

-providing direction and energy to the Co-op

• You Receive!

-member discounts, weekly specials & a patronage refund

• You Own It!

-an economic alternative for a sustainable future

In so many ways it pays to be a La Montanita ˜ Co-op Member/Owner photo: David Ondrik

spend it like water

Panel discussion Ground & Surface Water Issues and an artists’ perspective

Saturday, August 18, 2012 1-4pm South Broadway Cultural Center

1025 Broadway SE • ABQ • See Details Inside for Panel Participants

Great Reasons to be a Co-op Member • Pick up our monthly newsletter full of information on food, health, environment and your Co-op. • Member refund program: at the end of each fiscal year, if earnings are sufficient, refunds are returned to members based on purchases. • Weekly member-only coupon specials as featured in our weekly sales flyer. Pick it up every week at any location to save more than your annual membership fee each week. • Banking membership at the New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union. • Member only discount days: take advantage of our special discount events throughout the year-for members only. • Special Orders: order large quantities of hard-to-find items at a 10% discount for members. • General membership meetings, Board positions and voting. Co-ops are democratic organizations. Your participation is encouraged.



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