La Montanita Coop Connection May, 2012

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La Montanita ˜ Co-op Administrative Offices 901 Menaul Blvd. NE • Albuquerque, NM 87107

m a y 2 012



˜ Co-op Join La Montanita Your community-owned natural foods grocery store

Why Join? • You Care!

-about good food and how it is produced

• You’re Empowered!

-to help support the local/regional food-shed

• You Support! In honor of the Year of the Co-op, our New Member Coupon Books are now available during May 2012 ONLY. Enjoy a full year of savings with two or more generous coupons a month for the entire year...until April 2013!! Join the over 17,000 La Montañita owner families in support of our regional food-shed and local food producers. Help us build a better world! As a community-owned business, La Montañita partners with a variety of organizations to benefit our communities and creates a sustainable future for us all. Plus, YOU OWN IT! At the end of each fiscal year, if earnings are sufficient, patronage dividends are refunded to members in amounts based on member household purchases. It pays to be a Co-op member!


-Co-op principles & values & community ownership

• You Vote!

-with your dollars for a strong local economy

• You Participate!

-providing direction and energy to the Co-op

• You Receive!

-member discounts, weekly specials & a patronage refund

• You Own It!

-an economic alternative for a sustainable future

In so many ways it pays to be a La Montanita ˜ Co-op Member/Owner

Great Reasons to be a Co-op Member • Pick up our monthly newsletter full of information on food, health, environment and your Co-op. • Member refund program: at the end of each fiscal year, if earnings are sufficient, refunds are returned to members based on purchases. • Weekly member-only coupon specials as featured in our weekly sales flyer. Pick it up every week at any location to save more than your annual membership fee each week. • Banking membership at the New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union. • Member only discount days: take advantage of our special discount events throughout the year-for members only. • Special Orders: order large quantities of hard-to-find items at a 10% discount for members. • General membership meetings, Board positions and voting. Co-ops are democratic organizations. Your participation is encouraged. NE W ME MBE RS! RE CE IVE A YE AR O F CO -O P O WNE R SAVINGS - ON L Y D U R I N G MAY 2 0 1 2

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