cysylltwch â ni / contact us:
Mehefin - June 2016
GRAPEVINE digwyddiadau, newyddion a barn Llambed bob mis / Lampeter’s events, news and views monthly
Bite AM Ddim / Free
contents in this issue… reviews letters ads & classifieds what’s going on cymdeithas hanes llambed lampeter museum secret travels of the grapevine town council news jottings lampeter food festival should we stay? or should we go? ysgol y dderi traws link cymru celtic christianity ms support group lampeter permaculture group LYTss cothi gardeners clonc 360 bbc school report transition film group long wood uwtsd custard queens national open garden scheme yr efail bite size dance ysgol bro pedr baking intro ysgol henry richard gŵyl tosta festival kcc more to the new railway crossword competition celf llambed arts
Stroke awareness day Members of Lampeter Rotary club on duty during Stroke Awareness day on 23 April.
Recent Reviews
rtn Pauline Jones and rtn Carol Ramaya with Cllr Christopher Thomas, Mayor of Lampeter
The event - a first in Lampeter - was judged an outstanding success, with people queuing inside Carol and Kevin Sivyer with the Mayor Adrian Thomas's pharmacy for their blood pressure checks at a rate of one every six minutes! The Rotary club very much appreciated the support of Adrian Thomas and his pharmacy staff who carried out the tests, a number of which were referred to GPs for further investigation. The Mayor, himself an ex paramedic, stressed the importance of regular blood pressure checks and praised the Rotary club for raising awareness of stroke prevention in the Town. Kevin Sivyer
Cymdeithas Hanes Llambed The current season of meetings have now ended, but will be re-starting on the third Tuesday in September. More information nearer the date; we look forward to welcoming current members as well as new faces to join.
Amgueddfa Llambed / Lampeter Museum The museum continues to draw visitors and locals through its doors, with many saying that they will come back for another visit. It's a small place, but contains a wealth of interesting artefacts and local history. Yvonne Davies
The Secret Travels of the Grapevine … As you know Grapevine is now available around the world digitally via lampetergrapevine/stacks … but we are also really interested to know how far and wide the paper copies have travelled and by what means? … Can your copy be the most environmentally friendly traveller? Or perhaps be shared by the most people? Where will your copy of Grapevine end up? Why don’t you send us your photos and we’ll publish them in future issues. Eds. 2
'Haruo and Chieko outside the Golden Temple, Kyoto'
GRAPEVINE no. 40, June 2016 Post: c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7EE Email: Published by: Transition Llambed Development Trust, Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter, SA48 7EE Printed by: TSD Reprographics, Lampeter, on paper from sustainable resources
Croeso / Welcome to another issue of the Grapevine... Where should I start? Well, how about a big thank you to everyone who has sent in articles, listings and adverts - it’s a real pleasure to be spoilt for choice and to have such a wide variety of topics shared which give information, offer local opportunities and experiences or just make us think. Having persuaded contributors this month to try keeping articles a little shorter than usual, to fit with the theme ‘Bite Size’, the response has been phenomenal … and I think you’ll be amazed at how much content has been squeezed into 40 pages! It’s often much easier to digest vast quantities of information if it is presented in small manageable chunks. The ‘Bite Size’ world gives us, the audience, the chance to take on board what is being communicated; to make choices about how we respond, whether to do more research, consider all the options, react or dismiss it completely - the choice is ours to make. We are
Printing costs sponsored by: To submit an article, letter or to make an enquiry: Please include the reason you are contacting us in the subject box of your email (Article, Letter, Enquiry) To add your event or course to our Free listings: or post to address above To place an advert: Full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see grapevine page on Display advertising rates: ¼ column £12; ¼ page £30; ½ page £48; full page £84 (back page £96) £30 off ads for one-off public events held in Victoria Hall Classified ads: £2.50 / 20 wds (min. £2.50) Therapists' section (max 35 wds) £10 for 5 Copy date for bumper July/Aug issue 41: Fri 10 June, Theme: ‘Your Voice’ Circulation this issue: 2,500 copies distributed free in the Lampeter area We reserve the right to edit all contributions for reasons of space & clarity. The views expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of Transition Llambed Development Trust or the newsletter group.
fortunate to live in a society where we are able to make such choices, where we can contribute to the way things are run and participate in processes that affect our lives. Consider how TV ads, film, radio jingles, straplines, logos, internet and social media
remember things as well as how we join in. Snippets of information grasp our attention and we are hooked, wanting to be part of something bigger. An opportunity exists to put this to the test in the EU Referendum, so how will we respond? Try reading ‘Should we Stay? or Should we Go?’, page 7, a bite size encouragement from one of our youngest contributors (too young to vote), to make a decision that will affect all our lives.
Darllenwch yn hapus / Happy reading Angie Martin, Editor
polite reminder: If you're sending us display adverts or an article, please check the format - it'll save us (and you) lots of time. Please send photos & artwork in jpg format as we cannot accept PDFs For full guidelines for advertisers & contributors: see Grapevine page on If you are unsure or don’t understand any of these technical terms, then please do get in touch - we’ll be happy to help. The Newsletter Team Other contact details: Transition Llambed: email: Victoria Hall: To make bookings for Victoria Hall contact: or phone/text 07891 632614 People's Market: To book a stall contact: or ring 01570 471432 3
Cynhaliwyd Seremoni Urddo'r Maer ar ddydd Gwener 6 Mai, 2016 yn yr Hen Neuadd, Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Yn Bresennol: Cynghorwyr: Rhys Bebb Jones; Andrew Carter; Elsie Dafis; John Davies; Hag Harris; Elin Jones; Ann Morgan; David Smith; Robert Phillips; Kistiah Ramaya; Christopher Thomas; Selwyn Walters; Dorothy Williams. Parch Bill Fillery, Canon Andy Herrick (Cyn Galpan a Chaplan) Mrs Janet Thomas, Mrs Meg Smith (Cyn-Faeres; Maeres) Eleri Thomas (Clerc) Urddwyd y Cynghorydd David Smith yn Faer Llanbedr Pont Steffan am y flwyddyn Fwrdeistrefol ddilynol a Mrs Meg Smith yn Faeres. Cyflwynwyd ef â chadwyn y swydd a bu iddo danysgrifio i barchu’r Cod Ymddygiad a’r Llw Teyrngarwch. Derbyniwyd adolygiad o'r flwyddyn a aeth heibio gan y Cyn-Faer sef y Cynghorydd Christopher Thomas. Diolchodd i bawb oedd wedi ei helpu yn ystod y flwyddyn i gynnwys trigolion y dref. Diolchodd i’r Parch. Bill Fillery am ei waith fel Caplan. Penodwyd y Cynghorydd Hag Harris yn Ddirprwy-Faer ac fe’i gyflwynwyd ag Arwydd y Swydd. Caplan y Maer y flwyddyn hon yw’r Canon Andy Herrick. Diolch yn fawr i Mrs Carol Thomas am ei rôl fel cyfieithydd ar y pryd yn ystod y gwasanaeth ac i Mrs Delyth Phillips a ganodd yr Anthemau Cenedlaethol ar y piano. Bu i’r gwesteion fwynhau bwffe ar ôl y gwasanaeth yn Neuadd y Celfyddydau, Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant. Diolchwyd i bawb am fynychu’r Cyfarfod. Cynhaliwyd Gwasanaeth Dinesig y Maer ar ddydd Sul yr 8fed Mai yn Eglwys San Pedr Llanbedr Pont Steffan o dan arweiniad y Canon Andy Herrick. Dymunodd yn dda i’r Maer, y Faeres (a Lucy) a’r Cyngor Tref yn ystod y flwyddyn sydd i ddod. Diolch i aelodau’r Eglwys San Pedr am y croeso a dderbyniwyd.
The Mayor’s Inauguration Ceremony took place on Friday 6 May 2016 at the Old Hall, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter. Present: Cllrs: Rhys Bebb Jones; Andrew Carter; Elsie Dafis; John Davies; Hag Harris ; Elin Jones; Ann Morgan; Robert Phillips; Kistiah Ramaya; David Smith; Christopher Thomas; Selwyn Walters; Dorothy Williams. Rev. Bill Fillery, Canon Andy Herrick (Past Chaplain; Chaplain) Mrs Janet Thomas, Mrs Meg Smith (Past Mayoress; Mayoress) Eleri Thomas (Clerk) Cllr David Smith was inaugurated as Mayor of Lampeter for the ensuing Municipal year and Mrs Meg Smith as the Mayoress. He was presented with the chain of office and subscribed to the Code of Conduct and the Oath of Allegiance. A review of the past year was received from the retiring Mayor Cllr Christopher Thomas. He thanked all who had helped him to include the residents of the town. He thanked Rev. Bill Fillery for his work as Chaplain. Cllr Hag Harris was made Deputy-Mayor and was presented with the Badge of Office. Canon Andy Herrick was appointed as the Mayor’s Chaplain. Many thanks to Mrs Carol Thomas in her role as simultaneous translator during the service and to Mrs Delyth Phillips who played the National Anthems. Guests enjoyed a buffet after the service at the Arts Hall, University of Wales Trinity Saint David. All present were thanked for attending the Meeting. The Mayor’s Civic Service took place on Sunday 8 May at St Peter’s Church Lampeter under the direction of Canon Andy Herrick. He extended best wishes to the Mayor, Mayoress (and Lucy) and members of the Town Council for the forthcoming year. Many thanks to members of St Peter’s Church for the welcome received.
LETTERS Jottings
grapevine, victoria hall, bryn road, lampeter SA48 7EE
email: Re.: Application to invite the Ceredigion National Eisteddfod 2020 to Lampeter and District. Dear Editor
Since the beginning of May the warm, humid weather has provided the ideal conditions for insectivorous birds — why, then, are our skies almost empty of swallows, martins and swifts? Swifts are one of the last migrants to arrive from their winter quarters in south east Africa. They are unusual in that they roost, feed and mate on the wing, only coming to land to build their nests and raise their young. Only adverse weather conditions or human agency (there is a record of one brought down with a bow and arrow) forces them to land. They are known to mate for life and can live for up to eighteen years. Their seemingly reckless, screaming chasing has earned them the name Devil Birds. The reason for the decrease in the numbers of these birds is unknown: loss of suitable breeding habitat could be a factor. But could it be that the indiscriminate use of pesticides in the earlier part of the last century means that the prophecy of a “Silent Spring” may yet be fulfilled? David Price
I write on behalf of Lampeter Town Council regarding our application to host the Ceredigion National Eisteddfod 2020 in Lampeter and District, with a kind request to publish this letter expressing our gratitude to all those who contributed and made our application possible. We
organisations and businesses for their support; the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and in particular to Professor Medwin Hughes and Mr Hywel Griffiths, for their generous support; and the Sub-committee members, especially Rhiannon Lewis (Chair) and Rhys Bebb Jones (Secretary), for their thorough work. We also of course thank the support received from the owners of the lands which may offer
Eisteddfod in Lampeter and District and it’s welcome return to Ceredigion in 2020. Yours faithfully Councillor Christopher Thomas
Grannell Community Energy As part of Small Wind Co-op, Grannell Community Energy is launching an event where local people can buy community shares in a wind turbine, just outside of Lampeter. The planned meeting is on Tuesday 7 June 7.30pm Jubilee Hall, Llangeitho Local people will be able to have their energy supply from this too. A second meeting will be held at The People’s Market Saturday 11 June Victoria Hall, Lampeter (upstairs while market running downstairs) All welcome at either meeting.
Ceredigion’s Housing Register is going online! Applications will be accepted from 1 June. Already on the register? Don’t lose out! - Re-register by 30 June 2016. Cofrestr Tai Ceredigion yn mynd ar-lein! Derbynnir ceisiadau o 1 Mehefin. Eisoes ar y gofrestr? Peidiwch a choli allan! - Rhaid ail-gofrestru cyn 30 mis Mehefin 2016! A member of the Housing team will be available in Lampeter Library to help people register/re-register for housing on Fri day 10 & Friday 24 June. For more info/ Ceir mwy o wybodaeth ar:, 01545 574123 Anna Henchie-Jones, Housing Policy and Strategy Officer
Elly Foster, Chair Grannell Community Energy
People’s Market 2nd & 4th Saturday Victoria Hall
Date for your diary! Date for your diary! Date for your diary! Date for your diary!
Saturday 23rd July 2016
Lampeter Food Festival 10am – 5pm
University campus, Lampeter This year's festival will once again host a diverse range of stalls, including hot, freshly prepared food to try on the day, cakes, ice creams and other treats, a great selection of local food and drink to take home, as well as arts, crafts and local organisations. Chef demonstrations throughout the day will inspire you to try new recipes using ingredients that you can buy at the festival. Once your belly is full, our entertainment tent has a full bill including story telling from the Goblin Circus, local bands and musicians, and, back by popular demand after their runaway success last year, Tribal Unity – Lampeter’s very own belly dancers. In addition, for the very first time, we have a short open mic slot to round off the day. You can also visit the People’s Market which, for this day only, will relocate from Victoria Hall to the Food Festival. Here, you can sample purchase local cheese, fruit, vegetables, chutneys, jams, cakes, pork, beef, mushrooms, glassware, unique clothing, wood crafts and more. Abz Love, from BBC’s Abz on the Farm, and his partner Vicky Fallon will open the Festival at 10.30am. For the little ones, there will again be donkey rides as well as bouncy castles (thanks to Lampeter Round Table) as well as possibly a surprise treasure hunt. Watch this space or visit our website for further information as plans develop. Lampeter Food Festival is a large event for a small group of voluntary directors to organise and so we are on the lookout for more volunteers to help plan the event and do jobs on the day. No matter how much time you can offer, any help will be gratefully accepted. We look forward to welcoming you to the Festival and hope to see you there. Elin Jones, Chair
Nest advice stalls at People’s Market, Victoria Hall Sat 11 June & 9 July 2016 The Welsh Government’s Nest scheme aims to tackle fuel poverty by improving the energy efficiency of existing homes across Wales. Nest provides free advice to help households reduce their energy bills, increase their income and improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The scheme also provides free home improvements for people in receipt of a means tested benefit that own or privately rent their home. These improvements can include a new central heating boiler, loft insulation, or cavity wall and solid wall insulation. Between 2011 and 2015, over 68,000 householders have contacted Nest and 17,700 have received free home improvements and saved an average of £477 on their energy bills. Energy efficiency measures can also help to reduce the energy ‘footprint’ of your home. Nest will be holding energy advice stalls at the People’s Market at Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter on Saturday 11 June and Saturday 9 July from 10am -1pm. Pete will be on hand with free advice and to see if you are eligible for energy saving home improvements. If you are unable to attend, contact Nest on Freephone 0808 808 2244, or visit for more information. Peter Hughes 6
Should we stay?
There is an enormous amount of conflicting evidence from both sides of the EU debate. The opposing sides in this referendum debate are not winning voters over by facts but are spending their time shouting at each other and treating the electorate like children. We need to know the facts, and to make an informed decision. Hopefully, this piece will help give clarity to the voters of West Wales and help you make an informed decision on whether we should remain or leave the European Union. Economy The economy is seen as the Remain camp’s trump card. Half of our trade is conducted with the EU and the EU single market allows the free movement of goods, services and workers. The Remain camp says that Brexit would cost UK families “£4,300 a year”, as the economy would be damaged by slower growth and the uncertainty of post-Brexit negotiations with the EU and other nations, such as the US. Having trade deals with the US is not guaranteed as Obama said that the UK would be at “the back of the queue” in trade deals with the United States. On the other hand, the Leave campaign argue that the UK would be “free” of EU regulation, but this also means that other EU nations wouldn’t have to comply with our strict animal welfare laws and they could have lower cost and higher yield, therefore leaving UK farmers behind. Work Work is an important issue to many people, and could be the deciding factor in the European Referendum on the Thursday 23 June. The Remain campaign argues that the EU provides over 3,000,000 jobs in the UK for British citizens. As well as this the EU has provided essential rights for workers, the EU has delivered guaranteed holiday pay, paid maternity leave, and increased protection in the workplace. Jeremy Corbyn said that if we were to leave the EU, there would be a “bonfire of rights” in the UK. Meanwhile, the Leave campaign say that less regulation in the workplace could create more jobs, would this be at the expense of workers’ rights?
Should we go?
Immigration Immigration is seen as the Leave campaign’s best argument. Migration from the EU accounts for just over half the total due to the fact that EU citizens have the right to live and work in any member state. The Leave campaign state, that it is impossible to control immigration as part of the EU. They argue that immigration damages our public services, such as the NHS and that immigrants drive down wages. The Remain campaign generally, strongly oppose this view saying that immigration benefits our economy and argue that many EU immigrants are highly trained as doctors, lawyers and other professions. According to University College London EU immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits; therefore helping to relieve our vital public services and UK workers. Cost of Membership The leave campaign like to say that the EU costs us £350 million a week. This is simply untrue. We gave the EU £14.5 billion in 2013, but we received £6.3 billion from the EU in grants for infrastructure in our poorest areas and grants for technology. This doesn’t include how much money the UK economy makes per year from the EU, which is enormous and vastly outweighs the amount we pay in. Conclusion The debate surrounding the EU is a heated one, with deceit and spin from both sides. Yet, we have a simple choice: Do we stay with the economic certainty of the EU or take our chances outside? Should we stay? Or Should we go? For more information: Cyffin
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 7
Well what a busy month Traws Link Cymru has had and what a busy month we have ahead of us now! May The group meet with Leanne June Update Wood, Leader of Plaid Cymru, and Tim Farron, the national Leader of the Liberal Democrats in Aberystwyth, as well as Iwan Jones (the Ceredigion Labour candidate for the Assembly Elections) in Lampeter. We also launched our Flying the Line project which committee member Nigel Bird oversaw. The day consisted of flying a light aircraft from Carmarthen to Aberystwyth filming along the track bed. Our intention is to turn this footage into a short DVD with some history and information about the old line and our campaign to have the railway reinstated. The footage and the photos already look promising; we just need to wait for the polishing and voice over magic to happen now! Our creative thread of the group, Joanna Bond, recently put together a performance piece, Singing the Line into Existence, which she plans to tour around arts and film festivals, and we hope to create a collaborative event with the two mediums in the future. The group were awarded a generous grant of £2500 from Aberystwyth Town Council which has helped aid the hire of the aircraft, pilot and cameraman used to fly the line last month. Many thanks to the Aberystwyth Town Councillors! As a result of all of our May activity we have had a flurry of media attention which has really helped to boost our campaign; indeed our Facebook group saw a huge amount of traffic after Nigel shared photos and news from the Flying the Line launch day! On 11 May we held the group’s first Annual General Meeting at Victoria Hall – an excellent meeting updating those in attendance of what we have achieved in the last two years, followed by presentations from Geraint Blayney and Mike Walker, which provoked a lively debate. Thank you to all who came! June June! We are going to be focussing our attention on lobbying the Senedd and our new Assembly Members. While we have had strong backing from our political representatives in the past, we need to enlist the support of the new Assembly Members, and we are keen to push to secure the full Feasibility Study from the new Transport Minister.
Celtic Christianity: Part XXIII Saint Padarn / Paternus Abbot Reposed 6th century Remembered April 16 St Padarn was of the Armoricans of Brittany, trained as a priest during his time in the military in Ireland and evangelised Wales along the Roman roads among the Roman settlements going northwards. He went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem with Saint David and Saint Teilo for all three to be ordained bishops by the patriarch. On their return, they amicably divided Britannia into three bishoprics. He founded an important monastery at Llanbadarn Fawr near Aberystwyth, which became famous for its learning. It became an episcopal seat and he defended it against attempted plunder and his bishop's cape from King Arthur who desired it. There is an early cross in the church with a figure of St Padarn. He founded a monastery at Vannes and is considered one of the seven founder saints of Brittany. Christianity is an existential religion, that is, it is experienced. No amount of argument will make someone a Christian; they have to have an experience of their own. Harry Harrison
Copy Deadline: For Issue 41 - July/Aug Please do mosey over to our Facebook page for regular updates and photographs: and of course our website: and Joanna’s project Flora McNerney 8
Friday 10 June 2016 Remember this will be a
Double Issue covering the whole of July & August
“Y trochiad mawr” yw thema blwyddyn 3 a 4 ar Year 3 and 4 are studying “The Big Dip” this hyn o bryd sy’n ffocysu ar gynefinoedd. Bu Osian half term which has a focus on habitats. Osian Gwilym Jones yn yr ysgol yn cynnal adolygiad Gwilym Jones, Urdd’s Environmental Officer, gwrychoedd a bu’r plant yn ffodus i ymweld â helped the children conduct a hedgerow Chwm Elan i astudio cynefinoedd dŵr croyw a survey at the school. The children also choedwigoedd. travelled to the Elan Valley to study forest and Bu disgyblion blwyddyn 5 a 6 mewn darlith fresh water habitats. wyddoniaeth o’r enw “Gwyddoniaeth ac Egni” yn Theatr Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a science lecture titled “Science and Felinfach. Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau yr arbrofion energy” which was prepared and delivered by gwefreiddiol o dan ofal Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth University. They had the chance to “Arwyr a dihirod” yw thema blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn ystod yr participate in many exciting experiments such as setting hanner tymor yma a daeth Twm Siôn Cati ei hunan i fewn metals on fire, freezing with liquid nitrogen and creating i’r dosbarth i adrodd ei hanes! Diolch i Dafydd Morgans. light from mixing chemicals! Diolch hefyd i Emyr Philips am ein tywys ni o gwmpas Sir “Heroes and Villains” is the theme for year 5 and 6 this Benfro i ddysgu am hanes Merched Beca. Yr uchafbwynt half term and they welcomed Twm Siôn Cati himself to oedd ail-greu Twm Carnabwth yn annog y gynulleidfa i school to tell them all about his life. They had a fantastic weithredu ar yr annhegwch yn sgubor Glynseithmaen. learning experience in the company of Dafydd Morgans. Diwrnod hudolus. The following week they had the special opportunity to Diolch i holl staff Ganolfan Garddio Roberts am y croeso re-enact Twm Carnabwth’s rousing speech at a’r gofal a gafodd disgyblion y Cyfnod Sylfaen yno. “Tyfu Glynseithmaen’s barn in Pembrokeshire. They spent the pethau” yw eu thema, felly daethant â phlanhigion o bob day with Emyr Philips learning all about the Rebecca Riots math nôl i’r ysgol yn – a truly fantastic day. cynnwys tomatos a Thank you to all the staff at Robert’s mefus! Garden Centre for the lovely welcome Aeth naw o extended to our Foundation Phase ddisgyblion children. Their theme is “Growing Blwyddyn 6 allan i things” so they took all sorts of plants Agliana, Yr Eidal i including tomatoes and strawberries fynychu to take back to the school to look after. gweithgareddau Nine year 6 children were given the chwaraeon a chyfarfod opportunity to visit our partner Erasmus+. Yr school in Agliana, Italy recently. The uchafbwyntiau oedd focus of the week was learning dringo Tŵr Pisa a through sports, and attending an threulio’r diwrnod ym Erasmus+ meeting. The children mharc Pinocio. Diolch i enjoyed their visit to the leaning Mrs Ann a Mr Dylan am tower of Pisa, and a day at Pinocchio Park. Thank you to eu hamser a’u gofal. Mrs Ann and Mr Dylan for their time and care of the Profiadau bythgofiadwy. children. They made memories that will last a lifetime. Llongyfarchiadau i dîm Congratulations to the both the Boys and Girls football pêl-droed y marched a’r teams who played in the Ceredigion Urdd Tournament. bechgyn a fu’n cystadlu yn nhwrnament yr Urdd yn Everyone had a great day and the girls managed to reach ddiweddar. Llwyddodd y merched i gyrraedd y rownd the semi-finals. Well done to all the children who took gynderfynol. Llongyfarchiadau hefyd i’r plant fi’n rhedeg part in the area cross-country competition and good luck yng nghystadleuaeth Traws Gwlad y cylch, a phob lwc i’r to those who placed in the top ten who will be rhai hynny fydd yn mynd ymlaen i’r rownd nesaf. representing the area in the County Cross Country Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Tammy Tonks o flwyddyn 6 am competition. Well done to Tammy Tonks, Year 6, for ennill ei gwregys du yn Karate! Llongyfarchiadau mawr achieving her black belt in Karate! Well done also to hefyd i Jorge Martin a enillodd y fedal efydd mewn Jorge Martin, Year 5 for winning a bronze medal in the cystadleuaeth sabre ym Mhencampwriaeth Cleddyfa under 10’s sabre competition at the British Youth Fencing Ieuenctid Prydain. Championships. Heini Thomas 9
helpful to refer back to. Things like where the sun falls at different times of the year, areas that tend to be dry or damp, sheltered or windy. Which plants are growing well and which less so. Do you have plenty of pollinators (butterflies, bees etc) visiting your garden? Observe what is growing well nearby – and talk to neighbouring growers about their experience. It is very different growing at 1000 feet than down in a valley! Think what you will need – water for growing is an essential, so is there a sustainable supply (rainwater) that you can collect near to where it will be needed. Which foods would you most like to produce yourself ? Observe your own eating habits – what would make most savings on your food bill? Are you buying food items that have travelled unsustainable distances to eat out of season? – Could you replace them with ones you could grow. Think about the space you have available and what would be likely to grow well there. When a crop does not succeed don’t regard it as a failure, but as an opportunity to learn from the experience – observe what happened, work out what went wrong and plan a way to avoid the problem next season. A bite size piece this month! “Look and learn” as a children’s comic, some of you may remember, was titled! Judy Cooper
Last month I wrote about the meaning of permaculture, which aims to produce sustainable, agriculturally productive, healthy non-polluting settlements within an ethical framework, informed by nature. There are in fact 12 principles which permaculturalists use in their approach, and I plan to look at one per month for future Grapevine issues, as they are a good way to show the breadth and depth of all that permaculture encompasses. The first principle is: OBSERVE AND INTERACT We need to observe nature closely if we are to work with it rather than against it. To benefit from the wonderful way many complex multiple systems interact successfully and sustainably in the natural world, we need to act cautiously. Hence the first step is not to rush in and act, but to stand back and watch. So, when you are looking afresh at your own living situation from a permaculture viewpoint you allow yourself time to observe what is happening – you could give yourself a whole year noting what happens through the seasons. Keeping a notebook can be really 10
Lampeter Youth Theatre and Stage School Lampeter Youth Theatre are sad to say goodbye to our dedicated tutor and friend Patrick Turner. He and his family return to France next week. Patrick is a familiar face at Victoria Hall, not only does he tutor, he also regularly plays music at the People's Market as a one-man band called Paddy & Murphy. Patrick has been tutoring at the youth theatre for over a year. Recently the kids have been working on a green screen project with him, he plans to edit this project while in France. We hope to share the film with you all soon. Good luck Patrick, Edith and Amos, thank you for all your creativity, time and energy. Come back and visit soon, you'll be missed. More News! Lampeter Youth Theatre are pleased to announce that we can now accept children from the age of 4-6 for our 'Minis' creative arts class. This class offers an exciting and dynamic way for children to make new friends, grow in confidence, become a part of a creative team and perform in theatre productions. The 'Minis' sessions are run by Lili Hicks and Frances Briggs. These sessions are packed full of games, crafts and performance. They have just begun work on an Egyptian dance performance and are also prop making for our upcoming show. Lampeter Youth Theatre now run 3 classes - Minis (age 4-6), Juniors (primary school) and Seniors (secondary school). Classes are held at the Victoria Hall every Friday from 4.30pm to 6pm. We offer a free taster session, come and check us out. Tracey O’Grady
Cothi Gardeners’ Club Speaking to the Cothi Gardeners’ Club on Wed 15 June will be Sarah Jones from Dinefwr in Llandeilo. Sarah is a National Trust Ranger and will tell us about her work, which includes taking care of the famous herd of White Park cattle, fallow deer and of course the extensive grounds. Some of us may have already walked around Dinefwr but Sarah will let us know all about the history of the park, including a visit in the 17th century by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown who advised the then owners of Newton House on the possibilities of landscaping the grounds. Today a popular walk on the estate has been named the Capability Brown Trail.
A large part of Sarah’s work involves conservation, so we will learn about the unusual and endangered species which we may be lucky enough to encounter, and how the grounds are maintained for visitors to enjoy at all times of the year. Join us on June 15, 7.30pm. Visitors and guests pay £3 which includes refreshments. Annual membership of Cothi Gardeners is £14. There are plants for sale (grown & donated by members) with proceeds going to club funds. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at Coronation Hall, Pumsaint, SA19 8UW. For more information:, find us on Facebook, or call 01558 650829 Donna Worrall 11
BBC Bitesize Have you ever used the BBC Bitesize website? Bitesize is the BBC's free online study support resource for school-age students in the United Kingdom. It is designed to aid both school work and, for older students, exam revision. Learning resources from Key Stage 1 right through to GCSE level, including many in Welsh are available. Short videos and audio clips organised by level, subject and topic make finding something suitable quick and easy. Why not check it out and let us know what you think. Eds.
Papur bro ardal plwyfi: Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, Llanbedr Wledig, Llanfair Clydogau, Llangybi, Llanllwni, Llanwenog, Llanwnnen, Llanybydder, Llanycrwys ac Uwch Gaeo a Phencarreg. The Welsh language community newspaper for Lampeter and the neighbouring parishes.
Cofiwch fynd i’r wefan hyperlleol am newyddion Cymraeg ardal Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Dyma grynodeb o rai storïau diweddar.
Please go to the hyperlocal website for Lampeter area news in Welsh. Here is a summary of some recent stories.
One of us as the Presiding Officer
Un ohonon ni yn Llywydd y Cynulliad Gan Dylan Lewis 11/05/16 Elin Jones yr Aelod Cynulliad dros Geredigion wedi cael ei dewis fel Llywydd Cynulliad Cymru.
Gan Dylan Lewis 11/05/16 Elin Jones the Assembly Member for Ceredigion has been selected as the Presiding Officer for the Welsh Assembly.
Penwythnos Dartiau Cyntaf Llambed
Lampeter’s first ever Darts Weekend
Gan Bedwyr Davies 10/05/16 Bu arddangosfa a chystadlaethau Dartiau llwyddiannus yn y Clwb Rygbi dros y penwythnos.
By Bedwyr Davies 10/05/16 Successful Darts exhibitions and competitions were held in Lampeter Rugby Club over the weekend.
Cymanfa Ganu Undodiaid Ceredigion
Ceredigion Unitarian Cymanfa Ganu
Gan Nia Wyn Davies 02/05/16 Cynhaliwyd Gymanfa Ganu 124ain Undeb Gerddorol Undodiaid Ceredigion yng Nghapel Ciliau Aeron.
By Nia Wyn Davies 02/05/16 The 124th Ceredigion Uniterian Cymanfa Ganu was held in Ciliau Aeron Chapel.
Testunau llên Eisteddfod Llambed
Lampeter Eisteddfod Literature Topics
Gan Delyth Phillips 30/04/16 Mae rhestr testunau llenyddol Eisteddfod Rhys Thomas James Pantyfedwen Llanbedr Pont Steffan nawr ar gael.
By Delyth Phillips 30/04/16 The topics for the Literature competitions in Lampeter Eisteddfod are now available.
Trefn ffordd newydd yn Nrefach Llanwenog
New Road Layout in Drefach Llanwenog
Gan Hazel Thomas 29/04/16 Y goleuadau wedi dod lawr a chylchdro newydd yn y pentref yn barod ar gyfer yr ysgol newydd.
Gan Hazel Thomas 29/04/16 The lights have come down and there is a new roundabout in the village ready for the new school.
Dewis swyddogion Carnifal Llanybydder
Llanybydder Carnival Selection Ball
Gan Ffion Williams 27/04/16 Cynhaliwyd Noson Dewis Swyddogion y Carnifal yng Nghlwb Rygbi Llanybydder.
By Ffion Williams 27/04/16 The Carnival Selection Ball was held in Llanybydder Rugby Club.
Visitors from Sant Germain sur Moine
Ymwelwyr o Sant Germain sur Moine
By Philip Lodwick 12/04/16 27 visitors from Lampeter’s twinned town were welcomed to the area over the weekend.
Gan Philip Lodwick 12/04/16 Croesawyd 27 o ymwelwyr o efeilldref Llanbed i’r
Dylan Lewis 12
Meet the smallest chameleon
Meet the smallest species of chameleon called the Brookesia Micra which is also one of the smallest reptiles know to man. They are from Nosy Hara in Antsiranana, Madagascar. Adult Brookesia Micra’s can grow up to 29mm. Frank Glaw of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology was the person who discovered and named these little chameleons. Brookesia Micra’s with three others were found in north Madagascar sometime between 2003 and 2007. They sometimes reside in leaf litter during the day. As well they climb up into tree branches as high as 10cm to sleep at night. Their habitat is being destroyed by illegal loggers.
We need to protect this vulnerable creature. We must look after all wildlife, no matter how small, from extinction. Mererid BBC School Reporter
Do you think there are parallel universes out there where animals rule or where houses are made out of chocolate? Or even a universe where people could fly? Because there is an theory that parallel universes do exist, according to some physicists. Books have been written about parallel universes such as The Golden Compass which is about Lyra the main character’s uncle Lord Asriel, who finds out about a city in the sky (a parallel universe), or even Harry Potter, a story about a boy who goes to a magic school in another world. So what do you think?
Do you believe in parallel universes? email us at to give your opinion on this perplexing question? Aisvarya BBC School Reporter
By Frank Glaw, Jörn Köhler, Ted M. Townsend, Miguel Vences - Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M (2012) Rivaling the World's Smallest Reptiles: Discovery of Miniaturized and Microendemic New Species of Leaf Chameleons (Brookesia) from Northern Madagascar. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31314. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031314, CC BY 2.5, https://
Do you want to wear high heels at work? Do you think its right to force women to wear high heels to work? Well it’s still legal to force women to wear high heels to work whether they like it or not. A 27 year old woman was sent home from work in London after refusing to wear high heels to work. Nicole Thorp says she was laughed at when she told her bosses she did not want to wear high heels on her first day as a corporate receptionist. She said that she was expected to do a nine hour shift on her feet escorting clients to meeting rooms. She said that she just won’t be able to do it in heels. She arrived at work wearing flats and she was told to go home without pay, unless she went out and bought a pair of heels that were between two and four inches. She refused and alleges Portico (the employment agency that fund PwS’s reception at its office in Embankment, central London) followed through with its threat. Now Thorp has set up a petition to the government , demanding “women have the option to wear flat formal shoes at work “. It has picked up more than 7,000 signatures. The petition says the law as it stands is “outdated and sexist”. Will this law end?
Will women finally be able to wear comfortable shoes to work? Wiktoria BBC School Reporter 13
Not just the same old story Transition is "a quiet revolution unfolding around the world; a movement of people and communities coming together to re-imagine and rebuild our world." - Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition Towns movement. First we need to come together. Then we must re-imagine our world before we can rebuild it. Why? We humans find our way by story. Our stories shape us, hold us and give meaning to our lives. What if a prevailing story is no longer serving us? Time to start creating a different story: one which honours ancient wisdom and the interconnected whole living system of which we, the Earth and the cosmos are all part. “We know only too well the story that defines our world today… a tale of consumerism and greed, sustained by the empty but enticing promise of an endless stream of “stuff” as the source of our happiness and wellbeing… The model of an ever-expanding economy on which that promise is predicated [is] an unsustainable myth, the domination of nature required to fulfill it a desecration.” - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee The Findhorn Foundation, on the coast of northeast Scotland, is a spiritual community, ecovillage and international centre for holistic learning, with the aim of helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future. In autumn 2014, Findhorn held the New Story Summit: a sold-out multicultural, multi-generational event, attended by change-makers and activists from over 50 countries. The resulting film is An Enquiry into A New Story for Humanity: Change the Story, Change the World. Summit speakers included Satish Kumar, the peace and environment activist and editor of Resurgence magazine, who visited Lampeter UWTSD in April, filling the Arts Hall with a rapt audience. Paul Allen from CAT also recently spoke in Lampeter about Zero Carbon Britain; Polly Higgins, Earth Lawyer and author of Eradicating Ecocide, is another well-known name here. Others include author Charles Eisenstein; Jonathon Porritt from Forum for the Future; and Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. If we are to transition to fundamentally different physical systems for living, we will need a fundamentally different way of understanding the world. Changing our worldview from separate to interconnected, from scarcity thinking to “enough for all”, from competitive to collaborative, all form part of the Inner Transition landscape. “We have the collective intelligence to create all the solutions we might need” - Kosha Joubert, Global Ecovillage Network International Join us to watch this inspiring film and begin to imagine how we can co-create a new vision for the future. As we change our story, we change our world. Compiled by Vole from (1) (2) Transition Network, and (3) http:// spiritualecology.orgA New Story GV ad June
COEDWIG GYMUNEDOL LONG WOOD COMMUNITY WOODLAND Bitesize News On Wednesday 11 May a crowd gathered at Canolfan Long Wood to welcome Ruth Bates, Head of Communications for the Big Lottery. She cut the ribbon and declared Canolfan Long Wood officially open! It was great to see so many of the people who had contributed to making this unique 'room of our own' a reality. Many more were not able to be there. This building is testament that many individual bitesize efforts can add up to something amazing. Thankyou all! Full story of the build in pictures on our website and facebook page.
For your delight and delectation, a bitesize showcase of some other arts that spring from Long Wood volunteers.
from 'Under Longwood' By Bert Lewis
Beltane by Majikle We survived our retreat Winter is finally over Between the tall twin, Fires, flames roar and A shower of sparkles Threatens to engulf us But she pushes us In naked wearing bright Paint on cold skin Blue blooms of mould Burn away calling our Clear-headed eyes to Shine into the faces Of summer as she Changes everything She touches
Early morning. Longwood. Still and silent. Purple needled carpet the forest floor Deadening the sound of footsteps, A woodchip river streams from the open door. ‌ At the fire circle. A crackle of flames from the brew up fire. As smoke curls and rolls up through the treetops. A murmur of voices a slurping of tea and A crunching of biscuits, As Ken relates one of his many tales.
Bite-size Announcements Mon 6 June 7.30pm - Monthly meeting, Canolfan Long Wood Join us to have your say & find out up to the minute news of Long Wood 24 September Forest Fair - A full day of forest based events, exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, walks, talks, entertainment, refreshment and craft market. Contact us if there is something you would like to bring to the party.
Join our mailing list, find us on Facebook or Contact: 07557 386755,
Arwyddo cytundeb gyda Sefydliad Chin Kung nifer yr ydym yn eu dilyn sy’n seiliedig ar arbenigedd a lleoliad Llambed. Bydd o fudd nid yn unig i’r Brifysgol ond hefyd i’r dref a’r gymuned yng Ngheredigion.”
Chin Kung Foundation delegation with University Senior Officers Dirprwyon Sefydliad Chin Kung gydag Uwch Swyddogion y Brifysgol
Yr Hybarch Randolph Thomas, Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr, Meistr Chin Kung a’r Athro Medwin Hughes, DL, Is-Ganghellor
Living on Earth: Charting a Course for Harmony 7fed Gorffennaf 2016 10yp - 5yh Darlithfa Tucker, Campws Llambed, Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant.
The Venerable Randolph Thomas, Chair of Governors, Master Chin Kung and Professor Medwin Hughes, DL, Vice-Chancellor
Mae Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi ei bod wedi llofnodi cytundeb hanesyddol gyda Sefydliad Addysgol Amlddiwylliannol Chin Kung, i ddatblygu ystod o raglenni ôl-raddedig ar gampws Llambed, i’w cyflwyno ar y cyd â Choleg Sinoleg newydd a Chyfadran y Dyniaethau a’r Celfyddydau Perfformio. Cychwynnwyd y Sefydliad, sydd wedi’i leoli yn Hong Kong, gan y Meistr Chin Kung, mynach Bwdhaidd, a’i gred graidd yw bod pob crefydd yn rhannu elfen gyffredin o werthoedd, goddefgarwch, trugaredd a pharch at safbwyntiau a chredoau pobl eraill. Mae’r gwerthoedd hyn yn atgyfnerthu hanes hir Llambed yn ganolfan fyd-eang ar gyfer astudiaethau aml-ffydd ac aml-ddiwylliannol, a bydd yn adeiladu ar ddarpariaeth gyfredol y Gyfadran ym maes Astudiaethau Tsieineaidd, yr astudiaeth o Wareiddiadau Hynafol ac fel cartref i Athrofa Confucius cyntaf Cymru. Bydd y cytundeb yn arwain at sefydlu Coleg Sinoleg (disgyblaeth sy’n edrych i ymchwilio i'r hen Tsieina trwy grefyddau, testunau, iaith a hanes Tsieineaidd hynafol), a bydd yn trefnu cyflwyno rhaglenni ôl-raddedig mewn Bwdhaeth, Conffiwsiaeth, Daoistiaeth a Sinoleg. Bydd y Coleg yn cynnig amrywiol becynnau ysgoloriaeth i fyfyrwyr yn ogystal â threfnu nifer o gynadleddau rhyngwladol ar y thema ‘Un Ddynoliaeth, Sawl Ffydd’. “Mae’r datblygiad hwn yn deillio o draddodiad campws Llambed y Brifysgol yn ganolfan aml-ffydd ac aml-ddiwylliannol, wedi’i gwreiddio yng Nghymru ond sy’n edrych allan ar y byd” meddai’r Athro Medwin Hughes, DL, Is-Ganghellor. “Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad mawr ac yn un o
Ymunwch â ni am ddigwyddiad unigryw, sef diwrnod o ddadlau a thrafod yr amgylchedd dan arweiniad John Sauven (Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Greenpeace UK) yr amgylcheddwr o fri, Tony Juniper (Uned Cynaliadwyedd Rhyngwladol Tywysog Cymru a Chyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Cyfeillion y Ddaear 2003-2008) a David Cadman, y Crynwr ac awdur. Er mwyn deall cyflwr y byd, mae’n rhaid i ni hefyd ymdrin â’r argyfwng canfyddiad sylfaenol: pa safbwyntiau yn y byd sydd wedi arwain y Ddaear i'w chyflwr presennol, a pha safbwyntiau yn y byd all ein helpu i ddod o hyd i ddatrysiadau? Er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r argyfyngau cymdeithasol, amgylcheddol ac economaidd presennol mae’n rhaid gwneud mwy nag aros i lywodraethau a diwydiannau newid, rhaid gweithio allan beth allwn ninnau ei wneud, fel unigolion ac fel cymunedau. Mae’n bwysig ein bod yn dod o hyd i ddatrysiadau rhyngom ni, a’r hyn sy’n bwysig yw dadlau, trafod a gwneud penderfyniadau ar y ffordd ymlaen. Estynnir croeso i bawb. Mae’r diwrnod yn rhad ac am ddim ac mae’n cynnwys cinio (cadwch le drwy’r wefan neu anfonwch neges e-bost) Edrychwch ar y rhaglen ar y we: Gwybodaeth: Nicholas Campion,
Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
Agreement with Chin Kung Foundation
The University of Wales Trinity Saint David is delighted to announce it has signed an historic agreement with the Chin Kung Multi-Cultural Educational Foundation, to develop a range of postgraduate programmes on the Lampeter campus, to be jointly delivered by a newly established College of Sinology and the Faculty of Humanities and Performing Arts. The Foundation is a Hong Kong based organisation, established by Master Chin Kung, a Buddhist monk whose core belief is that all religions share a common, universal element of shared values, toleration, compassion and a respect for the views and beliefs of others. These values reinforce Lampeter’s long history as a world centre for multi-faith and multi-cultural study, and will build upon the Faculty’s existing provision in the field of Chinese Studies, the study of Ancient Civilisations and home to Wales’ first Confucius Institute. The agreement will lead to the establishment of a College of Sinology (a discipline that looks to the investigation of ancient China through ancient Chinese religions, texts, language and history), and will organise the delivery of postgraduate programmes in Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Sinology. The College will offer various scholarship packages to students as well as organising a number of international conferences on the theme of ‘One Humanity, Many Faiths’. “This development is very much grounded in the tradition of the University’s Lampeter campus as a multi-faith and multi-cultural centre, rooted in Wales but looking out across the world” said Professor Medwin Hughes, DL, Vice-Chancellor. “This is a major development and is one of many which we are pursuing centred upon the expertise and location of Lampeter. It will not only benefit the University but will also benefit the town and the community in Ceredigion”.
Living on Earth: Charting a Course for Harmony 7th July 2016 10am - 5pm Tucker Lecture Theatre, UWTSD Campus, Lampeter. Join us for a unique event , a day of debate and discussion on the environment led by the leading environmentalists John Sauven (Executive Director of Greenpeace UK), Tony Juniper (Prince of Wales's International Sustainability Unit and Executive Director of Friends of the Earth 2003-2008) and the Quaker writer David Cadman. In order to understand the state of the world, we also have to address the underlying crisis of perception: what worldviews have led the Earth to its current state, and what worldviews can help us find solutions? Dealing with the present social, environmental and economic crises is not just a matter waiting for government and industry to change but of working out what we ourselves can do, as individuals and as communities. It's important that we work out solutions between us, and the essence of the day is debate, discussion and decisions on action. All are welcome. The day is free and includes lunch (book via the website or by e mail) Check the programme on the web: Information: Nicholas Campion, Trawsnewid Addysg; Trawsnewid Bywydau - Transforming Education; Transforming Lives
Victoria Hall: regular activities and classes Bryn Road, Lampeter SA48 7EE To book the Victoria Hall phone: 07891 632614 Email: Community groups & local, small-scale commercial. We also have office space, committee room and small therapy/ class /conference rooms. See for more details Contact
Weekly (W) Fortnightly (F) Monthly (M)
Activity / Class
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
Girl Guides
Sandra Carbin
07949 479185
Expressive Arts
Dilys Pugh
01974 299017 07963 866516
Ann Inshaw
07826 692110
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
Young at Heart
Nikki Mead
07790 987070
Ann Inshaw
07826 692110
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
Welsh Class
Meryl Evans
01545 572715
Ann Inshaw
07826 692110
Five Rhythms Practice Group
Irene Sullivan
01545 561334
LYTSS: Lampeter Youth Theatre & Stage School
Tracey O’Grady
07976 052888
2nd & 4th Sat each month
People’s Market
Lampeter Evangelical Church
Gareth Jones at the Mustard Seed café
M Every third Sunday
Custard Queens WI
Jen Pink
Sandwiches & social for the wiser folk of Lampeter
Local food, produce and crafts. Plus café, live music & other attractions 01570 423344
01570 471209
what’s going on listings are free. send details of your event to
Abercoed Studios, Tregaron. Creative wool shop, hand-made crafts, art and Denmark Farm Conservation prints, tuition, supplies. Coffee shop & Centre, Betws Bledrws. Wed 31 May: Wild in the Woods WiFi. Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm. 01974 299105, (children's event) Tues 7, Sat 11 & Tues 21 June: Conservation Volunteer Days (Sun 12 June: Make Your Own Charcoal Sun 19 June: Annual Open Day Fri 24-Sun 26 June: Plant Diversity Fri 1-Sun 3 July: Flowering Plant ID Mon 4-Wed 6 July: Grasses, Sedges and Rushes ID Fri 8-Sun 10 July: Invertebrate Macro Photography Sat 16-Sun 17 July: A Weekend of Poultry Keeping Workshops Sun 17 July: Drawn to Paint Nature (Botanical Painting) Wed 27 July & every Wed throughout the summer holidays: Wild In The Woods (for 8-12 year olds) Wed 10 Aug: Basket Making More information: 01570 493358,
Basket Weaving for Beginners with Emma Bird. Round Basket, Mon 13 June, 10am-4pm, £40. Gorsgoch Village Hall, SA40 9TE. Tea/coffee and cake included; bring lunch for the full days. Small group bookings welcome. 01570 434600 / 07815 710618. The Welsh Quilt Centre Workshops: 4 June: Drawing with Cloth and Stitch with Cefyn Burgess, 10.30-4pm, £60 8 July: Making Pictures with Janet Bolton, 10.30-4pm, £60 6 Aug: Needle Felt a Welsh Cottage with Ruth Packham, 10.30-4pm, £45 16 & 17 Sept: Welsh Quilting with Sandie Lush, 10.30-4pm, £120 Booking: 01570 480610 Spinning Lessons with Ann Fisher Rhodes at Ffarmers Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall. Thurs 1.30-3.30pm, £8. Introduction to Spinning Day: Sun 5 June, 10am-4pm. Contact: Ann, 01558 650760,,
events ________________
Coffee Morning, Plant Sales, Bring & Buy (books and jigsaws). Sat 4 June, 10am-1pm, St Thomas’ Methodist Church. Proceeds to Kenyan students sponsored by St Thomas’ Church. Spirits of the Land Workshop, Sun 5 June, Lampeter. With faery author Halo Quin and local eco-witch Susan Moonroot. We'll be working with the first branch of The Mabinogian, and the tales of Rhiannon, Pwyll and Arawn, to gain experience and develop skills for honouring the spirits of the land. £45 (£35 conc). Contact: Halo:, Grannell Community Energy, as part of Small Wind Co-op, is offering local people the chance to buy community shares in a wind turbine just outside Lampeter, and get their energy supply from it. Meetings: Tues 7 June, 7.30pm, Jubilee Hall, Llangeitho. Sat 11 June, 10am-1pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter above People's Market. All welcome at either meeting. Ceredigion’s Housing Register is going online. Applications accepted from 1 June. Already on the register? Don’t lose out - Re-register by 30 June. A member of the Housing team will be available in Lampeter Library to help people register / re-register for housing on Fri 10 & 24 June. For more info:, 01545 574123 Cofrestr Tai Ceredigion yn mynd ar-lein! Derbynnir ceisiadau o 1 Mehefin. Eisoes ar y gofrestr? Peidiwch a choli allan! - Rhaid ail-gofrestru cyn 30 mis Mehefin 2016! Ceir mwy o wybodaeth ar, neu ffoniwch 01545 574 123 “The Last Hour of Life”, talk by Iain Cameron Watson. Sun 12 June, 4pm, Founders’ Library, UWTSD Lampeter. Free admission, all welcome. Talk giv19
en under the auspices of the Scientific and Medical Network Lampeter and West Wales local group, convenor Eric Franklin: A New Story for Humanity. Sat 2 July, 7 for 7.30pm, Victoria Hall. Inspiring international documentary film from the Findhorn Foundation exploring how we can envision and bring about change on a global scale. Free entry, donations welcome. Refreshments and informal discussion afterwards. Hosted by Transition Llambed, TLDT & Lampeter Permaculture Group. See advert on page 14. Cwmdu and Talley Summer Fair. Sat 9 July, 1pm till late, Cwmdu. A host of stalls, auction, raffle, games, races, food and evening entertainment. £5 per adult, £2.50 11-17 years, under 11s free. Contact Tanya: Lampeter WI Exhibition. Fri 17 & Sat 18 June, 10am-4pm, St. Peter’s Parish Hall, Lampeter. See our past, present and future. Photos and artefacts from 1916 onwards, as well as cakes, refreshments and gifts to buy. Theatr Felinfach. Mwy o wybodaeth/ More info: Facebook, Twitter, 24, 25, 26 MehefinL Gŵyl TOSTA. Cyfle unigryw i ddathlu ieithoedd a diwylliant saith o wledydd Celtaidd ac Ewropeaidd: Gwlad y Basg, Galisia, Fryslân, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw a Chymru. Rhaglen lawn i’w chyhoeddi cyn bo hir. 24, 25, 26 June: TOSTA Festival. Tosta Pop-up Festival will celebrate the culture and languages of the Basque Country, Galicia, Fryslân, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and Wales through music, art and cultural activities. Full programme will be announced soon. 28, 29, 30 Megefin/June – NANSI Cynhyrchiad Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru Production Perfformiadau yn / Performances at Neuadd Goffa Aberaeron. Please check and update your listings regularly
events cont.d_____________
Narcotics Anonymous meet at St Thomas’ Methodist Church (end of Drovers Road/Peterwell Terrace), Mon 7.30-8.30pm. National helpline: 0300 9991212. Lampeter Support for Sight Loss. Meets 2nd Weds each month, 2-4pm, St Thomas’ Church. £2 includes homemade cakes & raffle. Open to anyone with any form of sight loss; carers, partners and friends welcome. Our next speakers will be: 8 June: Sara (optician from Evans & Hughes). 13 July: Michelle & Clive: Living Daily Champions. 10 Aug: Fire Service - Safety in your home. Diana Williams, 01570 640034. Headway (Brain Injury Association). Headway Ceredigion drop-in sessions, 1st Monday of month, 2–4pm, at Mind Aberystwyth, Mill Street, SY23 1JB. Join us for a cuppa and a chat. Headway Ceredigion yn cynnal Sesiynau galw i mewn ar ddydd Llun cyntaf pob mis rhwng 2-4pm yn Mind Aberystwyth, Stryd y Felin, SY23 1JB. Contact: Dave Maggs, Headway UK, 01446 740130, 07941 855935 Weight-Watchers every Tuesday, St Peter’s Church Hall, Lampeter. Join any week, weigh anytime between 5.30pm-6.30pm, talk 6.30-7pm. Just turn up or contact: Eleri, 07748 270439, Relaxation, Meditations and Journeying. 1-3pm every Monday, £5, Ancient Earth Centre, Lanlas Fawr, Cellan. Experience healing and shamanic practices that draw on the Wisdom of Mother Earth. Start your week with inner calm and a sense of wellbeing. Phone 01570 421144 to book. Led by Louise Nadim, a fully qualified and experienced Brennan and shamanic healer. Lampeter Breastfeeding Group. Mondays, 10am-12pm, Lampeter Family Centre, Government Buildings, Pontfaen Road. Find us on Facebook or call/ text 07967 201034 (excludes bank holidays and school holidays).
30 Mehefin/June 1.30yp/pm – 1 Gorffennaf/July, 10.30yb/am & 1.30 yp/pm: Diwrnod Hyfryd Sali Mali. Drama lwyfan i blant 3-7 oed a’u teulueodd am gymeriadau enwog Mary Vaughan Jones / A stage play for children 3-7 yrs and their families about Mary Vaughan Jones’ famous characters. 5 Gorffennaf/July: Dathlu’r Deugain gydag Ysgol Ardal Gymunedol Y Dderi. Perfformiadau am 2yp a 6yp/ Celebrating 40 years with Ysgol Ardal Gymunedol Y Dderi. Performances at 2pm and 6pm. 8, 9 Gorffennaf/July: Gŵyl Nôl a Mla’n. Partneriaeth newydd yn datblygu elfen o theatr y stryd / A new partnership aimed at developing street theatre as a new strand to the festival. 14 Gorffennaf/July – Sioe Haf Ysgol Gymunedol Cilcennin Summer Show Unforgettable: Welsh Quilt Centre Exhibition. Quilts from the collections of Ron Simpson and Jen Jones. Open Tues-Sat, 11am-4.30pm, Town Hall, Lampeter. health & well-being _______ Banc Bwyd Llambed/ Lampeter Food Bank. Open Mon, Weds, Fri 9am5pm. Referrals are made by local agencies. Non-perishable in-date food donations can be left in Banc Bwyd collection boxes at Lampeter Co-op and Yr Hedyn Mwstard Cafe. Banc Bwyd Tuesday Food and Fellowship Lunches are from 12-2 at Emmaus Christian Fellowship, 78 Bridge St. We offer a simple free soup lunch and friendly chat (siaredir Cymraeg hefyd). All welcome. Banc Bwyd is an initiative of Lampeter and local churches. Alcoholics Anonymous meet at the Catholic Church (white church opp. the police station) in Lampeter. Weds 8-9.30pm. For info, national helpline: 0845 7697555. Support Group for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Lampeter: Meets 1st Mon each month at Yr Hedyn Mwstard/Mustard Seed Café, College St, Lampeter. 1.30-3.30pm. Croeso i bawb. Contact: Judith McKay, kids ___________________ Wildcraft Adventure! Thurs 2 & Fri 3 07938 571164. June, 10am-4pm, for 6-11 year olds. 20
Our most-popular event returns! A full day of Minecraft themed activities! Kids will be set a number of challenges, find fire, gather food, ‘mine’ for precious stones and build their dens before ‘night’ falls and the monsters wake. £30 per child; £27.50 for each additional sibling. Booking essential: James, 07876 794098, Little Rangers: Play, Explore, Discover Weekly parent and toddler club for children up to 5 years. Child-led play sessions led by Forest School trained staff, Lea and James, out in the woods. 1-3pm every term-time Thurs at Denmark Farm. Just drop in: £5 adult, £4.50 2nd adult, £3 child. Kids under two free. Contact: James, 07876 794098.
Young Rangers: Play, Explore, Discover Weekly after-school club for 6-11 year olds. Woodland activities, games, nature awareness and bushcraft led by Forest School trained staff. £6 per session, £5.50 for siblings. 4-6pm Tues & Thurs at Denmark Farm. Booking essential. Phone 07876 794098. Tickets & details
1st Lampeter Brownies. Meet Weds, 4.30-6pm, term-time. Contact: Nikki, 07790 987070. 1st Lampeter Girl Guides. Meet Tues, 6-7.30pm. Contact: Sandra Carbin, 07949 479185. Clwb Dawns (Dance Club). Tues 44.45pm, Theatr Felinfach. An opportunity for children 4-6 years to learn dance and creative skills, make new friends and have fun. £2 a child with free wi-fi for parents. 01570 470697, TicToc. Story, dance & song sessions for children, 0-3 years and their parents. Every Friday, 10-11am term-time. £3 per child and £1 for each additional child. 01570 470697, Ray Ceredigion Free Play Sessions. Parc yr Orsedd & Victoria Hall every Thurs, term time only, 4-6pm. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Rhaid i blant dan 8 fod yng nghwmni/Children under 8 must be accompanied. 01545 570686, Facebook: RAYCeredig.
canolfan hamdden a phwll nofio llambed lampeter leisure centre & swimming pool am rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch ar ganolfan for more information contact the leisure centre
01570 422552 / 01570 422959 Dydd / Day Dydd Llun Monday
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday
Dydd Mercher Wednesday
Dydd Iau Thursday
Dydd Gwener Friday
Dydd Sadwrn Saturday
facebook: hamdden llambed leisure
twitter: #lampeterleisure
Amser / Time
Sesiwn / Dosbarth
Session / Class
Pris / Price
Troelli Amser Cinio
Lunchtime Spin
Circuit Training
Troelli Cynnar
Early Bird Spin
Pêl Droed Merched
Girls’ Football
Clwb Cleddyfau
Lampeter Town Fencing Club
Troelli Profiadol
Advanced Spin
Ffitrwydd Ysgafn
Ease Into Fitness
Troelli Amser Cinio
Lunchtime Spin
Pêl Fasged IZB
IZB Basketball
Troelli Dechreuwyr
Beginners Spin
Troelli Profiadol
Advanced Spin
Cylchredai Milwrol
Bikini Boot Camp
Troelli Gweledol Dechreuwyr
Beginners Spin
Clwb Rhedeg Sarn Helen
Sarn Helen Running Club
Aerobeg Dwr (yn y pwll)
Aqua Aerobics (in the pool)
Troelli Amser Cinio
Lunchtime Spin
Troelli Dechreuwyr
Beginners Spin
Troelli Profiadol
Advanced Spin
Clwb Cleddyfau
Lampeter Town Fencing Club
Ysgol Gymnasteg Rees
Rees School of Gymnastics
Disco Rhowl
Roller Disco
kids cont.d _______________ Lampeter Youth Theatre and Stage School (LYTSS) runs 3 terms per year every Friday at Victoria Hall, 4.306pm. £40/child/term, £35 siblings, £30 concessions Contact: Tracey O’Grady, 07976 052888. Little M’zzz indoor soft play centre, Llanybydder. Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm, 7 days a week in school holidays. Birthday party bookings welcome. Tasty menu, free WiFi. Contact: 01570 480268, "Lampeter Little Ones" is a Facebook group for parents of pre-schoolers in the Lampeter area. Wondering what groups and activities are available for your baby or toddler? Please join up and have a look: groups/lampeterlittleones.
markets _______________
People’s Market, Victoria Hall, Lampeter, 10am-1pm every 2nd & 4th Sat each month. Next markets: 28 May, 11 & 25 June. Lampeter Farmers' Market, High Street, Lampeter (new location), 9am2pm alternate Fridays. Next markets: 10 & 24 June. Ffarmers Market, Neuadd Bro Fana/ Village Hall, Ffarmers, 10am-12.30pm 1st Sat in month. Llansawel Market, Llansawel Village Hall, 10am-12.30pm 3rd Sat in month. Aberaeron Farmers’ Market & More! Feathers Royal Hotel, 9am-2pm every Weds. Find us on Facebook.
move your body ________
Aberaeron Longboat Rowing Club Open Day. Sat 11 June, 12-3pm, Aberaeron Yacht Club. Try sea rowing in our Celtic longboats. All welcome. 0793 2685649, Cerddwyr Llambed (Ramblers). A warm welcome to new walkers and those who wish to try a ramble or two. Contact James 01570 480743 or Kay 01570 480041 for future dates. Fabulous Friday Walkers. Meet for ambling rambling on a Friday morning. Easy access walking for an hour, depending on the weather and the mood. Meet rain or shine, 10am at Rookery Car Park. Free, followed by coffee and chat. Not able to manage the stroll but would like company?
Just meet for coffee. Philip Lodwick, 01570 422181 Walk Out Workout. Join the WOW posse for a brisk fitness walk around Lampeter on Thursday evenings. Meet at 6.30pm at the Leisure Centre for a 3 -4 mile walk, including an optional hill at the end. Expect to be out for around an hour. It’s fun and it’s free! Couch to 5K Running Group. Mon & Weds, 6.30pm from the Rookery Car Park, Lampeter. A 9-week course aimed at complete beginners who wants to improve health and fitness. Free! Facebook: Lampeter Couch to 5K Running Group or contact Helen 07817 543257. Sarn Helen running and cycling club welcomes all abilities. Junior runners (age 8-16) meet at Leisure Centre, Tues 6.15pm. Adult runners meet Rookery Car Park, Tues 6.15 & 8pm, Thurs 6.15pm. For cycling (road and MTB): Hydrospin (Aqua Cycling) at Lampeter Swimming Pool, Mon 10.15am & 8pm; Aberaeron Swimming Pool, Tues 11.30am & 6pm. Contact David Maund to book: 07792 351607. Yoga & Pilates with Ann Inshaw. Power Yoga: Mon 5.30-7pm and Fri 10-11.30am, UWTSD Sports Hall. Pilates: Tues 9.30am, Memorial Hall, Aberaeron. Tues 5.30pm and Thurs 6pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Yogalates: Weds 5.30pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Contact: Ann, 07826 692110. Yoga. Weds, 5.30-7pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. Small friendly group led by Pat Beaton, 01558 650594. Gentle Yoga. Thurs, 6-7.30pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. Gentle movements that are accessible to everyone, relaxing the body and the mind. Helping to deal with life’s stresses. Contact: Karen 07547 125937. Yoga. Mixed abilities: St Thomas' Hall, Tues 7.30-8.45pm, £6. Contact Su Bates (BWY teacher) 07588 527512. Belly Dance & Yoga Classes. Belly Dance: Tues 5.30-6.30pm. £3 Beginner Yoga: Thurs 7-8.30pm, Crugybar Village Hall, and Tues 7-8.30pm, Ffarmers. £5. Contact: 01558 685321, New American Tribal Style Bellydance. Tues 1-2pm & Weds 22
6-7pm, dance studio in the University Sports Hall. Wendy Steele, 01570 472921, 07752 478779. Lampeter Egyptian Belly Dance. Fri 9.45-11am, £5. Lunchtime Fit For Life For Over 50s, Fri 12.15-1.15pm £4. Gentle exercise based on Belly Dance. Both classes at Sally Saunders Dance Studio, Unit 22, Lampeter Industrial Estate, SA48 8LT. First session free. Rose Barter, 01239 851737, Jane Guy School of Dance. Established 1977. Ballet and stage work; annual production; RAD exams. Classes: Tues eves and Sat, Shiloh Chapel, Lampeter. Thurs 4.30-7.30pm, Theatr Felinfach. Contact: 01570 470645. Dances of Universal Peace. From earliest times, dance has been a way of bringing people together, to create harmony and connection. We dance in a circle using simple steps and chants from many traditions. Contact: Shân Rees, 01570 218138, 07940 375147. Mat-based Pilates. Suitable for beginners, bring a mat or equivalent. ‘The elegance of a dancer and the strength of an athlete’ sums up what you could attain through regular practice. Benefits include improved posture and body shape, muscle toning, increased energy, strength, agility and stamina, and greater mind/body/ spirit connection. Llangeitho Village Hall, Mon 2pm with Shân Rees, see details above. Black Wolf Karate Club. Every Thurs at St James Hall, Cwmann: 6.30pm juniors; 7.30pm intermediate juniors/ seniors. £3.50 a class, first lesson free.
music _________________
Cothi Valley & District Music Club. Sat 18 June, 7-10pm, Pumsaint Coronation Hall. For musicians of all abilities and friends. Contact Jan or Brian 01570 481544 or visit our Facebook group. Lampeter Folk. Fri 1 July, 7.30pm, Victoria Hall, Lampeter. All welcome to bring instruments, voices and friends. We look forward to hearing folky friends who've been before as well as new faces to share music or poetry in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Entry £2 (£1 students) including light refreshments or BYOB.
permaculture, gardening & conservation ___________ Lampeter & District Beekeepers’ Association Free Diseased Comb Recognition Workshop by the National Bee Unit, 18 June, 2-5pm, Millennium Hall, Cellan. Presentation on disease recognition and varroa control, followed by an opportunity to see and handle a range of diseased combs. All beekeepers are welcome to drop in any time.
Lampeter Permaculture Group is a collective of like-minded people, interested in principles and practice of permaculture and sustainability. Cothi Gardeners meet at 7pm on 3rd Weds each month, Coronation Hall, Pumsaint. Membership £14, visitors £3 per meeting. Contact: Daisy, 01558 650829,, Living Willow Creations. DIY or expertly installed in your garden. Great activity for older children. Contact: Angie, 01974 831300 Live an Abundant Life! Let permaculture open the door for you. Short courses/advice. Contact: Angie, 01974 831300
religious services/groups _
Lampeter Quakers. Every Sunday at Canolfan Steffan, Peterwell Terrace at 10.45am. All welcome. Crynwyr Llambed. Cwrdd bob ddydd Sul, Canolfan Steffan, Rhodfa Peterwell, 10.45yb. Croeso i bawb. Cysylltwch/ Contact: 01570 480083,,, Interested in Buddhism? A Study Group for Women. Exploring the underlying principle of Buddhist Practice and how we can apply this in our daily lives. Meets one day a month near Aberystwyth. Meditation, shared lunch. Contact: Lesley, 01970 617129 or Noel, 07988 745364 Capel Bedyddwyr, Silian. Cwrdd yr ail a pedwerydd Sul y mis am 10.15yb. Croeso i bawb.
Lampeter Parish St Cybi’s Church, Llangybi. Main Sun Service: 9am (Bilingual). St Bledrws’ Church, Betws Bledrws. Main Sun Service: 10.45am St Sulien’s Church, Silian. Main Sun Service: 2pm (Bilingual) St Peter’s Church, Lampeter. Main Sun Service: 10.30am Bilingual. Other services: 8am Holy Communion (English), 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid Cymraeg (pedwerydd Sul yn unig). Church Hall available for hire, £8.50 per hour. Kitchen facilities. Enquiries/ Bookings: Beryl, 01570 422324 St Mary’s Church, Maestir. Main Sun Service: Eucharist 2.30pm (2nd Sun only) English. Times apply to the first four Sundays in each month. For the few fifth Sundays there is a single United Parish Service at 10am: location will be published in local newspapers. St Thomas' Methodist Church. Sunday Service 10.30am, crèche and youth activity. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, Lampeter. Sun Mass 10am. For other services see church notice board. Emmaus Christian Fellowship meets Sun 10.30am and 5pm at rear of 78 Bridge Street, Lampeter. Contact: David Patterson, 01570 422529 Noddfa, Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Stryd y Bont, Llanbedr Pont Steffan. Oedfa Gymun ar Sul cynta'r mis am 6.00. 29 Mai: Oedfa Unedig i'r Cylch am 10.30 yng Nghaersalem. Ysgol Sul bob nos Wener o 4-5 yn Noddfa. All Saints' Church, Cellan. Bilingual services every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 2pm. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Contact: Revd. Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. St Mary's Church, Llanfair Clydogau. Bilingual services every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, 10.15am. A warm welcome to all. Baptisms and weddings by arrangement. Contact: Revd Bill Fillery, 01570 421425. Lampeter Evangelical Church meets every Sunday at Victoria Hall, 10am– 7pm. Contact: Gareth Jones at the 23
Mustard Seed café, 01570 423344
social _________________ Golden Broth Lunch Club. Lunch, cake, cards and Scrabble, or just relax and natter to friends. Alternate Mondays from 11.30am-2pm. Llanfair 30 May £1 per person. Contact: Linda (Llanfair) 01570 493706 or Amanda (Cellan) 01570 421338 to register your interest. Merry Makers. Every Weds, 10.30am3pm, St James’ Hall, Cwmann. 1 June: Bring your favourite poem, followed by foraging with Carol (weather and time permitting, bring wellies). 8 June: Jewellery making 15 June: Painting 22 June: Sing along with CDs 29 June: Crafting Drop in when you please. New members welcome. Disabled access and toilet. Free car park. £2.50 a session (includes vegetarian lunch & all activities). Contact: Patsy, 01545 590391 or Bella, 01559 370981. Custard Queens WI: We meet every third Sunday of the month, 7-10pm, at Victoria Hall, Lampeter. Ages 18 to 80+, all welcome. 10-12 June: Glamping with the Treacle Tarts 19 June: CQWI Meeting. Yearly Quiz and Bingo National Library of Wales Tour TBA Contact: 01570 471209, CYD Llambed. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg/ Practise your Welsh. Dydd Mawrth 11yb-12yh/ Tues 11am-12pm, Gwesty y Llew Du, Llanbedr P.S./Black Lion Hotel, Lampeter. Croeso i bawb/All welcome. Croeso i unrhyw Cymro/ Cymraes sy'n fodlon i ymuno â ni. Cysyllt â/Contact: Mary Neal, 01570 470092. Sew, Knit and Natter. Weds, 1-4pm, Cellan Millennium Hall. All welcome. Hwyl a Hamdden. A social group for the over-50s. Wednesday, 1.30-3pm. A variety of talks, visits and light entertainment. 01570 470697, Copy Deadline for July/Aug (double) issue
Fri 10 June
social cont.d_____________________ Third World Lunch at St. Peter’s Church Hall, First Friday of the month, 12-1.30pm. Payment by donation, all donations to Christian Aid Food Growing Programme. Your support appreciated. Cynhelir Cinio’r Trydydd Byd yn Neuadd Eglwys Sant Pedr bob dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, o 12-1.30yh. Anfonir pob rhodd i Brosiect Tyfu Bwyd Cymorth Cristnogol. Gwerthfawrogir eich cefnogaeth. Whist Drives, every fortnight at Hafan Deg, Lampeter. All welcome. All Funds to Hafan Deg League of Friends. Contact Gwen Davies, 01570 481152. Cinio Cymraeg Tregaron. Welsh language monthly dinners at the Talbot Hotel, first Tues each month. Not suitable for absolute beginners but anyone who has attended classes for a year or two will probably find the events enjoyable. Completely informal We meet in the bar 7pm for 7.30pm. A small group, normally 6 to 8, including 2/3 fluent Welsh speakers. Contact: Myra Mortlock
storytelling, books & creative writing _________ Lampeter Writers’ Workshop welcomes new members and meets weekly. Tues 7-9pm, Wolfson Room, UWTSD Lampeter, during college term
time. Come and join us. Contact: Sue, 01570 423167. Meanwhile, Storytelling Circle, first Thursday each month (except Jul & Aug). Hone your skills and share stories of all kinds. UWTSD Lampeter Campus, 7.30pm. Contact: Hayley,
volunteering ____________
Age Cymru Ceredigion. We are recruiting volunteers for our Information & Advice project in Lampeter and surrounding areas. The role entails facilitating welfare benefit applications for clients, particularly Attendance Allowance, Personal Independent Payment, and Carer’s Allowance in the clients’ homes. Full training provided. Contact: Carol Williams, 01239 615777. Coedwig Gymunedol Long Wood Community Woodland: Woodland Wednesdays. Join our regular Wednesday volunteering sessions at Long Wood. Develop practical skills and feel the benefit of working in this beautiful environment. One session in four is devoted to your own woodcraft project. No experience required, training given. Visitor Centre, 10am. Lampeter Credit Union. Would you like to do something that will make a positive difference to local people? For details: 07891 632614.
British Legion Lampeter is recruiting members. This is your opportunity to become a member of the Legion. Contact Sharon, 07971 806886. Home-Start are looking for volunteers to become part of our team for a couple of hours every week. A national charity supporting families struggling to cope. Can you help? Contact: Jan Young, 01570 218546. Denmark Farm Conservation Centre. Volunteer Days: Alternate Saturdays and Tuesdays, starting at 10am and finishing around 4pm – or as much time as you can spare. Activities include practical conservation tasks on our 40 acre nature reserve as well as helping with our wildlife monitoring programme. All welcome, no previous experience needed. Drinks and cakes provided – just bring lunch and outdoor gear. For dates, see Events listings. Denmark Farm Conservation Centre is looking for trustees to join our charity ‘Shared Earth Trust’. We are seeking individuals with diverse experiences and skillsets. If you would like to be considered for this rewarding and varied voluntary role, send your CV to: For more information please visit our website or call us on 01570 493358
CELLAN MILLENNIUM HALL CLASSES AND GROUPS Classes subject to change: please check for updates & contact details & What’s On page for one-off events
Film Night Fri 10 June “The Revenant” (15)
MONDAY Line Dancing: 7-10pm Golden Broth Lunch Club: 11.30-2pm
Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy
Fri 24 June “Dad’s Army” (PG)
TUESDAY Lampeter Home Education Group: 12-5pm Qi Gong: 6-7pm Tai Chi: 7-8pm
Toby Jones, Bill Nighy, Tom Courtenay DOORS OPEN 7.15pm for 7.45pm start Admission by Donation
WEDNESDAY Sew, Knit & Natter: 1-4pm Yoga: 5.30-7pm
For more details
THURSDAY Gentle Yoga: 6-7.30pm WI: 2nd Thurs of month 7.30pm
Volunteers required Volunteers required Please contact Please contact Amanda Newman, 01570 421338 Amanda Newman, 01570 421338
FRIDAY Art Group: 10am–1pm Film Night: fortnightly 7.15pm for 7.45pm
complementary & alternative therapists Charlotte Allen RSHom Homeopath with over 15 years’ clinical experience. Homeopathy makes a difference and is excellent at helping with chronic ill health, gently, safely and holistically. Llanfair Clinic, 41 Bridge Street, Lampeter, SA48 8EG. 01570 493746 Val Allen, BACP senior accredited counsellor/psychotherapist. UKRC Registered. Offering counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR. 23 High Street, Lampeter SA48 7BA, 01570 493522, Thai Massage. Lose your aches and pains. Deep remedial massage to soothe aching joints and muscles, improve mobility, release trauma, stress, headaches, PMT, allowing state of deep relaxation and well-being. Contact: Iain 01570 493066, 07852 626001, Joanne Camlin WSHom BSc. Homoeopathy is a safe and effective system of medicine. With lots of experience of treating children’s ailments, Jo now works from Cellan / Victoria Hall. 01570 421480.
Alison Kaye MBAcC. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. Llanfair Clinic, 41 Bridge Street, Lampeter, SA48 7AA. 07779 256388 Ginny Moffett is a fully qualified Reflexologist with The British Reflexology Association, practising for 26 years. Practices from Pumsaint & offers home visits. Speciality is treating the elderly and those suffering from acute stress and anxiety. Reflexology can help with numerous medical conditions for those seeking an alternative treatment. Call: 01558 650572 or 07791165998 Louise Nadim BSc Hons, Ph.D. Fully qualified, insured Brennan Healer. Working in the Human Energy Field assessing, balancing and healing, to restore physical, emotional and spiritual health. Contact: 01570 421144, 07920 112228, Dylis Pugh: Art Therapy, a fantastic way to engage your creativity in your own healing / personal development - you don’t have to be ‘good at art’! Llanddewi Brefi. Qualified 1997.;
01974 299017, 07963 866516 Shân Rees: Living Excellently, inspiring women to develop deep confidence to live authentically and to sound their note in the world. Individual Coaching & groups. Contact: Shân, 01570 218138, 07940 375147, Irene Sullivan is a qualified and experienced massage therapist, practising total rejuvenation body massage, Indian head massage, Hawaiian Kahuna massage, chair massage, Thai massage and Reiki. Based in New Quay but home visits available. Contact: 01545 561334 Bones for Life: practices to stimulate bone strength, protect vulnerable joints, improve posture and increase vitality. Contact: Marye Wyvill, 01570 421027, Reflexology. Annie Zakiewicz MAR is a fully-insured member of the Association of Reflexologists and practises from Cellan. Contact: 01570 493295, 07790 107521, Copy Deadline for July / Aug combined issue: Fri 10 June
Custard Queens WI Spring brings warm weather, cool drinks and more summery clothes, it brings new opportunities and one of those could be The Custard Queens Women’s Institute. Come and have a taster session with us at our next meeting! 10th-12th June - Glamping with the Treacle Tarts. 19th June - Open Air BBQ and Cinema at Nanteos. 17th July – Yearly Quiz and Bingo All Welcome! 12th Aug. - Lampeter Show - WI will be selling crafts, badges and broaches. 3rd Sept. - Cooking Jams and Biscuits Llanerchearon (County event) 21st Aug. - Facial Reconstruction Hands On Session with University Archeaologist. National Library of Wales Tour, Archery, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Badminton & Orienteering dates TBA CQWI would like to thank all the marvellous speakers that come to this exciting group and also, welcome the twinning of the Custard Queens WI with the Treacle Tarts WI, Nuneaton. Ages from 18 to 80+ all very welcome. Custard Queens meet Every Third Sunday of the Month at Victoria Hall, Lampeter, 7pm till 10pm. Further details from 01570 471209 Check out all events dates on the NEW website and Carole Ballard
Market 2nd & 4th Saturday Victoria Hall
National Open Garden Scheme Sculptors Garden and Bwlchau Duon Garden Open on 26 June 2016 Raising funds to support McMillan cancer care, Marie Curie cancer support, Hospice UK and many other worthy charities. For the second time Bwlchau Duon Garden and Sculptors Garden at Ffarmers will both be opening their gardens on Sunday 26 June, £4 joint admission, 2–6pm. This is a rare opportunity to see into two stunning private gardens in the delightful village of Ffarmers. The sculpture Garden is set right in the heart of the village and has been created by the owners to form the back drop to large figurative sculptures created by RHS Chelsea Flower Show award winners Angela Farquharson and Martin Duffy, the owners of this garden. Set in a walled courtyard garden on multiple levels of formal structured planting, herbaceous borders and water feature subtly blend in to informal shaded damp area. "This is a great opportunity to raise well deserved funds. 10% of any sales of sculpture made during the event will be donated to the NGS for the charities they support." Bwlchau Duon is nestled in the foothills of the Cambrian Mountains just outside of the main village of Ffarmers. At 1100ft this 1 acre garden is a plantaholic’s haven with borders full of many unusual plants. There are raised vegetable beds, a 100ft herbaceous border, recently planted natural bog areas. Winding pathways lead through semi woodland with magnificent views over the Cothi Valley. Rare breed turkeys, chickens, geese and rabbits. An amazing garden in a challenging environment! Both venues will have homemade teas available and plants will be for sale at Bwlchau Duon and the funds made from these sales will also go to the charity. However this year Angela and Martin will be donating the tea and cake funds to a charity even closer to their hearts, St Richards Hospice, who cared for Angela’s father who passed away this year. Angela will also have on exhibition one of her sculptures 'Enigma' which she has donated for the hospice appeal. Sealed bids can be placed during that weekend. It is hoped that it will reach the reserve but failing that it would then be passed over to the hospice for one of their fund raising auctions. All proceeds from this sale will go to the charity. Angela Farquharson The Old Post Office Ffarmers SA19 8LQ is 7 miles SE of Lampeter, 8 miles NW of Llanwrda. On the A482 take turning to village of Ffarmers. Old Post Office is opposite Drovers Arms. Bwlchau Duon - SA19 8JJ is sign posted from village. 26
Spring at Yr Efail Well, what an odd spring. Daffodils before snowdrops, temperatures in the twenties mixed with frosty nights, water table still so high that holes fill with water prohibiting planting at normal time – global warming is certainly keeping gardeners on our toes. Spring delights included baby new potatoes (rocket and foremost) from the polytunnel on 22nd April, their sweet, fresh flavour cannot be beaten and their appearance was so welcome in the ‘hungry gap’ before spring vegetables are abundantly ready to harvest. We will have to wait another year before the asparagus will provide a good crop, several spears were nearly picked this year but we resisted so that the bed gain vigour. The luxuriant growth of early May was a little daunting but I focused on a small area at a time, enjoying re-discovering perennials and removing weeds to reveal this year’s gems.
Watching new growth unfurl and buds pop open, clearing the way for them to grow unhindered then moving on to the next patch. Manageable, bite-size gardening. Swallows have returned safely from their remarkable journey to our log shed, patched up the tired mud nest and are preparing to rear a brood. Our initial disappointment at not seeing a great tit in the camera nesting box has been replaced by intrigue as a bumble bee has taken up residence. What delights will we be able to observe this summer? Our open weekend (July 16th & 17th) seems a long way off but visits by Bronant Merched y Wawr and Abermeurig WI groups have ensured that the plantings, mowing and tidying are off to a good start. The first strawberry patch is in full production (this year I must make more strawberry conserve to savour in sponge fillings after the final crop has finished). Currants, gooseberries and blueberries have blossomed and are setting fruit, barring a late frost, and a newly purchased fig seems to be settling happily on a south facing wall. Shelagh Yeomans
Learn to dance in bite-sized lessons One of the dictionary definitions of bite-size or bite-sized is quickly or easily comprehended. Learning ATS® Belly Dance is just that! On your first lesson with Tribal Unity, which is free by the way, you learn two or three moves and the cues that go with them so you know what is coming next and voila! You are dancing tribal style. You just follow the leader. ATS® is a dance language so if you know the moves and cues, you can dance with other tribes, making for fabulous impromptu dancing with other dancers worldwide. Now that summer has arrived, we're looking forward to taking our dancing to events and festivals to show people what we do and encourage them to join in. You can see us at the Lampeter Food Festival and each of our sets will finish with the opportunity for anyone to come up and join us. Why not come along to one of our beginners' classes and enjoy bite-sized dance tuition for free? ATS® Belly Dance not for you but you want to dance? The delightful and inspiring Rose Barter teaches Egyptian Belly Dance in Lampeter. For details of belly dance classes in Lampeter, see the class details on page 22. Wendy Steele, Tribal Unity Wales
Don’t Forget: Articles & Letters Adverts Listings 27
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group - Ceredigion - ‘Bite Size’ To hyphen or not; when; what is a hyphen? (Oh how I want to put a hyphen between ‘bite’ and ‘size’! Multiple Sclerosis – around 100,000 people in the UK have MS I.P.M. Radio 4. ‘Bite size’ pieces of people’s lives. RRMS - In relapsing and remitting MS, people have distinct attacks of symptoms which then fade away either partially or completely. Around 85% of people with MS are diagnosed with this type of MS. Swansea city lost their football match against Leicester on April 24th by 4-0. Francesco Guidolin said ‘We played well for 6mins...’ The unpredictability of MS where we may also be able to do something for six minutes but are then unable to continue! SPMS - Many people with relapsing remitting MS go on to have secondary progressive MS. It means they have a sustained build-up of disability, completely independent of any relapses. PPMS – Primary Progressive MS affects about 10-15% of people diagnosed with MS. Symptoms gradually get worse over time, rather than appearing as sudden attacks (relapses).
Physical symptoms of MS might include vision problems, balance problems and dizziness, fatigue, bladder/bowel problems and stiffness and/or spasms, speech, swallowing, tremor, coordination etc. ‘Please cut up my food for me into bite size pieces; my hands won’t work properly at this moment’. MS can affect memory and thinking, and also have an impact on emotions. Memories. Moments in time...fleetingly significant. We try to hang on to them but they have gone. Now a ‘bite size’ and so difficult to hang on to. MS can affect sexual function for both men and women. Magpies mate for life (Tweet of the Day – Radio 4) Disease Modifying Therapies for MS (DMTs) – aren’t a cure for MS, but they can reduce how many relapses occur and how bad they are. They can also slow down the damage caused by MS that builds up over time. Unfortunately these drugs do not help people who have progressive MS without relapses. MS and exercise – helps people with MS keep their bodies working to full potential and can bring improvements in strength, fitness and mood. Several of us with MS are attending the GP referral exercise classes both in Lampeter and Aberystwyth. They are very enjoyable and we all have a laugh. The sense of achievement is great. Symptom management will help people with PPMS to better manage their lives. I try to sleep but my hand hurts. More tablets. I close my eyes, what do I see? Nothing. Suddenly they are there. Flashing purple lights which I welcome as they make me relax and I sleep. ‘Bite size’ ‘Small enough to be easily understood or enjoyed’ (Collins English Dictionary) One ‘bite size’ piece or more; whose bite anyway? Is my bite bigger than yours or is yours bigger than mine. Mine I hope...especially if it’s Hafod cheese!! Just a few ‘bite size’ thoughts which have jumped into my mind. A lot of the information about MS is from the MS Society website and from people who have MS. Everybody is welcome to join us at our support groups. Come and have some lovely food, a jolly good chat and a chance to have a moan if you wish! In Lampeter we meet in the backroom of The Mustard Seed cafe in College Street on the first Monday of the month from 1.30-3.30. ‘Phone me for details 01570 493509. In Aberystwyth we meet on the second Monday of the month in the Methodist Church 11am-1pm. ‘Phone Hazel Ellis 01974 261640. Croeso i bawb Judith McKay
We’d love to hear from you 28
Ysgol Bro Pedr From the 11 - 15 April, pupils from schools in Finland, Cyprus and Denmark travelled over to Wales to visit Ysgol Bro Myrddin and us here in Ysgol Bro Pedr. This is a part of the Erasmus+ project that we have been involved in for over a year, where our pupils have been meeting up to discuss environmental matters and participating in activities to combat these issues. The highlight for our project this time was creating an International Eco Code for the entire partnership countries. After everyone presented their final ideas in the ‘Siamber’ in Carmarthen, everyone had a vote. The three most voted for ideas were #GoGreen, using more locally sourced produce in schools and reducing paper waste. Everyone had a fantastic experience and a big thank you to everyone involved in the project, especially Miss Geinor Jones, Miss Nerys Douch and Miss Hedydd Jones for co-ordinating.
During our PSE sessions before Christmas, Year 7 pupils had been learning about Canolfan y Bont and Year 8 and 11 pupils made daffodils out of fabric to sell. They have been busy selling these badges over the past months and have raised an amazing £530 towards Canolfan y Bont. A big thank you to everyone. Five pupils represented ‘Red Kites Touch Rugby’ in the inaugural National Touch Championships in Swansea. Our pupils learnt a lot of new rules as well as polishing their core rugby skills. They would like to thank Miriam Evans, their coach, for all her hard work. Iwan Evans Yr.12 and Tomos Jones Yr.11 played for the men's’ under 18’s and mixed under 18’s teams, with Iwan as Captain for the men’s team. Matt Small and Rhys Jones Yr.9 played for the boys’ under 15’s team, while Ruth Davies played for the mixed under 15’s team and girls’ under 18’s team. Well done! Heini Thomas
As part of our Earth Day Celebrations, we went out as a class to hold a colour hunt in the wild garden, searching for objects that matched the paint colour charts.
A big thank you to the Fire Brigade for coming to talk to us in the junior sector! 29
Spare (rough working) crossword grid - No 24. Enjoy! Eds 1
Paul Lewis
Hi, and welcome to our new regular bite-size baking column for the Grapevine. We will give an informal insight into all there is to know about baking and the bakery business. We will provide recipes, photos and fun ideas of how you can get into baking. Remember everyone can bake, whether old or young, it's never to late. So let me give you a small introduction about us, Tracy and I have been owners of Lewis’s Bread for nearly three years now and wow we have been busy. I have had over 25 years of bakery experience and have worked in many different baking industries. Tracy has had a wide financial background and has previously worked for herself. With these skills in December 2013 we decided it was the right time to start a business together and Lewis’s Bread was born. Our focus was to take baking back to the old way, by not only producing bread by hand, but also delivering direct to the door. We wanted to give something to the local people that they hadn't had for a long time. This was welcomed by our community and we found that it became popular very quickly. We pride our business on quality, convenience and taste. Nothing can beat a fresh loaf of bread baked that morning, and delivered warm ready for the kitchen table for the whole family to enjoy! So, there it is, a small bite-size intro into how our business Lewis’s Bread started. We hope you liked our first column. Future articles will be fun, informative and interesting and maybe you can tell us how your baking skills went when we see you next.
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WHAT The Welsh Grain Forum is a community of growers, millers, bakers, maltsters, distillers, brewers, thatchers, researchers and friends who recognise the economic, environmental, nutritional and cultural benefits of developing a thriving national grain economy. WHY Mill and farm records show that grain growing was widespread in Wales. Farmers across Wales grew and saved grain well adapted to their local environment, each with unique straw quality, grain flavour, baking characteristics and malting and brewing attributes. Since the 1930’s, grain production has become concentrated in a few areas of the UK and we are now in danger of losing our grain heritage. The Welsh Grain Forum aims to change that. BETH Cymuned o dyfwyr, melinwyr, pobyddion, bragwyr, distyllwyr, towyr gwellt, ymchwilwyr a chyfeillion yw Fforwm Grawn Cymru sy’n cydnabod buddion economaidd, amgylcheddol, maethol a diwylliannol datblygu economi rawn genedlaethol ffyniannus. PAM Mae cofnodion melinau a ffermydd yn dangos bod grawn yn arfer cael ei fyfu’n eang yng Nghymru. Byddai ffermwyr ar draws Cymru yn tyfu ac yn cadw grawn oedd wedi ymaddasu’n dda i’r amgylchedd lleol, pob un ag ansawdd gwellt, blas a nodweddion pobi a bragu unigryw. Ers y 1930au, mae cynhyrchu grawn yn cael ei grynhoi mewn ychydig For more information ardaloedd o’r DU yn unig ac erbyn hyn mae Mwy o wybodaeth pergyl y byddwn yn coli ein treftadaeth rawn. Nod Fforwm Grawn Cymru yw newid hynny. 30
Ysgol Henry Richard Year 10 pupils enjoyed a visit to the Coleg Sir Gâr Farm at Gelliaur recently as part of the preparations for their course work. Thanks to Mr Iwan Thomas for his tour of the farm and for the chance to help with the lambing, calving, measuring grass and milking, and for arranging such a delicious lunch in the college canteen.
At the ‘Capel y Groes’ Llanwnnen Eisteddfod, Elinor Griffiths, yr 10, won 2nd prize for her beautiful poem about her late grandfather. Tad-cu Ei atgofion pob un, y rhai melys, trist, cymhleth. Llithrant i ffwrdd fel nadredd. “Helo. Beth sy’?” “Paid â phoeni Tad-cu...”
Megan Biddulph, whose short story came 3rd in the CIP National Magazine Competition
“Pwy wyt ti?” Ei deimladau’n gymysgfa. Mae cofio fel dringo mynydd. Cofiai’r pumdegau, Methai gofio ddoe. Brenin y mart ydoedd. Lle roedd Brenin, bellach mae gwacter. Mae nodau’r organ yn angof. Emynau a chaneuon yn fud. Cloi mae ei feddwl. Hedfan a wna’r atgofion fel dail yn hedfan yn y gwynt.
We celebrated World Book Day with a 100 word short story writing competition. Congratulations to the winning authors – Year 7/8 Ben Davies (Welsh), Grace Jarvis (English); Year 9/10 Aled John Jones (Welsh), Trinity Tovani-Smith (English)
‘Who’s coming to supper?’ was the theme of the competition set up in the school hall. The aim was to guess, which characters from which books were coming to supper.
Trina Bruce, yr 10, and her stylist Niamh Houghton (Bro Pedr) who came 2nd in the Urdd Eisteddfod county round
Atgofion, teimladau, meddyliau, Ei gof yn we annealladwy.
Yr 7/8 Boys Football Team who came 3rd in the Urdd West Wales Football tournament
It was a privilege to welcome former pupil, Dan Rowbotham back to school recently as the guest speaker for the KS3 achievements morning. Dan is completing his third year as a Drama student at Trinity St. David’s University. He was also recently appointed as the 2016 Urdd Gobaith Cymru National President and will shortly begin as the University’s Student Union President – two important and high profile roles. Before presenting the certificates he spoke of his vision for the year ahead and encouraged the pupils to grasp every opportunity.
BBC RADIO CYMRU Budding Year 11 DJ’s Cari and Hanna took over part of the BBC Radio Cymru afternoon show recently.
Yr 9/10 Girls Football Team who came 2nd in the Urdd West Wales Football tournament
Menna Williams and Annie Marie Powell, in Year 10 presenting a copy of the school prospectus to Mark Drakeford AM, Welsh Assembly Health Minister. Rhiannon Lewis
Rhiannon Lewis
Recent Reviews SOIL, SOUL, SOCIETY and IMAGINATION: reflections on Satish Kumar’s talk University Arts Hall 22 April After many years of reading his words in Resurgence, it was wonderful to hear Satish Kumar speak and witness how he embodies the qualities of being he writes of. He is bringing us a vision of a harmonious sustainable future, and during these troubled times of extreme weather events, daily species loss, wars of ideology, wars over resources, and terrorism, it is hardly surprising that someone asked [eloquently in spite of his protestations!] how helpful are ideas of utopia. Indeed how do we get from here to there? John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’ sprung to mind. We can’t possibly bring anything new into the world without first imagining it. This is part of the ‘soul work’ we all need to do. Imagination works in art, poetry and music though the creation of images. Images can never be broken down into their constituent parts without losing their essence. Imagining is a way of thinking that transcends detached logical linear thinking, it involves our whole being, including the heart-felt. I believe that our individual consciousness permeates and is permeated by the collective unconscious (Jung), and everything we think and imagine affects this shared consciousness. It’s like stories of pre-internet scientists having the same ‘break-through’ in parallel on different sides of the planet. If enough of us around the world can really imagine a loving sustainable society then we can reach a critical mass and create a tipping point which will make this change inevitable. It will take a lot of maturity to stop fighting each other, to stop trying to dominate and control one another. To remember we are nature and share resources equitably. After all fighting is as much in our nature as co-operation, built into the limbic system of our mammalian brain. But we have the potential via our pre-frontal cortex, our human brain, to overcome the reactive limitations of animal evolution: we have the gift (and curse) of consciousness! And the ability to think, not the cold limiting circular thinking the left pre-frontal cortex gets into when cut off from the body/senses/feelings/ imagination, but the amazing possibilities that emerge when all of these are working together. I am not limiting our consciousness to the brain/body, rather saying this is the marvelous instrument we have that connects us with everything through the breath (as Satish reminded us) and carried on that breath what I will call the life-force.
Wishing for something is of course not enough, we have to follow through. When Buddhist teachers talk of ‘Right Mind’ it is a mind that includes the heart, there is no mind-body split, and they see it as the forerunner of ‘Right Speech’, ‘Right Action’ and ‘Right Livelihood’. Carl Rogers called it ‘congruence’ when our emotions, thoughts, values and actions are aligned. It’s difficult in our market driven society not to be seduced by the idea that buying this or flying off there is a Right, a reward for our hard (and often unfulfilling) work, and somehow increases our status too. Shopping has only become a ‘leisure activity’ during my life-time, when I was young buying staples was a chore, then twice a year came the treat of shopping for something you needed (like winter shoes). Now shopping can be a quick fix that only lasts until the next purchase or experience. When the buzz has gone we are left feeling hollow: no wonder anxiety and depression are on the increase in our society. My work as an Art Therapist has mostly been with people that have suffered early trauma. Once those early wounds start to heal people are often faced with the existential questions they did not have space for when their being was focused on survival, then our task shifts more overtly to soul-work. The search for and creation of meaning is fundamental to humans. Satish talked about the reciprocal nature of our inner and outer journey, how we each have the potential to develop our unique being, to become active agents in our lives, and thus able to create positive change towards a sustainable future for all. Within the ecology of Gaia, we humans have a unique role: “...human self-consciousness at its best...[is]...nature rendered self conscious.”* We are nature appreciating itself: how beautiful is that! * Murray Bookchin 2010 Dylis Pugh For information about Eco-Art Therapy and Eco-Spirit Workshops see 32
24-26 Mehefin Gŵyl TOSTA 2016
24-26 June Gŵyl TOSTA Festival 2016
Bydd Gŵyl Wîb yn dod i Theatr Felinfach ar benwythnos olaf mis Mehefin. Mae nifer o bartneriaid o gymunedau ieithoedd cynhenid wedi bod yn cydweithio ers tua dwy flynedd yn datblygu’r syniad a’r weledigaeth a sicrhau y bydd y prosiect yn troi’n realiti. Gŵyl unigryw i ddathlu ieithoedd a diwylliant saith o wledydd Celtaidd ac Ewropeaidd yw TOSTA; Gwlad y Basg, Galisia, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Ffryslân, Cernyw a Chymru. Bydd y prosiect yn dathlu ieithoedd a diwylliant yr ardaloedd trwy waith celf a cherddoriaeth. Mae’r Ŵyl eisoes wedi cychwyn ac wedi ei chynnal yn Dingle, yr Iwerddon. Bydd yr Ŵyl Wîb yn cyrraedd Theatr Felinfach ar ffurf “cargo” diwylliannol gyda llwyfan, oriel gelf, stiwdio radio a llawer mwy. Dyma’r unig leoliad yng Nghymru bydd yr Ŵyl yn cael ei chynnal Bydd arddangosfa o waith saith o artistiaid o’r saith gwlad yn rhan o’r ŵyl deithiol, yn cynnwys gwaith Luned Rhys Parri o Gymru a dreuliodd amser yn creu gwaith yn Galisia. Nos Wener, bydd cyfle i fwynhau cerddoriaeth fyw yng nghwmni band enwog o wlad y Basg, Oreka TX ac artistiaid lleol. Dydd Sadwrn, bydd mwy o gerddoriaeth byw, cyfle i ymweld ag arddangosfa gelf Tosta, cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdai celf. Cyfle hefyd i flasu danteithion bwyd o’r gwledydd a chymryd rhan mewn “mosaic byw” a llawer mwy ar safle’r theatr. Nos Sadwrn bydd Tonnau Tosta yn chwarae yn y theatr – sef band o gerddorion o’r 7 gwlad, yn cynnwys Gwilym Bowen Rhys (Y Bandana, Plu) yn cynrychioli Cymru. Cyfle cyffrous ac unigryw i’r teulu cyfan fwynhau ieithoedd a diwylliannau eraill Bydd y prosiect hefyd yn rhan o ddathliadau Prifddinas Diwylliant Ewropeaidd, Donostia / San Sebastian 2016. “Tosta” yw’r enw Basgeg am y sedd bren sydd mewn cychod bychain, a symbol y cwch sy’n ein clymu at ein gilydd ar draws y moroedd. Rhaglen iawn i’w chyhoeddi cyn bo hir.
Tosta Pop-up Festival will visit Theatr Felinfach on the final weekend of June this year, 24-26 June 2016. Tosta is a collaboration project between cultural agents in several minority language communities of Europe’s Atlantic coast, which will also serve as one of the travelling embassies of Donostia / San Sebastian 2016 European Capital of Culture. The project combines the promotion of artistic creation, the celebration of linguistic and cultural diversity in an international project and will celebrate the culture and languages of the Basque Country, Galicia, Fryslân, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and Wales through music, art and cultural activities. The festival is already underway and has been hosted in Dingle, Ireland. The sending out of a ‘cultural cargo’ in the shape of sea containers will be the excuse for mapping out an itinerary that will stop at the participating communities, including Theatr Felinfach in Wales, where a 2-3 day festival will be held to highlight linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe and spread the values of San Sebastian 2016. Theatr Felinfach is the only location in Wales that the festival will visit before it moves on to the next of the participating seven countries. The festival cargo will arrive on the campus in Felinfach with a stage, radio station, an art gallery and much more. The gallery will exhibit work by artists from each of the seven participating countries, including work by Welsh artist Luned Rhys Parri, who spent time developing work in Galicia. The weekend will consist of workshops, exhibits, human mosaic (a tamer version of a flash-mob), live music by famous Basque band Oreka TX and Tonnau Tosta – a band consisting of musicians from each country, including Gwilym Bowen Rhys (Bandana, Plu). The word ‘tosta’ means the bench in a boat, and is a word that is present, with small variations, in many minority languages along the European Atlantic coast. An exciting opportunity for the whole family to celebrate the diversity of languages and cultures. A full programme will be announced soon.
Contact: Rhian Dafydd, Business and Marketing Manager, 01545 572369, Box Office: 01570 470697,, Facebook /TheatrFelinfach, Twitter @TheatrFelinfach
The People’s Market Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 33
Karen’s Creative Compendium 015 Plenty of meaty bite size chunks of poetry in this month’s KCC including a sizzling shish kebab of haiku from Sue, Sarah and Brenda - words raw as suchi, warm as custard, deep as purple, poignant as frogspawn in a stagnant pool. Patrick shakes his brolly at the injustice of reigning cats and dogs, Richard remembers a friend, Stan looks like he may have started something while Karen reflects on recent floods and mourns the death of England’s last Golden Eagle. More writers wanted, Karen
Queens & Bitches
by Patrick Dobbs
by Stan Scan
Think what you get when you adopt a dog --A faithful friend, a welcome at the door, Playmate, companion, and then so much more -A drug detecting expert or a sheepdog, A blind man's eyes, policeman's brave sidekick, So I must say it is a little rich For us to call a lady dog a bitch. A cat, by contrast is a clever dick --The crafty creature comes and goes unseen And jumps from chair to shelf, and he is able To steal his supper from the kitchen table --And yet we call a lady cat a queen! But don't forget that every dog has got A special star, and that a cat has not.
Anthony Ant’s antisocial antics antagonise Aunty Anne Badgered badger buys brown balaclava Corpulent coypu coquettishly copies coy camouflage
by Karen Gemma Brewer
My Friend Fathi by Richard Onslow Jeddah is the place to be It’s where I met my friend, Fathi Now Fathi, as his name suggests, Is rather large, I do not jest I wondered if it was from birth That Allah blessed him with such girth But really it’s coincidence His name begets his corpulence For when to this world came he in He wasn’t fat at all, but thin
Quiet Pleas
by Karen Gemma Brewer Silence is golden eagle, dormouse and water vole. Tigers and rhinos close to the sound barrier. Our hush descends on elephants.
I was on the stairs You stood on a chair When river came to call Lapping at our door Nature dark and bold Nature in control Raced to take the floor Braced against our walls Strong and stark Watermark. Current sea of streets Rising tidal reach When river breaks the banks Houses lose their rank Nature regains hold Nature on patrol Trapped against a grill Rapids shoot to kill Strong and stark Watermark. Everything that floats Rushing to the coast When river lets us know Who goes with the flow. Nature's power dissolved Nature on parole Seeps back into bed Sleeps among the dead Strong and stark Watermark.
Haiku Tapestry by Brenda Old Tapestries cover stone built walls, but winter’s chill, still floats on the air. Pink and white blossom drifts into my love’s bower where I wait for her. Weather scarred she stands Her arms held wide, her presence comforts those who grieve Patinated rail Which our hands hold for safety shines through centuries. They’re written in stone. Names of those who are gone and of those still here. For years he bought studs for my ears. Now, dried mud turns to dust on his studs.
A Moment of Now by Sue Moules
Bluebells catch the breath river through new leaf trees, an indigo song.
Sacred Numbers by Sarah Eyles In all Creation Numbers have life and meaning What then is zero? Golden Ratio From a spiral galaxy To a snail shell. The song of nature In the language of numbers Verses of passion.
My article in Grapevine’s June 2014 issue, about the Carmarthen and Aberystwyth rail link was so brief that some topics were not explained fully, or were omitted. This further series of articles will have to be equally brief. First, I should recapitulate a few main points of the earlier article. The Beeching-Marples argument for closing one railway because another linked the same towns was inapplicable in Wales, and some closures were gross errors. In those cases the valid reasoning ran the opposite way: where there was only one line, closing it would immediately disadvantage the area through which it passed, and for ever retard its development to a viable state when closure would have become unthinkable. An existing line, if the only one, should be kept at any cost, even if subsidised by the busier South-East. It is essential to design a new railway so that it can serve well as many markets as possible. A form of vehicle or container which can be transferred using short-haul road travel from source to train, a system which has long existed, should be used to ease congestion on main roads and motorways. Tourism is now of greater economic importance since an ever-increasing number of people holiday within Britain. Tourists will be best served if we use steam for some regular trains, in combination with what used to be called ‘camping coaches’, equivalent to a luxury caravan, beside every rail station in the Welsh countryside. Travel on a ‘runabout ticket’ would allow tourists to break their journey wherever they found an unoccupied camping coach, in which they would install themselves for a fee before moving on (or back) along the new line. Some trains carrying twenty to eighty passengers, plus a single driver, could run on just four wheels, like a bus. Such trains would be cheap, efficient, and safe. With modern signalling timetabling could be flexible, a point of value to fishermen, who need to work according to the tides, yet still be met by a train when their catch reaches harbour. Efforts would have to be made to open up Lampeter and Tregaron as tourist venues, and I shall make suggestions in a later article. The new line from Tregaron to Aberystwyth should join the existing line to Borth and Machynlleth east of Aberystwyth, so providing a triangle on which steam engines could be turned as well as a route from north and south into Aberystwyth station. A connection to the Gwili Railway just north of Carmarthen should be built into the new scheme. So much is a very brief recapitulation. I want to add a further thought of great importance. The A485 between Lampeter and Carmarthen is one of the worst trunk roads in the UK. A replacement road is desperately needed. The proposed railway links the same two towns. The economic solution is obvious: Re-develop both road and railway side by side, using the straightest, flattest, narrowest possible strip along the Teifi valley to minimise loss of agricultural land. This would be the easiest route for both, and modern technology would protect against flooding. Eric Franklin
Calling all artists
A new art group is being set up to support and encourage local artists. Its rationale is to promote local Ceredigion artists but without the need to spend out on membership and with a willingness to support each other through joint exhibitions, shared website, etc. Please contact Sheila or John for full details 01570 493177
Bitesize tip for flying abroad When travelling by plane, make sure that all liquids, including toothpaste, are secured in sealed plastic bags when packing your luggage. It will save you much time and 'kafuffle' at customs where you will be asked if you have any liquids. If you haven't sealed your liquids you may have your bags searched and have to take time to put them in the bags provided by the airport. Then you will have to repack whilst trying to get to your plane on time. Plan ahead and have a 'no hassle trip'. Ceredwin 35
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Job Vacancy
Welder & Fabricator needed With mig and stick experience Experience with plant & forestry Machinery
Contact: Thomas Rees and Son Ltd 01558 650207
FRI JUNE 3 5pm - 12-00
SAT JUNE 4 2pm - 12-00
BBQ SAT 6.30pm Don’t Forget: Adverts:
The People’s Market
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-1pm
Needle Felty Creatures Workshop Make a creature of your choice from local fleece and merino wool at the National Wool Museum Dre-Fach Felindre
Sat 25 June, 1-5pm £25 Please contact Sue to book your place 01974 298100
LAMPETER TOWN FENCING CLUB Dillad a chyfwisgoedd vintage a gan ddylunwyr
Tues - 15.30-17.00 Fri - 18.30-20.00
Vintage & designer clothing & accessories
Llun-Sad 10.30 - 5pm Mon-Sat Ar gau Merch – Closed Wed Canolfan Grefftau Aberaeron Craft Centre Lampeter People’s Market - Carmarthen Flea 01545 238282
Contact: Sean Slater Tel: 01570 493139 Email:
Copy deadline: Fri 10 June 2016 Miss it & you risk not being included in the July/Aug issue 36
ads & classified
ads & classified
This twenty-fourth Local General Knowledge and Cryptic Crossword is sponsored by Simon Hall Meats & Jones Bros, Butchers. The owners have kindly offered the winner a PRIZE: Voucher voucher to spend in the shop. This is a family business and has been here at Ystrad House since it ceased to be a linen and drapers shop run by Tom Jones in the 19 th and early 20th century. Tony Jones started work in the butcher business when he was 11 years old Prize Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 24 (Jeep) and has been here for 50 years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 now. Simon Hall joined the business 10 years 9 10 11 ago, having been a postman before that. 12 13 Some years ago there were three butchers trading in Lampeter 14 15 16 17 but, because of competition from supermarkets, only this 18 19 20 business has survived. This is primarily due to the quality of the 21 22 23 24 25 26 meat and the personal service supplied. The meat is locally 27 28 sourced and of an excellent quality and sold at competitive prices. All meat is prepared on the premises, as with the Gold 29 Award-winning sausages and burgers. There is a well-stocked window display of fresh cuts of meat. 30 31 32 33 34 35 Opening hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri - 7am to 5pm 36 37 38 Wed & Sat - 7am to 4pm. competition
Spare (rough working) grid on page 30
1. Business that now occupies the old Lampeter courthouse (5,5,6) Across 2. Members of an acting group upset posturer (8) 1. Waited with great anticipation for the babe that writhed 3. Aquatic pastime available off Peterwell Terrace (7) around (4,5,6) 4. Route for B B King, Bobby Rush and Ike Turner who 9. Confederate aggressor with a new shorter delusion (8,7) metamorphosed hit in a roundabout way (3,4,2,7) 12. The 21st letter is the golden ratio when Phil works off a 5. Light Chinese meal with no Welsh addition (3,3) pound (3) 6. The basis of success for Traws Link Cymru? (5) 13. Raises stake? Sounds like you add post script? (3) 7. Lampeter event that has been held nearly every year since 1877 14. One of the nine Lampeter pubs in 1844 (6,4) (12,8) 16. Set fire to a Scottish stream? (4) 8. Fleet of 30 boats supplied this industry in Aberaeron in 1833 18. Son of Jacob who was the opposite of a dag (3) (7,7) 20. Stage higher than a foot (3) 10. Definite article found in both editions (3) 21. Conditional phrase found in naïf song (2,2) 11. Take opal? Nothing left for the Roman goddess of plenty (3) 24. Style of printing that uses alternatives in trail zinc (6) 15. Traditional music from Chad is a change (3) 27. The French ended the last mile (2) 17. Read half of second note (2) 28. A single saintless stone (3) 19. Cows distressed in flat bottomed boat (4) 29. Communications that will arrange meet on Celt works (7,8) 22. A charge Jack should worry about when he first hears the 30. London suburb as far from a western bad actor as you giant (3) could get (4,3) 23. Nothing green and nothing hidden (5) 33. Forgive top two classes with a way to find a solution (7) 25. She’s in Cwmanne Tavern (3) 36. High dog bark around when money changes hands (3) 26. Margin of freedom allowed by shelter on route (6) 38. To be Spanish is to centre on berserker (3) 31. Perceived half of playground teeterboard (3) 39. Sounds like end of foot-ways for transporting goods down 32. Chinese Vietnamese found in endless shoal (3) the canal (8) 34. Type of music found in a playground? (5) 41. Lifespan of Ann Evans buried at St Peter’s Church in 1891 35. Profession of a member of staff at 5 High Street, Lampeter (3) (6) 37. Pass with no addition at the same time (2) 42. Route 410 that is definitely not going north south (4,4,7) 40. A small indentation when set in direct opposition (3)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Closing Date for Entries: Fri 10 June 2016, 5pm Name: ............................................................... Tel: ............................................( Day)................................................(Eve) Email: ..................................................................................................................... Place in Competition Entries box in Library, Mark Lane Bakery or Postbox at Victoria Hall By post: Cryptic Crossword No. 24, Grapevine, c/o Victoria Hall, Bryn Rd, Lampeter SA48 7EE.
Congratulations to our Crossword Winner
Lampeter Loyalty Card
Pat Jenkins
Winner of £30 Loyalty Card Vouchers April: May: Good Luck to everyone for June Draw
Reminder: Themes, Copy Deadlines & Publication Dates Issue
July/ Your Voice Aug
Publication Copy (for People’s Deadline Market)
Fri 10 June
Sat 25 June
Fri 12 Aug
Sat 27 Aug
Getting Around
Fri 9 Sept
Sat 24 Sept
Reaching Out
Fri 7 Oct
Sat 22 Oct
Please Send the following to: letters & articles listings adverts & classifieds
Linda from Compass Office Supplies presenting voucher to Pat
Wow! Our biggest number of entries ever this month - (37) Congratulations to all the following puzzlers: Mrs M Anderson, Sarah Andrews, Marina Cowham, Alun Davies, Daniel Davies, Hannah Davies, Jen Davies, Michael & Hilary Davies, Sarah Davies, Carol Evans, P. French, J. Ganley, Llinos Griffiths, Ken Guy, Stuart Hartley, Steven Holmes, Lowri Hughes, David Hyde, Marilyn James, Rhys & Beryl Jenkins, Dawn Kenwright, Glynis Kite, George Kinchington, Tony Mardell, Merry Makers, Geoff Oldrid, A. Pugh, Elaine Pelling, Jenny & Bryan Regan, Angela Roberts, Sarah Roberts, Schröder Family, Andy & Jenny Ryan, Mrs A. Smith, Caroline Smith, and Marye Wyvill. Check out your answers below. See page 38 for more details about the prize from our sponsor for issue 41, Simon Hall Meats & Jones Bros, Butchers NB: Competition entry boxes are located in the Library and Mark Lane Bakery, or you can post entries to Cryptic Crossword No 24, Grapevine, C/O Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter or drop it into the letter box if you’re passing. Local Knowledge/Cryptic Crossword No 23 by “Jeep”
next issue… july/aug- issue 41 copy deadline: friday 10 june theme: ‘your voice’ your chance to have your say ... do you have questions you would like answered? do you know how to get your voice heard? complete our readers’ feedback survey are you part of a choir, campaign group or debating society? why not tell us how you use ’your voice’ … as long as it’s not over 750 words! contact the newsletter team:
R A N D O M C O L L E C T I O N 39